Mafia II Message Board  STATUS: ACTIVE - Trainers are still being considered and updated for this title as patches are released. There is no guarantee that a trainer can be made or updated but it will be reviewed by our staff.

Our Mafia II Trainer is now available and supports STEAM. Our Mafia II message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
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My issues with this game...
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to 42N8Son
    TIER 7
    42N8Son posted on Aug 28, 2010 7:00:31 AM - Report post
    1. I HATE the save system! I prefer to be able to save my game right where I am at any time. I know the GTA series save system is like this as well and I can overlook it for this game for the most part, but I still hate it.

    2. The city is beautiful but there's a real lack of anything to do in it for the most part. Driving around the same old city gets boring after awhile. They really should have add more things to do in the city. Plus, there's no real free roam at all. The missions are strung together in such a way that makes free roam seem out of place for some reason. Sure, you can free roam but the game sort of draws you into doing the missions. It's a bit hard to explain but those of you who've played it know what I'm saying. I think they designed it this way because they knew there wasn't really anything to do in the city and sort of wanted to discourage players from free roaming.

    3. Gun shops seem useless to me. In fact, making money to spend on weapons and clothing almost seems pointless overall. You gain most of the guns during missions - and of course the better weapons come out later in the game. You can bypass this by getting your wanted level up to 4 and take out the cops who will eventually start bringing out shotguns and Tommy guns, but it's difficult to survive such a shootout with the cops and live to use any of those awesome weapons early in the game.

    4 Running red lights and stop signs should be a punishable offense. Seems stupid that cops will pull you for going over 40+ mph on a 35mph road, but won't attempt to pull you over for running a stop light or stop sign! For one thing, electrical stop lights and signs were a new invention during this time period. So it would seem only logical that the police would really be out to enforce the newer technology that was invented to save lives and prevent accidents!

    5. Finally, I hate the speed limit governor. Well, I don't hate it exactly but I do feel there should be more toggle levels to it other than just the one at 40mph. They should make it so that if you press the governor button it limits you in 20 mph increments going up to 100mph. That way you can cruise at 20mph on neighborhood roads a bit easier if 40 mph still feels fast. Pressing and letting go of the gas button sort of gets tiring on the fingers because the AI traffic is a bit moronic at times. At times there almost seems to be too much traffic driving up and down the roads. I haven't found anyway to limit the amount of AI traffic in the city but it think it needs to be lessened just a tad.

    Other than that, this game is simply awesome. I can only hope that with future DLC and/or modifications this game will be improved on. It would be a waste to just leave it like it is. They really need to add more things to do in such a lovely city.
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