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cally627666 posted on Apr 12, 2004 6:33:30 AM - Report post
I recently found a cheat that said I could get toadstools by making a child Sim sit on a toadstool. I assumed this meant the toadstool stoll that you can buy, so I made my child Sim sit on it for ages and nothing happened. I've tried this many times and nothing has happened. Can anybody tell me how I can get my child Sims some toadstools? 🤔
guest posted on Aug 12, 2004 3:58:18 PM - Report post
to get toadstools to grow you have to sit on it repeatedly, because it doesnt matter how long you sit on a toadstool its how many times.
Simjunky_101 posted on Aug 12, 2004 10:15:16 PM - Report post
It does kind of annoy you when it takes 4ever for the toadstools to come.But it does happen.The child will get toadstools,just sit and get up and sit and get up and do this constantly and you will get the toadstools P.S.If you need any help or need cheats,email me!
Guest posted on Sep 25, 2004 10:27:58 PM - Report post
how do u get the other ingredients for kids i got toadstools and faerie dust but how do i get the other stuff do i need to find a dragon?
Guest posted on Oct 02, 2004 9:44:21 AM - Report post
umm to get a dragon you go to thge weird lady that has a dragon looking cart and by a dragon egg than just keep messing with it until it hatches and my fave and the most behaved i think is the yellow ones the others just create fires all the time
cheater posted on Feb 14, 2005 9:09:54 AM - Report post
when the egg move you need 2 switch the egg tickel him a lot you get dragon trains 1 of the other 2 = for the schubs
fireburn posted on Mar 20, 2005 2:11:41 AM - Report post
to gt ur toadstalls u have 2 sit on the toadstall stall at daytime with an adult sitin on it and ull here a poping noise but the stall has to be outside
Klr_Cobra posted on Sep 09, 2006 4:33:39 PM - Report post
to get the dragon,I recently found out,you buy the Dragon Nest from Viki Vampiress.It comes with the egg,and headphones on it.yes you read right,HEADPHONES!!!!!!