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My toughts on PC's future
  • Current rank: 2.5 Stars. Next Rank at 2000 Posts.
    Send a message to Dhampy
    Dhampy posted on Feb 10, 2010 7:34:13 AM - Report post
    If it were being made by one of EA's 3rd party subsidiaries, then there might be some cause for concern. But if you think Bioware or Maxis would cancel the PC release of a game, you're mad. They live for the PC market--Bioware had to be threatened with breach of contract lawsuits to make Mass Effect and Dragon Age available on consoles.
    In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'

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    shianova posted on Feb 10, 2010 7:37:56 AM - Report post
    Companies are still reluctant for releasing games on PC. Cracked PC games are everywhere these days so I guess it's a factor for them not wanting to release more games.
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    Dhampy posted on Feb 10, 2010 7:40:34 AM - Report post
    originally posted by shianova

    Companies are still reluctant for releasing games on PC. Cracked PC games are everywhere these days so I guess it's a factor for them not wanting to release more games.

    I'm not convinced by the official figures of how much is supposedly lost through piracy.

    The figures all assume that everyone who pirated the game would have bought it otherwise. And that is a stretch. A very big stretch.

    I'd be genuinely surprised if more than 1/4 would actually have bought the game.

    In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'

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    shianova posted on Feb 10, 2010 7:49:33 AM - Report post
    If you take a look at DLC content which takes about 5 minutes to download for free, I wouldn't be surprised for that being a factor in companies not releasing content for games.
    Because French Is Awesome.

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  • Send a message to SuperSkyline89
    SuperSkyline89 posted on Feb 10, 2010 9:10:22 AM - Report post
    originally posted by Dhampy

    The GTA one is what, just a few short years ago, would be called an "expansion".

    It's not just "content", it's essentially a new game.

    But the problem is that, for the sports titles, the game does not function properly without the extra "content". Imagine trying to play 30 years of a franchise and your players don't progress, or de-gress as the case may be, over time.

    They're getting to the point where they'll sell you a FPS game for $50. But. Each gun will cost you an extra $1. If you want to move, that'll be $7. Enemies will cost you $15 extra.

    The GTA titles might have been fairly large but they're still distributed through the internet, in practice it's still a DLC.

    As for those sports and FPS titles, gamers need to refuse to buy them. If people just keep pouring money into half-assed games the developers will just make them more and more half-assed with every new version. Loss of sales is the only thing that makes developers change their ways.

    EA learned a huge lesson with Pro Street, people hated it so they tried something different. When no one bought that one they made drastic changes to how they developed their NFS titles. Now we have Shift, which according to IGN is one of if not the best NFS title ever.

  • Current rank: 2.5 Stars. Next Rank at 2000 Posts.
    Send a message to Dhampy
    Dhampy posted on Feb 10, 2010 9:44:55 AM - Report post
    originally posted by SuperSkyline89

    originally posted by Dhampy

    The GTA one is what, just a few short years ago, would be called an "expansion".

    It's not just "content", it's essentially a new game.

    But the problem is that, for the sports titles, the game does not function properly without the extra "content". Imagine trying to play 30 years of a franchise and your players don't progress, or de-gress as the case may be, over time.

    They're getting to the point where they'll sell you a FPS game for $50. But. Each gun will cost you an extra $1. If you want to move, that'll be $7. Enemies will cost you $15 extra.

    The GTA titles might have been fairly large but they're still distributed through the internet, in practice it's still a DLC.

    As for those sports and FPS titles, gamers need to refuse to buy them. If people just keep pouring money into half-assed games the developers will just make them more and more half-assed with every new version. Loss of sales is the only thing that makes developers change their ways.

    EA learned a huge lesson with Pro Street, people hated it so they tried something different. When no one bought that one they made drastic changes to how they developed their NFS titles. Now we have Shift, which according to IGN is one of if not the best NFS title ever.

    Madden NFL is the 7th best selling video game franchise and Madden 10, the one which you need to buy DLC's to make work correctly, sold more than any other year's installment.

    Unfortunately, by-and-large gamers aren't the experienced and savvy sort (ie: haven't been playing games for 20 years, even the older console gamers are relatively new to gaming) so don't realize the huge ripoff incumbent in DLC's.

    This also accounts for the vast majority of gamers accepting second-rate games as being somehow tremendous achievements (à la MW2).

    In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'

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    Send a message to DABhand
    DABhand posted on Feb 10, 2010 2:44:31 PM - Report post
    originally posted by Dhampy

    originally posted by shianova

    Ok well I guess I shouldn't have made this topic. You all see that PC games are crappy ports of console games yet you still put it on a pedestal. Resident Evil 5, GTA 4, Street Fighter 4 and the list continues of games on the PC that are deprived of any new content for the PC and are left out to die. I gladly agree that steam makes a good effort to make the PC gaming survive but till when? I look at a computer now like an MMO platform.

    You guys can keep bashing at this topic all you want, but you should see that I am not complaining about computer gaming being dead. I am simply sad that I am loosing the gaming experience that I once had in front of my PC.

    You are complaining that crappy console games are also crappy on PC.

    And you're ignoring the ****tons of PC-only games which, by and large, are far superior to anything consoles will ever get. The Total War games, Warhammer games, essentially every good RPG...the upcoming Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3...

    You're also creating a strawman of "ported games". You're essentially claiming that every game which is on PC and consoles is ported, and therefore crappy. Ummmmmm...Half Life 2? Left 4 Dead? Bioshock? Mass Effect?

    The concept of a "port" is really quite antiquated.

    I would like to say Dhampy, SC2 and D3 are not only PC titles.

    Oh and Don't forget some tuts on ASM and defeating DMA

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  • Current rank: 2.5 Stars. Next Rank at 2000 Posts.
    Send a message to Dhampy
    Dhampy posted on Feb 10, 2010 2:48:51 PM - Report post
    originally posted by DABhand

    originally posted by Dhampy

    originally posted by shianova

    Ok well I guess I shouldn't have made this topic. You all see that PC games are crappy ports of console games yet you still put it on a pedestal. Resident Evil 5, GTA 4, Street Fighter 4 and the list continues of games on the PC that are deprived of any new content for the PC and are left out to die. I gladly agree that steam makes a good effort to make the PC gaming survive but till when? I look at a computer now like an MMO platform.

    You guys can keep bashing at this topic all you want, but you should see that I am not complaining about computer gaming being dead. I am simply sad that I am loosing the gaming experience that I once had in front of my PC.

    You are complaining that crappy console games are also crappy on PC.

    And you're ignoring the ****tons of PC-only games which, by and large, are far superior to anything consoles will ever get. The Total War games, Warhammer games, essentially every good RPG...the upcoming Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3...

    You're also creating a strawman of "ported games". You're essentially claiming that every game which is on PC and consoles is ported, and therefore crappy. Ummmmmm...Half Life 2? Left 4 Dead? Bioshock? Mass Effect?

    The concept of a "port" is really quite antiquated.

    I would like to say Dhampy, SC2 and D3 are not only PC titles.

    Macs are PCs, dude. Always have been.

    [Edited by Dhampy, 2/10/2010 2:49:08 PM]

    In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'

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