Crusader Kings II Message Board  STATUS: ACTIVE - Trainers are still being considered and updated for this title as patches are released. There is no guarantee that a trainer can be made or updated but it will be reviewed by our staff.

Our Crusader Kings II Trainer is now available for version 3.3.0 XDSW and supports STEAM. Our Crusader Kings II message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
Crusader Kings II Trainer
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Trainer 2.7.2 -Console disables ironman?
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to gjw1801
    gjw1801 posted on Nov 08, 2017 8:30:48 AM - Report post
    Has anyone else experienced that activating and using the ironman console during an ironman/achievement enabled game that the game no longer recognizes achievements? Used it in a Kingdom of David achievement run and never got the achievement after forming Israel. Just curious if anyone else has experienced this.
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to godswarrior493
    godswarrior493 posted on Dec 17, 2017 11:49:38 AM - Report post
    Yea, I have had the same issue with the current 2.8.0 trainer. I have filed an update request, but that was a little while ago. It's not just the enable console option, but any option such as give gold, prestige, or piety also disables achievements.

    The paradox games need to have trainers that still allow achievements otherwise there is no point to having a trainer, you could just use the console that also disables achievements.

    the current version of the game is 2.8.1. Hopefully this one can get an update that fixes the breaking of achievements with use.
  • Current rank: 3.5 Stars. Next Rank at 8000 Posts.
    Send a message to Taurusplopp
    Taurusplopp posted on Dec 18, 2017 12:40:53 AM - Report post
    originally posted by godswarrior493

    Yea, I have had the same issue with the current 2.8.0 trainer. I have filed an update request, but that was a little while ago. It's not just the enable console option, but any option such as give gold, prestige, or piety also disables achievements.

    The paradox games need to have trainers that still allow achievements otherwise there is no point to having a trainer, you could just use the console that also disables achievements.

    the current version of the game is 2.8.1. Hopefully this one can get an update that fixes the breaking of achievements with use.

    Our trainers purpose is not achievement farming. If you don't see a point then please don't use the trainer.

    Good for health, bad for education.
  • Premium Plus
    Send a message to B4Marc
    B4Marc posted on Dec 18, 2017 1:55:45 AM - Report post
    originally posted by Taurusplopp

    originally posted by godswarrior493

    Yea, I have had the same issue with the current 2.8.0 trainer. I have filed an update request, but that was a little while ago. It's not just the enable console option, but any option such as give gold, prestige, or piety also disables achievements.

    The paradox games need to have trainers that still allow achievements otherwise there is no point to having a trainer, you could just use the console that also disables achievements.

    the current version of the game is 2.8.1. Hopefully this one can get an update that fixes the breaking of achievements with use.

    Our trainers purpose is not achievement farming. If you don't see a point then please don't use the trainer.

    Yes, I totally agree with Taurusplopp, furthermore achievements can be monetized, thus giving Steam a reason to block CH 😮

    Freedom is doing what we enjoy, happiness is enjoying what we do.

    La liberté c'est faire ce que l'on aime, le bonheur c'est aimer ce que l'on fait.

    Happy pc gamer
    Joyeux pc luron
  • Premium Plus
    Send a message to agent000_77
    agent000_77 posted on Dec 30, 2017 4:19:34 AM - Report post
    I did notice some issues, I imagine with the slight update it broke a few pointers. I imagine the CH team will update it when they get a chance. Boosted.

    Thanks! 😀
    It must be some form of DIABOLICAL MIND CONTROL!
  • Founder
    Send a message to Caliber
    Caliber posted on Dec 30, 2017 8:38:31 AM - Report post
    originally posted by agent000_77

    I did notice some issues, I imagine with the slight update it broke a few pointers. I imagine the CH team will update it when they get a chance. Boosted.

    Thanks! 😀

    Can you guys test something for me?

    Start a new Ironman game.
    Single Player
    High Middle Ages
    William the Conquerer
    Make Sure Iron Man Mode is on
    Start Game
    Let the game progress a month or two.
    Select Resign to go back to the Main Menu (is this the way to save your ironman game for later?)
    Close CK2
    Run CK2
    Load your Ironman Save
    Note lower left it says Achievements Disabled

    This has nothing to do with the trainer.

    Can you confirm this?


    Trainer Creator
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