does epic games support linux? would the games even run on it? chances are if you can get them to run on linux/steam deck then it would be the same way to use it on a steam game
Yes, Epic games run on Steam Deck.
Does this work for Epic games on Steam Deck? If so, is there a how-to?
Assuming you're using Lutris or Heroic Games Launcher, you should be able to run the Aurora executable in the same prefix the game runs in, which is essentially the same as what's done here with the fork custom command.
As for the WineD3D toggle to get hardware acceleration turned off, not sure it can be changed directly through either launcher but should be doable manually through the config files for the game's prefix.
I'll probably screw around with trying to get it to run with Heroic over the weekend and I can post with any findings I might have.
And for anyone who may find it helpful, some general Steam Tinker Launch advice. In the game menu shown in the video, just above the custom command bit, one of the first options can increase the timeout for the STL window that pops up when you launch the game, can make it much easier to get to the main STL menu if you're slow like I am.
[Edited by ZeroSignalDX, 11/11/2022 1:51:42 PM]