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  checkpoints:  01-08  .  09-16  .  17-24  .  25-32  .  33-36


This walkthrough is written on the Normal difficulty setting. Whenever you see a cigarette pack, pick it up. I will not tell you to do so, but you can check out the “Cigarette Pack” section for additional help.

Checkpoint 01: Escape

After a cool opening, you begin the game facing Johns and two other inmates. Walk up to Johns, and press X to talk to him. Choose any dialogue option. After you talk to him, he turns, and approaches one of the inmates. With his back turned, crouch, and sneak up to him. When you see you arms raise, , press the right trigger to break his neck loudly. If you want to practice being quiet, press the left trigger and keep hitting X to break his neck silently. When he drops, turn around and race to the now open door, and drop through. Don’t take his gun; it’s DNA encoded.

Walk forward, jump over the obstacle, and press X to grab onto the ladder, then climb down. Jump down to the floor, and walk to the guy who is fixing something. As you get close, he’ll turn around, and you’ll have to fight him, hand to hand. When he dies, pick up his security key, and use it on the nearby door.


You are in a very dark hallway. Walk to the edge of the wall, , but make sure you are hidden (screen will be blue). You will see a guard come from the right. Crouch-walk and sneak up on him as he is walking to the left, and snap his neck. Pick up the Vent Tool, then drag his body to the shadows. Drop him, and walk down the hall from where he came. Around the corner, you’ll see a stack of crates. Climb them to the top, then climb onto the handrail. Start shimmying, and you’ll see a guard come in. When you are over the guard, press X to jump down onto him, killing him. After doing this, climb back up the crates, and jump onto the handrail again. Shimmy all the way over, and open the vent door. You’ll crawl inside automatically.

Crawl through the vent, and kick open the gate at the other end. You will see a med station, but you shouldn’t need it yet. Pick up the nearby med cartridge, and follow the hall to the left. You’ll come to a door with a green light above it; go through. Walk forward, and turn to the left. You’ll see a guard standing by a table. Run up to him. When he turns around, wait for him to attack you, and press the right trigger just as he’s about to hit you. You will grab his gun, aim it under his chin, and pull the trigger; you now have a shotgun. Climb up the vents, , and then climb onto the rail. Shimmy to the right to the open spot, and press UP to pull yourself up. Go through the door on the left. In the hall, walk to the end, to the gate. As you approach it, it rises. Walk inside, and press the button to activate the elevator.

At the top, walk through the only door, and you’ll be outside. Get into a crouch, and sneak up behind the guard you see walking to the right. Switch to your fists, and snap his neck, then grab his shotgun for some ammo. Jump down this ladder, , go to the right, and shoot the blue lock to open the gate. Crawl inside. Use your light to find your way. Ignore the offshoots. Kill all the guards on your way, four in total. Use the explosive barrels to help. At the end of the sewer, you’ll see a weird light. Run towards it until the mission ends.

Checkpoint 02: The Arrival

Turns out it was all a dream. Johns wakes you up, and you disembark the ship. After the cutscene, you will be escorted into the prison. It takes place in real time, so feel free to look around as you are being escorted. You will wind up in your cell.

Checkpoint 03: Prison Yard

After the prison loads, Riddick will say something about being deloused. The cell door will then open, so go through it. To your right, an inmate will ask you to come. Walk to him, and press X. After talking to the man, hang a left, and follow the hall until you come to a gate. You will see a man standing in between the gate and cell A31. Talk to him. Choose the option “Agree to kill Molina” when given two choices. You now have a side mission. Leave the way you came, and continue past your cell. You will see an open door with two men inside. Walk inside, and talk to Waman, the man lying on the bed. Say “hear what he has in mind,” then leave the cell. Continue left. Hang a right through the alcove, and you will see two inmates talking under a loudspeaker. Continue past them to the left, up the stairs, and into the yard.

Talk to the man standing on the left, near the rope holding the large grate shut. This is Mattsson. When you get your objective, talk to the bald man, Haley. Return back to the cellblock, and go back to the main hallway. When you leave the alcove, turn right, and enter the now-open cell on you right, cell A40. Run to the back of the cell, and quickly turn around; two inmates show up to beat you up. Using your fists, kill the both of them, then return to the yard and speak to Mattsson again.


Now, return all the way back to your cell, which is room A34. Walk to the back of the room, and Mattsson will show up. So will Rust, who we will get to know better later. After the cool cutscene, you’ll see Barber standing outside your cell, so talk to him. Looks like we’ll need a weapon. Head right, and go to cell A38. It is across from the cell where the two men are, the one doing pushups. Inside is a man, whose name is Molina. Kill him. Don’t worry; there are no cameras in here. When he falls, pick up the knuckleduster, then go to the cell directly across from you. Speak to Waman, and he’ll give you a cigarette pack. Leave, go right, and return all the way to the gate. Talk to the bandaged man you talked to earlier, Shabby. He’ll give you a secret code for killing Molina. Return all the way to the yard.

From where you entered the yard, go straight across to the next doorway, which leads to the second area of A block, which is considered Aquila territory. Walk down the stairs and to the right. As you approach the “Cellblock A 11-30” sign, the game will load.

Checkpoint 04: Aquila Territory


Follow the hall. When you get to the end, turn right, and you will see an inmate beating on another inmate. He will then come running to you, so kill him. Next, you’ll have to kill an inmate standing between cells A27 and A28. When he dies, enter cell A28 and heal if you need it. Otherwise, continue down the hall. As you turn the corner, an inmate will kick a fire extinguisher at you. Back up to avoid it. The guy who kicked it will take off, but another inmate will be waiting for you. Kill him, and take his shiv. Continue down the hall. When you get to the next area, the same inmate lights a fuel streak, so back up before the explosion occurs. Rush down, and kill the two inmates guarding the small stairs. When they’re dead, run up the stairs and hang a right. You’ll see Rust standing by a gate. Kill him, and a cutscene will take over.

When you regain control, a guard will be coming at you. He won’t attack, but stay away from him, or he’ll hit you for getting close. Make your way to the prison yard. En route, you’ll see an inmate being gunned down by a guard, , so avoid that guard. Stop off at the med station if you need health.

Once back in the yard, talk to Haley again. After speaking, return back to the gate, near the guy who gave you the code. Talk to the guard behind the gate, and he’ll open it for you. Once it’s open, walk in, and go through the door on your left. Walk forward to the next door to load the infirmary.

Checkpoint 05: Infirmary

Once the game’s loaded, open the door. A guard will come and tell you not to move. Equip your shiv, and attack the guard with the gun. Try to time your attack so you catch him off guard and slit his throat. When he dies, kill the next guard, who was standing by the far door. Once they’re dead, pick up the security code from one of them, and heal (if necessary). Open the door on the left, marked “1”. On a gurney, you’ll find a scalpel (which will replace the shiv), and a pack of smokes. Leave, and open the door on the right, marked “2”. A guard will come out, so kill him, then continue into the room. Inside, take a right, and you’ll see a large machine. Activate it, and it’ll add one block to your health, so instead of four, you’ll now have five. After getting the increase, climb the ladder.

At the top, run forward, all the way down, and enter the door on the right. You are now above the infirmary. Run to the crate on the right, and crouch behind it. A guard will be coming from the door in front of you. Equip the scalpel, and wait for him to pass, then sneak up behind him and stab him in the back. Go through the door he entered from.


In this new room, hang a right, and open the sewer hatch. Crawl inside, and you’ll emerge in a room big enough to run. There is a guard to your left, behind the pillars. Move in between the pillars as the guard does so he doesn’t see you. If he does spot you, just hightail it to the other side. Crouch again and crawl through the shaft, and you’ll eventually come to a ladder. Climb it. At the top, continue forward and go through the next hatch. In this room full of crates, you’ll see a guard start walking away from you, so snap his neck or stab him. Continue past the crates, towards the litter bin, and enter the door in the darkened passage, signaled by a green light. There is a single guard standing here, so kill him silently, take his code, and enter the door at the end. Walk into the next room, and you will see a guard. This is the guard who was overlooking the shaft you crawled into. When he’s done, enter the door with a green light above it, next to the door with the red light. You’ll see a sign pointing to the “mainframe”. Walk toward the door, and the area will load.

Checkpoint 06: Mainframe

Enter the door. You will be on a catwalk overlooking a technician moving around. Jump down (don’t worry if you get hurt), and kill the technician. Approach the machine in the center of the room and activate it. You can now use a guard’s weapon, but the machine has alerted security. Quickly run to the assault rifle and grab it, then crouch here. Press black to zoom in, and kill the two guards as they enter. If only one guard comes in, kill him, then move to the door to kill the second. Go through the door the guards came from, and kill two more of them in the hallway; use the explosive canister to help you. Turn the corner, and you’ll see an open doorway ahead with a red light above it. Run to it, then as soon as you see the guard, turn around and run away, so you avoid the grenade he throws. Once it’s exploded, head into that hall and look right. The explosion made a hole in the wall. Press X on the pieces of debris to get rid of them (they will hurt if they fall on you), then go through the hole.

You’ll be in front of some crates that are illuminated by the fire. To the left of the crates is a dark area where you can squeeze through. Be careful going through, though, as there is a guard there (he may turn his light on, letting you see him). Continue into the room, and go left, into the small alcove. You’ll see a panel. Activate it. Turn around, and face the large stacks of crates. On the upper right, you will see a fan, which is no longer spinning, because you shut off the power. Use the crates on the left to get to the top. At the top, jump over to the crates on the right, then crouch and crawl between the fan blades.


You will be on some grating, overlooking a guard in the hallway below. Shoot out one of the closest grates, and fall to the ground. Kill the guard in front of you, then turn around and kill the second guard behind you. Walk towards where the second guard was, and you will come to a room. Go through the open door, and you will see a med station. Don’t use it yet, because a guard may be coming from the left. If he is, kill him, then use the station (if you have to). After killing the guard, get along the wall. In the room beyond, there are two more guards on the upper balcony. Peek out every so often and shoot them. When they die, go into the room. If you want, climb the crates to the catwalk to get their ammo and a cigarette pack. Otherwise, head to the green light you see to your left. As you approach the door, a guard will come rolling out from the crate, so kill him, then go through the service hatch.

Inside, take a right, and you will see a green gas. Use the valve on the left to turn off the gas, then continue forward. As you get near the end, you’ll hear a guard shout “Grenade!!”, so immediately back up to get out of the blast radius. When the grenade goes off, continue forward again, and kill the two guards. The hatch at the end is locked, so go through the hole the grenade made.

You’re in the locker area. Walk inside, past the crates, towards the open doorway. A guard will run in from the right, so be ready for him. After he’s dead, continue into the doorway, and hang a right. There will be another guard here, so kill him. You are now in a room with two options. Use the med station if you need it, then take the left door. You’ll be in a large room. Kill all the guards in here, and a guard in a mech suit will come from the elevator. Don’t bother killing him; run for the elevator and ride it.

At the top, you’ll have two doors to choose from; take the one on the right, with a green light. In this room, you’ll have a locked door straight ahead, but look to the left to see a smaller door. Approach this door to load the next area.

Checkpoint 07: Prison Yard Riot

When the game has loaded, go through the door. Run forward (ignore the darkened stairs), and make your way to the valve to open a gate. Turn around, back past the nanomed station, and go down the darkened stairs. At the bottom, the gate that was shut is now open. There may be one or two guards near the gate; kill them, but don’t rush through. We have to destroy the security guns, or they’ll tear you apart. The guns are the these things. Make your way slowly down the stairs, until you can see it, but it’s not firing at you. Zoom in, and destroy it. Walk down the stairs, and peak out to the right; there is another gun on the left wall. Destroy it. There is a third gun at the far end of the hall, on the right side, so destroy it from the same spot. Now you may leave. As you run down the hall, a guard will come at you. Kill him, and continue down. An inmate will come from the left and will be gunned down by two guards. Don’t go too far out, because there is another security gun on the right wall, next to the cell door, with an “A” in a circle spraypainted underneath it. Destroy it, then continue to the left and kill the two guards. Before getting too far, crouch behind the crate on the left, and destroy the security gun on the far right wall.


Just past the security gun is a small hallway. Go down the hall a little, and kill the guard. Don’t run into the room yet, because you need to destroy the security gun on the right. When it’s destroyed, approach the gate. It’s locked. Return all the way to the beginning of the area, killing the one guard who shows up. When you get to where the darkened stairs are, hang a right. When you hear “Grenade!!”, back up. After it goes off, go around to the right, and walk to the gate. A guard inside will raise it, and another guard will come in through a door. Kill them both, then collect the radio on one of their corpses. Picking it up causes Riddick to radio to the guards, and says the cellblock is secure. Return all the way around to the small locked gate, and you will have to kill one more guard. As you approach the gate, you’ll see an inmate laying on the ground who wants you to put him out of his misery. Do so or don’t; doesn’t matter. Walk through the now open gate and up the stairs into the yard, where a cutscene will take over. Riddick will be shot at by a guard, and he’ll rush into the guard, sending both of you down into the pit.

Checkpoint 08: The Pit

You are in the pit, and you have a limited amount of time before the light on your shotgun goes out. If it goes out, it doesn’t make the game harder, because you fail, so you better hurry. This area is crawling with mutants, who will come at you from the front and back, so always be on the lookout. The developers must’ve gotten lazy at this point, or decided the game was too easy, because the mutants are never ending. Turn around, and go through the gateway behind you. Once on the catwalk, follow it until you get to a ramp leading down; ignore the path to the right. On the bottom left, take a right, then a left, and follow this path all the way to the end. At the dead-end, you will find a valve. Grab it, then turn around. Return all the way to the ramp, go back up, and go through the path on your left (that you ignored earlier). Once on the new grating, just follow it straight, following the bends, but never going through an offshoot. When you get to a red flare, , you’re almost finished. At the flare, put the valve into the niche, then turn the valve, opening the gate. Follow the newly opened path. Keep following it straight. When it splits, keep going straight, toward the flare. Eventually, the game will load, and you’ll be in a new area of the Pit.

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