+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Medieval: Total War Editing FAQ by Iced~Metal (ekinlegend@yahoo.com) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Version 1.2 Last Revision: Sep.16/2002 Creation Date: Sep.06/2002 ******************** ***Copyright Info*** ******************** This document may not be modified in any way, shape or form unless consent by the author or for personal private use. This document cannot be under any circumstances be used for profitable purposes. The author reserves the right to 0wn your ass in MTW any time of the day, any day of the week, any week of the month, any month of the year and any year of your miserable life. ;-) If you wish to have this document placed on your website, magazine, etc, please contact the author. Thank you for your co-operation. And now, onto the good stuff! ==================) Table of Contents ==================) Analysis Editing Periods Editing Playable Factions Editing Treasury (starting money) Editing Starting Buildings Give Yourself Infinite Turns/Years Editing Units Editing Unit Statistics Editing Buildings Editing Buildings' Special Requirements Endnote ============================================================= ****************** *****Analysis***** ****************** ============================================================= Finally I feel I have learned enough about editing the game to start writing this FAQ and teach the inquiring gamer. Medieval: Total War is already an awesome game, and the flexibility and ease of editing just makes it totally awesome, the replayability factor is endless! And it's easy too! No need to "hack" into the game by using memory searches or hex editors. I will guide you step by step on the basics, and you can explore on your own. MAKE SURE TO BACK UP THE FILES THAT YOU EDIT! P.S.- I am fortunate enough to play this game flawlessly, no crashes or boot to desktop whatsoever. I use a Pentium III 800 mhz, 256 MB RAM, GeForce 2 MX w/ 10.80 drivers, and the game is very stable. So, don't blame me if you get any problems. Be warned that editing may be easy ONLY IF YOU DO IT RIGHT. Screw around and your game WILL crash, even if you backed up, you will waste your own time trying to figure out what the hell went wrong. So be careful folks! Onwards to the good stuff! .....just in case. The author of this FAQ (Iced~Metal) cannot be held responsible for any damages that result if you follow the procedures from this document. The author of this FAQ cannot be held responsible if a lightning storm hits your area during your editing session and you lose all your data in a power outage. ============================================================= ************************* *****Editing Periods***** ************************* ============================================================= First off, go to Your Medieval Directory/campmap/startpos and you should see four textfiles. Open the one you wish to edit, ie Early.txt to edit the Early period campaign. ( *** Editing Playable Factions *** ) After you open the textfile, scroll down and find the Active Factions list. If you're too lazy to look, search "SetActiveFaction" and you should get to it. Find the minor faction that you wish to play and change it from FT_MINOR to FT_MAJOR. Get in the game and you should be able to choose that minor faction. (BUG ALERT: Papacy may be a bit buggy right now, so be cautious if you decide to play it) If you want to play as a minor faction that you know is available in Medieval: Total War, but not in that period, it's a bit more complex but I'll teach you anyways. A good example is playing as the Golden Horde in the Early period, where Golden Horde is not yet in play. However, because the Golden Horde is a valid faction in MTW, you CAN play as them in Early. Open Early.txt, go to the Active Factions list, add this line: ---> FN_GOLDEN_HORDE FT_MAJOR Okay? Good. You're not done yet. Search "SetRegionOwner", and add this line: ---> ID_KIEV FN_GOLDEN_HORDE Substitute KIEV to whichever province you want the Golden Horde to start on. I wouldn't suggest the huge provinces such as Saxony or Denmark, because they already have Kings on them. Choose a rebel land that is located on the Plains of Russia. Good job. Next step, search "SetStartLeader" and add this line: ---> SetStartLeader:: FN_GOLDEN_HORDE 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Now you have a leader! Otherwise your faction would collapse on the first year. Now, add this line in the category that is just below SetStartLeader: ---> PlaceLeader:: ID_KIEV FN_GOLDEN_HORDE Substitute KIEV to whichever starting province you decided. Now search for "addheir" and add this line: ---> AddHeir:: FN_GOLDEN_HORDE 1 13 ---> AddHeir:: FN_GOLDEN_HORDE 1 11 ---> AddHeir:: FN_GOLDEN_HORDE 1 5 Now you have heirs, otherwise you would lose the game when your Khan dies. Now search "SetTreasury" and add this line: ---> SetTreasury:: FN_GOLDEN_HORDE 10000 8000 6000 4000 Good job! Now the Golden Horde are fully functional in the Early period campaign. Congradulate yourself, you've just edited the game! Ho Ho! ( *** Editing Treasury *** ) This is dead easy especially since you already know how to edit factions, you are already a skilled game editer! Just go to the SetTreasury and edit to your heart's content, just don't go nuts or the game will crash. I included this section just in case the newbie gamer skips everything just to read this section, I can see the gold fever in your eyes! Search for "SetTreasury", find your faction, and edit the numbers. There are four numbers and they correspond with each level of difficulty, they go in order of Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert. ( *** Editing Starting Buildings *** ) At first this was my favorite edit, I spend a few days playing around, it's really fun! And easy! First, open up the period you wish to play in, then search for "MakeBuilding". Good, now you're in the Starting Buildings section. You can fool around by yourself here for a bit, but I'll just explain to you what it all means. MakeBuilding:: ID_WESSEX Spearmaker This tells the game to auto-build a Spearmaker in the province of Wessex before the game begins. Simple. But WTF does this mean? MakeBuilding:: ID_VENICE Castle5 What's a Castle5??? Well, it's the FIFTH level of Castle upgrades! For example, just plain old "Castle" is the first level, which is a Fort. Castle4 is a fourth level upgrade, which is a Keep. The highest for Castles is 13, so Castle13 is a Fortress with the Siege upgrades, it's the MAXIMUM. For other buildings, such as Spearmaker, 4 is the highest number. Spearmaker4 is a Master Spearmaker, the highest it can go. Horse_breeder4 is a Master Horse Breeder. Some buildings don't require numbers, such as the Mosque. If you want a Grand Mosque, you don't just type Mosque2. You type "Grand_Mosque". Experiment for yourself. My suggestion, and personal favorite, is Armourer4 and Metalsmith4. This gives you +4 Attack and +4 Defence bonus to ANY troop you produce in that province! Totally awesome! ( *** Give Yourself Infinite Turns/Years *** ) Quite simple, and effective way to give yourself an extra 1000 or so years/turns so you don't have to rush or worry yourself. After all, Rome wasn't conquered in a day! Neither will be Europe! Hellz no!!! Open up the period textfile you want to play, at the top there is a place for Start Date, simply delete the last digit of each year. For example, in High.txt, it's like this: SetStartDate:: 1205 SetPeriod:: HIGH SetEarlyPeriodStartDate:: 1087 SetHighPeriodStartDate:: 1205 SetLatePeriodStartDate:: 1321 Right? So change it to this: ---> SetStartDate:: 120 ---> SetPeriod:: HIGH ---> SetEarlyPeriodStartDate:: 108 ---> SetHighPeriodStartDate:: 120 ---> SetLatePeriodStartDate:: 132 It's that simple. Your King will NOT be something like -65663 years old and die on the first turn, at least it didn't for me. ============================================================= *********************** *****Editing Units***** *********************** ============================================================= So, you're already a proficient editer and you want to move it to the next level? Or do you think editing the Early/High/Late.txt is child's play, you knew that AGES ago? Great to hear, let's edit the units, which makes Fun Factor x 100. Go to your Medieval directory and open up a textfile called "crusaders_unit_prod11.txt" this file is simply located in the Medieval directory. You can try to figure stuff out yourself but it's really REALLY messy and totally unlike the Period Campaign textfiles..... screwing something up could lead to serious repercussions, so BE CAREFUL! ( *** Editing Unit Statistics *** ) First, you find the unit you wish to edit. This can be done easily by searching. Example, if I want to edit the Crossbows, I search for "crossbow" and it takes me where I need to go. Now, since it's all messy and garbagelike, I'm going to paste the whole thing for the crossbow unit and analyse the data step by step with you. Here is the entry for the Crossbow: Crossbows INFANTRY 200 3 1 0 80 60 1 DISCOURAGED "CATH_BANDITS(5), CATH_HERETICS(10), CATH_LOYALISTS(10), CATH_REBELS(10), CATH_ZEALOTS(10), MUS_BANDITS(3), MUS_REBELS(5), ORTH_BANDITS(5), ORTH_PEASANTS(5), ORTH_REBELS(7), ORTH_ZEALOTS(7)" FRENCH "POVERTY_STRICKEN(135), DESPERATE_DEFENCE(90), CATHOLIC_EXPANSIONIST(96), CATHOLIC_NAVAL_EXPANSIONIST(96), CATHOLIC_TRADER(120), CATHOLIC_CRUSADER_TRADER(120), CATHOLIC_EXPANSIONIST_CRUSADER(96), CATHOLIC_DEFENSIVE_CRUSADER(144), POPE(180), CATHOLIC_DEFENSIVE(144), CATHOLIC_ISOLATIONIST(180), ORTHODOX_DEFENSIVE(108), ORTHODOX_EXPANSIONIST(72), ORTHODOX_STAGNANT(90), MUSLIM_PEACEFUL(90), MUSLIM_EXPANSIONIST(72), MUSLIM_DEVOUT(72), BARBARIAN_RAIDER(36), REBELS(90), CLOSE_TO_SUPPORT_LIMIT(18)" { BOWYER2 } "DEFENDER,MISSILE, ANTI_SPEAR,WEAK" "HIGH, LATE" YES "HEIGHT( 85 ), RADIUS( 25 ), SCALE( 120 ), PROJECTILE_TYPE( XBOW ), SAMURAI( NO ), MARCH_SPEED( 6 ), RUN_SPEED( 10 ), CHARGE_SPEED( 11 ), MIN_TURNSPEED( 2 ), MAX_TURNSPEED( 8 ), TURN_TO_MOTION_SPEED( 8 ), MAX_INMOTION_TURN( 96 ), FORMATION_WIDTH_SPACING( 75 ), FORMATION_LENGTH_SPACING( 75 ), ENGAGEMENT_THRESHOLD( 1500 ), CHARGE_BONUS( 1 ), MELEE_BONUS( -1 ), DEFENCE_BONUS( 2 ), ARMOUR_LEVEL( 3 ), HONOUR_LEVEL( 0 ), AMMO( 28 ), FORMATIONS_PREFERRED_NUM_ROWS( 3 )" NO "own_unit_tooltip1, own_unit_tooltip2, other_unit_tooltip1, other_unit_tooltip2" "MSHELM, YES, YES" "ARAGONESE, BURGUNDIAN, BYZANTINE, DANISH, ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN_HRE, HUNGARIAN, ITALIAN, NOVGOROD, PAPIST, POLISH, RUSSIAN, SICILIAN, SPANISH, SWISS,TURKISH,ALMOHAD,EGYPTIAN" "Missile, Shocktroop, Spear, Cavalry" "SKIRMISH(1), ADVANCE_PARTY(1), OUTFLANKING_FORCE(0), MAIN_BODY(2), HOLD_TERRAIN(1), RESERVE(0), REINFORCEMENT(1), ASSAULT(0), ASSAULT_COVER(2), ASSAULT_COVER_CASTLE_ATTACK(0), COVER(2)" 0 NONE YES 1 NO 0 0 SWORD YES Don't be afraid of all the stuff. Look at the stuff next to the unit name, starting at INFANTRY. This is the unit type. The Crossbows are infantry! One entry to the right ( --> ) of INFANTRY, is 200. This is the unit cost. You can edit this to your heart's content. Next is 3, this is Support Cost, which is the upkeep you pay blah blah blah NOT IMPORTANT. Move on, you see a 1. This is Production Time, and you can screw with this. This is in years, so the Crossbows unit requires 1 year to make. You can edit this but I'd stick with it, since it can't get shorter than a year, and I wouldn't know why you would want to make it longer. Next is a zero, this kickass zero represents Starting Honour for the unit. Obviously, higher the better! Muahahahah! Don't go higher than 8 or something. The next one is not important, skip it and you get to a 60, this is cool, it represents the number of men in one unit. 60 men in one unit of Crossbows. You can edit this... so you can make 100 Royal Knights in one unit, instead of 20! Pretty kewl. So let's wrap up what the first line means. Name of Unit --> Unit Type --> Unit Cost --> Upkeep Cost --> Production Time (years) --> Starting Honour --> Handicap (don't know what it is) --> Unit Strength (in numbers of men) Blah blah blah, skip all the weird religion crap, you see BOWYER2 in brackets, { BOWYER2 }, this is the structure requirement for the unit. Skip a bit and you see "HIGH, LATE", this is the Period Requirement for the unit. You can add EARLY into it, like this: --> "EARLY, HIGH, LATE" Now you just enabled the Crossbow unit to be playable in the Early Period Campaign! Woohoo! Easy isn't it! Now look forward a bit, do not change the Height and Radius etc etc of the unit or I'm 100% it will crash, this controls the image of the unit and you don't want giants running across the battlefield like Jack & the Beanstalk! MARCH_SPEED( 6 ) This is the walking speed of the unit (on the battlefield, of course). RUN_SPEED( 10 ) The running speed, for when you double-click to make the unit run. CHARGE_SPEED( 11 ) When you double-click on enemy unit, your unit will charge towards them. This is the charging speed. You may edit the speeds but again, do not go crazy. Next few are the Turnspeeds and they affect how fast/slow your unit turns when you click on a different direction. Blah blah blah, and we get to: CHARGE_BONUS( 1 ) The charging factor! Now we get onto the really cool stuff. This is the bonus damage for when you Charge into an enemy unit. 8 is probably the highest, which gives your unit "Irresistable Charge". If you read my Units FAQ you should understand what this is all about. The next few are self-explanatory, and you can edit freely. Melee affects your units' melee attack. For Crossbows, they are -1 (Weak Attack), since they aren't meant to melee... but you can change it! Haha! Defence and Armour can be easily changed. I'm not sure how HONOUR_LEVEL is different with the Starting Honour, but make it the same. Next is..... AMMO( 28 ) If you set your game on Limited Ammo, this affects how much ammunition the unit have, if it's a missile unit, which the Crossbow is. 28 shots perhaps? I'm not sure, but possible. Next one is really important. Near the end of this entry, we see the following: "ARAGONESE, BURGUNDIAN, BYZANTINE, DANISH, ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN_HRE, HUNGARIAN, ITALIAN, NOVGOROD, PAPIST, POLISH, RUSSIAN, SICILIAN, SPANISH, SWISS,TURKISH,ALMOHAD,EGYPTIAN" These are the factions that this unit is available to! You can change this as long as you don't misspell a faction. You can enable Longbows to be playable by a faction other than the English! This is about it, feel free to explore on your own. There is a little tutorial at the beginning of this textfile that tells you what's what, there are lots of other little things you can figure out on your own, such as CavAttackBonus, give your unit a cutting edge against that blasted cavalry. Theoretically, the only thing that keeps the Golden Horde from training Emissaries, is because Emissaries are only available to Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim religions. Now, IN THEORY, you could just search up "emissary" to get to that entry, look for this line: "CATHOLIC, ORTHODOX, MUSLIM" And just add PAGAN, like this: "CATHOLIC, ORTHODOX, MUSLIM, PAGAN" Because the Golden Horde are considered pagans. Theoretically it should work but I'm just too darn lazy to find out. With the help of emissaries, the Golden Horde can really be a powerful force. ============================================================= *************************** *****Editing Buildings***** *************************** ============================================================= The following is a tip sent by a curious editing wizard who went poking around the "crusaders_build_prod13.txt" file, which functions exactly the same as the units textfile, but controls the game's buildings. --------------------------------------------------------- "Venuur" Hi this is Venuur from the game faq message boards. Here is all I know about it. It appears that at the end of of very near the end of the building information they an entry for the inventions are required (compass and gunpowder for example). For the buildings which require an invention the entry will already be present. You can remove the requirement by changing the inventions listed to NONE (proper capitalization is important, these are probably case sensitive). I haven't tried to add a requirement to a building which doesn't have one to begin with. If you simply delete the entry for the technology, for some reason unknown to me it will cause an error when it tries to load the game, so all I've done is change the requirements. It also appears that an entry that usually appears just before this (though I think other listing some times come in between them) is an entry which determines what level of castle to need to build it. This looks like this: "2, 3, 4" I think 1 corresponds to a fort, 2 to a keep, 3 to a castle, 4 to a citadel, and 5 to a fortress. So I think if you wanted you could change these to change that requirement. Well if you need any more details, or if I forgot something let me know. Venuur ----------------------------------------------------------- Thanks Venuur! Now, for the infinite years users, special events like Gunpowder or Compass would probably take a thousand years or two to occur. But with this edit, gamers can enjoy the benefits of higher technology no matter what year they choose to play in. Basically, if you still don't understand, go to the Shipyard entry, and look at the last line of code, where it says "NONE, NONE, COMPASS, COMPASS". Just replace COMPASS with NONE, so it looks like: ---> "NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE" And the special technology COMPASS will no longer be required. ============================================================= ***************** *****Endnote***** ***************** ============================================================= That's all folks! I hope you enjoyed reading this FAQ! Please feel free to send your comments, suggestions, and requests to my e-mail at "ekinlegend@yahoo.com". Because I usually frequent the message boards at GameFAQs, it may be a good idea to ask your questions in the Medieval: Total War message board, you may get a faster response than by e-mail. Oh and by the way, because of my previous Empire Earth FAQs I had recieved countless e-mails asking for permission to use the FAQ on their magazines and websites. Therefore I have decided to change it a bit. You do not need to ask for my permission anymore! This document is offically public! You may use it any way you wish as long as it is unedited (ask for my permission if you wish to edit it), and for non-profit purposes. However, I do ask that you e-mail me in notification if you do decide to use it! This way, I don't have to reply to every single e-mail. I will put your website/organization in the credits below in the next possible revision. Thanks for all your support!! Hosting Sites =========== GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) ActionTrip (http://www.actiontrip.com) A special thanks to these sites for hosting my FAQs! Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved