 - Chapter 01
 - Chapter 02
 - Chapter 03
 - Chapter 04
 - Chapter 05
 - Chapter 06
 - Chapter 07
 - Chapter 08
 - Chapter 09
 - Chapter 10
 - Chapter 11
 - Chapter 12
 Database Files

== Tram Station ==

Objective Added:
[ ] Re Fuel the Engine (0/2)

I find it hard to believe that the Ishimura ran out of fuel. They haven't been on mission long enough for that. Either the fuel lines are disengaged or something very bad has happened.

[ ] Activate the Centrifuge

Hammond's right about this one. Ships like the Ishimura use massive centrifuges to negate the pull of dismantled pieces of planet.
Undoubtedly, it's offline so I'll need to assess the problem and get it restarted.

The --REPAIR SHIP'S ORBIT-- database file will play shortly after Isaac steps out of the tram. Check the --ITEM CHEST-- to the left and the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the far wall of the sitting area. Move into the corridor off to the left.

[ ] --"Repair the Ship's Orbit" database file--
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Item Container

== Control Room ==

You'll arrive in the control room soon enough. Find the nearby --ITEM CONTAINERS-- and --ITEM LOCKERS-- then pick up the --TEMPLE REPORT 1-- database file from the middle of the control area. There is also a !!STORE!! and a !!SAVE STATION!! on the right side of the room.


You see that crew member corpse on the chair? Knock it down with a punch and mutilate it - pick it up and toss it to the ground with kinesis if you have to. View Screenshot Stomp the hell out of it and tear it to shreds. Just do it. You'll thank me later. Exit the room by opening the door on the right side.

[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker,
[ ] --"Temple Report 1" database file--

== Machine Shop ==

Move down the stairs and step into the room below. Ignore the dead body for now; don't get near it.


Raid the --ITEM LOCKERS-- and grab the --TEMPLE REPORT 2-- database file and --FLAME FUEL SCHEMATIC-- then exit the room. Now, about that dead body, notice how you can't grab it with kinesis if you try. View Screenshot We have a live one here! Blast the seemingly dead Slasher to wake it up then defeat it.

[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] --"Temple Report 2" database file--
[ ] Flame Fuel Schematic

Move through the opening then pick up the --CHAOS-- database file from the counter to the right up ahead. An !!UPGRADE BENCH!! is nearby if you need to upgrade. Open the next door off to the left.

[ ] --"Chaos" database file--

== Refueling Chamber ==

You'll see something scamper by as it crawls below the catwalk when Isaac turns the left corner up ahead. View Screenshot Take a right and follow the path then open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- along the wall. Continue along the path and pick up the --1000 CREDITS-- on the shelf directly ahead then smash the --ITEM BOX-- to the right. Make a left then move around the corner. Move down the ramp off to the left and find the corridor near the ramp and enter it then pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-- from the shelf at the end. Go back outside of the corridor then move up the ramp and walk further back into this area. A Slasher will fall from a vent eventually so prepare to shoot.

[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Box
[ ] 1000 Credits
[ ] Small Med Pack


The gondola up ahead can be moved across right now, but let's collect everything on this current side first. Check the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the wall to the left then move up the ramp further ahead. Use kinesis to grab the lever at the top of the control then move it downward to fulfill the first part of the current objective. View Screenshot

Objective (partially) Complete:
[X] Re Fuel the Engine (1/2)

Walk up the ramp to the side and blast the Slasher and Spiders that will attack then pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-- further ahead.


[ ] Item Container
[ ] Small Med Pack

Return to the gondola. Notice how the gondola lift has a kinesis symbol below it. Grapple the gondola with kinesis and pull it toward Isaac. Step inside once the bars raise. You can grapple the dead body with kinesis and toss it off the side if it distracts you. Interact with the controls to take the gondola across.


A total of four Slashers will appear on the other side. View Screenshot Begin to blast them while the gondola moves to the other side. The Pulse Rifle will work nicely since there are so many. The Line Gun's secondary fire works well also but be sure to shoot the mine toward their side before the gondola gets too close to the other side. A Dark Slasher will appear once the first three have been finished, so prepare to hammer away at him with a gun before the lift opens. View Screenshot There is a red canister to the left that you might be able to shoot while the lift approaches the other side to help out in defeating the Slashers.

Get off the lift and smash the --ITEM BOX-- in the right alcove. Move up the ramp to the left and open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- then pick up the --TEMPLE REPORT 3-- database file further ahead. Make a right when you reach the side of the ramp then make another quick right and step into the nearby corridor then pick up the --POWER NODE-- from the container on the wall and the --RANDOM CREDITS-- from the shelf further ahead.

[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Container
[ ] --"Temple Report 3" database file--
[ ] Power Node
[ ] Random Credits


Walk up the ramp. A Slasher will run out from the left corridor up ahead then dive into a vent. View Screenshot Don't worry much about him if you don't shoot him in time - he simply fears Isaac's wrath and won't come back out again. Take the second left up ahead then check the --ITEM CONTAINER-- against the far wall. To the right of that item container is a very dark corridor, where a Slasher is waiting, so get ready to blast him. Collect the --STASIS PACK-- from the shelf at the end of this corridor then walk back out.

Move past the item box then go right and you'll arrive at a !!SAVE STATION!!. Pick up the --RIPPER SCHEMATIC-- from off the catwalk to the right and move toward the lever on the circular portion of the left walkway. Use kinesis to grapple the top lever then bring it all the way down to fully accomplish the first objective for this chapter. View Screenshot

[ ] Item Container
[ ] Stasis Pack
[ ] Ripper Schematic

Objective Complete:
[X] Re Fuel the Engine (2/2)

The --ENGINE REFUELED-- database file will play as soon as the lever is pulled down. Go back to the gondola and ride it back across. Three Lurkers will attack from around the corner on the way back so prepare to torch them or cut off their appendages before they hit Isaac.

[ ] --"Engine Refueled" database file--


A Slasher will move by to the right as the gondola reaches the other side. He won't appear again if you have already dealt with the Slasher on the right side of the corridors ahead though. View Screenshot Head to the right and reenter the control room from the right side.

== Control Room ==

An Infector will be in the control area now. View Screenshot If you didn't mutilate the dead body that was inside of the control area earlier then it will quickly attach itself to the dead body and turn it into a Dark Slasher. If you tore through the dead body with extreme rage like one might do with a stress doll while playing the NES Battletoads then the Infector won't have a host to mutate. By the way, stomp the --ITEM BOX-- down the walkway to the right before entering the control room.

[ ] Item Box

Step back into the control room and defeat the Infector and possible guest. Be sure to visit the store to free up your inventory of schematics and you might want to purchase the Ripper. Be sure to save your game then step into the elevator that leads to the Centrifuge along the side of the room and take it down.

== Decontamination ==

Open the --ITEM LOCKERS-- around the hall ahead. The second right locker down the hall up ahead has the --TEMPLE REPORT 4-- database file inside.

[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] --"Temple Report 4" database file--


Continue past the door to the decontamination room for right now and open the rest of the --ITEM LOCKERS-- then find the --LINE RACKS-- lying around and you might want to take note of the !!UPGRADE BENCH!! nearby. View Screenshot Enter the decontamination room when you're ready.

[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Line Racks

Walk over to the decon chamber controls in the middle of the room and activate them. The room will seal off for decontamination. Slashers will eventually appear outside. Two Slashers and a Stinger will enter the decontamination room one at a time from the ceiling, so scope each of them out and blast them as they enter. Keep aiming since the lights will go out in the room and Isaac's flashlight will help you to see. You may want to give your Ripper weapon a try here - aim for the legs to knock them down then saw off their head and arms.


Exit the room through the door on the other side once the decontamination is complete and the doors unlock. Open the outside --ITEM LOCKER-- then enter the next room. View Screenshot

[ ] Item Locker

== Centrifuge Hallway ==

Move down the left side of this hallway first and pick up the --1900 CREDITS-- and --POWER NODE-- from the container then return to the middle. Run down the right side and pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- then move close to the hole in the wall and grab the --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- from it. View Screenshot Open the next door and save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! then pick up the --MEDIUM AIR CAN--. Open the next door.

[ ] 1900 Credits
[ ] Power Node
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Gold Semiconductor,
[ ] Medium Air Can

== Centrifuge ==


Isaac will enter another zero gravity chamber. There is an --ITEM CONTAINER-- behind Isaac on the left wall as he steps into this area. If you listen closely, you can hear the patter of little hands. A Stinger will appear on the ceiling above Isaac. View Screenshot Zero-G jump to the bottom floor below then defeat the two Stingers in this wide open space. View Screenshot If you can find an explosive canister floating around then grapple it and toss it at them. Look around the middle of the room to find an --ITEM BOX-- floating in the air - grapple it with kinesis then shoot it against the ground to shatter it.

[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Container

What you need to do here is to plug the two devices with the rotating cylinders (generator modules) into the plugs on the bottom of the centrifuge around them. View Screenshot The problem is that simply moving them with kinesis toward the plugs will not plug them in because the cylindrical portion is moving. We need to find some way to slow them down.


Hit each generator module with stasis then grapple it with kinesis while it is nearly frozen and pull it toward the plug that it faces. View Screenshot The generator modules are on a railing, so simply grapple them and slide them over to the side. A Stinger will attack during this process. Once the devices are plugged into the sides of the centrifuge then it will have power once again.

Another Stinger will attack shortly, so look out for it. You need to jump to the opposite side of the room across from the side where Isaac entered this area. There is a control panel up on this side and there is a stasis recharger on the wall along the walkway it is on as well. Rush over to the control panel and choose to activate the centrifuge. View Screenshot

Objective Complete:
[X] Activate the Centrifuge


The gravity will be restored but all the air will be sucked out of the room due the bottom floor opening. Turn around immediately and step on the lift through the doorway then use the controls to take it down to the next floor. DON'T RUSH OUT TO THE WALKWAY JUST YET! The centrifuge arm will make mincemeat out of Isaac. The centrifuge arm spins in a clockwise circle around the walkway of the floor that Isaac is on. View Screenshot

Wait for the arm to spin by the alcove where Isaac is standing then quickly dash down the right walkway and get to the next alcove further ahead along the right side. View Screenshot If you take the left side then Isaac will die since he will step into some gooey organic tissue along the walkway that will stop him from moving fast. The --CENTRIFUGE ACTIVATED-- database file will play shortly while Isaac runs across the walkway.

[ ] --"Centrifuge Activated" database file--

Objective Added:
[ ] Manually Ignite the Engine

Hammond's right about this one. Ships like the Ishimura use massive centrifuges to negate the pull of dismantled pieces of planet.
Undoubtedly, it's offline so I'll need to assess the problem and get it restarted.

A Slasher will fall down from the vent on the ceiling and attack once Isaac takes shelter in the first alcove. Run toward him to escape the centrifuge arm then blast him. Time a run once again and dash to the right once more then duck into the next alcove. Recharge the oxygen gauge at the oxygen recharger on the next wall. Time a run again and move to the right. A Stinger will meet Isaac as he runs to the next alcove. Just run into the alcove with it and fight it off from there. Be ready to hit it with stasis after entering the alcove.

Time a run one final time and run to the right again then get on the lift in the next alcove and take it up. Step out onto the top walkway then open the door off to the right.

== Centrifuge Hallway ==

Take the --RANDOM AMMO-- from off the floor then save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!!. Arm your Pulse Rifle before stepping through the next door.


When Isaac enters the next room, View Screenshot a tentacle will grab him View Screenshot and pull him deeper into the hallway. View Screenshot The tentacle will pull him toward a hole in the wall and kill him if he doesn't damage it quickly.Take out the Pulse Rifle and shoot the yellow portion View Screenshot of the tentacle a few times to slice it into. You have to get adjusted to the aim at this part - Isaac can only aim when the tentacle stops pulling him for a while - it only does this a few times. Watch for the laser pointer to appear on the yellow portion while aiming then fire at it. Try to aim precisely, especially if you are using another weapon besides the Pulse Rifle. Aiming is the hardest part of this whole sequence since the view is so awkward at first... and still is to me. If you don't have the Pulse Rifle then use the Plasma Cutter.

The tentacle will break apart and let go of Isaac once it is defeated. Continue to the other end and open the door to the left.

[ ] Random Ammo

== Decontamination ==

Go through the decontamination room and exit out to the other side. A Slasher will attack from off to the left. Move through the next few doorways then open the door to the elevator. The --KENDRA IS ALIVE-- database file will play while taking the elevator back up to the Security Station.

[ ] --"Kendra is Alive" database file--

== Security Station ==

Save your game! Walk over to the big door to the left of the control area and open it.

== Fuel Storage ==

The Fuel Storage section of the ship is completely ripped apart, so you'll enter a vacuum with zero gravity when stepping into this area. A --SMALL AIR CAN-- will be floating up and to the right while stepping out onto the ledge ahead. Grapple the --RANDOM AMMO-- and --ITEM BOX-- directly overhead to pull them toward Isaac. You can run out of air easily at this part, so you might want to go back through the door that Isaac just came through and allow it to close off to recharge your air gauge or prepare to use an air can up ahead.


While standing on the ledge, took off to the left then look up a bit to see a sideways walkway that Isaac can jump to. View Screenshot Jump to it then look up and to the right to see a circular hole with the next door. View Screenshot A Stinger will attack from the next wall sooner or later, so quickly jump over to the right wall up ahead and fight him off.

Another Stinger will join the fight soon. Use the Line Gun to take care of them quickly since you don't have much time before your oxygen gauge is depleted. Find the --MEDIUM AIR CAN-- that is floating around the area next to the door (look for a glow then grapple it with kinesis) then run into the alcove where the door is and quickly open the door - Isaac will actually run uphill (up the wall). Move up to the next door and the door behind Isaac will eventually close and the room will fill up with air. Open the next door to enter the Engine Hallway.

[ ] Small Air Can
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Medium Med Pack

== Engine Hallway ==


This room is loud at the start! Grab the --MEDIUM MED PACK SCHEMATIC-- then check the --ITEM CONTAINER-- against the right wall. View Screenshot Move down the hallway ahead and you'll eventually enter a room with catwalks.

[ ] Medium Med Pack Schematic
[ ] Item Container

== Engine Catwalk Area ==

Enter the room on the right side and raid the --ITEM LOCKERS-- then pick up the --POWER NODE-- from the container on the wall and the --CORRUPTION-- database file from off the left side of the floor. Step back outside.

[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Power Node,
[ ] --"Corruption" database file--

Enter the room on the other side of the catwalk and pick up the --PLASMA ENERGY-- and --TEMPLE REPORT 5-- database file then open the --ITEM LOCKER--. View Screenshot Leave the room then take the nearby lift down to the next catwalk below.

[ ] Plasma Energy
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] --"Temple Report 5" database file--

Walk through the doorway off to the right and pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-- from inside the room then exit the room. The gooey organic tissue on the walkways will make Isaac walk no matter if you hold down the run button. Continue to the other side of the catwalk. A few Spiders will move out of the room on the other side so take out the Pulse Rifle and blast them.


Enter the room on the other side. The body inside will actually reach out for help. View Screenshot You can actually stomp him while he moves! Break the --ITEM BOX-- and open the --ITEM LOCKER-- then exit the room. Take the next lift to the bottom floor.

[ ] Small Med Pack
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Locker

Enter the first room to the left and pick up the --STASIS PACK--. The --ITEM BOX-- inside is full of Spiders - hey at least it beats ghost piranha fish! View Screenshot There is a stasis recharger inside as well. Leave the room.

[ ] Stasis Pack
[ ] Item Box

The locked door on the other side can be opened by placing a power node on the controls next to it, so do so and enter the room. View Screenshot Pick up the --5000 CREDITS-- , --RIPPER BLADE SCHEMATICS--, --RANDOM AMMO-- and --MEDIUM MED PACK-- from inside. View Screenshot

[ ] 5000 Credits
[ ] Ripper Blades Schematic
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Medium Med Pack

Leave the room and stand near the doors then stomp the ground on Isaac's side and tell the Slasher on the other side, "Do not cross this footprint", then it will stupidly walk through the slamming door and get smashed to bits while attempting to act macho. Use stasis on the doors to stop them from slamming then run through them. View Screenshot

Move down the hall ahead and grapple the red explosive canister at the end then launch it at the group of Spiders that move toward Isaac. Defeat the Stinger that crawls down the ramp then move to the other end of the hall. View Screenshot Save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! then open the door to the Engine Room.

== Engine Room ==


Three Slashers will attack as soon as Isaac enters the room. View Screenshot Take out the Line Gun then shoot them if they start to group up or simply use the Plasma Cutter to take them down. A new enemy, a Pregnant, will step into view after the Slashers have been defeated. View Screenshot Do not ever shoot these enemies in the stomach since they will release Spiders or some other type of enemy (later in the game). Focus on shooting its head and arms or legs. They are not that tough at all but when they are charging at Isaac, precision aiming can be hard. Really any cutter type of weapons works well if you aim upwards. Making them fall by cutting off a leg helps a good bit.

Break the --ITEM BOX-- to the left and open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- to the right further ahead. Find the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- in the middle alcove on the left then pick up the --POWER NODE-- from the container on the right. There is also a --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup in the back left of this area near some big pipes and an --ITEM CONTAINER-- across from a glowing wall light to the right of he
controls in the back of the room. Move up either ramp on the right side and break the two --ITEM BOXES-- above.

[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Power Node,
[ ] Medium Med Pack
[ ] Random Ammo

After the item collecting, move over to the controls in the back of this room and interact with them to start the engine sequence. View Screenshot

Now, this next part can get ugly after the engine sequence has been triggered. Slashers and Stingers will attack Isaac from all over this area. View Screenshot I would advise you to run over to the explosive canisters in the area where you got the power node and launch the explosive canisters at the creatures while using kinesis.


You can also group them together and use stasis then launch an explosive canister at the group. This will get rid of a few of them quickly. Use the Line Gun or other weapon of choice to fight the rest of them. Use stasis on big groups then mow them down with the Line Gun, Ripper or other weapon of choice. Picking one corner of the room and standing it while fighting these enemies will help out a good bit as well. Once they are all defeated, the engine will be ready for ignition, so walk back over to the controls and activate the engine. View Screenshot

Objective Complete:
[X} Manually Ignite the Engine

Leave the room once the engine has been triggered. The --ENGINE FIXED-- database file will play when you step near the save station in the connecting room.

[ ] --"Engine Fixed" database file--

Objective Added:
[ ] Go to the Bridge

From bad to worse. We're no longer going to crash, but we're going to get smashed to pieces by the asteroid field surrounding the planet. I've got to get to the Bridge and meet up with Hammond.

Step outside into the next hallway.

== Hallway to Control Room ==


Smash the --ITEM BOX-- then open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- off to the left. Follow the hallway as it ramps upwards. View Screenshot The --STRANGE TRANSMISSION-- database file will be received when Isaac reaches the next door. Step into the next room then reenter the Control Room via the door off to the right.

[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Container
[ ] --"Strange Transmission" database file--

== Control Room ==

You need to get back to the Tram Station. A Slasher will attack from the hall in the back of the Control Room as you leave. View Screenshot Move down the hall ahead then enter the tram and interact with the controls to end this chapter.


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