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Do you believe in Hell?
  • Current rank: 3.5 Stars. Next Rank at 8000 Posts.
    Send a message to Elite
    Elite posted on Apr 06, 2011 3:06:58 PM - Report post
    I'm open to the possibility that something beyond our understanding was somehow responsible for setting in motion a sequence of seemingly random events which lead to a structured universe.

    Evidence to support is that if any of the most basic fundamental forces in the universe (gravity, electromagnetism etc) were even slightly stronger or weaker than they currently are, life and possibly even stars and planets couldn't exist. This would strongly suggest something would of had to fine-tune the universe for it to exist as it is.

    Just because I believe this however doesn't mean I submit to a religion of any kind. In my opinion they are like a disease. They impose beliefs upon people when they are at an age where they cannot make an informed decision. Also the significance religions seem to imply that the human race hold in the grand scheme of everything is frankly laughable. We live on a speck of dust that has existed infinitesimal amount of time. Why would a being that has created something as vast as that care what we think or what we choose to do in our day to day lifes.

    He's been here for so long yet he's only made himself known once with Eliteitude...after that...not much else.

    Posted by Neo 19/1/10

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    Send a message to Slvrbuu
    Slvrbuu posted on Apr 06, 2011 4:51:37 PM - Report post
    I find it hard to believe that hell (and it's ruler of many names) is allowed to exist but heaven (and god) does not. The only reason I say that heaven is more then likely not real, or not what it is said to be, is because the amount of chaos and catastrophe and evil that is allowed to exist with so little good.

    Like the Earthquake and Tsunami that recently hit Japan and then a nuclear reactor threatens explosion and radiation. The several hurricanes recently. The Trade Towers, the Middle east warring. Uncontrollable diseases. With very little good happening. I'll be it the many donations to aid the recently devastated is always good to see and hear about. The recent aid in some local education was nice to hear, and so on so forth, but nothing on a global scale, that helps thousands to millions. Of course, I personally discount any medical or educational advancements that cost the victim/student their entire life and home just to live.

    These are just my opinions, I mean no offense to any who disagree. I am not bashing or flaming faith or religion.
    "The tools may be more effective than those who battled before you but make no mistake, you are no less a barbarian than your ancestors with their clubs and rocks. The only difference now is you do it without honor; cowering behind your guns, your bombs. You don't use tactic, just force..."
  • Send a message to Serivor
    Serivor posted on Apr 06, 2011 6:39:40 PM - Report post
    I was a Christian and believed in God, Heaven and Hell. My mom is extremely religious and doesn't know my current beliefs, I just try and make her happy so I let her pray for me and such. But when I went to college, I slowly discovered so many different things and in my classes we discussed religion so much that I actually convinced myself out of believing in God. I suppose you can say I was educated out of religion.

    But I mean, nothing is ever certain, so I'm comfortably Agnostic.
  • Current rank: 3 Stars. Next Rank at 4000 Posts.
    Send a message to zorrodude
    zorrodude posted on Apr 06, 2011 6:51:14 PM - Report post
    I do not believe in a hell, nor do I believe in a heaven. But I do believe in some sort of afterlife that the human brain can not comprehend.

    But I would believe in a heaven before I believe in hell. I would state my reasons but then it would turn into a debate that I don't have the time or energy to endure so... That's my opinion. It isn't right nor is it wrong.
  • Current rank: 3 Stars. Next Rank at 4000 Posts.
    Send a message to fault2k
    fault2k posted on Apr 06, 2011 8:33:48 PM - Report post
    I agree with you on everything except not believing in God to be far fetched.

    We have explained plenty of God's away, I think jumping to conclusions is a bit far fetched, but this is way off topic so yea.

    As you said it's far fetched to you, i was just interjecting my opinion.

    Directed at Darkish, quote thingy messed up.

    [Edited by fault2k, 4/6/2011 8:43:44 PM]
    Doing some old school gaming.

    /--\- Am apparently still allowed here! :D
  • Current rank: 3 Stars. Next Rank at 4000 Posts.
    Send a message to Petray
    Petray posted on Apr 07, 2011 10:08:42 AM - Report post
    I don't believe in heaven or hell. Do you seriously think that if there was a being that created the universe, a being so brilliant and magnificent, that it would hold separate dimensions or even separate rooms for all the "good" and "bad" people out there? What even defines a "good" or a "bad" person?

    As we've moved on as a species, we have discovered science. It's not just some mumbo-jumbo made up to scare people into believing in it, like a lot of religions seem to be, science and math are just cold hard facts, which means that if an intelligent being created us, it was extremely, extremely smart and wouldn't have such simple minded, early human civilization ideas of good and bad and heaven and hell. Who is to say that murder is wrong? After all we're just protecting ourselves by making it illegal and "unmoral". Wouldn't animals make it illegal too, if they had the ability?

    If there is a god, and if there is in fact an afterlife, then it would be so much more mind-blowingly awesome than we could ever comprehend, and so, I'm not going to dwell on what I believe it could be.
    I rock.
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