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POLL: Legalize
  • Current rank: 3.5 Stars. Next Rank at 8000 Posts.
    Send a message to HonestGamer
    HonestGamer posted on Oct 30, 2010 9:32:41 AM - Report post
    I say no because normal cigerette smoking is enough to kill you already and its legal...
    Life is best for those who enjoy it, difficult for those who analyze it and worst for those who criticize it.
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    Send a message to Dhampy
    Dhampy posted on Oct 30, 2010 10:32:53 AM - Report post
    originally posted by SuperSkyline89

    Same here in Canada, America's the only civilized country without social medicine, it's shocking how different things are down there because of that. My aunt in Chicago is practically drowning in medical bills because of a respiratory problem. After seeing that I'd never even consider living in a country with no health coverage.

    If you don't know how to work the system, then you DESERVE to be drowning in bills.

    There is no reasonable excuse for paying money for medical care in the US--there are loopholes in everything so big that the planet Jupiter could pass through and not touch the edges.

    In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'

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  • Send a message to SuperSkyline89
    SuperSkyline89 posted on Oct 30, 2010 2:09:30 PM - Report post
    originally posted by Dhampy

    If you don't know how to work the system, then you DESERVE to be drowning in bills.

    There is no reasonable excuse for paying money for medical care in the US--there are loopholes in everything so big that the planet Jupiter could pass through and not touch the edges.

    That's a bull**** excuse for a system that doesn't work.

    I wouldn't know anything about these loopholes but I assume you either get insurance through an employer plan or you pay for a plan out of pocket. Neither of those work so well after a divorce from an abusive piece of ****, an illness that means you can't leave the house without an oxygen tank, and spending the last 6 years putting two kids through college.

  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to ElGuybrush
    ElGuybrush posted on Oct 31, 2010 2:00:20 PM - Report post
    Legalization would greatly increase govenment profits from "sin taxes" meaning that your taxes could go down.

    InRe to people who say it's a bad idea to make it easily available, When I was growing up weed was much easier to get than booze, so I just don't follow your logic.

    Furthermore, people convicted of marijuana offenses only probably don't deserve prison time, and are actually clogging up the justice system.

    Marijuana is the bread and butter of the Mexican drug cartels, by legalizing and regulating we would be cutting off a major fund for them, stabilizing our southern border

    Hemp is an extremely useful product for fabrics, oils, you name it. It is also very hardy, able to grow in conditions where many other plants would not. America needs all the exports it can get to stay viable.

    It was originally banned because of pressure from the cotton industry, to which hemp was a competitor. Nowadays alcohol companies are lobbying to keep it illegal. They're afraid that if more people smoke weed fewer people will go and get drunk.

    Between marijuana and alcohol, there is no contest at all as to which is more deleterious for you, mentally and physically. Alcohol was legalized because we could not stop people from enjoying their vice, and it is much worse for you than marijuana ever was.

    Given all of this, I believe marijuana is long overdue for legalization
  • Send a message to Greendaysuks136
    Greendaysuks136 posted on Nov 01, 2010 6:56:02 PM - Report post
    Go ahead, legalize it. I don't smoke the stuff, and I don't care if other people do. Hell, it might make it easier for me to bum money off of them. Borrow $20 while they're s***faced and they might forget I owe them money. It's a win-win situation.
  • Current rank: 2 Stars. Next Rank at 1000 Posts.
    Send a message to Foxxie-kun
    Foxxie-kun posted on Nov 01, 2010 8:07:25 PM - Report post
    Yes, legalize it.

    Properly regulated, taxed, and distributed, we'd free immense space for prisons in America to house real criminals (Violent Offenders, Hard Narcotics like Meth and Cocaine, etc.), and not have to cut loose sex predators who prey on children/teens at a mere half or less of their term being up.

    The taxes would go to greatly improving the economic status of the nation, as where marijuana users have to rely on getting to a safe and discreet back-alley or red-light-district dealer who charges twice the price for half the weed (While not telling them the weed is only half Marijuana and is cut with worthless dried herbs/grass), government regulated marijuana sales, despite being taxed, would likely still be cheaper economically because for a little more than one used to pay, they get all marijuana and no inert/worthless random shrubs.

    Regulated sales to only those whom are legal adults (Alcohol and tobacco's "21 or over" laws ring a bell?), and restricting use to private residences (Many states/counties have public consumption of alcohol as a misdemeanor offense punishable by several applicable fines and repeat offenses with a felony charge, and of course the "No Smoking" signs in literally every public restaurant and such) will help as well.

    Entrepreneurs could also open "Weed Friendly" bars, and will apply for a state liquor and/or Marijuana license to sell their products, making way for new jobs in many communities.

    The economical and societal good it could potentially do is near endless, while the expenditures and effort made to stonewall what is essentially Alcohol delivered like Tobacco into the body is pretty pathetic.

    Alcohol is a depressant substance that impairs vision, reaction time, decision making, etc., and marijuana is proven less physically addictive than caffiene (Any of you who've had an energy drink or cola in the past day might feel the effects of wanting more of it, and with Marijuana, you wouldn't as much if at all).

    And I don't see how marijuana users who drive while high could be nearly as bad as drunk drivers. They enter a VERY relaxed state, get the munchies (Or dry-mouth symptoms), slowed reaction time, but in the friends I've talked to, none of them had impaired vision, and while they were a bit "slower" mentally, they still were able to remain rational and coherent to an extent far exceeding those whom suffer alcohol intoxication.

    The one friend I had who was a regular user used to be one of the friendliest guys around. A few months after his father passed away, he became very bitter and caustic, and eventually ticked our mutual friends off enough to where they had him banned from all three of their forums they had together, even the one where he was the one who came up with the name of the forum.

    Aside from him, a great many marijuana users I know are very friendly and honest people, indulge in moderation, and are very adamant about ensuring they never drive while "toasted" (Their term they like to use).

    I've heard some people lock their car keys into a small box, give it to their "Designated Key Keeper", whom is not allowed to unlock the box and retrieve keys until the next day when everyone has come down and had a good night's rest and/or some coffee.

    A majority of marijuana users are far more responsible than many alcohol consumers in my experience.
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