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Why do you Game? (Are you a true gamer?)
  • Current rank: 4 Stars. Next Rank at 10.000 Posts.
    Send a message to Neo7
    Neo7 posted on Apr 15, 2010 9:10:22 AM - Report post
    I don't play the actual game in order to escape life. I do it to socialize.

    But the adults misunderstood becoming a progamer as becoming a game addict. I think the biggest reason why some youth become game addicts is because they do not receive attention from their parents. I think it is because the parents never know how their children are doing, and how they are living. If the child does not have many friends and is introverted, there is a higher chance that one will fall into game addiction. It is because one can find many friends through the Internet. Those that normally don’t talk much can find online games more appealing, where they can communicate without letting themselves be known. They can say all that they wish to say, and so falling into game addiction can be an easy thing. It is more important for these children to make something that they can share with the parents. If games are a way for the parents and children to communicate, then I feel that they can naturally narrow the generation gap. If they talk to the parents about games, then they will not become game addicts. If instead the parents do not give their children their attention, the children will look for attention and go where they can make friends. If they converse while playing games, increase the time spent together, and build up their self-control by playing games during allotted times, according to the rules that they created together, there will not be any game addicts. But still the parents are too busy blaming others. They raise their voices, saying, ‘Our child is good, but because the game is violent, our child is being spoiled.’ And their blames also include progamers.

    -Lim Yo-Hwan
    Your bitterness, I will dispel
  • Send a message to Degari
    Degari posted on Apr 15, 2010 10:28:40 AM - Report post
    What defines 'true gamer'?

    Why do I play video games?

    The first one is one I cannot answer, but the second one I have thought about a lot. And I may have my answer.

    In real life, you cannot double-jump, you cannot run around with a dozen types of guns without a worry, you cannot heal in the space of a few seconds, you cannot jump from 10 metres without breaking some bones, you cannot fly, you cannot change into a demon just like that, you cannot do a lot of things in real life.

    In video games however, you can do all these things, and more. I love the sense of power you get, the way that you can go on a rampage through the streets with little to worry about, the way that you know that you're stronger, tougher and better than any other character.

    I play for the sense of power.

    I think I should never be allowed to be in a position of power. Or have weapons.

    (I know I said I was having a break, but I couldn't help but pop in and I saw this thread.)
  • Tier 7
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    TIER 7
    QueenNic posted on Apr 15, 2010 10:44:31 AM - Report post
    originally posted by saurabhfzd

    originally posted by Nic_Durron

    I wouldn't say there's such a thing as a "true gamer", simply those who take it more or less seriously than others.

    For me, it is a form of entertainment, can be done socially and for an escape when needed.

    So, yes, gaming is my drug. My very sexy drug.

    yea...u could call it a drug. because it does become an addiction and one that i must confess i have.

    I referred to it as a drug because I enjoy it like you'd enjoy a drug.

    "Gaming addiction" is less of an addiction and more of an inability to cope with reality. Once your reality is less harsh you game less. I am living proof of this.

    Child of Neo7
    Half-sister of AdmiralThrawn
    Mother of Planbskater, Foxxie-kun, DayDreamer85, Rise_Against and FireflyPoi
  • Current rank: 3 Stars. Next Rank at 4000 Posts.
    Send a message to Vonfuzzball
    Vonfuzzball posted on Apr 15, 2010 1:16:38 PM - Report post
    I play games because I'm lazy.
    2010 CHU User of the year
  • Send a message to SuperSkyline89
    SuperSkyline89 posted on Apr 15, 2010 2:32:26 PM - Report post
    There's no such thing as a gaming addiction. There's no addictive substance or intense physical sensation involved.
  • Current rank: 4 Stars. Next Rank at 10.000 Posts.
    Send a message to Neo7
    Neo7 posted on Apr 15, 2010 2:41:28 PM - Report post
    originally posted by SuperSkyline89

    There's no such thing as a gaming addiction. There's no addictive substance or intense physical sensation involved.

    An addiction is a persistent behavioral pattern marked by physical and/or psychological dependency that causes significant disruption and negatively impacts the quality of life of an organism.

    Does not have to be a physiological change nor a physical substance for it to count as addiction.

    Your bitterness, I will dispel
  • Current rank: 1.5 Stars. Next Rank at 500 Posts.
    Send a message to LifeOfGaming
    LifeOfGaming posted on Apr 15, 2010 2:49:39 PM - Report post
    I game because when I get mad, I take it out by gaming. Also because I enjoy it, and it's fun. Especially if you haven't played it in a while and you're coming back to it. I do that quite often...
    Kanojo wa tochi no ma de chinmoku no naka de kanojo no ken o ageta no yo ni kuroi bara ga kiri no bokuso-chi ni ochita.

    The black roses fell upon the misty meadows as she raised her sword in silence across the land.
  • Send a message to SuperSkyline89
    SuperSkyline89 posted on Apr 15, 2010 5:10:29 PM - Report post
    originally posted by Neo7

    originally posted by SuperSkyline89

    There's no such thing as a gaming addiction. There's no addictive substance or intense physical sensation involved.

    An addiction is a persistent behavioral pattern marked by physical and/or psychological dependency that causes significant disruption and negatively impacts the quality of life of an organism.

    Does not have to be a physiological change nor a physical substance for it to count as addiction.

    People get hooked on drugs because they contain highly addictive substances that cause dependency and withdrawal that physically ruins a person.

    Video games don't, they just give you high scores. If that's someone's high the games aren't the problem, it's that they aren't doing anything meaningful in life to the point where a piece of plastic spinning in a box dictates their meager existence.

    [Edited by SuperSkyline89, 4/15/2010 6:28:17 PM]

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