I'm working on it, but all the "traditional" console cheats are cheat protected.
aasStats show AAS statistics
AC_qos automatically connects to the best (ping-time) server found
acceptVidMode Save the video mode settings
activateAFs activates idAFEntity based entities
activateContent Activate DLC
activateSoundMixer activates a sound mixer
addChatLine internal use - core to game chat lines
addObituaryLine internal use - core to add obituary lines
addPerformanceQuery Displays a new performance query
admin perform administration commands
applyServerConfig Applies a named server config.
autoConnect automatically connects to the first server found
bind binds a command to a key
buildFrequencies build a frequency table for the fixed huffman compressor
calcMinDist calc required min dist given [prevmindist] [prevmaxdist] [distmult] [newmaxdist] [newdistmult]
callvote call a vote to change server settings, etc
camera Sets the current view to a named camera entity, or clear the camera if no name is given
cameraNext Sets the current view to the next camera found in the map
cameraPrev Sets the current view to the previous camera found in the map
campaign perform campaign commands
cancelEvaluateServers Cancels the Evaluate Servers Message box
cancelHostMigration Cancels the Host Migration Message box
cancelSessionSearch Cancels the Session Search Message box
chatPlayerProfileIndex Chats to the user of a specified client index
clanJoinMatch Matchmake into clan challenge for given index.
clear clears the console
clearCCFModelCache removes any old entries from the ccf model cache, so systems that don't use the cache can make use of them
clearGlyphCache clears the glyph cache
clearLights clears all lights
clearPerformanceQueries Removes all performance queries
clearToolTipCookies clears all tooltip state cookies, so they will be played again
clearVirtualCache Clears physical cache, requiring all pages to be reloaded
clientReady Sets player ready for first spawn
collisionModelInfo shows collision model info
combineCubeImages combines six images for roq compression
compileRenderProgram runs through the specified (all, if no argument) renderProgram and processes it into its text form, ready for compiling
compressVirtualPageFile compress a page file
conDump dumps the console text to a file
connect connects to a server
connectHijack hijack and connect to a dedicated server
crash causes a crash
createChallenge creates a challenge with a given map
createTournament creates a tournament with given playlist settings
cubeToSkybox converts a cubemap to a skybox (uses less memory than a full cubemap but only stores half a sphere)
cutNetDemo cuts a network demo if valid markers are set
cutsceneWeaponFire Fire off the weapon for all animated actors currently not hidden.
cvar_restart restart the cvar system
cvarAdd adds a value to a cvar
cvarMultiply multiplies a value to a cvar
cycle cycles a cvar
damage apply damage to an entity
deactivateContent Deactivate DLC
deactivateSoundMixer deactivates a sound mixer
debugMapIntro Debug map intro for players.
declMemoryReport provides a memory report for loaded declarations
deleteCharacter Delete a profile character.
demiGod enables demi god mode. Can never have less than 1 health.
devmap spawns a map
dir lists a folder
dirtree lists a folder with subfolders
disconnect disconnects from a game
dumpCVars writes out all cvars to base/cvars_
dumpMemoryUsage Dumps various list* results to csv file
dumpPhysicsSet Dumps out the models for a specified physics set.
dumpProficiencyData Dumps out the proficiency events.
dumpScript unloads scripts
dumpSounds dump all sound sample info to sound_dump.csv
dumpToolTips dumps out all the tooltips to tooltips.txt
dumpWarnings dumps warnings to a text file