Age of Darkness Final Stand Message Board  STATUS: ACTIVE - Trainers are still being considered and updated for this title as patches are released. There is no guarantee that a trainer can be made or updated but it will be reviewed by our staff.

Our Age of Darkness Final Stand Trainer is now available for version 1.0 HF and supports STEAM. Our Age of Darkness Final Stand message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
Age of Darkness Final Stand Trainer
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  Age of Darkness Final Stand Trainer

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    Send a message to SmileyJ
    SmileyJ posted on Apr 02, 2023 11:22:45 AM - Report post
    originally posted by rebelflagvl

    I'm having a strange problem, running the trainer through Aurora the trainer activates fine but when I activate any option on it the game immediately closes. If I am very fast i can save a game with full resources before the close but after I exit menu the game closes.

    I suggest posting that in an update request.
    And if you can the save.

    Please use the update notification system to report a game patch, update or to report that the trainer may not be working with the latest version of the game. If 3 or more reports have been filed, consider BOOSTING the priority of this title for a faster turnaround on the updated trainer.

    Trainer Monkey June 2021 - Community Helper December 2021 - Community Mod March 2022 - CH Mod January 2023
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    Send a message to rebelflagvl
    rebelflagvl posted on Apr 02, 2023 6:28:46 PM - Report post
    I tried that but when I hit submit I get this:

  • Tier 7
    Send a message to PWizard
    TIER 7
    PWizard posted on Apr 02, 2023 6:31:43 PM - Report post
    originally posted by rebelflagvl

    I tried that but when I hit submit I get this:

    You are likely using too much punctuation in your update report. Remove items such as ' " % @ ! etc and see if it helps.

    Chris O'Rorke ([email protected])
    Owner: Cheat
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    Send a message to rebelflagvl
    rebelflagvl posted on Apr 02, 2023 8:15:50 PM - Report post
    I'm actually glad it did 404 I figured out what the problem was and it had nothing to do with the trainer itself its working as intended this was my mistake.

    i reinstalled windows on a m.2 drive reinstalling steam in the process. i had a steam library that was not attached to this install of steam on another drive with an installation of a previous version of the game in it and the trainer was pointed at that installation instead of the current one. after deleting that version of the game and pointing the trainer back to the current installation everything worked normally.

    sorry for the false alarm
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to PWizard
    TIER 7
    PWizard posted on Apr 02, 2023 8:20:41 PM - Report post
    originally posted by rebelflagvl

    I'm actually glad it did 404 I figured out what the problem was and it had nothing to do with the trainer itself its working as intended this was my mistake.

    i reinstalled windows on a m.2 drive reinstalling steam in the process. i had a steam library that was not attached to this install of steam on another drive with an installation of a previous version of the game in it and the trainer was pointed at that installation instead of the current one. after deleting that version of the game and pointing the trainer back to the current installation everything worked normally.

    sorry for the false alarm

    wow....glad you figured that one out!

    Chris O'Rorke ([email protected])
    Owner: Cheat
    Dingo WebWorks, LLC
    One Bad-Ass MF
    Visit Down Notify for awesome Website Monitoring.
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to RavenLand
    RavenLand posted on Jan 20, 2024 6:18:50 AM - Report post
    With the trainer activated it causes the game to crash during loadscreen after starting mission in campaign.

    With the trainer deactivated the game loads fine, but when I activate it after loading into the mission in campaign, the game crashes.

    Happens with ONLY the trainer activated, no cheats enabled.

    Any piece of equipment your life depends upon was made by the lowest bidder.
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    Send a message to Raiderx1212
    Raiderx1212 posted on Jan 20, 2024 11:51:43 PM - Report post
    Same issue. Trainer crash the game as soon as activated.

    Have also tried disabling the overlay as suggested but as mentioned above, as soon as the trainer is activated the game crashes.
    This is also after loading into the mission in campaign.
  • Lead Moderator
    Send a message to Nook
    Nook posted on Jan 20, 2024 11:54:13 PM - Report post
    originally posted by Raiderx1212

    Same issue. Trainer crash the game as soon as activated.

    Have also tried disabling the overlay as suggested but as mentioned above, as soon as the trainer is activated the game crashes.
    This is also after loading into the mission in campaign.

    Please use the update notification system to report a game patch, update or to report that the trainer may not be working with the latest version of the game. If 3 or more reports have been filed, consider BOOSTING the priority of this title for a faster turnaround on the updated trainer.

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