Well if you HAPPEN to be reading it, then they will know about the trainer and possibly be working on a Anti-Trainer O.O now we wouldn't want that, would we? especially the ones who payed $30 to get unlimited trainer
$30 is for the unlimited subscription to access ALL our trainers (including future OTHER games), not just ONE title. also, there is no guarantee that we will support lunacy like this endlessly (patching 3 times a day). nobody else is supporting this game with trainer updates like we are and if we get enough people who don't seem to appreciate the efforts that we DO put into it, this title might be retired. i refuse to spend hours and hours updating the same basic game over and over. if you are using this online for PVP then shame on you and you should not expect us to be updating this 3 times a day to help you 'win PVP' online, if that is the case-
Why does everyone take everything i say as an insult? same thing happened in a post i started, seriously, will you all stop assuming im insulting you because your not "updating 3 times a day" as you said, I UNDERSTAND that the $30 was for all unlimited trainers, i was just making a point...I UNDERSTAND that it can be quite hard to update trainers constantly, my point was that they may eventually make an anti-trainer...I UNDERSTAND that i should be ashamed of myself IF I WERE to hack PVP, because then I would be an asswipe, but I don't have to worry about that because most fun comes to me from cooperative play...I mean seriously, I UNDERSTAND that you guys are working hard to get these trainers up, and in no way, shape or form am I rushing you to get them done faster, hell if I had the capability, I'd do it myself if I knew what the f*** I was doing, so I'm gonna say this once so you guys get the damn point where I'm coming from: take your sweet time, because every second of waiting for a working trainer is always worth it in the end
You could have said this without the aggressiveness and made your previous point in a much better way than you did. If multiple points are being misinterpreted, you need to work on your own communication to make your points much more clearer. Being a deadpan snarker does not make you clever in your points.
I agree that the next update is a little far (23.11 days). Well could give a suggestion for this trainer, I'm already looking forward to it. It might even hasten the release of each version following an order example: V7.10, v7.11, v7.12. Do not know if you get the idea what I mean and what should be done by a trainer version, so that take place to launch such a version 7.12a, v7.12b trainer that users should wait for the next version which would be v7.13 the trainer.
the next update is 11/23, two days from now, according to the poster above.. note next month-