Thanks for the great trainer, but I notice that while using unlimtied arrows, every other arrow shot has glitched animation, i.e. not reloaded properly but instantly like the arrow was there all the time.
That sounds like the game is having some loading issues when using that option. Not sure changing anything on the trainer or option would really make it better.
Separating unlimited arrows and no reload option might be a posible solution?
Ok, so we really, really need an Easy Craft button where it allows you to craft items without having the materials. I just spent a heck of a lot of time looking for a specific Rare root for a Heavy Bow and couldn't find it. Frustrating doesn't begin to describe it! 😖😞
Hi Gel214th.
Then I suggest you request it. I'm sure others will also so I can get traction and get the 5 request needed for it to be reviewed.
Please use the trainer option request system for requesting new options be added to this trainer and/or vote on options already requested.
Ok, so we really, really need an Easy Craft button where it allows you to craft items without having the materials. I just spent a heck of a lot of time looking for a specific Rare root for a Heavy Bow and couldn't find it. Frustrating doesn't begin to describe it! 😖😞
Hi Gel214th.
Then I suggest you request it. I'm sure others will also so I can get traction and get the 5 request needed for it to be reviewed.
Please use the trainer option request system for requesting new options be added to this trainer and/or vote on options already requested.
Unfortunately I wasted my one request asking for a way to skip the Favor requirement for requisitioning items 😔
Ok, so we really, really need an Easy Craft button where it allows you to craft items without having the materials. I just spent a heck of a lot of time looking for a specific Rare root for a Heavy Bow and couldn't find it. Frustrating doesn't begin to describe it! 😖😞
Tried to do this, actually tried several times. And ended up destroying my save because of the convoluted way items are stored in multiple addresses. So it's highly likely I won't be doing any free crafting options, sorry. Messed up saves will allow you to load into the game but you then cannot do anything regarding crafting in the future as the data is permanently messed up. So you HAVE to start over since the game doesn't allow you to make specific saves at specific places. That reason alone is why I won't be doing down this path only to hear "the trainer messed up my save game and I am stuck" type posts.