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Assassin´s Creed IV: Black Flag Trainer
Message Board for XBox 360 version
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pistols and harpooning
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to Shinigami18
    Shinigami18 posted on Nov 22, 2013 12:13:28 PM - Report post
    I have noticed that when you have any trainer options on your bullets fired from your pistols seem to only knockback your enemies/creatures EX: I shot a guy in the head at point black range with all four of my pistols and he didn't die. Now about the harpooning events if you have any trainer options on the creature you are hunting whether it be whales or sharks they simply won't take any damage at all, they won't die, also during the harpooning event with trainer options on you seem to be near DE synchronization as the screen is red and "glitchy" like when you get DE synchronized when you die. Has anyone else noticed this problem?
  • Send a message to ShadyMyk
    ShadyMyk posted on Nov 22, 2013 12:32:41 PM - Report post
    I have. I am currently in an endless loop on a GD jauguar because apparantly there is NO way to kill the Jaguar after he "pounces" on you during the struggle which is utter GARBAGE! But thats the programmers fault not CH's. And since by bullets WONT kill, it never ends and i cant get the chests on that island because of it.
    Maybe an easy kill option would help.
  • Send a message to RangerLRRP
    RangerLRRP posted on Nov 24, 2013 8:57:02 AM - Report post
    the jaguar attacking is not impossible to beat but it is the most difficult thing to get out of and very frustrating. when you get done with one attack after pressing the buttons if you do not already have your pistols ready and loaded you won't get out of that cycle till you due, but if you do have the pistols ready and loaded you can aim at the jaguar and fire and he will die, but you got to know where you are firing at.
  • Current rank: 2 Stars. Next Rank at 1000 Posts.
    Send a message to LordJB
    LordJB posted on Nov 24, 2013 9:28:16 AM - Report post
    For me the gun not doing any damage is usually caused by the infinite ally health option (/) so I keep it disabled for now, there's very few missions were you really need to actively protect a ally since they are quite capable on their own.

    If you do need it then just turn it off when in a sequence where you have to shoot someone or something to achieve a primary goal or those secondary objectives, you can turn it off in the scene where it happens and then just reload the latest checkpoint and it should work as normal from then on.
    (Or force the actor to reset/respawn by walking away and then returning though usually you are a bit limited on where you can go in actual missions.)

    Never had that issue with harpooning though that sequence and diving will cause the screen to flash red as if you were critically injured if you begin the activity with infinite health enabled but you won't die unless it's a instant kill such as a fall from high heights, long range rifle shots or a animal QTE sequence failure.
    (And again you can turn the option off and enable it when the scene has started and it should work correctly without the red screen.)

    Both have so far been quite easy to work around so I don't consider these to be more than small annoyances so far and it's probably related more to the game engine and how the scripts and such work, likely that's why the recommendation in the readme is to turn off options when they aren't needed.
    (The third game had it's quirks as well when using trainers as did the previous ones from what little I remember.)
  • Premium Plus
    Send a message to bruticus0
    TIER 7
    bruticus0 posted on Nov 25, 2013 1:06:56 PM - Report post
    I thought the "Infinite Breathe" was the culprit in my experience. Once you activate one of these, you will need to exit the game and trainer to get the gunshots to return to normal.

    Harpooning works just fine with "Inf Health" and "Inf Ship Health" and "Unlimited Items" turned on.

    As always, if you have trouble with trainer running during a certain part, just close the trainer during that sequence and turn it back on when you need it. Easy fix :P

    [Edited by bruticus0, 11/25/2013 1:08:35 PM]
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