-<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- _____ _ / ____| | | | __| | ___ _ __ _ _ | | |_ | |/ _ \| '__| | | | | |__| | | (_) | | | |_| | \_____|_|\___/|_| \__, | __/ | |___/ __ _ _ ___ / _| | |_| |_ ___ / _ \ _| | _| ' \/ -_) \___/_| \__|_||_\___| ____ _____ _ | _ \ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ | ____|_ __ ___ _ __ (_)_ __ ___ | |_) / _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ | _| | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| | '__/ _ \ | _ < (_) | | | | | | (_| | | | | | |___| | | | | | |_) | | | | __/ |_| \_\___/|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_____|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|_| \___| |_| FAQ/Strategy Guide >>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>== For PC Version 1.0 By Chris Zawada User: antseezee E-mail: antseezee@epix.net Created: 7/26/06 Last Update: 8/29/06 Copyright 2006 Chris Zawada -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- Author's Note ---------------------------- Numerous city-building titles that enforce some elements of strategy games are often filled with illustrious buildings, and terrific landscape. Many of them play aspects ranging from modern day travels to pre-historic times. Glory of the Roman Empire, created by Haemimont Games, is a practical Roman Empire city- builder title. Your main goal is to build a city from the ground up and protect it from surrounding threats such as barbarians, starvation, disease, and corruption. Along the way, you'll micromanage elements here and there, while providing for the needs of your citizens as they inquire. A beautiful graphics engine, and somewhat "easer than usual" gameplay engine allows even the most novice player to succeed at a strategy title. Will you triumph with glorious marlbe buildings, or crumble from the pressure above? Contributing/Feedback ---------------------------- If you have any contributions, feedback, or strategies you'd like to have added to the guide, contact me via e-mail or on GameFAQs. I'll be more than content to add your segment of information, and will also provide credit. If you have any questions you'd like added to the Common Questions section, ask. I simply don't have the time to sit around thinking of questions. Provide me with what you want to know! Updates ---------------------------- =8/29/06= v1.0 Finished the FAQ. The game itself was frustrating at times. I also tooks spurts and breaks here and there, which delays the guide's completion. Nonetheless, it is complete. A future update will most likely be posted, if any patch is released. =7/26/06= v1.0 Started the FAQ. The title itself is fairly interesting, and has a few game modes that can be tossed around. Probably will take 2-3 weeks to complete though. ============================ - Table of Contents - ============================ 1) Introduction 2) Game Basics > Controls > Screen HUD 3) Walkthrough > Florentia (5 missions) > Pompeii (1 mission) > Syracusae (4 missions) > Toletum (3 missions) > Kartagena (3 missions) > Massilia (2 missions) > Mediolanum (2 missions) > Lugdunum (2 missions) > Londinium (3 missions) > Colonia Claudia (3 missions) 4) Strategies > Colony Expansion > Military Power > Fires, Riots, Happiness 5) Directory > Buildings 6) Challenge Mode 7) Codes 8) Common Questions 9) Copyright/Distribution/Reproduction Guidelines 10) Proper Credits -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================ - 1) Introduction - ============================ The PC is full of city-building games. Titles such as Caesar 3, Sim City, and other strategy titles remain dominant in this category. Glory of the Roman Empire is a recent addition to the genre that attempts to recreate the Roman times, but with more emphasis on perfecting the city-building elements, rather than looking at ALL overall aspects. Along the way, you must construct a city capable of handling food needs, dealing with opposing rebels, and prevent the spread of disease to fellow citizens. The game succeeds graphically, have a magnificent 3D engine filled with utmost details on every aspect of your city. Where GotRE differs is in the strategic department. The gameplay department is actually lightened a bit so new players can succeed quite well. The game is not as in-depth as say Rome: Total War, which forces you to command troops and attacking formations. In a sense, GotRE is almost strictly building-related, and barely even features individual units. Most outside aspects of the game are simply handled by giving orders. As a governor of the Roman province, your goal is to manage the city, not manage everything. Here's an excerpt from the manual (credit to Haemimont Games): Ave Perfect! I will tell you a few things about us Romans. We are a peaceful people, and the Roman Empire appears to be blooming these days. For this reason, Roman Senate is in search of talented Governors. It is your honor to fulfill this task. For a start, have plain residential areas built. Satisfy the wishes of Roman families! Provide your people with work and basic necessities like nourishment. Maintain peace and keep everything in order. Celebrate your success by building awe-inspiring buildings like thermal baths, theatres, or even a coliseum. If you do well, the Roman society will bloom and living in our city will be rewarding to every citizen. ---------------------------- _____________________ ##### GAME INFO ##### //////////|\\\\\\\\\\ Player(s): 1 Developer: Haemimont Games Released: 2006 Rarity: uncommon Special Features: online high scores ESRB: Everyone Cover Art on box: - Shows Roman soldier looking back at well-built city Requirements: > Windows 98 or better > 1.5 Ghz or better > 256MB RAM + > CD-ROM drive > 1000MB+ free HD space > DirectX 9.0c > 64MB Video Card or better (The game relies a lot on the video card to distribute clear graphics.) -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================ - 2) Game Basics - ============================ As with any PC strategy game, controls are generally done through the use of a mouse. A mouse allows an easy task in selecting certain buildings, and altering them through simple clicks. _________ /Controls/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= W - Move camera forward S - Move camera back A - Move camera left D - Move camera right F1 - Help F6 - Save Game F9 - Load Game F8 - Open Quest Window F10 - Open Main Menu P - Pauses TAB - Selects darkened building HOME - Selects Town Hall SPACE - Shows notification message M - Place decorations R - Builds road C - Deletes road T - Plants trees H - Builds house SHIFT - Hold to rotate camera while moving mouse - Most of the interaction in the game is taken care of with the mouse. Some hotkeys are assigned to default keys which are listed above. On a side note, you can alter or add hotkeys for building other types of buildings through the Options Menu. ___________ /Screen HUD/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______________________________ |[1] [7] 0000000| |[2] 00[8]00| |[3] 0000000| |[4] 0000000| |[5] | |[6] | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______________________________| Meaning KEY: [1] - Main Menu - Brings up the main menu [2] - Screenshot - Takes a picture of the screen [3] - Economy - Shows an overview of your Economy [4] - Settlement - Shows an over of your settlement [5] - Quest - Shows a log of your current quest [6] - Toggle Speed - Speeds up or slows down the game [7] - Message Notifier - Shows last shown message [8] - Status Box - Shows mini-map or information of a building -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ========================= - 3) Walkthrough - ========================= This walkthrough will cover only the campaign mode of Glory of the Roman Empire. Missions are not organized in any particular order. The game let's you pick from a select amount of missions. After you complete a mission, new mission(s) are unlocked for your playing pleasure. Search below for what mission you are on. I organized my missions based on the city name. For example, you cannot complete Londinium 1, 2, and 3 in a row. But they are organized together so you can understand what each mission was based off of. ____________________ /Mission 1: Tutorial/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Follow instructions on screen Difficulty: * - The game is going to introduce you to the interface first and foremost. Get use to the interface and move the camera around at your free will. Follow the instructions, and click the buttons on the message box. Start off by placing your first house by right-clicking on the terrain, then selecting House from the sub-menus. Place it on the highlighted spot. Your slaves will eventually build the establishment up. The tutorial man will want you to construct a Woodcutters Lodge so that lumber can be harvested. Do so in the exact spot, and speed things up using the clock button the left. One of your citizens will now work at the Woodcutters Lodge. Next, you will need a Wheat Farm, Pig Farm, and finally 4 Houses to finish the tutorial. The idea is that you are building enough buildings to satisfy the needs of your citizens, while providing enough jobs, resources, and basic necessities to live. _________________ /Florentia 1 of 5/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build a Stone Quarry -> Build a Clay Pit -> Gather 5 stone and produce 5 clay Difficulty: * - Right off the bat, you'll be assigned to Florentia which has some basic farms and houses established. You need a Stone Quarry and Clay Pit though to extract more resources for building better buildings. You can find a Clay Pit location marked with a yellow dot just north of your houses, and a stone quarry spot just west. Build both of these buildings. You won't have enough citizens to work at the buildings though. I suggest building 2 more homes in the central row of homes to get a few more workers. Then, these 2 production buildings will now start producing. This should allow you to excavate enough to be successful with the mission. _________________ /Florentia 2 of 5/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Increase the prestige of your houses by building Altars so all of them become Casa type Difficulty: * - What you need to do is increase the basic respect level of the houses, so citizens see that you are trying to provide for them. Look south of your homes, and there should be a nice garden that leads to an opening. Place the Altar there so that the nearby homes have a respectable place to visit. Once the Altar is built, and a worker hops inside, suddenly your houses will morph into the next level. This means your citizens are happier, and you have less problems to worry about. Your mission will end once all 6 houses convert into Casas. _________________ /Florentia 3 of 5/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build a Tavern -> Satisfy the needs of all citizens -> Florentia must have 10 casa houses -> Florentia must not have more than 14 houses Difficulty: ** - Start off by building a tavern close to the houses. Then, you will be capable of building a Golden Statue from the monuments section. Do so, but ensure that it is close to your houses as it will increase prestige. Then, build 2 more homes near the central core of your city. I would also recommend building a Butcher shop near the houses as there will be a high demand for Sausages in your neighborhood. If you check out your Tavern, they will basically suggest it highly in the Gossip box (click the Show Gossip button with the Tavern selected). Ensure to build a Bakery near the Wheat Farm, as this will allow the production of bread to continue. - Next, you will need to construct a Flax Farm, then a Tailors shop. Ensure that your production of homes is steady to ensure there are enough workers for these buildings. Keep on building homes around until you have 10 casas. You may need 1-2 extra homes near the outskirts of towns just to provide some extra citizens to fill jobs. If you are feeling a high deman for cloth or meat, ensure that the appropriate buildings are filled with workers. If they are not, you may need to build more homes as only certain jobs get certain genders (Flax Farms only accept female workers). Other jobs can be filled by male or female. Keep visiting the tavern to see what citizens need what. You can click on the text to show you the exact citizen who requires something. Just wait it out until the needs are finished, then mission complete. _________________ /Florentia 4 of 5/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build a Prefecture -> Save at least one building from the fire Difficulty: * - This mission is almost like a tutorial on how to put out fires. Find a somewhat localized spot near the center, and place the large Prefecture there. Halt work at one of the nearby men buildings (Butcher Shop for example), then when the Prefecture is complete, the building should get some new workers. Build 1-2 more houses to get some more men in the village, and then the firefighters will naturally douse any flames that break. You will most likely lose your initial home that catches on fire. Other than that though, random fires will break out until you save at least one of them. Build a second well in the city as well. Once you save one building with your fire fighters, the missiong will end. _________________ /Florentia 5 of 5/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build an Arch of Triumph -> Make sure you have no more than 10 unsatisfied citizens Difficulty: **** - The last mission for Florentia is difficult in that it takes some time to develop. You have to be cautious as to not overdevelop. If you overdevelop, your lack of gold & inability to purchase more slaves will cause your resources to come to a standstill. If you dig yourself into a hole, it may be too deep to recover from. You'll start off with what you previously had from mission 4, which was adequate in spacing and provisions. - To start off, you want to immediately get a Herbalist building, and Trade Outpost. The goal is to trade the abundant amount of flour produced in Florence in exchange for gold from Rome. This gold will then be used to by slaves, which will allow you to produce more buildings, transport more materials, and deal with the growing population goal of 50 citizens. I would highly recommend building in the down direction, towards the adjunct aqueduct, and near the tall thin rock that just out of the ground. Just expand like you normally would. Add some houses, but then start to add the same production buildings you had before. You will definitely need another Pig Farm, Flax Farm, Tailors Shop, Bakery, Butcher Shop, and Tavern for starters. In addition these buildings, make sure that the amount of citizens balances out with the amount of jobs. Also, get another Woodcutters Lodge, but place it near an abundant amount of trees. - Now comes the tough part. You will be introduced to Warehouses by the in-game tutorial. Warehouses will transport 10 slaves, house them inside the warehouse, but also allow you to instantaneously move supplies from the Town Hall to the distant warehouse. In a sense, it's like a portable town hall, but they can only hold 10 slaves max. You do not have the ability to build Slave Houses to hold more slaves, so keep this into consideration. Each time you buy a shipment of 10 slaves for 20 gold (since your trade routes will be bringing in gold), build a new warehouse. Then, build your houses & production buildings around this warehouse. Think of it like a new neighborhood. If you want, toss a park and altar to raise the prestige to keep most people happy. Just remember that each warehouse only has 10 slaves, so it is essential to limit what you build around it. If you overbuild around one warehouse, the slaves will have too many duties and their slave schedule will be too much. Try building a new warehouse every 5-7 homes in a neighborhood (plus any other extra buildings). - I ended up building 3 Warehouses total. I had roughly 80 slaves by the time I reached 50 citizens. When you reach the population goal, Rome will ship 6 marble pieces, and permit you to build the Arch of Triumph. Do so, and place it in a town-center esque location where many people pass through - it looks neat. The mission is not over yet! Check your Altars and see how many people are unhappy (anyone who is disillusioned or below). You need to lower the total amount to less than 10 people. To do this, check each neighborhood, and make sure houses are covered with the appropriate needs. If a building is on shortage because a lack of workers, or lack of upkeep resources, then build something to compensate. If you are running low on clay, build a Clay Pit near the cut-off aqueduct. If you still having problems, micromanage and force citizens to fulfill their needs with the small button. Remember you just have to click on the yellow text and the game will highlight the citizen for you. Toggle the speed to help the citizens satisfy their problems, and the mission should end. This mission is fairly difficult because you can easily get sidetracked and if you expand too quickly, your slaves will get overworked. _______________ /Pompeii 1 of 1/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Expand your town to reach at least 10 houses of the Casa type -> Establish trade routes with Florentia and trade Iron Ore for Flour -> Satisfy the food needs of your citizens Difficulty: ** - First off, you have no Wheat Farms. The soil is too poor to produce food. Great. However, what you need to do is trade for food, while building enough houses and satisfying the needs of the citizens of Pompeii. Start off by building 2 homes. Then, build a Tavern and Bakery. The new homes will fill some of the vacant buildings. To deal with the flour shortage, you should have 2 trade outposts on the western edge of the town. Click on them, then click on the Trade Routes button. Pick the trade route that let's you transport iron ore for Flour. Click the green confirm button to accept the trade. Continue to do this trade until the game let's you know that you're running out of iron ore. Stop the trade route, but now trade with another route to Rome. Trade Timber for Iron Ore. Once you have built up your stockpiles of iron again, re-open the trade route with Florentia for Flour. - Eventually, you have one trade outpost dedicated to trading with Rome, and the other one dedicated to trading with Florentia. This way, whatever comes in goes directly out. Start to build a Pig Farm and Butchers shop to help take care of the meat shortage. You will need 1 or 2 more homes to get some males capable of working in the meat field. Then, it basically becomes a waiting game. You wait for enough bread and sausage to be produced to satisfy the food needs. To speed things up, go to the tavern, then click on the need for meat. There's a little interaction button that let's you command citizens to go fulfill their current need (rather than work). It's useful in reach an objective quicker. You may have to stop work at the Flax Farm as some of the women may be too busy to bother to go for sausages. Once your food needs are supplied, then it's on to the next mission. *The game now allows you to choose your path. You can select missions at your free will, so the order of this walkthrough will be organized by each city. For example, all of the Florentia missions will be gathered in one section.* _________________ /Syracusae 1 of 4/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build a Herbalist Shop -> Cure all sick people from the deadly plague Difficulty: *** - For the most part, this mission will consist of building 2 Herbalist Shops. Place one on the west and east sides of town so that citizens can access it in two convenient locations. The shop can only take in one sick victim at a time, so some of your citizens will wait in line to get treated. It also requires 3 female citizens to operate efficiently. When the plague button pops up on your screen in the upper left, click on it, then click on the Eyeball icon to see which citizens are sick. You may have to force them to go get treated by using the fulfill need button. - Continue to expand the town with houses, and build another Altar, Butcher shop, and tailor shop. A main problem is that there always happens to be needs, yet few ways of transporting the resources. The Plague will continue to hit the town, despite you having cured wave after wave of citizens. Ensure that the citizens needs are fulfilled, and that both herbalist shops have 3 women working in them. Use the toggle speed button, and eventually the mission will end after about 5-7 waves of the plague. _________________ /Syracusae 2 of 4/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build a Gold Mine -> Acquire 50 Slaves Difficulty: ** - As usual, Syracusae will still be capable of receiving plague victims. Your initial build in the first level should have been enough to hold over the current threat of sickness. I would recommend building a few more homes right off the bat, maybe a garden or two, then look to the east for a nearby gold quarry. Plant a Gold Mine on top of it. Some of the new men will take operations at the hold mine and work there. Now, in order to get new slaves, you can only purchase them through gold transactions at the Town Hall. Go to the Town Hall, and look at the one darkened button. It says you need 20 gold to buy 10 slaves. So you'll need to do this twice to get 50 slaves total. From here, just speed toggle as your city will build up its resources, including gold. Click the button twice (once you have 20 gold each time), and voila, mission complete. _________________ /Syracusae 3 of 4/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Syracusae must have enough Domus type houses to reach City stature (City Stature shown in Town Hall information panel) Difficulty: ** - This mission requires you to expand a bit to get enough resources to trade for Marble. Syracusae is lacking with local resource deposits. Your only manner to acquire marble is through trade, and you need to trades lots of Olive Oil or lots of wine. Domus houses require more luxuries, such as wine, so I would recommend getting Vineyards. Expand in the south direction along the canyon ridge and build a warehouse. Get 10-20 more slaves by spending gold at the Town Hall, then build a few homes at this new settlement. Build 2 Vineyards, and try to reach max population in both. Don't forget to get a well and some other necessities. Get another Woodcutters Lodge as well to upkeep your timber production. - You probably do not have any Trade Outposts. Build one in the main city where most of your slaves are. Select the trade route of marble for wine. Your warehouse to the south will be where your wine comes from, and you should get a steady supply of marble this way. Once you have enough marble, go back to the main city and look for a nice central spot to the put the Temple. I placed mine near the gray broken down ruins in the center. It just barely fit. You may have to add an Altar at your new settlement, along with a Marketplace to upkeep the needs of your people. Once your Temple is complete, all of the houses will now start morphing into Domus types. After enough transformations, the mission will end. _________________ /Syracusae 4 of 4/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Syracusae must have enough Villa type houses to reach Megapolis stature (City Stature is shown in Town Hall information panel) Difficulty: ***** - This is quite possibly one of the most deceptive missions that campaign mode has to offer. Why you ask? It's simple - Megapolis does not mean to have a huge amount of people in your city. All it means is to have an overwhelming amount of Villas compared to regular houses. Many players make the mistake of overbuilding on this final mission for Syracusae, and as a result, spend too much time on the mission for a pointless mission. - Start off by recognizing that your central establishment is probably running into problems. Build more Bakeries, Tailor Shops, and Wheat Farms as there is a shortage of bread. Place 2-3 Marketplaces near your community, and start to expand with a few more homes (breach the 50 citizen population mark). Now, start to build some Prefectures to cover both sides of the city, and place a Bath House along with a Theater. Ensure that they are properly staffed. Now, build in a crazy manner as many monuments as possible. Build Golden Statues, the Arch of Triumph, Altars, and Temples to help raise prestige all around the city. Build them to ensure a huge radius is covered, but also so that Villas start to pop up in the city. - By now, you're probably getting banged by the plague and receiving tons of complaints. Go to every Temple, Altar, and Monument and start donating gold. By now you should have nearly 80-90 slaves at the Town Hall, but just keep donating gold. This will slow down the chances of rioting or fires. Secondly, just keep building prestige buildings until your Villas outnumber your Domus, Casa, and primitive houses. Eventually, the mission will end. As far as I'm aware, you need more than 50 people (may be 60) to qualify for Megapolis stature, as long as the number of Villas is overwhelming. Set the game speed to high as it will take awhile for things to develop. Don't forget that Temples, Theaters, and Bath Houses are prestige buildings as well. Build them when you run out of normal monuments. You will probably receive riots and fires along the way, but the Prefectures can handle the situation and you'll sort of "smooth" your way to victory without having everything in a perfect situation. _______________ /Toletum 1 of 3/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build 3 Iron Mines -> Build 2 Marble Quarries -> Make sure there is at least 1 worker in every Marble Quarry and Iron Mine Difficulty: *** - Toletum is in a sense a mineral-rich area, but suffers from horrible building options. Because of this, you will not be able to build food farms of any sort. Another noticeable problem is that there are 2 barbarian villages along the upper portions of the map, and you have no ability to build Herbalist Shops as well. However, you may notice that there are Gypsy Villages spread throughout the map. Gypsies will heal anyone they come across that is infected when they visit your town. Also, you will have one Supply Depot that gets refilled with food every 3 minutes. These happen to be automatic supplies from Rome that cost you nothing - this is a good thing. - Start off by building a Marketplace at the main section of your town. This will attract Gypsies to bring their items, which means you can get their free healing powers as well. If you look slightly southwest on the map, and southeast, you will notice that you already have 2 built warehouses. At these locations are nearby stone or marble quarries that can be built upon to help meet your goal. Check the southwest location first. You will notice 3 Iron deposits marked with yellow dots on your radar. You want to build Iron Mines on all 3 deposits, however, do them one at a time and slowly. You need to build at least one home in the vicinity of each mine to ensure a worker gets there. Do this, then focus on the southeast area. This is where the 2 Marble Quarries are. Repeat the same strategy of placing quarries on both, and building 2 homes within vicinity of both. This will ensure one man is in every mine. - On a side note, try to develop the main town a bit. Place a Trade Outpost, add a Clay Pit near the small lake, and place 1-2 more homes to fill some jobs. This will prepare you for the future missions. _______________ /Toletum 2 of 3/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build at least 1 Slave Shelter -> Have at least 60 slaves -> Make sure the slave schedule of the Town Hall and all Warehouses is free or relaxed Difficulty: *** - Now that your town is established, some needs are starting to arise. You need to get about 10 more slaves, and add a few luxuries to make their job easier. You are going to have to trade for gold, so go check the Trade Outpost you built from the first mission. Pick the trade route of 12 Marble for 6 Gold to Rome. This will help provide you with gold since you will have an abundance of marble from your mines. - In the main town, find a nice spot near the houses and build a Flax Farm. Then, build a Tailors Shop. There will be a big need for Cloth from your citizens. This should keep your citizens at bay while you trade for gold. As for your minor settlements, avoid them entirely. Most of the citizens will whine and complain, but do not worry about it - it's not our objective. They are fine as long as you don't continue to develop those isolated areas. DO NOT build the Slave Shelter until you purchase the 10 extra slaves. When you build it, the 10 slaves are transferred from Town Hall. This means the workload for slaves at the Town Hall gets harder. You don't want to do it until you have some slaves to spare. Make sure the Shelter is built at one of the isolated areas, preferably the location with marble. Once you reach 60 slaves total (after collecting 20 gold), just make sure you have a minimum 30 slaves at the Town Hall. Use the speed toggle button, and eventually, the slave schedule will reduce back down to Relaxed. If it does not, stop the trade routes at the Trade Outpost, and this will lighten their tasks. _______________ /Toletum 3 of 3/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Destroy all barbarian settlements Difficulty: *** - It seems that the nearby barbarian villages at Toletum are giving the citizens problems. They're threating to kill them all. What's going to make or break you on this mission is being able to restructure your 2 outside colonies, and getting enough Watch Towers up in time to protect the entire Toletum area. Start off by building 2-3 Watchtowers down by your 2 marble mines - place them by the warehouse. Build some Watchtowers on the main road north of your central base. Now, it's time to solidify your economy. Put some marketplaces, and fill the needs of the people at your 2 mining colonies. We don't want riots destroying what we've spent precious time building up. - On a side, you're going to run into a problem. DON'T EXPAND. There are no gold despoits on this map, nor are there any trade routes available that you can use to get gold. Because of this, we need to keep Toletum's population similar to how it is right now. Once you have the economy under control, this should satisfy most people. Start to build the barracks, but build a Blacksmith shop instead of an Armorer. Our key to victory is using iron weapons since we have a huge supply of iron coming in from the south west mines. While you are building Barracks and constructing an army, you will get hit a few times from the Barbarians. The village to the right can have raiding parties of about 15-25 men. The one up north will have attacks of up to 40 barbarians. - Try building a barrack down by your marble colony once the watchtowers are up. Your Blacksmith in the main city will provide iron weapons for them. Once they are well equipped, send them on a mission, and pick the destroy button from the Barracks menu. Click on the Town Hall structure. Now your squad will be ordered to destroy the Barbarian village. This squad should be able to do the job (most likely has 25 men, most having weapons). The Barracks train your men according to the level of equipment available. Militiamen, Footmen, and Velits are all different levels of troops. Irregardless, once you fend off a barbarian attack, a majority of the barbarians are dead. This is a great time to counter-attack and finish off their village before they resupply with new barbarians. Your troops should raze the entire village to the ground. Once both villages are destroyed, your are victorious. _________________ /Kartagena 1 of 3/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build a Stone Quarry, a Marble Quarry, and a Gold Mine with at least one worker in each one -> Increase the number of slaves to 70 -> Have at least 20 Casa type houses Difficulty: ** - This is basically a fairly long mission in that you have to build the base to a city, ensure you have a wide variety of resources, and be able to thrive with a high population. The first location where you start is not your actual home base - it's just a small colony where a 10-slave warehouse is. Instead, scroll down southwest on the map and look for the lone town hall. You want to start building 3-4 homes to get an initial population here. Then, build a Clay Pit & Herbalist Shop nearby. The Plague is prevalent in this marshy area. Start to build your necessities such as a Flax Farm, Bakery, and Butchers Shop. Your separate colony actually has a Pig & Wheat Farm already established, so this will supply Flour & Meat. Your main concern is getting cooked goods. Scroll over to the colony and build one more home & a stone quarry on the extremely close Stone Desposit. - Continue to expand your population at the home base. Place an Altar at the center of your expanding city to increase the prestige. Your bakery and butchers shop should start to produce goods. Don't forget to place down some wells to help upkeep sanitation efforts. Expand on the opposite side of your home base with an Olive Farm and a few houses. Make use of a Trade Outpost, and trade Olive Oil for Gold. This will help buy more slaves. If you look slightly north of the center portion of the map, you will find the only gold deposit on the map. Place a Warehouse here, then a Gold Mine, and 2 homes. Also, build another Herbalist Shop. This will treat anyone who gets sick (you can't build a well with no water sources around), and provide you with a STEADY source of gold. Gold is good because it means we can buy more slaves, and harvested gold is better since it means less transportation work for trade deals with other Roman cities. - Your gold should start to pour in. You have met a majority of the requirements, except it is time to expand the population and find marble. Marble is located in the northwest. Place another warehouse here (assuming you have bought 10-20 more slaves with the new gold deposit). Build 2 homes, build a Marble Quarry, and a well would be nice. If I were you, go back to the original colony you had and build a Marketplace. This may satisfy some of the higher needs of your people here. Placing a Golden Statue at this original settlement is also a good idea. I would recommend placing a Slave Shelter here as well - the work load may get very high for a limited 10 slaves. From here on, it just becomes a waiting game. Place Altars at each of your spread out warehouses so that the houses around them turn into Casas. You need 20 total Casas to complete - remember that. Don't forget to continue purchasing slaves (I had around 90 before the mission was complete). This will leave you with a good base to finish up the Kartagena missions. _________________ /Kartagena 2 of 3/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build a Theater at the specified location -> There must be at least 4 Actors working at the Theater Difficulty: * - This mission is very simple. Look near your main establishment at the highlighted area. Whether you have stuff built around it or not, don't worry. Immediately start construction on a Theater here. Then, build 4 houses around the Theater to ensure 4 male actors have jobs in it. Your mission will be complete. Along the way, I recommend building Marketplaces on your outskirt settlements to please the people for the third mission in this area. _________________ /Kartagena 3 of 3/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build a Coliseum at the specified location -> Build at least 6 Villa type Houses near it -> Organize Coliseum grand fights Difficulty: *** - This mission was fairly difficult for myself mainly because of my lack of establishment on the outside colonies. Your initial Kartagena build should have a few spread out settlements, with your main city thriving with resources. Unfortunately, you probably have no Marketplaces, Temples, or high-luxury items in place to appease the people. You have two choices on what you can do for this mission: 1) Attempt to build each neighborhood perfectly (including the settlements) to keep everyone happy. 2) Build the Coliseum, Build Perfectures to fight the riots, and get the 6 Villas - I would recommend Option 2. Build 1-2 Prefectures at the main city, and make sure they can cover the whole city and have 3-4 men in each. Build a prefecture on your outside colonies if possible. Most of your people will riot due to lack of resourcing, lack of wine, or no Temples. Rather than spending minutes trying to appease them, simply fight back. Start a trade route at your outpost for gold, and then start to build the Coliseum. Before you build the Coliseum, make sure you have anything & everything you want. It takes a ton of resources to build, and a long time as well. Get a second Stone Quarry if necessary. Once the Coliseum is built, you will need 10 Olive Oil, 10 Wine, and 10 Gold to host a grand fight. There is a grand fight button option after you click on the building. Try to stockpile these resources. While you're waiting for the stockpile, build some houses around the coliseum. Place a monument or two, and a Temple. This should be enough to raise the prestige high enough for 6 Villas. Host the grand fight, and your mission is complete. It will not be a pretty victory, but it is quicker than spending an hour or two building everything up to prevent riots. ________________ /Massilia 1 of 2/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build a Temple near the Town Hall at the specified location -> There must be at least 2 Priests working at the Temple Difficulty: * - Start off by looking directly right of your main establishment, and you will see 2 Marble areas. Place a mine on one of them. Build two houses next to the mine, and place a road connecting back to town. This should leave you with a steady marble upkeep. Now, build the Temple on the highlighted location next to the Town Hall. You will have 2 other smaller settlements on the map, one of which may get infected by the plague (the one with no water wells). Simply build a Herbalist Shop there to take care of the problem. Resume construction on the Temple as your marble comes in, and then you simply have to build 1-2 more homes to get some priests to work at the Temple. A very easy mission indeed. ________________ /Massilia 2 of 2/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build a Philosopher Academy at the specified location -> There must be at least 4 Philosophers working at the Philosopher Academy Difficulty: * - This is almost like yet another introduction mission as its basic goal is to get you use to the Philosophers Academy. At your main town, start building the Academy on the highlighted area. Meanwhile, build Altars & Marketplaces at your surrounding colonies, and a Marketplace at your home base. Build 3-4 new homes around the vicinity of this new Academy, and place a Golden Statue or Monument to increase prestige. This should upgrade the houses into Villas. Once the houses morph into Villas, you will then be able to get men to work at the Philosophers Academy. If it does not fill up right away, try stopping work at one of the nearby buildings where a master citizen is working. To find out who is a master citizen, click on one of the villas, and click on the head male. You should be able to see if he works at the Academy, or if he has another job. While you wait to fill up the academy, build a Vineyard and some things to preocuppy the citizens without causing riots. __________________ /Mediolanum 1 of 2/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build 6 Prefectures with 4 Prefects in each -> Mediolanum must not lose its current stature -> Make sure that Mediolanum remains with at least 60 Houses Difficulty: *** - This is an annoying mission because you're given a great town with an adequate amount of supplies, but not enough marketplaces nor prefectures to deal with any potential riots. First off, notice that this town is very WELL developed. There are plenty of meat, flour, and wine supplies about. There are also automatically supplied depots, and some Domus type houses to dominate as an established city. For building the 6 Prefectures, I recommend building one in every one of the surrounding establishments. Check the Altars in each settlement to see what the people desire. If lots are angry, quickly build a Marketplace nearby, and the slaves should put goodies there to satisfy the needs of the people. Your two biggest supplied worries on this mission are wine & bread. Many of the outside settlements will not have enough male workers. Build 2-3 new houses in each development and ensure each Prefecture has 4 workers each. - With this accomplished, focus on building a Herbalist Shop, or occasional production building to fill up any remaining jobs in a town. If for some odd reason, you cannot fill your Prefecture with 4 men, stop the work at one of the nearby buildings, and the male workers will go to the Prefecture. Then, resume work at the shutdown building, and it will be down one male worker. The Prefects will fight against riots and extinguish fires. It becomes a waiting game of about one day once you fill all the Prefectures with 4 men each. The riots will happen irregardless of how quickly you build. __________________ /Mediolanum 2 of 2/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build 2 Barracks -> Build a Coliseum Difficulty: **** - You've managed to quell the riots of Mediolanum, but now nearby barbarians are threatening to attack you. What else is new? Right off the bat, look at your two NORTH bases near the center of the map. Build 2 Watch Towers on the west road leading to the left barbarian village, and build 2 Watch Towers at the other north base along the north road. Your West base is going to get rushed first, and may not survive. Don't worry about it. Meanwhile, continue building to the south by placing 2 Barracks in safe locations. Place a Weapons Shop (wooden) next to one of the barrachs. Now, wait for your troops to stockpile. You may have a few splicing riots here and there, but it's nothing to worry about. - You will have to build an Arch of Triumph in order to gain access to the Coliseum building menu. Build one, then construct the Coliseum at the designated location. Now, it's a waiting game. You will have to hold out until this Coliseum is finished. I found it best to use the Destroy command on the nearby barbarian villages with my 2 barracks. Ensure that you have some weapons supplied to the men before issuing the order. You may have taken some damage from the barbarians initial raid. A few of your buildings will probably be burnt down at the northwestern colony, and those watch towers probably never got finished. Let them get finished, and halt some of the work at the nearby farms to lighten the work load on your slaves. Your Coliseum will take awhile to be built unless you can trade for gold via the Trade Outpost. I recommend doing so, or at least, getting more slaves to speed up the process of transporting materials to the location. Your prefectures will have lots of riots to deal with. If you want to speed up the process of building the Coliseum, build a Warehouse directly next to it. You'll have 10 slaves dedicated to completing it. This will warrant a mission complete. ________________ /Lugdunum 1 of 2/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build a Philosopher Academy -> Collect 20 Gold Difficulty: *** - This mission requires some cunning building skills based off of a good town layout. This small village desires to be a trade capital of the Roman empire, but needs your help. You'll basically start off with 3 warehouses, one in the middle of nowhere (near stone & marble deposits), one village with tons of farms, and the main base with plenty of slaves. Build a Stone Quarry, and Marble Quarry at your isolated warehouse. Make sure to place down 2 homes, one close enough to each mine so that operations can continue between these locations. At your home base & second colony, build Altars to raise the prestige. Your population should increase high enough to build a monument. Place a Gold Statue at your home base near the other homes to raise their prestige. You should already have an average food/production line going, and your Taverns will spread the needs of the people. I would recommend building a Tailor Shop at the second base though, as there is no supply of cloth there. - As you know, a Philosopher Academy requires nearby Villa houses since the only people it can employ are Master Citizens. To get some Villas, you will need a Theater, Temple, and Bath House built nearby in the main area to boost your prestige. Get the Temple, then Theater & Bath House on queue in that order. Then, build the Philosopher Academy now that the people are satisfied. In the meantime, build a Slave Shelter at the second colony where you have a high work load and only 10 slaves. This will boost your work load down a bit. I'd also recommend building another Slave Shelter up here later on to keep the flow of things very smooth. Back at your main base, you will want to focus on expanding your population quite a bit. Build several houses and expand in the open fields, but near your prestige buildings so you maximize population. In effect, you will need many male workers on this mission. Build a few trade outposts around the Academy to start automatically making gold. The gold will deposit in Town Hall slowly. Once you accumulate 20 gold, the mission will end. Don't forget to stop donating at your temples/altars to ensure your supply of gold comes in smoothly. Remember that it is imperative to satisfy your population on this one since you will have a second part to this mission later on. ________________ /Lugdunum 2 of 2/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Lugdunum must reach City stature -> Increase the number of slaves to at least 70 -> Build 2 Barracks and train 40 Soldiers Difficulty: * - If you followed everything I told you to do in the first mission, nearly 2/3 of your objectives will be filled in this mission! You will be generating gold via your Philosopher Academy and surrounding Taverns. You should have close to 60 slaves. Simply buy 10 more with the newly acquired gold. Most of all, you should be AT the City stature due to the high prestige in your city and adequate population. All you have to do is construct the 2 barracks, and wait for 40 soldiers total to be trained. Don't forget to snatch a weapons shop so that your soldiers continue to regenerate. Probably one of the easiest "supposedly" hard missions. _________________ /Londinium 1 of 3/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Londinium must have at least 70 citizens -> There must be no more than 4 sick citizens Difficulty: *** - What makes the Londinium missions somewhat fun and not much of a bore is the fact that you have unlimited resources. While this does not mean everything is handed to you on a silver platter, most of it is rewarded on a bronze platter. A little effort on your part to create luxurious goods, and you'll be set. Start off by noticing your surroundings. Adjust your camera view so it looks north. You will have a warehouse south of the river with several resource depots surrounding it, another warehouse to the east with 3 supply depots, and your town hall. Look west and you will notice a gold quarry. Start off by building a few homes around your Town Hall. DO NOT build VERY much at the two other warehouses you have. Your slaves will be busy enough gathering the automatically supplied depots. - The key to surviving on Londinium is the use of Marketplaces. There will be Gypsy Villages on the map here and there. Try to build your homes around them, or where some of your town centers are. The Marketplaces will attract Gypsy Healers to visit your town, and they in effect, will cure any form of plague that rises out of the ground. Make a note that you do not have Herbalist Shops on this mission. This makes it difficult to handle the plague if it gets out of control (which would result in a mission failure). Instead, to reduce the chance of plague, every Slave Workload at the warehouses & town hall must be Relaxed or lower. Also, put Wells in each neighborhood more often than you normally do. - Expand your town around the center Town Hall. On your warehouse to the east, build a Marketplace, and another home if you need some jobs to fill. At your Town Hall, get a Bakery & Butcher Shop ASAP. Since you are supplied flour & meat on this map, do not worry about building pig/wheat farms. To the west, build a new warehouse near the gold deposit, then build a gold mine, a few homes, and a marketplace. Marketplaces are great because they satisfy the needs of people including cloth, but don't offer high-luxury items like Wine. Focus on developing your center town though. Build north of the river with a Tailor Shop, Altar, then more homes, a Temple, and so forth. Get a Prefecture once you get a decent population size, and build any of the available monuments. When your prestige is high enough to acquire a Temple, build one, then build a Theater & Public Bath. Then, get enough prestige in the area to pop up a few Villas. - Now, you should be cruising along. Remember to continue to purchase slaves as your town expands. I would recommend building a 2nd warehouse inbetween the gold mine & central town area. Start to populate this area with homes & job buildings. If your supply of sausages & bread gets low, build another production building so your slaves can haul the food to marketplaces. A good rule of thumb is to build a new marketplace for every warehouse you build. Eventually, you will expand fast enough that you will require Taverns to supply wine to people. Try to expand north near the Gypsy village, as they will act like a free Herbalist Shop. Don't forget to keep building wells at each interval. Pop in a few gardens to spruce the appearance of the city, and connect roads to make travelling easier on the civilians. - From here on, everything is self-explanatory. Keep building until you reach 70 citizens. Continue to increase the slave count, continue to increase the prestige of surrounding buildings, but most important, make sure you have lots of marketplaces. If you want, you can demolish a building in the center of your city that no longer serves purpose, and try to undertake a Coliseum or Philosophers Academy to reap in profits. Just remember to keep slave workloads on Relaxed or lower, and you should be set. _________________ /Londinium 2 of 3/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Londinium must have at least 150 citizens -> There must be no more than 10 sick citizens Difficulty: *** - This mission is hardly any different from the 1st Londinium mission, except for the fact that you need to be bigger and also have some Watchtowers in place to harbor off the barbarian raids. Start off by looking north on the map. The barbarian village on the left can have up to 50 or so attackers, while the other one can only have 16-32 attackers. Look at your right colony where there are 3 supply depots and only a few buildings. Place 2 Watchtowers here. Look at the narrow land bridge near the center of the map above your main city. Build 3-4 Watchtowers here, and try to clump them near this narrow land bridge as this is where the main attacking force will come from. - As for expanding your city, it shouldn't be terribly difficult. What you have to worry about is reaching the population limit, while following the previous guidelines. This means building wells nearly 2-3 on a screen at once, trying to expand near the gypsy villages, and ensuring you have a surplus of food/supplies. Since you are already being given infinite supplies, I recommend that you build several more production buildings (bakeries, butcher shops, tailor shops). Don't forget to toss a Marketplace as each new colony you build. ^NOTE: Whatever you do, DO NOT expand south of the river. This will make it easier to complete Londinium 3 of 3. - Instead, expand west but north of the river. If needed, place Shave Shelters at your southern supply base where you have nothing built. The work load may be too much for the measly 10 slaves. From here on out, you just want to repeat what you did to your main city. Scroll a bit, build a warehouse, some homes, some buildings to enforce a job, a marketplace, altars, public buildings, and upgrade the prestige of each home to Domus/Villas. As a matter of fact, do not worry about providing jobs for everyone. Just focus on getting a ton of people in one area, and that there are Taverns/Marketplaces available to them. If your supply of a certain good gets very low, just build more production buildings, and place more slaves in the neighborhood through shave shelters or an extra warehouse. Most of my expanded colonies were running 30-40 slaves to handle the workload. My town hall had roughly 70-90 slaves as well. - Try to upkeep a 1.75 to 1, slave to citizen ratio. If you need extra gold, you can trade olive oil for gold (aside from your gold mine). Dealing with the barbarian attacks is not a tough task, assuming you have enough watchtowers. When the barbarians attack, some of the watchtowers will fire arrows while some of them will have melee merecenaries on the ground level. If some of the defenders die, they will regenerate. Just remember to have about 4 north of the main city, and 2 north of the right-side supply colony. You can also toss a few guarding your expansion colonies, but most of the barbarian men will not notice this. Once you reach 150 citizens, I recommend setting the game speed to high. The game does not immediately recognize victory, but will also wait until the plague ends. If you notice that the amount struck by the plague is getting exceedingly high (7-10 citizens in one strike), check the area and ensure there is a surplus of food. I also placed lots of Gardens on this map to try to give people a rest. Having a few Prefectures as well in case of riots is a smart move. _________________ /Londinium 3 of 3/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Withstand the rebel attack Difficulty: ***** *MAJOR ERROR: If you have the original version of the game, there is a crashing error that occurs if you try to load a mission from Londinium 3 of 3. It is believed the reason is due to loading a game when it IS raining, when you are issuing an attack from a Barracks, or when Barbarians are potentially attacking. The only way to load the file is to start from scratch on the mission. Load a previous file where the intro screen is shown. - Apparently, Boudiccea and her rebel armies are preparing a massive attack on Londinium. This is supposedly THE BATTLE to get ready for, as they are the most advanced barbarian tribe the Roman empire has seen. There is an important item to note: THE BARBARIANS will attack from the SOUTH! - Do not be distracted by the two small villages to the north. These barbarians will attack you, but your watch towers can take care of them. Now, go near where your Town Hall. Look south through the narrow road/ridge. Build 4 Watch Towers here near the Supply Depot area. Build a Barracks here, 2 homes, and a Blacksmith & Weapons Shop. This will be enough to fully train your new rookies. Construct a second Barracks and prepare with a few more Watch Towers. When I say a massive rebel attack, we're talking hundreds. As for taking care of your city, just do massive donations. Since you have unlimited supplies, donate at every Temple or Altar. This will appease the people for now. - Save your game when you think everything is close to being finished. DO NOT save the game if it is raining in the air, if barbarians are attacking, or if you have issued an attack. This will glitch your save. The Barbarians from the south will approach in 3 places - directly south, southwest, and southeast. The one force from the southwest may give you some concerns as it will burn your Supply depot establishment a bit. Ignore it. Your multiple watchtowers will engage the men. Meanwhile, your Barrack troops will rush out to defend the city to their death. You will end up slaughtering the 75-100 barbarians, and be victorious. _______________________ /Colonia Claudia 1 of 3/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build 6 Watchtowers Difficulty: ** - Colonia Claudia is an area filled with treacherous barbarians, but also the ability to expound on some of the military buildings available in the game. Start off by building 2 Wheat Farms, a Bakery, a Fisherman Hut, a few homes (one near the stone quarry slightly northwest), and finally a Warehouse to the east near the gold quarry. Build a home and mine here to harvest gold on a consistent basis. While your objective is easy, our goal is to build an economy for the missions to come. You may notice one barbarian faction west, one northwest, and one east. For now, you should receive no problems from them. - Continue buildings up your town, but do not build Altars yet. Get a Herbalist Shop to help treat with sickness. You may need another Woodcutters Lodge to upkeep timber production, and preferably a Clay Pit. Once you are able to purchase 1-2 loads of slaves, head back to your gold mine area, and build 2 watchtowers. Build them near the stone bridge to help secure your area. Start to build Watchtowers around your main village as well. By now, you should be expanding with numerous homes. Build an Altar once you have a population of 30 or so. In addition, take up a Flax Farm & Tailor Shop to upkeep your production of cloth. Finish this off with a Prefecture, and expand north across the river with another warehouse, home, and marble mine to give you some form of marble to expound upon. This will give you something to build upon. Finish things up with the remaining number of Watchtowers in useful places (1-2 near marble warehouse, 1-2 near gold warehouse, 3-5 near main village around perimeter). _______________________ /Colonia Claudia 2 of 3/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Build a Barracks and train at least 20 soldiers in it Difficulty: ** - In orders straight from the Roman emperor, he demands that the surrounding Barbarian tribes be annihilated. I can tell you right now that on the third mission, all hell is going to break loose. Before you build the barracks and start training away, I recommend tossing up a few more Watchtowers so that you can handle an ample attack from barbarians. Start off by placing 3-4 more near the north bridge and northwest position. As you will note, two large barbarian camps are to the northwest and northeast. Secondly, place a few more to protect your gold colony to the east, and just 1-2 more on the western perimeter to guard against the small friendly village. Now, build the barracks to the south. - Don't forget to build up some defensive watchtowers to the north where your Marble expansion base is. As a matter of fact, have a minimum of 3 towers here. You will probably receive a raid from the nearby hostile village, and your defenders may not survive the onslaught. Once the Barracks is built, your will have the ability to produce a Weapons Shop or Blacksmith shop. Blacksmiths make iron weapons, but require iron ore. Weapons shop make wooden weapons out of timber. Build a new warehouse by this Barracks, place a well here, then build a Weapons Shop. Gradually, your barracks will train up to 20 soldiers and the mission will be complete. However, we are preparing for total war. _______________________ /Colonia Claudia 3 of 3/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objectives: -> Destroy the Teuton and Menapi settlements Difficulty: ** - Remember those 2 missions that helped prepare you for this mission? Those two missions really helped out. You already have a barracks established with SEVERAL watch towers in place. This is great because those watch towers to the north will help SLAUGHTER the dangerous barbarians from the north. Order your barracks once it has filled up with men and some armaments to attack the barbarian village to the right. It is relatively smaller. Your squad may struggle a bit, but it will break and burn the village to the ground. Manage your town a bit longer, and wait for the squad to fill back up with new troops. Again, any raiding party from the north will easily get fended off by your watch towers. - Again, reissue an attack on the north village when ready. I must warn you thought that this village to the north is VERY strong. They have multiple archer towers, and upgraded barbarisn defending it. The key is to ensure you have a steady supply of wooden weapons being produced at your home base. Let's say you send one squad up, and it starts to die off slowly inside the barbarian base. Well, at your Barracks, new soldiers are trained and there are weapons to equip them. So right when one squad dies, simply reissue the attack immediately on the village again. The key is that this does not leave the barbarians enough time to respawn. You will take casualties, but you will win. It's easier than building a trade outpost, getting iron ore, them attempting to construct iron weapons. Too much wasted time. Simply do it the grunt way. This last village will be destroyed, and you will win. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ = With the campaign completed, a special message is awarded to you: Congratulations, Governor! You have successfully completed the campaign bestowed upon you by the Emperor himself gaining his undying respect! Never since the heroes of antiquity has anyone been witness to such governing skills! You have earned your place in history and the cities you have created will continue to fascinate people for generations to come... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *The ending credits show.* -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ========================= - 4) Strategies - ========================= As with any strategy game, it is necessary to have a strategy-specific section dedicated to it. This section will go over a few in-depth and brief tips on dominating in Glory of the Roman Empire. _________________ /Colony Expansion/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >> Colony Expansion is one of the most difficult tasks for any player in GotRE. Most can get off to a fair start and establish their main city with the Town Hall, but how EXACTLY do you expand? This section will take care of that. --> Concentration Build Order ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WAREHOUSE -> WELL -> HOMES -> RESOURCE PRODUCTION -> ALTAR -> MARKETPLACE This is one of the best build orders you can acquire in the game. Start off by producing a Warehouse in an isolated location. Now you have 10 slaves and a link from your resource pool to the warehouse. Build a Well to wash up, some homes, and build MULTIPLE of what type of resource you want to make. For example, build 2-3 Pig Farms. Then, an Altar to appease their needs, and a Marketplace. You're probably wondering. Hey, where are the bread and sausages? The Marketplace takes care of that ALONG with the cloth. DO NOT build a Tavern in place of the Marketplace. As long as you don't raise the prestige of this small colony to Domus houses, the Marketplace will satisfy all their needs. Let's say you want to establish another colony. Simple, follow the same build order as listed above, HOWEVER, simply pick a different resource building. Now, let's build 2-3 Flax Farms. Let's build another colony. Find the same build order, but build 2-3 Butcher Shops. Repeat the strategy, but put 2-3 Bakeries, and so forth. The idea is that for each colony you build, there should be multiple buildings of the same type to employ jobs. This way, we SATISFY any economical need without getting too mixed up in the build order. PLEASE NOTE that it is OK to put a Butcher Shops and Pig Farms together, HOWEVER, you need to place a Slave Shelter to help keep the work load to a minimum. --> Prestige Build Order ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WAREHOUSE -> WELL -> HOMES -> MARKETPLACE -> ALTAR -> MONUMENT -> TEMPLE -> TAVERN -> HOMES -> THEATER -> BATHHOUSE -> COLISEUM This is the best way to reach Villa houses in a perfect neighborhood. Note that this should not be your second or third colony. This should be your 6th or 7th. You already want a stable economy so that you have no production needs. The key is ensuring a Tavern is in place to provide the much-needed wine. --> Common Mistakes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WAREHOUSE -> WELL -> HOMES -> WHEAT FARM -> BAKERY -> PIG FARM -> BUTCHER SHOP -> MARKETPLACE -> VINEYARD -> STOP!!! The biggest mistake new players make in GotRE is trying to establish an "all-need" village. No way, Jose. This is a waste of land space, it's an overload of work on your 10 slaves, and it will increase the arrival of plague due to congested walkways. Make use of the Marketplaces and Taverns. They practically share all resources between each other, and supply all resources to people who want them. Rather than having four buildings with each type of resource, have 4 colonies producing each type of resource, and 1 building sharing each resource. Another thing. Don't forget cloth production. Most people tend to forget about it. Don't. Cloth and bread production are the two ones you will be short on most of the game. Satisfy the need for it first. Wine can be satisfied with one vineyard easily. Fish baskets are a wise idea, but they are difficult to get unless one is DIRECTLY near you. Don't be tempted to build a separate warehouse JUST for fish baskets - waste of time. _______________ /Military Power/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >> There isn't too much to say on military power as the barracks do all of the training and equipping for you. One tip is that you may notice you have built a barracks, have a Blacksmith, but some of your recruits leave. This is because recruits need wooden weapons to train on. Get a Weapons Shop first, then the Blacksmith. Military troops come in five classes: -> Militiamen (Basic wooden-equipped soldiers, rookies) -> Footmen (Veteran iron-equipped soldiers) -> Velits (Basic wooden-equipped javelin throwers, rookies) -> Archers (Veteran iron-equipped archers) -> Captains - Captains can only be trained if they are a veteran returning from battle. There is not much of a power difference, aside from the fact that archers & footmen need less swings to kill someone. A captain will keep your troops organized so they don't split up when they are fighting barbarians inside a barbarian village. There is a considerable difference between a captain present or a captain NOT present. ________________________ /Fires, Riots, Happiness/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= More times than you'd rather want to, this is going to be a problem that YOU will have to solve in GotRE. The main reason there are rebellions are for 2 reasons: 1) Insane work load 2) Needs of people are not being met - Slaves rarely rebel, and even when you receive warnings that they will, they generally don't. The bigger problem is worrying about your people and their needs. If people complain that they want something, they will go to an Altar or Temple. You can view the needs of your people at this menu. You can also view the material needs of people at the Tavern with the Gossip button. - To solve a slave work overload, build a Slave Shelter in the neighborhood. This will transport 10 more slaves from the Town Hall to live in this new neighborhood. With more slaves in a neighborhood, that means there is more rest for the previous slaves. Continue building slave shelters if the work load status stays the same (you can view it in the Warehouse information panel). - To solve needs of the people, you can: 1) Build a building that will provide them with that need 2) Donate gold to the Altar/Temple to satisfy their need - Go with option #1 at a first glance when you start out. Generally when one person is requesting a certain item, it means that you don't have a general building they can go to purchase it (marketplace or tavern is needed). When one person complains, it's usually a sign that 3-4 more will. So get on top of the need ASAP. Make it a priority. It's also possible that you DO NOT have enough slaves to transport the goods so that the people can acquire them. Simply get more slaves through military enslavement, or purchases. - If going with option #2, ensure you have a surplus of gold. You will not receive a positive profit of gold if you donate, and the more buildings you donate to, it can become possible to start losing gold. If you do decide to donate gold, do it on maps where you have a large population. This will help prevent the need for micromanagement. > Finally, Prefectures are needed on almost every map to enforce potential problems. If you build a prefecture, make sure it is fully staffed (build some houses to get male workers). Put some wells in a neighborhood so they have a location to refill their water buckets as well. This will deal with fires. You can either build lots of Prefectures, donate gold, or satisfy the needs with the correct buildings. -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================ - 5) Directory - ============================ As with any strategy game, sometimes the most key elements of the title are what you can build with, and how you can use it. This section will describe what buildings or units are in the game, along with some uses for them. __________ /Buildings/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= { HOUSE } ========= Description: "Necessary for populating citizens in your town." - The Home is one of the most important buildings in the game as it provides you with citizens, and also represents the level of prestige of your establishment. Homes generally house 2 people, one male & one female. The family can then multiply to produce 2 children. However, in order to hold more housemates inside a home, the prestige of the home must increase. This can only occur by having homes within buildings with a prestige positive effect. Homes are where the citizens rest and sleep. It is smart to place wells, gardens, and decorations nearby to appease to the people and to lower needs. It is also smart to place Temples & Altars nearby so that people can complain about their current needs. Houses ensure that jobs are filled by providing people, but remember that there is a limited radius through which a nearby job will be filled based on the location of the house. EFFECTIVENESS: ***** { COLISEUM } ============ Description: "The most popular form of entertainment! Gladiatorial games take place on a daily basis here. The mere existence of such an edifice like the coliseum will contribute immensely to the respect and admiration towards your town." - The Coliseum is one of the premiere luxury items designed for upper-scale neighborhoods. This mammoth building provides entertainment, and tons of prestige value for the surrounding neighborhood. In many cases, one is necessary to help elevate your city to premiere status. The most important ability of the coliseum is the ability to help fight riots, and lower the needs of surrounding citizens. When the Coliseum receives 10 Olive Oil, 10 Wine, and 10 Gold stockpiled in its storage section, you can use the "Entertainment" button to provide a festive barbaric battle. The battle will satisfy the needs of everyone in the surrounding vicinity, and this helps prevent potential riots from breaking out. On a downside, the Coliseum is the biggest resource hog of a building to construct, and can take quite some time to gather enough resources to do so. EFFECTIVENESS: **** { TEMPLE } ========== Description: "The inhabitants go to the temple in order to show their gratitude to the Gods. As the prestige of the town rises, the demands of the rich people also rises simultaneously. Eventually they won't settle for praying in front of an altar. Here in temples they can pray under watchful eyes of wise priests." - The Temple is a prestige building. It helps raise the status of the town. Temples are necessary if you reach Domus-type houses. Think of them as an upgrade from an Altar. These are one of the first buildings that require marble as well, and must be staffed by 2 priests. You can donate gold to it to help satisfy the needs of the surrounding area. A very useful building and a cheap way of getting good prestige boostage in an area. EFFECTIVENESS: **** { TAILOR SHOP } =============== Description: "Here skillful tailors create elegant linen clothes for the inhabitants of the upper class. Because of frequent changes in fashion styles and preferences, it is advisable to have a tailor in your town!" - Tailor Shops produce Cloth, which is necessary for Casa-type homes, and their inhabitants. Two tailors can be employed in the facility, and they require Linen in order to produce Cloth. Generally you may need 2-3 Tailor Shops in order to provide a sufficient supply of cloth to your towns. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { MARKET PLACE } ================ Description: "This is the center of trade in every town. Provisions like bread, sausages, and fresh fish can be bought here as well as elegant clothes." - This is one of the most useful buildings in the game. It provides bread, sausages, fish, and cloth - this biggest needs of any person in your Roman establishment. What makes marketplaces great is that the resources are shared universally from each marketplace building that is constructed. So, a great idea is that for each new colony you establish with a warehouse, build a market place to provide the luxury items for your neighborhood. The Market Place can satisfy Casa-house needs. It can also employ 4 mixed- genre people. EFFECTIVENESS: ***** { ARCH OF TRIUMPH } =================== Description: "An object of prestige that offers unequalled opportunities!" - This is practically a prestige monument. It is first offered when you reach 50 population. It has a tunnel that can be walked through, and makes for a fine location on popular walkways in your town. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { PHILOSOPHERS ACADEMY } ======================== Description: "The academy is one of the most prestigious buildings. For this reason, only the most respected citizens may work there as philosophers. Since philosophers enjoy flaunting their prosperity in public, it is easy for salesmen and traders at markets and taverns to make them spend a lot of money." - The Philosophers Academy is an interesting Monument-sort building. It allows you to generate gold by having market places, taverns, and trade outposts in the surrounding area near the Academy. However, that's all it does. Plus, it must be employed by master citizens, which only come from your Villa-type houses. So you basically need a Villa neighborhood nearby this academy, in addition to taverns & market places. While the generated revenue is truly a positive bonus, the building itself is no easy task to build. EFFECTIVENESS: ** { TAVERN } ========== Description: "In the taverns, the Romans drink toasts to their meals. A large number of dishes are offered, from simple everyday meals to extravagant feasts on festive days. Needless to say there are no meals to be had in the tavern without flour, meat, fish, olive oil, and wine. Because a lot of people meet there to talk about the latest gossip, the tavern is a good source of information concerning the burdens and hardships of your town's inhabitants. You should go there and listen carefully before you make political decisions!" - Taverns are a slight misconception in the game. They basically share food and wine resources between each Tavern, but that's all they do. They do not provide cloth, which is a common need of Casa-type citizens. Because of this, it is often not required to build Taverns, but rather Market Places instead. You only need Taverns once your local homes morph into Domus-type houses, where the need for Wine arises. Aside from that, Taverns do provide the bonus of allowing you to view gossip which a built- in button on the building. The gossip feature tells you exactly what everyone wants, much like an Altar does. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { PUBLIC BATH } =============== Description: "Visiting the thermal bath was one of the most pleasurable things to do in a Roman town. The upper echelons of society particularly enjoy soaking in steamy pools." - This is one of 2 required buildings for Villa-type houses. It's a particularly large complex that allows people to bathe and enjoy warm water. It does not act as a well, but it does act a prestige building, which is a plus. Definitely a useful building, despite its moderate construction cost, and large size. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { BARRACKS } ============ Description: "Legionaries are trained in the barracks. There are different garrisons of footmen, archers, and velites. Each garrison requires its very own equipment which has to be strictly at their disposal. Mercenaries are not considered inhabitants of the town, because they are constantly moving and fighting in different places." - The Barracks is the base military building that you need if you wish to have your own military force in the game. Soldiers are trained as time progresses in game, and you can train up to 24 soldiers per building. Barracks store your created weapons, which arrive from a Weapons Shop or Blacksmith. Barracks have the option of surveying nearby barbarian villages and attempting to capture slaves, or completely destroy a village. Having multiple Barracks is the key to success and to building a dominant military presence. EFFECTIVENESS: ***** { ALTAR } ========= Description: "Altars are crucial for Roman citizens to pray to their Gods and make sacrifices in honor of them. An altar also increases the prestige of surrounding neighborhoods." - This is one of the fundamental prestige buildings in the game. The Altar is where everyone goes to complain about their needs, but it can also act as a counterpart for problems. By donating gold to the Altar, you can help satisfy the needs of the local neighborhood. Altars are often required by any settlement of homes, so prepare to build them often. They are cheap to build, offer a prestige bonus, and can be used to counter riots from even starting. Very useful in any scenario. EFFECTIVENESS: ***** { WELL } ======== Description: "Everybody needs water for washing clothing, basic hygiene, cooking, and drinking. That's why wells are indispensable for everybody, even for the poorest citizens of your town! In case of fire, wells can save the lives of many people. But beware! Wells can also be a means of spreading diseases through contaminated water." - Wells are another fundamental building I'd recommend be placed in any location. This is where slaves and citizens go to wash themselves. This prevents potential plague outbreaks, and makes people happy. It is best to have 2-3 wells for every so many buildings to ensure everyone has accessible water. On a side note, having wells in an area reduces the chance of receiving a plague. However, Wells must have a nearby water source in order to place a well in an isolated location. If there is no nearby water, the well will be shaded with "red", meaning it cannot be built. The only way to extend potential water to a dry area is by extending an aqueduct (look for one on the map, click the extend button, and place it in a specific location), or by building a Water Fountain Monument which provides water in an isolated location. Either way, this is a necessary building in any home-established area. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { TRADING POST } ================ Description: "In a crisis, it may be possible that not all available resources are at your disposal, and that raw materials in your warehouse are in short supply. In the worst case, your people are in for a famine. However, many roads lead to Rome, especially the trading routes. Negotiate skillfully with neighboring towns and your people will always be adequately supplied." - This is the only building that allows you to trade for supplies. The supply routes on your map are automatically provided, however, one trading post can only handle one trade route at a time. Use the "Start Trade" button, and pick a trade to begin trading. Please note that materials are transported via your slaves. Starting trades often ties up your slave workload, and makes it busier than normal. However, Trading Posts are often necessary on certain missions where a supply can only be acquired through trade (especially Gold - usually for a tradeoff item such as Olive Oil). EFFECTIVENESS: *** { HERBALIST } ============= Description: "Even the highest standard of living and the best supply of food does not guarantee good health. Epidemics and plagues are a constant threat to your society. Build a pharmacy that sells herbs in order to be prepare for an emergency. Herbs and various plant roots ease pain and accelerate recovery." - A very useful building as it allows you to heal any infected personnel in your city. It can only be operated by females, and sometimes sick people will have to wait in line to be treated. Putting these elements aside, this is the only place you can receive treatment besides a Gypsy Village, or from some magical healing spell. Other than that, you have to hope you do not get infected, or have several wells on screen in every city you build. EFFECTIVENESS: ***** { BUTCHER SHOP } ================ Description: "As meat repsents basic nutrition for many citizens, there is a high demand for meat products by your people. The prosperity of the whole town depends on the supply of meat. Don't neglect breeding of pigs to supply the butcher and assure that there is a steady flow." - The Butcher Shop produces Sausages from Meat. This is a required item of anyone with a house prestige higher than the default level. Sausages are made moderately quickly, but since they require meat, can also take time to produce. An interesting item of note is that Fish can replace Sausages as a delicacy, so keep that in mind. The Butcher Shop can only be operated by males. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { PREFECTURE } ============== Description: "Even small fires may have disastrous consequences! Think of the narrow streets of Roman towns, and then you can easily imagine how this can happen. In order to prevent this, you should build a prefecture. The prefecture takes care of all this and can restrain small insurrections as well." - This is certainly one of the more useful, but painstaking buildings to enforce in a city. A Prefecture can take care of fires by putting them out, and also help quell riots. In a secondary role, they can fend off minor attacks from barbarians, but are not superior at this task. Prefectures will automatically react to any fire in the radius of the building, and require wells to resupply their buckets of water. If a riot occurs, they will attempt to prevent the riot from occurring, but they do not always prevent fires from breaking out 100% of the time. It's a useful building, that only males can operate. It also requires 4 men to hit full efficiency. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { BLACKSMITH } ============== Description: "Both in times of war and peace, the blacksmith provides the Roman people with iron." - This is the best building for becoming a military super power in the game. Iron weapons are vastly powerful, and allow you to construe your destruction over opposing empires. The Blacksmith requires Iron, which is fairly rare. Without iron, it cannot produce metal weapons. EFFECTIVENESS: **** { TOWN HALL } ============= Description: "This is the main building of administration in your town and the center of the power! Here you can find information on the history of your town or the gold reserves locked away in the treasury. Also, you can check the employment rate and even see how many slaves you have and in which projects they are involved. Here is where you make decisions that concern all your citizens!" - This is the most important building you have in your city. The Town Hall is where most of your slaves live, where you can purchase 10 slaves for 20 gold, and also acts as a supply depot. All of your supplies are stashed here, and can be interlinked to other Warehouses in the city. The Town Hall can only be built once, so ensure it is in a good location for the center of your city. The Town Hall can hold up to 100 slaves inside. I recommend building 2-3 wells nearby as slaves like washing up before performing tasks. EFFECTIVENESS: ***** { THEATER } =========== Description: "The theater plays an important role in Roman society. Various plays are always being brought to stage. Every wealthy town should have at least one theatre to satisfy cultural needs and lust for entertainment of the high society." - The Theater is designed for citizens of the Villa-type status. It provides high-class entertainment, and also acts as a prestige building. It requires males to operate, and can employ up to 4 men. It's a fairly large building that does require an adequate amount of resources. This building is required for Villa citizens. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { ARMORER } =========== Description: "Roman legionaries need powerful weapons to guarantee safety. This is where they are produced." - The Armorer is the primitive-type of weapons shop in the game. It creates wooden weapons out of timber, but the Blacksmith building is better (requires iron though). Either way, an Armorer is required in order to equip your troops for battle. EFFECTIVENESS: ** { IRON MINE } ============= Description: "Horseshoes, cutlery, weapons or coins - all this wouldn't exist without an iron ore!" - This is a practical iron mine. Required to harvest iron resources. Only men can operate it. EFFECTIVENESS: ** { FLAX FARM } ============= Description: "Without flax, there is no linen and no thread, and as a consequence, there would be no cloth for the tailor." - Flax is the base component for producing cloth, which is important. You may need 1-2 Flax Farms to supply enough linen for products. EFFECTIVENESS: ** { WHEAT FARM } ============== Description: "This is the place where grains are made into flour. One of the most important staple foods for every city." - Wheat is probably one of the most important base foods you need in the game. Wheat is used to produce bread, which is consumed OFTEN in the game. It may be necessary to build 2-3 Wheat Farms, but have 3-4 Bakeries to produce enough bread. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { GOLD MINE } ============= Description: "Let your slaves fill your gold reserves in your town hall. If food provisions are running low, you can compensate by trading with other towns." - Gold is the only resource capable of purchasing slaves, and is rare. Because of this, owning a gold mine is crucial to the success of a Roman city. Gold Mines never run out of gold, and require males to operate them. EFFECTIVENESS: ***** { WOODCUTTERS LODGE } ===================== Description: "No Roman building was ever built with wood or at least a wooden frame. A lumberjack is absolutely necessary for establishing a settlement." - This is another very important building item for your cities. The Woodcutters Lodge can only be built near a forest of 40+ trees, but it has men who cut down trees, and sheath them into timber. Timber is used in constructing nearly every new building items, and also used as upkeep for lots of buildings. A very crucial structure, and you may need 2-3 to upkeep a general supply of timber for growth. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { CLAY PIT } ============ Description: "You need clay and loam from the pits to build, repair, and maintain Roman buildings. Bricks will be made in large kilns." - The Clay Pit is an odd building which produces clay. Clay is used for some structures primarily as maintenance. The catch is that Clay buildings can only be built near a water source. EFFECTIVENESS: ** { MARBLE QUARRY } ================= Description: "As pure as the marble of Carrara! Every temple or triumphal ach demands norble marble." - Another mine building to harvest marble. Marble is used in many of the higher-class areas. Can only be operated by males. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { OLIVE FARM } ============== Description: "Olive Oil is one of the most sumptuous goods, reserved for the high society." - The Olive Farm is a basic building used to produce Olive Oil. The only true value Olive Oil serves in the game is as a trade item. Other than that, Olive Oil is not required by any of your citizens, unless it is needed at the Coliseum to host a grand fight. The best advantage Olive Oil serves is in trades for gold, or food supplies to upkeep your city's level of needs. I would only produce one of these buildings, or a few if you plan on massively trading Olive Oil. EFFECTIVENESS: * { PIG FARM } ============ Description: "Not only butchers profit from breeding pigs. Novices and slaves have a right to daily meat rations." - The Pig Farm produces meat. Meat is not an actual food though. It must be morphed into sausages at a Butcher Shop. Meat generally comes out in an abundant supply at the Pig Farm. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { STONE QUARRY } ================ Description: "The foundation of every villa is stone! This is where it is extracted and chiselled to the right size." - This is the basic mine that produces stone. Stone is a common construction material, not particularly rare though. Requires males to operate. EFFECTIVENESS: ** { GRAPE FARM } ============== Description: "Fruity wine should be a staple in every tavern. Wine is also an important commodity when trading with other towns." - Grape farms produce wine, which IS a luxury item for your people. Anyone with a Domus house or higher requires wine. Wine can only be served in Taverns, so keep this in mind. Aside from the consumption benefits of wine, it can also be traded for gold or other general items. Wine is like Olive Oil, but better. Grape Farms do produce a lot of wine as well. EFFECTIVENESS: **** { FISHERMAN HUT } ================= Description: "Every fisherman hut requires a pier. Only then can the slaves begin construction of the hut." - Fisherman Huts are the perfect substitute if you don't have the room to build Pig Farms. Fish Baskets are produced as a result of Fisherman Huts, and this food can be substituted for meat or sausages at a Marketplace/Tavern. The only problem with a Fisherman Hut is that it needs a dock to be built off of. Docks are only pre-placed on certain maps in certain places (marked with yellow dots). You will have to get a warehouse near these docks to allow easy transportation of the Fishing Basket goods. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { BAKERY } ========== Description: "Here, freshly millted flour is turned into tasty bread. Bread represents the basis of human nutrition for both appretices and trainees, as well as experts and masters." - Bakeries produce the Bread resource, which is necessary for practically everyone in your village. To produce bread, you require Wheat which is produced at a Wheat Farm. One of the main problems with bakeries is that their output of bread is somewhat slower than the output of sausages at a Butcher Shop. Because of this, you may need 3-4 Bakeries to see an adequate supply of bread for your people. EFFECTIVENESS: ** { WAREHOUSE } ============= Description: "Here you can store your resources and products, and you can easily obtain information on the level of employment in neighboring areas. In order to distribute goods efficiently, each storehouse must have ten slaves assigned to it. Additional slaves can always be called in from the governor's palace." - This is the best building for colonizing open areas of land on a map. When you build a Warehouse, 10 slaves are transported from the Town Hall, and permanently live at the new Warehouse. Also, a Warehouse can interlink any stored supply like a Town Hall does - and they share the same supply pool. This is great because your 10 slaves can now expand and build new stuff at a completely isolated location. I recommend you build a new Warehouse near water. Also, if the work load around the warehouse becomes difficult for your slaves, you will need to build a Slave Shelter to dedicate more slaves to this Warehouse (20 or more). EFFECTIVENESS: ***** { SLAVE SHELTER } ================= Description: "This is where the slaves are housed. Here they can recover from the pains of their daily lives." - A Slave Shelter houses 10 slaves to the nearest Warehouse/Town Hall. If you build a Slave Shelter where a warehouse is, 20 slaves will operate in this new area, with 10 living in the shelter, and 10 living in the warehouse. Slave Shelters are perfect for transporting newly-bought slaves to some of your isolated colonies where they need more slaves to lower a work load. You will use this building later on in the game frequently. EFFECTIVENESS: **** { BARBARIAN VILLAGE } ===================== Description: "Barbarians are lurking about the Roman borders. Protect your people with well-trained legionaries!" - Barbarian villages are where your only enemies in the game live. These savages operate in 3 moods - Friendly, Neutral, Hostile. In the friendly and neutral moods, they will not attack you, but can be traded with through a Trading Outpost. In the Hostile mood, they can and will attack you in waves. If you fend off the attack, they will not attack again until their village resupplies with barbarians. You can view how many barbarians they have by clicking on the Town Hall in the center of a Barbarian Village. Generally, waves of Barbarians attack with 20, 40, or 60 troops. If you manage to build up your own military, then you can destroy the opposing villages, or raid them for captured slaves. { GYPSY CARAVAN } ================= Description: "Gypsy are a peace loving people. They promote trade, and the Romans enjoy their vitality." - Gypsy caravans are little villages established before-hand on the map. These peace-loving people can offer trade routes, but more importantly, can heal people. If you have buildings in the vicinity, then the Gypsy building acts like a Herbalist Shop. Sometimes the Gypsy will also give you goods at the Marketplace in exchange for using a well or other resources in your city. { ARCH OF TRIUMPH } =================== - This is a prestige-specific building that acts as a monument. It can only be built when you have at least 50 citizens (then another one after each interval of 50 citizens). This is a fairly important monument as it is needed to construct a Coliseum. EFFECTIVENESS: **** { NEPTUNE FOUNTAIN } ==================== - This is a prestige-specific building that acts as a monument. It can only be built when you have at least a Golden Statue. It provides water to a waterless area, which is good for an isolated colony. EFFECTIVENESS: **** { GARDEN } ========== - This is an appearance building which can help cheer up some citizens. It requires only 2 timber, and there are various designs. EFFECTIVENESS: ** { GOLDEN STATUE } ================= - This is a prestige-specific building that acts as a monument. It can only be built when the Town Hall is upgraded in prestige. Each upgrade allows you to build another Golden Statue. EFFECTIVENESS: *** { ARCH OF TRIUMPH } =================== - This is a prestige-specific building that acts as a monument. It can only be built when you have at least 50 citizens (then another one after each interval of 50 citizens). This is a fairly important monument as it is needed to construct a Coliseum. EFFECTIVENESS: **** { RESOURCE DEPOT } ================== - This building cannot be built, but is generally given to you on certain missions. Imported items will be placed here, and your slaves must transport the goods to a warehouse/town hall. Often, resource depots will receive supplies in timed intervals on certain missions. EFFECTIVENESS: ***** { TEMPLE OF BACCHUS } ===================== - This is a prestige-specific building that acts as a monument. It can only be built when you have at least 3 Vineyards built. It satisfies the thirst for wine in the entire city, meaning that would not have to build Taverns (but rather just marketplaces). EFFECTIVENESS: *** { TEMPLE OF FORTUNA } ===================== - This is a prestige-specific building that acts as a monument. It can only be built when you have at least an Arch of Triumph. This building generates gold which can be VERY useful on certain maps. EFFECTIVENESS: ***** { TEMPLE OF VOLCANO } ===================== - This is a prestige-specific building that acts as a monument. It can only be built when you have at least 6 Altars (Temple counts as 2 Altars). The Temple of Volcano will cut in half the resources for construction of all other structures. The potential possibility of this temple is endless, but you have to remember, by the time you have 6 Altars, you've probably already spent tons of resources on building the city. EFFECTIVENESS: ***** -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================ - 6) Challenge Mode - ============================ Challenge Mode is an inherant mode where you go about facing pre-set challenges in the game. You earn points based on your earnings. There are certain bonuses for accomplishing certain tasks. If you complete a series of missions on one challenge, and your score is high enough, it can be featured on the High Scores website on the internet with your Player's name and a comment if you wish. This is the only "online" interaction that GotRE brings to the table. No online play, but competitive play in a sense. Brief summaries of what scenarios are available will be included, but no strategies provided due to the random possibilities. - You have a choice of 3 bonuses on each mission. Bonuses make it easy to complete the mission, but they act like "cheats" in a sense. Because they act like "cheats", the game subtracts points from your total score if you choose to use them. If you choose to ignore all 3 bonuses, you will have no negative point totals. You receive BONUS points if you complete certain positive bonuses listed on the left side of the screen. - If you do earn a high score that can be posted online, it is NOT posted based on the challenge type. It is posted under a general high scores table. Keep this in mind. It may be easier for YOU as a player to earn a high score on a certain map, compared to another player who may have strengths in micro-management. - The high scores page is available at: http://www.haemimontgames.com/gotre/highscores/highscores.php ":-> Berolinum (4 missions) <-:" ================================ - This is somewhat of an icy area complete with a huge aqueduct and several areas to expand. ":-> Memphis (4 missions) <-:" ============================== - This a tropical location featuring an oasis and a small pre-built establishment. You will suffer from increased disease as a result of the humid area. ":-> Roma (4 missions) <-:" =========================== - The perfect location to establish the capital of the Roman empire. Your biggest concerns are barbarian tribes, and a lack of local resources. However, you have access to tons of trade routes to get what you need. ":-> Colonia Claudia (4 missions) <-:" ====================================== - Another area filled with lots of barbarian tribes. You are somehwat limited as to how big you can get, but are given some counter-choices. ":-> Pompeii (4 missions) <-:" ============================== - Pompeii is built at the foot of a volcano leading to potential fires. You are given the task of turning it into a resource hungry city, in exchange for getting food to feed your people. ":-> Lugdunum (4 missions) <-:" =============================== - No tribes, tons of resources, two rivers. It's the best map available to build on, but it's also the one where you have to be the best player if you want your high score featured. ":-> Mediolanum (4 missions) <-:" ================================= - Mediolanum benefits from farm-rich land. Trade and expansive development will be your main goals in this one. ":-> Across The River (4 missions) <-:" ======================================= - There are hardly any resources in this area, but you have a choice of which way you want to develop the outpost to suit your needs. A somewhat interesting challenge. ":-> Hope Island (4 missions) <-:" ================================== - Unlimited timber is assigned to your area. Unfortunately, your people eat twice as much food. ":-> Mountain Paradise (4 missions) <-:" ======================================== - Rocky terrain will prevent expansive colonies, but you do have access to plenty of quarries. ":-> Highlander (4 missions) <-:" ================================= - There is a shortage of marble and iron, and trade will be your only option out of the dire situation. ":-> Desert (4 missions) <-:" ============================= - Gold has been discovered in the area, but your settlement barely has enough to survive. Will you take a bonus at the cost of some points? ":-> Kartagena (4 missions) <-:" ================================ - You must bring this coastal paradise to the utmost element through any way you desire. ":-> Londinium (4 missions) <-:" ================================ - Sickness as usual hogs your way from the ultimate ascension, but you do have an abundance of resources. ":-> Syracusae (4 missions) <-:" ================================ - Another coastal city with resources, but some nearby barbarian tribes that could cause potential trouble. ":-> Massilia (4 missions) <-:" =============================== - This small town is blessed with fertile land, but you must turn the town into a prospering flower. -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================ - 7) Codes - ============================ Many strategy games can often perplex you enough that you just want to enter a code, get hundreds of thousands of troops, and slaughter everything on site. OK, well maybe your addiction isn't that bad, but it still roams about. This section will provide any available cheat codes for the game. I'd like to thank: http://www.gamespot.com/ - for providing these cheat codes. Each code is CAPs sensitive. It must be entered exactly as portrayed during actual gameplay. No special menu or text- recognizer must be activated. /+++++++++++++++++++++++|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\ |CHEAT |EFFECT | |====================================================| |AlmsForThePoor |50 Gold | |ResourcesNeeded |50 of all resources | |ShowMeTheMoney |Unlimited Gold | |HornOfPlenty |Unlimited resources | |MakeLove |Happy citizens | |FireFighter |No fires | |NoGravediggers |No plague | |Peacemaker |No riots | |HeroMode |Immortal Soldiers | |Unbreakable |No upkeep | |MagicBuild |Instant Build | |HardWork |Double resource production | |FireItOut |Set all buildings on fire | |DeadManWalking |Set plague | |YouAreSissy |Set barbarians hostile | |HereKittyKitty |Set barbarians friendly | |====================================================| -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================ - 8) Common Questions - ============================ )) Gameplay (( ---------------------------- << What would you rate Glory of the Roman Empire? >> - I'd rate it a [7/10]. The game itself has presentation features that wow you. The graphics are absolutely beautiful - fully 3D. The ability to rotate and zoom in with free will makes this a pleasure to watch and play. Where the game suffers is in the gameplay department. It essentially is a strategic city- builder game. However, compared to other city-builders out there, it feels shallow. There really are no units in the game. You can click on people, but cannot control them. Any military attack is sufficed by pressing a button, and clicking a location. You don't pick troop formations, you don't pick where your slaves go, you just build buildings and observe. If something goes wrong, you try to build a building. If something goes chaoticly wrong, you're screwed. Fires at times can get outrageously absurd, along with riots. Micromanagement in this game is there, but not at a depth you'd expect (no relations, no negotiations, just click-and-accept). I actually like it this way, it's less crud for an average video gamer to deal with. But the game just doesn't feel like it has enough interaction between the governor (you) and the game. It feels like I build buildings, and watch. If I don't build enough buildings, I suffer. End of gameplay. << Do you have a high score in the challenge mode? >> - No, and I'm somewhat disappointed that Haemimont Games pretty much bunched everyone on the same list. We don't know if someone who scored 80,000 points did it on the Desert map or the Roma map. It feels like a cheap scoreboard in a sense, even if the whole world can view it. << How do I stop the plague from killing so many people? >> - Herbalist Shops that cover the entire radius of a town, and LOTs of wells. Some people have been having trouble on the Londinium map. Well, guess what? You can't build Herbalist Shops on that map. Simply put more wells than you normally do, and keep the slave work load light. This can only be done by buying more slaves with the gold you receive, and ensuring your roadways don't get clogged with slaves, citizens, and whiny Gypsies. << How do I stop riots? >> - Prefectures are your best option. Donating gold at Temples & Altars is your next best choice. Trying to correct your slow economy or lack of resources is difficult to do in-game, so I'd recommend just building multiple prefectures or trying to bribe your way through donating gold. << Londinium 3 of 3 crashes when I load from a saved game. Help? >> - There is a known glitch with Londinium 3 of 3 and it crashing if you try to load from a saved game DURING the gameplay. It is not known whether the rain, barbarians attacking you, or if you ordering soldiers has been the issue causing the glitch. All I know is that you need to load from the file that shows the Londinium intro screen (the objectives and what not), and just complete the mission in one sitting without saving. It's not that hard, as the barbarians automatically attack after several minutes. << Is this the only version of the game? >> - Yes, it was only released for the PC. A patch is expected to come out to fix potential problems. << Is there a game editor to create your own maps? >> - No, and it's somewhat surprising given the parameters of GotRE. You'd expect a game with somewhat articulate maps to have an editor so you could create your own challenges/maps, but apparently it does not. The developers have not even hinted at the release of an editor, which again is disappointing. << Is this game better than CivCity: Rome? >> - I have no idea. The general survey is that it is not better than CivCity: Rome, although some people have said they like the appearance of GotRE over it. CivCity goes into more detail, involves negotiations, some unit controlling, and items here and there. It definitely has more elements of micromanagement, but I have not played it personally. << I cannot get past Londinium 2 of 2, can you help? >> - Sure. The biggest mistake when players think of a megalopolis is that you have to build hundreds of houses. You're wrong. You only have to build about 40 or so houses, but what you need to do is have about 75% or more of them as Villas. This means that everyone of your expansion colonies should have an altar, a prestige building, a Temple, a Theater, and a Bath House. There, now you have 6-10 villas. Repeat this to complete the level (along with any other objectives). << Is there any multiplayer? >> - No. You just have the ability to post a high score online from challenge mode. You must complete all 4 missions of a set level to post a score. << What do the gardens and trees do? >> - It's for visual purposes. The game claims they change the thinking minds of your people, but they really don't. The only known building that has an effect on perhaps shifting the needs of a person is gardens, but they must be close to homes. It's nice to soup up a city with trees and stuff for a screenshot. << How do I get someone to work in an empty building? >> - Look at the nearest building, and stop work with the button in the information panel. Now, one of the workers from the building should now work in the empty building. Restart work at the shut-down building, and 1 of the workers may jump back to help fill it in. Now you got 2 buildings working with 1 worker in each. If this does not work, that means you need more male or female workers since there are not enough to fill the job. -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ===================================================== - 9) Copyright/Distribution/Reproduction Guidelines - ===================================================== This FAQ/Strategy Guide/Walkthrough is my own published work, and copyrighted by Christopher Zawada. Whatever you do, DO NOT edit this FAQ in any way. DO NOT steal anything from this FAQ. If you want to use some information in your own guide, simply ask me. If you want to place this guide on your website, either link to the GameFAQs game page, or download the file and place it on your own web server. Basically, you can post this on your website as long as it's in ORIGINAL form, and not linking directly to GameFAQs. Aside from that, all proper credit is due when necessary. Also, don't even think about selling FAQs. Trying to prosper off of other people's work will get you in big time trouble (coming from an eBay seller myself). Any site out there has permission to host my FAQs (following the above terms), however, these are a list of current sites that host my FAQs officially: - http://www.gamefaqs.com/ - http://www.ign.com/ - http://www.neoseeker.com/ - http://www.cheatcc.com/ - http://www.cheatplanet.com/ -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================= - 10) Proper Credit - ============================= I'd like to thank the following people for their help in making this FAQ possible: )) CJayC (( for constantly updating GameFAQs, and dedicating his entire life to it. Takes a lot of effort to keep a site going this long. )) Rootsecure.net (( for letting me use an excellent ASCII generator, which composed this typical-style art. Excellent. )) Haemimont Games (( for creating a decent city-building game with great graphics. )) Gamespot.com (( for providing several cheat codes that help expand the experience of a strategy-based game. "Some people make sacrifices to make other people happy." - Chris Zawada "Freeeeeeddooommmmmmmmm!" - William Wallace (Braveheart)