Steam Deck Discussion

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  Aurora Now Running on STEAM DECK
  • Trainer Maker
    Send a message to 0x90
    0x90 posted on Jul 12, 2023 12:34:17 PM - Report post
    We currently don't have a way to sync settings except of doing this yourself. Settings file is located at %appdata%\Cheat Happens\Aurora. All it would need is to copy the file into the new game instance. At least in theory, in practice it may be difficult.
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to WEBMAS
    WEBMAS posted on Jul 12, 2023 12:46:41 PM - Report post
    originally posted by 0x90

    We currently don't have a way to sync settings except of doing this yourself. Settings file is located at %appdata%\Cheat Happens\Aurora. All it would need is to copy the file into the new game instance. At least in theory, in practice it may be difficult.

    Can I add a checkbox for Steam Deck so that the save folder is in the Aurora root? Then you don't need to configure every time.

  • Tier 7
    Send a message to PWizard
    TIER 7
    PWizard posted on Jul 12, 2023 3:03:22 PM - Report post
    originally posted by WEBMAS

    originally posted by PWizard

    originally posted by WEBMAS

    I have an error when activating the trainer in the game Fury Unleashed. I am attaching a screenshot.

    18:22:15 Fury Unleashed, Version 1.8.0 (STEAM), Last modified: 02|28/2022 05:17:06
    18:22:16 Controller connected
    18:22:22 Successfully attached to FuryUnleashed
    1822:22 Module Engine: Failed checking at Create Toolhelp325napshot
    18:22:22 Collect Ink, Script error in line 3: 'GameData:get_ink+80' is 0 or not a valid address

    Would you mind terribly testing the game on a PC and see if you have the same issues before reporting an issue on the Steam Deck? This will help us tremendously.

    On PC too.

    19:53:47: Fury Unleashed, Version 1.8.0 (STEAM), Last modified: 01/01/0001 00:00:00
    19:54:19: Successfully attached to FuryUnleashed
    19:54:21: Failed using CreateThread: #=zwkbVVb5LECSAD0J0Q4VCgPsEIi0UBOkouysM5ShS3bVj: Failed to inject the dll file (CreateRemoteThread) in the remote process
    at #=zZjYOXrLRTS3XxmL5MgRbTjl_BmsfiYwY8Y6zgLY=.#=zzJwc2Zo=()
    at #=zn43p5c1ywdYmMWpb55ZIWM3LsQ8seKMNJv$suSI=.#=ziPtY1WwnqsB3()
    at #=zPrylKYRtSpEUIkSo1jl_arNbmGOWZX7Ha9U_9Rc=.#=ziPtY1WwnqsB3()
    at #=zXQZa9cgqTfLgBjMEbstV1r4PNUGp.#=z2D2H3nME$CKz(String #=z6hnU_OU=, #=zN4R2hVfhOx3cVEGt$sRcv8$1SZEiSsT$Og== #=z40gXaec=)
    at #=zXQZa9cgqTfLgBjMEbstV1r4PNUGp.#=ziPtY1WwnqsB3(Byte[] #=zxoaAyFg=, String #=z6hnU_OU=, String #=zYsr2l2k=, #=zN4R2hVfhOx3cVEGt$sRcv8$1SZEiSsT$Og== #=zx$nnqQuP1HHbvv_AOQ==). Trying manual map now...
    19:54:21: Dll Injector failed with unknown error. #=zhajGA$zmg$TplAW_CgG$ky8mgCE9pBY7TSL0dx0=: Failed to call Wow64GetThreadContext with error code ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (0x57)
    at #=zDp6PzgHoLk0sWf4ZgdCGGuK4RxGpH1p0o07u3iw=.#=zm1is364WPPCC(#=zLLkljru7HSCn996na$3BfpVCJ32oOMl1agPJ_0Q= #=zbtWeM$$aGG0F)
    at #=zDp6PzgHoLk0sWf4ZgdCGGuK4RxGpH1p0o07u3iw=.#=z42Hr2J6xbVRh[T](CallingConvention #=zWHcRxa2Eeul0, Int64 #=zPZQah$gWqN_d, Int64[] #=zm5g84xc=)
    at #=zCeEvinx8zvwpWY61_ZloLhNHYuZF1acNtRUNDVyWL$Vh.#=zqLkJgF_KN2nL()
    at #=zCeEvinx8zvwpWY61_ZloLhNHYuZF1acNtRUNDVyWL$Vh.#=zzJwc2Zo=()
    at #=zn43p5c1ywdYmMWpb55ZIWM3LsQ8seKMNJv$suSI=.#=ziPtY1WwnqsB3()
    at #=zPrylKYRtSpEUIkSo1jl_arNbmGOWZX7Ha9U_9Rc=.#=ziPtY1WwnqsB3()
    at #=zXQZa9cgqTfLgBjMEbstV1r4PNUGp.#=z2D2H3nME$CKz(String #=z6hnU_OU=, #=zN4R2hVfhOx3cVEGt$sRcv8$1SZEiSsT$Og== #=z40gXaec=)
    at #=zXQZa9cgqTfLgBjMEbstV1r4PNUGp.#=ziPtY1WwnqsB3(Byte[] #=zxoaAyFg=, String #=z6hnU_OU=, String #=zYsr2l2k=, #=zN4R2hVfhOx3cVEGt$sRcv8$1SZEiSsT$Og== #=zx$nnqQuP1HHbvv_AOQ==)
    19:54:22: Connecting to mono pipe failed
    19:54:22: Collect Ink, Script error in line 3: 'GameData:get_ink+80' is 0 or not a valid address

    Then that needs to be reported as an update request on the trainer page.

    Chris O'Rorke ([email protected])
    Owner: Cheat
    Dingo WebWorks, LLC
    One Bad-Ass MF
    Visit Down Notify for awesome Website Monitoring.
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to WEBMAS
    WEBMAS posted on Jul 13, 2023 5:37:37 AM - Report post
    I sent a report, but it says that they will consider it if they get enough votes. I must have left a report. I'm worried it won't be updated. The trainer is not working, but I need a trainer for this game. The trainer is available only in the premium version, I think that there should be priority support for such trainers.
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to FlashyLatin
    TIER 7
    FlashyLatin posted on Jul 13, 2023 9:43:33 PM - Report post
    Don’t mean to repost, but anyone have any idea why I can’t click on anything in the Aurora page while in gaming mode on SteamOS?
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to PWizard
    TIER 7
    PWizard posted on Jul 13, 2023 9:46:41 PM - Report post
    originally posted by WEBMAS

    I sent a report, but it says that they will consider it if they get enough votes. I must have left a report. I'm worried it won't be updated. The trainer is not working, but I need a trainer for this game. The trainer is available only in the premium version, I think that there should be priority support for such trainers.

    Hey, we got the trainer updated for YOU. I hope it works out.

    Chris O'Rorke ([email protected])
    Owner: Cheat
    Dingo WebWorks, LLC
    One Bad-Ass MF
    Visit Down Notify for awesome Website Monitoring.

  • Tier 7
    Send a message to Jaz10
    TIER 7
    Jaz10 posted on Jul 14, 2023 2:13:59 AM - Report post
    originally posted by FlashyLatin

    Don’t mean to repost, but anyone have any idea why I can’t click on anything in the Aurora page while in gaming mode on SteamOS?

    Hey FlashyLatin
    To answer your question, every game is different and some games can't run aurora in gaming mode because of the mouse issue, which seems to be on steam's end. I recommend to run it on desktop mode, if the game gives you issues still alt+enter to turn the fullscreen mode to windowed and it should fix it for you. I heard performance is affected but I haven't seen it.

    You don't have to keep reading this next part is me just venting about an epiphany I had yesterday.

    I don't know what's going on so don't take my comment for fact. But I believe it has to do with how the particular game handles mouse input in fullscreen mode with an overlaid window(since that is kinda what gaming mode does.) Unfortunately, the bypass of using -fullscreen, -borderless, and -windowed commands no longer work. I'm fairly new here so I wasn't around several months ago when they said that using those commands worked, to be honest, I thought it was just dumb luck since when I tried it it didn't work for me. So every time someone asks that question of no mouse on aurora, I answer "go on desktop mode, some games don't work on gaming mode."
    But yesterday, when I was trying to find another way to run Uplay/Ubisoft games with aurora I noticed having issues with the mouse input on the aurora screen while Breakpoint ran in fullscreen. I was in desktop mode and alt+tabbing to the aurora window, or even desktop screen, wasn't giving me control of the mouse, the only thing that worked was turning the fullscreen to windowed. So that's when I realized that having overlaid windows running through a single instance/exe/service/whatchamacallit, and the game window happens to be in fullscreen, it could lock you into only being able to use mouse in the fullscreen window(all dependent on how that game handles mouse input) which is what I think is going on with gaming mode.
    So long story short, gaming mode runs your game in fullscreen mode and there's currently no way to get around it.

    Also, I have found a way to run epic/gog/ubisoft and i would assume any other launcher to work with aurora. It involves adding aurora to steam, launching that, going to the game of your choice and linking the launcher exe to the game's path (instead of the game's exe), then launching the game through that launcher which then lets aurora see the game is running. It's kinda weird since you are using steam to launch aurora, then you use aurora to launch another game launcher, which then finally launches a game. I can go into more detail later I'm still testing things. Hardest thing is linking the launcher exe but once you do its smooth sailing.

    [Edited by Jaz10, 7/14/2023 2:16:13 AM]

  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to WEBMAS
    WEBMAS posted on Jul 14, 2023 2:59:37 AM - Report post
    originally posted by PWizard

    originally posted by WEBMAS

    I sent a report, but it says that they will consider it if they get enough votes. I must have left a report. I'm worried it won't be updated. The trainer is not working, but I need a trainer for this game. The trainer is available only in the premium version, I think that there should be priority support for such trainers.

    Hey, we got the trainer updated for YOU. I hope it works out.

    Does not work. Problem not fixed(((((((

    - Successfully attached to FuryUnleashed
    - Module Engine: Failed checking at CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
    - Collect Ink, Script error in line 3: 'GameData:get_ink+80' is 0 or not a valid address

    [Edited by WEBMAS, 7/14/2023 3:01:51 AM]

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