Devil May Cry: Ultra Fast Triple Platinum Guide. Hello, and welcome to my DMC:UFTPG, a trophy guide so compact, I’m not even going to list the individual trophies. Back in the day, I S ranked DMD in the original, yes it was tough, so I know the importance of playing good... however, to platinum, is far less challenging, especially if you know a few tricks. So lets get started, just scroll down. (In other words, I’m going to try and eliminate any challenge and assume that’s why you clicked on the guide.) Table of Contents. Use Control+Find Devil May Cry 1 Devil May Cry 2 Devil May Cry 3 Credits FAQ Devil May Cry 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- Start the game on Normal, and NEVER go to easy auto. Going to easy will lock you in easy forever, and that’s not a good idea. Also take a look at: (This is my item guide, scroll to the items listed below if you need a reminder where they are. Also it helps with the blue orbs and secret missions.) It is VERY important to pick up EVERY Untouchable, Devil Star, Holy Water in every playthrough. (You should also buy an untouchable before mission 5 so you can go through DMD! with 16.) Items carry over, and can be mass collected. Your first play through should be to collect every blue orbs as well. When going through normal and hard, DO NOT USE a single item besides a Vital star (which should always be used first in DMD! since you can always buy another), a Yellow Orb, or a single Untouchable except on Mundus 2. If you need any other item during your hard playthrough, you really aren’t going to stand a chance in DMD! If you feel you need more items, you can run through normal as many times as you like to stock up. When actually on DMD! However... -Don’t use a single item (besides Vital Star/Yellow Orb) on phantom 1. Try to save AT LEAST 3 untouchables and 10 devil stars by mission 22 (you can still buy up to 10 devil stars) -Use Vortex on any Phantom hallway to kill with ease (un DT to receive FULL DT after fight) -Use the Bangle of Time on the Death Scissors and Nelo 1 & 2. (You can safely taunt Nelo1 underneath him every time he teleports.) -It’s ok to use a single holy water VS both must die double Shadow fights -For Phantom2, make him just into the center window 5 times for an instant kill (and MAKE SURE to watch the movie to receive the trophy for killing him if it doesn’t pop up the first time because you skipped it.) -Skip Griffon1 via ifirt. -For Griffon2, start with Air Raid, then spam holy waters, it kills him VERY fast, may need only 3. This should be the first boss in which you need an item. -For Griffon3, try your best to not use items, but you may use up to two untouchables. -Try to not use ANY items VS Nightmare1. Use inferno to kill fast. Remember to use ifrit’s rolling blaze to counter its spikes/boomerang. -When you get to Nelo3 you should still have all your untouchables. That leaves about 4 per boss left in the game. However, you can still use devil stars for Meteor abuse. It should take 2 untouchables max to kill him using meteor. If you used 2 on Griffon3, you can still get away on par using just two here. -For Nightmare2, Don’t be afraid to use an untouchable. If you get sucked into him, you may use holy water for an easier time. -For Nightmare3, you can pretty much use up all your items (but try to save at least 3-4 untouchables and 10-12 devil stars). During its final core, you can use two devil stars and just air raid safely. -For Mundus, don’t even let him touch you. Devil Star/DT Dragon spam the first fight. During the second fight, jump right next to him with full DT and do the five hit combo, then just spam untouchables. Easy right? Finish up any other trophy you need at this point (if you need the Do not die trophy, use Super Dante on Normal). You should have no problem with any of the buying trophies. For an easy to S rank mission, try mission 5 or 13, just beat them fast without getting hit. If you still need some enemy files, look to some of the other FAQs here to get a general idea on how do them. If you select hard, you’ll be able to find harder enemies earlier. The 2 people have the most trouble with are the puppet grabs. For the Mari, just run around in the first mission underground till one grabs you. For the Fetish, go to mission 10, DT, air raid, and then un DT. Once you fall down, he should grab. Try again Via taunting if this didn’t happen. Bob’s Day Out ( Devil May Cry 2 )-------------------------------------------- Although this is the EASIEST game on the collection, it will take the longest to Plat due to the stupid extra character and bloody palace. Start by using any blue orb guide (I’m not going to link to it, but my old friend YuriSEALPrime has a great one.) Remember, when trying to max out the life bar, you only need 20 out of 60 secret rooms with Bob, or 10 out of 30 with Lucia. Also try not to upgrade ANY weapon (except for the SMG, so you can try less). -After you get enough money, save the game, upgrade the single sword with Lucia and Gun with Dante, then quit. You’ll get the trophy. --Then upgrade all the swords with Bob and then all the throwing weapons with Lucia, then quit. Ditto. ---Load back up and stock up on items. (Large Green and Small Devil first) Before even thinking about it, do your play through like this: Bob on Normal Lucia on Normal Bob on Hard Trish (on Lucia’s) Disc on Hard Bob on Must DIE! I prefer using Bob over Lucia for one reason, with the flame/offense heart, you can almost kill every boss to 25% with a full bar of DT and stingers. Plus, even though Bob has 2 more non boss missions, I prefer them over the underwater messed. For BMD!, use the stinger strat on EVERY boss. Make sure to fill the DT gauge before any boss. The only boss this won’t work on is the triple face dude. For him, find the random weak head and fire. DT either when that head comes close for chunks of damage or when they combine. For Argosax the Chaos, make sure to DT and stinger kill phantom first, once you kill him, you can pick off any other boss safely. Remember to use the Gold Orb before ANY items, as you can easily get another one by playing mission 1 over again. Speaking of mission 1, use this mission to S rank, as any missed attempt will add to your orbs. Remember, use the weak sword, high time/stinger to raise the style meter up, then use guns with rolling to keep the combo going. Once you get SHOWTIME!! Just use guns to kill the rest. (For Lucia, just use the cartwheel move to raise this.) Also, the gold orb refills DT, so remember this before you die... as I died on purpose to use this trick. Now the bloody palace should remain. Before even trying, make sure you stock up on mad items. Using the weapon reload trick above, I had just enough to beat it (14 Stars and 6 Devil stars, BUT DO GET MORE JUST INCASE). Buy large vital stars over small for a better value, and buy small Devil stars over large as you’ll be using the for Air raid, and a full gauge hardly makes a difference over just enough to DT in the first place. Use Bob’s mission 13 or 17 for fast orbs. You’ll be using Trish. After floor 1000, enemies will start to DT, making them harder to stun. Here are some general tips. -Healing Heart at the end of any level, do not save DT. -Use her Air Raid ability on goats/wolves only. Use it has soon has you are able to DT on you’ll be able to fire 3 times. Only use devil stars on ALL goat rooms. For wolves, double jump then fire. NEVER attack them with your big fleshly sword. This will take forever, yes. -Rooms with golems/parasite are considered free health rooms, as you should never get hit and should be able to heal to full via healing heart DT. Golems can be let to regen to insure full health. -When in rooms with goats, try to kill them first, especially if there are golems and parasites around too. Eventually you’ll have single goats spawning around VERY slow enemies. -Never eliminate the shield throwing enemies first, they help more than hurt. -Obviously, kill non DT’d enemies first. -Put aside seven hours or turn off your PS3’s auto turn off function. Devil May Cry 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! DO NOT (and I repeat) DO NOT find any hidden orbs or break any orb fountains before you try for S ranks. They are one time things and pretty much grant an S in orbs, so you can get an S rank overall with a B in style (usually a B in style will net something lower than an S in orbs, thus giving you an A rank) First decide who you want to all the S ranks with and to beat DMD with. -Dante can abuse quick silver and has a double jump. -Vergil can literally mash the attack, summon sword, and weapon switch button for easy style. Whoever you pick for this, use gold orb mode, and the person you aren’t going to try DMD with, pick yellow. I’ll be using Dante for the majority, even though Vergil is 20x sweeter. First things first, use a blue orb/secret mission FAQ somewhere to try to nab everything. It is ok to skip the secret missions Devil teeter totter, the one where you stay in the air for 20 seconds, and the rail road sniping mission as you can cheese these in Heaven or Hell/Super Dante modes. As in DMC2, try to know which weapons you can going to use, and which ones you don’t need as you can save before buying everything, get the trophy, then reload to get a refund for vital stars and holy waters. (Don’t bother buying small vital stars as larges ones are 6.66 times more effective for double the price, and devil stars ever. You should be able to beat Very Hard with no items, so unlocking Super Dante makes devil stars useless.) I personally choose to use Reb and A&R. A&R should be noted for its jump attack, being one of the strongest attacks in the game, and being extremely effective against sirbruce, heart of lav, fallens, and beo. And with the use of jump cancels (basically mashing jump in enemies faces), can destroy Vanguards and Chess Pieces. When playing DMD!, try to kill enemies evenly, as killing two and ignoring one will make the third entirely too long to kill. This can be extremely noticalbe VS the teleporting sloths, big spiders, and Rooks. Also use the DT flux for multiple small enemies (remember in Super Dante mode, you always get a free one per mission) like enigmas/gargoyles for an easier time. If you are at low health, especially in mission 12, die on purpose to respawn before using items. With items, just stick to using large vital stars before mission 18. If you are having too much trouble, remember all but the auto DT part of mission 12 and the second half of the boss in mission 19 can be Quick Silver cheesed. For mission 18, spam holy water to kill as many pawns as possible ASAP. Once all the other pieces rage DT, target Rooks (as they can summon) then Bishops (as they can heal). If a rook summons a piece, take it out fast as it will not be DTed and should die faster. Once they are done, go for the King. Also, this may be a good time to use any and all devil stars for DT fluxing even with using Super Dante. In mission 19, feel free to use a holy water in the third and last Abyss fight to meet the quota on time. For Arkham, the second fight will be the only hard part of the game since he will do strait non-DT defense reducing damage. This is where I deposit the rest of my holy waters. Remember if you have trouble, Air raid or Quick Silver destroy the game. Now you should have DMD! Done- bloody palace, S ranks, and H&H should be left. Use Heaven or Hell mode to level any style. Using mission 18 will net you very fast results. Bloody Palace with any of the Super Super characters (Super Sparda, the dude in the purple) is beyond easy as he regains health. Not only that, the enemies past floor 9000, though are auto DT’d, only do “Very Hard” amount of damage, which means you can pretty much tank every single floor. I’m not joking, this is nothing like DMC2’s mess. For S ranking missions, you can really use any weapons as Dante (Nevan for easy style points if you need). While using quick silver, you should never get hit, so style points, and damage should be S, and with the extra running speed, you should be able to meet the S in time easily. Also you shouldn’t need any items, and if you saved all the orb fountains, it shouldn’t be hard. I did this on Hard, as I had 8 mission’s S ranked on my first play through, but easy is about the same. Remember to start almost every fight with a DT flux and then a taunt, then just kill the enemies trying to use different moves. Doing Reb’s 3 hit, high time, helm breaker, stinger, switch to A&R, use the 4 hits combo, then that stinger input charge, repeat. Really, you shouldn’t have to retry anything level more than once, if even. Remember, for mission 12, use sword master or trickster as quick silver doesn’t work, you actually have to try for style points. As long as you don’t die, you’ll make damage. For the end of mission 19 where you can’t DT, use E&I on arkham, as Vergil will attack him for you while you can safely jump to the side to dodge his purple missiles (Don’t double jump). And naturally, finish up using Vergil with Yellow Orb mode for another platinum. Credits --------------------------------------------------------------------- Me FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I do X? (Where X is anything I didn’t cover) A: PSN me @ Vesperas, or if you are an Xbox user, make a topic on the PS3 boards (this guide should ONLY appear on If I don’t answer, I’m sure someone will. No one can use this FAQ without my permission. is the only site allowed to use this FAQ. If you would like to "use" it, email me ONLY!!!!!!! ( This document is... Copyright 2012 Brian David Kacaba