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Blizzard Bans Single Player Cheaters
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to PWizard
    TIER 7
    PWizard posted on Oct 12, 2010 6:05:03 AM - Report post
    @DABhand -- So far every argument you have made on Blizzard's behalf has been discredited. You come here spouting off things hoping that no one will notice that you actually have no idea what you are talking about. Now your argument is that Blizzard is in the right because of what they MIGHT do down the road. Just like Blizzard banning people because they used cheats in SP and MIGHT play a MP game one day. It's a good thing that police don't arrest people for things they MIGHT do one day.

    If you want to jump on the Blizzard blind bandwagon, then be my guest, just don't come here spreading false information trying to sway others.
    Chris O'Rorke (
    Owner: Cheat
    Dingo WebWorks, LLC
    One Bad-Ass MF
    Visit for the best AIDA64 custom skins around.
  • Send a message to DarthMudcrab
    DarthMudcrab posted on Oct 12, 2010 12:47:08 PM - Report post
    The whole issue with games (and other software) is that they seem to be subject to different laws and control measures to anything else in the world. The premise of the EULA, for example, is ridiculous. If you were to buy a house, you wouldn't go through the entire sale procedure, then upon moving in be informed that you're not allowed to put furniture in it. The notion is preposterous. Yet it is exactly what the EULA stipulates. You buy a game, take it home, go to install it, and THEN it mentions that you're "really just borrowing" it from the company and that you can't do anything you want to it.

    Now I'm not saying I agree with cheating in Multiplayer. That's a question of sportsmanship, and sportsmanship should be upheld no matter what sort of competition is happening. Whether you be a runner, a footballer, or a MPgamer, sportsmanship is one of the most vital aspects of the game. Without it it becomes barbaric.

    However, Cheating in single player is a different matter entirely. What gives Blizzard the right to order us how to play the game? OUR game. Which we purchased with OUR money, for OUR entertainment. Since their inception, gamers have found alternate ways of playing videogames, and using a cheat or trainer is just an extension of that. What makes videogames so different to any other piece of our property?
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to Wrythe1985
    TIER 7
    Wrythe1985 posted on Oct 12, 2010 1:09:08 PM - Report post
    @Darthmudcrab. Hence the reason almost everytime cheating in singleplayer games against the EULA has been litigated, it was struck down in a court of law due to the Federal Trade Commission's (I believe that is the correct government agency) fair practice laws and product ownership laws. Unless Blizz can prove that the SP achievments affect MP gameplay...anyone who challenges Blizz's EULA in regards to SP cheating in a federal court would most likely win hands down. The question is will anyone sue Blizz over this issue....more than likely not.
  • Current rank: 1.5 Stars. Next Rank at 500 Posts.
    Send a message to fox23vang
    fox23vang posted on Oct 12, 2010 1:25:24 PM - Report post
    Unbelievable! absolutely mind boggling!. Blizzard is being a complete hypocrite!, why do they include their very own typeable ingame cheats then???? why?!. That retard rep said they dont like cheaters but their very own game has built in cheats for single player id sue the **** out of them.
  • Send a message to Bes
    Bes posted on Oct 12, 2010 3:44:47 PM - Report post
    originally posted by DarthMudcrab

    However, Cheating in single player is a different matter entirely. What gives Blizzard the right to order us how to play the game? OUR game. Which we purchased with OUR money, for OUR entertainment. Since their inception, gamers have found alternate ways of playing videogames, and using a cheat or trainer is just an extension of that. What makes videogames so different to any other piece of our property?

    Amen. I thought, when you bought something, it became your property to do with what you like. Essentially, by negating a person's ability to play SP mode (I can understand the right to ban people from MP mode as you use their servers etc.) they break the law on several counts; intrusion of privacy, and essentially theft as they prevent you from playing the game that you bought.

  • Current rank: 1.5 Stars. Next Rank at 500 Posts.
    Send a message to Fubar69
    Fubar69 posted on Oct 12, 2010 5:40:52 PM - Report post
    Blizzard banning accounts for Cheating in Single-player?

    That's as preposterous as Pete Doherty telling Rick James cocaine is actually not that bad!
  • Current rank: 3.5 Stars. Next Rank at 8000 Posts.
    Send a message to DABhand
    DABhand posted on Oct 12, 2010 6:00:56 PM - Report post
    originally posted by PWizard

    @DABhand -- So far every argument you have made on Blizzard's behalf has been discredited. You come here spouting off things hoping that no one will notice that you actually have no idea what you are talking about. Now your argument is that Blizzard is in the right because of what they MIGHT do down the road. Just like Blizzard banning people because they used cheats in SP and MIGHT play a MP game one day. It's a good thing that police don't arrest people for things they MIGHT do one day.

    If you want to jump on the Blizzard blind bandwagon, then be my guest, just don't come here spreading false information trying to sway others.

    Chris come down from that Donald Trump-esque world in your head and actually read what I had said.

    Show me where I am pro Blizzard? I gave my view on what was said in that article, and I also said ultimately they do have the right.

    Also notice I said I think it was bad of them to ban people this way.

    Yes please do read, before you spout out things hoping no-one will notice.

    Just because I pointed out that it is their software and they can do what they like, does not mean I am going to run around the streets with a Blizzard T-shirt and megaphone declaring they are great. Really Chris your little domination of the paid trainer market has really gone to your head that you don't realise who you alienate as you wander on your road.

    Look at how you have acted, when I was helping you and was a voice for your concerns everything was nicey nicey, now there is no need I am treated like trash.

    Not only just me, I have seen the way you respond to people... Paying customers, that is bad really bad. Its as if you took their money now you can be rude to them.

    And to top it all off, you and your mods have been letting the warez talk go mental more often, maybe because you realise that a high percentage of your customers are heavy warez users so you don't want to frighten potentials off.

    Either way, as said I responded to the article and gave my views, I didn't post as a "Yay Blizzard" fanboi.. Jesus honestly.

    As for your "Now your argument is that Blizzard is in the right because of what they MIGHT do down the road.".. LOL NOOOOOOOOO, that is NOT what I said.. Re-read again. Paranoia lad I think you have tonnes of it.

    Oh and Don't forget some tuts on ASM and defeating DMA

    Clicky Here for them
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to Draco_Shindo
    TIER 7
    Draco_Shindo posted on Oct 12, 2010 6:03:26 PM - Report post
    Ironic tbh that they would go to these lengths.
    I agree that if and only IF SP achievments truly impact multiplayer then they would have a reason to do this as the trainer effectivly by-passes the achievment de-activation that the in-built cheats doesn't.

    That said it is still strange that in most countries I've been to, and bought games in, it will not under any circumstance allow the return of a PC game that has been opened.
    For ANY reason. This due to the ease nowdays of people ripping the game and saving the cd key and simply returning it to the store.

    That being the case the EULA will only appear AS you try to install the game, not when you buy the game. You have NO chance what so ever to see and or sign the EULA before you actually purchase said product, open it up (thus makeing return of said product impossible) and then seeing that you do not agree say no and then get a refund or (cancelation?) of purchase.

    On the other hand, there is also the issue with the EULA NOT being recognized in SEVERAL countries as they CLEARLY gives you less rights as a consumer than that country already gives by law.

    Just take all the skandinavian countries, the EULA is in fact actually invalid, as it gives the consumers less rights than normal which is not recognized in our courts of law.
    That being said, blizzards servers are mostly not within these countries and as such their law does not apply to how blizzard decides to handle the case.

    It's fun, the EULA is illegal, but blizz is still allowed to enforce it as they see fit.
    This is the day and age we live in. Corperations truly do rule outside the laws.
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