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DiSsMaStEr | |Email diss_master@hotmail.com | |Started on Jan 2/2003 | |Version 1.1 Completed on Jan 5th | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |||Table of Contents||| 1) Version History Needs Updating 2) My Rules Complete 3) Controls Complete 4) FAQS Waiting for more emails 5) Walkthrough 37% Complete 5.1) Prologue: D-Day Complete 5.2) Campaign 1: A Storm In The Port Complete 5.3) Campaign 2: Needle In A Haystack 33% Complete 5.4) Campaign 3: Several Bridges Too Far 0% Complete 5.5) Campaign 4: Rolling Thunder 0% Complete 5.6) Campaign 5: The Horten's Nest 0%Complete 6) Weapons Guide Complete 7) Enemy List Complete 8) Secrets Waiting for more emails 9) Cheats Complete 10) Glitches Waiting for more emails 11) Credits Complete 12) Legal Stuff Complete 1|||Version History|||1 |Version 1.1| - Added more glitches, secrets, and FAQS... - I will update the Walkthrough tomorrow - Jan 5th |Version 1.0| - First Draft Started January 2nd, ended Jan 4th - Walkthrough is 32% complete 2|||My Rules|||2 For all the E-mailers: - If you are emailing me any questions, then make sure that they are not already listed in the 'FAQ' section of this FAQ. - If you are emailing me any secrets/codes/glitches, make sure that they are good and if you never discovered them, give credit to the founder or write source 'Unknown' - If I have made an error please report it nicely. Do not email me and cuss at me because I made a cheesy little typo or I will delete your email and block future messages from you. - The titles of all emails sent to me should have the words 'Medal of Honor Frontline' in it otherwise I will not even open your email, assuming its junk, I will just delete it right away - Do not send me chain letters or any other crap that is not related to Medal of Honor or I will delete your emails and block your email address. - Do not send me rumors because if u do, I will just advertise your name as the biggest idiot in the world (joking). Just don't send them or you will be blocked. 3|||Controls|||3 |Action| |Button| Movement Control Stick Turn Left/Right, Look Up/Down C Stick Center View Control Pad <--- (Left) Call Headquarters Control Pad ---> (Right) Toggle Crouch X Button Jump Y Button Next Weapon Control Pad ^ (Up) Previous Weapon Control Pad v (Down) Action A Button Melee Attack B Button Aim Mode L Button Fire R Button Reload/Grenade Cook Z Button Pause Game/Go to Pause Menu Start Button 4|||FAQS|||4 This section of the FAQ is for any questions that you may have about the game. If you want to get your name on my FAQ and submit questions, email me at diss_master@hotmail.com. For information on how to email me and what not to do, scroll to section 2 of this FAQ, "My Rules." Q: Are there any bots available for multiplayer? A: No. - Contributed by DiSsMaStEr (me) Q: Does the game ever slowdown during multiplayer? A: So far, I have not experienced any slowdowns, and I play with 3 other people. So using all 4 controllers, playing for about 2 months maybe, the game still hasn't slowed down. - Contributed by DiSsMaStEr (me) Q: What is "Grenade Cook"? A: It's a useful little realistic technique. Say that you are fighting one of the German soldiers. You throw your grenade at him, he picks it up and throws it right back. But with grenade cook, you pull the pin out of the grenade, but do not throw it. You hold it in your hands, until you are ready to throw it. The grenade basically cooks in your hands and this is dangerous towards both, you and your enemy. Your enemy would have no time to react, and if he picks up the grenade to throw back at you, chances are that when he gets to the grenade, it'll already of exploded, hence making it dangerous towards the enemy. For you, if you hold the grenade for too long, it'll explode in your own hands, killing you, hence making it dangerous towards you. - Contributed by DiSsMaStEr (me) Q: How do I get Gold on Rough Landing? A: There is a windmill in the middle of the level with a German sniper. Secure the area and take out the sniper, then climb up the windmill using the rope ladder behind it. When you go around the front near the Field Surgeon's kit, a few Germans will spawn beneath you. Taking these out, along with the rest of the level, will grant you Gold. - Contributed by Scottie theNerd Q: How do I get Gold on A Chance Meeting? A: When you come across the train carriages, one of them has a machinegun that you cannot reach. There is a lever nearby. Use it to release the machinegun carriage, which will roll pass the gate. Jump onto the box next to the carriage to reach the machinegun. New enemies will spawn. - Contributed by Scottie theNerd Q: Do my allies' kills count as my own? A: Yes. - Contributed by Scottie theNerd Q: "Ok, now on the same level, Nijemon Bridge, Mission 3 (I think), I can't get a Gold! I killed everybody once through, went back through the whole level, killed any extras, went to the Medical Truck and left, and I got a Bronze! Not cool, not cool at all.... If you can help, thanks." - Contributed by SlimRickyy A: Okay this is the hardest level to get a gold in...there are a lot of snipers and you can't miss them. Okay there are 4 on top of the bridge that you are only able to hit from the ground and 5 more when you go up the ladder. Also, using the mounted machine guns will trigger more enemies. So use all the machine guns you find and make a lot of noise! lol ya just using them will trigger enemies in the game...i hope that helped. - Contributed by DiSsMaStEr (me) 5|||Walkthrough|||5 This is a basic walkthrough of the game. With this walkthrough, I am not 100% certain that you will get a gold medal in every mission, but I am certain that by following this walkthrough and using some common sense, you will be able to complete the level that you are stuck on :). 5.1|||Prologue: D-Day|||5.1 -|Levels Within the Mission|- - Level 1: Your Finest Hour - Level 2: Into the Breach ||Level 1: Your Finest Hour|| |Objectives| 1: Meet the Captain on shore 2: Rescue 4 pinned down Squad members 3: Rejoin Squad at Shingle Embankment 4: Rescue Engineer at End of Embankment 5: Rendezvous with Captain at Base of Bunker 6: Cross the Minefield and Man Machine Gun 7. Destroy MG Nests on Ridge 8. Eliminate Enemy Soldiers in Trench |Walkthrough 'Your Finest Hour'| From the start, you and your fellow soldiers will be sitting in a boat, sailing to enemy shorelines. All you can do at this time is look around. You listen to your Captain's orders and wait for his word to evacuate the boat and rush to shore. All of a sudden your boat explodes and you automatically walk to shore avoiding bullets being shot at you underwater while reaching the shore. Now this is where you get control. Your first objective is to meet the Captain on shore, so head forward a few paces and then left to a boat that has been tilted sideways for cover. Your Captain will then call you over and tell you to rescue 4 pinned down soldiers. After speaking with your captain, move all the way to the right and look for a red smoke flare. Get to it and the soldier at it well tell you to fire at the bunkers to give him cover so that he can get the hell out of there! Fire on the bunkers to give cover to, and rescue the pinned down soldier. One of Four soldiers rescued. Go right a few steps and then forward to the next smoke flare. Again the soldier will ask for covering fire so fire at the bunkers. Two of Four soldiers rescued. Now move to the far left and stop at the next smoke flare. Again the soldier asks, and you fire at the bunkers. Three of Four soldiers rescued. Now again, move to your left and stop at the final smoke flare and fire at the bunkers. Four of Four soldiers rescued, objective complete. Now turn around and walk right down to the shoreline. You should be facing the ocean. Now walk to your left and pick up the medical kit. Right when you do, turn to your left and walk a little to the right and then straight forward and get the field surgeon pack. You should have full health now. Go straight up to the barbwire and crouch. Keep going left, still crouching, until you reach your Captain. He will then tell you your next objective. You can remain crouching if you want. What you must do is travel to the right, assuming you are facing the enemy bunkers. Keep going until you reach an area with a broken up fence door looking thing on the ground. Go behind it and you will find the engineer. He will ask you for covering fire. Right beside him is the Thompson, so pick it up, switch to it, and fire at the bunkers while strafing to the left. The engineer, Jones, will crouch at the barbwire fence and then set an explosive into the ground. Crouch and move back, as you do not want to get injured. The explosive will blow and the barbwire will then be cleared. Now you must get up and without stopping run to the bottom of the enemy bunker on the left, and lean on it with your fellow soldiers. You will see some Thompson bullets close by and a field surgeon pack. Pick them up and go back to leaning on the wall of the enemy bunker. You will then be ordered to cross the minefield. Assuming you are facing towards the ocean, turn to your left and run like you have never ran before, into the broken enemy walk/trench thingy. You will encounter an enemy so kill him and go to your right and kill the German soldier standing in front of the ladder leading to the machine gun. Now climb up the ladder and press action to man the machine gun. Turn around now, and look towards the ground. A large amount of enemies will be running at you. Just keep shooting your machine gun until you get a message that says that all soldiers are eliminated. Now look at the enemy bunkers and fire your machine gun. If you cannot hit the soldiers, take out your M1 Garrand and aim at them using the L button. After killing them all, you will see a message that says that all MG nests were destroyed. Now climb down the ladder, turn to your right and wait for your captain to congratulate you on a job well done. ||Level 2: Into the Breach|| |Objectives| 1: Clear the Machine Gun Bunker 2: Destroy radio link to upper gun deck 3: Find smoke grenades 4: Clear both gun decks 5: Mark Gun Deck with smoke grenade |Walkthrough 'Into the Breach'| Head forward a few steps and you will see your fellow soldier get shot by the machine gun. Keep going straight and you will see the machine gun bullets fly by you. Aim low and hit one of the oil drums to blow up the gunner behind the machine gun and the soldier on the other side of the door. Now head around the corner and kill the two soldiers here. Now there will be one soldier kneeling down, holding a wounded German soldier. Kill him, man the machine gun, and aim towards the entrance. Shoot off around 4 soldiers, then leave the machine gun and go back a bit. Take out your Thompson and kill the 2 soldiers here and head up the stairs. There will be a soldier, kill him. Now head down the narrow hall and up the stairs and kill the soldier waiting at the top of the stairs. Now go up the next flight of stairs and you will hear the radio. Turn right and enter the room with the radio link. Kill the soldier here and destroy the radio link. Now go back from where you came. You will see a soldier turned around at the stairs where you came from. Just kill him, do not take the stairs down, instead turn, and go straight for a bit and turn. You will enter a room with a table on its side and 2 soldiers. Kill them and head to the next room. Kill the soldier here, get the field surgeon pack, and climb up the ladder. Go into the next room now and kill the soldier who is sitting down. Now again, go into the next room and kill the soldier. Get near the ladder in the next room, and you will see a stick grenade on the ground. Back up, as its going to blow. If you get hurt during the explosion, go back and get the field surgeon pack. Now continue past the ladder and into the next room, and kill the soldier and get the ammo. Now go through this tunnel and kill the two soldiers here. Now head in to the next room. The room that has all the wooden crates. Kill the three soldiers here and head into the next tunnel. Kill the soldier here and head into the next room. This room will have two soldiers sitting around an oil drum. Blow up the oil drum and head into the next tunnel. Go through this tunnel and kill the first soldier who is in front of you, then the one behind the table, and finally the one to your right. Now head straight into the room with the smoke grenades and pick them up. Leave the room and go to the room on your right, assuming you are facing the table. Kill the 2 soldiers here, get the field surgeon pack, and head into the next room. Climb up the ladder and enter the next room. Shoot the soldier who is leaning down on the left and continue going straight. Open the door and take out your pistol. Now kill all of these soldiers. There should be 5 of them. First gun deck cleared. You will now see a plane fly by the second gun deck and kill the soldiers there for you. If not, kill them yourself by aiming at them using the L button. After it tells you that both of the gun decks are cleared, crouch and listen for your Captain's orders. Now mark the Gun deck with your smoke grenade and head out. Go to the open door on your left. Wait for the big flash then go through the narrow passage and meet your captain. 5.2|||Campaign 1: A Storm In The Port|||5.2 -|Levels Within the Mission|- - Level 1: Seaside Stowaway - Level 2: Special Cargo - Level 3: Eye of the Storm - Level 4: A Chance Meeting ||Level 1: Seaside Stowaway|| |Objectives| 1: Collect Resistance Drop at Insertion Point 2: Man Machine Gun in Church Tower 3: Secure Submarine Fuelling Roaster 4: Breach Wall to Docks 5: Locate Submarine Fuelling Dock 6: Stow Away in Cargo Crate |Walkthrough 'Seaside Stowaway'| You will start the mission with a Colt.45, 5 Mark II grenades, and a M1 Garand. Go to the nearby tree that has 3 crates near it. You will see a box under the tree. Press action and open up the box and retrieve the paper inside. Now keep going straight for a while. You will see your fellow soldiers in a Jeep, being shot down by the enemy. Take out your M1 Garand and turn to your left and prepare for battle. One of your fellow soldiers will be injured on the Jeep. Take his position and man the machine gun. Kill the enemy soldiers and you will see a couple of your fellow soldiers run ahead of you. Then get off the machine gun and walk straight. Walk towards the car that is on fire. Beside the car you will see a plane drop a bomb. Avoid that bomb, and kill the soldier farther down the path. There will be another soldier near by. Shoot the oil drum to blow him up. Continue going straight and turn left into the nearby narrow passage. Kill the two enemy soldiers over here, and when you get to the end of this path, turn to your right and go into the door. Keep going straight and you will get a message that says crouch to get under barrier. So press the X button to crouch and get through the barrier. There will be a medical canteen to your right. Use it if you need it. Keep heading straight. There will be a fierce battle taking place. You will see the enemy tank shooting bombs at you. Avoid the bombs for a bit, and get the medical kit that is behind you. Now go forward, and keep crouching/running for cover. Get as much cover as you can get while progressing forward. Run as fast as you can across the bridge and man the machine gun right beside the tank. Using the machine gun, shoot at the tank and destroy it. Now kill all the soldiers that are around you. Get off the machine gun and go to your left all the way. Now turn to your left and go straight down and get the two medical canteens over here. Now go back to the machine gun. Now turn around and keep going straight and enter the passage where you will see one of your fellow soldiers wounded. You will also hear the radio that tells you to get to the tower. Now keep going straight, turn to your left, and climb the ladder all the way up, and man the machine gun. Objective two complete. Now kill all the German soldiers below. Now go back from where you came, past your wounded soldier. Now turn to your left and keep walking, and kill the 2 or 3 enemy soldiers around here. Pick up the medical kit if you need it. Turn to your right now, and continue going straight, down the path. Now turn into the passage. You will see a room with around 4 to 5 barrels in it. Forget those barrels and look to your left. You will see a crack in the wall. Crouch and crawl through the crack. Now keep going and kill all the enemy soldiers around here. There will be a door open, and inside will be a Field Surgeon pack. Get it if you need it. You should have full or close to full health after getting it. Look around for a passage, besides the one with the Field Surgeon Pack and where you came from. Go through it and you will a soldier over here. Just kill him. If you look to your left, you will see a busted up tank. If you look to your right, you will see a staircase. None of them are of importance right now. What you need to do is keep going straight. Crouch and get through the narrow passage. There is yet another medical kit over here. Take it if you need it, otherwise just leave it behind. Now keep going and you will see two German soldiers abusing one of your fellow American soldiers in a room. Kill off those two soldiers and continue going through the passageway. To your left will be a burning tank. To your right will be three soldiers at a machine gun bunker. Aim at their heads if you want, but kill these three soldiers. If you kill one form a far, the others will not come after you, so take your time with them. Keep walking straight and you will see a message that says Destroy Fuel Drums to breach wall. So look to one of the passages on the left side and you will see a bunch of fuel drums. All grey except for one red one. Shoot at the red fuel drum. You have now breeched the wall to the docks. Objective four complete. Now go through the crack that you have just made. What you must do now is locate the Submarine fuelling dock. You will see 4 crates over here. Pick up the ammo and the medical kit. Kill the one soldier over here. You will see a machine gun bunker up ahead to the left. Now man the machine and kill the 5 or 6 German soldiers that are ahead of you. Straight ahead you will see yet another machine gun bunker. You don't have to do anything with it. Just when you reach it, Objective five will be complete. You have located the Submarine fuelling dock. Straight ahead you will see a yellowish truck and a few crates. One of the crates will have its lid open. Walk up to that crate. Mission Complete. ||Level 2: Special Cargo|| |Objectives| 1: Sabotage U-Boat Engines 2: Set Explosives in Aft Torpedo Room 3: Disable Radio Communication 4: Set Explosives in Fore Torpedo Room 5: Find Enigma Code Book 6: Escape Through the Exit Hatch |Walkthrough 'Special Cargo'| Right in the beginning you will be sitting in the vents and you will see a German soldier picking something up off the ground/ tying his shoelace. Open the air vent, and right away shoot the German soldier. Keep going and you will see another soldier. Just kill him. Reload your pistol, put it away, and pull out your MP40. NOTE: DO NOT MISUSE IT AS YOU ONLY HAVE 32 BULLETS! Open the door and walk very slowly ahead. Once you get a little further ahead, on your right an enemy soldier will open a door that is the door of the washroom. He will come out and punch at you. Just shoot him dead. You shouldn't get hurt much over here. Now go inside the washroom and pick up the ammo and the medical kit. Right when you come out of the washroom you will see 2 or 3 German soldiers. Shoot them. Keep going and you will see 3 German soldiers. Kill them and get the medical canteens that are around. Now keep progressing through the stage. Right when you turn around at this corner, you will see a Chef who will be throwing knives at you, and you will see a few German soldiers. Just kill them and get the ammo. Go back for any missed recovery items now. By now you should have a few more bullets in the clip for the MP40. Reload and get ready. Keep walking and you will see smoke coming out of a pipe. Right before it is a valve. Turn the valve to stop the flow of gas from the pipes. Assuming you are standing at the first valve, walk straight a few steps and turn left right away. Kill the enemy soldier over here and turn the valve that his behind him. Now, looking at the valve that you just turned, turn around 180 degrees. Walk straight and turn to your left and you will see another valve. Turn that valve as well. There will be one more soldier left in this area. Just go to him and kill him. After you kill him, open the door that he was guarding. Kill the four soldiers that are in this room. Now, if you look to your right, you will see a wooden crate. Break it open and you will see a field Surgeon pack. After getting this Field Surgeon Pack, you should have full health. Now keep going straight, all the way to the end. Set a dynamite bomb on this engine and back away as much as possible. Wait a few seconds for the bomb to blow. Engine disabled. Now go back to where you set the bomb. You will see a break in the wall. Crawl through that hole. Keep going through the narrow tunnel. Climb the ladder at the end of the tunnel and you will be in yet another vent. Shoot at the vent to break it open. Now kill the two enemy soldiers over here and place your dynamite on the torpedo to your left. Don't worry about the bomb right now as it won't explode, it's a timed bomb. Now press action to open the door. Kill the five soldiers in this room. Once you are done killing them, get the two medical canteens that are also in this room. Now go straight and open the door. Now kill one of the lead German soldiers as well as a normal worker/soldier that are located in this room. Remember this room as this room will lead you to the exit later on in the mission. Now keep going straight and open the next door. Kill the one soldier in this room, and disable the radio communication link. Now keep going down this hallway and kill the two soldiers that you see. Once you get to the door that leads you to the next room, you will see another soldier. Kill him too. Enter the room. There will be four soldiers that you need to kill. After you kill them, destroy the three crates on your right. One of the crates will have some ammo and a field surgeon pack. Crouch and crawl to obtain these two items. You should have full health now. Go to the end of this room and set a time bomb. Once you come out of this room, a person will jump out of a room that was not accessible previously. Kill him and go into that room. Open up the cabinet in this room to find the Engima Code Book. Now, do you remember that place that I told you to remember? The room where you killed one of the German leaders? Well now head back to that room. Climb the ladder in this room and escape through the hatch. Mission Complete. ||Level 3: Eye of the Storm|| |Objectives| 1: Find Resistance Weapons Cache 2: Find Rooftop Hatch Near U-Boat Pen 2 3: Destroy Supply Trucks 4: Acquire Deployment Roster 5: Infiltrate Wet Docks Facility |Walkthrough 'Eye of the Storm'| You will be in the shipyards of Laurient France, 18th August 1944, 0500 hours. The weapons that you have are your MP40 and your Colt.45. If you turn around, you should be able to see a normally dressed man, just standing there. He will not be able to see you, as you are hiding behind all of the crates. Aim at his head with your pistol and take him out. Right ahead of you will be 15 stick grenades. Pick them up as you will need them later. You will see another man near the area where you shot the first man. Kill him too. Snipers will be shooting at you from the top. Keep running to avoid their bullets. If you want, you can aim at the really high tower. You will see a outline of a man. Just shoot at it and you will hit the soldier. He will clutch his heart and then fall to his death. Now keep going straight until you reach a house that is not accessible. Go behind the non accessible bluish house and get the ammo and the medical canteen over here. Now run your way down to the truck. Near the truck will be some stairs. Climb up those stairs. There will also be a crate near those stairs. Break it open if you need the health that the medical canteen inside can provide you. If not, leave it there for later. When you reach the end of the stairs, there will be a door that is not accessible. Instead of going through that door, climb up the ladder. When you reach the top of the ladder, you will hear a German message over the PA system. Right when you get up the ladder, on your right will be a soldier, kill him. Keep going around this path and soon you will see a bridge. Kill the German soldier who is on the other side. Cross the bridge. You will find two stick grenades. You will also find a briefcase around here. Open it up and you will receive a Springfield 03 sniper. This isn't the best sniper in the game, but you will be needing it right now. Kill the two soldiers you see here that are shooting at you. You will see one soldier around ground level. Snipe him. On the opposite side there will be a Sailor in white. Aim for his head if you want a guaranteed one shot kill. Now cross over the bridge. You will hear more gunshots. Go over to the edge of the other side completely, and look to your left. You will see a soldier shooting at you. Kill him. At the same time to your right, you will see and hear explosions. Now if you look to your right, on top of one of the cranes, you will see a man, normally dressed, shooting at you. Kill him. Get off the ladder. While you are on ground level, you will see three soldiers. Kill them and walk their way. When you start walking their way, you will see yet another soldier that you must kill. You will see a sailor in the boat near guy running toward the machine gun. Kill him before he can man it. If he mans the machine gun, say bye bye to a lot of your health. Keep watching the boat. You will see another sailor trying to run and man the machine gun. Kill him too. Now if you turn a little bit and look straight ahead, you will see a soldier running at you. Just kill him. There will be a big passage way if you walk straight then to your right. Get out your sniper, reload, and get ready to snipe these guys. There are two of them and they are dressed in sailor outfits. Kill them and continue going that way. If you move up a bit, you will see another person to shoot dead. Do jus that. Now if you look around the corner, you will hear two Germans screaming. They are going to run at you. Just kill them. Break the crates around here, as you will get a few medical canteens. Watch out though, as soldiers will be climbing up the stairs behind you, and will be sneaking up and trying to shoot you. Kill them first, and then go for the medical canteens. Get the two medical canteens here now, and leave the med kit behind. You may need it later. Go down the stairs and keep going straight. Take out your sniper and look around the corner. Snipe the five men here. It may not be too clear because of all the fog. If you cannot see, don't hesitate to move closer. Remember, you have left a medical kit behind and you can go get it at any time if you are hurt. Now after killing these five guys, get all the health and ammo in the area. Now climb the flight of stairs. As you go up the stairs, you will see two soldiers. Kill them both. You will now again see two German soldiers. Kill them. Now keep going straight. You will have two places to go now, your left, and your right. Go to your left and get all the ammo in this area. Now go back and go to your right. Pull out your sniper and snipe all the German soldiers that you can see that are firing at you. Just take them all out. Kill one of the German Captains and go inside the house that he is in front of. Get the ammo and the field surgeon pack from here. After killing the Captain, you will encounter more German soldiers. Just keep killing them. Go near the train. There is a two-way staircase over here. Climb it, get the sniper bullets and get onto the other side. Look for a ladder around this area. Right to the left of the ladder will be a field surgeon kit. If you need it, get it, otherwise leave it here and remember where you left it. Now climb up the ladder. Once you get to the top, you will here another message on the German PA. This announcement basically means that there is going to be more trouble for you. There will be around five soldiers coming at you. Just kill them all. Now take the mini bridge across to the next rooftop. Take next mini bridge across and get to the even further rooftop. You will see a square hole in this roof. Go into it. Now would be a good time to use your stick grenades. You can kill a few of the soldiers with your sniper, but then a door will open, and around four to six sailors will enter. Throw around four stick grenades near them and kill them. Now go through the door where the Sailors entered from. Now to your left will be nothing, and to your left will be a medical kit. Get it if you need it, otherwise go straight and kill the three soldiers in this area. Once you reach the end of these giant crates, you will see two soldiers just walking. Kill them too. To your right will be an enemy, dispose of him! Go straight and kill the two soldiers over here. If you look carefully, up in the air, you will see a soldier standing on a tower. You will not be able to see him clearly, even when completely zoomed in with your sniper. Wait for him to shoot and you will know exactly where he is. Aim there and take him out. Now your objective is to destroy the supply trucks. Now kill the four men in this area. Put dynamite on the supply trucks. For now, there will be three supply trucks in this area. Destroy them all. Once you do, one soldier will go and breach the alarm. It will signal many soldiers. Now kill every soldier you see coming at you. Keep going to where the alarm is. Destroy the alarm. There will also be a medical kit in this area. Take it if you need it. Go to your right, and kill the soldier that comes at you. Keep going and you will see a door that is accessible. Open the door and kill the German soldier inside here and acquire the deployment roster. Once you go back, there will be a man with a gun. Just shoot him down. Once you go back all the way to where you broke the alarm, you will see a soldier. Just kill him. You will be able to see yet another supply truck that has just arrived. It is beside all of the wooden crates. Place dynamite on the supply truck and back away. This is the last supply truck that you must destroy. Objective complete. Now, you will see that the explosion of the last supply truck has caused a tower to collapse and fall on top of the truck. Use the tower as if it were a bridge. Climb on top of the crates, on to and across the tower. You will now be on a higher level. Go to your left to get ammo. Keep going straight now. After a while you will get a message that says Wet Docks Facility Infiltrated. Now jump off the edge onto the crates below. Mission Complete. ||Level 4: Chance Meeting|| |Objectives| 1. Sabotage engines in the research facility 2. Acquire engine blueprints 3. Infiltrate U-boat bunker 4. Destroy all U-boats 5. Blow up fuel depot 6. Find dock gates |Walkthrough 'Chance Meeting'| Shipyards at Laurient France. 18th August 1944, 0600 hours. Jump off the crates onto the ground and go to the right. Kill the two enemies over here with your MP40. Now take out your sniper and aim up into the air. You will see a soldier on a nearby building. Shoot him once with your sniper. Its good to shoot him on the head as it will be a one hit fatality. Now, keep going straight. You will now reach what looks like an abandoned train. Kill the 8 soldiers in this area. More soldiers may come running into this area later, so just kill them too. Now keep going across the abandoned train. You will see an open gate. Pull out your sniper and aim to one of the really high towers. There will be a sniper there shooting at you. Shoot him once anywhere and he will fall off the tower. Look to your right and you will see a man kneeling down behind a truck. Pull out your sniper again and give him a shot in the head. Go behind the truck and pick up the ammo. Right when you go behind the truck, another soldier will come running at you. Kill him too. Go near the next truck. You will see yet another enemy here. Kill him too. Now hide behind some crates or behind the truck and the machine gunner will start shooting at you. Pull out your sniper and snipe him. Go back for any health if you need it. Now come back after getting health and kill every soldier you see here in the white outfits, as they will all try to man the machine gun, and the machine gun can pull you down to very little health. Now go to where the machine gun is. Man the machine gun and let go so that I can clear you one directions. Go all the way to your right and look ahead. You will see a man walking on a ledge. Kill him and then two more soldiers will come at you. Kill them as well. Now walk towards the ledge where the man was. There will be a soldier with an MP40 I think up on the ledge on the right. Just kill him. Now jump to the other side of the train tracks. Turn around. You will be able to see two normally dressed German men just standing there. Kill them, otherwise if you make any loud noises, they will come after you with guns. Now go to where you killed the two normally dressed men. Look down the hallway and you will see another man. This one is a little fatter. If he is turned around, shoot him on the head for a fatality, otherwise just kill him. Now go to the end of the hallway and open the door. Kill both the scientist and worker that are over here. There will be a total of 5 men in this area. Go in between the engines and place 3 dynamites there. Back up and wait for all the dynamite to blow. Boom! Once the engines are sabotaged, four soldiers will come at you. Kill them and continue down to where they came from. Continue walking and you will see five men in this area. Kill them all. Go to the nearby white table and acquire the blueprints. Also take the medical kit that is on this table if you need it. Once you get the blueprints and turn around, the door on the other side will open and a man will come at you with a gun. Just shoot him down. Enter the next area slowly. There will be five men in this area. Once you kill them, three more will come from the nearby stairs. Go up the stairs and go to your right and kill the worker here. Now go back to where the stairs were, and this time go to your left and break the vent that is over here, and crawl into it. Once you get inside the vents, you will see German soldiers talking to each other. Forget the first vent over here, and crawl all the way down to the second vent and break it open by shooting at it. Kill the eight soldiers/scientists in this area. Keep walking on the metal path and go through the passage way into this corridor. Kill the scientist that you see over here and keep proceeding. Kill both the German soldier and the scientist here. You have infiltrated U-Boat 1, objective three has been completed. There will be many soldiers shooting at you from below. Forget shooting back them. Press the near by switch instead. This will drop a large explosive onto the first U-Boat. U-Boat one has been destroyed. Now when you turn around two soldiers will come after you automatically. Go back and kill them. You will notice that the door that was not accessible before has been opened. Enter through that door and go down stairs. Kill the five to six soldiers in this area. Once you kill them, two to three more soldiers will come at you from the nearby stairs. Kill them too. Head up the stairs. You can either keep going straight to get ammo, or make a U turn on this hallway. Look to your left for another corridor. Enter the corridor and you will see a sailor shooting at you. Just kill him. Keep going through this hallway and you will see stairs that head up, climb those stairs. Snipe the soldiers in this area. Climb down the ladder and cross the bridge. Use the near by Gun deck to blow up the Fuel Depot, which is on the other side of this gate. The gate doors will open automatically. If they don't, blow them up to open them yourself. Now go back across the bridge and get to the other side where the gates to the Fuel Depot are. Now quickly go through the open fence door and cross the next bridge. Place the demolition charge. Run as far as possible and wait for the U- Boat to blow. Continue down to the blazing Fuel Depot and head to your left to find the Dock Gates. Mission Accomplished. 5.3|||Campaign 2: Needle in a Haystack|||5.3 -|Levels Within the Mission|- - Level 1: Rough Landing - Level 2: The Golden Lion - Level 3: Operation Repunzel ||Level 1: Rough Landing|| |Objectives| 1: Protect Corporal Barnes as he destroys tanks 2: Find Kerosene 3: Create distraction to open city gates |Walkthrough 'Rough Landing'| Holland Countryside. 16th September, 1944. 1830 Hours. You will start the mission with 5 grenades, a Thompson, a Springfield 03 sniper and a Colt.45. Walk up to Corporal Barnes. He will tell you to see if anyone else is around. Do exactly that. Look around the area. On your right over the fence, you will see one of your fellow soldiers. His parachute is stuck in a high windmill. He will call you for help. Do not help him. Just keep watching. Enemy guns will shoot at him and he will die. Now keep going up till the truck. If you look into the house on the left you will see a soldier dressed in black about to kill an elderly woman. Shoot him down. Now go back to Corporal Barnes. He will be shooting at soldiers that are in a narrow path. Run through that narrow path and kill those soldiers. Stay ahead of Corporal Barnes the whole time. Do not let him get injured. You will encounter a few enemies while you are walking. Just kill them. Do not let them get to Corporal Barnes. Now if you keep walking a bit, you will be able to see a tank with two men standing in front of it. Pull out your sniper and snipe the men. Avoid the tanks bombs until Corporal Barnes sets dynamite on the tank. Once he does, back away as much as you can. Now keep walking and cross over the bridge. You will see a mini house made of straw and wood. Go near it and you will find one of your fellow soldiers. Now again, go through the next narrow path and lead the way as you do not want Corporal Barnes and your other fellow soldier to get shot. Pull out your Thompson and kill all of these enemies. Once you get to the end, you will see one more enemy. Kill him and cross the bridge over here. Now stop at the front of this bridge and kill all the enemies you see with your sniper. Now keep walking into this area. Corporal Barnes will tell you to cover him as he takes out the tank. Do exactly that. Let the tank aim for you, and run around in circles if you need to, to avoid its bombs. Keep doing that until Corporal Barnes sets the dynamite. Then run far back and stand clear of the explosion. Three tanks remaining. Now you will have yet another bridge to cross over. Pull out your Thompson and cross over this bridge. Now again, go through this narrow path and kill all the enemies that you see. Corporal Barnes will tell you that the tank is in the way, so you must find another way around. If you are lost at this time, just follow Corporal Barnes and your other fellow soldier. They will lead you to a large wooden box looking thing that looks like it had been used for transportation before, in the past. Go through it. Once you go through, you will see three soldiers sitting around a fire. The kerosene is also with them. Kill the three soldiers and acquire the kerosene. Now turn around and look to your right. You will see yet another path to go through. Go through it. Once you come out of this passageway, you will see a lot of haystacks and you will also see a few German soldiers running around. Pull out your sniper and snipe them. Over here you will find the next Tank. Cover Corporal Barnes as he takes this one out. The tank blows up. Two tanks remaining. Follow Corporal Barnes to the next path. It is a good idea to use your sniper in this path. Pull out your sniper and continue going through the path. You will see random enemies coming out of corners. Just kill them. Once you come out of this path, there will be about five to six enemies around. They are very far though, so pull out your sniper and snipe them. More enemy soldiers will come at you afterwards. Just snipe them too. Now if you look to your left, in the big white wooden house, you will see the next tank. You will also see two enemy soldiers near that tank. Take them out so that Corporal Barnes can get rid of the tank. Now get the medical kit that is beside the tank AFTER the tank has already blown up. Now follow Corporal Barnes. While following Corporal Barnes, you will see that he stops for a while. So look around for your other American soldier and follow him instead. Both Corporal Barnes and your other fellow soldier will wait in front of a path for you. There will be no enemies at this path. When you come out of this path, you will be able to see a tank all the way to the right across the river. Corporal Barnes will not be able to blow up this tank with Dynamite. You must do something else. Avoid the tanks bombs at all costs. Kill all the enemy soldiers that are here. There will be a ton of them, and you will probably get very injured in this area. Once you have killed the enemies, use the rocket launcher near by to take out the tank. Now follow your 2 fellow soldiers into the next narrow path. Give them covering fire and kill everyone that you see with your sniper. Do not stop! Keep running across this field and get to the tank. When the tank aims at you, just run to the side. If it aims at you again, run to the other side. Keep doing that until Corporal Barnes gets to it. Once Corporal Barnes gets to it and places the dynamite, run as far away as possible. Congratulations. Objective one is complete. You have protected Corporal Barnes and all of the tanks have been destroyed. Follow Corporal Barnes. He will stop at the nearby path. Go through the path and kill the one enemy in the path. Now when you get to the end of the path, Corporal Barnes will tell you that this is the time when you guys Depart ways. Corporal Barnes will go a different way then you now. Now go to your right. You will get a message that says create distraction to open city gates. Do just that. Go to the nearby haystack and set it on fire with your kerosene. The gates will open and four enemy soldiers will come out. Just kill them all. Go through the open gate. Mission Accomplished. ||Level 2: The Golden Lion|| |Objectives| 1: Locate tools and sbotage vehicles 2: Sabotage motor pool to prevent pursuit 3: Meet Operative at Garage 4: Get an officer's uniform 5: Meet contact in golden lion bar |Walkthrough 'The Golden Lion| (NOTE: the rest of the walkthrough coming in about one week...I'll update daily ^.^) 6|||Weapons Guide|||6 This is a short guide of the weapons in the game basically! If you see any errors, email me please! ||Pistols|| |Colt .45| Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 20 Damage: 9 Clip Capacity: 7 My Rating: 2/10 Notes: Useless to me to tell you the truth. This would be my last resort for any mission, besides explosives. I really don't like it much, but say I am sneaking up on someone and they are alone, I'd probably pull this out and give them one right in the head. So with Head/Heart shots, this gun is alright. |Walther P38| Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 20 Damage: 9 Clip Capacity: 8 My Rating: 2/10 Notes: Just like the Colt .45, useless to me, unless I'm low on bullets, or sneaking up on an enemy. |Webley and Scott Silenced Pistol| Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 40 Damage: 10 Clip Capacity: 7 My Rating: 3/10 Notes: Best pistol in my opinion. Sneaking up on people with this is great. Just crouch, look up, and aim for their heads and BAAM! ||Rifles|| |M1 Garand| Accuracy: 2 Rate of Fire: 30 Damage: 12 Clip Capacity: 8 My Rating: 8/10 Notes: Great weapon! Good accuracy and damage, but the only problem is reloading. You can't reload this gun, so if you have 2 or 3 bullets left in the clip, the best thing to do is WASTE them by just shooting them out. |Springfield '03 Sniper| Accuracy: 1 Rate of Fire: 40 Damage: 16 Clip Capacity: 5 My Rating: 8/10 Notes: A good overall sniper. Only problem with this is the Clip Capacity. I prefer the Gewehr 43 over this, but if I am in need, I will use this, no questions asked. |STG 44| Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 8 Damage: 10 Clip Capacity: 30 My Rating: 6/10 Notes: Easy to handle automatic rifle. Good with clusters of enemies. Great clip capacity. If I can remember correctly, you obtain this gun on the 4th level. |BAR| Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 9 Damage: 10 Clip Capacity: 20 My Rating: 9/10 Notes: This is my favorite rifle in the game! A fair amount of damage, a good speed, and not much recoil! This is a very useful weapon, but you get it a little later on in the game so you won't be using it as often. Might as well use it to its fullest in multiplayer! |Gewehr43| Accuracy: 1 Rate of Fire: 40 Damage: 16 Clip Capacity: 10 My Rating: 10/10 Notes: Amazing sniper! Just an upgrade of the Springfield if you ask me! Same rate of fire and damage, but the clip capacity changes everything! And also aiming with the Gewehr scope is easier then aiming with the Springfield scope. ||Sub-Machine Guns|| |MP40| Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 5 Damage: 6 Clip Capacity: 32 My Rating: 6/10 Notes: Not too strong. I really don't use this one too much, unless I'm in a situation where there are a lot of Nazis near by. Too much recoil! |Thompson| Accuracy: 3 Rate of Fire: 4 Damage: 6 Clip Capacity: 20 My Rating: 7/10 Notes: Pretty good. There might not be as much ammo as the MP40, but there certainly is not as much recoil. Good at the start, and then you get the BAR :) ||Grenades|| |Mark II Frag Grenade| Accuracy: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A Damage: Explosion Clip Capacity: N/A My Rating: 8/10 Notes: These grenades are bouncy! They can bounce for a little bit until they reach your enemies. Unlike the stick grenades, these can be kicked back at you so be careful! |Stielhandgranate| Accuracy: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A Damage: Explosion Clip Capacity: N/A My Rating: 9/10 Notes: I prefer this type of grenade, even though it doesn't go as far. Firstly because my enemies can't kick it back to me and secondly because they are not as likely to be picked up and thrown back at you. ||Heavy Weapons|| |Shotgun| Accuracy: N/A Rate of Fire: 55 Damage: 5-75 Clip Capacity: 8 My Rating: 7/10 Notes: Very powerful, but basically has no accuracy! Just aim for the chest, it might get you a couple of head shots if you're lucky! |Bazooka| Accuracy: 1 Rate of Fire: 200 Damage: Explosion Clip Capacity: 1 My Rating: 5/10 Notes: It may be useful when there are many enemies around, but aiming may be a problem. If you are in a bunker, shooting this thing may have you killing yourself! To make sure you don't get damaged in any way, you will probably have to go out in the open. Once you get the proper aim, you'll probably kill the enemy, but for the period of time when you are aiming, you will be vulnerable to attack. |Panzerfaust| Accuracy: 1 Rate of Fire: 200 Damage: Explosion Clip Capacity: 1 My Rating: 3/10 Notes: For me, only good for tanks. I HATE AIMING WITH THIS THING! It's the worst thing ever! No zooming in or anything! Not even a little + sign on the screen to show you where you're shooting! 7|||Enemy List|||7 This section of the FAQ was contributed by CGorman. I got his permission to post this on my FAQ. ALL credit for this goes to CGorman. I am just changing around the format so it fits that of my FAQ. Again, the concept of an enemy list was not made by me and this enemy list was not made by me. Thanks a lot CGorman :D! -|Ambushed Officer|- - German officers do not like when you steal their uniforms as a disguise, so kill them before they discover. The only other place you will find an "Ambushed Officer" is on the levels were you find a solider sleeping in bed, e.g. on the U-Boat or War Train. - They are dressed in white robes. - Danger: 2/10 -|Gestapo Officer|- - Extremely dangerous, with a real officer look, will try ruthlessly to kill you by any means, even if it means his own death. - Wears a grey uniform, with a real officers hat straight from hollywood, and has a very pointy nose. - Danger: 10/10 -|Krieg Dockguard|- - The shipping cargos and the U-Boat fleet are protected from harm by the Krieg Dockguards. They commonly attempt to kill you from a distance, sniping usually, but will come up to you and knock you out if called for. - Wearing a normal army outfit, with a navy coloured uniform, with slight bits of orange and a real army hat. - Danger: 6/10 -|Kreig Motorcycle Trooper|- - Armed heavily with a MP-40, they ride a motorcycles. - Were goggles, and Darck Green uniform, they ride motorcycles and wear the standard army hat. - Danger: 9/10 -|Luft Mechanics|- - Surprisingly dangerous, but still not that much of a threat to your average MOH player. - Wears grey overalls covered in oil. - Danger: 4/10 -|Luft Soldier|- - To get to the HO-IX, you must defeat the Luft soldiers from the German Luft Corps, they are heavily armed. - They wear a grey uniform (with lovely little orange collars!) They also have those tiny Air Corp hats! - Danger: 7/10 -|Pazer Grenadier|- - Heavily armed and capable, despite being few they are nasty. - Wears camouflaged uniform. - Danger: 8/10 -|Rudolf Von Sturmgeist|- - The big guy, the whole game revolves around him, he is the commander in charge of the HO-IX Project. - Black overcoat, with fur edges like a pilots, a pointed hat, and the swastika symbol on the arm. - Danger: 10/10 -|Scientist|- - Scientists are tall thin men with goggles over their heads to put it bluntly, its not too hard to kill them but they are annoying. - Wear white coats, goggles, and a nazi symbol around their necks. - Danger: 3/10 -|SS NCO|- - A well trained soldier, who are probably the most dangerous of their rank. - Looks very like any normal battlefield soldier, dark green uniforms, and brown trousers. - Danger: 8/10 -|SS Schutzen|- - Very like SS NCO. - Same as SS NCO, except for uniform colour is darker, and they wear a air corps hat. - Danger: 8/10 -|SS Officer|- - A short fat officer - who is actually quite dangerous. - Wears an officers uniform, medals, and an officers hat. - Danger: 7/10 -|Strumgeist's Elite Guard|- - A set of top ranking soldier's who work exclusively for Rudolf Von, Strumgeist, they are extremely dangerous. - Navy/Black/Purple overcoat, with orange shirt and red tie underneath. - Danger: 9/10 -|Tank Commander|- - A form of ruthless officer who will do anything to eliminate the enemy treat(you!) - Wear head-phones, and a black suit with red bits. - Danger: 10/10 -|Malevalent Chef|- - Armed solely with a knife, the chef will continuously trown knives at you, he appears in several levels in the kitchen, and is quite easy to spot as well as hit. - The Chef is overweight wearing a white apron, black trousers and a nice red chefs hat. - Danger: 8/10 -|U-Boat Captain|- - Not really that dangerous, just a normal captain with a pistol. - White captains hat, and light mustard uniform, very obvious. - Danger: 2/10 -|Wehrmacht Engineer|- - A plain engineer, not that dangerous. - Jet-Black trousers, a white T-shirt! And grey top. - Danger: 2/10 -|Wehrmacht Field Officer|- - These officers carry both Walter pistols and machine guns, they are quite dangerous. - Wears a weird form of a hat, and a light green uniform. - Danger: 9/10 -|Wehrmacht Grenadier|- - A normal soldier. - Wears a chain of machine gun bullets around neck, as well as a standard green uniform. - Danger: 8/10 -|Wehrmacht Soldier|- - A very resourceful type of soldier. - Wears an officer's hat despite being a soldier, and wears baggy pants. - Danger: 8/10 8|||Secrets|||8 If you have discovered or have any secrets, please email me at diss_master@hotmail.com and I will post them and give you full credit for them. 1) In multiplayer when somebody is climbing up or down a ladder and get shot, they can still control the dead body (climbing up or down) - Contributed by Lazer 77 2) If you're close to an enemy and you don't know if he's dead, walk against him. He isn't dead when you can't walk through him because when enemies die, you should be able to walk through them. - Contributed by CellsOfJENOVA 9|||Cheats|||9 Silver bullet mode: Enter SILVERSHOT. Silver bullet mode allows enemies to be killed with one shot. Rubber grenade mode: Enter BOUNCE. Rubber grenade mode makes the grenades bounce more. Snipe-O-Rama mode: Enter SUPERSHOT. Snipe-O-Rama mode allows all guns to zoom like a sniper rifle by holding L and pressing Up on the control pad. Mission 2 (A Storm in the Port): Enter EAGLE Mission 3 (Needle in a Haystack): Enter HAWK Mission 4 (Several Bridges Too Far): Enter PARROT Mission 5 (Rolling Thunder): Enter DOVE Mission 6 (The Horten's Nest): Enter TOUCAN Complete current mission with Gold Star: Enter SEAGULL Achilles' head mode: Enter HEADSUP. Nazis can only be killed with a headshot when this cheat is active. Invisible enemies: Enter HIDENSEEK. All that you will see is their guns and helmets. Perfectionist Mode: Enter FLAWLESS. Nazis can now kill you in one shot. 10|||Glitches|||10 If you have discovered or have any glitches, please email me at diss_master@hotmail.com and I will post them and give you full credit for them. Sometimes weapons stick to the ceilings or to walls when the owner has been shot. Also, sometimes when the enemy is shot and falls to the ground, their body floats in the air until he fades away. - Contributed by CellsOfJENOVA In the level "Into the breaches", when you are underground in the shaft, there is a box floating around a foot off the ground. - Contributed by baseballmadden In the level "Arnhem Knights", when you see one of your fellow soldiers manning a machine gun, you can see inside their heads if you walk up behind them (a backwards face actually) - Contributed by Lazer 77 On the first level in multiplayer (bridge level), if someone is on or climbing up the ladder with a grenade in their hands (pulled back and ready to throw) and someone kills them while the grenade is still in their hands, the grenade will be floating about a foot away from the ladder, and it never blows up. - Contributed by Lazer 77 On multiplayer maps, you can see your gun through walls. You can also shoot your gun through walls and kill enemies through walls. - Contributed by Jedi Knight Master "When starting the Arnhem Knights leveln shoot at the left-side frame of the window right before you, in the middle you will hit something invisible made of wood. It will be basically gn holes in the air now." - Contributed by CellsOfJENOVA "Sometimes if you throw a grenade at enemy it will get stuck on him (or in him) and create a nice self destruct glitch. The grenades really get stuck well in the chest and head. Another glitch I found was on Arnhem Knights were the Nazi is going up to kick a grenade that is close to him and ends up kicking it straight up in the air in a 90 degree angle. The grenade then came down and blew the guy up (usually the kick the grenade at Jimmy in a arch)." - Contributed by War Weapon2 Sometimes, in the Nijmegem Bridge level, a sniper falls off of the bridge. He will land on the ground, still in his sniping position, and will be half in the ground. Eventually he will disappear in the ground. - Contributed by CellsOfJENOVA In a Rough landing if you shoot the sniper in the windmill before he sees you (like in the clearing), he will fall off of the windmill and land around a foot off the ground. (rare) - Contributed by War Weapon2 When you shoot at the glass, pieces of it will go flying but it won't break. - Contributed by CellsOfJENOVA When someone dies you can walk through them. - Contributed by Jedi Knight Master "I got a kinda fnny 1 on nijmegan bridge(or whatever its called), on the 2nd under bridge part (2nd one in which you have to disable charges) I shot a the final guard on the far side of the walk at point blank in the head, and his helmet flew of like oddjobs in nightfire and landed about 20 fet away." - Contributed by skyspy001 "If you are playing on the trial by fire level and your enemy spawns under the ramp next to the big molten steel thing, if you kill him right where he spawns and don't collect his ammo, if you kill him again and he respawns in the same place, his ammo will be floating a couple feet in the air and he will be standing on top of it. Go ahead, try it out for yourself. You don't need a second player, just two controllers. It's kind of neat seeing your opponant standing there in mid air. There might also be a few other places in the game where it does that." - Contributed by EL PARRo "On the level Nijemon Bridge, Mission 3 (I think), when you are walking under the bridge and the guys are shooting at you from at the top of the bridge, aim up and shoot at them on the ground, and they will fall a little bit but then stay suspended in the air and then disappear." - Contributed by SlimRickyy 11|||Credits|||11 I would like to firstly thank EA for such a great game. Then I would like to thank CjayC for making gamefaqs and finally my 2 friends for encouraging me to write another faq, my good friend bballmaniac15 and my best friend Master Sunny. Lol, they made it competitive, so now we'll see who's in the lead :P I would also like to thank all of the people that contributed FAQs, Glitches and Secrets. Your names are mentioned beside the items you contributed. I would also like to than CGorman for the whole enemy list and for giving me permission to post it on me faq. Thanks a lot! He created that enemy list by himself so all credit for it goes to him :D 12|||Legal Stuff|||12 This document is the property of diss_master@hotmail.com, and is copyright 2003. Reproduction of this FAQ in any way at all is prohibited without the consent of its author. The only place this FAQ should be available at, at this moment, is: www.gamefaqs.com Individuals may ONLY use this FAQ for personal purposes. You may print out this document if you please, but you cannot take ANY credit for it and you cannot sell it for money. You may not alter this document in any way whatsoever. If you would like to post this document on your website, ask permission from the author of this document. "Uv Jus Been DiSsD aNd DiSsMiSsD" - DiSsMaStEr