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Probe Locations Guide For PS2 and Xbox Version 1.0 Copyright 2006 YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel (YuGiOhAngel@yahoo.com)(YuGiOhFm2002@yahoo.com) (If you Email one of us or both of us) (Please add Game Name or Guide Name in Subject.) (to let us know which game you need help with.) First Created : 7/18/06 Last Revised on : 7/31/06 <<>><<>><><<>><<>><><<>><<>><><<>><<>><><<>><<>><><<>><<>><><<>><<>><><<>> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Table Contents @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I. Legal Info II. Introduction III. Probe Locations Location: "Turnipseed Farm" Location: "Rockwell" Location: "Santa Modesta" Location: "Area-42" Location: "Union Town" Location: "Capitol City" ============================I. Legal info================================= This document may not be altered, copied, published, sold nor reproduced for profit in any way shape or form without advance permission from me. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited. If you steal any part of this Guide, FAQ, you will be punished to the full extent of the law. Plagiarism is illegal, and I really detest it. If you do Email us for our permission, We have nearly no problems in allowing you to post it on your site as long as full credit is given to us (YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel), and you are not charging or profiting off of Gamers/Users to access it directly or indirectly in any way shape or form. However, you may print this document out if it is for your own personal use. If you see a site using this without our permission let us know. ========================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % II. Introduction % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% To use this guide you will need to have a rather good sense of direction and If you don't you may not want to use this guide to find the Probes. We tried to be as descriptive as we could but the game didn't give us much to work with so we just worked with what we had. We are hoping there is very few errors here but with making up a compass it makes errors even more likely then with a game that has a compass. If you notice any major error (right should be left or North should be South) let one of us know and we will fix it. If you have a suggestion on how to improve one of the descriptions you are welcome to send those also. All of the Probe directions are connected which should make your search fast and all of them start before you do any missions except for "Union Town" Probes which start after you complete the first "Furon Down" mission for that area (which is explained at that section of the guide). <><><><><><><><><><><><><> <> III. Probe Locations <> <><><><><><><><><><><><><> **************************************************** *Location: "Turnipseed Farm" (25 Probes = 1875 DNA)* **************************************************** ============================================================================= (Note: This is how the directions will work for this guide I will give you a location for a starting point and all the directions are connected together starting from that point to hopefully make this search a quick one for you. The starting location will also serve as a made up compass for directions to use for the area (since there seems to be none in this game). For this first area I will use the Turnipseed Farmhouse (the large house nearest to the Cow Paddock) as the compass/starting point (Shown in the diagram below). These directions are made for when you first start this area (when no buildings were blown up yet). If you are able to find the first few with the directions provided then hopefully you will be able to follow the rest of the directions to find all the others for that location.) North ^ | | -------------- | Dirt _______________ Road | | -------------- | | _____________ | | | | | | | | | | | Cow | | | | West <---- Front Back ----> East Paddock | Door Door | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______________| | | | | | | v South ============================================================================= Probe #01 - Go to the back (East) side of the Farmhouse and you will find the 1st Probe near the stairs at the back door of the house. Probe #02 - Go down the grassy hill on the North side of the Farmhouse and go into the open gate you see at the bottom of this small hill to the left. You should see a chicken house/coop to your left as you enter the open gate and as you are facing the front of it look along the right side of it to find the 2nd Probe among the crops/weeds along this side of the chicken house/coop. Probe #03 - Go to the front of the Chicken house/coop and face away from it. Go to the left (Northeast) corner of this yard and hop over the fence here. You should now be near the tree closest to the corner of the fence here. Go up the grassy hill this tree's shadow is going up and as you reach the top of that tree's shadow you should see the 3rd Probe to your right (East) at a clearing between some trees and bushes. Probe #04 - Go to the South side of the Farmhouse and start walking South through the trees. As you come out on the other side of this rather thick foliage you should see a red barn to your right (West). Go to the back (West) side of this red barn and you will find the 4th Probe near the back (Northwest) door of this barn. Probe #05 - Face away from the big/large back doors of this red barn and walk straight over the grassy hill in front of you. As you get to the other side of this hill you will find the 5th Probe to your left near a tree. Probe #06 - Go up the grassy hill towards the lone tree you see at the top of the hill (to the Southwest) near that tree Probe number 4 was near and as you get to the bottom at the other side of this hill you will find/see the 6th Probe to your right at a clearing between the two hillsides here. Probe #07 - Go back to the red barn and face away from the big/large front doors of this barn. Make your way up the grassy hill directly in front of you (to the East) and continue going straight until you just about reach the highest part of this hill. As you get to the highest part of this hill you should see the 7th Probe to your left just before you reach the large group of trees. Probe #08 - Walk back down the grassy hill towards the red barn and when you reach dirt path at the bottom of this hill follow the dirt path to your left (South). As you follow this dirt path you should eventually come to a truck parked at the side of this dirt path and when you see it go to the passenger side of this truck and face away from that side of the truck. Walk just pass that tree you see to your right (the one nearest to you) and you will find the 8th Probe on the grassy clearing here between the hills here. Probe #09 - Walk back towards the truck and you should see a chicken house/coop to your left (South). Walk towards that chicken house/coop and you will find the 9th Probe on the left (East) side of that chicken house/coop near a tree. Probe #10 - Go to the front of the chicken house/coop and face away from it. Go to the scarecrow you see to your right (the one you see closest to you to the Southwest) and when you get to that scarecrow face away from the front of it. Make your way across this field of crops straight ahead and through the line of trees at the end of this field. Just as you step pass that line of trees you should find the 10th Probe to your left between some trees here. Probe #11 - Now head back to the Farmhouse near the Cow Paddock and go West along the Dirt Road on the North side of the Cow Paddock until you see the "Blue Moon" Drive-in billboard to your left near the corner of the Cow Paddock. Go to the rocks near the lake just behind this billboard and you will find the 11th Probe among the rocks here. Probe #12 - Face towards the lake and look to your right (West/Southwest) to see a tree with it's shadow coming down a grassy hill near this lake here. Go up the larger grassy hill just pass that tree and when you get to the highest part of it you should find the 12th Probe just in front of some thick bushes here. Probe #13 - Go back to the "Blue Moon" billboard and continue West along this dirt road. As you go a little farther down this dirt road you will see/find the 13th Probe to your left near some rocks and a tree. Probe #14 - Continue to follow the dirt road to the West until you reach the street at the end of this dirt and then go across the street towards the line of trees you see just across the street to the left (Southwest). As you go through that line of trees you will enter a field and at the center of this field you will find the 14th Probe. Probe #15 - Go to the front of the Tractor you see in this field and face away from the front of it. Make your way through the line of trees directly in front of you and as you exit this field through that line of trees you should see a house/shack to your right (West). You should also see along the left (South) side of this house/shack the 15th Probe near the tree on the side of it. Probe #16 - Go back to the tractor in the field you were facing earlier and this time face away from the back of the tractor. Go through the line of trees directly in front of you to exit this field and go across the street in front of you. Hop over the fence you see up ahead and up the small grassy hill just pass that fence. When you reach the top of this grassy hill you should see a chicken house/coop to your left (West). Go to the front of this chicken house/coop and you will find the 16th Probe near the ramp at the front of this chicken house/coop. Probe #17 - Face away from the front of this chicken house/coop and you should see the chimney of the farmhouse here in front of you. Go to the front of this farmhouse to your left (Northwest) and you will find the 17th Probe near the front steps of this farmhouse. Probe #18 - Face away from the farmhouse steps and go down the grassy hill in front of you. Hop over the fence and make your way across the highway here to go through that line of trees you see just on the other side of this highway. As you enter the field through that line of trees look to your right (North) and you should see the 18th Probe between two trees at the edge of this field. Probe #19 - Go to the tractor you see at this field and face away from the front of it. Go straight through the line of trees in front of you and as you exit this field you should see the edge of a lake in front of you. Follow the left (East) edge of the towards the tree with no leaves you can see to your right (Southwest). Before you reach that tree with no leaves you should see a lone tree with plenty of leaves to your left (Southwest) along the South edge of this lake. Go over to that tree and face away from the side of that tree that is facing away from the lake. Look to your right (Southwest) up the grassy hill here and you should see a clearing between the two thick groups of bushes here. Walk up to that clearing and just as you get between the two groups of thick bushes look at the thick bushes to your right (West) to find the 19th Probe just at the edge of these thick bushes here. Probe #20 - Now face away from the lake and go through that line of trees you see just pass the tree with no leaves farther up this hill. Go to the scarecrow at the center of this field you enter and face away from the back of the scarecrow. You should see the 20th Probe to your left (Southwest). Probe #21 - Go to the scarecrow again and face away from the front of it. Go through the line of trees in front of you and down the hill pass the scarecrow you see up ahead. Just before you reach the line of trees at the bottom of this hill go to your right (South). As you walk to the South you should see the 21st Probe appear in the distance near some bundled up crops. Probe #22 - Face away from the highway you can see just pass the line of trees you are near and walk through the line of trees you see in front of you. As you go through that line of trees you should see a scarecrow to your right (Northwest). Face away from the back of this scarecrow and you should see a house/shack to your left (Southwest). Go to the front door of that house/shack and face away from the front door (the side of the house/shack with the pole). You should see the 22nd Probe to your right (Southeast) at almost the middle of the grassy hill here near the fence. Probe #23 - Look farther up the hill and you should see a red barn just pass the line of trees here. Go up the hill towards that barn and go to the other (South) side of that barn to find the 23rd Probe near a tree on the other side of the barn. Probe #24 - Now walk down the hill in front of this barn towards the highway (to the (East). When you reach the highway go across the first two lanes of this highway to the grassy center divider of this highway. Look to your right (South) to see a lone tree here on this grassy center divider with the 24th Probe near that tree. Probe #25 - Now go across the next two lanes of this highway (the side of the street with the "I left my stove on" billboard is on to the East) and go through the line of trees you see just to the left of the billboard. You should see to your left (Northeast) a house/shack and if you go to the other (East) side of this house/shack you will find the 25th Probe hovering on this side of the house. You have now unlocked Furonigami "Evolution of an Alien" (after you return to the Mothership of course). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************* *Location: "Rockwell" (30 Probes = 2250 DNA)* ********************************************* ============================================================================= (Note: For this location we will be using the fairgrounds as the starting/compass point.) / / | Dirt | North | Road | __________________________________^___| |_____________ | \ | \ | \ _____________________________________________________ | ___________________________ _ _________ \ | | Merry Go | | | | Round | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | West <----| |-|---> East | | | | | | | | | | | Ferris Merry Go | | | | Wheel Round | | | | | | | |_______________________________________| | | | | | v South ============================================================================= Probe #01 - You probably saw this one on the way to the fair but if not face away from the North entrance of the fair and just across the street to the left (West) of the dirt road you got here with you should see the 1st Probe. Probe #02 - Now walk back towards the North entrance of the fair across the street from you and instead of entering the fair go to your right (West) to walk along the outer wall of the fair. Go around the corner of this outer wall to your left (South) when you get to it up ahead and you should see the next corner of this outer wall that is near the Ferris Wheel up ahead and when you get closer to that corner of the outer wall you will see the 2nd Probe near the corner of the wall. Probe #03 - Go to the corner of the wall and look to the Northwest and you should see in the distance a big red barn with a silo on the side of it. Walk up towards that big red barn and walk along the right (North) side of it to find the 3rd Probe. Probe #04 - Now go back towards the fair and enter the entrance of the fair near the dirt road that number 1 was near. As you enter the fair go to your left (East) and you should see a pink cotton candy stand in front of you. Go to the back left (Northeast) corner of that cotton candy stand to find the 4th Probe. Probe #05 - Now head back towards the entrance you came in from (to the West) and you should see a Merry-Go-Round in the distance. Go just pass that Merry-Go-Round and you will see the 5th Probe at the corner of the wall near a tree here just on the other side of that Merry-Go-Round. Probe #06 - Now go back out of the fair entrance you came in from and go to your right (East) onto the street here. Follow this street as it curves to the right (South) and as you go around this curve you should see on the left side of the street a street light near a fence. Go along that North side of that fence to the East and you should see a lake up ahead. Go towards that lake and just before you reach that lake you should find the 6th Probe to your right (South) near some rocks. Probe #07 - Look to the Southeast and you should see a tree in the distance near the water's edge. Make your way along the water's edge to the Southeast towards that tree and you should find the 7th Probe hidden by a bush near the water's edge just pass that tree. Probe #08 - Go back towards the street now and go to the left (South) onto it. As you walk along this street you should see a bridge coming up ahead of you. Just before you reach the bridge go down the dirt hill on the left (East) side of that bridge to find the 8th Probe near the large rock on this side of the bridge. Probe #09 - Go back up to the street and continue left (South) across the bridge. As soon as you get to the other (South) side of this bridge go to the right (West) onto the grass and you should see to your right (Northwest) a large rock in the water of the river here with a Probe on it. Fly over to that big rock with your jetpack (watch out for the anti aircraft weapon fire) and get the 9th Probe on this rock. Probe #10 - Make your way back over to the South side of the bridge and go towards the intersection you are near to the South. Go to your left (East) at this intersection and as you follow this street to the East you should eventually see a line of trees to your right (South) near a large gray building. Go towards that gray building once you reach the center tree of this line of trees and you will find the 10th Probe at the wall of this gray building near that center tree. Probe #11 - Go back to the street and continue to go to the right (East). Continue East/Northeast along this street until you see the entrance into the fenced in Military Base (that is next door to that large gray building you just found the previous probe at)to the right. Enter the Military Base and as you enter you should see an open hangar to your right. Enter that open hangar and as you enter you will find the 11th Probe in the back right (Northwest) corner of this hangar. Probe #12 - Leave this Hangar and look to your right (Southeast) to the two nearest smaller barracks/buildings here. Walk between those two small buildings and you will find the 12th Probe between those buildings. Probe #13 - Leave this Military Base the way you came in and back onto the street again. Continue to the right (East) along this street and follow this street as it curves to the right (South). Go into the opened gate you see near the cows to your right (West) and as you enter this gate look to your right to see a farmhouse here. Go to the back side of this farmhouse and you will find the 13th Probe near the back steps of this farmhouse. Probe #14 - Go out to the street from the opened gate you entered from and continue to your right (South) onto this street. Before you reach the street up ahead look to your left and you will see the 14th Probe near the back of the billboard you see here. Probe #15 - Go to the front of the billboard and face away from it. Look to the right (Southwest) to see a white silo in the distance. Make your way over to front doors of that white silo. You should see the next probe near the gray building just next to this silo. If for some reason you don't see it just face towards the front doors of the white silo and look to your right (South) to see the 15th Probe in front of you near the tree line in the distance on the side of the gray barn/house next to the silo. Probe #16 - Now go back along the street you got here with and go back to the South side of the bridge you were at earlier. Once you get to the South side of that bridge go towards the intersection near it and this time go to your right (West) at this intersection. You should see a blue house on the left (South) side of the street. Go to the back of that blue house and you will find the 16th Probe near the back porch/patio at the back of this house. Probe #17 - You should see this next Probe from here but if for some reason you don't face away from the back of this house and look to the left (Southeast) to see an alley between two larger buildings just on the other side of the fence here. Use your jetpack to get over the fence and go down that alley to find the 17th Probe near the trash can in this alley. Probe #18 - Use the Jetpack to go back over the fence you just came over and go back onto the street in front of the blue house. Go to your left (West) onto this street and go two houses down from this blue house to find a green house with a blue un-attached garage on your left. Go just behind that blue un-attached garage and you will find the 18th Probe at the back of it. Probe #19 - Facing towards the front of this green house go to the blue house to your right (West) and go to the back of this house. You will find a small pool behind this blue house and you will find the 19th Probe in the pool near the ladder. Probe #20 - Walk pass the two trees you see just to the West of this pool and you should see across the street a large cow statue. Go straight towards the side of that cow statue that is in front of you and you will see the 20th Probe just pass the tree next to the cow statue. Probe #21 - Go to the front of the Cow Statue and face in the same direction as the cow is facing. YOu should see acrsss the street from you a tree on the side of a grassy hill. Walk across the street towards that tree and as you get close to it you should see a white silo appear in the distance behind that tree. Go to the front doors of that white silo and you will find the 21st Probe near those front doors. Probe #22 - Face towards the front doors of this silo and go along the right (South) side of this silo towards the gap between the red barn and gray barn/house you see here (to the East). Just before you reach the gap between them you will find the 22nd Probe near that gap between them. Probe #23 - Go to the front (East) side of this gray barn/house and face away from the building. Walk over the grassy hill (to the East) in front of you and you should come to a opened gate into the drive in theater. Instead of entering the Drive in theater go to your left (North) along the fence of the drive in towards the street in front of the drive in theater. Just before you reach the street you should find the 23rd Probe to your right (East) behind the "Blue Moon" Drive In sign. Probe #24 - Go in front of that Drive In sign and face away from it. You should see across the street an alley between the two large buildings just across the street from you. Go across the street and enter that alley to find the 24th Probe near the red building in this alley. Probe #25 - Go back across the street and enter the Drive in. Go towards the large movie screen to your left (East) and go behind that movie screen to find the 25th Probe behind it. Probe #26 - Face away from the back of this movie screen towards the open gate you are near and you should see an open gate on the other side of the dirt road in front of you. Enter that gate on the other side of the dirt road to enter another Military Base. As you enter go straight towards the fence directly in front of you. When you reach that fence look to your right (South) and you should see the 26th Probe on the side of the small barracks building here. Probe #27 - Go back out to the dirt road and go towards the street to your right (North). When you reach the street go across the street and enter the opening in the fence you see here near the large buildings. As you enter this opening look to your right (East) and you should see the 27th Probe near the dumpster that is at the corner of the fence here. Probe #28 - Go back across the street now and go straight (South) on the dirt road until it ends at a grassy hill. When you reach the grassy hill look to your left (East) and you should see a large red barn here. Go through the tree line here towards the red barn and you should see the 28th Probe to your right at the corner of this barn (Southwest corner of this barn). Probe #29 - Go back to the dirt road and go up the grassy hill to your left (South) that the dirt road ended at. Go through the tree line at the top of the grassy hill to enter a field and make your way towards the tree line at the far (South) side of this field. Just before you reach the tree line you should see to your right (Southwest) a white silo in the distance. Go towards that silo and just before you reach it you should see a gray barn/house to the left (East) of that silo. Go towards the tree line just to the left (East) of this gray building and you will find the 29th Probe just before you reach that tree line. Probe #30 - Go to the back (South) side of the white silo and face away from it. Look to the right (Southwest) and you should see a farmhouse on a hill in the distance. Go to the front steps of that farmhouse and face away from them (yes, I know you go a little out of bounds but for direction sake it's needed). Go down the grassy hill in front of you and through the tree line at the bottom of the grassy hill. Look to your left (West) as soon as you go pass that tree line and you should see two trees here with the 30th Probe just behind those trees. You have now unlocked Furonigami "Blue Book: Saucer Blueprints" (after you return to the Mothership of course). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************** *Location: "Santa Modesta" (50 Probes = 3750 DNA)* ************************************************** ============================================================================= (Note: For this location we will be using the house closest to your saucer the first time you land here to search for the Mayor as the starting/compass point.) North ^ | | ____ | / \ ______________ / \ | | | | | | | Saucer | | | | | | | \ / | | \____/ West <---- Back Front ----> East |Door Door| | | ________ | | | | | | | | | | | Garage | | | | | |______________| |________| | | | | | | | | | v | | South | | | | =========================================II | | II | | ____________________________________ II | | \ II | | \ II | | ______________________________ | II | | \ | II | | | | II / / | |__II_/ / | / | ________/ | | II ============================================================================= Probe #01 - You probably saw this one when you landed but if not face away from the front (East) side of the house and go towards the Saucer (to the East). You should see the 1st Probe just pass the tree to your left (North) just before you reach the Saucer. Probe #02 - Go back towards the house and go to the front of the un-attached garage in front of the house. Face away from the garage and you should see the 2nd Probe to your left (Southeast) on the right (Southwest) side of the grassy hill that is near you (just to the left of the trees near that grassy hill). Probe #03 - Follow the driveway in front of the garage now out to the street and then turn left (South) onto this street. Go pass the clu-de-sac street you see to your left and you should see a baseball field on your left. Go out onto the baseball diamond/field and go to First base. Look towards the street you just came from (to the West) and you should see the 3rd Probe on the bench in front of you. Probe #04 - Now go to Third base and you should see the "Modesta Field" Score board from here (to the Northeast). You should also see the 4th Probe under the tree just behind that Score board. Probe #05 - Move the camera closer to the ground and look towards the water's edge to the East. If you are looking at the correct direction you should see the 5th Probe near the trees that are closest to the water's edge in the distance. Probe #06 - Go back to the street on the West side of the baseball field (the street closest to third base) and go to your left (South) onto it. Go pass the cul-de-sac street you see to your left (East) and just before you reach the second house on your left (East) look to your left. You should see just pass the fence in front of you some trees and the 6th Probe among those trees. Probe #07 - Go to the back door of the house you are near and face away from the back door. Walk straight ahead and as you go pass the low braches of the tree you should find the 7th Probe in front of you among the trees here. Probe #08 - Go out onto the street in front of this house and go to your left (South) onto it. When you reach the curve in the road up ahead you should also see a "Pool Party" arrow sign in front of you near the sidewalk. Go behind that sign and face away from the back of it. Walk straight ahead through the bushes and as you are walking straight use the camera to look up to the right (West). You should eventually come to a small clearing among the trees that you can see the sky and the 8th Probe among the high branches of the trees here (if you can't find it this way just use your jetpack and search all the open areas among the top braches of these trees here until you find it). Probe #09 - Now head back to house your Saucer is near and do just like before following the driveway out to the street. This time turn right (North) onto this street and follow this street as it curves to the left (West). After the curve go to the un-attached garage of the house to your left and go behind that garage to find the 9th Probe in the swimming pool just behind the garage. Probe #10 - Now go back to the front of the un-attached garage and face away from the front of it. You should see a house to your left (Northwest) across the street. Go to the back door of that house and when you reach the back door of that house go to your right (West) to find the 10th Probe near the raised flower beds on this back porch of this house. Probe #11 - Go out to the street in front of this house and go to the right (West) onto it. After you go pass the first street on your left you should see a large "Motel" sign on your left (South) with the 11th Probe floating just above it. Probe #12 - Go back out onto the street in front of this "Motel" sign and continue the way you were going to the left (West) on it. Just before you reach the curve in the street up ahead you should see a telephone pole on the left (South) side of the street. Just before you reach that telephone pole you should see an entryway/opening into the motel to your left near a propane tank. Enter that entryway/opening and as you enter it you should see the 12th Probe in front of you. Probe #13 - Go back towards the street and go across the street. use the jetpack to get over the wall and go straight down to the water's edge on the other side of this wall. You should see the 13th Probe to your right on this beach just before you reach the water's edge. Probe #14 - Go back up to the street and continue to the right (West) on it. Follow this street as it curves to the left (South) and after the curve you should see a "Sigmund 180" billboard to your right. Go to the back of that billboard to find the 14th Probe. Probe #15 - Face away from the back of this billboard and look to your left (Southwest) to see some trees near the water's edge. Walk towards the christmas tree one and before you reach it look along the wall here to your left (South) to see the 15th Probe near the wall. Probe #16 - Now go across the street you are near and use your jetpack to fly up to the roof of this red building on the corner ("Martins Electrical" store). When you reach the roof of this building you will see the 16th Probe at the front (West) side of this rooftop. Probe #17 - Go onto the street in front of this Electrical store and facing away from that building go to the left (South) on this street. Go to your right (West) at the first street you come to on your right and follow this as it curves to the left (South) up ahead. When you get to the first street to your left (you will be going down this street in a moment by the way) you should see a "Pool Party" arrow sign to your right near the sidewalk. Walk towards the tree to the right (West) of that arrow sign (the tree the arrow is pointing away from) and just before you reach the tree you should see the 17th Probe to your right (North) near the water's edge. Probe #18 - Face towards the water and follow the beach to your left (South) along the water's edge. When the beach starts to curve to the left (East) you should see a very tall rock in the water here. You should also see 18th Probe floating over the part of the tall rock closest to you. Probe #19 - Go back to that arrow sign near the previous probe and go East along the street the arrow is pointing towards. Just before you reach the end of this street you should see to your right (South) a grassy hill with a large rock on it. If you look at the top you should see the 19th Probe that you need to fly up to get. Probe #20 - Go back down to the street you were on and continue to the right (East) along this street until you reach the end of it. When you reach the end of this street look to the left (Northeast) up the grassy hill directly in front of you. You should see at the top of this grassy hill a large rock and the 20th Probe you need to fly up to just above it. Probe #21 - Go down to the street at the bottom of the grassy hill and go to your left (South) on this street. To your left you should see on the side of the building that it says "Bowl World" on it. Enter the Parking lot and go to the doorways just below where it says "Bowl World" on that building. When you reach the doorways you will see the 21st Probe between the two doorways here. Probe #22 - Go back out to the street you were on and continue to your left (South) along this street until it ends. When this street ends go to your right (West) onto this street here. Just before you reach the curve in this street up ahead you should see to your right (North) a "Laundromat". Face towards the "Laundromat" and go down the alley along the left (West) side of this "Laundromat". You should see the 22nd Probe just behind the dumpster in front of you as you walk towards the back of this building. Probe #23 - Go back to the front of the "Laundromat" and this time face away from the building. Go across the street and go just behind that wall you see on the other side of the street to find the 23rd Probe. Probe #24 - Face away from the wall you are near and you should see to your right (Southeast) a dock with a small building on it in the distance. Walk towards the water on the left (East) side of that small building along the side of the dock and when you reach the water at the front of this building you will see the 24th Probe to your right (West) floating just above the water here (stay as close to the dock as you can and don't go too far into the water or you will die). Probe #25 - Go back to the street in front of the "Laundromat" and go to your right (East) along this street until you see the the "Bowl World" building again to your left. Look at the "Bowl World" sign at the Southeast corner of this building up ahead and you should see the 26th Probe floating at the top of the bowling ball at the top of the "Bowl World" sign. Probe #26 - Look to the Northeast from here and you should see at the Northwest corner of the park you see across the street a large tree. Just above that tree you should see the 26th Probe floating over the top of the large tree. Probe #27 - Look towards the Southeast corner of this park and you should see another large tree with the 27th Probe floating above it. Probe #28 - Go to the street to the East of this tree and go to the left (North) along this street. After you go pass the first street to your right (East) you should see two Martins Electrical stores on the right side of the street. Fly up onto the roof of Northern Martins Electrical store (the one near the Barber shop) and when you get on the roof you will find the 28th Probe near the front (West) side of this rooftop. Probe #29 - Go down to the front of this building you are on and face away from it. Go straight (West) down the street in front of you and as you go down this street you will see a "Mall" to your left (South). Just before you reach the street up ahead you should see a "Smith & Hodges" and "Barber Shop" building to your left (South) at this Mall. Fly up to the roof of this building and you walk towards the next buildings rooftop to find the 29th Probe floating just between these two rooftops. Probe #30 - Go back onto the street you were on and continue to the left (West) on it. Go to your right (North) at the end of this street up ahead and just before you reach the intersection up ahead you should see a small alley that goes behind the buildings to your right. Make your way down this alley and you will find the 30th Probe about halfway down this alley. Probe #31 - Continue down this alley towards the street up ahead (to the East) and go to the left (North) onto this street. Go to your right (East) at the intersection here and as you go down this street you should see to your left (North) a Gas Station. Facing towards that gas station look along the left (West) side of this Gas Station and you will find the 31st Probe among the barrels near the Northwest corner of the wall at the back of this Gas Station. Probe #32 - Go to the front of the Gas Station and and face away from it. Go to the South along the street in front of you and go straight along this street until you almost get to the end of this street. Just before this street ends go up the driveway to your left (East) towards the un-attached garage to your left (East). When you reach the door of the garage look to your right (South) to find the 32nd Probe along the side of the hedge near the house here. Probe #33 - Go out onto the street you were on and continue (South) to the end of this street. Go to your left (East) when this street ends and you should see a Gas Station to your right (South). Go to the back of this Gas Station building and you will find the 33rd Probe. Probe #34 - Facing towards the back of the Gas Station go onto the to your right (East) and go to the right (South) along it. When you reach the top of the hill you are going up you should see a Donut Shop to your left (East). Go to the back (Southeast) corner of this Donut Shop building and you will find the 34th Probe near the wall just behind this Donut Shop. Probe #35 - Go in front of the Donut Shop and face away from it. Go straight (West) on the street in front of you. You should see up ahead to your left the "SMCBS" radio station building to your right (Northwest). Continue West along the left (South) side of that "SMCBS" building and you should see to your left a large tree. Go just behind that large tree and you should find the 35th Probe between that tree and the fence near it. Probe #36 - Look to the Southwest from here (towards the water at the bottom of the hill you are near) and you should see a large rock with a Probe on it on the beach below. For the moment ignore that Probe and instead go to the dock with the building on it just to the right (North) of that large rock. Go up the ramp that is near the water's edge and when you get to the top of this ramp you will find the 36th Probe near the row boat to your right (Southeast). Probe #37 - Now go and fly up to the top of that large rock to grab the 37th Probe floating above the lower half of that rock. Probe #38 - Face towards the water from on top of this rock and then look to your left (South) to see a long building on the beach here. Make your way over to that building and enter this boat storage building to find the 38th Probe. Probe #39 - Make your way back up the hill to the "SMCBS" building and fly up to the roof of that building. Fly up to the top of the antenna you see on this rooftop and you will find the 39th Probe near the top of this antenna. Probe #40 - Make your way down to the Streets in front of the "SMCBS" building and follow the street back to the East towards the Donut Shop you were at earlier. Go to your right (South) when you reach the street in front of the Donut shop and then look to your left (East) to see a Church here. Fly up to the cross at the top of the Church steeple and you will find the 40th Probe floating just above this cross. Probe #41 - Fly down pass the wall behind the Church and go (East) down the grassy hill here towards the water's edge you see at the bottom of the grassy hill. Before you reach the water's edge walk to your right (South) along the water's edge and you will eventually come across the 41st Probe up ahead on the dirt near the water's edge here. Probe #42 - Now go out onto the street in front of the Church and go to the left (South) onto it. You should see up ahead this street will start going down hill. Just before it goes downhill look to your right (West) and you should see a grassy hill here with the 42nd Probe on it. Probe #43 - Face towards the street you just came from and go to the trees just across that street. Look behind the trees on the right (Southeast) flat grassy area here to find the 43rd Probe. Probe #44 - Go out onto the street you were on and continue to the left (South) on it. You should see at the bottom of this hill a Orange house at the curve in the street. Go behind that Orange house and you will find the 44th Probe on the grassy near the back porch of this house. Probe #45 - Go out to the street in front of this house and go to the left (West) on it and after you go pass the first street to your right (North) you should see "Lou's Diner" to your right (North). Fly up onto the roof of that Diner and you will find the 44th Probe at the center of this rooftop. Probe #46 - Go back out onto the street in front of the diner and continue going to the right (West) on it. Follow this street as it curves to the left (South) and go to the left (East) onto the street at the end of this street. After you go up the small on this street look to your left (North) and you should see the 46th Probe on the roof of the first house on your left. Probe #47 - Go back out onto the street you were on and continue to the left (East) on it. Go to the front door of the Orange House you see to your left (North) and face away from it. Go straight (South) across the street and down to the beach at the water's edge. Before you get to the water you should see the 47th Probe on the beach here near the water's edge. Probe #48 - Go back up to the street and go to the left (West) on it. Follow this street until you reach the cul-de-sac at the end of this street. When you reach the cul-de-sac go to the beach at the water's edge to your left (South). Walk along the water's edge on this beach to the right (West) and you will eventually come to a tree on this beach. Go pass that tree and you will find the 48th Probe over the beach just pass that tree. Probe #49 - Look towards the fence you are near and you should see in the distance a lighthouse on the other side of the fence. Fly over the fence and fly over to the top of that Lighthouse to find the 49th Probe floating just above the Lighthouse. Probe #50 - Look to the Northwest and you should see a long boat storage building here. Fly down to the side of that building that is facing the Lighthouse and then face away from that side of the building. Enter the tunnel/cave you see directly in front of you and you will find the 50th probe near the ceiling about halfway through this tunnel/cave. You have now unlocked Furonigami "Art of the Furon" (after you return to the Mothership of course). ******************************************** *Location: "Area-42" (24 Probes = 1800 DNA)* ******************************************** ============================================================================= (Note: For this location we couldn't decide on a good starting/compass point for this location (due to the fact that there is very little around besides the Military base and Majestic base) so we decided for this location we would just use the Saucer for now as the starting/compass point. The diagram below is NOT a replica of the area but it should give you a rough enough idea where you need to start at. Just incase you don't notice them on your own and as if just avoiding being seen wasn't enough you will want to watch where you walk in this desert because there are small ball like land mines on the ground you may come across.) ( ( ) ) <----- Dirt Path ( ( _ _/ \ _/ _/ / / Crash Site /\ ____ / / |____| \/ _________ / ______ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / / \ | / / \ | | North ^ | | | ____ / \ / \ | | West <---- | Saucer | ----> East | | \ / \____/ | | | v South ============================================================================= Probe #01 - After you exit out of you Saucer for this location look to the North and you will see that large curved/arched rock formation in front of you. Fly up to the highest part of that rock formation and you will find the 1st Probe floating just above it. Probe #02 - Go back down under the Saucer and now face South (away from the rock formation you were just on. You should see a few boulders in front of you. Go behind the middle/center boulder to find the 2nd Probe just behind that boulder. Probe #03 - Now make your way North from the Saucer pass the "Quarantine Area" signs under that curved/arched rock formation. Go down the hill that is pass those signs and to the Crash Site. Go up the small hill just pass the crash site (to the North) and you should find the beginning of a dirt path here. Once you find the beginning of that dirt path look to the left (Northwest) and up to see a tall rock at the edge of a cliff here. You should also see floating just above this tall rock the 3rd Probe. Probe #04 - Go back down to the dirt path and follow it around to the North until you reach a dirt road. Go to the right (East) on the dirt road (away from the Military Base) and as you walk along this dirt road look to your left (North) and you should see at the top of the small hill here a large rock formation with a small rock pillar to the left (Southwest) corner of that rock formation at the top of the small hill. Fly up to the top of that rock pillar at the corner of that rock formation and then fly up to the top of that large rock formation to find the 4th Probe on this rock formation at the center of it. Probe #05 - Go to the South edge of this rock formation and look to the South towards the dirt road you were on. You should see just pass the dirt road to the South another large rock formation. Make your way down to that large rock formation and as you approach the rock formation on the other side of the dirt road you should see at the left (Northeast) corner of this rock formation a small rock pillar. Fly up to the top of this rock pillar and you will find the 5th Probe floating just above this rock pillar. Probe #06 - Go down to the dirt road and go to the left (West) on this dirt road (towards the Military Base). When you reach the (East) gates of the Military Base enter them when they open and go to your left (South) onto the street in front of the building up ahead. Follow this street as it curves to the right (West) and after you go around the curve fly up onto the lower rooftop to your right (North) when no one is looking of course. Go to the Southwest corner of this lower rooftop to find the 6th Probe just to the right (North) of the door on this roof. Probe #07 - Look to the South (away from the higher rooftop) and you should see the Southern Gates of this Military Base. Go out of that gate when it opens and onto the road/street behind it. Follow this dirt road straight (South) and as this dirt road curves to the right (Southwest) you should see to your right (West) a small alcove/hole in the rock wall near some trees here. Go over to that hole/alcove and you will find the 7th Probe inside that hole/alcove. Probe #08 - Go back to the dirt road you were on and go to the right (Southwest) on it. Follow this dirt road as it curves around to the (North) and you should see on your right a "Speed Limit 55" sign (to know you are going the correct way). After you go pass that Speed limit sign you should see to your right (East) some rocks and trees. Go just behind those rocks to find the 8th Probe in the small alcove/hole just behind those rocks. Probe #09 - Go back out onto the dirt road and continue to the right (Northwest) on it. Follow this street as it curves around to the left (South) and you should see up ahead to your left a small dirt path leading to a fenced in area. Fly over the fence and go to the Southern corner of this enclosed area to find the 9th Probe. Probe #10 - Go back out to the dirt road and continue to the left (Northwest) up the hill this dirt road is going up. As you get up to the top of this hill you should see a satellite dish to your right (Northeast) and just to the right (East) of it you should see a couple trees. Go just behind those trees and you will find the 10th Probe. Probe #11 - Look to the Northeast towards the boulders you are near and go just behind those boulders to find the 11th Probe. Probe #12 - Go over to the back leg of the satellite dish you are near (the leg that is facing towards the Military base) and face away from it (facing towards the Military Base). Make your way down the steep hill directly in front of you and you should see a rock pillar at the bottom of this steep hill. Just to the left of that rock pillar you should see some trees and find the 12th Probe near those trees. Probe #13 - Now go back up the hill and fly up to the top of the large rock formation just across the dirt road from the satellite dish (the rock formation that the dish is pointing towards). Once you reach the top of the tallest rock of this formation stand at the center of it and fly straight up to fly right into the 13th Probe floating high above this rock formation. Probe #14 - Go back onto the dirt road just to the West of this rock formation and go to your left (South) onto this dirt road. Just before this dirt road curves to the right (West) up ahead look to your left and you should see a tall rock pillar here near a slightly shorter one. Fly up to the top of the taller rock pillar and you will find the 14th Probe floating just above it. Probe #15 - Now go back onto the dirt road and follow it all the way back the way you came to the Southern Gates of the Military Base. Enter the Gates when they open and then go to your left (West) at the end of this road/street up ahead. Follow this street as it curves left (North) near the fence up ahead and then enter the opening in the fence to your left (West). As you enter this area you will see a dirt path that goes to your left (South) and then curves to the right (West) around the large weapon bunker here. As you follow this dirt path along the back (South) side of the weapon bunkers you will see the 15th Probe just to the right of this dirt path. Probe #16 - Go back out through the same opening in the fence you came in from and go to your left (North) onto the street here. Go to your right (East) at the intersection up ahead and then enter the opening in the wall/fence left (North). As you enter this opening go to your right (East) along the wall here and when you reach the corner of the wall look to your left (North) to find the 16th Probe at the back of this small barracks here. Probe #17 - Go out through the opening you came in from and go to your left (East) onto this street. Go to your left (North) at the intersection up ahead and go out of the Northern Gates of this Military Base up ahead when they open. Follow the dirt road you come out to until you reach the Majestic Base Southern Gates. Enter those gates when they open and as you enter you should see a building with a green dome on the roof of it directly in front of you. Fly up onto the roof just behind that green dome and you will find the 17th Probe floating over some machinery. Probe #18 - Look to the North (away from the green dome on this building) and you should see a large saucer shaped building with the 18th Probe floating just above it. Probe #19 - Look to the East/Northeast and you should see in the far distance a rock pillar just pass the smaller saucer shaped building. Fly over to the top of that rock pillar and you will find the 19th Probe floating just above it. Probe #20 - Fly back over to the large saucer shaped building and make your way down to the street just to the West of this building. Go to your right (North/Northwest) along this street and fly over the fence of the small fenced in area to your left (West). As you land on the other side of the fence go to your right (North) and you will find the 20th Probe near some stacked up shipping containers here. Probe #21 - Go to the opposite corner of this fenced in area and fly up onto the shipping container near the corner of this fenced in area. Face towards the corner of the fence you are near (to the Southwest) and you should see just pass the wall in the distance the 21st Probe floating above some rocks near a large tree. Probe #22 - Go back to the dirt road between the Majestic Base and the Military Base. Go to your right (South) on this dirt road and enter the Northern Gates of the Military Base when they open. Go to your right (West) at the intersection up ahead and follow this street straight (west) until it curves to the right (North). Follow the street as it curves right (North) and you should see a few large hangars to your left (West). Fly up onto the roof of the middle/center large hangar and you will find the 22st Probe floating over the Southwest corner of this rooftop. Probe #23 - Look to the West and you should see a satellite dish near these Hangars. Fly over to the small ledge at the back of that satellite dish and you will find the 23rd Probe floating just above it. Probe #24 - Fly down to the runway in front of this satellite dish and go towards the fence on the far (South) side of this runway (towards the fence the satellite dish is pointing towards). When you reach the fence go to your right (West) and as you reach the end of this fence you will find the 24th Probe to your left (South) floating just on the other side of the fence. You have now unlocked Furonigami "Face of the Enemy" (after you return to the Mothership of course). *********************************************** *Location: "Union Town" (25 Probes = 1875 DNA)* *********************************************** ============================================================================= Note: Before using the following directions you will want to complete the "Furon Down" Mission and after returning to the Mothership come back to "Union Town" this way you can also unlock the next area "Capitol City". During the "Furon Down" though you may want to look around for the three probes on this island that the Saucer is on to avoid having to make your way back over here later on but If you don't or can't find them we still cover them below. Once you come back to "Union Town" you have two possible landing areas. Use the grassy landing area among the trees to start your probe search. We couldn't find a good starting/compass point for this landing area which means the Saucer gets to be the starting/compass point again as shown in the diagram below.) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ocean~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| \~~~~~~~ ____~~~North~~~~_______________/ \______/ \____^_____/ | | | ____ _____________ / \ \ / \ \ | | __________ \ West <---- | Saucer | ----> East \ | | | | | \ / | | \____/ | | | | | | | | | | | V | | South | | | |______________________________/ | | | ________________________________/ | | | | _______________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______________________|___| | | | | ============================================================================= Probe #01 - As you are standing under the space ship face away from the water (to the South) and walk towards the front door of the large building you see in front you across the street. Just before you reach those doors go to your left (East) and go down the alley to your right (South). Just before you reach the wall at the end of this alley you see up ahead look to your right (West) and you should see a shorter building here. Fly up onto the roof of this building and you will find the 1st Probe floating just above this rooftop. Probe #02 - Face away from the back of this large building and drop down to the grassy area in front of you. Go to your right (West) along this wall you are near and when you reach the street up ahead go to your right (North). Just before you reach the intersection up ahead look to your left and you should see on the (South) side of the building here a "Muttz" sign. You should also see just to the left (West) of that sign the 2nd Probe on the roof of the small building here. Probe #03 - Go back out onto the street you were on and go to your right (South) along this street. You should see up ahead just pass the curve in the street an alley on the (East) side of the building here. Go straight (South) down that alley and around the corner of this building to your right (West). As you go around the corner you should see a blue truck in front of you and just on the other side of the blue truck you will find the 3rd Probe near the loading doors of this warehouse. Probe #04 - Face away from the loading doors and go to your right (West) on the street in front of you. After you go pass the first street on your right go into the second alley that you come to on your right (North). Go straight towards the doors (the number 512 is over the doors to know you are at the right alley) of the building in front of you and you should see the 4th Probe along the wall just to the right of those doors. Probe #05 - Face towards the doors with "512" over them and go towards the street to your left (West). As you approach this street you should see a dirt road just on the other side of the street. Go across the street onto this dirt road and follow this dirt road until you reach the "Maritime Museum" building. When you get to this large warehouse/hangar type building fly up to the roof of this large building and you will find the 5th Probe floating over the back left (Northwest) corner of this building. Probe #06 - Follow the dirt road back out onto the street and then go to your left (North) onto this street. Go to your right (East) at the first street you can and then go to your left (North) at the intersection up ahead. As you go down this street you should see on your left two small barracks type buildings just after a large gray warehouse building. Just after you go pass those two smaller buildings you should see another gray large warehouse building to your left (West). Go to the back of this Warehouse building and you will find the 6th Probe just below the "Warehouse 25" sign on the back of this warehouse. Probe #07 - Go back out to the street in front of this warehouse and continue to go along it to the left (North). As you go down this street you will eventually see on your left (West) a "Alpine Mist" billboard on the (South) side of the large warehouse building here. Go down the alley in front of this billboard and just before you reach the wall up ahead fly up onto the roof of the small building to your right (North) to find the 7th Probe floating just above this small rooftop. Probe #08 - Face away from the back of this building and you should see in the distance just under the trees the red glowing eyes of the 8th Probe near a tree just on the other side of the wall behind this building. Probe #09 - Go back out to the street in front of the building you are behind and go to your left (North) onto this street. Go to your left (West) at the end of this street and then fly up onto the red building's rooftop to your right (North). Walk over onto the other (North) side of this rooftop and you should see the 9th Probe floating just over the smaller rooftop to your left (Northwest). Probe #10 - Go back down to the street you were on and go to your left (East) onto it. As you walk straight (East) along this street you should see a big tree up ahead just pass the curve in the street. Fly up onto the small rooftop just to the right (South) of that tree and you will find the 10th Probe floating near the left (Southeast) corner of this small rooftop. Probe #11 - Face towards the large tree and you should see a large storage tank just pass that tree. Fly up onto the roof of that storage tank and then continue to fly North from storage tank rooftop to rooftop until you reach the Northern most storage tank of this row of storage tanks. When you reach the rooftop of that storage tank you should see the 11th Probe floating near the center of the rooftop. Probe #12 - Face towards the storage tank across the street from you and make your way down to the street between these storage tanks. Go to your right (North) onto this street and then go to your right (East) at the end of this street up ahead. Follow this street as it curves to the left (North) up ahead and after the curve you should see to your right a "I'm dreaming of Santa Modesta" billboard. Go just behind that billboard and you will find the 12th Probe floating just behind it. Probe #13 - Go back out to the street you were on and go to your left (South) onto it. Follow this back around the curve to your right (West) and as you go along this street look along the right (North) side of this street. You should see to your right on the (South) side of the building here an "Admirable" billboard and a alley just to the right (East) of that billboard. Go down this alley and go around the corner of the building to your right (EasT). As you turn the corner you should see the 12th Probe near the wall of the building in front of you. Probe #14 - Go back out to the street you were on and continue going to the right (West) on this street. Go to your right (North) onto the street just before the blocked off cul-de-sac up ahead and after you go pass the corner building to your left you should see a tall brick wall with barbed wire at the top of it. Fly over this wall and when you land on the other side of this wall you should see the 14th Probe just to your left near some dumpsters at the back of this large warehouse building. Probe #15 - Fly back over the wall you came over and continue to go to your left (North) on the street you were on. You should see up ahead just pass the curve on the street a "I'm Dreaming of Santa Modesta" billboard. Fly over the wall just behind this billboard and you will see the 15th Probe near some stacked up "Bay Shipping" containers. Probe #16 - Fly back out onto the street in front of the billboard and go to your left (East) on this street. As you go down this street you will see up ahead just pass the curve in the street a "The Navy Wants You!" billboard. Go behind that billboard and you will find the 16th Probe floating just behind it. Probe #17 - Face towards the wall you are near and look to your right (East) to see a large pipe leading up into the storage tank here. Fly to the area just on the other (East) side of this pipe and you will find the 17th Probe here. Probe #18 - Face away from that large pipe and walk straight towards the sidewalk/walkway you see in front of you. When you reach the walkway/sidewalk go to your right (South) until you reach the end of this walkway/sidewalk. Look over the edge of the ledge to your left (East) at the end of this walkway and you should see the 18th Probe on a small rocky ledge below at the water's edge here. Probe #19 - Go back onto the sidewalk/walkway you were on and now go to the North along it. As you go down this walkway/sidewalk you will see on your left (West) a small building here. Face towards this building when you get to it and walk along the right (North) side of this building to find the 19th Probe floating near a wall at the back right (Northwest) corner of this building. (Note: Face away from the wall that number 19 was near and you will see the blue lights of the platforms you will need to use to get back to the island that you went to for the "Furon Down"! Mission to get probes number 23 - 25.) Probe #20 - Go back to the front of this building and face towards the front doors of this building. Go to your left (South) and go into the large opening to your right (West). Go straight (West) towards the alley between the two buildings you see up ahead. Just before you reach those two buildings look to your right (North) and you should see the 20th Probe near some shipping containers here. Probe #21 - Now go down the alley between those two buildings you were going towards and you should see a large storage tank directly in front of you. Fly over to the right (North) side of this storage tank and you will find the 21st Probe floating along the Northwest side of this storage tank. Probe #22 - Fly up to the roof of this storage tank and look to the right (Southwest) to see a crane near the storage tank next to the one you are on. Fly over to the control room of this crane and walk up the cables on this control room to reach the higher part of this crane. As you reach the top you will see the 22nd Probe floating to your right at the top of this crane. Probe #23 - Now make your way back to where you got number 19 and fly from blue lighted platform to blue lighted platform until you reach the island you were at earlier (during the "Furon Down!" Mission. When you reach the island go to the large crater that your Saucer made at the Eastern side of this Island. Go East through the hole in the wall that your Saucer made towards the edge of the cliff up ahead. Just before you reach the edge of the cliff look to your right (South/Southwest) and you should see the 23rd Probe floating among the small bushes just pass the rocks here along the wall of this fort. Probe #24 - Face towards the cliff you are near and go to your left (North) back towards the hole your Saucer made. Continue straight (North) towards the staircase you see in front of you and walk up the staircase. When you reach the top of the staircase you should see the 24th Probe on the rampart of this fort in front of you. Probe #25 - Face towards the large tree you are near and walk along the rampart to your right (West). As you walk down the dirt hill at the end of this rampart look to your left (South) and you should see the 25th Probe floating under a tree near the corner of the wall here. You have now unlocked Furonigami "Pathetic Humans!" (after you return to the Mothership of course). ************************************************* *Location: "Capitol City" (30 Probes = 2250 DNA)* ************************************************* ============================================================================= (Note: There does not seem to be a good location to use as a starting point near the landing area which means yet again we will be using the Saucer as the starting/compass point.) __________________________________________________________ North \ ___ ___________________________________^__________ \ | | | \ | | | ________________________________|________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | ____ | | | | | Carbuncle | / \ | | | | | | LTD | / \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____________| West <---- | Saucer | ----> East | | | | | | | | | | ____________ \ / | | | | | | | \____/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Francois | v | | | | | | Apartments | South | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Demolished | | | | | | | | Building | | | | | |____________| | _____________| | | | | _________________| ============================================================================= Probe #01 - As you stand under the Saucer look to the West (towards the green building) and you should see an alley just to the left (South) of this green building. Go to that alley and you should see a "Carbuncle" sign on the overhang of this green building to your right (North). Fly up onto that overhang behind that sign and you will find the 1st Probe just behind it. Probe #02 - Facing the back of the sign go out onto the street to your right (West) and go to the left (South) on it. Go to the left (East) at the end of this street and to your right (South) you should see a hedge just before the "National Statistical Reserve" sign with the 2nd Probe near the building in the parking lot just behind that hedge. Probe #03 - Fly up onto the roof of the building the Probe is near (the building the parking spaces are facing towards) and go to the South end of this rooftop. Look to your left (Southeast) and you should see from here the "Walfords" building with a billboard on the roof of it. Fly up to the front of that billboard quickly and then face away from the billboard. Now quickly fly over to the rooftop of the taller building directly in front of you (to the North just across the street). Now fly over to the rooftop of the next rooftop directly in front of you (to the North) and when you land on this rooftop fly over to the building to your right (East). You should find the 3rd Probe at the Northwest corner of this rooftop. Probe #04 - Fly over to the rooftop of the slightly taller building to the North and when you land on that rooftop look to your right (East). You should see in front of you the 4th Probe floating on the ledge near the top of this building. Probe #05 - Once you grab number 4 quickly fly back onto the rooftop you were on and then fly to the rooftop to the right (North). You should now be on the roof of the building just across the street from your Saucer. Look to your left (West) and you should see a rather large gap between this building you are on and the Francois Apartments building directly in front of you. Fly over to the roof of that building (you shouldn't have a problem making it to that rooftop) and then fly over to the large rooftop to your left (South). When you land on this larger rooftop you should find the 5th Probe on the Southeast corner of this rooftop. Probe #06 - Look to the right (West) and you should see a similar looking rooftop as the one you are on now just across the street. Fly over to that rooftop and then fly over to the rooftop of the building to the right (Northwest). When you land on this rooftop you will find the 6th Probe on the Southeast corner of this rooftop. Probe #07 - Face to the West and fly over to the slightly taller building you see directly in front of you. Once you land on this rooftop fly over to the rooftop of the much shorter building to your left (South) and land on top of left (Eastern) tower's domed roof to get the 7th Probe floating on it. Probe #08 - Fly over to the other (Western) domed tower and then look to the South and you should see the "White House" across the street in front of you. Fly over towards the rooftop of the White House but instead of landing on the roof land on the walkway just before you reach the roof. Walk along this walkway to the right (West) and go around the corner to your left (South) towards the back (West) side of this White House. As you reach the balcony just above the back of the White House you should find the 8th Probe here. (Note: We couldn't decide which directions were better for the next 3 Probes so we used our vague directions and our more detailed ones that we came up with. We figure you can decide which one you'd rather use or which will work better for you. They should both lead you to the Probe only difference is the Alternate directions are more detailed and the regular directions are more vague.) Probe #09 - Fly up onto the roof of the White House and go to the Southern edge of this rooftop. Fly over to the blue rooftops (it doesn't look blue until you start flying towards it) you see just across the street to the left (Southeast). Once you land on this rooftop fly over to the blue rooftop just across the street to the South/Southwest. Go to the Southern edge of of this rooftop and fly towards the (Eastern side of) large Capitol building you see to your right (West). As you get closer to the Capitol Building you should see a balcony at the (Eastern) side of this building. Land on this balcony and you will find the 9th Probe at the right (Northern) part of this balcony. (Alternate Directions For) Probe #09 - You should now be on the street in front of the "Department of Immigration" building and facing (South) away from the "Department of Immigration" sign at the front of this building. Go straight (South) along the street directly in front of you and go to the front door of the building just pass the curve in the street up ahead. You should now be facing the front doors of "Bucks Burger House". Go to your right (West) straight through the trees and bushes you see in front of you. When you have gone pass all the trees and bushes you should see the (Eastern) side of the Capitol Building in front of you. Fly up to the balcony you see to your left (South) along this side of the Capitol Building and you will find the 9th Probe at the North end of this balcony. Probe #10 - Go to the front of this Capitol Building and you will find the 10th Probe in front of the archways between the Center and Left (Eastern) staircases of this Capitol Building. (Alternate Directions For) Probe #10 - Fly back down to the ground and go to the front (North) side of the Capitol building. Go to your left (West) at the front of this Capitol Building and go pass the (Eastern) staircase you see here to your left (South). Look to your left (South) after you go pass the staircase and you should see in the distance the 10th Probe under the middle archway of the archways here. Probe #11 - Go up the right (Western) staircase of this Capitol Building and look to your right before you reach the top of this staircase to see the 11th Probe on the Balcony just to the right (West) of this staircase. (Alternate Directions For) Probe #11 - Continue to go West towards the next front staircase of this Capitol Building and go pass this staircase. Go up the next (Western) staircase of this Capitol building you see up ahead. As you reach the top of these stairs you should see the 11th Probe on the balcony just to the right (West) of this staircase. Probe #12 - Go back down the right (Western) staircase and go to your left (West) towards the bushes/trees you see in front of you. Just pass these trees/bushes you should come across building. Fly up onto the roof of this building and you will find the 12th Probe floating near the Eastern edge of this building (incase you have no clue which side of the building that is on face this building from the street and the Probe is floating off the left edge of this rooftop). Probe #13 - Go out onto the street in front of this building and go to your left (West) onto this street. Follow this street as it curves to the right (North) and continue to follow this street for quite awhile until it ends at the front of the "White House". Go to your left (North) when it ends and follow this street as it goes to the right (East). Go to your left (North) onto the street you see to your left just after you go around the curve. As you walk down this street you should see a statue of a person on a horse. Go over to that statue and you will find the 13th Probe floating at the back of that statue. Probe #14 - Face away from the back of the statue and you should see a tree straight ahead across the street. Go across the street and fly up onto the wall just behind that tree to find the 14th Probe at the Northeastern corner of this Monument/Building near the corner of the stairs. Probe #15 - Go onto the street you just came across and go to your left (Northwest) onto this street. Follow this street as it curves to the left (West) and then go to your right (Northwest) onto the street to your right that goes across a bridge. As you reach the other side of this bridge look to your left (West) and you should see the 15th Probe near a tree just on the other side of the fence you see here. Probe #16 - Go back onto the street you were on and continue to your left (Northwest) along this street until you reach the dirveway of a parking lot to your right. Enter the Parking lot and go to the far (Northern) side of this parking lot. Go to the staircase that you see near the right (Eastern) corner of the parking lot and face away from the bottom of that staircase. Fly over the fence in front of you to the left and as you land on the other side you should see a doorway in the wall of the destroyed building just to the right of the weapon neutralizer. Go through that doorway in that wall and as you go through it you should see the 16th Probe to your right near the wall with windows. Probe #17 - Move away from the wall with the windows a little (that the Probe was near) and then face towards those windows. Look up above that wall with those windows and you should see the 17th Probe floating just above the large support beam (girder) that is on the other side of this wall. Probe #18 & #19 - Once you are on that support beam face towards the stairs you were near earlier and look at the destroyed remains of the building just to the right of the stairs and you should see the 18th Probe floating along the (what I assume to be the) 2nd floor of this building. Before going to get number 18 look up towards the roof and to your right at the edge of the roof here to see the 19th Probe floating along the side of the top floor of this building. Probe #20 - Fly up to the roof of this building after grabbing number 19 and then walk along the edge of this "U" shaped rooftop 19 was on. You will eventually see the 20th Probe floating to your right the edge of this rooftop. Probe #21 - Continue to walk along the edge of this "U" shaped rooftop until you reach the other destroyed side of this building. As you approach the edge of this rooftop on this side of the building you should see the 21st Probe floating at the edge of the support beam to your right. Probe #22 - Drop down to the 2nd floor on this side of the building and you will find the 22nd Probe floating at the left side of it (just like number 18 was). Probe #23 & #24- Look at the edge of this ledge and you should see a small pointed support beam you can walk out onto in front of you. Walk as close to the edge as you can and then look to your left. You should see just on the other side of the fence here the red glowing eyes of the 23rd Probe. Before you go get that Probe though look to your right to see a wall with windows (like the one you found number 16 near) and you should see just to the left of that wall the red glowing eyes of the 24th Probe. Probe #25 - Face away from the wall with windows (towards the fence) once you get number 24 and you should see a crate near the fence to your right. As you walk towards that crate you should see the 25th Probe floating in front of it near another crate. Probe #26 & #27 - Face towards the fence and look to your right to see the Tesla Coil (the object with the electrical current coming from it). Fly up over the rod at the center of it and you will find the 26th Probe floating just above the top of that rod. Before you get that probe though look on the ground just to the right of this Tesla coil to find the 27th Probe on the ground in front of the "Danger" sign near that Tesla Coil. Probe #28 - Face towards the building and go to the dirt path to your left among the crates here. Follow this dirt path towards the front of this building and just before you reach the end of this dirt path use PK to throw the crate to your right to find the 28th Probe inside it. Probe #29 - Continue to walk towards the front of the building and you should see up ahead two shelters/bunkers in front of this building. Enter the shelter to your left and as you enter it you will find the 29th Probe floating at the back right corner of this shelter. Probe #30 - Now go around to the back of this shelter/bunker and use PK to throw the crate you see behind this shelter/bunker to find the 30th/Final Probe inside of it. You have now unlocked Furonigami "The Concept Barnyard" (after you return to the Mothership of course). ========================================================================= Only sites allowed to use this at this time (in no particular order): IGN.com Neoseeker.com GameFAQs.com Cheathappens.com Cheatplanet.com spiderx.servegame.com Supercheats.com Sorry if we missed listing you, but as long as you are not listed below and you got our go ahead to post you are fine. If we find a site that wasn't given our permission they will be added below. Site(s) that can NOT use any version, updates, parts of this Walkthrough or any of our other Walkthroughs since their creation are listed below: Cheatcc.com CheatIndex.com Tramposos.com If you see this guide by YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel or any of our other guides on cheatcc.com or on the site(s) listed above edited in any amount to try to show they have permission, it's an admission of guilt of having an illegal copy of this guide without our permission. ========================================================================= _________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel (YuGiOhFm2002@yahoo.com)(YuGiOhAngel@yahoo.com)