D3 released single player mode finally for its final season.
Is it possible to alter anything?
You can try using CoSMOS on it and see if you can change the gold and it actually "sticks".
Cheating in D3, 12 years after release, in last official season!?
Sure, you can try that, since it's "offline" maybe, but if you get banned after, don't be surprised; Blizzard is known to have the ability to detect stuff like that even in offline mode if they want, after you eventually get back online!
You are warned!
Only game on BNet, that I cheated in, in offline mode only of course, using third-party software and was comfortable while doing it was D2: Ressurected.
For other things on BNet, like newest D4, it's advisable to turn off/close Aurora, as it can lead to ban, even without trying to use it!
We concur. We have a full article about how Blizzard started banning people for using a trainer back on SC2 offline/single player which is why we never make any more Blizzard trainers.
D3 released single player mode finally for its final season.
Is it possible to alter anything?
There is no such mode.
I think they are calling is Single Self Mode or some stupid anachronism like that.
Show me a link or an article where people are playing:
That will be when we even bother to take a look.