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    Sweepz posted on Feb 18, 2018 10:51:59 AM - Report post
    originally posted by plasticARMYguy

    I tried to calm, I tried to be civil, now I am getting very annoyed because no one is man enough to give me a straight answer. Is there or is there not a true god mode for this game. I do not care where it comes from. Someone give me a straight answer.

    [Edited by moderator Taurusplopp, 2/18/2018 9:48:38 AM]

    I think it's more likely that people here just don't have a straight answer than not being "man enough" to give it to you. There is an Infinite Health option on the trainer, that works in giving you unlimited health. If game mechanics such as bleeding overrule that then it isn't the fault of the trainer, that's the game mechanics themselves.

    Former Trainer Monkey.