Trainer is done and will be posted soon. Try and have a little patience until then. Game has EAC, a custom launcher, a ton of movies and dialog and shared code. Chill.
is the trainer automaticly disable the EAC? or we have to follow mr.Stranger's methord first?
[Edited by esteysa, 2/23/2018 1:20:16 PM]
@Stranger Thanks for that information, seems to work fine. The game does give a message about multiplayer might not work on load for me but it continues running after that.
Strange, not getting any sort of message and for me CoSMOS crashes and CE gets an access violation.
@stranger well that is weird, I just used CoSMOS and gave myself 999,999 money. Worked completely fine. I did load the game while online first, the normal way and played some before I renamed the Launcher etc, maybe that has something to do with it.
Trainer is done and will be posted soon. Try and have a little patience until then. Game has EAC, a custom launcher, a ton of movies and dialog and shared code. Chill.
Wow, you guys are pros as usual.