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    ReActif posted on Nov 30, 2018 11:42:43 AM - Report post
    Just a note for users of the Kaspersky antivirus.

    You need to be aware that the game is not compatible with Kaspersky at all (multiple cases reported).

    When you go to play, your game goes freeze constantly to the same place "the city" and thereafter the backup makes freeze the game away and the game creates a DMP file of several GB each time.

    All attempts at resolution have been futile. it has been shown that even by disabling Kaspersky the game crashes but by completely uninstalling it the game works.

    For BitDefender it seems that a simple exclusion is enough but for Kaspersky the concern will be in one of the drivers that even loads with Kaspersky not started in Windows.

    There are many other problems, but we all have solutions that are easily or almost easily found. But hey I think knowing that will probably help a lot of people not to assume an interaction from the Trainer (it works very well)

    However, if one day Kaspersky is patched or the game to correct that (I doubt it) There may be cases where it works despite Kaspersky's presence, but it was not possible to verify it or to know which versions it could be.

    Well it had no connection with the trainer but it can help I think.
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