Why did you just type like Khan of Mongols?
Filling in for him. Khan's car broke down, so he couldn't be here.
Broke down, or blew up? *hides detonator*
Why did you just type like Khan of Mongols?
Filling in for him. Khan's car broke down, so he couldn't be here.
Broke down, or blew up? *hides detonator*
Rukh, go grab the detonator GSD used to destroy Khan.
I wish to adapt it to destroy someone else.
Why did you just type like Khan of Mongols?
Filling in for him. Khan's car broke down, so he couldn't be here.
Broke down, or blew up? *hides detonator*
Rukh, go grab the detonator GSD used to destroy Khan.
I wish to adapt it to destroy someone else.
You destroyed Khan!May your camel die and your oil fields dry up!
Heute ist der Tag
Er ist so dunkel
Ist so schwarz
Und alles, was ich mir erhofft hab
Zerstörst du ein letztes mal
Leider ist es jetzt so weit
Wir hatten eine schwere Zeit
Und ich weiß, dir tut es wirklich Leid
Doch deine letzte Chance ist vorbei
Sieg Heil!
lol jk