Trainer Battle
Rogue Legacy Review
Welcome to our CHEATfactor Game Review of Rogue Legacy. We review the game and then factor in how the available cheats affect the overall game experience.

Reviewed on: PC
Developer: Cellar Door Games
Publisher: Cellar Door Games
Rated: "M" for Mature

CHEATfactor Game Review
by Joe Sinicki
Presentation 8/10 
Though simple in it's audio and video presentation, there's a lot to love. The pixel art is incredibly charming and serves the game quite well.
Gameplay 9/10 
Similarly, the gameplay of Rogue Legacy seems incredibly simple but there's a very steep learning curve here and you're going to die... a lot. You'll never feel frustrated though since the game is such a fun to play.
Lasting Appeal 10/10 
Everything from your character's traits to the castle layout and treasure chest locations are randomly generated and you'll always have a reason to go back. For $15, Rogue Legacy is well worth the purchase price.
Overall 9/10 
Brimming with content, Rogue Legacy makes no bones about what it is, and it's not for everyone but if you're looking for a good challenge and a remarkable sense of personality that's been missing from most game, look no further than this gem.
CHEATfactor 9/10 

The family that stars in Rogue Legacy has some serious issues. Generation after generation have ran heroically into an ominous castle and like clockwork; they don't come out. You would think that eventually someone in the family would refuse to take the journey, but you'll also be glad they don't once you've played it. Rogue Legacy is in a word; fantastic. In more words; it's a fantastically creative, fun and challenging rogue-like action platformer that gives you more content than you can even imagine for only $15. It may not be for everyone but anyone looking for a creative and challenging experience shouldn't miss Rogue Legacy.

"...this is one game that's hard to walk away from."


You'll start out Rogue Legacy as a heroic knight who charges into battle in a mysterious castle and it's pretty inevitable that you'll meet your untimely demise shortly upon entering the castle. Death is permanent in Rogue Legacy but don't fret; your hero's descendants will follow in their ancestor's footsteps and try their luck in the foreboding castle. Each of your descendants will have different traits that makes them all feel and play different. Some of these are what you'd expect like different classes and strengths but it's what you won't expect that makes Rogue Legacy so unique and fun. The heroes descendants all have their own personality traits like ADHD (which makes them run really fast) or vertigo, which makes the whole level play upside down.

These personality traits combined with character classes and upgrades you'll unlock make for a game in which no two play throughs feel the same. While some of the personality traits (like your character being bald or gay) have no impact on how you'll play the game, some, like the previously mentioned ADHD or near-sidedness, which makes everything far away blurry. It's an incredibly creative design decision that pays off in spades since the game has so much personality and always keeps you guessing and coming back for that “one more time.” Spoiler alert - that one more time is always going to be more than one, this is one game that's hard to walk away from.

Just don't go getting attached to your hero and their personality traits since you're going to die a lot. Rogue Legacy features completely randomly generated castle levels that change each time you play and you're likely to die pretty regularly. Pretty early in the game you can unlock a character that can keep your castle the same for the next run (for a price of course),a great tool to utilize when you particularly like the layout of a castle and it's secrets but using it too often felt like cheapening what made the game so special to begin with. There's a great sense of discovery and adventure here and mixing that with the challenging difficulty (look out for those bosses) makes for one hell of a gameplay experience. There's also a good amount of nods to other games and properties here, like unlocking the “Hedgehog's Curse” ability which let's you collect your gold after it all comes pouring out after a hit ala Sonic.

"...just be ready to die a lot."


The developers have also done a great job creating a rewarding sense of progression in Rogue Legacy even though you're constantly playing as different characters. All of your gold, treasures and items you unlock transfer over to your next descendent and you'll want to use it quick for upgrades and new items since you're likely to have to pay all of your remaining money to enter the next castle. As you get better and become more used to the tricks the castle throws at you, you're likely to last longer in your journeys and as a result you'll unlock more and more treasures and abilities - just be ready to die a lot.

In truth, Rogue Legacy throws a lot at you right away, and though you eventually figure it out, the game never really does a great job at explaining any of it. Take for instance the very first section of each castle, where smack in the middle is an item called the teleporter. Now, I know what a teleporter sounds like it should do, but when you're able to use it, but not really teleport to anywhere until later in the game, it's a bit confusing to say the least. The game also doesn't really explain how to use some of the power ups you'll unlock and I had to do so via trial and error. There's a bit of pride built in with learning and figuring out the game but it can be a bit frustrating at first.

With it's randomly generated levels, challenging gameplay and charming personality, Rogue Legacy is more than worth the price of admission. It's a fun, challenging and maybe even infuriating action platformer that rewards the player in spades for success. Brimming with content, Rogue Legacy makes no bones about what it is, and it's not for everyone but if you're looking for a good challenge and a remarkable sense of personality that's been missing from most game, look no further than this gem.

CHEATS USED: Unlimited Damage, Float Mode, Add Gold, more

Rogue Legacy can be a tough game to play through, not so with the trainer from Cheat Happens. There’s literally a cheat for everything you could want to unlock the items and abilities you need.

Having trouble getting through that boss? Flip on the unlimited damage mode; which happen to go great with the unlimited mana and super strength cheats. Me personally, I liked the float mode best, which allowed me to breeze through some of the game’s tougher sections and unlock a lot more faster. Then again, I could have just taken the easier way out and just used the add gold cheat too.