 - Chapter 01
 - Chapter 02
 - Chapter 03
 - Chapter 04
 - Chapter 05
 - Chapter 06
 - Chapter 07
 - Chapter 08
 - Chapter 09
 - Chapter 10
 - Chapter 11
 - Chapter 12
 Database Files

SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT DATABASE FILES: For this chapter, there is no way to receive all the database files on the first playthrough.

The following files:

* Control Module Placed - reroute power in Mining Administration Room
* Systems Module Placed - reroute power in Ship Systems
* Astrogation Module Placed - reroute power in ADS Lower Hallway

These files will be received based on how Isaac reroutes the power controls for the ADS system. For the final (or third) power control that is rerouted, Isaac will receive the "Aim the ADS Cannon" database file instead. Basically, you always have to forfeit one of the files listed above per playthrough.

== Tram Station ==

Objective Added:
[ ] Meet Hammond on the Bridge

Hammond is waiting for me in the Captain's Nest. It's clear that Kendra doesn't trust him. As for me, for the moment I've got no choice

When Isaac steps off the tram, --THE MARKER-- database file will be received. There are some --ITEM CONTAINERS-- up ahead and there is a --SMALL MEDIPACK-- in the sitting area. Enter the next room.

[ ] --"The Marker" database file--
[ ] Small Med Pack
[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Container

== Atrium Hallway ==


While moving down this hallway a creature will try to attack through the left wall. Grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- then continue past the !!STORE!! at the end of the hall and enter the Atrium. View Screenshot

[ ] Random Ammo

== Main Atrium ==

The --ASTEROID IMPACT-- database file will play shortly after an asteroid crashes through the ceiling and into the floor of the Atrium. Scope out the many --ITEM CHESTS-- along the sides of the room and pick up the --INITIAL ATTACK-- database file View Screenshot from the second set of controls to the right then find all the --RANDOM AMMO-- near the controls on the left side of the room.

[ ] --"Asteroid Impact" database file
[ ] --"Initial Attack" database file--,
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Item Chest,
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo


The elevators in the center of the Atrium are locked, so move down the stairs in the very back. View Screenshot Save you game at the !!SAVE STATION!! at the bottom of the stairs then run down the stairs in front of it. Take the elevator down. Be sure to grab the --LEVEL 3 SUIT SCHEMATIC-- before entering the Captain's Nest. View Screenshot

[ ] Level 3 Suit Schematic

== Captain's Nest ==

Objective Complete:
[X] Meet Hammond on the Bridge

Stomp the --ITEM BOX-- then snatch the items from the --ITEM CONTAINERS-- along the side walls. Take the --LIST OF THE DEAD-- database file from the captain's seat in the middle of the room while Hammond speaks to Isaac. A new objective will be received after the conversation.

[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Container
[ ] --"List of Dead" database file--

Objective Added:
[ ] Activate the Elevators

The elevators leading to the other sub decks of the Bridge are offline. The controls are in the Security Room.

You need to go back up to the Atrium and turn the elevators on.

== Main Atrium ==

A necromorph that Hammon trapped earlier inside one of the right escape pods (when he called Isaas in Chapter 3) will wake up and Hammond will shoot it out into space when Isaac reenters this area. Move up the elevator once again and be sure to save your game.


Move to the back of the Atrium and a Brute will break through the large door up ahead. View Screenshot The --BRUTE COMBAT-- database file will be received shortly after the Brute breaks through the door. These enemies are hard to hit from the front side. It is best to use stasis on them and get behind them then attack. Look for the yellowish glow along their legs and arms while facing their backsides and shoot at their appendages. It is best to shoot of a leg first. Use the Line Gun against these enemies for now. Brutes will always eventually fall over after they have been damaged enough, so that is your cue to step behind them and blast their appendages from the backside.

Shooting off a leg will limit the Brute's movement somewhat but it will still be very aggressive. It will start a new attack while Isaac is at a distance while it's foot is gone - it will shoot an explosive pod at Isaac from a distance. These pods can be grappled with kinesis and tossed back at the Brute for some good damage - this will stun them again.. A Brute can be hit from the front side but the hit will not phase him as much as it will from the backside. The Brute will leave behind --5000 CREDITS-- once it is defeated.

[ ] --"Brute Combat" database file--
[ ] 5000 Credits


Enter the room where the Brute exited out of after the battle. Walk over to the controls for the elevator and turn the elevators on. View Screenshot Isaac will receive a very strange and disturbing transmission on the way to the elevator controls. A new objective will be received once the elevators are back online.

Objective Complete:
[X] Activate the Elevators

Objective Added:
[ ] Re Route ADS Power (0/3)

There are power junctions scattered around the Bridge. I can hack into them and redistribute power to the ADS system. Then Hammond can start it up and the ship will be protected from the asteroid bombardment.

Take the --POWER NODE-- from the nearby container on the left wall. Enter the small room behind the control panel and smash the --ITEM BOX-- then raid the --ITEM LOCKERS--. There is an !!UPGRADE BENCH!! inside as well.

[ ] Power Node
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker

Now is a good time to go back and buy that Level 3 suit since you have the schematic for it, so go pick it up to boost your armor and inventory space - you'll need it. When you're ready, move down the elevator across from the door where the Brute busted through and take it down. You'll find the --CAPTAIN'S DEMISE-- database file inside of the elevator.

[ ] --"Captain's Demise" database file--

== Hallway to Ship Systems ==


A nice pleasant scream from nowhere will welcome Isaac to this floor before stepping out of the elevator. Crush the --ITEM BOX-- then take the collectibles from the --ITEM CONTAINER-- to the left and the --ITEM CHEST-- to the right. Save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! then move down the hall and pick up the --CONTACT BEAM SCHEMATIC-- and move into the room up ahead. View Screenshot The Contact Beam is your best weapon against a Brute and its secondary fire will work well against Spiders that happen to burst from a Pregnant's chest. It provides some extremely heavy damage with its primary fire that will take down just about any enemy in one shot - it takes about three to four shots to defeat a Brute if you shoot it in the back.

[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Contact Beam Schematic

== SS Storage A ==

There is a Slasher lying on the ground in this room. I recommend shooting him with stasis then running over to him and stomping his crippled ass directly into the floor. That's just me however, you do what you want. There is a stasis recharger on the other side of the room and two --ITEM CONTAINERS-- on the walls of the room. Exit the room after collecting everything.

[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Container

== Hallway to Ships Systems ==

The --REVERESED GRAVITY-- database file will play on your way down the other end of the hall.

[ ] --"Reversed Gravity" database file--

== Ship Systems ==


Pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- from off to the right after moving around the wall. You see that glowing space in the floor up ahead? This is the type of malfunctioning plate that Kendra warned Isaac about. Don't step on these glowing reverse gravity plates or Isaac will be shot up to the ceiling and he will be instantly killed. View Screenshot

Allow the Lurker from the other end to step onto the glowing plate and watch what happens. The Slasher that follows will play it smart and step around the right side of the gravity plate. You can use stasis on him then push him into the reverse gravity plate if you'd like to. There is a trophy (achievement) associated with pushing five enemies into the gravity plates, so be sure to try for it since now is your best chance. Use kinesis to grapple an enemy's dropped items away from the ceiling if they get stuck up there.

Step around the right side of the plate after dealing with the Slasher. A Lurker will attack from off to the left. Deal with him then step around the glowing gravity plates to the left and enter the next open area. A Slasher will move toward your current location starting from the beginning of this room. He might actually step onto a gravity plate and kill himself or he might make it through them - be ready if he makes it to Isaac.

Pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- from off to the left and move into the next hallway. Two Lurkers will attack in the next hall. View Screenshot Use the stasis recharger against the far wall if needed. Use kinesis to move the shelves blocking the way to the next room then enter the room.

A Brute will attack in this room. He will bust through the wall in the back. He can bust through many of the walls on the left side of the room, so stay on the right side. Lure him around the unbreakable wall then use kinesis to stop him and get in the back of him then shoot off his appendages with the Line Gun, Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle. There are two --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups on the left side of the room and the Brute will drop a --POWER NODE-- once he is defeated.

[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Power Node


Recharge your stasis back at the stasis recharger then enter the area where the Brute charged into the area. There are electric cords flipping and waving to the sides of this area. View Screenshot Pick up the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- from the left side of the room. Shoot the electric cords with stasis while they move to the left then quickly run over to the controls on the right side of the room and reroute the power for this area by using the control panel in order to make the electric cords stop moving and accomplish part of your current objective.

Objective (partially) Complete:
[X] Re Route ADS Power (1/3)

The --SYSTEMS MODULE PLACED-- database file will play shortly after rerouting the power. Leave this area.

[ ] Medium Med Pack
[ ] --"Systems Module Placed" database file--

Step back around all the gravity plates and get back to the elevator. Two Slashers will attack in the Hallway to Ship Systems, so be ready to blast them.

== Main Atrium ==

Several Stingers will be awaiting your return to the Atrium, so fight them off with the Pulse Rifle and prepare to run to the side a lot to avoid their lunges. Walk over to the elevator on the opposite side of the elevator shaft and take it down to the mining area (Level 1). View Screenshot The --REPORT FROM KENDRA-- will be received on the way down to the next floor.

== Hallway to Mining Administration ==


Open the --ITEM CHEST-- then save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! in the first room. Open the next door.

All will seem quiet in this hallway until the door on the right wall of the corridor up ahead is eventually sucked out into space and the entire room enters a vacuum while Isaac walks down the hall. View Screenshot Isaac, you damn jinx! Stand next to the hole in the wall and use kinesis to move away the wall debris from the hole and find the --RANDOM ITEM-- on the floor outside then use kinesis to bring it to Isaac and collect it - equipping the Plasma Cutter makes targeting this item much easier. Enter the Storage Room at the end of the hall. View Screenshot


[ ] Random Item
[ ] --Report from Kendra" database file--
[ ] Item Chest,
[ ] Item Chest

== MA Hall Storage ==

Be sure to step inside far enough so that the door to the outside hallway closes in order to regain oxygen. Open the --ITEM LOCKER-- and --ITEM CONTAINER-- inside then use the !!UPRGRADE BENCH!! if needed. Exit the room when you're finished then rush toward the next room through the door down the hall outside.

[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Container

== Mining Administration Room ==


Go through the next door ahead. There is an --ITEM CONTAINER-- in the room through the door on the left side. Two Dark Slashers are up ahead and they are unaware of Isaac's presence when he first enters this area. View Screenshot One of them drags a body behind him. You can sneak up behind them and get the drop on them now if you wish. I like to shoot the back with stasis and push him directly into the nearby reverse gravity plate with weapon fire - a Force Gun works very well for pushing them into the gravity plates if Isaac already has it.

[ ] Item Container

Speaking of reverse gravity plates, this room is full of them, so be sure to tread carefully through it. Enter the room off to the right as you first step into this area.

== MA Computer Room ==

Pick up the --REPORT OF INFECTION-- database file from the floor then open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the wall. In the next room, you'll find and --ITEM BOX-- , an --ITEM CHEST-- and a --POWER NODE--, so load up, guy! Walk back out into the Mining Administration Room.

[ ] --"Report of Infection" database file--
[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Box,
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Power Node

== Mining Administration Room ==

Find the locked room on the right side of this area then place a Power Node on the control panel to the left of the door and then step inside. View Screenshot

== Power Node Room ==

Two --ITEM LOCKERS--, an --ITEM BOX, an --ITEM CONTAINER-- a --LARGE MED PACK-- , a --MEDIUM MED PACK--, --5000 CREDITS-- and a --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- are lying in wait for Isaac's grubby hands. Leave the room after all the collecting.

[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Container
[ ] Large Med Pack
[ ] Medium Med Pack
[ ] 5000 Credits
[ ] Gold Semiconductor

== Mining Administration Room ==


Mutilate all the dead bodies that are on the floor in this area before continuing - trust me. Maneuver through the glowing plates of death along the right side of the room then prepare to fight a Lurker as it steps out from the far side of the area ahead. A --SMALL MED PACK-- is near the seats off to the right when Isaac reaches the windows.

Walk over to the power system controls and reroute the power for this area to the ADS. View Screenshot

Objective (partially) Complete:
[X] Re Route ADS Power (2/3)

The --CONTROL MODULE PLACED-- database file will play after the power has been rerouted. An Infector will appear in this room after the file plays. You did smash those dead bodies in this room, didn't you? If not, then the Infector will start using them as hosts right now. Find the Infector then kill it and move back through the door that leads out of this room.

[ ] Small Med Pack
[ ] --"Control Module Placed" database file--

== Hallway to Mining Administration ==

Backtrack through the door and run through the vacuum hall. Step into the elevator once again but this time take it up to the level 3 - the ADS Area.

== ADS Lower Hall ==

A figure will appear through the doorway ahead with a disturbing phrase before the door seals off in front of him. Make you whole, eh? Sorry, Isaac only separates his foes... violently. View Screenshot

Anyway, pick up the --TEMPLE ON THE BRIDGE-- database file from the immediate right after stepping off the elevator then grab the --FORCE GUN SCHEMATIC-- from the left side of the room. Open the --ITEM CHEST-- and --ITEM CONTAINER-- also then press on to the next room.

[ ] --"Temple on the Bridge" database file--
[ ] Force Gun Schematic
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Item Container

Be sure to save your game before continuing down the hall ahead. There are two --ITEM CONTAINERS-- on the left wall up ahead. When Isaac moves around the corner, a Pregnant and a Dark Slasher will attack.


Don't hit the Pregnant in its stomach or it will release Spiders as its stomach bursts open. View Screenshot You really want to focus on their upper half appendages (head and arms) or the legs. The Plasma Cutter, Line Gun or any weapon that can hit them quickly without spreading damage will work well against them. The Ripper actually does well if you aim for their top portion. A Pregnant will fall fast if you cut off its top appendages - it really seems to fall just as fast as a Slasher if you hit it properly. Keep in mind that the Contact Beam's econdary fire will quickly eliminate the Spiders that burst forth from its chest if you happen to hit it and both weapon fires for the Force Gun work well against Spiders thanks to its wide spread shots.

Take the --RIPPER BLADES-- from near the locked door by the controls ahead. Walk over to the controls for the power system for this area and reroute the power to the ADS like with all the other power systems and the --AIM THE ADS CANNON-- database file will play shortly after the objective is fulfilled then a new objective will be received.

[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Container
[ ] Ripper Blades
[ ] --"Aim the ADS Cannon" database file--

Objective Complete:
[X] Re Route ADS Power

Objective Added:
[ ] Destroy the Asteroids

One of the cannons has failed to start, which means a big portion of the ship is unprotected. I've got to take manual control and buy Hammond enough time to fix it on his end.

NOTE: If you have not rerouted the power in the other areas of the ship prior to rerouting the power here, then Isaac will receive the "Astrogation Module Placed" database file, and you will have to reroute the power in the other areas then come back here.

[ ] --"Astrogation Module Placed" database file-- (see note above)

The once locked door is now open, so move into the next room.

== Ship Exterior Access ==

Enter the Storage Room down the hall off to the right.

== Storage Room 47 ==

Grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- then stomp the --ITEM BOX-- and open the --ITEM LOCKER-- then leave.

[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Locker

== Ship Exterior Access ==

Open the door further ahead then take the elevator up.

== ADS Hallway ==

The --AVOID THE ASTEROIDS-- database file will be received halfway down the hallway ahead. Pick up the --MEDIUM AIR CAN-- near the next door then open the door followed by the next and step outside.

[ ] --"Avoid the Asteroids" database file--
[ ] Medium Air Can

== ADS Outside Access ==


Isaac will enter a vacuum area with zero gravity. You'll have to go through this area quickly since it is a rather large sprint to the next door on the other side. View Screenshot

A shower of asteroids will fly by every now and then and you must step behind the metal barricades to avoid them. Whenever you see a particle effect starting, be sure to get behind a metal barricade. If you don't take shelter behind one when the asteroid shower has started then Isaac will get smashed to pieces due to the incoming asteroids. You can zero-g jump in this area but it really only slows Isaac down because of the recovery time after a jump. Only the floor ahead can be jumped to and not any of the other surroundings.

Stand behind a barricade and wait for the asteroid shower to stop then quickly dash forward past the next barricade and take cover behind the second barricade further ahead after passing by the first. You'll have just enough time to make it past one full barricade and get to another before the shower starts again. Depending on your air gauge, you might have to use an air can out here - don't be afraid to use it! Run straight to the door on the other side and open it quickly then step inside.

When taking cover from an asteroid shower, be sure to wait a few seconds AFTER the particle effects diminish on the screen since there are sometimes some stray asteroids a few seconds after a shower that can hit and kill Isaac if you move out too quickly. Do not rush or you'll get hit by a slower asteroid attempting to catch up with its flock. Simply use an air can if you must!

== ADS Controls ==

Collect the --RUBY SEMICONDUCTOR-- from the floor and smash the --ITEM BOX-- off to the right. Be sure to save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! on the left wall.


Approach the controls for the cannon and interact with them to trigger a shooter minigame. Isaac must defend the Ishimura from incoming asteroids during this minigame. The ship's health is displayed in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Any asteroid impact will damage the ship a bit. If the ship's health gauge is brought down to zero then the game is over. The ship's health gauge starts at 85% shield strength. View Screenshot

Here are the controls:

R1 (or RT) = fire right cannon
L1 (or LT) = fire left cannon
Right Analog (Right Stick) = aim cannon

The asteroids can sometimes be hard to hit but you don't want to shoot too often or the cannon will overheat. Any asteroid that passes by the window will hit the ship. You mainly want to focus on groups of asteroids instead of single asteroids. Big asteroids will damage the ship badly, so you want to be sure to shoot the bigger ones above all else - they will break apart into smaller asteroids so be ready to shoot the smaller pieces as well.

This minigame can get pretty intense, so remain focused and take a break if it becomes frustrating. Having to aim with the right analog is the main frustrating part that got to me at first. You might want to try placing your thumb over the right analog (right stick) to help out, though this makes it harder to hit R1 (or RT) for me. Don't even look at the health gauge most of the time, one look toward it is all it takes to get distracted from the incoming asteroids. When Hammond says, "I've almost got this thing fixed, just a little bit longer" then the time limit for defending the ship is almost over.

If you can manage to keep 50% of the shield's strength still intact, then you will receive the "Don't get cocky, kid" trophy (achievement).

TIPS (for maintaining 50% of the shield):

01) Understand that most of the time, you are at the game's mercy for asteroid placement. Sometimes asteroids will come at the ship with completely unforgiving speed and patterns. Some patterns are easier than others.

02) At the beginning, start shooting the asteroids as early as possible. Watch for any movement then aim and shoot. Always do this whenever asteroids first appear if there are not any nearby.

03) When firing, either go for a single shot or hold down on both shoulder buttons. You can actually sweep through an entire group while holding down on both shoulder buttons.

04) Overheating is not the end of the world if it happens when asteroids are not nearby. Keep aiming at the closest approaching asteroid so you can blast it the second that the cannon cools down.

05) Try not to aim all the way up, down, right or left since you'll likely allow asteroids to creep up on you while doing this - the cannon will block a portion of the outside area while aiming like this.

06) Big asteroids and fast asteroids are the main priority. Hold down on both shoulder buttons while aiming at a big asteroid to destroy it along with the little asteroids that it breaks into.

07) If you see a single asteroid on one side and a group of asteroids on the other side, turn your attention toward the group of asteroids.

08) When an asteroid is extremely close, and you are not aiming at any current asteroids, quickly move the cannon in its direction and hold both shoulder buttons to hopefully blast it. This can sometimes save you from a big asteroid.

09) If an asteroid is extremely close to any side then don't aim at it unless it is near a group of asteroids or there is no nearby approaching asteroids to shoot. Side asteroids sometimes don't hit or they do very little damage.

10) Do not look at the shield gauge strength. Once again, DO NOT LOOK AT THE SHIELD GAUGE STRENGTH or this distraction will cost you greatly! Listen for the words that tell you that the hull integrity is below 50% then look. There might be a slight chance that it is at 50%, so you might still be just barely hanging on.

11) Make the save file at the save station beside the cannon is your first save file, so you can reload quicker. If your gauge ever gets below 50% then quite your current game and reload your nearby save immediately.


12) If you start to get frustrated, keep this current save on your list of files and move on with the rest of the game for a while then simply reload this game later when you cool down. You need to be completely focused (in the zone) to earn this accomplishment and not ready to throw a controller.

13) At the beginning, fire a shot directly toward the middle of the screen and the light from the shot will reflect off of some of the distance asteroids to let you know where they are.

14) Enter the options menu and turn the brightness all the way up and this will make it easier to see the asteroids against the dark background.

The --HURRY UP!--, --ALMOST FIXED-- and --ONE MORE MINUTE-- database files will play during the shooter minigame and the --ADS ONLINE-- database file will play once the minigame is completed. The ADS cannon autotarget will take over and show Isaac and us fellow gamers how it's done with the autotargeting's incredible accuracy. View Screenshot


[ ] Ruby Semiconductor
[ ] Item Box
[ ] --"Hurry Up" database file--,
[ ] --"Almost Fixed" database file--
[ ] --"One More Minute" database file--,
[ ] --"ADS Online" database file--

Objective Complete:
[X] Destroy the Asteroids

Objective Added:
[ ] Go to the Tram Station

The ADS is now fully operational. It should protect us from any asteroid collisions. Looks like we've bought ourselves some time.

Save your game again then step back outside.

== ADS Outside Access ==

Two Stingers will attack along the way back to the ADS Hallway up ahead. View Screenshot You don't have to worry about asteroids this time so you can fight them without fear of getting splattered. You could simply run by them if oxygen is a major factor with your current RIG. Open the door at the other end to exit the vacuum then enter the hallway.

== ADS Hallway ==

The --ATMOSPHERE CONTAMINATED-- database file will play will play while moving down the hallway. There's never a dull moment on the USG Ishimura! Take the elevator back down.

[ ] --"Atmosphere Contaminated" database file--

== ADS Lower Hall ==


Go through the door directly ahead then move down the hall to the right View Screenshot and take the elevator back down to level 2 - the Main Atrium. Crawlers will attack from the room that the elevator is in. These enemies can easily be taken down with a few blasts from the Flamethrower or Force Gun - the primary fire works well for either. Barely tap the button enough to ignite one with the Flamethrower then let it burn and repeat. The Force Gun is good for shooting a group of them. They are not much of a problem really - targeting them is the main problem. The Pulse Rifle will work just as well as the Force Gun and Flamethrower. These enemies don't have appendages - they are basically walking appendages (heads).

== Main Atrium ==

You look as if you are expecting something big to happen here in the Main Atrium. Don't worry, it's not, so continue to the hallway in the very back of this area.

== Atrium Hallway ==


Oh, but something will happen here. Once Isaac moves down the hall in front of the Store, a Slasher (the spitter kind) will attack from the hall ahead then another Slasher spitter will attack from behind. View Screenshot Quickly cripple the one up ahead by shooting off its leg then run past it and turn around to fight them both.

== Tram Station ==

Step aboard the tram then interact with the controls on the wall to end this chapter.


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