We currently don't have any Pokemon Diamond trainers, cheats or editors for PC. Premium members may REQUEST new trainers and cheats using our request system as long as the game has not been permanently retired or multiplayer only in nature. Use our message board to discuss the game.
pokemon132 posted on Aug 12, 2007 5:14:12 AM - Report post
okay, one of my kids sat on there bed ( on the sims 2 ) and he never got up for a day and i commanded him to get up but he wouldn't so here is tommorrow ,right well he still was in his bed and I tried and tried like i sayed but he refused so Right before his school bus got here a social worker came and got him! I was suprised and the family were crying and stuff...he never came back...i'll miss him
My friend code for pearl is 4682 7622 9343 My user name on pearl is Britt
mr_mango posted on Aug 12, 2007 5:43:48 AM - Report post