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  I need some info. [religion related]
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to SoldierOfPeace
    SoldierOfPeace posted on May 18, 2011 10:59:40 PM - Report post
    originally posted by Latiosmaster47

    originally posted by SoldierOfPeace

    @Latios master Well according to this video Islam shows its priority over Christianity..But I still don't know (because I ain't a Muslim nor a Christian) if the guys on the chat line even know their religion correctly. So I wanted to get answers to these question by other believers of the bible to see if the Christian religion really goes in that or to check what the Christians reaction to this would be for some info. on my research. And I still didn't get explanation nor full thoughts. Like if you think the guy with glasses doesn't know what he's talking about, could you answer some of those questions for me, i'm really interested..

    [Edited by SoldierOfPeace, 5/18/2011 10:22:26 PM]

    Alright, my explanation of this video is that some (bored) guy decided to call into a christian talk show hosted by an incompetent dunce who doesn't know the first thing about the religion that he is (supposedly) advocating. Both parties come off as arrogant and annoying, and I don't know how I stomached the entire 14 minutes because they are both so insufferable. The host of the show is a bumbling fool that has no idea what he is talking about and the caller makes the mistake of trying to argue religious priority by appealing to logic, which doesn't make sense, since the foundation of most major religions (Christianity especially) is that of faith, not logic or reason.

    To be honest the only reason I watched the video and am keeping an eye on this thread is because we have had flame wars break out in the past over religious stuff, and I couldn't tell if you're actually looking for intelligent feedback or just wanting to run a social experiment in which everyone gets mad and yells at each other using large capital letters over the internet.

    Anyways, tl;dr- I thought the video was dumb, but I wish you the best in your research.

    Edit: I don't remember the specific things the glasses dude messed up, but he pretty much got everything wrong all the time. And the caller got the stuff about the New Testament scriptures not being written by disciples wrong. IIRC, Christian Canon says that the "John" they were talking about was probably the Apostle John, who was a disciple of Jesus and also wrote the Book of John as well as Revelation. Not trying to be patronizing or anything, but wikipedia would probably help you out a lot better than I could on this kind of stuff: Link

    [Edited by Latiosmaster47, 5/18/2011 10:43:42 PM]

    Bored guy? Most of his question were and reasonable to me.. and the Christian guy (lets refer to him as Richard) didn't know how to answer any of those questions. And no I clearly said in my post that I want this to stay peaceful and clean and respectful. Not caps and fighting. I just want some answers that Richard failed to answer.. Could you answer the question that he couldn't answer at the beginning? according to your religion who is god? or is god made of a group of 3 called "the holy trinity" as he said?

  • Current rank: 4 Stars. Next Rank at 10.000 Posts.
    Send a message to Latiosmaster47
    Latiosmaster47 posted on May 18, 2011 11:17:40 PM - Report post
    originally posted by SoldierOfPeace

    Bored guy? Most of his question were and reasonable to me..

    Since when does being bored mean that you're being unreasonable? He's bored because why else do you call into a daytime christian television show? (i always assumed it's because you're bored out of your skull or you're a fanatic). And regardless of whether or not you want this thread to remain calm and cool, people have habits of taking stuff like this way way too far.

    And I guess the stock Christian answers to those questions go like this:

    God is three peoples in one entity, the father son and the holy spirit, they are all the same God, and they all operate differently. (I'm telling you though, wikipedia will really help you more with you answers than I possibly can: Link)

    [Edited by Latiosmaster47, 5/18/2011 11:48:20 PM]

  • Current rank: 4 Stars. Next Rank at 10.000 Posts.
    Send a message to Neo7
    Neo7 posted on May 18, 2011 11:34:29 PM - Report post
    The thing between Christianity and Islam is that Muslims tend to look down upon the way Christians worship God. They find that worshiping The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit as faulty and claiming that three people are God. In Islam, Jesus is viewed as a prophet instead of the son of God and he was taken to Heaven before his death by God (and is awaiting his duty as the Messiah). While not exactly too high on the list of what irks Muslims, it is enough to spark a lot of events as such in your video.
    Your bitterness, I will dispel
  • Current rank: 2 Stars. Next Rank at 1000 Posts.
    Send a message to infinite_gamer
    infinite_gamer posted on May 19, 2011 12:04:08 AM - Report post
    Your asking a question that has been asked time and time again in one way or another. Your never going to get a definitive answer.Because there is none,only different views.Or worse,very dogmatic opinions.

    I would suggest doing your own research online.
    In my personal opinion,your just asking for a very ugly debate.

  • Current rank: 3 Stars. Next Rank at 4000 Posts.
    Send a message to AdmiralThrawn
    AdmiralThrawn posted on May 19, 2011 12:07:50 AM - Report post
    originally posted by DABhand

    I will keep saying it myself, without religion we would be better off as a world.

    And I keep saying this a sadly narrow-minded way of looking at things.

    I'm no believer and I don't support the vast majority of ideals touted by religions as the 'way things are to be done', but there's no denying that religion, before and during the early and mid 1000s, was a HUGE presence in spreading language and literacy across most of the world. The world's first libraries and schools were funded almost in their entirety by religious institutions.

    And, for better or worse, the same can be said for the spread of culture and ideals.

    [Edited by AdmiralThrawn, 5/19/2011 12:08:19 AM]

    Keep Calm
    Throw a blanket over it

    Ten minutes of entertainment, crammed into three hours.
  • Current rank: 2 Stars. Next Rank at 1000 Posts.
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    infinite_gamer posted on May 19, 2011 12:13:49 AM - Report post
    ...And you can also say the negative part of religion.Which is long indeed.
    The spainish inquisition.The crusades.The knights templars.
    The salem witch trials.
    All in the name of "religion" or "god"

    Like i's going to turn into an ugly debate.
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to SoldierOfPeace
    SoldierOfPeace posted on May 19, 2011 12:25:17 AM - Report post
    originally posted by Latiosmaster47

    originally posted by SoldierOfPeace

    Bored guy? Most of his question were and reasonable to me..

    Since when does being bored mean that you're being unreasonable? He's bored because why else do you call into a daytime christian television show? (i always assumed it's because you're bored out of your skull or you're a fanatic). And regardless of whether or not you want this thread to remain calm and cool, people have habits of taking stuff like this way way too far.

    And I guess the stock Christian answers to those questions go like this:

    God is three peoples in one entity, the father son and the holy spirit, they are all the same God, and they all operate differently. (I'm telling you though, wikipedia will really help you more with you answers than I possibly can: Link)

    [Edited by Latiosmaster47, 5/18/2011 11:48:20 PM]

    But as the caller said there is more than one verse in the bible where Jesus made an OBVIOUS DISTINCTION between him and god. How do you explain that? Also how do you explain a bunsh of Jews killing a god? or a part of a god.. Again I ask looking for answers not standing or being with any side. I'm really curious.

    And for other people who think this will turn ugly, I see it going well until now, + If it turns ugly I will ask anyone with the rank of moderator to do what ever is appropriate like deleting it or so..


    Yes, according to them Jesus is a prophet of god that has been sent to heaven before his death and replaced by a person who god made look exactly like Jesus, the guy who was replaced was the guy who told on jesus' in the first place when they were looking for him to kill him. They also believe in his return to earth on the days that will be close to judgment day according to Islam.

    [Edited by SoldierOfPeace, 5/19/2011 12:31:05 AM]

  • Current rank: 3.5 Stars. Next Rank at 8000 Posts.
    Send a message to DABhand
    DABhand posted on May 19, 2011 6:26:45 AM - Report post
    originally posted by AdmiralThrawn

    originally posted by DABhand

    I will keep saying it myself, without religion we would be better off as a world.

    And I keep saying this a sadly narrow-minded way of looking at things.

    I'm no believer and I don't support the vast majority of ideals touted by religions as the 'way things are to be done', but there's no denying that religion, before and during the early and mid 1000s, was a HUGE presence in spreading language and literacy across most of the world. The world's first libraries and schools were funded almost in their entirety by religious institutions.

    And, for better or worse, the same can be said for the spread of culture and ideals.

    [Edited by AdmiralThrawn, 5/19/2011 12:08:19 AM]

    I am sorry are you saying the church help spread writing and reading? You should say they help spread their religion and language used by force and fear, by declaring other languages and religions were false and would cause their souls to burn in eternal fire.

    This is how most use religions by using fear to gain followers, and most religions use their system to gain monetary things.

    Religion also opposed science heavily, if they didn't we could have been more technologically superior than now. Infact although the Vatican allows science to a degree, some other religions or extremists hate progression from science and call it evil.

    Religions have been the biggest cause of wars this world has known, all because some other people preferred a different faith.

    I hate the fact faiths decide to use media to force their crap down people's throats. Which has led scammers to do the same, especially in the US when people scam people out of cash for faith healing.

    Plus there is no ONE religion, so who is correct? Should it be the Mayans? Should it be the Egyptians? Should it be the Chinese? They are among the oldest civilizations. What about some sort of Caveman religion if there was one? So how can anyone sit and say "our religion is the one and only religion you should use"...

    Infact I will go as far as to say, if anyone ever answers the question "Who made God?" then perhaps then I will think about religion in my life. But since that answer will never come I shant hold my breath.

    Oh and Don't forget some tuts on ASM and defeating DMA

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