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    Send a message to Drenus
    Drenus posted on Mar 24, 2015 7:08:01 PM - Report post
    originally posted by HaloSpAz

    Typically I like to side with the guy presenting the research. Just can't bring myself to do it this time though, you're presenting yourself like a Psychology undergraduate. Here's why: You two are arguing completely different points, he not once argued playing video games, specifically FPS', don't increase hand eye coordination, reflexes, etc as your studies do show. He's saying playing these violent video games will increase the violence within the child. Which is unequivocally true, our experiences and environment shape our behavior. A person (regardless of age) who shoots people in games all day is going to think of the act of shotting people more than someone who plays only racing games. They spend their time thinking of how awesome that road they just drove was, not that they ought to blow away that old tard in the minivan with a shotty for tailgating them.

    I don't blame anybody but our culture, it's a propaganda churning war machine! I love violent videogames, but because I am a gentle person that actually upsets me because we should be raising kids with love in their hearts for their neighbors, not malice. I am one of the least violent people any of you probably know but have violent thoughts constantly cascading through my head, and that is because of all the violence I have played, watched, and read. Videogames offer experiences, albeit artificial, they get recorded in the brain the same way because you are experiencing it with the same senses you perceive the rest of the world with. And children are very impressionable.

    once again, i have to disagree

    i grew up, right smack from the start, where games started to take on real looks, and not just pixel men, played as much as i could, between other childhood stuff, and we're talking Carmaggedon, blood, doom, and all those others mid/late 90's gore games

    am i sitting on death row, for chainsawing people in real life?, nope, do i walk down the street, looking at random people, thinking to myself, i wonder how their entrails would look on the sidewalk?, nope

    im a regular joe, even tho, by your logic, i should be exactly that guy you hear about in the news, doing bad ****

    as already brought up by someone else, restrictions are not the way forward, instead, you need to look at all the underlaying issues that pushes people over the edge

    also, kids aren't as stupid as some parents seem to think, they damn well know the difference between GTA 5, and the real world, in 99,5 % of the cases, and the last 0.5 doesn't go on a killing spree just because of said videogame

    Ps. If you actually read any of the stuff i linked, you would see, that Tetris, or any other game, even hello kitty adventure 324902834234 , can enrage you more, than any shooter will

  • Current rank: 3.5 Stars. Next Rank at 8000 Posts.
    Send a message to DABhand
    DABhand posted on Mar 24, 2015 11:22:54 PM - Report post
    Your problem from the start Drenus is you took the whole thing wrong.

    You are trying to blame Toki for being on the side where games should be banned etc, when that is not what he had said, he wants a rating on games so children can't play violent titles easily.

    Not once did he say they all should be restricted in what they offer, not once. You assumed that.

    Surveys etc you find is not 100% proof of anything, its more a guide to the thinking of a small group. The only way Surveys would be 100% factual is when they survey the entire populace of the planet on a subject, then you will have a direct correlation on things. But that is silly and never will happen.

    So while you threw the backhanded comments at Toki calling him undereducated, idiot etc You made yourself look that way because you didn't even understand what he was talking about in the first place and you completely went off on a tangent.

    Someone else told you the same thing, and you disagreed with them too... and again

    Carmageddon had green blood in certain countries, like Germany for example, because that was the law in that country, nothing to do with other people.

    And then you talk about you should be on death row etc.... these analogies is dumb..

    How does talking about games getting an adult rating to stop kids playing them then proceed to talking about death row, and I should be in jail etc?

    You know that movies have a rating system for a reason right? Toki is just wanting that for games also.

    He doesn't want things removed from games, he doesn't want games to be stopped.. where you got that idea from... no-one knows.
    Oh and Don't forget some tuts on ASM and defeating DMA

    Clicky Here for them
  • Current rank: 4 Stars. Next Rank at 10.000 Posts.
    Send a message to Neo7
    Neo7 posted on Mar 25, 2015 8:20:56 AM - Report post
    originally posted by Drenus

    well, i also have the right to tell you that you are very wrong, and unlike you, i have scientific studies, which i already linked some of, backing me up

    and yet again, as for all your examples, you fail to realise that there is more behind the incidents than just ''play violent game, kill someone in real life''

    thankfully i live in a country where people are smart enought to realise that age restrictions are not the way forward and never will be


    i accept your surrender

    [Edited by Drenus, 3/24/2015 4:43:20 PM]
    provide evidence, something that you have yet to do, sofar you only rambled on about how things work in your head

    [Edited by Drenus, 3/24/2015 5:20:12 PM]

    You do not have the right to post in the manner in which you are doing so now. Manner up.

    Your bitterness, I will dispel
  • Current rank: 4 Stars. Next Rank at 10.000 Posts.
    Send a message to Neo7
    Neo7 posted on Mar 26, 2015 12:25:13 AM - Report post
    Also if you've actually studied up your history, you would know that North America's ESRB system does have an AO rating since 1994 and it does give it out to games deserving it since then.

    Here's an example of a game that was branded AO:

    So not only does a system described in the opening post exist, it has been proven for several years that it does not have this apocalyptic effect of destroying the freedom of expression in video games. I'm not sure where people get this idea from.

    Jack Thompson does not campaign for something like this (he lives in a nation where a system like that already exists). He wants something akin to the Comics Code Authority which would severely limit what could be done to earn a stamp of approval (and this is an entirely different beast).

    [Edited by Neo7, 3/26/2015 12:51:10 AM]
    Your bitterness, I will dispel
  • Send a message to fullmetal5550_old
    fullmetal5550_old posted on Mar 26, 2015 1:02:11 AM - Report post
    originally posted by Neo7

    Also if you've actually studied up your history, you would know that North America's ESRB system does have an AO rating since 1994 and it does give it out to games deserving it since then.

    Here's an example of a game that was branded AO:

    So not only does a system described in the opening post exist, it has been proven for several years that it does not have this apocalyptic effect of destroying the freedom of expression in video games. I'm not sure where people get this idea from.

    Jack Thompson does not campaign for something like this (he lives in a nation where a system like that already exists). He wants something akin to the Comics Code Authority which would severely limit what could be done to earn a stamp of approval (and this is an entirely different beast).

    [Edited by Neo7, 3/26/2015 12:51:10 AM]

    Thankfully Jack Thompson was disbarred and isn't practicing law anymore.

  • Current rank: 3 Stars. Next Rank at 4000 Posts.
    Send a message to linesma
    linesma posted on Mar 26, 2015 5:14:45 AM - Report post
    originally posted by fullmetal5550

    originally posted by Neo7

    Also if you've actually studied up your history, you would know that North America's ESRB system does have an AO rating since 1994 and it does give it out to games deserving it since then.

    Here's an example of a game that was branded AO:

    So not only does a system described in the opening post exist, it has been proven for several years that it does not have this apocalyptic effect of destroying the freedom of expression in video games. I'm not sure where people get this idea from.

    Jack Thompson does not campaign for something like this (he lives in a nation where a system like that already exists). He wants something akin to the Comics Code Authority which would severely limit what could be done to earn a stamp of approval (and this is an entirely different beast).

    [Edited by Neo7, 3/26/2015 12:51:10 AM]

    Thankfully Jack Thompson was disbarred and isn't practicing law anymore.

    I too am grateful that Jack Thompson is no longer practicing. Toki, I also think that an Adults Only rating is a good thing. But it will only work if there is effective enforcement and if PARENTS actually know the ratings and use them as they are intended.

    I can't speak for the UK, but in the US the main problem is not the rating system, but a lack of education about what the ratings are and mean. For example, if you ask a person what does the movie PG-13 mean, they can give you an answer. On the other hand, if you ask them what and "M" means for a game rating, you would get a blank look.

    And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to Wrythe1985
    TIER 7
    Wrythe1985 posted on Mar 26, 2015 2:41:13 PM - Report post
    It doesn't devastate freedom of expression but it doesn't prevent massacres either, which is the pillar that the whole concept is formed upon.
  • Send a message to HaloSpAz
    HaloSpAz posted on Mar 26, 2015 3:19:03 PM - Report post
    As a gamer I didn't need to read your articles to know that shooters aren't the most rage inducing games. I've thrown my controller more times to Dirt 3 than I have to COD. Once again you've mistook what the point of what someone was trying to say. The point was not that violent games induce rage, but merely that they leave violent experiences somewhere on your cortex, which can (not will) be dangerous.

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