Legions of Steel Message Board  STATUS: ACTIVE - Trainers are still being considered and updated for this title as patches are released. There is no guarantee that a trainer can be made or updated but it will be reviewed by our staff.

Our Legions of Steel Trainer is now available and supports STEAM. Our Legions of Steel message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
Legions of Steel Trainer
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  Legions of Steel Trainer
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to PWizard
    TIER 7
    PWizard posted on Dec 17, 2015 2:24:57 PM - Report post

    Options (Trainer)

    Numpad 1: Super Health (Selected Unit)
    Numpad 2: Super Movement Points (Selected Unit)

    Options (Editor)

    Edit: Unit Index
    Edit: Current Tile Index
    Edit: Initialized
    Edit: Leadership Points
    Edit: Type
    Edit: Is Human
    Edit: Is Selected
    Edit: Is Dead
    Edit: Injury Level
    Edit: Is Out
    Edit: Is Waiting To Get Out
    Edit: Hp
    Edit: Ignore Selection
    Edit: Is Waiting
    Edit: Is UnderAI Control
    Edit: Is Ai Unit
    Edit: IsNP C
    Edit: Is Hidden ByFO W
    Edit: In Dodge Mode
    Edit: Is Dodging
    Edit: Is Spreading
    Edit: Is Shooting
    Edit: Is Covering Fire Enabled
    Edit: Is Under Opponent Cover Range
    Edit: Is Suppression Enabled
    Edit: Is Auto Fire Enabled
    Edit: MaxRO F
    Edit: RO F
    Edit: Temp Rof
    Edit: Armor Modifier
    Edit: Grenade Count
    Edit: Secondary Grenade Count
    Edit: Grenade Explosion Pos
    Edit: Grenade Target Pos
    Edit: Explosion Delay
    Edit: In ThrowingG 1 Mode
    Edit: In ThrowingG 2 Mode
    Edit: Can Use Pulse Grenade
    Edit: Can Use Force Wall Grenade
    Edit: Can Use Nachtmacher Grenade
    Edit: Can Use Hand To Hand
    Edit: In Suppression Mode
    Edit: In Hand To Hand Mode
    Edit: Is Using Auto Fire
    Edit: Last Target Pos
    Edit: Has Fired
    Edit: In Cover Mode
    Edit: Will Fire
    Edit: Cf Option
    Edit: Supp LineY Intercept
    Edit: Supp Line Slope
    Edit: Suppressed Square
    Edit: Covered Square
    Edit: Unit Pos Suppressed Pos Rect
    Edit: Suppression Line Original Scale
    Edit: Is Waiting For Cover Fire
    Edit: Is Waiting For Suppression Fire
    Edit: Model Displacment
    Edit: Death Time
    Edit: Shooting Time
    Edit: Current Square
    Edit: Change Dezoom Symbols
    Edit: Lock Facing
    Edit: Direction
    Edit: Position
    Edit: Move Vector
    Edit: Test Move Vector
    Edit: Final Pos
    Edit: Is Moving
    Edit: Was Moving Before Death
    Edit: Walking Speed
    Edit: Running Speed
    Edit: Movement Rotation
    Edit: Is Visual Rotating
    Edit: Is Walking
    Edit: Is Running
    Edit: Is Stationary
    Edit: Shooting Angle
    Edit: Rotation
    Edit: Is Rotating
    Edit: Skip Rot Anim
    Edit: Angle Increment
    Edit: Last Angle Difference
    Edit: Rotation Speed
    Edit: Max Steps Per Turn
    Edit: Steps Left
    Edit: Is First Move
    Edit: Rotate Hud Available
    Edit: In Leadership Mode
    Edit: Has Move Leadership Star
    Edit: Has Fire Leadership Star
    Edit: Circle Rot Speed
    Edit: Should Not Send Next Move After Fire
    Edit: Shoot Scale Counter
    Edit: Last Cam Rot
    Edit: Last Target Kill Number
    Edit: Has Been Shot Before Firing
    Edit: Last Fire Result
    Edit: Hand To Hand Result Action Done
    Edit: Die Immediately
    Edit: Suppress After Cover
    Edit: Save Suppression Action
    Edit: Has Called Next Move
    Edit: Is Counted ForA Star

    - Super Health:
    Select a unit and press hotkey. This unit has much more HP now.

    - Super Movement Points:
    Select a unit and press hotkey and this unit has many more movement
    points. You will need to end your turn or move the unit to refresh
    the value ingame.

    The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
    The trainer does not work on Vista or older.
    Chris O'Rorke (chris@cheathappens.com)
    Owner: Cheat Happens.com
    Dingo WebWorks, LLC
    One Bad-Ass MF
    Visit AidaSkins.com for the best AIDA64 custom skins around.
  • Premium Plus
    Send a message to gb030140
    gb030140 posted on Dec 17, 2015 3:02:24 PM - Report post
    Wow that's a lot. Well worth the points
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