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Just an ASCII pic of what the Monoblos looks like. # # # @ #* * # # # * #@ # #* ## #. #: ,*@ #@ *# ### ## +#* ### .#@ + ##, ,*@# #@ # @## #+@# ##@ # ##* #*@@ ##@ * #+ *## ##@# ##@ ,# # @#* @*#* ###@ **@@ *# #@ *#* +*#* #*##@ **#@, ## :*@ + *#+ @***: +:*#.+***@# #*#**@ *@ @*#* @**::* +:+:******##:*##*@.# @**+ :*+.+:.+**#+***:..:+###@+#. .+*+**++**+:#*######***:***@:@+ +. #+ @*##*##*#*+*###*##@#**+*##@## *### .::#*+ +*:+ ##* ########,**#*+*###@#*++**## +*# +::::**++.+.#: ##+.+#####**#.:***:+####@##*+**# :##@ ++++++:::#*++::.@*. #***#@###*#*.:***+**#*#*####****++@ :*+++++.+::+***+:..#*+ @:#@##*+**#***+*+***#*#*##**+#**** +**:**+*+:+++.#*+*++:.*** *@@###+*#..###*+*+:*#*###*++**+**# :+:++**:+#+#*++**+::+#++++:::*#: *@####*##**#*#****##+#*@##+*:#*+#*.+ :****+..*:#*+,***::++:***++.+::++* ##*+*+*##+@#*#***#*#*##*##**@###@**:.,...*****:*:****##+,*++:+:*+**:+*:++++# #@#**+*##:.#***:*****+####+**@@,,:+#**:*#*****#+++****+#+,*+:++++**+++:+.#+* * ##***+*#@+#*#*+:**+#++*#@#**#:..:++****+***+#*#:++*#*#+**+,**+++++**+*:+++*+ . ##+**#*##.#****#**+****###+*+#*:**+##*#*#++**+#*++@*#*****:,*****+*:,+++*:*.. : :@@###*#*#*++#****#*++*###@#*+**@#*#####**##*********:*+#*#***+**++:*+*.*.++*:# :+ @@@@#**+#*###*##*****+***#@###+*#####@@###@@#####*##*##*##***+#+:*+*++**++*****+ *# ,@#*#*#*#:+#*###+**+*+*###***@@#@@@@@@###@@@@@@@####@@*:+**#:+:*++***#:*+*+**+ :#, :+ @##***#*+:#*#*+#:#**+*###****@#@@@@@@@@#@@@@#@@@@#@##**+****##:*+****++:*++*,: :*# *#* ,##**#**#***+**:*+****#######**@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@###*#..:***:+:****+*++#::* :*# +#::::##@#******#@**+:++*****@#*#**#@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@##***++:**::.:**+.+****+** . :**:*#:::+@@#@#****#:#*+*++:+*#*#@##**+##@#@@@@####*@**@@@@@@@@@@@@*#**+**##*:*:++.+**+.+*, # *::+#::+:::++@#+**+#,+*+:*:++*##@@##**#@@@@@@@@@##@@@#*+#@@@@@@@@@@##***:*+##*****,+*,:+@# #* +::+#+++:++:**@##+++#*+++.*.+***#@##**###@@@@@@@##*@#*#***+@@@@@@@@@@##+@*+..*****#,+*.**# :@@#* *:++*:::+*+*#+*#@**++**#**.#++*##*##**###@@@@@@@@@###++*+*#*+:+ *@@@@@@#++,+*##*++,###@ @@@@* +::+*:.+*#*:.*:@@@:++*+++.,+:*#+*@#**#***##@@@#@@##@@#+**#*##*++ @@#@@@*:**@####**+##* @@@*++:+**.:+++::.*.:+*.::*.#+*:.::***####***@##@@#@@@@@@@*+++**##**+* @@@@#**::#@@@***:+#* ,@@####*#***:++*+*++*+#.:*@.:#+:+**#####**##@@@@@####@@@@*:+,*++:##*# @@@@#***+@@@#****#@# @#@###****+****+##:*:.#++.:+..****####**#*#@#@@@@@@@#@@#:+,#*+*##@* #@@@#*##@@@@###* @@@#@@##+####:#@##:#..**.:*:::*#*@#@#**+******@@#@@##@#+++*+++#@@@@ @@@#*@ @@@@#* *+@@@@@@##***##*:##*+.:*+***::**#@######+*#*########@#@#*:+*#*+##@@@ +@@@@# +@@@@# :+#+:@@@###*####*++**+**++:::****####@#####@@@@@@@@@@#@@@+::+***##@@* ,+ +@@ ..@@@ ,+**++***@@##*#@##*@@@****+*+++*#@@@*#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@##@@#**#*##@@@@*. .: : : @+:#**###@@@@####@@@@@@*#**#**###@@@##*#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#***#@##@**** +.: . :+**+##+*@#@@@@@#@@##@@#*####*#@@*@@@#*+:+@@@@@@@@@@@@@##@#@@##@@@@@@*:**:,*.*+ :. .+++**####@##@@@@@@@@@@@@#######@@###@##*:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@#@#@#@@#@@@@#+#**++*#:: **+***#@#@@@@@@@*:@@@@@@#@###**##**#**@#+#@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@#@@@@@@@##*******# +*+#**#@##@#@@. @@@@@@@@##**#+*#++#*+@@@*@@@@@@@@@@@##@@#@@@.@@#@@@*****#*** + :#+*##@##@@@#: *@@@@#@#**##*+#****#@#+@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@ @@#@@@**#******+:+ **:*#######@@ @@@@###*##*:##*+@@#*#*@@@@@@@@@###* @#@@@@********+ +:**#######* @@@*##*###*####@@#@#@#@@@@@@@@#### ***+@@@@@#*#*#*#+ .:*+**#@@@@@# #+*@#####*###@@@@@@@###@@@@##@#### . @@@@@@##**** ++#*###@#@@, @:***##@##@@@@@@ *###@@@@###### # +@@@@@# ** +**#@###@@@ @.***#@+#@@@@@@@ @##@@@####### .@@@@@@# ###@@@@:. :#**###@@@@@@@ @###@@######@ .@@#@@@@ :@@@@@ +#*#@@#@@@@@. @@##@#@######, ,,@##@@@@ #@@@@ +###@##@. @@#@##@@,#**** ,,,@@#@@@@ @@ ###@@+ @@##### ###**+++ ,,,,@@#@@@@ * ##@@ @##### ,****++:+*#*,*@#@#@# #@, ####@ .#****:+++*+**@#@#@# , #*#* *****::++::+:@#@#@# ,,, ****+:+ , @#@##@#@# ,,, ,**+*++++ @#*@@#@@@# ,,,,, .*++++++: @##@@@##+@@ ,,, ++::+++++ ,@##@@@@#*@@ ,,,, + +++:++ , @##@@@@@#@@: ,,,,, :++++#+@@@+#@@@@@@@@@#@ ,,,, ++*#@@@#@@#@#**#@#@@@##. ,,, ,+*,@@##@@@@*:++@@#*##@. ,, ,, ,,*@@@@@@#:++*#@#+.@#, ,, ,, # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.2 [MBLOS01] .-_Introduction_-. This FAQ/Walkthrough shall help those in need of killing the 6* Urgent Elder Quest: Monoblos. I will do my best to tell you what he likes, dislikes, does, and doesn't do. As followed by alot of information. The Monoblos is a one-horned wyvern that will be unlocked after completing the 5* Elder Village Quests. It has a bad temper but you should get around it once you get to know him. It is related to the "Diablos". Diablos is exactly the same but a lighter colour, a bigger tail and 2 horns. (If you need help with Diablos it's good reading this too.) I will provide information for both Blademaster's and Gunner's. Why not online? Well that's because he isn't found in the Gathering Hall. Unfortunatly, you HAVE to complete this Urgent Quest to move on. This is why I've created this Walkthrough (and some FAQ's). There are only 2 Monoblos in the game. The normal one, and the White Monoblos. But it's worth the try, because the weapons and armour you make out of it look pretty decent. 1.1 [MBLOS02] .-_Frequently Asked Questions_-. What is the "Monoblos"? Read as above When do I conquer him? once you've beaten all the 5* quests, he should appear as an urgent quest Can I meet him online? No you will only find him in the Village Quests. Don't ask my why I don't know. Help! I always fall unconcious because he goes underground and hits me, what shall I do!? -When he goes underground you should run around outside the area he went under, this will give you a better chance of survival. -Another way is to throw sonic bombs (Gunpowder + Screamer) over the area where he went underground, this will drag him out the ground and make him unable to move for 10 seconds. -One more way to be able to not get hit is if you have the skill "Autotracker". It enables you to see a wyvern/ monster without a paintball, also you can see them when they're underground so you can easily dodge him. What are those red things on his head? The red lines mean he's enraged. It's a sign of anger and his attack goes up by 20% or so. But it also means then it makes him weaker and your weapon will have more effect on him. Sonic bombs won't work. Any things are breakable? You can break his horn off (and get it in reward) and cut his tail off. How many carves does he let you have? You get 4 carves in his body, and 2 in his tail. What is his weaknesses? He hates water, but also thunder. Weak spot? Tail & Legs Which areas does he go to? He will always start in area 10. If you give him too long he goes into area 7 (big desert). The best area to fight him is 10 because there is a cliff. This cliff you can make him run into and if he still has his horn he gets stuck. When he's fed up he goes to area 4, then 1. (10, 4, 1, 4, 1). Area 1 is also provided with a smaller cliff. Area 4 has walls which you can lead him into. Any tactics? Yes. If you aren't sure if he's enraged, you can find out. You'll see that when he goes underground/ charges/ tailswipes he does it rather fast. If he does tail swipe (right, left), go attack him with your sword as soon as he's done his left side and attack his tail. If he screams, you can always block right next to him and attack (better if you have High Grade Earplug). The Monoblos' tactics aren't that simple. Sometimes he makes gestures but soon changes his mind and does something you don't want him to do. How do I make him fall onto the floor? Monoblos isn't too stable. If you have a Sword and Shield it shouldn't take too long. When you have spare time, do a combo on his legs (Triangle, Traingle, Traingle, Circle) and this should ruin his balance. Best Armour Skill to use on him for is defeat? Well in my opinion it's the High Grade Earplug. It's good for when he screams. Not only it gives you more time to attack him, but it allows you to recover and easier to attack his tail. So which armour has this? The Rathalos Soul armour with Black belt Vembraces will let you do this. It also has fast sharpening for your weapon. [NOTE: Please contact me if you have any more questions] 2.1 [MBLOS03] .-_Items_-. NOTE: THESE ARE FOR AN EASY/ BEGINNER DEFEAT Blademaster: Sonic Bomb (10) Flash Bombs (5) Whetstones (10+) Large Barrel Bomb (3) Small Barrel Bomb (3) Potions (10) Herbs (10) Farcaster (1) Paintball (5) Well-done Steak (2) NOTE: SOME OF THESE BULLETS MAY NOT FIT IN YOUR GUN, BUT YOU WILL FIND IT EASIER USING THESE Gunner: Book of Combo's 1 2 3 Clust lvl 1 (3) Clust lvl 2 (3) Crag S lvl 1 (9) Pellet S lvl 1 (60) (These will get rid of the Genpreys and Vespoids) Pierce lvl 1 (60) Sm Bone Husk (50) <-\____ Combine to make Clust lvl 2 Wyvern Claw (50) <-/ Normal S lvl 1 (1/ infinite) Just incase you run out. Well-done steak (1) Mega Potion (3) 2.2 [MBLOS04] .-_Directions_-. I'll provide you with what you might want to do with a Blade and a Gun. Blademaster: 1. Run into area 10 and make sure the Monoblos notices you before you attack him. 2. Climb the cliff to make him charge into the wall 3. Jump down while he's still stuck, place a Large Barrel Bomb and set it off 4. Repeat step 3 until you have no more bombs 5. Get him in the wall again, and this time jump off and attack his tail 6. Repeat step 5 until his tail is off 7. Get him into the wall, attack his head (don't jump off!) until his horn is off 8. If he moves area (to area 4) you'll have to stand next to the wall facing area 5, if you have a sword that blocks, that's wonderful. Stay next to the wall while he's charging and do the porcesses as above. Area 1 has a cliff so it's ok 9. If you've done all them and he's still there, use a sonic bomb when ALL of his body is underground (make sure you throw a sonic bomb straight away). Make sure he isn't on rage 10. If he is on rage throw a flash bombs WHEN he takes a step back to charge at you, then do the combo on his legs 11. Keep doing all of that, then you should be done 12. Congrats! You've defeated the Monoblos. Now make sure you've carved twice in his tail and 4 times in his body 13. Collect rewards Gunner: 1. Run straight to area 10, make sure he notices you before you shoot him 2. Climb the cliff and load your Clust lvl 1 and shoot them all on his back 3. If the Genpreys annoy you, use Pellet and try to hit Monoblos at the same time 4. Shoot your Pierce S lvl 1 straight across his head 5. Shoot your Clust lvl 2 non-stop, until you've ran out (don't forgot to combine) 6. You might have killed him by then. If not shoot your Crag and finish off your Pellet. Now you're SURE to have finished 7. If he goes in area 4 just use the technique "Hit N Run". Load a Clust, shoot, put your gun away and dodge his charge 8. You'll be able to break his horn but not his tail, so you'll only have 4 carves 9. Congrats! You've defeated the Monoblos 10. Collect rewards 3.1 [MBLOS 05] .-_Credits_-. Thanks for reading this Mini FAQ/ Walkthrough. I hope I helped those in need alot! I had to change it slightly due to a little problem in the step by step guides MHserious Email PM CheatHappens. http://www.cheathappens.com