 - Chapter 01
 - Chapter 02
 - Chapter 03
 - Chapter 04
 - Chapter 05
 - Chapter 06
 - Chapter 07
 - Chapter 08
 - Chapter 09
 - Chapter 10
 - Chapter 11
 - Chapter 12
 Database Files

== Tram Station ==

Objective Added:
[ ] Retrieve the Captain's RIG

The captain's body made it down to the morgue, probably before the ship was totally compromised. Nicole worked on this deck. Maybe I can find something... anything showing that she's still alive.

Step out of the tram and walk toward the female crew member up ahead. There is a !!STORE!! off to the left. The woman will hand over the ++KINESIS MODULE++ before she plummets to the floor. You can use the R2 (or RB) button while standing over her to check for signs of life or simply to make sure that she is dead. It appears so... or, well, now at least.

The --KINESIS MODULE-- database will be received after Isaac picks up the module. This handy little device will allow Isaac to grapple onto objects by aiming and pressing O (or B). Collect the --SMALL MED PACK-- from near the body bags in the sitting area then use the kinesis module to move the metal crates that are blocking the hall ahead. Grapple them by aiming at them then tap O (or B) and move them toward the tram. Press the R1 (or RT) button to launch them. The kinesis module has some really good grappling range by default but it can also be upgraded at an Upgrade Bench.

Objects that are grappled with the kinesis module can be fired at enemies to damage them. Normal objects don't really do that much damage but certain blade objects that can be found around the game will actually cut off appendages. Whenever a fan (vent) is found along the side of a wall or ceiling it can be destroyed with weapon fire and the fan blade from inside can be picked up with kinesis and shot at an enemy to cut off an appendage. Items can also be grappled and brought to Isaac through the use of kinesis, which will come in handy for a few item pickups spread throughout the game.

The --SCHEMATICS-- database file will appear as you walk toward the --FLAMETHROWER SCHEMATIC--. Schematics are held in Isaac's inventory when they are picked up and they will automatically be used at a Store to add the corresponding weapon or item to the store list - there is a Store in the next room, so you don't have to backtrack to the previous one.

[ ] --"Kinesis Module" database file--
[ ] Small Med Pack
[ ] --"Schematic" database file--
[ ] Flamethrower Schematic

== Security Station ==

Objective Added
[ ] Find the Thermite

There's some thermite stored near the Main Lab. A small amount of that, plus a timed electrical charge, and I should be able to blow through that barricade.

[ ] Find the Shock Pad

A portable defibrillator should provide enough juice to detonate the thermite. There's one in Zero-G Therapy, according to Hammond.

The --DESTROY THE BARRICADE-- database file will play as Isaac enters the Security Station. Pick up the --3000 CREDITS-- from the floor along with the --RANDOM AMMO-- from the group of body bags against the back right wall. There is also an --ITEM BOX-- and an --ITEM LOCKER-- to the side. Save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! and use the !!STORE!! if needed then open the door directly ahead.

[ ] --"Destroy the Barricade" database file--
[ ] 3000 Credits
[ ] Item Box,
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Random Ammo

== Main Lab ==

The --SECONDARY FIRE-- database file will appear as Isaac enters the hall. There is some --RANDOM AMMO-- among the left set of body bags down the hall. Recharge your stasis at the stasis recharger if needed then shoot the slamming door up ahead with stasis to slow it down and then move by it. Open the next door to enter the lab.

[ ] --"Secondary Fire" database file--
[ ] Random Ammo


An --ITEM CONTAINER-- is to the left and some --RANDOM AMMO-- is around the left side of the wall up ahead. As you move further into the room, the doors will seal off as the area quarantines itself. A total of four Slashers will attack. Put your back to a wall, preferably a corner and shoot them. You might want to use stasis. Don't stand near the entrance door since a Slasher will bust through the vent on the left side after the first three are defeated. View Screenshot

[ ] Item Container
[ ] Random Ammo

The area will still be under quarantine for the time being, which means there is still something in here! Rush over to the lift on the far side of the room and use the controls to take it down. A crawling Slasher will attack from off to the right as Isaac steps off the lift. Once you move into the middle of the room four Slashers will attack - one of them moves out of vent from near the elevator, so watch for him if you run back there. The quarantine will be lifted once the Slashers are finished.

Don't worry about the surrounding unlocked rooms just yet. Use the stasis recharger on the first left column across from the elevator if needed. Run to the end of the right hallway further ahead then grab the two --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups and the --MERCER'S JOURNAL-- database file as you move along the hall. Return to the middle portion of the area.

[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] --"Mercer's Journal" database file--


Enter the room directly across from the elevator and pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- and --KYNE AND THE CAPTAIN-- database file from inside. Turn your attention to the bookcase and grapple it with the kinesis module then move it to the left. View ScreenshotStep into the hidden room behind the bookcase then open the --ITEM LOCKERS-- to the right and pick up the --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- and the --MARKER OVERVIEW-- database file. Leave the room.

[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] --"Kyne and the Captain" database file--
[ ] Item Locker,
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Gold Semiconductor,
[ ] --"Marker Overview" database file--

Enter the room off to the right up ahead and smash the --ITEM BOX-- then raid the --ITEM LOCKERS-- and step back outside. Open the door near the lift. Collect the items from the --ITEM LOCKERS-- then save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!!. Open the next door to enter the Bio Lab.

[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker

== Bio Lab ==

Walk down the hall and the lights will begin to change color. A researcher will appear behind the glass window up ahead. Some sort of creature will kill him from the other side. Take the --RANDOM AMMO-- from the right corner near the window.

Yep, we have to go in that room! Walk around the left corner then open the door to the room. It's so quiet now. Walk further into the room and a Lurker will appear. These small enemies are actually infant necromorphs but they are really more annoying than Slashers. The quickest way to defeat them is to shoot their three appendages right before they attack. Shoot off a few or all three appendages to highly damage them. The Plasma Cutter can easily defeat them but the Line Gun can do some serious damage to multiple appendages. They have a close range lunge and you'll have to tap the X (or A) button to escape from it.

The Flamethrower is one of the best weapons to use against a Lurker when they are fought in groups with no other enemies around. Wait for their tentacle appendages to move out of their back then shoot them with the Flamethrower's secondary fire flame burst and this will set them on fire and burn all three appendages at once. Allow the flames to burn one of them then shoot it again shortly before the flames extinguish.


Smash the --ITEM BOX-- after the fight then pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- from around the side of the right desk. Use the lift to reach the top walkway. Two more Lurkers will attack on the top walkway. View ScreenshotThere is a --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup behind the first set of water tanks to the left. Go through the door up ahead followed by the next door.

[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Item Box

== Main Lab ==


Pick up the two --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups along with the --POWER NODE-- from the container along the wall up ahead. Pick up the ++THERMITE++ to fulfill the first objective. View Screenshot

Objective Complete:
[X] Find the Thermite

The --"FOUND THE THERMITE"-- database file will play after colleting the thermite. Open the door directly ahead. Go through the next door that leads back out to the lab. Use stasis to hold the slamming door then move back to the hallway behind it. If you need a stasis recharge then return to the bottom floor via the elevator and there is a stasis recharger on the first left column in the area below.

Two Slashers will attack from the top of the ramp behind the slamming door. Use stasis to help you out in fighting them since there is a stasis recharger on the wall across from the slamming door anyway. Enter the Security Station once again.

[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Power Node
[ ] ++THERMITE++,
[ ] --"Found the Thermite" database file--

== Security Station ==

Enter the next door to the side. We still need to find the Shock Pad.

== Imaging Diagnostics Wing ==


The lights will go off as Isaac moves around the corner up ahead. A person is up ahead - what in the world is he doing? Ah, only headbanging to some sweet tunes, no doubt. View Screenshot Grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- then recharge your stasis at the stasis recharger if needed.

[ ] Random Ammo

== Imaging Diagnostics Room ==

A Stinger will quickly move by the railing up ahead but it won't attack. Collect the --INTERESTING RESULTS-- database file from in front of the railing and use the !!UPGRADE BENCH!! If needed. The room to the left can be opened if you examine the controls to the right of it and use one Power Node on it.

[ ] --"Interesting Results" database file--

== Power Node Room ==

Open the --ITEM LOCKERS-- then pick up the --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- and the --MERCER AND KYNE-- database file.

[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Gold Semiconductor
[ ] --"Mercer and Kyne" database file--

== Imaging Diagnostics Room ==


Move up the ramp to the right to receive the --KINESIS SYMBOL-- database file. Basically, any object that has the blue and white overhead symbol displayed on the big cylinder with the overhead platform up ahead can be grappled and dragged with the kinesis module. View Screenshot Grapple the cylinder with the overhead platform using your kinesis module then drag it all the way to the left, as far as it can go. You'll need to step back down the ramp to drag it.

Run across the ramp and prepare to fight off the two Stingers that appear on the other side. View Screenshot Open the door to the room along the left side of the next area. The person on the floor will break out in convulsions then eventually die when Isaac walks around the side of the table - Isaac has that effect on people, I suppose. View Screenshot Pick up the --POWER NODE--, --RANDOM AMMO-- and the --PULSE ROUNDS SCHEMATIC-- from inside the room. A Slasher will bust through a vent and attack from the side near the door after some of the items are collected. Leave the room.


Use kinesis to pick up the glowing power unit (oval shaped lit up object) outside of the room then place it into the red glowing plug area (the hole next to the lift) and let go of it. View Screenshot The power unit will not fit all the way inside, so don't fiddle too much with it or it won't fit right. The best way to plug these in is to simply walk toward the plug with the power unit in front of Isaac then release it once it is just about all the way in. Take the lift to the second floor.

[ ] --"Kinesis Symbol" database file--
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Power Node,
[ ] Pulse Rounds Schematic

Walk toward the gap up ahead. If the platform is not over the gap then use kinesis to move it over the gap then cross it. View Screenshot A Stinger will move out of a vent along the wall up ahead then a Slasher will attack from the right. Use stasis if needed since there is a stasis recharger on the right wall up ahead. Move around the corner then use kinesis to slide the platform over the gap directly ahead on the other side.

Use the !!SAVE STATION!! on the left wall to save your game. Walk over to the purple fuse box on the right side of the locked door and attack it to unlock the door. A simple stomp will destroy it since it is low. Open the door and continue into the next room and open the next door after that.

== Zero-G Therapy Area ==


Isaac will enter a vacuum area. These areas have no air, so Isaac's oxygen meter will appear. The --AIR TIMER-- database file will appear once Isaac moves ahead. Cancel it quickly since you need to get through this area fast before the oxygen gauge is depleted. These areas have only dull sounds, so enemies can sneak up on you easily in a vacuum area, but there are no enemies in this particular hull breach. View Screenshot

When Isaac reaches the first section without wall, look off to the right and grapple the --LINE RACKS-- floating out in space to bring them toward Isaac then collect them. Run to the left and open the three --ITEM LOCKERS-- along the way. While standing near the door on the other side, move against the side without wall and look to the right past the door to see a blinking item very far off in the distance - grapple these --10000 CREDITS-- and collect them. Quickly get to the door on the other side and open it. Move into the room and the door will seal off behind Isaac then oxygen will fill the room again. Isaac's oxygen gauge will automatically recharge every time that he enters an area with air.

[ ] --"Air Timer" database file--
[ ] Line Racks
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] 10000 Credits

== Zero-G Therapy Hallway ==

The --SHIP GRAVITY-- database file will play once Isaac steps further into this hallway. Open the next door.

[ ] --"Ship Gravity" database file--

== Zero-G Therapy ==

Use the console to deactivate the gravity in the room. This area is your first introduction to a zero gravity room. The --ZERO-G MOVEMENT-- database file will be received after deactivating the gravity. Isaac can step on just about any surface (walls and ceilings) in rooms with zero gravity. To move from one surface to the other, hold the L1 (or LT) button to aim then move the cursor over a desired area and tap the /\ (or Y) button to jump to that surface - this is known as a "Zero-G jump". If Isaac can't jump to a surface then the ammo gauge on his gun will flash red.


If you look around the room well enough, then you'll spot an --ITEM BOX-- floating in the center area along with the red explosive canisters. Use kinesis to grab the item box then smash it against the floor by pointing it toward the floor and firing it with R1 (or RT). Move along the walls then hop over to the walkway on the other side. Grapple the nearby power unit then place it into the power plug on the right wall while on the other side and this will unlock the door on that side. View Screenshot

[ ] --"Zero-G Movement" database file--
[ ] Item Box

== Zero-G Therapy Room ==


Open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- and --ITEM LOCKER-- then pick up the --1000 CREDITS-- near the door and the ++SHOCK PAD++ on the table to the side. The --FOUND THE SHOCK PAD-- database file will play after picking up the Shock Pad. View Screenshot

[ ] 1000 Credits
[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] ++SHOCK PAD++,
[ ] --"Found the Shock Pad" database file--

Objecting Complete:
[X] Find the Shock Pad

Objective Added:
[ ] Destroy the Barricade

Once I've put together an explosive, I can blow up the barricade. Then I need to make my way through the Emergency wing and find the Morgue.

Reenter the zero gravity room.

== Zero-G Therapy ==


Two Stingers will attack in this room this time. View Screenshot Jump off of the current platform to gain some more space for fighting them. Grapple a red explosive canister with kinesis and launch it at them. They like to perform a prolonged lunge in zero gravity, so move away when you see them flying toward Isaac. View Screenshot Leave the room by opening the door on the other side and stepping through then continue to the vacuum area.

== Zero-G Therapy Area ==

This area can be a little unnerving on your first time through. A Slasher will attack further ahead. View Screenshot Shoot him like you normally would. Notice how there is practically no noise when shooting or confronting an enemy in a vacuum - it really builds tension for these areas! Silent death! There is only one Slasher outside, so run to the other end and open the door. Another Slasher will attack in the next room while the vacuum is still active, so shoot him quickly. View Screenshot

== Image Diagnostics Area ==


Be sure to save your game again at the save station further ahead then return to the Security Station once again. Use kinesis to pull the platform over to the other side when you go to cross the gap along that side. A Slasher will bust out of the vent near the lift View Screenshot and a Stinger will attack once Isaac moves down the lift. Don't be afraid to use stasis since a charger is in the next room on the way back.

== Hallway to Imaging Diagnostics ==

A new enemy - Spiders - will attack in this hallway. View Screenshot Take out your pulse rifle and shoot them while they are gathered. The flamethrower works well also. You need some sort of weapon with a spreading ammo (Force Gun, Contact Beam) to fight off these enemies better - sadly, you don't have this right now. If they jump on Isaac then mash the X (or A) button to knock them off and destroy them. They can take quite a bit of health from Isaac in groups, so don't let them get on him when they are packed. Recharge your stasis at the stasis recharger then return to the Security Station.

== Security Station ==

Now that Isaac is back in the Security Station, walk over to the barricade on the other side of the room and choose to place the thermite bomb on it to destroy it. View Screenshot

Objective Complete:
[X] Destroy the Barricade

The --BARRICADE DESTROYED-- database file will be received when walking toward the door that was behind the barricade and a new objective will be added.

[ ] --"Barricade Destroyed" database file--

Objective Added:
[ ] Retrieve the Captain's RIG

The captain's body made it down to the morgue, probably before the ship was totally comprised. Nicole worked on this deck. Maybe I can find something... anything showing that she's still alive.

Open the door on the other side of the barricade.

== Clinic Hallway ==

Pick up the --NICOLE'S REPORT-- database file from the floor up ahead then the --WE'LL FIND HER-- database file will play right after viewing the report. Continue around the corner of the hall ahead then open the next door.

[ ] --"Nicole's Report" database file
[ ] --"We'll Find Her" database file--

== Clinic ==

Smash the single --ITEM BOX-- on the left side of the Clinic then open the next door to the right. View Screenshot

[ ] Item Box

== Emergency Room ==


Two Lurkers are in the area, so take out the flamethrower and light up this dark room with carnage! Wait for them to showcase their appendages then shoot them with a flame burst secondary fire. View Screenshot

Move directly ahead then pick up the --LINE RACKS-- from near the first bed to the right. An --ITEM BOX-- is between some beds up ahead and --1000 CREDITS-- is near the far wall. There is a --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup below the drip stands that are near the power unit on the side of the room. Go ahead and pick up the power unit with kinesis and place it in the power plug to unlock the door up ahead. There is a stasis recharger on the left side of this room. Don't go through the door just yet. Enter the open room across from the door then open the --ITEM LOCKERS-- inside then exit the room through the newly unlocked door.

[ ] Line Racks
[ ] Item Box
[ ] 1000 Credits
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker

== ER Hallway A ==


When Isaac enters this room, a Lurker will run to the right down the corridor up ahead. View Screenshot Soon the Lurker will step back out and a Slasher will join him as both dash toward Isaac. Defeat them, then turn your attention to the locked door to the right. Place a Power Node in the controls to the right of it to unlock the door then step inside.

== Power Node Room ==

Grab the many --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups and the --LINE RACKS SCHEMTIC-- then smash the --ITEM BOX-- and raid the --ITEM LOCKERS--.

[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Line Racks Schematic

== ER Hallway A ==

Back out in the hallway, continue to the right. Further ahead, some Slashers and a Stinger will attack. One of the Slashers will appear from behind Isaac, so watch for him.

Pick up the --EILEEN-- database file from the floor to the left of the next door up ahead. Don't go through the door just yet, move down the hall to the right. Two Slashers and a Stinger will try to corner Isaac, so run toward a wall and make sure that all the enemies are in view while fighting them. Pick up the --NEWBORNS-- database file from off the floor then grab the --LINE RACKS-- on the nearby table and smash the --ITEM BOXES-- on the far wall. Return to the door back down the hall and step into the next room.

[ ] --"Eileen" database file--
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Line Racks,
[ ] --"Newborns" database file--

== Intensive Car Unit ==


Oh look, a survivor! Mam, could you spare some extra ammo, please? Wow, she doesn't look so well armed with that knife and psychotic stare. View Screenshot Don't worry about her though, pick up the --MORE TIME-- database file and get yourself to the next room instead.

[ ] --"More Time" database file--

== Morgue Hallway ==

Nice atmosphere in here, isn't it? Pick up the --COLONIST PROBLEMS-- file from the floor View Screenshot shortly after entering then get to the next door. A Lurker will step out from the corner at the end of the hall, so light him up with some flames or cut off those appendages of his. Take the elevator down to the next floor then step inside the Morgue.

[ ] --"Colonist Problems" database file--

== Morgue ==

Oh, how I do love my Morgue rooms in survival horrors - seemingly quiet and ready to scare the hell out of me at any moment without notice! Move around the left side of the room. One of the doors to the shelves along the side will open eventually. Don't worry... yet.


Move further ahead and a new enemy will appear from behind the window in the room up ahead. These are Infectors and they can infect any dead bodies around them. This is why you won't to mutilate any dead bodies in areas that an Infector will appear in, so they can't turn them into a necromorph. The Infector will infect the captain's body then the captain will turn into a Dark Lurker. View Screenshot

Objective Added:
[ ] Kill the Captain

The captain's body has been... transformed by one of those things. I've got to take him down to get his RIG.

Dark Lurkers are a bit more powerful and aggressive when compared to the standard Lurker, so have the Line Gun ready for him when he charges through the glass toward Isaac. You need to finish him and immediately turn your attention toward the Infector. The Infector will rush toward the dead body to the right and attempt to turn it into Slasher, so you need to tear through the captain then buckle down on the Infector with a weapon before he has a chance to infect the dead body off to the right. The Line Gun should work just fine for both enemies. You might want to use stasis on the Dark Lurker so you can focus on the Infector. Infectors don't have any appendages, so there is nothing special to aim for on their bodies.

Infectors cannot infect a dead body with only a few appendages still left on it. And before you ask, yes, they can still infect a headless body! Even though they stick their infecting appendages through the corpse's head, they will actually place it into the corpse's neck if the head is missing.

Objective Complete:
[X] Kill the Captain

Pick up the ++CAPTAIN'S RIG++ from the captain's corpse and the current objective will be complete then the --CODES RECEIVED-- database file will play.

[ ] --"Codes Received" database file--

Objective Complete:
[X] Retrieve the Captain's RIG

Pick up the --1000 CREDITS-- from the open door along the side wall then find the --1000 CREDITS--, --SMALL MED PACK-- and --POWER NODE-- in the room where the captain's body was. Step back out into the Morgue then grab the --AUTOPSY REPORT-- database file and the --RANDOM AMMO-- while on your way to the elevator doors on the right side of the room. Take the elevator back up to the next floor.

[ ] 1000 Credits
[ ] --"Autopsy Report" database file--
[ ] Random Ammo,
[ ] Power Node
[ ] Small Med Pack
[ ] 1000 Credits

== Emergency Room ==

Don't worry, nothing will jump out at you in here. Return to the Clinic Hallway - you start right across from the door leading to it.


== Clinic Hallway ==

Right when the door is opened to this room, a Dark Lurker will immediately dash toward Isaac, so answer his aggression with a Line Gun or Pulse Rifle to the face to calm him down a bit. View Screenshot Such anger. If you are at aiming and have a quick response to fast enemies then a Dark Lurker can easily be taken down with the Plasma Cutter. Aim at its legs then shoot one of them off and then fire at
his arms and head as he moves toward Isaac. It's good to learn to fight them off this way in order to save ammo.

== ER Hallway ==

The --ENGINE PROBLEMS-- database file will play shortly.

[ ] --"Engine Problems" database file--

Objective Added:
[ ] Go to Engineering

So the infection started planetside, and somehow got onto the ship. And these creatures came from within the planet. It's almost too incredible to believe. Hammond needs me on the Engineering deck now to try to connect the ship's orbit. As if things could get any worse.

Alright Mr. Clarke, head through the doors directly ahead then step back into the Tram Station from the Security Room.

== Tram Station ==

Step onto the tram and interact with the controls to complete this chapter.


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