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  checkpoints:  01-08  .  09-16  .  17-24  .  25-32  .  33-36


Checkpoint 33: Cryo Pyramids

Grab the club behind you, and wait a minute so you pass out. When you awake, run to the door to your right. It’s where the large security bots come from. Don’t worry if you get attacked; just run through it and load the next area.

Checkpoint 34: Facility Control


When the area loads, walk inside the door and turn right. Go into the room, and two glass doors will shut, locking you in. Wait a minute, and a hatch will open in the floor. Drop down, avoiding the bots that come out, and make your way to the end of the corridor, avoiding the bots. At the end, grab the ledge and climb out. There is a guard here. You have nothing to fight with, so try to grab his gun and kill him with it. There’s a health station as well, if you need it. Walk to the hatch opposite where you entered and drop down. Like before, move down, avoiding the bots. You can kill them if you want, now that you have a gun. At the end, climb out, turn around, and go up the stairs. At the top, hang a left, and kill the guard at the far end. Use the computer terminal to open all the glass doors. Turn around, and kill the three guards who show up, then run back down the stairs. At the bottom, go into the tunnel, move to the other end, climb up, enter the next tunnel (the red one), and climb up at the other end. You’re back near the beginning. Ahead of are you are two security bots. Your pistol won’t work, so run by them (don’t worry about taking damage). Head to the left, and follow the hall to a door. Go through it, and you’ll be in the armory. Use the NanoMED station if you need to (you probably will), then walk to the back of the room, and you’ll see a mech. Use it, and Riddick will get in. Now it’s time to cause some damage.

Two heavy guards will come in, and two will power up; kill all four of them with your minigun and missiles. It shouldn’t be hard, because you are in a mech! When they are destroyed, enter the door to the right. Kill the heavy guard that approaches, then ride the elevator to the corporate area.

Checkpoint 35: Corporate Office

You are now in the office area. This next section is incredibly easy. Turn the corner and kill the two guards. For this whole area, just follow the halls as they turn (there are no junctions), killing any guards and mechs you come across. If you feel like it, just stomp on the human guards, and they die with a joyful crunch. Eventually, you will come to a room with two doors. Enter the door on the left, and it turns out to be an elevator which takes you to the Take Off Platform.

Checkpoint 36: Take Off Platform


Get off the elevator and take a left. Kill the four guards that show up, then enter the room. Enter the door that has an ear protection warning on it, , and kill the two guards. Head to the door on the right, and kill the heavy guard that appears. When the mech drops, you get out of the unit. Use the button next to the door. Guards will swarm in, but run out the door, and keep running, , and a cutscene will take over. Looks like it is Johns, who actually saved you this time! The ship crashes, and how convenient, it crashes into Hoxie’s office. Looks like it’s time for a final showdown.

Once the cutscene is over, you’ll have to deal with Hoxie’s guards, who have a cloaking device. To kill them, look for the faint outline of the unit, or the muzzle flash from their miniguns. Immediately grab the shotgun, and start pelting them. When the coast is somewhat clear, grab the minigun by the pillar, and unload into them. When they fall, a cutscene will take over. Riddick puts his goggles on Hoxie, and guards storm the office. Thinking that Hoxie is Riddick because of the goggles, they kill him, , while Riddick escorts John out of the prison disguised as a guard. Ahh, a terrific ending.

Congratulations! You’ve finished The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Let’s hope this is only the first game in a series.

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