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We currently don't have any Eve Online trainers, cheats or editors for PC. Premium members may REQUEST new trainers and cheats using our request system as long as the game has not been permanently retired or multiplayer only in nature. Use our message board to discuss the game.
Eve Online Trainer
Message Board for PC version
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EVE Online Tools
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to Harshmage
    Harshmage posted on Oct 10, 2011 7:40:38 PM - Report post
    Okay everyone, here's the deal.
    New players lack a head start. But there are some good tools to help you plan your way into high skill ships, check your planned fitting, give you heads up on your market orders, watch your mail, and all sorts of crazy stuff.
    To help out those who don't know where to look, let's start listing some of the good tools we use. Remember rookies, you will need your API key to work with most of these tools!

    EVE Online API Key (Link) - Generate a custom access API key for the apps you use.

    EVEMon (Link) - Watches just about everything. Current skills, standings, market orders, industry (manufacturing) jobs, research jobs, your mail, and notifications. The big part of EVEMon is the skill planning. GO to the Plans menu, create new, and find the ship you want, and add it to the queue. It will guide you to reach the required skills, plus links up with BattleClinic so you can find the best loadouts, and train for those too. There are some other tools in there, so play around! Practically a one-stop-shop.

    EVE Fitting Tool (Link) - Lets you bring up a ship, and toss fittings at it all day long. Good for determining capacitor stability, and what would happen if you had max skills for the ship and loadout you're testing.

    Aura (Link, Android Market, Free) - For on-the-go types, monitor your pilot skill queue with Aura, an Android OS based app. Easy to use, useful widget for the home screen, and has a notification option to let you know skills finish.

    Neocom (Link, iOS App Store, Free) - iPhone and iPad option, just about everything you would want in an app for EVE. Donation-ware with a small area for ads.

    Websites - The other stuff out there

    RF Freight (Link) - Collected a TON of Mexallon that you need moved to Jita? Look no further than Red Frog Freight. The most trustworthy, player operated shipping corp in all the galaxy. Moving from low-sec (<=0.4)? Black Frog is their branch arm that specializes in moving in and out of dangerous territories.

    DOTLAN :: EveMaps (Link - Maps. And lots of them.

    EveWho (Link) - Checking up on yourself or others? Who's in what corp? What alliance is that corp in? This will do that.

    EVE-Survival (Link) - Mission and interesting places wiki.

    Find a tool useful? Post!

    ::Updated December 2012::
    Added Neocom for iOS, DOTLAN EveMaps, EveWho, and EVE-Survival

    [Edited by Harshmage, 12/4/2012 1:55:18 PM]
  • Send a message to rbr8299
    rbr8299 posted on Nov 29, 2012 1:12:03 PM - Report post
    Thank you based Harshmage
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