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How to access and edit .savereb
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to Madman1171
    Madman1171 posted on Jan 03, 2013 2:33:05 PM - Report post
    Hi, so i wanted to edit my saved game for more credits, and having rebellion now, i searched for the files and found them, only they where .savereb and .statsreb files. Now i never heard of these before and when trying to access them with notepad++ it gave me a bunch of weird letters. I then tried to convert them from bin into txt using the converter that comes with sins, didnt even do anything. Now i am wondering if there is a way to even access these files, and of yes, how to edit them so i can get a more credits for myself. And please do not tell me to use .dev or trainers, because i 1 i want to give myself and only me credits and 2 i dont have money to pay for these trainers. Thanks.
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