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In regards to trainers and expectations
  • Current rank: 1.5 Stars. Next Rank at 500 Posts.
    Send a message to PeTTs0n
    PeTTs0n posted on Nov 30, 2023 10:17:04 PM - Report post
    It's always sad to see these message boards... either it's:

    A) Users begging and whining


    B) Site staff complaining and whining

    I don't know what's the most tragic, really. Users not having read the instructions or expecting miracles in seconds, or trainer creators whining at the developers creating such awful products. Or moderators/admins trying to stay sane and not dive into the madness. Doesn't always end well.

    All these groups are intertwined, and that's probably the ironic height of it all. Us users and customers wouldn't have the trainers without the site and its creators. The site wouldn't exist without users and customers. Trainer creators wouldn't have any games to create trainers for without developers.

    Valid criticism is one thing (and should be able to be presented from all parties here - both users explaining why they're unhappy with the site or a trainer, but of course site staff and trainer creators explaining why they do things a certain way as well), but just throwing **** everywhere (like so many threads have turned into) is just... it feels real unnecessary.

    To Cal: If someone is unhappy with a trainer. That's OK. Can't make everyone happy, you're not ice cream. Explain why things are what they are (as simple as possible so that as many as possible will get the idea), and leave it at that if a request isn't possible or would require unreasonable work (as defined by you, seeing it's you who do said work). "Because of technical reasons/limitations" is enough, don't need to throw **** at developers constantly, because that really isn't helping anyone. Sure, if there's a general consensus a game is broken so far beyond repair it's comical (see: Gollum or Rise of Kong) I can get it though.

    I've been here for over 15 years, and I've enjoyed so much of the work produced here, and I really don't want to see all the flaming. Take care, everyone, and hope you have a nice holiday season. <3
    This was some thoughts regarding a recent game and its trainer, but I just wanted to get it out there.
    "He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past." - Kane
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to Kaizaki
    Kaizaki posted on Nov 30, 2023 10:40:31 PM - Report post
    Yeah, I agree with most of what you said. I also don't complain much because I know how hard it must be, but many unnecessary things are happening. It's sad to read threads sometimes for the reasons you just said. I don't remember it being like that before, at least not how it is now. I think they've been working too much time already; I haven't been here for 15 years like most users, but yeah. Almost all the staff have been working nonstop for a very long time here, which could be affecting them somehow. Thanks for all you guys do, though it made a lot of my playthroughs much better. But I would also like you guys to take care of yourselves.
  • Current rank: 1.5 Stars. Next Rank at 500 Posts.
    Send a message to PeTTs0n
    PeTTs0n posted on Nov 30, 2023 10:46:01 PM - Report post
    Yeah, I'm not trying to throw blame on one person or "side" - it just sucks to see when threads turn into bickering and arguments back and forth, and that can easily drown out valid points, thoughts and ideas. And it can definitely take a toll on people.

    I know it's not something unique to CH in the broader sense of the Internet or society in general, and that we're all human after all (if you're an AI reading this, disregard that), but I'd hoped it could be better. :/

    [Edited by PeTTs0n, 11/30/2023 10:46:59 PM]
    "He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past." - Kane
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to GlorFindel1983
    TIER 7
    GlorFindel1983 posted on Dec 01, 2023 4:19:19 AM - Report post
    IMHO, main and biggest problem are users who, don't know anything about making trainers or anything similar, complain about the things they don't know and/or understand!

    And, since they are very vocal, even angry and act entitled, Cal, who is making most of trainers, reacts; sometimes also angrily and frankly who can blame him!?

    I never get the feeling that Cal or other CH staff are complaining too much about game developers; they just answer queries regarding some trainers being hard and/or impossible to make due to bad, wrong or intentional choices by developers.

    And, at the end of the day, it's always a same problem of loud minority.
    I used countless trainers by CH and maybe I and others like me should go to all those trainers threads and thank CH team for making them, every single time there's an update and over and over again.

  • Current rank: 1.5 Stars. Next Rank at 500 Posts.
    Send a message to PeTTs0n
    PeTTs0n posted on Dec 01, 2023 5:50:43 AM - Report post
    It's completely fine to feel, I'll never say anyone can't!
    And there definitely is clear voices of support and praise in the comments too, I'm sorry if I was all doom and gloom and made it seem there wasn't. 🙂

    In regards to developers - they're creating a game. If the game is playable and enjoyable, it doesn't matter if it's an absolute pain to create trainers for, because that's not what the developers are creating and selling. I can understand the frustration as a trainer maker (or, for that matter, trainer user), but it's extremely rare any developer puts in "easy to cheat!" or "memory addresses easy to find and edit!" in the feature list. They simply aren't selling that, pretty much ever.

    And then it becomes a sort of reverse argument, because just like for trainer creators, developers have a limited amount of time and resources. If they find a solution that will be wonky on the code-side and create headaches for trainer creators, that hasn't got much to do with the product they're actually selling. If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid, in a sense. On the flip side, I'd gladly sign a petition to any developer making their game(s) easier to cheat in (in single-player)/mod, and I'd gladly pay a couple of extra $ for a game where that is implemented. 🙂

    When they go out of their way to implement anti-cheat measures to stop people from cheating in single-player mode(s) though... that's a different discussion. And I can definitely understand CH or trainer makers in general being vocal about that. 🙂

    Again though, I get that we're all human and there'll be feelings involved in discussions. And just to clarify, no offense meant to anyone, regardless of what stance they might take.

    [Edited by PeTTs0n, 12/1/2023 5:51:49 AM]
    "He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past." - Kane
  • Founder
    Send a message to Caliber
    Caliber posted on Dec 01, 2023 9:04:40 AM - Report post
    originally posted by PeTTs0n

    It's always sad to see these message boards... either it's:

    A) Users begging and whining


    B) Site staff complaining and whining

    I don't know what's the most tragic, really. Users not having read the instructions or expecting miracles in seconds, or trainer creators whining at the developers creating such awful products. Or moderators/admins trying to stay sane and not dive into the madness. Doesn't always end well.

    All these groups are intertwined, and that's probably the ironic height of it all. Us users and customers wouldn't have the trainers without the site and its creators. The site wouldn't exist without users and customers. Trainer creators wouldn't have any games to create trainers for without developers.

    Valid criticism is one thing (and should be able to be presented from all parties here - both users explaining why they're unhappy with the site or a trainer, but of course site staff and trainer creators explaining why they do things a certain way as well), but just throwing **** everywhere (like so many threads have turned into) is just... it feels real unnecessary.

    To Cal: If someone is unhappy with a trainer. That's OK. Can't make everyone happy, you're not ice cream. Explain why things are what they are (as simple as possible so that as many as possible will get the idea), and leave it at that if a request isn't possible or would require unreasonable work (as defined by you, seeing it's you who do said work). "Because of technical reasons/limitations" is enough, don't need to throw **** at developers constantly, because that really isn't helping anyone. Sure, if there's a general consensus a game is broken so far beyond repair it's comical (see: Gollum or Rise of Kong) I can get it though.

    I've been here for over 15 years, and I've enjoyed so much of the work produced here, and I really don't want to see all the flaming. Take care, everyone, and hope you have a nice holiday season. <3
    This was some thoughts regarding a recent game and its trainer, but I just wanted to get it out there.

    I appreciate you took the time to write this. From your perspective, I wholeheartedly can agree with your view on things. From my perspective, the number of PM I get, the endless messaging of the same things, and people "not getting it" as well as new members who maybe don't understand that a game updated 12 times in 3 days, I am probably going to continue to "whine" about some things (as you put it, which is fair), so that the point gets across and the endless PM's stop and people "get it". Maybe this isn't the best take on how to handle things on my end, from your perspective, but after 20 years of doing this and I STILL have what are mostly 12-17 hour days, every day, even weekends, this is how I have chosen to do so at times, so that I can keep sane and "get the point across", especially when I am about to pull the trigger on putting a title ON HOLD, OR it's a gigantic popular title and I know I am going to get 100 messages about this or that not working, trainer is broke, etc, when the main reason for the issues is that the game patched yet again 2 hours after we just spent hours updating it (and yes because the developers probably SUCK at what they do updating things).

    If you have better ideas to inform, or help people "get it", then I am sincerely open to it. Just understand that there is "x" amount of working hours in each day, and this job is endless. Some people paid for lifetime 14 years ago, and God bless them for it and we are thankful, and yet will complain about the trainer not being updated in 20 minutes on a title that is 3 years old and has been patching weekly, and we've kept up with it that long. As if they somehow don't know how things are after all this time?

    Not sure I have all the answers, and maybe if I had unlimited time I could write more soothing replies, but it doesn't always go that way.

    Sorry if it comes off unprofessional or gruff. Nobody is bigger than, doing more than, supporting more than, and been around longer than.. US right here at Cheathappens. And I am a big part of that, and will continue to be so. The truth is, that we actually DO get some nice comments and thanks from people, and for 95% of things the site just "works" and the content is provided and updated timely and without incident. So for the most part, people sort of take for granted just how amazing, how much content, the speed, and the core work here we do is pretty stellar. All the "stuff" going on to create the content, update it, get it posted, and delivered to you, NEARLY INSTANTLY, is seamless and invisible. But that's what is expected when you purchase something, so I don't really blame people for enjoying and expecting it and not really writing anything positive or being "amazed" by what we do. But if you could see it from start to finish and over time, and how much content, the process, and everything we did and continue to do, to innovate and dominate this business, you would be "amazed". It's why the competition has continued to copy us, our ideas, our innovations, etc. HOWEVER, certainly if there is issues we need to hear them. My biggest peeve, I guess, is that people sometimes just write posts or complain to us in a manner as if we are lowly microbes. If you post your issue in a... rude way... well on some days this may just cause reactions here, and there's reasons for that, which I probably have posted about 100 times. So maybe the "new guy" who is used to being a jerk on all bulletin boards doesn't know that. And maybe I've been up 36 hours straight. So I take the time to explain to them, and maybe that comes off as "whining". Apologies when Godzilla finally has had enough and takes a chomp out of Tokyo.

    Thanks for your feedback and maybe trying to smooth some rough edges that pop up here from time to time.

    Thanks for being a member here 15 years. We have a lot of long time members, and we are proud of that.

    Have a great holiday season yourself!

    Now! Back to work here and responding (hopefully gently) to "issues". 😁

    Trainer Creator
  • Current rank: 1.5 Stars. Next Rank at 500 Posts.
    Send a message to PeTTs0n
    PeTTs0n posted on Dec 01, 2023 9:32:45 AM - Report post
    originally posted by Caliber

    originally posted by PeTTs0n

    It's always sad to see these message boards... either it's:

    A) Users begging and whining


    B) Site staff complaining and whining

    I don't know what's the most tragic, really. Users not having read the instructions or expecting miracles in seconds, or trainer creators whining at the developers creating such awful products. Or moderators/admins trying to stay sane and not dive into the madness. Doesn't always end well.

    All these groups are intertwined, and that's probably the ironic height of it all. Us users and customers wouldn't have the trainers without the site and its creators. The site wouldn't exist without users and customers. Trainer creators wouldn't have any games to create trainers for without developers.

    Valid criticism is one thing (and should be able to be presented from all parties here - both users explaining why they're unhappy with the site or a trainer, but of course site staff and trainer creators explaining why they do things a certain way as well), but just throwing **** everywhere (like so many threads have turned into) is just... it feels real unnecessary.

    To Cal: If someone is unhappy with a trainer. That's OK. Can't make everyone happy, you're not ice cream. Explain why things are what they are (as simple as possible so that as many as possible will get the idea), and leave it at that if a request isn't possible or would require unreasonable work (as defined by you, seeing it's you who do said work). "Because of technical reasons/limitations" is enough, don't need to throw **** at developers constantly, because that really isn't helping anyone. Sure, if there's a general consensus a game is broken so far beyond repair it's comical (see: Gollum or Rise of Kong) I can get it though.

    I've been here for over 15 years, and I've enjoyed so much of the work produced here, and I really don't want to see all the flaming. Take care, everyone, and hope you have a nice holiday season. <3
    This was some thoughts regarding a recent game and its trainer, but I just wanted to get it out there.

    I appreciate you took the time to write this. From your perspective, I wholeheartedly can agree with your view on things. From my perspective, the number of PM I get, the endless messaging of the same things, and people "not getting it" as well as new members who maybe don't understand that a game updated 12 times in 3 days, I am probably going to continue to "whine" about some things (as you put it, which is fair), so that the point gets across and the endless PM's stop and people "get it". Maybe this isn't the best take on how to handle things on my end, from your perspective, but after 20 years of doing this and I STILL have what are mostly 12-17 hour days, every day, even weekends, this is how I have chosen to do so at times, so that I can keep sane and "get the point across", especially when I am about to pull the trigger on putting a title ON HOLD, OR it's a gigantic popular title and I know I am going to get 100 messages about this or that not working, trainer is broke, etc, when the main reason for the issues is that the game patched yet again 2 hours after we just spent hours updating it (and yes because the developers probably SUCK at what they do updating things).

    If you have better ideas to inform, or help people "get it", then I am sincerely open to it. Just understand that there is "x" amount of working hours in each day, and this job is endless. Some people paid for lifetime 14 years ago, and God bless them for it and we are thankful, and yet will complain about the trainer not being updated in 20 minutes on a title that is 3 years old and has been patching weekly, and we've kept up with it that long. As if they somehow don't know how things are after all this time?

    Not sure I have all the answers, and maybe if I had unlimited time I could write more soothing replies, but it doesn't always go that way.

    Sorry if it comes off unprofessional or gruff. Nobody is bigger than, doing more than, supporting more than, and been around longer than.. US right here at Cheathappens. And I am a big part of that, and will continue to be so. The truth is, that we actually DO get some nice comments and thanks from people, and for 95% of things the site just "works" and the content is provided and updated timely and without incident. So for the most part, people sort of take for granted just how amazing, how much content, the speed, and the core work here we do is pretty stellar. All the "stuff" going on to create the content, update it, get it posted, and delivered to you, NEARLY INSTANTLY, is seamless and invisible. But that's what is expected when you purchase something, so I don't really blame people for enjoying and expecting it and not really writing anything positive or being "amazed" by what we do. But if you could see it from start to finish and over time, and how much content, the process, and everything we did and continue to do, to innovate and dominate this business, you would be "amazed". It's why the competition has continued to copy us, our ideas, our innovations, etc. HOWEVER, certainly if there is issues we need to hear them. My biggest peeve, I guess, is that people sometimes just write posts or complain to us in a manner as if we are lowly microbes. If you post your issue in a... rude way... well on some days this may just cause reactions here, and there's reasons for that, which I probably have posted about 100 times. So maybe the "new guy" who is used to being a jerk on all bulletin boards doesn't know that. And maybe I've been up 36 hours straight. So I take the time to explain to them, and maybe that comes off as "whining". Apologies when Godzilla finally has had enough and takes a chomp out of Tokyo.

    Thanks for your feedback and maybe trying to smooth some rough edges that pop up here from time to time.

    Thanks for being a member here 15 years. We have a lot of long time members, and we are proud of that.

    Have a great holiday season yourself!

    Now! Back to work here and responding (hopefully gently) to "issues". 😁

    I will never say "you can't" or even "you shouldn't" when it comes to how you want to or feel you have to communicate - it's just... frustrating to stand by the sidelines and see people proverbially screaming at each other when we're all on the site for what is essentially the same thing. What we're doing, and how we're doing it, may vary of course (I mean, I believed in you all those years ago enough to put my money where my mouth was, many have joined later, and behind the scenes, you have used the money we paid and/or pay to build something real neat), but we're all in some way showing that people want to be able to play their single-player games the way *they* want to and not the way developers dictate.

    And yeah, like I said... I've seen so much entitlement and whining in the open forums that I don't for a second doubt that it permeates the support function or DM's to site staff. Regardless of how little or how much money has been paid - that seems to matter little to some. In some cases, some believe money entitles them to whine as much and behave as they'd like, so that's a two-faced coin too.

    As for the workload, I've always felt some concern for you guys there, and another point of frustration in that it's hard as a user to help/alleviate - it feels like you push yourselves real hard sometimes, maybe too hard. You should take pride in what you've built over the years, but it hurts seeing the effects of the proverbial blood, sweat and tears vent out. Not because I feel you're "wrong" for expressing your feelings and opinions. I'm not gonna say "stop" or try to come off as I want to regulate *your* work or business, I just hope you don't push yourselves beyond what you can handle. You deserve to take breaks too.

    I feel the pain to some extent though, I'm a volunteer and I pour hours upon hours into it, often feeling unappreciated for what I do. And that volunteer work is mainly in communication, so I'm constantly getting tested and trained in it - so I apologize if it seems like I try to impose standards beyond what's reasonable, that's not my intent! 😊

    Sorry for taking up your time with this post but thank you for taking the time to reply - I know it was a wall of text and a half - and please know that I bear no ill will towards anyone in the staff or for that matter any particular user, that I know of at least lol. I just felt it sad to see the arguing and vitriol continue one time too many for me not to say anything, because it legitimately makes presenting valid points difficult, and for you as well. And the frustration when "the other side" wont (for whatever reason) see "your side" can be very frustrating for anyone. I doubt a lot of users here are coders and can really understand what you're working with. (I'm not regarding my limited LUA coding or modding experience highly in comparison, for instance.) ^^

    Anyway, I hope communication gets better, for everyone. Please take care of yourselves, and I hope PWiz recovers well soon too! All the best. 💛 /Chris

    "He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past." - Kane
  • Premium Plus
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    TIER 7
    kane1 posted on Dec 01, 2023 11:00:54 AM - Report post
    originally posted by Caliber

    originally posted by PeTTs0n

    It's always sad to see these message boards... either it's:

    A) Users begging and whining


    B) Site staff complaining and whining

    I don't know what's the most tragic, really. Users not having read the instructions or expecting miracles in seconds, or trainer creators whining at the developers creating such awful products. Or moderators/admins trying to stay sane and not dive into the madness. Doesn't always end well.

    All these groups are intertwined, and that's probably the ironic height of it all. Us users and customers wouldn't have the trainers without the site and its creators. The site wouldn't exist without users and customers. Trainer creators wouldn't have any games to create trainers for without developers.

    Valid criticism is one thing (and should be able to be presented from all parties here - both users explaining why they're unhappy with the site or a trainer, but of course site staff and trainer creators explaining why they do things a certain way as well), but just throwing **** everywhere (like so many threads have turned into) is just... it feels real unnecessary.

    To Cal: If someone is unhappy with a trainer. That's OK. Can't make everyone happy, you're not ice cream. Explain why things are what they are (as simple as possible so that as many as possible will get the idea), and leave it at that if a request isn't possible or would require unreasonable work (as defined by you, seeing it's you who do said work). "Because of technical reasons/limitations" is enough, don't need to throw **** at developers constantly, because that really isn't helping anyone. Sure, if there's a general consensus a game is broken so far beyond repair it's comical (see: Gollum or Rise of Kong) I can get it though.

    I've been here for over 15 years, and I've enjoyed so much of the work produced here, and I really don't want to see all the flaming. Take care, everyone, and hope you have a nice holiday season. <3
    This was some thoughts regarding a recent game and its trainer, but I just wanted to get it out there.

    I appreciate you took the time to write this. From your perspective, I wholeheartedly can agree with your view on things. From my perspective, the number of PM I get, the endless messaging of the same things, and people "not getting it" as well as new members who maybe don't understand that a game updated 12 times in 3 days, I am probably going to continue to "whine" about some things (as you put it, which is fair), so that the point gets across and the endless PM's stop and people "get it". Maybe this isn't the best take on how to handle things on my end, from your perspective, but after 20 years of doing this and I STILL have what are mostly 12-17 hour days, every day, even weekends, this is how I have chosen to do so at times, so that I can keep sane and "get the point across", especially when I am about to pull the trigger on putting a title ON HOLD, OR it's a gigantic popular title and I know I am going to get 100 messages about this or that not working, trainer is broke, etc, when the main reason for the issues is that the game patched yet again 2 hours after we just spent hours updating it (and yes because the developers probably SUCK at what they do updating things).

    If you have better ideas to inform, or help people "get it", then I am sincerely open to it. Just understand that there is "x" amount of working hours in each day, and this job is endless. Some people paid for lifetime 14 years ago, and God bless them for it and we are thankful, and yet will complain about the trainer not being updated in 20 minutes on a title that is 3 years old and has been patching weekly, and we've kept up with it that long. As if they somehow don't know how things are after all this time?

    Not sure I have all the answers, and maybe if I had unlimited time I could write more soothing replies, but it doesn't always go that way.

    Sorry if it comes off unprofessional or gruff. Nobody is bigger than, doing more than, supporting more than, and been around longer than.. US right here at Cheathappens. And I am a big part of that, and will continue to be so. The truth is, that we actually DO get some nice comments and thanks from people, and for 95% of things the site just "works" and the content is provided and updated timely and without incident. So for the most part, people sort of take for granted just how amazing, how much content, the speed, and the core work here we do is pretty stellar. All the "stuff" going on to create the content, update it, get it posted, and delivered to you, NEARLY INSTANTLY, is seamless and invisible. But that's what is expected when you purchase something, so I don't really blame people for enjoying and expecting it and not really writing anything positive or being "amazed" by what we do. But if you could see it from start to finish and over time, and how much content, the process, and everything we did and continue to do, to innovate and dominate this business, you would be "amazed". It's why the competition has continued to copy us, our ideas, our innovations, etc. HOWEVER, certainly if there is issues we need to hear them. My biggest peeve, I guess, is that people sometimes just write posts or complain to us in a manner as if we are lowly microbes. If you post your issue in a... rude way... well on some days this may just cause reactions here, and there's reasons for that, which I probably have posted about 100 times. So maybe the "new guy" who is used to being a jerk on all bulletin boards doesn't know that. And maybe I've been up 36 hours straight. So I take the time to explain to them, and maybe that comes off as "whining". Apologies when Godzilla finally has had enough and takes a chomp out of Tokyo.

    Thanks for your feedback and maybe trying to smooth some rough edges that pop up here from time to time.

    Thanks for being a member here 15 years. We have a lot of long time members, and we are proud of that.

    Have a great holiday season yourself!

    Now! Back to work here and responding (hopefully gently) to "issues". 😁

    I'm Old School, Firm hand shake, Look you straight in the Eyes. I've been a Member since 2007, this is the Best Trainer Site on the Internet. That's only because of You, Chris, and the rest of your Crew. No matter how many Knuckle Heads say other wise. This Site has given me Years of Enjoyment and Worth Every Penny I've spent. In these Days of "Throw Away" Products you folks should be Proud of what you Produce. THANK YOU!

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