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    Send a message to FearandLoathing
    FearandLoathing posted on Mar 26, 2015 3:41:18 PM - Report post
    Kids aren't supposed to play M games, but they do anyway.

    An arbitrary at best rating system isn't likely to stop them from playing any other M/AO game either, because it simply hasn't to this point. The entirety of rating systems work like this, Parental Advisory albums, R rated movies...On and on and on. It isn't even shops doing it, most of the kids just have parents get it for them, or friend's parents, and then if all else fails try it and see.
  • Current rank: 4 Stars. Next Rank at 10.000 Posts.
    Send a message to Neo7
    Neo7 posted on Mar 26, 2015 7:07:13 PM - Report post
    originally posted by linesma

    originally posted by fullmetal5550

    originally posted by Neo7

    Also if you've actually studied up your history, you would know that North America's ESRB system does have an AO rating since 1994 and it does give it out to games deserving it since then.

    Here's an example of a game that was branded AO:

    So not only does a system described in the opening post exist, it has been proven for several years that it does not have this apocalyptic effect of destroying the freedom of expression in video games. I'm not sure where people get this idea from.

    Jack Thompson does not campaign for something like this (he lives in a nation where a system like that already exists). He wants something akin to the Comics Code Authority which would severely limit what could be done to earn a stamp of approval (and this is an entirely different beast).

    [Edited by Neo7, 3/26/2015 12:51:10 AM]

    Thankfully Jack Thompson was disbarred and isn't practicing law anymore.

    I too am grateful that Jack Thompson is no longer practicing. Toki, I also think that an Adults Only rating is a good thing. But it will only work if there is effective enforcement and if PARENTS actually know the ratings and use them as they are intended.

    I can't speak for the UK, but in the US the main problem is not the rating system, but a lack of education about what the ratings are and mean. For example, if you ask a person what does the movie PG-13 mean, they can give you an answer. On the other hand, if you ask them what and "M" means for a game rating, you would get a blank look.

    It's more of a lack of enforcement. Both the MPAA and ESRB rating systems are not legally enforced. They are voluntarily enforced at the store level and usually these restrictions come with it (I think most stores have similar policies for Rated R and NC-17 media respectively)

    M-Rated: You get carded when buying (refused if under 17). Parent allowed to buy for child.

    AO-Rated: Nearly all stores will refuse to sell them. Must be 18 years to buy and will be carded. Parent not allow to buy for a child.

    Even then, it's up to the person running the cashier to enforce it. Most retail stores care more for profits than they do for their policy and will only make a big stink if not following policy nets them bad PR.

    Your bitterness, I will dispel
  • Current rank: 4 Stars. Next Rank at 10.000 Posts.
    Send a message to Latiosmaster47
    Latiosmaster47 posted on Mar 26, 2015 7:30:35 PM - Report post
    I don't think they should try and make AO rated games a thing, and here's my thinking:

    There will always be 13 year olds playing games they shouldn't, and popularizing a new, more deviant rating isn't going to provide another barrier to entry for these kids. They are going to find ways to play the AO games, which if past AO games are any indication, will feature themes and motifs that are objectively horrible and lacking in any redeemable social benefit (see: Hatred Link).

    If you popularize the AO rating, it's not going to become the replacement for M rated games. It will become a new standard, and impressionable people with still forming brains might miss some attempt at satire and take games like Hatred seriously.

    Also it's not unreasonable to think that games would be skewed more towards low hanging fruit like sex and gore and violence than before. Sacrificing story, art style, and creative direction in order to turn profits by abusing young people's fascination with the taboo. It's already happened with other media, I would hate to see video games follow suit any more than they already have.

    Btw, Fajitas > All.
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