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  • Current rank: 1.5 Stars. Next Rank at 500 Posts.
    Send a message to lucebuce
    lucebuce posted on Apr 21, 2010 11:43:06 AM - Report post
    originally posted by Dhampy

    originally posted by Hamadah

    originally posted by Dancer

    originally posted by Hamadah

    Drawing a prophet is wrong. Drawing a COMIC about a prophet is VERY wrong!

    It's wrong because prophets are "holy" to us Muslims, and since nobody knows what did they look like, then they shouldn't be drawn, especially when it comes to comics. Religion is something that isn't supposed to make fun out of it.

    Utter gibberish. The idea that you are only allowed to draw things if you know what they look like is idiotic. If you don't like the artistic portrayal of fiction, stop playing games and watching films.

    You said "it's wrong because prophets are "holy" to us muslims" That's fine, I hope it works well for you. However, like I said in my other post, that has nothing to do with me since I'm not a Muslim so, therefore there is technically nothing wrong with me doing it.

    Nothing should be made exempt from being made fun of.

    You gotta respect other religions, not only your religion. And I'm talking about PROPHETS SPECIFICALLY!

    And yeah, you gotta respect other members too!

    A Lutheran wouldn't expect you to take communion and a Buddhist wouldn't expect you to take their pilgrimages.

    So why should a Muslim demand that "respect" of his religion include subscribing to its practices?

    RESPECT? All we're asking, is to not draw pictures of OUR PROPHET. He is not even your Prophet , You do not even believe in him , so why do you feel the need to make pictures of Him ?

    And no one is asking you to subscribe to our practices, what he is asking for , is that as a Muslim would respect a Chrisitan for what he believes , and not try to question his beliefs , or hold a grudge against that person , SIMPLY because he follows a different religion , the same is being asked of you? Please explain to me, how that is being too cruel or demanding or intrusive or anything negative ?

    Sigs are for losers. Irony is for Winners.
  • Current rank: 2.5 Stars. Next Rank at 2000 Posts.
    Send a message to Dhampy
    Dhampy posted on Apr 21, 2010 11:50:48 AM - Report post
    originally posted by lucebuce

    originally posted by Dhampy

    originally posted by Hamadah

    originally posted by Dancer

    originally posted by Hamadah

    Drawing a prophet is wrong. Drawing a COMIC about a prophet is VERY wrong!

    It's wrong because prophets are "holy" to us Muslims, and since nobody knows what did they look like, then they shouldn't be drawn, especially when it comes to comics. Religion is something that isn't supposed to make fun out of it.

    Utter gibberish. The idea that you are only allowed to draw things if you know what they look like is idiotic. If you don't like the artistic portrayal of fiction, stop playing games and watching films.

    You said "it's wrong because prophets are "holy" to us muslims" That's fine, I hope it works well for you. However, like I said in my other post, that has nothing to do with me since I'm not a Muslim so, therefore there is technically nothing wrong with me doing it.

    Nothing should be made exempt from being made fun of.

    You gotta respect other religions, not only your religion. And I'm talking about PROPHETS SPECIFICALLY!

    And yeah, you gotta respect other members too!

    A Lutheran wouldn't expect you to take communion and a Buddhist wouldn't expect you to take their pilgrimages.

    So why should a Muslim demand that "respect" of his religion include subscribing to its practices?

    RESPECT? All we're asking, is to not draw pictures of OUR PROPHET. He is not even your Prophet , You do not even believe in him , so why do you feel the need to make pictures of Him ?

    And no one is asking you to subscribe to our practices, what he is asking for , is that as a Muslim would respect a Chrisitan for what he believes , and not try to question his beliefs , or hold a grudge against that person , SIMPLY because he follows a different religion , the same is being asked of you? Please explain to me, how that is being too cruel or demanding or intrusive or anything negative ?

    It is an article of your faith, not an article of mine.

    Respecting a religion does not include subscribing to its practices.

    It is demanding because you're expecting a non-Muslim to follow Muslim beliefs.

    It is demanding because modern western society is premised on certain rights--one of those is free expression. In expecting non-Muslims to subscribe to Muslim beliefs, you are infringing on and is held in the western world as a universal right of mankind.

    That's not "respect".

    "Respect" would require Muslims to accept that non-Muslims can draw whatever they want.

    In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'

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    Send a message to Dhampy
    Dhampy posted on Apr 21, 2010 11:54:09 AM - Report post
    "Respect" among religions is the acceptance that people of one religion do one thing, and people of another do a second thing. And not taking issue with it.
    In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'

    List of CHU'ers on deviantART--SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL DEVIANTS!

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    Send a message to iNTANGiBLE
    iNTANGiBLE posted on Apr 21, 2010 11:55:41 AM - Report post
    originally posted by Dhampy

    originally posted by lucebuce

    originally posted by Dhampy

    originally posted by Hamadah

    originally posted by Dancer

    originally posted by Hamadah

    Drawing a prophet is wrong. Drawing a COMIC about a prophet is VERY wrong!

    It's wrong because prophets are "holy" to us Muslims, and since nobody knows what did they look like, then they shouldn't be drawn, especially when it comes to comics. Religion is something that isn't supposed to make fun out of it.

    Utter gibberish. The idea that you are only allowed to draw things if you know what they look like is idiotic. If you don't like the artistic portrayal of fiction, stop playing games and watching films.

    You said "it's wrong because prophets are "holy" to us muslims" That's fine, I hope it works well for you. However, like I said in my other post, that has nothing to do with me since I'm not a Muslim so, therefore there is technically nothing wrong with me doing it.

    Nothing should be made exempt from being made fun of.

    You gotta respect other religions, not only your religion. And I'm talking about PROPHETS SPECIFICALLY!

    And yeah, you gotta respect other members too!

    A Lutheran wouldn't expect you to take communion and a Buddhist wouldn't expect you to take their pilgrimages.

    So why should a Muslim demand that "respect" of his religion include subscribing to its practices?

    RESPECT? All we're asking, is to not draw pictures of OUR PROPHET. He is not even your Prophet , You do not even believe in him , so why do you feel the need to make pictures of Him ?

    And no one is asking you to subscribe to our practices, what he is asking for , is that as a Muslim would respect a Chrisitan for what he believes , and not try to question his beliefs , or hold a grudge against that person , SIMPLY because he follows a different religion , the same is being asked of you? Please explain to me, how that is being too cruel or demanding or intrusive or anything negative ?

    It is an article of your faith, not an article of mine.

    Respecting a religion does not include subscribing to its practices.

    It is demanding because you're expecting a non-Muslim to follow Muslim beliefs.

    It is demanding because modern western society is premised on certain rights--one of those is free expression. In expecting non-Muslims to subscribe to Muslim beliefs, you are infringing on and is held in the western world as a universal right of mankind.

    That's not "respect".

    "Respect" would require Muslims to accept that non-Muslims can draw whatever they want.

    Draw whatever they want but not about Islam.

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    Send a message to ZS
    ZS posted on Apr 21, 2010 11:58:50 AM - Report post
    originally posted by Dancer

    originally posted by ZS

    Ahh.. First let me clear up on the hole imagery thing.

    No artiest no matter how gifted or talented can put the Divine in an image and expect to people to bealive that he has put the whole grandeur of a man chosen by god to spread a religion, let alone artiest try to find an imagery to God.
    Islam did this out of protection of what's Divine to it's eyes and to the eyes of Muslims of every race. When you take Jesues for instant (The Standard image of a white man with a brown beard, this is certainly not the guy..) every single race in the hole world have taken this image and changed it accordingly to theirs' -African American churches have a black skinned man instead-, so this is protection from the untrained minds of normal people to everything that has been classed Divine by history and scripture. (Not just Muhammad and God).

    As for the hole argue about the Danish drawings Muslims have protested peacefully inside their country's. As for others around the world there are those whom we call even in Islam extremists. They ware Islam as a face for their deeds which actually have no connection to Islam what so ever (This is what caused the whole dark image of us in the West), and even organizations ie Alqida. So in the end you cant judge a religion based on what few hypocrites of it do, and expect to have a whole grasp of it.

    You can't say extremists have no connection to Islam, it's the foundation of their actions. If islam didn't exist, islam extremists wouldn't exist, it's a completely relevant correlation. In the west, especially England there is an abundance of Muslims, we are hardly sheltered from their culture and I am obviously aware that not every religious person is a religious fanatic. However, they think they are right just as much as you think you're right, you can't justify one without the other, especially in this case since it's based on the interpretation of the same thing. If anything, fundamentalism is probably the closest thing to religious obedience. Though, the nature of religion becomes contradictory if it compromises life.

    At the moment, I understand that Muslims don't want to create an image of their prophet because they want to protect it's sanctity or something. I however, am not Muslim in the slightest. Why can't I draw Muhammad? I don't abide by any of your religious rules so why should they affect me? Do you think it's ok for Muslims to religiously try and police the world?

    If I had the budget to invent a religion which enforced the rule that you aren't allowed to use the internet, is it ok for me to shut down the internet entirely or try to kill everyone who uses it?

    It's the foundation yes, but it's not right to judge the whole thing basing on one group of fanatics. It's their claim that Islam is to be only spread over bloodshed, if you object that i can't see why are you using it to judge the other 1 billion Muslims world wide. As for the internet thing, people not activists are not killing to prevent paintings . I don't know where you have heard that sort of stuff. I can't seem to imagine why is it so hard to accept that we don't want people discriminating the sanctity of our Divine figures, if you people don't have such care for yours. Why ask other people to abide your ignorance or even tolerate it?

    For Macaragge.
  • Current rank: 2.5 Stars. Next Rank at 2000 Posts.
    Send a message to Dhampy
    Dhampy posted on Apr 21, 2010 11:59:22 AM - Report post
    See, that's not respect.

    That's you demanding that everyone follow YOUR religion without regard for theirs saying they can draw anything they want.
    In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'

    List of CHU'ers on deviantART--SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL DEVIANTS!

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    Send a message to powergrind
    powergrind posted on Apr 21, 2010 12:04:13 PM - Report post
    Well you can always not look at it or watch it or what have you. Thats your choice. you cant force someone through fear or pcness to not do something you dont like. I also dont believe in other religions forcing people to believe what they do, its all wrong. But like I said you can choose to ignore it unless they do something horrible or demeaning to it, just like anything thats not right.
  • Current rank: 2 Stars. Next Rank at 1000 Posts.
    Send a message to ZS
    ZS posted on Apr 21, 2010 12:04:48 PM - Report post
    I still don't see the point, why would anyone want to draw a prophet for a people that don't want it drawn? you can do it out of free will sure. But not to discriminate and publicly showing it, when it's clearly showing that it's an offense.
    For Macaragge.
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