Our Palworld +142 trainer is now available for version 16989962 / 0.6.5089.0 V2 and supports STEAM, XBOX GAMEPASS FOR WINDOWS. These Palworld cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game.
1. Palworld Trainer 16989962 / 0.6.5089.0 V2 (STEAM / WIN, XBOX GP)
You have chosen to download our Palworld Trainer which supports the STEAM & XBOX GAMEPASS FOR WIN version(s) of the game. If this is not correct, please go back and choose the correct trainer for your distribution or the trainer will likely fail.
• Invulnerable
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• No Spoil Timeout
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Slot 1 (Inventory)
• Edit: Slot 1 (Inventory Hotbar)
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
Updated: January 22, 2025
Game Version: 16989962 / 0.6.5089.0 V2
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 5505 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
2. Palworld Trainer 16989962 / 0.6.5089.0 (STEAM / WIN, XBOX GP)
You have chosen to download our Palworld Trainer which supports the STEAM & XBOX GAMEPASS FOR WIN version(s) of the game. If this is not correct, please go back and choose the correct trainer for your distribution or the trainer will likely fail.
• Invulnerable
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: January 16, 2025
Game Version: 16989962 / 0.6.5089.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 1996 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
Having trouble getting our trainer to work? These steps resolve 99% of all trainer issues.
• Temporarily disable/uninstall all antivirus, firewall and other security software.
• Right click and choose "Run as Administrator" on trainer and game.
• Make sure trainer version matches game version and distribution.
Also available for:
• Invulnerable
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: January 15, 2025
Game Version: 16989962 / 0.6.4723.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 301 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: January 07, 2025
Game Version: 16843582 / 0.6.4723.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 3244 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: December 05, 2024
Game Version: 16610016 / 0.6.3518.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 8129 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: September 19, 2024
Game Version: 15677958 / 0.0.59113.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 7033 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: September 17, 2024
Game Version: 15677958 / 0.0.57672.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 310 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: September 02, 2024
Game Version: 15435742 / 0.0.57672.0 HF
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 1380 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: August 30, 2024
Game Version: 15435742 / 0.0.57672.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 426 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: August 22, 2024
Game Version: 15435742 / 0.0.56710.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 877 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: August 15, 2024
Game Version: 15305453 / 0.0.56710.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 808 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: August 02, 2024
Game Version: 15132819 / 0.0.56710.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 1775 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: July 30, 2024
Game Version: 15132819 / 0.0.55495.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 545 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: July 08, 2024
Game Version: 14917963 / 0.0.55495.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 4707 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: July 01, 2024
Game Version: 14833284 / 0.0.55495.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 2539 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: June 27, 2024
Game Version: 14833284 / 0.0.55394.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 2066 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: May 15, 2024
Game Version: 14326303 / 0.0.51134.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 3693 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: April 17, 2024
Game Version: 14008371 / 0.0.51134.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 3145 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: April 09, 2024
Game Version: 13947002 / 0.0.48589.0 HF2
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 1640 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: April 08, 2024
Game Version: 13947002 / 0.0.48589.0 HF
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 435 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: April 05, 2024
Game Version: 13947002 / 0.0.48589.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 1251 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: April 04, 2024
Game Version: 13920759 / 0.0.48589.0 HF
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 275 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: April 04, 2024
Game Version: 13920759 / 0.0.48589.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 49 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: February 28, 2024
Game Version: 02/27/24 / 0.0.48589.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 10623 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: February 27, 2024
Game Version: 02/27/24 / 0.0.47396.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 862 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Harvest Multiplier
Updated: February 07, 2024
Game Version: 2/7/2024 / 0.0.47396.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 28447 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
Updated: February 05, 2024
Game Version: 2/1/2024 / 0.0.47396.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 6906 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
Updated: February 02, 2024
Game Version: 2/1/2024 / 0.0.47396.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 16572 times
This cheat has been scanned and is virus
and adware free.
• Invulnerable
• Immortal Mode
• Unlimited Health
• Unlimited Pal Health
• Unlimited Stamina
• Unlimited Satiety
• Super Damage
• %100 Pal Capture Rate
• All Pals Are Lucky / Rare
• No Pal Skill Cooldown
• Unlimited Weapon Durability
• No Grappling Hook Cooldown
• No Reload
• No Recoil
• No Hunger
• Zero Weight
• Unlimited Stat Points
• Unlimited Technology Points
• Unlock All Technology Recipes
• Unlimited EXP
• Free Build
• Instant Build
• Free Craft
• Instant Craft
• No Base Build Limit
• No Frostbite
• Unlimited Partner Ability (Lifmunk Recoil)
• Instant Pal Breed
• Instant Egg Hatch
• %100 Drop Rate
• Build Anywhere
• Unlimited Base Buildings Health
• Decrease Body Temperature
• Increase Body Temperature
• Advance Time
• Freeze Time
• Decrease Time
• Refresh Inventory Editor
• Prevent Ammo and Item Depletion
• Add 5 Keys to Each Key Item
• Unlimited Lifmunk Effigies
• Subtract 5 Keys From Each Key Item
• Fly
• No Clip
• Hover Player Higher
• Hover Player Lower
• Increase Player Speed
• Decrease Player Speed
• Set Normal Player Speed
• Increase Jump Height
• Decrease Jump Height
• Set Normal Jump Height
• Decrease Gravity
• Increase Gravity
• Set Normal Gravity
• Decrease Enemy Speed
• Increase Enemy Speed
• Freeze Enemies
• Set Normal Enemy Speed
• Save Position Slot 1
• Save Position Slot 2
• Save Position Slot 3
• Save Position Slot 4
• Save Position Slot 5
• Restore Position Slot 1
• Restore Position Slot 2
• Restore Position Slot 3
• Restore Position Slot 4
• Restore Position Slot 5
• Game Speed
• Unlimited Satiety
• Edit: EXP
• Edit: EXP Multiplier
• Edit: Level
• Edit: Stat Points
• Edit: Technology Points
• Edit: Ancient Technology Points
• Edit: Money Multiplier
• Edit: Damage Multplier
• Edit: Slot 1
• Edit: Slot 2
• Edit: Slot 3
• Edit: Slot 4
• Edit: Slot 5
• Edit: Slot 6
• Edit: Slot 7
• Edit: Slot 8
• Edit: Slot 9
• Edit: Slot 10
• Edit: Slot 11
• Edit: Slot 12
• Edit: Slot 13
• Edit: Slot 14
• Edit: Slot 15
• Edit: Slot 16
• Edit: Slot 17
• Edit: Slot 18
• Edit: Slot 19
• Edit: Slot 20
• Edit: Slot 21
• Edit: Slot 22
• Edit: Slot 23
• Edit: Slot 24
• Edit: Slot 25
• Edit: Slot 26
• Edit: Slot 27
• Edit: Slot 28
• Edit: Slot 29
• Edit: Slot 30
• Edit: Slot 31
• Edit: Slot 32
• Edit: Slot 33
• Edit: Slot 34
• Edit: Slot 35
• Edit: Slot 36
• Edit: Slot 37
• Edit: Slot 38
• Edit: Slot 39
• Edit: Slot 40
• Edit: Slot 41
• Edit: Slot 42
• Edit: Slot 43
• Edit: Slot 44
• Edit: Slot 45
• Edit: Slot 46
• Edit: Slot 47
• Edit: Slot 48
• Edit: Slot 49
• Edit: Slot 50
• Edit: Lifmunk Effigies
• Edit: Key Amount to Add or Remove
• Edit: Player Speed Multiplier
• Edit: Jump Multiplier
• Edit: Gravity Multiplier
• Edit: Enemy Speed Multiplier
Updated: February 01, 2024
Game Version: 2/1/2024 / 0.0.47075.0
Compatibility: Win 7
, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11+
Contributor: -DEViL-
Downloaded: 5643 times
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