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  • Tier 7
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    TIER 7
    Drexel posted on Dec 25, 2017 10:45:30 AM - Report post
    gpm the game with the best replay value to me is Planet Explorers and let me tell you why. Planet Explorers has a story mode for those who love stories it is not bad and then there is an adventure mode.

    Ok you know how in minecraft & terraria you can build your own house. Anything you can imagine you can create the sky is the limit.

    Planet Explorers takes that concept to the next level. You can make your own vehicle, boat, flying attacking robot, gun, melee weapon from scratch. Whatever you can imagine a vehicle looking like etc you can design.

    OK OK I did not even get to the best part. In adventure mode there are random dungeons that appear in random locations ranging from level 1 to level 10. At the end of the dungeon there is this brown military looking duffel bag and the dungeon boss.

    After you kill the dungeon boss and loot the military duffel bag you get multiple items. One of those items is an item made by the players that play Planet Explorers.

    Let's just say I had talent and made this cool ATV that has cool weapons. Took me like 20 hours to make. I title that ATV with my name on it and then you play a dungeon and get my ATV with my name on it. You look at the ATV notice it is cool and somebody put a ton of hours into making it and you know who made it because it has my name on it.

    Then you get on the steam planet explorers forum with snapshots of the cool ride and thank me for it. Then some other players hit every dungeon they come across because they want that unique ride too.

    Cool thing is you don't have to post or push buttons to make your ride be in other players duffel bags. It is automatically done by the game. After you make something and save it for yourself that item could possibly show up in somebody's dungeon loot.

    That makes Planet Explorers give incentive to creative players to make cool things & for people like me that don't have that talent it gives me the incentive to raid as many dungeons as I can to get cool bots, weapons, boats, atvs, etc.

    Other games have dungeons BUT after a while you just get the same loot. With planet explorers you never know what kind of loot you are going to get because somebody somewhere is always going to be making a new cool item.

    Now sometimes you get items made by players and you are like what in the world was this suppose to be. Other times you get an item made by other players and you start laughing because it is a funny looking item yet it is so unique that you don't want to throw it away.
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