\―――――――\ /| /―――――\ ―| |――\ \)―| /( /―――\/ | }―} { (―――\/|―――――|――――――|―――――|―| _) |___) ) | / \ / /―)_\ (/ / \ '~-. ―} {―| (―――\|―( |―| | ―) |―――) ) | / /\ ( ( | ( '~-. \ | | | ( \――| | | | | _| |__/ /| |_/) ―― ) \__/\ (\ \___, /\____) )_} {_( (__) |_| |_| |_/) /_______/ )____|_(―\_)_____/_| \____/ /_,_____/|_____|\___,_)_____|____| |―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――| | Spoiler-free FAQ/Walkthrough by Shotgunnova (P Summers) | shotgunnova@gmail | |_________________________________________________________|___________________| ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― I. CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CNTR II. TH' BASICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THBS Story ............................................................ STRY Stat Overview .................................................... STTO Status Abnormalities ............................................. STTS Tips N' Tricks ................................................... TPST III. WALKTHROUGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WLKT 01) Averay Mansion ............................................... WK01 02) Bel Lenora .................................... [OPTIONAL] ... WK02 03) Spirit Temple ................................................ WK03 04) Axenburg ..................................................... WK04 05) Western Forest ............................................... WK05 06) Cursed Caves ................................................. WK06 07) Seramaze ..................................................... WK07 08) Fort Domfriu ................................................. WK08 09) Cascadilla / Orchid Valley ................................... WK09 10) Tradefair .................................................... WK10 11) House of Black Stone ......................................... WK11 12) Underwater Passage ........................................... WK12 13) Cythere ...................................................... WK13 14) High Paths ................................................... WK14 15) Melmoth Sands ................................................ WK15 16) Genufa ....................................................... WK16 17) Lanlat ....................................................... WK17 18) Corridor of Clouds ........................................... WK18 19) Apogea Tower ................................................. WK19 20) Ring of Memories ............................................. WK20 21) Tida's Reef ................................... [OPTIONAL] ... WK21 22) Arkal Cliffs ................................................. WK22 23) Arkal Skybase ................................................ WK23 24) Sammarkand Skyship ........................................... WK24 25) Sammarkand Skydocks .......................................... WK25 26) Ponsu ......................................... [OPTIONAL] ... WK26 27) Suilei ....................................................... WK27 28) Xanadu ....................................................... WK28 29) Xanadu Castle ................................................ WK29 30) Eerie Caves .................................................. WK30 31) Drakus Tat ................................................... WK31 32) Forbidden's Fortress ......................................... WK32 33) Abraxus Tower ................................................ WK33 34) Doll Factory .................................. [OPTIONAL] ... WK34 35) Isapolis ..................................................... WK35 36) Drakus Tat [II] .............................................. WK36 37) Temple of the Key ............................................ WK37 38) Polamaze Temple .............................................. WK38 39) Desert of Black Sand .......................... [OPTIONAL] ... WK39 40) Volcano Caves ................................. [OPTIONAL] ... WK40 41) Firebeard's Tomb .............................. [OPTIONAL] ... WK41 42) Xanadu Castle [II] ............................ [OPTIONAL] ... WK42 43) Strange Caves ................................. [OPTIONAL] ... WK43 44) Polamaze Temple / Seramaze Temple ............................ WK44 45) Cythere [II] .................................. [OPTIONAL] ... WK45 46) Arkal Skybase Ruins / Ralbania Castle ........................ WK46 47) Ravin's Mansion ............................... [OPTIONAL] ... WK47 48) Ice Caves ..................................... [OPTIONAL] ... WK48 49) Air Megaera ................................... [OPTIONAL] ... WK49 50) Zodiat Monastery .............................. [OPTIONAL] ... WK50 51) Spirit Temple / Bel Lenora .................... [OPTIONAL] ... WK51 52) Curse Bringers Tower .......................... [OPTIONAL] ... WK52 53) Dimensional Flux (Part 1: Outer) ............................. WK53 54) Dimensional Flux (Part 2: Inner) ............................. WK54 55) Dimensional Flux (Part 3: Sanctum) ........................... WK55 IV. APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPN Character Overviews .............................................. CHRC Combo Attacks .................................................... CMBO Sidequests ....................................................... SDQS Equipment List ................................................... EQPT Shop List ........................................................ SHPL V. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAQZ VI. UPDATES & CONTRIBUTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPDT VII. LEGALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGLT _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― I. CONTROLS [CNTR] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― __________________________ | ______________ | D-PAD : Controls movement (battle, menus) | ||――――――――――――|| | START : --- | || TOP || | SELECT: Switch to 2nd party (when applicable) | || SCREEN || | X-BTTN: Opens main menu | ''' || || ''' | Y-BTTN: --- | ''' ||____________|| ''' | A-BTTN: 'Confirm button (menus); depress to run |_ ―――――――――――――― _| B-BTTN: 'Cancel' button; depress to run (battle) | ______________ | L-SHLD: Opens main menu | ||――――――――――――|| | R-SHLD: Switches pointman (when applicable) | | || BOTTOM || X | | -+- || SCREEN || Y A | Switching the pointman lets the player walk | | || || B | around as a different person in the party. This | ||____________||Start| can sometimes elicit different responses from | ――――――――――――――Select| townsfolk. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――― As for fleeing battle, hold "B" when a character's action bar is filled and keep it held until battle ends. Attacking isn't possible during this phase (obviously) although countering and pre-entered commands work. Only one ally need be active for the party to flee, but having everyone incapacitated (for berserk and paralysis especially) prevents escape, so always have someone who isn't affected by such things! You won't regret it. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― II. TH' BASICS [THBS] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― STORY [STRY] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― "The legends of Bel Lenora recall a mighty sage, a man with ashen eyes, a crafter of armaments of wondrous power. Zodiat, the first and greatest king of Bel Lenora, led his people to a land free from spirits of evil... Yet, hundreds of years later, evil has reemerged in Bel Lenora... The traitorous general, Vai the Magic-less, and his army of Curse-Bringers, have drained the people's spirits, leaving death and destruction in their wake... The great Duke Averay ultimately defeated and banished the evil Vai, but now another magic-less man walks among the citizens of Bel Lenora. And though he is the adopted son of the Duke, for many Bel Lenorans, his mere presence conjures memories of war, devastation and Vai the Cursed..." STAT OVERVIEW [STTO] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― One can a character's stats on the 'Status' or 'Equipment' screens, and since the game's a little nebulous on this aspect, here's the lowdown. You'll note that red icons relate to physical things and blue to magical things. ______ _______________ ____________________________________________________ | STAT | ICON | EXPLANATION | |――――――|―――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | HP | ------------- | Ally's health (at 0, user cannot fight) | | SP | ------------- | Ally's magic (at 0, user cannot use skills/magic) | | EXP | ------------- | Ally's experience (for gaining levels) | | ATK | Red Dagger | Relates to physical damage | | MATK | Blue Dagger | Relates to magical damage | | DEF | Red Shield | Relates to physical defense (AKA Vigor) | | MDEF | Blue Shield | Relates to magical defense (AKA Wisdom) | | EV | Red "7L" icon | Relates to physical evasion | | MEV | Blue "7L icon | Relates to magical evasion | | STR | Red Longsword | Relates to physical damage (root of ATK) | | INT | Blue Cane | Relates to magical damage (root of MATK) | | STM | Red Person | Relates to physical stamina (root of DEF) | | SPR | Blue Person | Relates to magical spirit (root of MDEF) | | SPD | Green Person | Relates to speed (how fast action bar loads) | |______|_______________|____________________________________________________| STATUS ABNORNMALITIES [STTS] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― The game displays the general RPG fare on this end, with a few lesser-used ones thrown in for good measure. Ending battle will cure all status effects that are not equipment-based, including death (revive with 1 HP). Kairu will get random status abnormalities for the first stretch of the game due to a story-related ailment, so no, that is not a glitch! ___________ _______________________________________________________________ | STATUS | EFFECT | |―――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | ATK Down | ATK is temporarily decreased (phys attacks do less damage) | | Berserk | Ally cannot be controlled and attacks enemy blindly | | Blind | [AKA: Darkness] User's physical attack accuracy is decreased | | Charm | User attacks allies instead of enemies | | Confusion | User attacks allies and enemies indiscriminately | | Cripple | [AKA: Bind] User cannot use skills | | Death | Target has 0 HP and is incapacitated (game over if all die) | | DEF Down | DEF is temporarily decreased (incur more physical damage) | | Flaming | [AKA: On Fire] User's HP decreases at regular intervals | | Freeze | [AKA: Frozen] User is frozen and can't move around battle map | | MATK Down | MATK is temporarily decreased (magic attacks do less damage) | | MDEF Down | MDEF is temporarily decreased (incur more magical damage) | | Paralysis | User's action bar freezes and s/he can no longer take action | | Poison | User's HP decreases at regular intervals | | Silence | [AKA: Mute] User cannot use magic abilities | | Sleep | User is sleeping and cannot take action (damage will awaken) | | Slow | [AKA: SPD Down] Action bar loads slower | |___________|_______________________________________________________________| |―――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | ATK Up | ATK is temporarily increased (phys attacks do more damage) | | DEF Up | DEF is temporarily increased (incur less physical damage) | | Haste | [AKA: SPD Up] Action bar loads faster than normal | | HP Regen | Regenerates HP in regular intervals | | Lucivar | [AKA: Antideath] Protects against one death-inflicting skill | | MATK Up | MATK is temporarily increased (magic attacks do more damage) | | MDEF Up | MDEF is temporarily increased (incur less magical damage) | | SP Regen | Regenerates SP in regular intervals | |___________|_______________________________________________________________| TIPS N' TRICKS [TPST] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― What, ho! It's time for a bunch of tips piled into a big...uh, pile. All are written by yours truly, although for any reader who has some good ones, send 'em my way and they may just turn up here! • HEALTHY ITEM SUPPLY: You'd be surprised at how many times in the game the plot moves forward, only to leave the party without means to buy medicinal items! Of course, replenishing this supply can really eat into the cash reserves, so think about selling obsolete equipment or grinding near free healing points for a bit. [Don't accidentally sell equipment automatically removed from absent party members too] • ITEMS MUST BE EQUIPPED to use them, and periodically, absentee allies have their goods removed (this applies to equipment as well, mind you). When able, always take a look-see to make sure everything's in good shape, or you may end up fighting a boss with someone with just a weapon equipped! • BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SELL! Battles usually aren't the best way to get cash; that honor belongs to hawking obsolete equipment. Of course, the pricier equipment may seem like better sell fodder...however, some sidequests will depend on having certain items, so don't sell blindly! An example is the Hurricane Glove, which is part of an elemental set someone in Drakus Tat will want. If y'sell it to someone else, it ruins the entire sidequest and the window of opportunity for an even better item is out of the question! • SAVE WISELY! There are three slots for files so why not use them all? Since the game can be glitchy, sometimes game-breakingly so, at least this option leaves one with maybe a workaround. But beware: if you play a file and then load another, the save cursor will be left on the initial one -- it's very easy to accidentally overwrite! [There's no "do you want to overwrite?" prompt, for reference.] _________________________ ___________________________________________________/ III. WALKTHROUGH [WLKT] |_ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 01) Averay Mansion [WK01] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ____ _ _____ __ ____ F2 |――――|―――――――――――――――| | | | |___| | 2 | |―――――| | 01 | Blue Herb | _|__ | _______ |_ _| |―――――| |―――――|―| | 02 | Blue Root | F1 |345 | |_| | |1 | _| | |_ _| 7 | | | 03 | Antidote | |8 9 |――― |―| | |_____ | | _______| | 04 | Blue Herb | ――――|_|―| |_ _| |_____| | |_ _| 6 | | 05 | Dart | |―|―――――|_____| |A| | |___|___ _______| | 06 | Dart | | | __| |_ _|――――――|―――――| | | | | | 07 | Blue Root | |______ |―|_ _|―| |――_______ | |_| _| | 08 | Blue Herb | |Save | |_ _| START| | |― _| | | 09 | Antidote | |_______|___ ___|_____| | |___|A| | | |____|_______________| |_ _| |_____| ― ――― | |_|-Exit ――――――――――― As the game starts, the main character (Kairu) will end up sparring with a snot-nosed cadet in his swordsmanship class. Now, spamming the attack button is the easy way to win, but in round 2, when magic is allowed, Kairu will have to lose. That's the way of the world! Afterwards, Duke Averay wants to see Kairu in his office, but there's still plenty of exploring to do here, most of it being fruitless but there are some generic items laying around the place. Like many SNES-like RPGs, one has to search barrels, crates, and the occasional chest to scrounge up free loot. The foyer leads to 2F, which is where the Duke's office is located (as well as Kairu's room where resting is possible). After speaking with Averay, he bids his son to visit the Spirit Temple, in the hopes that Kairu may finally learn magic abilities. The duke also namedrops picking up items in the town of Bel Lenora, southeast on the world map. This part is optional but we'll do it anyway. Before leaving, there's two things to do: 1) Read some of the library shelves to get a few free stat boosts (+2 MAG, +2 INT, +5 SP total). 2) Visit the B1 knights' quarters and find the person standing in the store room, bemoaning the babysitting job she's doing. The kids have escaped! Find them in the armory and report back to the sourpuss, then re-enter the screen to get the chests she blocked. WORLD MAP ――――――――― Enemies: Frock, Frost, Winter Wolf, Snowball, Silent Iris This "continent" is rather small, and only consists of a few places: • Axenburg, the southwest town • Axenburg Forest, near said town • Bel Lenora, the SE capital city • Spirit Temple, in the mountain pass north of Bel Lenora • Cursed Caves, in the mountain pass SW of Averay Mansion • The Curse Bringers Tower, NE of Averay Mansion (but can't do anything here) One slap in the face a player will find is the hellish encounter rate, which is about double what consistutes "normal" in RPGdom. Because of this, going off the beaten path can just be a waste of resources. At this point in time, think about grinding a smidge outside of the mansion, since it's a source of free healing (in Kairu's room). Also: YOU CAN RUN FROM BATTLE BY HOLDING THE B-BUTTON WHEN THE ACTION GAUGE IS FILLED. This question's going to come up sooner or later. That said, none of the enemies are too tough -- Snowballs die in one hit, Silent Iris just inflict their titular namesake status, and that just leaves the wolves as the main damage-dealers. As said, Bel Lenora is the southeastern town on the map, and pretty easy to spot. Say hello to the top screen's minimap -- it'll be there for...ever. BEL LENORA [OPTIONAL] [WK02] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― For the moment, only the residential district is available for exploring, and it's accessible by any available teleporter. Visit the general store to get some free items (x3 Blue Herb, Antidote, Scarecrow), then it's off to loot citizens! • 125 GP ------- at Bel Lenora entrance, go east and north to find chest • Oppa Oil ----- inn B1, hidden passage between left beds • Dart --------- pot in the rightmost house from the center square • Scarecrow ---- southwestmost house, pot by staircase • Med Antidote - southwestmost house B1, secret room • Silver Tiara - " • Dart --------- " • Poison Dart -- " • Blue Herb ---- " Said secret room is against the southern wall, where a blind door leads into an anteroom full of goodies. At this point, feel free to start the first sidequest relating to the town's armor-making scientist (quicklink: SQ01) and get some good armor early without much loss. When done with the town, it's time to visit the Spirit Temple -- found in the mountain pass north of town, remember. SPIRIT TEMPLE [WK03] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Foes: Speagle, Winter Wolf, Silent Iris, Snowball Item: Blue Herb, Copper Charm, Dart, Blue Herb, Int Potion, Oppa Oil, Uji Nut The monster-filled ascent's rather easy to do, with the path being rather straightforward and all items in plain sight. Only the Copper Charm is "tricky," and that's more of a scenery thing than a brainbuster -- walk underneath a natural bridge to find it. However, don't bother equipping it; preventing Freeze status is rather crucial to this icy land. The temple at the top of the mount is uneventful. Approach the crystal and try to get some magic, then sleep in the NW room. After collecting the final three items inside, it's time to return to Averay Mansion -- enjoy the long walk. AVERAY MANSION ―――――――――――――― It'll be nighttime when Kairu arrives back, and the Duke is expecting him to report at once. Most of the facilities and corridors are locked at this time, although if one talks to Priss on the balcony, she gives a hand-knitted [Fur Cap]. Report and get some shuteye. On the morrow, talk with Averay again and he'll ask Kairu to take care of the problems down in Axunberg, the SW town on the island. Try to exit the castle and Aurora will join the party! Now, there are a few things to do with these new developments: • Collect two Blue Herbs from the magic instructor in the library • Read books in the library for stat boosts (only if not done before though) • With Aurora in the lead, get a [Fancy Whip] from musician on mansion's 2F • Visit Spirit Temple's crystal with Aurora in the lead to get a +5 SP boost AXUNBURG [OPTIONAL] [WK04] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Technically going here is optional, but why wouldn't you? The shops here have a bit better inventory than the capital for some reason -- [SH02] -- so think about picking up a Long Sword for Kairu and a Radiant Dress for Aurora. She should already have a free Fancy Whip, remember! As for items 'round town... • Ruby Necklace - SE part of town forest, in hidden clearing • 650 GP -------- western part of town forest, hidden (blind) path • Dart ---------- weapon shop chest • Blue Herb ----- weapon shop chest • Torch --------- pot in the house where woman thinks husband's returned • Blue Herb ----- chest hidden behind SWmost house • Copper Charm -- pot in SW corner of town • Blue Root ----- pot by one of SW houses • Antidote x2 --- chests in NW house • Med Antidote -- chest in NW house (hidden left of stair) • Poison Dart --- chest in council hall • Blue Root ----- hidden chest in council hall (west wall has secret passage) To reach Axenburg Forest, go outside of town and follow the forest north to the river's source. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 05) Western Forest [WK05] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Cold Sprout, Bug Soldier, Bug Feeder, Winter Bloom _____ |BOSS!| |――――|―――――――――――――――| |_ _| | S | Savepoint | _| |_ __ | 01 | Totem | NOTE: This is a one-time | _ |S|* ) | 02 | Torch | dungeon, so make sure to |___ _/ | 03 | Blue Root | get everything before _| |_______ | 04 | Blue Herb | y'face the northern boss! | FROZEN 8| | 05 | Insect Hide | | LAKE | | 06 | Blue Herb | |____ ____|_______ | 07 | Oppa Oil | | | _6 5| | 08 | Worn Bracelet | | _/ \_\ /――― |____|_______________| ( (_____/ //―――\ / ______ (/ ― / Now we get to the first real dungeon in the game! / /____|4 /――― Axenburg's forest has some new critters running / // 123|_/ / around and they'll typically take two hits to kill, (7(( (――― / / although Aurora's magic can help on that end. If ――/ ―――― / she doesn't know Curo Fira yet, let her hit Lv3 to (― /――――\_\ do so -- it's invaluable in exploring here. ―― START The forest is split into three parts: the entrance forest, a frozen lake, and the buffer zone before the boss. The forest is mapped out above and generally has nothing good, although some herbs can be picked (they look like blue flowers) and some off-color crates are hidden in some boughs' shadows. The real find here is the [Insect Hide] in the NE dead end, and it prevents paralysis on Kairu. As you'll find out, paralysis is one of the most annoying statuses in the game, so keep that sucker close. The NW entrance leads to the lake. LAKE MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56921 Now, the lake is rather complicated to describe, so it's got a special map for better traversing. There are no enemies to fight here but Kairu's still battling frozen ice, which can be traversed once before it breaks off in a segment. Falling through the ice spits the team back into the forest's first portion, and the lake has to be done again -- d'oh! The special treasure here is the [Worn Bracelet] in the NE. Using the colored map, maneuver to the NE green segment -- which looks like a 4 -- and go east across its southmost tile, then go north across the brown segment to find the goods. You do NOT have to fall through the ice to get out at this point, though. The lake's exit is in the NW. There's free healing and a savepoint here to use, so make the most of 'em. North of this buffer area is... BOSS: Mother ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Attack [single: phys damage] • Assault [single: phys damage] • Eyes Slasher [single: inflicts Blind] Unfortunately, the game's first boss requires Kairu to lose. In fact, he couldn't do anything even if he wanted to -- Aurora isn't assisting! Just fight a bit until the crustacean dishes out enough punishment. AFTERMATH ――――――――― Following, Kairu is taken back to Averay Mansion and, like before, has to meet the duke in his 2F study. This time, Averay asks his son to meet him at the Cursed Caves in the SE mountain pass. There are two things to do now if y'haven't done 'em already: • If you've been doing the Bel Lenora armor-making sidequest, and are up to the 2nd step, go visit the scientist to get the fireproof [Onyx Armor]! It really comes in handy through the early game. • That Ruby Necklace you may've picked up in Axunburg can be returned to the girl in Bel Lenora's inn's basement, and she'll leave back to her hometown after. This has no (immediate?) reward, apparently... Since it 3 annoying statuses, it might be worth keeping. Also, after the next dungeon, there won't be anywhere to buy things for a bit so stock up on a few healing items now. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 06) Cursed Caves [WK06] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― |――――|――――――――――――――| /――――――\ ENEMIES | * | Free Healing | (8(――――\ \ _ ――――――― | S | Savepoint | _____ __ \/―――\_\ \______|2| • Thighripper | 01 | Blue Root | | |__/7/ / /―\__ \___ ___| • Bat | 02 | Oppa Oil | | END |S* ( / / _ \/3__ 4\__1\ • Rabid Bat | 03 | Blue Herb | |_ _| ― / \ \/ _ \_) ) • Cursed Slime | 04 | Fur Cap | | | ――――\_ ) \6\__/ ) __/ | 05 | Blue Herb | | |________\ \__/ /_ _/ (_ N | 06 | Med Antidote | |___________\ \< /5/|_ _| | | 07 | Str Potion | \ ―― / | | W --+-- E | 08 | Med Antidote | ―――― |_| | |____|______________| START S After some events, Kairu will be locked in the cave with the newly-acquired [Sword of Averay] and that crafty Aurora, who rejoins the party. Head in a bit until the path splits; go the east path. As you'll find soon, skeletons still hold some goodies, and the [Blue Root] and [Med Antidote] in plain sight are easy to find. Item #2, the [Oppa Oil] is hidden in a blind passage, just like #7, the [Str Potion], is. All the rest are in chests or on corpses, so proceeding ain't hard overall. To reach the end, back at the fork take the under-bridge path along to a cave with lots of entrances (west one leads to save/heal point). Take the remaining upper passage down a bit, then cut across through a corridor to reach the final room. Luckily, there's no boss...but... _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 07) Seramaze [WK07] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― _________ / 1 \ |――――|――――――――――――| ENEMIES /S ―――――――\ \ | 01 | Fancy Whip | ――――――― / / /―― \ \ \ | 02 | Totem | • Spitting Lily ( ( ( START ) ) ) | 03 | Str Potion | • Soul Guard \ \ \_____/ / / | 04 | Blue Root | • Carnipede \ \_______/ / | 05 | Hazy Whip | • Will-o-wisp ___ \___ ___/ | 06 | Uji Nut | | |_|3| | |____|____________| | |_____| |2| | Seramaze | _ ___ _| Village | (_) | | | (Blocked) |_____|___| |_ _ \/ _ _________|___ _| |_ /_/_| |_____ |4| 5 | _ | (____6 __) ) ) | _/ ) ) | ___ |___/ | _| (*( BOSS |__| \______,___| \_\-EXIT NOTE: Kairu will start getting random (bad) statuses in battle. Head's up. After the event, the team ends up in the vacant region of Seramaze. Plenty of players have trouble getting out of the starting area since the natural stair is semi-camouflaged along the NE cliff. Once onto the next-highest tier go counterclockwise to find a savepoint. By now, a few battles should have gone by and Kairu will learn the Glacius spell in a special fight. It's also worth mentioning that battles here can be particularly brutal and can easily make a player waste his/her resources, since even if one runs, enemies usually get off two Glacius spells before things end -- not good. Before leaving the starting area, get the [Fancy Whip] by the NE rim...even as a duplicate it can be sold later for cold cash. Exit's south of there! At some ruins, the team meets the mysterious Nephi, who donates a [Totem] to the travelers' cause. Going west out of this area can lead to a [Str Potion] hidden in the trees, but one has to go south and out to continue. A sidepath leads toward Seramaze Village, but some overgrowth blocks the path -- darn. Toward the SE part of this screen, locate the [Hazy Whip] in the shade. Two screens from there is a free healing point, so if y'want to grind a little bit, do that here. [Of course, you may want to trek all the way back to the savepoint at some point...] South of the heal circle is... BOSS: Doll HP: ~1500 EXP: 100 GP: 100 DROPS: -------- ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Attack [single: physical damage] • Purifi [self: cures abnormal statuses] • Aira Toxus [horizontal magic: damage + %Sleep/Poison] Doll will either be rather manageable or a fierce opponent, depending on how the player acts within the first round or two. The Aira Toxus ability it uses hits enemies in a horizontal line across the battlefield and can slap Poison/Sleep on targets as well -- it can spell disaster immediately! The trick to dealing with it is making sure it can never hit two people at once, so move Kairu toward the northeast corner (preferably). Glacius owns this battle, so have him spam that while Aurora waits around to heal. Since her healing abilities can be vital to surviving, that Ruby Necklace looks mighty good on her here (nulls sleep). With Glacius spamming going on, this sucker won't last too long; however, if he has a close-range target, his piddly physical attack gets used more than his abilities. Since Glacius can freeze its target in place, perhaps move Kairu in close to bait its punches while Aurora stands off and does her thing. [Two hits of Aira Toxus can kill a person so equip appropriate healing/reviving items before battle!] With the forest's guardian pushing up daisies, one can finally leave this god-forsaken monster pit. WORLD MAP ――――――――― Enemies: same as in Seramaze Seramaze is contained within a big forest, obviously, and the only way to go is eastward to the plains. Fort Domfriu is at the north end of the plains. Melmoth Sands, the eastern desert, can also be accessed...well, the first screen anyway. The enemies here can really lay a beatdown so avoid it for now. FORT DOMFRIU [WK08] ――――――――――――――――――――――― Before doing anything, let's loot this place. • Torch ---------- barrel by SE corner • Silk Dress ----- dresser in (small) eastern barracks • Blue Herb ------ barrel, long barracks interior • Iron Net ------- barrel by NWmost house (Mrs. Cockledoodledim, haha) • Dart ----------- pot inside NWmost house • Strength Wrist - chest by NWmost house; west cliff has a blind passage Now, before the normal events can continue, there's a few things to do around town: (1) visit the inn and have Aurora heal the broken back guy (2) levitate the barrel the two guys are standing near in SE part of town (3) talk with the inn bartender. At this point, try to leave via the south entrance and a guard will comment on hearing a comrade fall "to the east," a.k.a. the SE corner of town. Inspect the soldier for some scenes to play, and Kairu will be in an office alone. Walk around a bit before inspecting the door, and Nephi will temporarily join the party in exchange for the Sword of Averay. At this point, Kairu and Nephi will get onto the eastern cliffside. Collect the southern [Oppa Oil] -- it's yer only chance -- and go northward for more scenes! The team will automatically arrive at the nearby mountains... _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 09) Cascadilla / Orchid Valley [WK09] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/57032 _,-13 ____ ( ( __ ENEMIES: Creeping Mold, Mountain Dodo, __|789 | \ \_/ A| Naiad, Frogiga | _____| ) __/― ____ _____| |___|6| /_/ |――――|―――――――――――――――| (_14_|_ ________ |___ ______ __ | 01 | Ruby Necklace | \ \| 10__|A|5 ^| | | ___ \__/ _| | 02 | Blue Root | _______) ) 12| | _____|___| \ (_ | 03 | Liquid Eye | / ____ ' / , 11―| _/ ―|SAVE) | 04 | Toothed Sword | \____ \___/ ――――|_|-To World Map | |―― | 05 | Lucivar Herb | ____) _ |_|―|_ | | | 06 | Lucivar Herb | (_____/ |___|_ | _|―――| __ | |-Boss | 07 | Sunlight Robe | | ____ | / __| |_/ |__|_|__ | 08 | Uji Nut | | ^| ) ) __/ / |_ ___ __ | | 09 | Lucivar Herb | 15 ――― / / ( 3 / | | 2| |^ | | 10 | Uji Nut | \/――――_/ \_ \___ _|_ ―| |―――― | 11 | Lucivar Herb | (_(―\ \_ \__ | | |― 4| | 12 | Typhoon | ) _| \ | |_ ―――| | 13 | 200 GP | ___/ / / /―| |1|―| | | 14 | Haze Whip | EXIT-____/ / / ( _|_| | | 15 | Bone Necklace | ENTER-/ / |_______| |____|_______________| So, the party starts off as Kairu/Aurora/Nephi. The Cascadilla range can be rather arduous until reaching the halfway point of Orchid Valley, so try to conserve some resources until then (flee battle?). A little ways in, take the east path to re-emerge outside. A [Ruby Necklace] chest is in plain sight and helpful for warding of sleep, and Aurora can even practice her pitching if the tiny ground sparkle is inspected. Back inside, there'll be an interior waterfall area. Start going up the left side of the room until reaching the summit, and take the west door to a waterslide leading to a [Liquid Eye] accessory. After backtracking to the waterfall area, go east across the tiny pond, then climb down to a [Toothed Sword] weapon for Kairu -- schwing! Get back up and go east to the sunshiney outdoors, which loops back inside almost immediately...to a savepoint! Before inspecting the weird west wall, use Scarecrows/Totem and save. Once said event is done, Nephi will leave the party and the party will team up with "the witch" Isa to battle a mountain baddie... BOSS: Gargan HP: ~1500 EXP: 100 GP: 500 WEAK: --- STRONG: Wa ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Water Cannon [single: water damage] • Chew [single: physical damage, close range only] • Tremor [death counter: earth damage @ all] Isa has an AoE healing spell that can really be useful, so one strategy is to rub shoulders with her so it hits all allies. As long as the team keeps their distance from the immobile toad, the Chew attack can be evaded and it can turn into a battle of the long-range abilities. It does have a death-counter that targets all allies, but it's worth mentioning that even if it does kill everyone, the team still "wins" anyway -- all experience is just lost. [DROP: Blue Root] Isa joins the party afterwards, and the way back down is blocked by debris. Back in the savepoint room, take the west paths to the halfway point of this dungeon... ORCHID VALLEY ――――――――――――― This sleepy mountain town is nestled in between the Cascadillas, separating them in two. It's also a reprieve from the annoying encounter rate, so it'll make a good spot to level up a bit. The shop here [SH04] has some good items, and the girls should get a Flower Circlet that'll resist poison. Don't bother shelling out for a Bone Necklace; a free one's gotten in a bit. Of course, there are some items to steal around this area, too... • Lucivar Herb --- barrel by western house • Lucivar Herb --- barrel in NE shop • Sunlight Robe -- storage cave by NW house • Uji Nut -------- storage cave by NW house • Lucivar Herb --- storage cave by NW house • 200 GP --------- west cave, hidden passage TEMPLE OF LUCIVAR [OPTIONAL] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――― If you exit town via the south road, the team can stumble upon the Temple of Lucivar, landlocked in a forest nearby. It's not a dungeon of any kind, but it does have some items to loot: [Lucivar Herb] and an [Ancient Amulet]. One can return here much later to receive a summon from the beam of light; until then, though, the only thing to do is return to Orchid Valley and start the trek west through town. CASCADILLA (WEST) ――――――――――――――――― This portion starts by taking the NW cave passage in Orchid Valley, leading south to a few treasures: an [Uji Nut], [Lucivar Herb], and Isa's [Typhoon] on an outer ledge. A higher ledge accessible from the SW also leads up to a [Haze Whip], which Aurora should've gotten a long while back. The west exterior path loops back east to the interior, and becomes straightforward from there. Be sure to get that free [Bone Necklace] on a tiny outcrop 'fore splitting to the world map. WORLD MAP ――――――――― The destination city of Tradefair is along the north shore, almost a straight shot from the Cascadilla exit. However, going east a bit, will lead to the Cytherian Bridge, currently guarded by Sammarkand idiots. The only reason to come here is to collect the rather useless [Scarlet Petal] accessory, found by taking the southern wall exit by the guards and looping under the bridge. This bestows Auto-Berserk, so...yeah. To Tradefair! _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 10) Tradefair [WK10] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― _____________________________ | _ | |*|―――――――――――――|>| |―――――――|*| * - Connected paths | | | | ―――| | | | (the sewers) | | ―| |_| | | ――― 4|5 | _______ ――――――― ――― |__ __| N _ _____ ____ __| |__ | | |_ _|12 15|_|1624| | DOCK | | |_ |_______________| |13 14| |17|―| |STORAGE| W ----+---- E | |_ROGURD MANSION| ______ ― | |__ __| | _| | |______| |____| |789 23| |―|_| __| | | _ _ |3 __________ |____| |10 11| |_ | | |___ S | | | |___|___ __| |____ __ ―― ―― | |_ | | | |_|2|27 |*| | |21| |_| | | |――――――――― |__ |―――|―――| |___ |_ _| |_| | _|_ _| | _| _| |___ _____ | |_ _|_ _|_ |_________ ___ ________ | 19| *___| __| ___ ___ | | | | | | | 25| |18 | |22| | | 20| | | |_ _| |________| | 26| |_ _|___| _| | |_ _| | |_________________ 6― ― | |_____| ( (――|――――――――――――――― |――――|―――――――――――――――――| ) 1| | 01 | Scarecrow | / /―― | 02 | Dart | | 03 | Iron Net | Tradefair's a lot bigger than the cities visited so | 04 | Catalogue 1 | far, and as expected, there's a lot to do. Looting | 05 | Enchanted Ring | the place should be first priority since we won't | 06 | Strong Antidote | be back here for a long time following some events, | 07 | Long Sword | so get crackin'! Most are just located in barrels | 08 | Uji Nut | and the like, but a few are a bit harder to locate. | 09 | Med Antidote | | 10 | Cursed Dart | • Items #4 and #5 are located in a backstreet sewer | 11 | Oppa Oil | entrance, displayed as "Tradefair - ???". While | 12 | Dust Bomb | going east/west, look for a telltale opening that | 13 | Blue Root | leads down to the items. | 14 | Blue Root | | 15 | Worn Bracelet | • Item #21 is located in a clothing shop, and two | 16 | Antidote | gabbing ladies are blocking the chest. Talk with | 17 | Copper Charm | them and re-enter; they should be gone. If not, | 18 | Uji Nut | walk around a bit and try again. | 19 | Blue Root | | 20 | Cursed Dart | • Item #23 is reward for the "Runaway!" sidequest, | 21 | 500 GP | in which one has to find the houseowner's lost | 22 | Blue Herb | son in the slums. | 23 | 750 GP | | 24 | Belongings | • Item #24 is obtained during the "Citizen Bane" | 25 | Totem | sidequest, and can be exchanged for 500 GP. | 26 | Blue Potion | | 27 | Bronze Claw | • Item #27 is obtained during the "Bar Brawlin'" |____|_________________| sidequest, by beating up the local ruffian trio. Before continuing with anything, there is a dungeon coming up right after this that can really put a player in a bad spot, resource-wise. Some people have gone through 70+ Blue Herbs (allegedly) just trying to figure out what to do, and while this guide should ensure no one gets that lost, keep in mind that if you continue without getting at least a few healing resources/Totems, it's YOUR head on the choppin' block. Think about upgrading equipment Kairu and Aurora's equipment as well, but NOT Isa's -- that should save some $$$ in for awhile. Save when ready to proceed. At the rich district's tavern, talk with the robed guy, then help Gavin out as he tries to exit via a window -- this earns a [Blue Potion]. In the slums, the dock storage area is the next destination. As the Sammarkand army nears, Isa stays behind to fend off the troops while Kairu and Aurora accidentally get separated, floating downstream. D'oh! Isa will have a short box-moving section in order to stall the enemies, where moving them in front of the paths prevents the soldiers from advancing. Simple stuff. If you want to get the [Ancient Amulet] here -- and this is the only chance -- quickly move around and trigger the three gray machines, making a bridge to the isolated platform. Any soldiers that make it to the north must be fought before the event can end. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 11) House of Black Stone [WK11] _______________________________________________________________________________ ―――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56923 ――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ELEVATOR SHAFT MAPS | _ _________ _______ | ____ |A|_ ____ | _____ | | ___ 7| | | | | 3| | Later on, | |_ | | | | _| | | |_ _|_| |_|_ _| Catalogue 3 | |E| _| | | |_|G | | |2 ___ _| appears here |___| |F| | _| |H|――― | |― ―|― | | __|__ ___ |___| |_____| | |____| |____| | B | __ | _| _______ | |_ _| |_ _|_ | C|______| |E| | ___ | __ | | | |1| / _____ | | 4 ! _| _ | | _| | __| D| | | | _/ / _ | | |__|――――――|_ |_| |_ | | |G| |_/ _ 6| | |_ _| |* ( |A| | | |_______| |_| |______/ |__| | |START| ―\ \_| |_| | ___ ___ | ―|_|― \________| |_ 5| | _| | EXIT--._ _ _| | _ | |_ _ | _| |_ ENEMIES _|E|_|F| |_|+|_| |H|G| | |C D| ――――――― |_____________________| | | M | • Stone Watcher _______ | |_ _| • Crypt Growth UP : E,H,J |_ _ | | | | • Monstrock DOWN: F,G,K __|H| | | | |― ―| |8 | |_| | | B | _ _ _ ―――― _ _ | |_____| |9|___|F| | |―|_|G| | | |_______ |_____| H|_ | | |――――|―――――――――――――――――| |_________|_____| | | * | Summon | _ _ _____ | | ! | Savepoint | |E|___| | | G| | | + | Free Healing | |_____ |_____| |――― | | 01 | Totem | |_________| | | 02 | Scarecrow | _ _ _ _ _ | | 03 | Silver Helmet | _|E|_|F| | _|H|G|_ | | 04 | Blue Potion | |_________| |_______| | | 05 | Velvet Glove | _ _ | | 06 | Strong Antidote | |+|___|H| | | 07 | Blue Root | |_______| | | 08 | Med Antidote | ______ _ _____ | | 09 | Worm Tail | | |_|I|_| | | | 10 | Blue Potion | | J _____ H G | | | 11 | Travel Clothes | |______| |_____| | | 12 | Broken Axe | ____ _ _ | |____|_________________| | \/I| | | |_ _/ ___|______ | ELEVATOR INFORMATION |__ (___| __ | | ―――――――――――――――――――― / 10\_ __| | | • Lifts are only capable of ( J ___| | K | | going in one direction, and \___/ |____| | must be boarded from certain _____ ___ | landing platforms. ( L ) | ) | \ / __ __| ( | • When an elevator is taken, it ) (_/ _| ___ \ | drops the player off at the | _|11 / __) ) | next scheduled stop, which may ) \ ――― | | | or may not skip a tier. ( J ――――― K | | \___/―――――|____| | • Some landings, particularly in _____ |―|_______ | the lower cavern sections of ( L )| M _| | the dungeon, cannot be ridden \ / |_|_ _| _____ | further in a direction even if ) (__| | |_| _ |_ | it appears they can. This same | __ | | _ | 12| | thing can happen in the shaft, ) ( |_ _| |___| | | but it's clear which ones can't / J \_|_________| |___| | be ridden further: they drop a (_____) | player from a higher landing ____________________________________________| platform; no going back! After disembarking from the boat, the only place within miles is the forest temple nearby. Here, the team meets Asi, a swordsman who joins the party in order for the two newcomers to help him traverse the dungeon. One caveat: NO MAGIC CAN BE USED WITHIN. This can make this trip quite hellish, so you had better've brought some healing items with. If you didn't, that's okay -- this can be remedied at the free healing point inside. But that's a ways off, so don't dawdle if you're nigh resourceless. [Also, Asi's equipment cannot be changed in any way.] Before entering, get the [Totem] hidden outside. Inside, avoid any of the antechambers -- thieves picked them clean. Make sure to get the [Scarecrow] in the left branch of the hallway, and the [Silver Helmet] hidden in a east wall as one heads north (see map). After going down to BF1, simply head north, but make a mental note of the leftside room that contains a summon we can pick up later. Down on BF2, head north to an event that separates the party: Kairu by himself, the rest in their own group. Kairu's by himself first off, so collect the [Blue Potion] where he lands and heal up before continuing eastward to what will be known as "the annoying elevator room". The split party can reunite here, but not before doing their own thing a bit. To ride an elevator, stand on the tablet-like tile in front of the moving objects (yes, those are elevators; yes, they don't look like one) and jump on with the action button. Elevators drop a character off at the next-highest or -lowest landing, but they can be ridden in one direction more than once, remember! For Kairu, ride his platform up once then down the remaining, ending up by a [Velvet Glove] and the free healing point. When prompted, switch to the other characters with X-button and do their easy-peasy part. The team will reunite at the healing point and the rest of the dungeon can be done then, although if you're smart, you'll (1) eventually return and save at the part on Kairu's path (2) consider grinding a bit around the healing point, since enemies may drop Blue Potions, and those things come in very handy! Okay, so the party reunited. Using the map above, there are two ways to go: JUST LEAVE: G,F,E,G,G GET ITEMS : H, Item, G,G,G,H, Item, H,G,F,E,G,G After all this the team should arrive at the ground floor, where the lifts are just appearing from their holes. Riding "H" up one more time will lead to a 2nd healing point for convenience's sake, but the real way to go is the "I" path stairway, leading down further. Here, there are two elevators in the SW and SE, accessible by half-hidden passages. The former has a [Blue Potion] to get, but the other -- "K" -- is the right way to go. Now on the penultimate floor, go north and arc west to the [Travel Clothes] chest on the broken masonry, then start clockwise to end up in this floor's NW corner, the "L" elevator. Take it down to the final floor and start the trek east, coming to the basement ruins. Inspecting the large room in the center will make Asi leave the party, so you may want to get the [Broken Axe] in the far east (hidden) passage before that, just so he can eat some damage and earn his keep! Once Asi leaves, head north to the "M" elevator and arrive back at the room where everyone fell through the floor. The exit is going through the north door here, although y'may want to return to the world map and save if needed. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 12) Underwater Passage [WK12] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56929 FOES: Frogiga, Crypt Growth, Naiad, Stone Watcher, Albino Rose, Flame Abyssal ___ /S *| |――――|――――――――――――――――| ( _|__ _ | S | Savepoint | _______ \_ _ \ |3|_ | * | Free Healing | | ___ | ______ _) )_) )|_ | | 01 | Iron Gauntlet | ___| |_ _| |____| __ |_/ ___/ /___| |____ ______ | 02 | Blue Root | | ___|1|___ __ |2 __/ (_________ _|_| __ | | 03 | Ancient Amulet | | | | |___| | | ―― | |4|___ _ ( | | | 04 | Totem | ENTER |_______| ―――――― _| ___ (_) ) | | | 05 | Magna Armor | |5 | \ 6/ EXIT | 06 | Rippler Sword | ――― ――― |____|________________| Upon entering this place for the first time, the self-imposed ban on magic usage is over, so this shouldn't be quite as annoying as the previous outing. The first treasure chest seen is out of reach, but upon getting to the east side of it, look for a hop-down point in the south wall, leading around to the [Iron Gauntlet]. This is weak to water so y'may not want to equip at all, though. The next chest is also in the east, and can also be accessed from the side opposite it -- a [Blue Root] always helps! Upon reaching the 2nd screen's healing point, Nephi rejoins the party for the time being. Make sure to equip him again, since all his previous things were removed when he left in the Cascadillas. This is also a good point to level up a bit in -- Level 9-10 for everyone is good, since Nephi has to play some catch-up. East leads to the 3rd screen. Right near the start, the ceiling overhang masks an [Ancient Amulet] on an unseen path, so snag that before finding the watery eastern portion. Locate the [Totem] and Nephi's [Magna Armor], then the [Rippler Sword] in the SE corner. Heal up before approaching the remaining bridge fragment north of there, since it cues a boss fight... BOSS: Octo Terror HP: ~2500 EXP: 1000 GP: 1000 WEAK: Fr STRONG: Wa ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Attack [single: physical attack] • Aqua [single: water-elem attack] • Raging Touch [single: +%Berserk] • Numb Touch [single: +%Paralysis] • Octo-Ink [single: phys damage + %Blind] This weird mecha-octopus is accompanied by three tentacle monsters, who should be the first targets to destroy -- they're the weakest and waste precious time, plus some can inflict Berserk, and that's never any fun. The easiest way is to use the dual tech Flamma Sword, which has a big enough range that it can OHKO any tentacles in range. With all the tentacles all bloodied up, any "Touch" skill is off the table, which just leaves the boss and its single-target nonsense. Octofatty can be afflicted with poison if y'need extra help, although Nox Debilitas-type abilities may work less often. With the local killing machine breathing its last, simply walk onto the world map like you own the place! WORLD MAP ――――――――― Cythere, the next town, is located in the south, so use the nearby coastline as a breadcrumb trail. These plains also connect to Fort Domfriu and the Cytherian Bridge (west side). The former isn't accessible, but one can find a [Sta Potion] and [Blue Potion] in the upstairs of the bridge's barracks. The Cascadilla entrance is also accessible but the cave-in prevents one from reaching Orchid Valley, so there's not much to do there either. To Cythere! _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 13) Cythere [WK13] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― |――――|――| To Castle |――――|―――――――――――――――――| |10 9|12| |―|___| |_______ ___ | 01 | Blue Root | |11| ――― _ ___ | |456| _ _ _ | 02 | Travel Clothes | ――| |――――|_| | |―| | | |_|_ _|_| | | | | 03 | Iron Net | __| |__ |_ ― _| | _____ * | | 04 | 1500 GP | | ___ |___ ___| | | |2 |―|_|_|_| | 05 | Blazed Eye | | | | | 7 | | | | |―――|3|_ | 06 | Travel Clothes | | | |*|_ _|_ _| |___ | |― 1| | 07 | Travel Clothes | | |___| _______ *___| | | ___|_ | 08 | Crystal Dust | | | 8 | | | |___ |_ ___ *| | 09 | Acid Bomb | | |_ _| |_____ | | 13|_ | | |――― | 10 | Blue Potion | | ___ ____ \_| |_ _| |_| |_ _|―| | 11 | Blue Root | | |___| | \__ _______________| | 12 | Torch | |_______| | | | 13 | Oppa Oil | | | * - Fallen Soldier | 14 | 200 GP | ENTER |____|_________________| Note that once you enter, you can still leave -- the portcullis just makes it seem like a one-way trip. Anyway, the items found around town are either in recepticles or chests, nothing too hard to find. And yes, there are three pairs of those stupid Travel Clothes to find for some reason. Check out the town shops [SH05] as well, giving priority to healing/SP items, since those will probably be more useful coming up. Of course, since Cythere is toted as the prettiest city, it only makes sense that a lot of the items would look good on the allies... Time for a 5-finger discount! • [Iron Armor] is in a room near the staircase to 2F • [Int Potion] is in the royal chambers on 2F • [Vermillion Whip] is in a ground-floor armory (x1.5 damage to humans!) • [Blue Root] is in the castle's west tower, a 3F barrel • [Mind Cure] and [Liquid Tonic] are also in the west tower 3F • [Iron Gauntlet] and [Cloud Eye] are on west tower 3F, accessed via a hidden passage through the east wall. When ready to continue with the game, visit the castle lobby and find the guard blocking the way into a room -- Isa is waiting for everyone here. She says an room is reserved for the team, this being the inn near the entrance. Once the innkeep knows the situations, the team will find Nephi waiting for 'em, and agreeing to rest will start the next events. Considering saving out of town before this, since one won't be able to visit Cythere for a very, very long time. [If you didn't see the castle statue Rogurd spoke of before, that has to be seen first.] INVASION PT. I: STREETS ――――――――――――――――――――――― The team will wake up in the inn, finding Nephi gone once again, and the town under attack by Sammarkand. Of course the team wants to assist the Cytherians, so save in the inn if you think it wise, then hit the streets. The strategy is to paralyze the chain of command by defeating Mondu, standing at the castle steps, but there are other mini-battles in the crosswalks that the team can assist in as well. Those mundane enemies are Lieutenants [1100HP] that can eat resources in the long run, but aren't that tough. Heck, y'could have defeated one back in Tradefair as part of the "Citizen Bane" sidequest. Since they're human type enemies, that Vermillion Whip can do extra damage, mind you. Also, helping out the allies will give a reward in a short while. The worst reward involves helping no one and fighting minimal enemies, while the best reward (Wave Bracer) involves killing all but one enemy and healing all (4) fallen Cytherians, while the reward for doing killing/saving everyone is a pathetic Vigor Talisman. [There's a soldier hidden by the rooftops near the inn, #11 on map, in case you're wondering.] Approaching the castle starts a boss fight. BOSS: Mondu HP: 4000 EXP: 400 GP: 400 TYPE: Human STRONG/WEAK: --- ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Attack [single: phys damage] • Blue Potion [self: heals 250 HP] • Acid Bomb [single: Adds DEF Down] • Torch [single: phys damage + %Flaming] • Power Slam [single: phys damage + %Paralysis] • Crescent Smash [local area: physical damage, 2-hit; about 66 damage] You've been wanting to rip this guy a new orifice for a long time, and now the chance has come. Surprisingly, he is and will remain a pretty lame fighter and his bag of tricks is rather small. The key to this is moving Kairu ahead on the bridge, blocking Mondu's path of advance. This ensures that his best attack can never hit both allies, which pares this down to a single-target hit-n'-heal strategy. The team can usually get in two attacks to Mondu's one, but he does have a lot of HP so this may draw out -- make sure to have some Uji Nuts/potion types equipped on both people! Also, if Kairu has the Onyx Armor, he can null damage done from Flaming status. For extra help, use a Torch of your own on Mondu, useful for keeping up the damage output if Kairu is hit with paralysis. Following the insane victory, the POV switches over to Isa INVASION PT. II: CASTLE ――――――――――――――――――――――― Enemies: S. Swordsman, S. Combat Medic Isa starts on 3F of the west tower, which should already have been looted for all it's worth. She'll be alone so make sure to equip her properly! Justini talked about a hidden path on the first floor, in the north, and it happens to be west of the armory. Speaking of which, feel free to steal everything in the armory (Hero Drink, Strong Antidote, Iron Gauntlet) and the treasury on 2F (Hero Drink, Star Shard, Gold Ring, Paladin Dome). Once Isa goes down the secret path and meets Nephi, the Cythere events end. One of the soldiers nearby will also give the team an item depending on how many comrades were healed in the Streets portion of the invasion. 0-1 Soldiers Saved ------------- No Item 2-4 Soldiers Saved ------------- Blue Root x3 All Saved, Not All Foes Killed - Wave Bracer All Saved, All Foes Killed ----- Vigor Talisman WORLD MAP ――――――――― The destination is now the High Paths, the roundabout entrance leading to Genufa. The entrance is in the southwest, or if you prefer, just follow the eastern mountain range southward. Either way, there's no going back to Cythere for the moment... _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 14) High Paths [WK14] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56922 This is one of the great maps for running around in weakened condition. Sure it's something y'wouldn't normally do, but the enemy formations practically ensure that no game overs are shown. Fr'instance: (1) Monstrocks waste their turn with the no-damage Nox Debilitas ability (2) Summit Wolfs typically lead off with Battle Cry, which buys time for escaping (3) the environments are so narrow that even if one gets off a physical/magical attack, the rest of the monsters usually don't. If you don't like walking around in critical HP, that's fine, but don't forget that one can also get free SP by walking around. |―| |――――|――――――――――――――――| /―――――― |_ | S | Savepoint | ( (―| |―\ 1| | * | Free Healing | /――――| ―――| ――― | 01 | Grapnel | / /―| | |―| | |―| | 02 | Blue Potion | (S( |___| | | | | | 03 | Silver Spheres | ) ) _| |_| | | 04 | Traveler's Hat | / / / ____ | __ _______ | 05 | Restore Oil | START (_(____| |_|23| | | | 06 | Seal of Power | \ 4| | |―――| |__ | 07 | 500 GP | ) )――|― |―― | |_|―|BOSS|_ | 08 | Silica Bracer | (__ ―| ――― | | 5| __|6| | 09 | Twin Crescents | ) |_______|―| | |_| |__| | | 10 | 1000 GP | |__________ )___ ____| | 11 | Totem | \_/ | |_ | 12 | Poison Dart | ENEMIES | |_ |____|________________| ――――――― _| |7|8| _____ • Mountain Dodo | |―| |___|9 *10| • Monstrock ―| ― |_ 11_| • Sasquatch ―――――――| |-Genufan Camp • Hysterat |_ ___| • Summit Wolf |12 _| • Bat |― S| ―| |― TO MELMOTH SANDS Talk with Isa at the entrance and she'll join the party, the first time there has been a 4-man crew. Of course, someone has to sit out, so if you want to change the party, you have to be on the world map or at a savepoint -- none of that works on the field! Isa will be at least 3-5 levels behind everyone else (probably), so either use this time to let her play catch-up (she will be used heavily from now on) or leave her out for later. Remember that allies who aren't used can still heal those who are! She gets the effects of SP regen like the others too, i.e. walking around heals her supply. But anyway... Follow through the savepoint cave until reaching the outer cliffs. Going the northeast route first chance leads to a [Grapnel] whip, almost doubling the attack of Aurora's current. Double-back and go the southeast route, leading up to a cave. Inside are some goodies, the best of which are the [Silver Spheres] Nephi can use. From the cave, go due west and take the southern path a few screens, until seeing a mysterious guy in white jump around. Protip: this will be a telltale sign of an upcoming boss fight, and will be reused a few times in the future. To prepare, make sure Kairu is fully cured and has the best SP/HP refilling items equipped, because he'll be fighting the boss solo. Also, if you picked up the Liquid Eye in Cascadilla and didn't sell it, equip that along with the Wave Bracer -- it'll null water damage. I suggest saving beforehand, with all the place's items already obtained, to avoid needless backtracking if something goes awry. Inside the room the white-robed guy entering before... BOSS: Yuei HP: ~2500 EXP: 400 GP: 500 STRONG/WEAK: --- DROPS: Black Cloak ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Curo Fira [self: heals HP] • Flamma [single: fire damage] • Tornadus [area: wind damage] • Nox Protego [self: adds DEF+] • Glacius [single: water damage] • Crush Wave [medium area: physical damage] • Physica Absorbus [single: drains HP] As said before, Kairu fights this guy all by his lonesome, so he pretty much has to stack the odds in his favor ahead of time. Equipping healing/SP items is a must, but the Onyx Armor and Liquid Eye/Wave Bracer can nullify fire and water damage, respectfully. Kairu should move to the NE corner of the map and start spamming Dash Strike, while avoiding physical attacks which draws him into close-range...Tornadus range. The boss will occasionally heal himself but with his long-range attacks doing zero damage, it just becomes a waiting game, seeing who can last the longest with their SP reserves. [I suppose an alternate method to fighting Yui is to equip the wind-resisting Cloud Eye and bait him into using Tornadus, which is a high-SP move that may drain his reserves quicker.] Since the boss doesn't move, just keep Kairu away and try to outlast. Hopefully Kairu begins without any annoying cursemark-related status effects, which can REALLY make this battle vexing. Feel free to use Poison Darts/Torches to counteract his repetitive healing. With the assassin successfully smoked, head south from the cave to a mini crossroads. The west and east path leads to treasure chests in dead-ends, while the southern path leads to 2 chests and the correct way to proceed. The Genufan rest stop, err, encampment is accessible from the nearby cave. After some scenes, loot the place for its items -- the [Twin Crescents] and [1000 GP] in particular -- and find the southern savepoint before heading into Melmoth Sands. The camp also has free healing and a shopkeep [SH06] to sample, so don't be afraid to use this place as a training ground. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 15) Melmoth Sands [WK15] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56930 ENEMIES : Killer Cactus, Wormling, Vulture, Djinn, Sasquatch, Melmoth Worm _ _ _ _ __ _____ ______ | | |_|8|_| |_|9 |_ |――――|―――――――――――――――| TO | _ | ___ \_ __ |______ ____ 10|A| | 01 | Blue Potion | CAMP |_ | | | ___ \_/ 2|______|__ _________|―― | | 02 | Sun Hat | | |_ |_ __ \ _ ―|_____________ _|____ _| | 03 | Silica Bracer | |―|_| _| | | \/ / ) )―| |__/ ) ) ) | 04 | Oppa Oil | |_____|___| |1 __/ _ | | |_ (_ \ \__/ / / | 05 | Sand Eye | |___ |_| \_― __|___ | _ \_ ) _/ / | 06 | Int Potion | / |___| /3 _____| |4| )_ | ( ( | 07 | -EMPTY!- | WEST ―――――\_________| | |_| _) ) \ | 08 | Spd Potion | ENTRANCE ___ ____| | _ | | ) | 09 | Mnd Potion | _____/ 12| | |_ |7 _| | | | | 10 | Int Potion | _| _______| | _ ___|_|6| |_| | | 11 | Zeion Glove | ___| |____ |___ |_ \ __ | | | | 12 | White Potion | |11_| _______ | _| |_____)―)____| ) ) | 13 | Laced Boots | | |_| | |A| | | ______/ |13 \/ (__ |____|_______________| | ___| | | 5| ―| BOSS |-._ |_| |_| ―| ――――――― '-To Genufa ―――― Isa explains the premise for getting through here immediately: the secret path to Genufa is peppered with blue plants, and following that path will be the surefire way to reach the city. However, if you look at the colorized map, you'll see that a lot of the items lay off the beaten path, and the "surefire way" isn't synonymous with "the quickest way". Upon going through the cave and reaching the desert proper, there flowery trail extends east. In the far east is a [Sun Hat], but doubling back a bit and going SW leads to a [Blue Potion] on a cliff. Near the Sun Hat chest is a path going south, and a [Silica Bracer] is hidden a little off the flowery path. In fact, to save yourself some time, ignore the flowers here and follow the south wall east, eventually reaching a new screen. On the map, see Treasures 8, 9, and 10? They're far off the beaten path, but if you want to get them now, this is the best time. At the multi-branching crossroads, go north and find the slim passages in the cliff wall, eventually reaching said items. They're just stat potions so they may not be that cool, but might as well get 'em now. Doubling back to said multi-branch path, follow south with the flower path, then curve west and north to the [Oppa Oil] item. If you can't find this low road, the foreground cliff obscures the background road. Return south further, making for the fifth item, a [Sand Eye], inside a dead-end cave. Got the Sand Eye? Good. Return north to the flowery path and follow it east, to the [Int Potion] cave. Treasure #7 is empty so feel free to ignore that, and ride the flower trail until it its the eastern border of the desert. By going north here, one can reach the lower part of Melmoth Caves, containing items #11 and #12. The latter sits in plain sight past one of the stairs, but the awesome [Zeion Glove] is on a hidden stair -- to find it, identify the two statues and go south through the blind door. Said glove is a collectible item and part of a sidequest, so make sure to NOT sell it for greater rewards later on. With all the excitement over, return to the flower trail and ride it to its length. A [Laced Boots] accessory is in a left cave, while the right trail leads to Genufa. Of course, something appears to block the advancement... BOSS: Wounded Worm HP: 5000 EXP: 400 GP: 500 STRONG: Da/Wa WEAK: --- ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Tremor [death-counter: earth damage @ all] • Nox Ico [small area: dark damage + %Sleep/Poison] • Too weak to cause Tremor! [damage counter: does nothing] • Boneshaker [single: phys damage (long-range) + %SPD Down] If you've ever fought a full-fledged Melmoth Worm, you know it counters all attacks with Tremor, an attack-all earth type spell that can really make the going tough. Luckily, this wounded worm lacks that ability, so putting this sucker out of its misery shouldn't be too difficult. Besides strategies one employed earlier (healer stays back, stay far apart, etc.), the boss is also immune to poison, so that method of HP shaving won't cut it here. The boss' parting shot is the actual Tremor ability though, which can do in the high double digits if one doesn't have earth-guarding equipment, the low single digits if one does. [DROPS: Worm's Teeth] Past there is the road to... GENUFA [WK16] ――――――――――――――――― Surprisingly, Genufa doesn't have a lot going on -- it's basically a bunch of people hiding in caves. However, despite having only a meager shop [SH07] and and out-of-the-way savepoint (in Ring of Memories' north-central room), it's still got a lot of items to score. • [Str Potion] in Isa's room • [Crystal Dust] in barracks pot • [Blue Petal] in barracks chest • [Ice Bomb] in SEmost house chest • [Sun Hat] in SEmost house chest • [Blue Potion] in SEmost house pot • [Silver Ring] in SEmost house, hidden near the left bed (ground floor) • [Blue Potion] in SEmost house B1 secret passage, left of stairs • [Strong Antidote] in SEmost house B1 secret passage, left of stairs • [Oppa Oil] in SEmost house B1 secret passage, left of stairs • [Sand Eye] in SEmost house B1 secret passage, left of stairs • [Elixir] in eastern house • [Crystal Dust] in western house • [Blue Potion] in western house • [Blue Potion] in library, NE room (silver pot) • [Spd Potion] in library, accessible through NW ledge • [600 GP] in NE caves, leading to Isa's Secret Place To continue, visit the barracks to let Sakuji know a meeting will be held, then arrive at the northern library where Nephi temporarily leaves the party. The conference room is nearby and, after some scenes, the team can run around while they wait. Dawdle a bit (inspect north-central locked door, try to exit, see NE deactivated doll, etc.) and speak with the guard again to see the council. After, talk with Telesphorus in the eastern library, it's time to find Isa -- she's in the secret spot accessible from the NE caves in town. Return to the Ring of Memories library once done, and the team will decide to get a boat in order to assault Apogea Tower. Talk to Sakuji at the library's entrance if y'want to leave to the world map (Genufan Port) or return to Melmoth Sands' entrance. Know that for the latter, you will have to walk all the way back! Upon picking the port option the team is set onto the world map east of the Genufan desert. Go north to the forest and find the semi-hidden house, actually a boat dock, where Juji hooks everyone up with a sweet schooner. WORLD MAP ――――――――― This boat can only go in the shallows, but luckily the world has a ton of shallows, cutting across the central ocean and back again. A few things are available here: • Returning to Tradefair for part two of the "Runaway!" sidequest • Visiting Tida's Reef on the north-central island (not recommended) • Visiting Gavin's house, a house on the NW side of the central continent • Visit Arkal Cliffs on north-central continent, but Gavin blocks way forward To visit Tradefair, disembark on the east coast near Cythere, go SW to the Cytherian Bridge (can now cross), and find the town again. As for Tida's Reef, it has some good items and a summon for an upcoming character, but is full of enemies who can two-shot the characters. Basically, come packing a crapload of items or put it off for later. Gavin's House has a [Sun Gem] but nothing else at the moment. TO CONTINUE with the game, take the boat through the mountainous strait on the central continent's west side, which should cue some scenes that split the party up. LANLAT [WK17] ――――――――――――――――― Kairu and Isa managed to stick together, and happen upon Rogurd ("Adventurer Extraordinaire") who joins as the third member. Make sure to equip him with some better stuff, since he starts with pretty weak crap. As Rogurd says, Apogea Tower is northeast of the campsite (through a huge forest actually) but Lanlat should be the next destination for healing & equipment. It's right on the west coast. The shop [SH09] is meager but sufficient and has some good stuff for Rogurd, while a lower house gives free rest -- hooray. • [Diver's Mask] in shop chest • [Harpoon] is in one of the lower houses I recommend everyone being about Lv16-17 before going to Apogea Tower, since there's a gigantor boss to fight out in front. Uji Nuts can't be bought in Lanlat but sometimes foes drop 'em, so that's the method if required. Once the tower is entered -- it's in the mountainous eastern forest, remember -- the POV switches to the other errant allies. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 18) Corridor of Clouds [WK18] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Vulture, Wanderguard, Sentry, Stone Watcher, Vampire Parrot To Abraxus Tower | _____________ |―|___ ______ |START _ |_ _____ | _ | | 6 | ―――――| |1| |_|5 | |―――| | | | | | |――| | | |___| |___ ――― | | | | |_| |_| |__| |_ |1 2 3| | ――――――― ――――― ______________|-> To Apogea ――――――― ―――――――――――――――| |_ Tower |――――|―――――――――――――――| |― _ | | 01 | Blue Potion | | | | | | 02 | Blue Potion | |_____| | 03 | Totem | | 04 | Dragoon Darts | | 05 | Woven Cloud | | 06 | Winged Mantle | |____|_______________| Corridor of Clouds is a pretty crappy "dungeon," having little to no puzzles and being rather straightforward despite all the lateral elevators. In the first ruins area, the house husk the stair goes over has a hidden [Dragoon Darts] inside, a good weapon for Nephi. The southern bushes contain 2 [Blue Potions], and a [Totem]'s here there, too. The 2nd item, a [Winged Mantle] is toward the far east side in the mandatory path, and is pretty hard to miss. Get it now because upon reaching Apogea Tower's 3F, the elevator returns and the way back is blocked. The POV will switch back over to the Rogurd's squad though, and that'll start the real exploration of Apogea Tower... _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 19) Apogea Tower ### THIS IS A ONE-TIME-ONLY DUNGEON! ### [WK19] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Stone Watcher, Watchman, S. Swordsman, S. Combat Medic, Sentry, Gargaril, Musketto, Puppet COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56931 _____ _____ |――――|―――――――――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――| | 19|_| | | S | Savepoint | TO 8F BOSS | |18 |B| | | * | Free Healing | _/ | ―| |―| |―| |― | 01 | Totem | ___ _| |_ | |___ ___| _ | 02 | Strong Antidote | | 25| _ |_ _ | _| | _|D|_ | 03 | Silver Ring | ―|E| |F| |G| |H|_ | |_ | |_ _| | 04 | Iron Armor | | |___| _| |23 | | _| |_ |_ _| | 05 | Battle Mace | |_______| ――― | | C | |C| | 06 | Lucivar Herb | _ ___ _ _ | |_____| | | | 07 | Sun Hat | |E|26F| |G| |H| | ___ _ ― | 08 | Blue Potion | | |―| |_| | | | | |17 | _|B|_ _____ ___ | 09 | Int Potion | |_ ― _ *+ | | | | |16 |_|_ _|__ |_ 14 | 13| | 10 | Dust Bomb | _| |_| |― | | | ―| ________ |__| |―――| | | 11 | Blue Potion | |22 ――― | | _| | |______|______ |___| | 12 | Spd Potion | ――――――――――――― | | | _ 678|12 11_ | | 13 | Sand Robe | _____________ | |_ | | |__ | 10 |_| |_ | 14 | Katana | |21_ _____20| | | 15|9| _ ―― | 27| | 15 | Inferno | |―| | | _ | | | ――― ―| | | |―――――| | _| | 16 | Majai Helm | |E| |F|_|G| |H| | | |_| ―――|_| _| | 17 | North Star | | |_|― 24 |_| | | ___| _ A _ | | 18 | Blue Root | | ―|―|― ___| | |234| | |_____| |_| | 19 | Str Potion | ―――|_ ― _| | |5|___| _____ | 20 | Acid Bomb | | | | ― | | | 21 | Silk Hat | |D| | | A | | 22 | Crystal Dust | ― | |_ _| | 23 | Int Potion | 5-7F LIFT PUZZLE | _ _| |_ _ | 24 | Majai Glove |――――――――――――――――――――― | |_ _| | | 25 | Restore Oil | | _28 _ | | 26 | Dust Bomb | |1 | | 27 | Acid Bomb | ―――|_|――― |____|_________________| ENTER Collect items #1 & #28 at the start, the latter from a cowardly soldier. It the doorway, a ridiculously rubefascient rapscallion must die! BOSS: Spirit Beast HP: 4000 EXP: 800 GP: 400 STRONG/WEAK: --- DROPS: ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Provoke [single: %Berserk] • Curo Aira [self: heals HP] • Attack [single: physical damage] • Tornadus [medium area: wind damage] • Glacius [small area: water damage + %Freeze] This boss can be a handful, no doubt, but there is one hilarious way to go through this: Isa and Rogurd's double-tech "Toxus Rush," which can do about 1000 damage as well as inflicting Sleep. Even if it's not put to sleep at once, the player can usually get a few in to knock the boss' HP down to triple digits. This is a good tactic to abuse since Provoke will gut this strategy. Should the strategy keep up, it can be a 4-round battle, with the odd man out (Kairu) just playing healer. It's possible to beat this son of a gun with no strategy at all, also, but that's no fun. Tornadus can be a killer though, so spreading out is wise (and doesn't affect any useful double techs). With that over, collect the [Totem] hidden in the SW trees, heal/save on the world map, and start the ascension! 2F is actually the largest of all the floors, so it'll take the most time to go through. If you check the map, finding all of them should be easy; however, there are a few cases where things are more than they seem: 1) The SW building of this area is an abandoned shop. The east wall can be used to get to the counter's other side, where all the items are down the stairs. 2) In the NW building just off the center square ("Ancient Storage"), all of the open containers still hold items, so don't skip them! 3) Said "Ancient Storage" room has a false wall on the west side, which can lead down to the 9th item. All in all, 2F can be fun to traverse. Make sure to get Items 14-17 as they are great equipment! Upon reaching 3F, the two outbuildings have little to see, but the left one has a few items. South of the entrance will allow the teams to rejoin. From here, reach 4F, defeat some generic Sammarkand goons, and reach 5F, which is where the real puzzle starts. 5-7F ELEVATOR PUZZLE ―――――――――――――――――――― This part has been the bane of many a player, and really, freeballin' this can be very annoying. However, the solution ends up being rather easy if one knows how the elevators work. There are four elevators that run through 5-7F, and they come in pairs: E & F, G & H. Think of each pair as working on an inverse-type pulley system: when one goes up, the other goes down; when one is on the 5F, the other is on 7F. Thus, the meeting point is 6F. In order to get all items and such, here is the method, starting from 5F. 1) Collect Items #20 and #21 on 5F; take "H" to 6F 2) Collect item #22; take "H" to 7F 3) Collect Item #23; take "H" to 5F 4) Take "E" to 7F, collect Item #25 5) Take "G" to 5F, collect Item #24, return to 6F 6) Take "H" to 5F, board "F", collecting Item #26 en route 7) Reach "I" elevator leading to 8F! Of course you'll want to save/heal before starting the summit trek, which is easy to do once yer at the top. At said summit... BOSS: Mondu HP: 4000 EXP: 620 GP: 660 TYPE: Human STRONG/WEAK: --- ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Attack [single: phys damage] • Blue Potion [self: heals 250 HP] • Acid Bomb [single: Adds DEF Down] • Torch [single: phys damage + %Flaming] • Power Slam [single: phys damage + %Paralysis] • Crescent Smash [local area: physical damage, 2-hit; about 66 damage] Almost a rehash of the Cythere battle, except this time rocks-for-brains has a few cronies, two Lieutenants and an S. Combat Medic. Take out the latter first, then the rest before tackling Mondo. If you have Isa with, her Aira Toxus skill really cleans up these goofballs. Since Mondu starts on the east side, moving anyone adjacent will pin the guy there, ensuring his best attacks are reduced to single-target status. If a difficulty was to be applied, it would fall in the 2-3/10 range -- a yawnfest. Despite a staggering defeat, the scenes don't go the allies way and they'll lose [Isa's Necklace] to the foes. There will be a 10:00 timer to exit the tower -- the counter runs during battles, and failing to reach the starting point within the time limit is a game over. This much should probably be obvious though. Luckily, there's a (mandatory) shortcut on 3F that foregoes backtracking through 2F. At the end, the tower collapses, Rogurd leaves the party to do his own thang, and everyone returns to Genufa automatically. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 20) Ring of Memories [WK20] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56941 ENEMIES -: Djinn, Efreet, Crypt Flower, Crypt Growth, Red Folio, Watchman |―――| |A| | BOSS ___ ―| | ___ |S |― ―| | ___________ |――――|―――――――――――――――――| |*|_ _|!| | ^ | | S | Savepoint | |_| |_ _| |_| |D|_____ _| | * | Free Healing | | | | |9| | | | | | ! | Summon | | S | | _| | @ | Special Book | |_ _| |_| | |_ | | ^ | Summon Book | | | |_ |_| _| | 01 | Worm Tail | START | | | | _____ | 02 | 700 GP | | 8| _| | | 03 | Blue Root | |―――|―――| |_| |_| |D| | | 04 | Majai Spear | |1 2| @ | | | | |_ _| | 05 | Mind Cure | _____ _ |_ |_ | | ^ | |_____| | 06 | Scholar Robe | |^ 4 |A| | | _| |_ _| | 07 | Ancient Blades | |___――| |____| | | | |_ | ___ | 08 | Monster Codex | |_ _|_ ______ | _|7 | | @^| | 09 | Dragonskin Mail | | | | ^__ _| | |B| | ―| |_____ |_ | | 10 | Vigil Ring | |___|___ | | C| 10| | |_| |5| | _|__| | |____|_________________| | | | | _| |3| |__ |― _| | C | |B|_ | _|______|_| |6 |_____| |___|____| | | |___| ――― Kairu starts the Genufa portion alone, although as he thinks about finding Isa, he bumps into Nym, the redheaded "savage" from Apogea Tower. Talking to him will let him join the party and, man, does he ever rock the house -- when he gets his summons, that is. He doesn't start off with anything special but does boast the only ability (Nym's Trick) that can steal items from foes. So, once he's equipped properly, it's time to find Isa -- she's in her house by the entrance. Some events later, Kairu unseals the door to Abraxus' study in the library savepoint area, which starts the mini-dungeon ahead. BOSS: Doll x2 HP: 2000 EXP: 220 GP: 280 STRONG/WEAK: --- STEAL: Dart ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Attack [single: physical damage] • Smash [single: physical damage + %SPD Down] ...but before entering, two of these weak morons attack the team. There's no need for strategy really, although Isa's Aira Toxus spell can put some to sleep, aiding in the tag-teaming. Yawn. Okay, with the prelim fight over with, the Ring of Memories' dungeon portion is accessible. The hidden library's first room has two antechambers in the east and west, leading to free healing (finally!) and a summon for Nym, respectively. The summon cannot be obtained yet however, but soon... As Telephorus says, there are a few caveats to proceeding through this dungeon: • To unseal each floor's exit, a special book must be brought to Telesphorus • Fake books (Yellow Folio battles) are used to unseal the library's summon • Once a floor is cleared, no monsters ever appear on it again If you want to clear a floor immediately and collect treasures without any monster encounters, that's fine too. Anyway, on the first floor, the special book is located in the NE on a desk -- easy to find and swipe. Telesphorus, once he's seen the book, will give the clue to the next floor: there are two passages leading down to B2. One is in the SW bookcase blocking the stair, the other is a pit hidden underneath a bookcase in the SE room ("C"). Make sure to get the [Vigil Ring] hidden on B1 near Item #3; it's very easy to miss. Taking the normal stairway down to B2 can earn items #5-7, but the "C" floor hole is the only way to enter the southeast section, where the next book is. Showing Telesphorus this gives the clue that an illusory wall in B2's north section blocks the way forward; once inspected, the door is revealed. Items #8 and #9 can be gotten en route here, and the northeast staircase is sitting in plain sight. Down there, open that illusory wall and proceed to... BOSS: Ur-Guardian HP: 7000 EXP: 600 GP: 600 STRONG: Wi/F WEAK: ---- ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Attack [single: physical damage] • Crush Wave [medium area: physical damage] • Physica Absorbus [single: drains HP] • Nox Ico [small area: dark damage + %Poison] • Decay [single: phys damage + %Paralysis/Poison] • Nox Debilitas [medium area: %PWR/DEF/MDEF/SPD/MAG Down] • Diabolus [medium area (also potential death-counter): dark damage + %Death] Probably the most annoying boss fought up 'til now, and for one reason: it has 5000 SP and it may counter-cure itself (about 50% chance) if hit. There are essentially two ways to tackle this oversized garbage can: (1) use Aurora's Magus Absorbus ability and drain all its HP, preventing it from regenerating HP (2) avoid multiple small attacks and just use high-damage double-attacks. Now, Aurora has to be of a high level to actually learn the skill required, but if she knows it, this battle is gravy. For the first option, choosing the right skill is crucial, and in this case, that skill is Isa & Kairu's Storm Strike, which can also inflict sleep. Since Nym has no combos with anyone and the boss has nothing to steal, he should be left outta this one. It's death-counter Diabolus has the ability to instantly kill the targets it hits but doesn't always work; on the flipside, even if it were to instantly kill everyone, it wouldn't be a game over, everyone would just lose their EXP. [Judge of Sun can also be acquired before taking the boss on.] With Storm Strike (or Magus Absorbus) saving the day, the final room of Abraxus' study should be laid bare. View the back console _________________________ | CORRECT ANSWERS | With Storm Strike (or Magus Absorbus) saving the |―――――――――――――――――――――――――| day, Telesphorus will end up quizzing everyone | • Abraxus made them... | on their discoveries, and the amount of right | • The Forbidden gave... | answers decides which item is received from the | • In the Armaments... | sage himself: | • To stop him from... | | • He's a magic-less... | 0 ---> Int Potion | • He's a magic-less... | 1-6 -> Nothing | • Do the Ceremony... | 7 ---> Laced Boots |_________________________| An Int Potion for getting zero answers right is really a brush-off of the highest academic level, if y'think about it, haha. Anyway, the new mission is to find an airship and get to Sammarkand's region, which has no coasts for boats to land on. Y'should already know how to get to the dock hidden on the coast east of Genufa's desert, so fire that craft up. Before leaving, make sure to get the Judge of Sun summon from the Ring of Memories F1 (east side), which is unlocked after finding the four evil books in the dungeon below. WORLD MAP ――――――――― The destination is the Arkal Cliffs, on the north-central continent's north side. However, there's a few things to do here, mostly relating to Nym's "Summoned" sidequest -- remember, he only learns ability by making contracts with spirits. • Get Judge of Sun summon in Ring of Memories • Get Tida summon from Tida's Reef • Get Lucivar summon from Temple of Lucivar, south of Orchid Valley Judge of Summon is overpowered and awesome, and really the only one Nym needs at the moment. Tida's Reef is on the small island west of the north-central continent and has high-powered monsters, but probably nothing the team can't handle if they're properly equipped and tote some items with (as well as fleeing like jackrabbits every battle). Y'should already know how to get to the Temple of Lucivar -- backtrack to Tradefair's region by way of the Cytherian Bridge, and enter the tail-end of the Cascadillas, working back to the middle. It's a long way for a summon that is pretty lame, so feel free to put it off for later. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 21) Tida's Reef [OPTIONAL] [WK21] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56939 ENEMIES : Twisted Shrimp, Rift Pelican, Scurvy Dog, Cave Ooze |――――|―――――――――――――――――| | * | Tida Summon | _ | 01 | Liquid Eye | |A|______ | 02 | Strong Antidote | _ | __ 6| | 03 | Tida's Earrings | _____ _ _|A|__ | |__| |― | 04 | White Potion | |_123_| | | / __ 5 | |7 ( ( ___ | 05 | Spd Potion | __|_|____| |__/ / 4|―― ―――\__ \_/ ) | 06 | Crystal Dust | | ____ ___________| /9_ \___/ / | 07 | Iron Net | | | ^ / ___ _ ( (_) ____/ | 08 | Twin Crescents | | ―――――\____/ __|-ENTER |*|_/ _ 8 | | 09 | Restore Oil | |_|――――) _ _/ |____/ |_|_|―― |____|_________________| |―― / |_| ――― As said, Tida's Reef is located on the tiny island west of the north-central continent. It's really just to sections but the enemies here can be really brutal, so be sure to cure every other battle or so. Inside the first cave, make sure to pick up the good accessories in the underpath cave, before going east to the stairs down. In the 2nd screen's outdoors area, the round path leads to a few branches, the SW having Nym's summon. This actually gives him a double-tech with Kairu, and one he sorely needs! A [Twin Crescents] is in the east but that should be obsolete now, since the Ancient Blades in Ring of Memories tops it. Backtrack out safely when y'can! _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 22) Arkal Cliffs [WK22] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56940 _| |_ |BOSS!| |――――|―――――――――――――| ENEMIES: Cliff Crawler, Muck Magus, ―| |― | * | Savepoint | Wyrm, Boulder, Vulture ___|― ―| | 01 | Acid Bomb | |E | | |E| | 02 | Blue Potion | Although the enemies here aren't nearly ―| |5| |―| | 03 | Gladius | as powerful as those in Tida's Reef, it |_ ― ___| | 04 | 1000 GP | can still be an arduous climb. The main _| |__ ___ | 05 | Silk Hat | reason is that Muck Magus monsters can | __ | 4 | |____|_____________| use the incredible Celes Mistis magic, |____ |― ____ ____ which damages and paralyzes all allies. ____| |―――| | \ / | Thus, the best tip for this place is |________| | |B|―\ ( /―|C| to equip someone -- preferably someone __| _ | |_ /\ ( in the backrow, where physical attacks | __|B|___|C|_ / /\ \ don't reach -- with paralysis-proof |___ ______|A|_ /D/ )A) equipment. As y'may or may not know, |D 3|*| ______ | fleeing isn't possible in such an ―|_|― _|___| __| incapacitated state, so this safeguard |_______ |_ 2| really comes in handy. _______| _|_| |1 | Luckily, the annoying monster abilities are the hardest ―――| |――― thing to overcome -- the dungeon itself has very few |― ―| surprises. The first two items are found en route to ―|_|― the cave entrance, which criss-crosses a lower path one START can access once back outside. Said lowroad leads to the paralysis-inflicting Gladius sword, which should get stuck on Kairu immediately. The midway savepoint should be used as well and later too, perhaps, after the area's items are collected. Follow the twisty cliff until it comes to a sparkle -- this cues an event where a bird picks up the team and drops 'em higher. BOSS: Isai HP: 7000 EXP: 700 GP: 700 STRONG/WEAK: --- STEAL: Silver Claw ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Slay [single: %Death] • Nox Protego [self: %DEF+] • Physica Absorbus [single: drains HP] • Nox Ico [small area: dark damage + %Poison] • Glacius [small area: water damage + %Freeze] • Hypnotism [physical counter (single): %Charm] The terrain here can be rather annoying, and letting Isai get control of it -- by getting into the center -- can be rather devestating. Perhaps the best way to go about this is to have someone with deathproof equipment trap the boss in the north, ensuring his Slay ability can only be used locally (and miss), while the other allies bombard him with summons and long-range skills. Letting him in the middle allows for great double tech opportunities but as said, he spams Slay a lot, so don't let him near those unprotected. HOWEVER, if you've already picked up the game's three Ancient Amulets thus far (in Temple of Lucivar, Tradefair, and Underwater Passage), then the entire team can enjoy Slay-free entertainment while _they_ slay Isai. I'd watch it! My team for this is Kairu/Nym/Isa, since Aurora will have to depend on double techs to heal everyone, but it's possible to win with her (especially if she knows Magus Absorbus, which easily whittles down Isai's 1500 SP). Now that Isai's burial mound is finished, the next stop is to the south of here. Thanks heavens there's nowhere to get lost in! _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 23) Arkal Skybase [WK23] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― All the tiny events leading up to the next major dungeon will be stuck in this area, for reference. ARKAL SKYBASE ――――――――――――― If you thought there'd be a Metal Gear Solid-like sneaking mission here, think again -- the soldiers can't even fathom someone going through the mountains. And that's good! Gives free time to get items. • [Bone Necklace] in eastern shack • [Iron Net] in westernmost house's bucket • [Cat-o-nine-tails] whip in middle shack (east side) • [Mechanic Boots] by NW landing platform's base • [Silver Ring] from northern granny if answer is "With all my heart!" To continue, visit the NW landing dock for a scene with Mondu, then regroup in the inn. As luck would have it, three soldiers walk in, and it'll be time to steal their uniforms. The options are to have one of the allies (not Nym) speak with the vets and find some way to get the clothes off their back, literally. Aurora's options are the funniest and her sex appeal can get the items without a fight, although some of the options will force a fight with the enemies (x3 S. Swordsman) which should be no problem. With the uniforms snatched, the northern inn room is where the boarding events can start. NOTE: Some people experience a glitch where if Kairu does the negotiating, future events screw up and he has no allies to assist him. Apparently letting one of the girls do the talking is the workaround, so do that. Think about saving beforehand, though. SAMMARKAND SKYSHIP [WK24] ### ONE-TIME-ONLY DUNGEON! ### ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― |―――――| |――――|――――――――――――――――| |――――――|――――――――――――――| | | | 01 | White Potion | | 0-1 | ------------ | |_____| | 02 | 2000 GP | | 2-5 | Blue Potion | # | 03 | Mechanic Boots | | 6-10 | Lacquer Helm | ___|―――――――|―――|―| |____|________________| | All! | Palace Pass | | * | 3 | |_ | |______|______________| |_ _|_____|_ |_| | * _ ___ *_| ENEMIES: S. Swordsman, Lieutenant, S. Combat Medic, Gunner | ―――|A **|* | ――#――|_____|_____| After some scenes, the team talks about how the 7-hour # _____ _____ flight will pass rather quickly. Entering the hallway will ### | * * |START| start the 7:00 timer, in which the players can explore the # _|_ _|_ _| ship at their leisure. Soldiers walking around can be ###|___ *___ *_| fought, while mechanics and cooks are off-limits in this |* ___|SAVE3| case. The easiest way to defeat enemies is to Aira Toxus ―|1 A|_____| the weak ones, then follow up with Judge of Sun. ――― As for the enemies, most are out and about but a few are hiding (one on each floor; lower-left and lower-right on lowest and middle floors, respectively) to make things harder. Then there's the enemies in the mess hall. They won't fight the party until they're done chowing down. It's generally accepted that there is a hidden time mechanism that decides when the enemies are done with their food, usually between 0:45-2:00 -- it is definitely NOT based on having killed the other enemies. Whatever you do, talk to them in the mess hall the first chance y'get on 2F, as it should pay off later. NOTE: The counter is running continuously throughout the event, and when it ends, the event concludes. HOWEVER, if it ends while in battle, that battle is not negated, which is important if y'fight the mess hall soldiers within the last few seconds. So is there any reason to get the Palace Pass? Kinda. Having it will let the player get a Stone Flower accessory (if they have an Entertainer Pass a well) and they can do Xanadu events immediately, if one chooses. The Lacquer Helm's kinda junky but hey, better than a potion or nothing. SAMMARKAND SKYDOCKS [WK25] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― After the sailor-slaying event, everyone disembarks into the stopgap town on the Sammarkand continent. Isa suggests heading to the northern capital of Xanadu immediately, but if you do that now, you'll miss out on some stuff. This continent has three actual cities: • North : Xanadu, the capital and actual destination • Middle: Suilei, the next destination in chronological order • South : Ponsu, a hot springs town with nothing important there...for now If you got the Palace Pass, you can head straight to Xanadu (technically) and start events there, but you'd be skipping two town's worth of awesome stuff. Remember that Muck Maguses (magi?) still appear on the world map here, so have someone with paralysis-proof armor if y'don't want a surprise game over. PONSU [OPTIONAL] [WK26] ――――――――――――――――――――――――――― To reach Ponsu from the skydocks, simply follow the inner west rim of the mountains while going south. The town is located by a lake, so it's not too difficult to locate. • Golden Key ------- bookshelf in house nearest entrance • Blue Potion ------ pot, house nearest entrance • Golden Bracelet -- northwestern crate • Poison Dart ------ pot, central house • 500 GP ----------- barrel, central house • Pugnant Bomb ----- hot springs hotel, 2F pot • Dadao Blades ----- hot springs hotel, 2F chest The Golden Key will open an otherwise impregnable chest in Xanadu, while the Dadao Blades are just awesome (free) weapons for Isa -- schwing! Nothing else to do here once this poor town's been taken for a ride, though. SUILEI [WK27] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――― To reach this city from Ponsu, go north until an eastern break in the range allows one to see another coast, where this town's located by. First things first: larceny. • White Potion --- chest, inn 2F • Elixir --------- chest, inn 2F • Pugnant Bomb --- barrel, west side of town (by puppet-show guy) • 1000 GP -------- SW house, chest obscured by blue screen • Gossamer Sash -- SW shop, clothing rack • Blue Potion ---- chest, SW importer • Ruby Necklace -- chest, SW importer • Crystal Shard -- chest, very SW of town, in park • White Potion --- barrel, SE side of town • Pugnant Bomb --- chest, east side of town • Juggler Glove -- chest, central park house • Ceramic Helm --- chest, central park Done thieving? Good. In the central park, find The Three Frogs entertainer group on the left side, talking about their plight -- crazed monsters arrived for their performance instead of docile ones. In exchange for helping them, they agree to give the team an [Entertainer Pass] to get into Xanadu. Thus, the fight with the monsters -- x3 Doomwing Larva -- will start. While this mini-skirmish shouldn't be elevated to boss status, it can certainly be hard keeping track of three enemies, especially since their stats are hidden to start with. Having someone with the Monster Codex accessory can help here for recognition's sake. x3 Doomwing Larva HP: 3000 EXP: 900 GP: 900 STRONG: F,Wa,D WEAK: E,H ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Attack [single: physical damage] • Physica Absorbus [single: drains HP] • Nox Ico [small area: dark damage + %Poison] • Aira Toxus [line area: wind damage + %Sleep] • Fira Dominatus [death counter (single): fire damage] While this mini-skirmish shouldn't be elevated to boss status, it can be a bit annoying with three enemies to keep track of -- the Monster Codex can help on this end. The terrain is horrible for great double techs like Toxus Rush, so relying on spells like Aira Toxus (sleep effect is great) to hit en masse is very wise in reducing their firepower temporarily. Like the boss before, Aurora's lack of great innate healing really leaves her odd man out; a team of Kairu/Nym/Isa works very well. Since the enemy often crowds around immediately, try to use put the enemy to sleep while bombarding them with Judge of Sun and Fury Strike. Remember to tagteam one target before moving on, making the going a lot easier. When killed, they use Fira Dominatus on whoever dealt the coup de grace, so perhaps pick the killer carefully. Winning earns the [Entertainer Pass] to let one get into Xanadu -- assuming one didn't get the Palace Pass which would already do that. The final town on this continent is far to the north, past the skydocks' latitude. XANADU [WK28] ――――――――――――――――― At the gate, the guard will only allow admittance into the city if the team has a Palace Pass or Entertainer Pass. Got one? Y'get in. It's important to know that this is the only time in the game the shops -- [SH14] -- will be in the state they're in, so keep that in mind. Other than that, time for some breaking and entering: • Str Potion ------ inn, 2F chest • Blue Potion ----- western house, pot • Uji Nut --------- eastern side, barrel • Blue Herb ------- southeastern side, barrel • White Potion ---- eastern house, chest • Crystal Dust ---- eastern house, pot • Blue Root ------- eastern house, barrel • 400 GP ---------- NE manor, 2F attic pot • Cursed Dart ----- NE manor, 2F attic pot • Silver Claymore - NE manor, 2F attic pot • Elixir ---------- NE mansion, chest (behind blue screen) • Iron Net -------- NE mansion, enclosed outdoors barrel • Strong Antidote - NE mansion, enclosed outdoors barrel • Lucivar Herb ---- pot, item shop • Blue Potion ----- NW corner of town, barrel With the city wiped clean of its valuables on this festival's eve, approach the palace to see a scene with Mondu. When the allies try to enter, they'll be let in as well. A [Stone Flower] door prize is given if the team possesses both a Palace Pass and Entertainer Pass, note. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 29) Xanadu Castle ### ONE-TIME-ONLY DUNGEON! ### [WK29] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56976 ENEMIES : Lieutenant, Pet Bat, Gunner, Warlord, Large Bone ############################################################################ MONEY-MAKING TIP: Warlords carry Xanatou swords for Isa, and can be sold for GP in town. However, if one sells at the "Wonders of the World" shop, they will pay four times the normal amount for them. This includes all items that can be sold, actually! Thus, an easy 7000GP profit is made! Selling the free Gossamer Sash from Suilei sells for 176000GP, as well. ############################################################################ _____________ ____ _ | _______ |__ ___ ___|11 | |E| ___ | |J| | |3 4| | |J I| 12_|__| | | | ___|___ _|5 6| |C| ―――| | __ _| |F| | ___ | |C| | | |――――| |― ―|___| |D | |―18|___ SHIP |B | |_ | |_|_ _|_|14 D| | |―――| 10| |―――――| | 19 _ |__|―| |― _|_____ | _ _ _ |13|―――――| | |_ _|_ _| ―― ―| |___| |______| |_ _ _ |_ | B| | | |__| _ |_ |___________|――――― _ ___ |_| | | +| ―――| | | ____| | | _ _____ |G|H | | | |9| |― |―――| | | | 1 | |_ | |G| I H |_____ ___ | |―| |_____ | _____| |_ | |_ _| | _| |2| |_ ―|―――|_ _| E| | ― | | ___| | ___ _|_ _ _____| |_| | | 15 __| |― |―――――| | | | _ |_|78 | |A | | | | |_| __| ___|―――| |20 21 |_ _| | A| |― ―| | | _| _______| | 17| | 22 | | | ――― ――――― |___|START| |F| | | 16|_ _|_ _| |―|―――| | S| ―|_|― | | |_ _|_ _| _____| | |___| |_ _| |――――|――――――――――――――――| |_____________| | |23 | |_| |_ | S | Savepoint | |24 _________| | + | Cell Key | | 25| | 01 | Golden Robe | ――― | 02 | Mind Drink | Access to the castle starts on the ground floor, which | 03 | Ice Bomb | contains the throne room (north), performance grounds | 04 | Blue Potion | (center), kitcher (NE), barracks (NW) and a couple of | 05 | Stamina Drink | siderooms. Items 1-6 are all in plain sight, except | 06 | Laced Boots | for #2, through a blind passage in the kitchen's | 07 | Pearl Gauntlet | storeroom. Finding an "A" path leads to B1, the jail | 08 | Ceramic Helm | cells. See where #7/8 are on the map? A blind alley | 09 | Jail Guard Key | leads into that area. Additionally, the team can find | 10 | Iron Net | an incarcerated Rogurd in the cell block, who of | 11 | Mondu's Key | course wants to be freed. The Cell Key is hanging by | 12 | Blood Charm | the chest nearby, and when he's released, he gives a | 13 | Crystal Shard | [Jail Guard Key] and joins the party permanently. The | 14 | Elixir | JG Key opens the "C" path on F1, leading to the F2 | 15 | Ornate Axe | stairway. Oh, and Rogurd comes with his own upgraded | 16 | Red Scabbard | items: Silver Axe, Ceramic Helm, Lacquer Armor, Pearl | 17 | Guardian's Key | Gauntlet. | 18 | Lacquer Armor | | 19 | Pearl Gauntlet | F2 is rather unspectacular. The room with the maid | 20 | Sta Potion | contains a hidden passage with an [Iron Net] inside, | 21 | Mnd Potion | while one of the north rooms has a boss fight with | 22 | Spd Potion | everyone's faorite incompetent general. Before that | 23 | Imperial Armor | though, a secret passage opens into the east storage | 24 | Str Potion | area, and the stairway leads down to items #13/14. | 25 | Int Potion | Now, go see what's going on with Mondu... |____|________________| BOSS: Mondu HP: 4000 EXP: 400 GP: 400 TYPE: Human STRONG/WEAK: --- ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Attack [single: phys damage] • Blue Potion [self: heals 250 HP] • Acid Bomb [single: Adds DEF Down] • Torch [single: phys damage + %Flaming] • Power Slam [single: phys damage + %Paralysis] • Crescent Smash [local area: physical damage, 2-hit; about 66 damage] Basically the same as the very first fight, except Mondu can get triple- -teamed. This time 'round, people like Nym can take over one-fourth his HP off with skills, so this should register as a -1 on the difficulty scale. With his tail between his legs, the boss flees and drops [Mondu's Key] which allows the team to reach F3. Before that, though, that treasure chest in the office can be robbed for a [Blood Charm], provided the team got the golden key from the bookshelf in Ponsu. When done, up to F3! Here, the barracks nearby have an [Ornate Axe] for Rogurd, but the other rooms don't have much. Vai's Room DOES have a hidden [Red Scabbard] though -- once inside, go to the right and up. (Thanks to Michel Lacroix for finally finding info about this.) Make way to the southeast Guardian's Room, and heal up before taking the [Guardian's Key], which triggers a battle... BOSS: Celesta HP: 7000 STRONG: Dark WEAK: Fire/Holy EXP: 1140 GP: 1040 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Attack [single: physical damage] • Fira Dominatus [single: fire damage] • Nox Ico [small area: dark damage + %Poison] • Minions! To Me! [global: summons 3 Pet Bats] The final Guardian appears with three Pet Bats [500 HP]. Whereas Yuei had an ambush and Isai had instant death attacks, Celesta really has no ace up her sleeve, besides being able to summon her fallen bats back into battle. Without any multi-target abilities, this battle should be a cakewalk. [Can steal a Majai Spear]. With the Guardian's Key obtained, the 4F stair is accessible. BOSS: Vai HP: 17000 EXP: ---- GP: ---- STRONG/WEAK: ---- ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Carve [single: physical damage (4-hit)] • Lunge [single: physical damage + %Cripple] Kairu faces Vai alone and, not surprisingly, he's meant to lose. Don't waste a bunch of resources going against the flow, because with the boss' strength he quickly puts the player on the defensive. Following the fight, the castle turns into an acid trip and maneuvering is a bit harder. The destination is the castle roof where the personal airship of Zhe is kept. To find it, head downstairs the way y'came ("G"), then go up the other stairway in the SW corner ("F"). There are some items up here plus two guards, unless y'came here previously and pillaged. Upon locating the castle vehicle, everyone escapes and Xanadu Castle events finally close. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 30) Eerie Caves [WK30] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: B. Flame, Wandering Bone, Dark Demon, Pet Bat _ ________ EXIT ###<##<## |+| ##|―| ( ____ | |―\_|―|_|―( # __|S|__ # | |__) )_ |A| _| ) # |__ __| # |__ __ 1) ― |___|――――――――\_|―| # |――――|――――――――――――――――| ( ( # )5) \ \_ ___| |―――\ ___| # | 01 | Drakus Potion | \_\##<# (_( \ 2| | | |―\_ | # | 02 | Crystal Dust | # # ―― | |―| |__|3 | # | 03 | Mooncloth Robe | ##>## ##>## |_| |____ ―|――― # | 04 | Ghost Gauntlet | _#_#__ # | __| # | 05 | Torch | |____ | # |_|###>###>### |____|________________| ____| | # |_ __| # #>###>## As Kairu remarks, his curse mark's |_| # # _ # now gone -- of course, any of the # _|―|_|A| # nasty side effects've vanished as ##|_______| # well. Glacius's relearned too. Make | 3| # sure to re-equip all of the items ―| |――― # he had before, since the game's |_|#<##<# taken all of 'em off. This dungeon can be a little annoying, since some of its paths loop, but it's rather simple once y'know the layout. Kairu starts at the save/heal point and has to go from there. 1) Exit south into the next screen 2) Exit north from there; the path will now be different. 3) In the east section, get Items #1/2, then head northeast; exit 4) New screen! Go north to get Item #3, then backtrack and go west 5) The northeastern paths can lead down to Item #4, west of some barrels 6) With Item #4 gotten, backtrack west and go southeast to that exit At this point Kairu ends up by the level exit and can go to the world map! South through the mountain pass is the next town... DRAKUS TAT [WK31] ――――――――――――――――――――― Upon entering, move towards the center to find some Dragons badgering the subjugated Bulmen race. Of course Kairu will have to stand up for them, and does battle with the duo (x2 Dragon Warlord; 4000 HP). Luckily, being in his current state, there's little way to lose. After meeting Abraxus, the next destination is set: Forbidden's Fortress in the NE. But, there's some stuff to do before trekking through the mountains: • Blue Potion ----- hidden in SE corner of hidden basement • 700 GP ---------- barrel, one of the western houses] • Drakus Potion --- NE corner of town • Curse Juju ------ Dragon Mansion, Collector's room • Rebel Tricorn --- Dragon Mansion secret room • Drakus Potion --- Dragon Mansion secret room • Drakus Potion --- Dragon Mansion secret room • Poison Sword ---- Dragon Mansion secret room The aformentioned secret room is hidden in plain sight. In town, head to the exterior of the mansion and see that one side has a bunch of crates stacked in stairlike fashion. It's possible to hop up here to get the three items, and the Poison Sword isn't even buyable! The Dragon-run shops won't sell to spirits though, so there'll be nothing else to do here. [You can visit The Collector in the mansion and give him the Zeion Glove, but this can be put off for later -- he'll just be taking the item and giving no reward for now anyway.] So, the Forbidden's Fortress is NE of town. Giddyup. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 31) Forbidden's Fortress [WK31] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56977 ENEMIES : Dark Devil, Rampant Spirit, B. Flame, R. Flame, Bloadpool ############################################################################# NOTE: Some people have trouble with this dungeon, and it relates to unlocking the front door from the north (interior) side. If you try to exit the dungeon without having unlocked the front door, y'may get stuck. Thus, defeat the gate guard for the key and unlock it, then proceed with normal spelunking. ############################################################################# _ _____ _ |―――| |―――|_ _|G|_ ____| 11_|F|__ ___|_ ―| |F| \ / __ |_/ _ ―|_|__ | (_ _| ―――――――――\ \ _ ___/ / |____/ |_ _|BOSS| | ( __|―――|―――|\ _) _|C|_ _____/ ___/ ____|*|_|_ _| | ) |E|______|12G| \ \ _______|_____|____/ _____/4\____ ___\7\ __/ | | ( ― ―|― _) ) | ___________/_ / __) | | E \6\ |____| | ) )――/――\――| | _| _| | ――|――| ^ 2|D 14 15) (_(_( 5 | | 13 ) )_ ______| / ――― /)C) |D||8 | |――― |__|_ _|――――\――)―/ __ \_ |_|――――― | ( (――――― ―― ― ――― | |――|10| _|―\ ―― /\^\ 3 ___|――――――――― | | N | |_ | 9| | ―――――― \ ―― | | | | |___ __|_ _| ――――― | | W --+-- E |A / ___ 1 _| ( (_ | ―――/ / __| | ONE-WAY DROP POINTS: \ B S ―――B/ |A ( ―― ―――― ―――\ \_ - A |――――|―――――――――――――――――| / __| - C | 01 | Fortress Key | / ( - F | 02 | Rebel Tricorn | START | 03 | Ancient Armor | | 04 | Hero Drink | The obvious way into the fortress is through the | 05 | Int Potion | front gate -- try it a few times and the guard will | 06 | Demonic Skull | get angry and attack, dropping the [Fortress Key] | 07 | Drakus Potion | after his demise. However, the fortress is very | 08 | Serpent Tongue | labyrinthine and it's possible to miss a lot of | 09 | Str Potion | things. The quickest way to get everything is to: | 10 | Incubus Skull | | 11 | Crystal Dust | 1) Go around back and get Treasures #8/13/14/15 | 12 | Oppa Oil | 2) Go to front and fall through pit trap "A" | 13 | Swift Boots | 3) Get Treasures #9/10/#12, and work towards #11 | 14 | Drakus Potion | 4) Go through locked door (*) from north (only way) | 15 | Mask of Despair | 5) Start working west, getting remaining treasures, | * | Locked Door | #2-7. |____|_________________| If you choose to do this another way, prepare for a very annoying time with even more backtracking. The good thing is that none of these treasures are hidden; most are just on out-of-reach ledges or areas. Eventually make way to the "BOSS" room in the east... THE BLACK RIFT ―――――――――――――― The POV switches over to the rest of the allies, ready to go after Kairu. The team will be Nym and a 2nd ally, strongly suggested to be a magic-user like Isa/Aurora. Inspect Kairu's body to be taken to the Eerie Caves. At this point, the team must retrace Kairu's own steps, out of the caves, and to Drakus Tat. Talk to the two Bulmen dressed in blue near the west side of town for some Abraxus scenes, in which Nym learns how to remove forcefields erected in ancient times. [NOTE: If Rogurd is with, he can obtain a Ghost Mace from a Dragon shopkeeper in the northern building.] Return to Forbidden's Fortress and prepare to deal with three more Dragon Warlords; after, make way to the boss room. BOSS: Drakis HP: 8000 EXP: 1400 GP: 1350 STRONG/WEAK: Nothing BOSS: Kipher HP: 12000 EXP: ---- GP: ---- STRONG/WEAK: Nothing ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • [K] Drakus Potion [self: heals 500 HP] • [K] Dark Breath [medium area: fire damage] • [K] Dragonstrike [single: physical damage] • [K] Triplestrike [single: physical damage, 3-hit] • [D] Staggering Blow [single: physical damage + %SPD Down] The bosses typically only use physical attacks, so the difficulty redlines pretty hard. Dark Breath can do about 100 damage to those in range but has infrequent use, so besides tagteaming targets, there's little strategy. Immediately afterward... BOSS: GhostEye HP: 50000 EXP: ---- GP: ---- STRONG: All WEAK: --- ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Chronos [all: dark damage + %SPD Down] • Uro [small area: earth damage + %SPD Down] • Touch of Death [single: physical damage + %Poison] Another unwinnable, so don't waste resources. Afterwards, everyone's in the real world and the airship is in their control. As Abraxus suggested awhile ago, heading to House of White Stone in order to reach Abraxus Tower should be the next destination. OPTIONAL THINGS ――――――――――――――― With the airship obtained, there's actually a lot of stuff to do. I'll expound on a few below. • Temple of Lucivar ------> get Lucivar summon • Tida's Reef ------------> and get Tida summon • House of Black Stone ---> Get summon on B1 level • Tradefair --------------> Explore Rogurd's house / Finish Neet quest • Pelpo Pelo -------------> Visit town on southeastern island TRADEFAIR [OPTIONAL] ―――――――――――――――――――――――― • Blue Root --------------> kitchen barrel • Uji Nut ----------------> dining room urn • Oppa Oil ---------------> living room urn • Blue Root --------------> 2F urn • Leather Gauntlet -------> 2F chest • Chain Mail -------------> 2F chest • Stamina Drink ----------> 2F chest • Mind Drink -------------> 2F chest • Acid Bomb --------------> 2F chest • Elixir -----------------> 2F chest • Restore Oil ------------> 2F chest • White Potion -----------> 2F chest • 500 GP -----------------> Fine Clothier chest PELPO PELO [OPTIONAL] ――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Blue Potion ------------> barrel near entrance • Totem ------------------> barrel in vacant house • Crystal Dust -----------> crate by pub • White Potion -----------> pub chest • Str Potion -------------> pub chest • Ice Bomb ---------------> barrel by pub beach Don't forget about the pub brawlers that can be fought! HOUSE OF WHITE STONE [WK32] ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― More of an elevator than a dungeon, the House of White Stone is one of the last remaining unexplored places in the known world. On the minimap, it's a purple dot on the island east of Apogea Tower, on the north section within a huge forest. Landing on the southern plains and walking there is the only way to continue, unfortunately. Within, Nym can put his forcefield-abolishing abilities to use, and get some items as well: White Potion, Sinful Eye, Gaia Ring, Earth Ward. Additionally, since Nym is required to get through, he can pickup the Uro summon (sparkle) in the foyer. The back elevator connects to the Corridor of Clouds 2F, which starts right by the forcefield-guarded Abraxus Tower, a little to the north. [NOTE: The locked east door at the tower base leads to the Doll Factory, an optional place we'll visit in a little while.] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 33) Abraxus Tower [WK33] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56975 _________ _ _______ | _____ | | | | _ _| | |_ ___| |_| |__| |_| | ___|___| _____ __ _ | ENEMIES: Puppet Master, Puppet, Defective, |13 |___| |_ | | | |_| | Doll, Recharger, Summoner Tome, | |―| _ _ | |M|__|___ | Alerter | |_| | | _|___ ―| _ |__| | | |_ | |_ _ | | _|____| |―――|___ | |_| |___| |_| |_| __ _| ____ |―――|―――|―――|―――| | | |______________________| |_ | 14 | | | | | | | | | | |_| | | N | |O | | | | | | | | | |_ |___ _ ――――― ―| ――| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |I| |―| |―||――――――| |BOSS!| _| |___|___|___|___|_______| | | |___________| | |H|| J*KL | |_ _| | K |11_____________________| |H ___________ G| | ||______| | |___ |―――――| |_____ | |*|__| G |__| | | ―――――――|_ | | ―|L|―|M| | _| | |___ ___ |9| |―――| |―| | |_ ! _| | | | | _ | |10 |I| F |_ | |― | J_| | | | _| |_ | | |12 | | | ―――|― ___ | | | | |___|_|_| | | N | | ――――――― | | |___| |_| | |___________| ――――― ――――――――――― |___________| ___________ ___ _________ _ _______ ___ _ ___ | ___ | | | | |A|__ ___ | 1 2| | |D| | | | D | _| | | |―――|F|―――| | | | | |A| |___| _| _| |__| _| |_ _| |5 | | |___|―|___| | | | | ―| _ |B| | | _ | _| |___ ――― _|_____ E _ _| | __| | _| |_| ___|_ |_ |_|B| |_____ |―――――| | 8| 7 | | |_ |______ | | | O | C | | __ |― | | * | | |_| _| |_____|6| |* | |___| |3 4| |_| C | |_ E| |_________________| ――― |ENTER| | ―――― |_ _| ―|_|― ――― |_____| |――――|―――――――――――――――――| This will be the biggest tower yet, there's no free | ! | Savepoint | healing, and the savepoint is on F10, so get ready! | * | Teleport CPU | | 01 | Sky Arm | F1: Head north until the "B" stairway is visible, | 02 | Restore Oil | but go NW instead to the "A" stair room. The | 03 | Mnd Potion | [Sky Arm] and [Restore Oil] are found in some | 04 | Hero Drink | assorted crates/bottles here. Go downwards... | 05 | Flash Sabers | | 06 | Silver Claw | B1: Maneuver to the end room, containing a computer | 07 | Elixir | console. There are three options: (1) give it | 08 | Elixir | magical power (2) press random buttons (3) kick | 09 | White Potion | it! The latter two just force the player to pick | 10 | Majai Armlet | the 1st option, which drains 25% of _all_ allies' | 11 | Starspirit Robe | SP to regain functionality to F2's "D" teleport. | 12 | Starspirit Robe | That's also the floor we're headed to! | 13 | Sta Potion | | 14 | Sealing Orb | F2: The "D" stairway is in the NW, but get the [Mnd |____|_________________| Potion] and [Hero Drink] in the southern hidden path first. F3: Get the [Flash Sabers] in the east dead-end passage, then take the south corridor to a large chamber. Turn on the computer and a short game of "Simon" will play. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, it requires a player to repeat a colored sequence to open the teleport. There are six inputs to enter, with one being added each step. I believe it's random in nature, but just for the heck of it, here's the sequence I had (with the orbs labelled 1-5, going clockwise, starting at top): 4,5,4,3,1,4. Successful completion opens up the next teleport. F4: Items #6-8 are in the rooms around here, with #8 being accessible through a blind west wall. The "F" teleport is in the north, by going counter- -clockwise from the "E" teleport. F5: The three shining monoliths by the deactivated "G" teleport lead to three seperate battles with two Devils; the teleport reactivates when all are fought. They have 5000 HP overall and counter attacks with Glacius, so be aware. F6: Get the [White Potion] and go west to "I", flip the computer on, go back to F6, then go south to the newly-created bridge, leading down to #10, a [Majai Armlet]. Up to "H" now. F7: Go down the catwalk to the room with a skeleton, who suggests that there is an alternate way out (current exit loops). Inspect the forefront of the central pillar to make a new stairway appear, leading to the exit. F8: Inspect the computer for a question prompt: long path or short path? Each leads to an item unique to that path and both paths can be traversed, as long as y'backtrack to the starting warp and use the computer to change 'em. Both paths have a [Starspirit Robe] to get, and since it reduces SP costs, it's worth going through both routes to obtain. Both corridors'll lead to the "M" warp though. F9: Now for an RPG mainstay: the dark maze! Kairu can only see a little in all directions, making maneuvering around rather confusing, so it'll be wise to use the ASCII map above. On F10, save and look behind the bookcase to find the F11 boss... BOSS: Statue x3 HP: 5000 EXP: 2800 GP: 2000 STRONG: ???? BOSS: Statue HP: 7000 EXP: ---- GP: ---- STRONG: ???? ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Freeze [single: %Freeze] • Flamma [single: fire damage] • Whisperwind [single: %Confusion] • Glacius [single: water damage + %Freeze] • Aira Toxus [single: wind damage + %Sleep] • Attack [single, long-range: physical attack] • Head Throw [single, long-range: physical damage] • Curo Aira [counter (all enemies): heals HP; used by SW boss] • Tempest Glacius [death-counter (all allies): water damage; used by NE boss] Although a 4-on-3 is a little unfair, the bosses will typically strike with single-target attacks, so bunching together is fine for healing purposes. While tag-teaming is the obvious strategy, make sure to (1) avoid the SW Statue since it counters by healing all enemies (2) heal up before killing the NE Statue, as its death-counter is Tempest Glacius. Each statue has a different elemental strength, so using the Monster Codex (or Appraise, if you're using Rogurd) to check that out is helpful. When the SW Statue's the only remaining boss, use summons and powerful dual techs in order to bring it down with minimal HP regeneration. [Targets have no items to steal.] Before heading off to Isapolis, inspect the NW corner of the boss room to find another secret passage, leading to the [Sealing Orb], then teleport back to the lobby. Now, Isapolis won't appear on the map, but it's definitely there -- off the SW coast of the north-central continent. The very miniscule island it's at _can_ be landed on, but it's kinda hard. Try to drop down while being a little east of center. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 34) Doll Factory [OPTIONAL] [WK34] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/57016 ENEMIES -: Puppet Master, Puppet, Guard Mine, Doll, Defective, Recharger, Alerter, Wanderguard, Eliminator, Ur-Guardian The Doll Factory is located at the base of Abraxus Tower, on the right-hand side where a magically-sealed door is. Nephi is required to open it, so start the Isapolis section [WK35], get him, then do this one. The passage through House of White Stone must be the route, like before, and Nephi must be in the active party as pointman. |――――|―――――――――――――――――| ___ ___ | S | Savepoint | | ! | |1 2| _______ | * | Computer | |_ | | S |_ |_ _ | | ! | Doll's Location | |*| |―| |―|6| _| | |_ _____ _ ___ | 01 | Wood Hands | | 3 ___| |_| ___|7| _| __ _|_ A _|_______|*| B | | 02 | Apex Robe | ―――| |___|_ _|8 9|―| | |5 |___ _____ _| | 10| | 03 | Cosmos | | _ |_ _| | | | | * 4_ C|C | | 04 | Harmonic Ring | | | |__ *| _ | ――――――――――――――――|*| |―| | | 05 | High-Tech Part | _| |_ |__ ___|_|B| |___|11 | | 06 | Unnamed Glove | | A | | | ― ――― | 07 | Lucivar Herb | ――――― | | | 08 | Lucivar Herb | |START| | 09 | Yoxillion Whip | ―|_|― | 10 | Lucivar Herb | | 11 | Searing Blades | Doll Factory is really just 2 interconnected areas, |____|_________________| and Kairu starts on the lower part. Go northwesterly direction, getting the first three items in or around the savepoint room. One door is guarded by an Ur-Guardian, once a boss from Ring of Memories, now a rather easy boss to defeat with double techs aplenty. The door it guards leads to a secret character's room, named Doll. He gets his skills from special equipment found around the world, rather than getting them through higher levels. Out of here, go south to the "A" elevator, get Items #4/5, and move to the eastern room. Turn on the computer here with the high-tech part, making any functional computers activate. Back to F1, the computer nearest the entrance can open the locked door right beside it. Get Items #6/7 before jumping on the conveyor belt, which will lead to a mandatory Ur-Guardian battle (this happens each time you go through that spot, for reference). The belt eventually spits Kairu out near items 8 & 9, plus the remaining locked door -- jiggle the handle and it'll remain open. Finally, jump back on the conveyor belt a 3rd time to reach B1. Collect the 10th item and go south through the hidden wall, to the 11th item, [Searing Blades] for Isa. The "C" warp will allow the player to start backtracking out of this dump, after. That's all there is to do here! _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 35) Isapolis [WK35] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/56974 ENEMIES : Temple Guardian, Aquarium, Dread Lord, Reaper, Deep Abyssal, Giant Urchin, Burrower, Primal Earth, Sunken Rock, Cloud Drake, Solar Element, Vulture, Vampire Parrot, Magma, Patroller NOTE: If you want to visit the secret shop on the SE mountain-encircled island, now's a good time to do it -- it has above par equipment for this time and won't be accessible again for awhile after this dungeon. See the appropriate sidequest section for details. |――――|――――――――――――――――――| ___ _____ _ | ! | Savepoint | | 22|BOSS!| | | * | Lever | ―| |_ _| | | 01 | Crystal Shard | |___ ___| | 02 | Majai Armlet | _|h|_ _ _ | 03 | Pugnant Bomb | |_ _| | | _____ _____ ________| | | 04 | Stamina Drink | | | |!| | |__________| |__| _ | __ f| | 05 | Adventurer's Hat | |_ _| |____ _____ e g __ f| _|_|__| |――― | 06 | Fireray | | _ | _| |_ |_____| | |_____ 20| | 07 | 1500 GP | | |g| | |21 | | |___|^|―――― | 08 | Lotus Circlet | |_____| ――――― |_______| | 09 | Evasion Charm | _ _ _ | 10 | Int Potion | ______ |N|O|__| | | 11 | Restore Oil | __| K| |_ ____| ­­­­___ _____ _ | 12 | Mnd Potion | _| ――――| _ |K |____ | O| _ N| _|P|_ | 13 | Sta Potion | |8| ―――――| |_|7| _|― __ | | |― | | | _ | | 14 | Midnight Sword | |_ |― ___| ___| |L|―| |M | | | | |―| | | |R|Q | | 15 | Majai Armlet | |_| |R 9| |_ | ― |_ | | | | |_| | | |―| | | 16 | Restore Oil | |L |―|―S J| ―――|______| |M|_| P|_| ―|―S | | 17 | Spd Potion | ――― ――――― ― ――― ――― | 18 | Mnd Potion | _____ | 19 | Majai Armor | _______ _| c | | 20 | Elixir | | ___ | | |―――| | 21 | Elixir | | | | | |d| _|_ | 22 | Glowing Spheres | | | _| |_ ― |15_| | 23 | Mind Drink | | | | | ___| | | 24 | Magic Bracelet | | | _| | | ___| |____|__________________| | | |_ |___| |_ ____ | |_ |_____ _|_ __| 14| ___ _ |_ | 16 | |_|d| |Y __|―― | W | _|U| | | |―――――――| | | | |_____ | |― | _| | _________|― | |___ | |X | | | | |_ | | |Z|24a A|FGH|___ _ _ _ _ | |―――| | | |__| _| | |___ _|―|*|―|_,_|_|_ 4 _||G|5|H|*| | ――― | |_ __| | ___|_ ― _|_|E _____|| | | _| ――――――― | | ___ _ | | |c *| e |* Q|_|_____ |_____| ______________________ | | |_ T|_|V| ___| | ―|― _ ―|― ___ |_ _ | _________________ h| | |_ | | _| |b | | |_ |*| |―| |_|D| D| _|F| | | | ______ |―― | 12| |___| ―| | | _| |I| |C| C|3|E|― |I| | | | |Y| _ | |___ ――― | | | |B|_ ― _| |――― ― ― | _| | | ― |X| |Z|W13| |_ | |2|_| |A|JB―――――――――― | | | | | | |―| | _____ | | |___ _ ―|―| |―――――――― | | | |__|_|_| | |U _ | | | | 1 | | | | |6| | | |__________| |_| | |_|―| | | |___ |_| |_| | |_ |^| _| 10| | |___|i23| _| |_ | ___ _ _| |____ ___| _|――― |_ _|___| |_ _| | |b17| |*|_| aS _| _ T ||――| | 19| |_ _| |i | | 18| |________|_____| | | || V| ――― |_ _| ――― ――― |___||11| |START| ―― ―|_|― At the entrance, the team find Nephi, who will stop his disappearing act and finally join permanently. He comes with Knives Shards, Silk Hat, Mooncloth Robe, and a Golden Bracelet. Velcome to...Isapolis. Mwaha-ha-ha...*cough* ############################################################################ NOTE: With Nephi in the party, the team can get the first optional character in the Doll Factory dungeon. See the preceding section for details. Is there a reason to get him now instead of going through Isapolis? Yes -- an item that halves SP consumption. Forewarning, y'all. ############################################################################ MAIN HALL ――――――――― The main hall is where it all begins and connects -- there is an elevator in the north that is out of order. To make it function, all of the elemental seals in the dungeon must be successfully be traversed to the end, where a teleport will warp everyone to a lever. A lever gives 25% to the elevator and, well, y'see where this is going. Collect items #1/2 and go to the "B" warp, which leads to... THE WATER SEAL ―――――――――――――― This watery area has a lot of teleports. Make way to the "D" teleport to collect the [Pugnant Bomb], then take "E" onwards. A little ways down the path, "G" and "H" will lead to an [Adventurer's Hat] and a lever, lowering a ladder on the "F" path. Take that way, "I" warp to the 1st elevator lever, backtrack, get the [Firelay], and return to the SW corner. The brown warp ("J") leads to... THE EARTH SEAL ―――――――――――――― Go north one screen and then to the west wall, where a hidden passage leads to a [Lotus Circlet] headband for the ladies. Take the "K" stairway nearby down one level, then down the "N" stairway, leading to the "P" warp. "Q" will lead to the 2nd elevator lever, then warp down. There are two spots around the "Q" warp where Kairu can jump down, and by taking the western of the two, he lands right by an [Evasion Charm]! Drop down and take the green warp ("S") to... THE WIND SEAL ――――――――――――― Left of the entrance, hit the lever to reveal the parlor trick: there are two tiers to the level, each with invisible paths. The lever's involvement makes them alternate flashing so the player has a general idea of where to go. But, this minor inconvenience masks what is one of the easier floors. The "T" path leads to a [Restore Oil], while the "U" path to items #12-14, including the awesome [Midnight Sword]. The "Z" path leads to the 3rd elevator switch, while back in the wind seal room, the arrow will shoot Kairu south to the "a" warp. [NOTE: On the map, I ran out of capital letters so this begins the lowercase series.] THE FIRE SEAL ――――――――――――― Near the entrance warps, spy the [Magic Bracelet] half-hidden nearby. It's #24 on the map, if only 'cause I missed it the first time -- oops. In the lava room, get item #15 and go counterclockwise to a switch, draining the lava in the room. This allows Kairu to get item #16, and a semi-obscured SW path leads to Item #19. There's also a secret west wall passage that will teleport Kairu to the wind seal room, to get Items #17 & 18. Back in the lava room, make for the NE corner where Kairu can teleport to the 4th and final elevator switch. To return to the starting area (gray on map), go back to the warp zone and take the "A" path. The elevator in question is in the north section, and the flashing parts on the ground (x4) should be giving power to the elevator. If one direction isn't, one seal lever wasn't flipped! Take the lift to F2... THE LIGHT/DARK SEALS ―――――――――――――――――――― These seals are paltry "puzzles" compared to the other two. Light is in the west, Dark in the east. Each is basically a small path leading to a shrine where Kairu must turn on a beacon, and each has an [Elixir] to find en route. When both shrines are activated, the elevator can reach the top floor. TOP FLOOR ――――――――― Save north of the elevator and continue to the final room. Before approaching the boss, make sure to collect the [Glowing Spheres] chest from the west side of the room! BOSS: Forbidden Vai HP: 18000 EXP: 1000 GP: 1000 STRONG/WEAK: --- ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Tremor [all: earth damage] • Magus Absorbus [single: absorbs SP] • Physica Absorbus [single: absorbs HP] • Celes Igneus [all: holy damage + %Blind] • Celes Mistis [all: holy damage + %Paralysis] • Glacius [small area: water damage + %Freeze] • Hex [single: inflicts a lot of status effects] • Ball Lightning [single: wind damage + %Paralysis] • Lunge [single (sometimes skill counter): physical damage + %Cripple] Vai typically opens with Celes Mistis but doesn't use it again, instead choosing Lunge, HP/SP absorbing skkills, and some normal elemental types. He's not that hard in this state if y'harness the power of double techs (i.e. Southcross Slash can do 3000+) while the ability to heal everyone en masse. On the way out of the maze, through a different route than usual, collect the final treasure, a [Mind Drink] before exiting. At this point, the world gets all buggaboo and the fellowship of the ring...err, orb is forcefully divided. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 35) Drakus Tat [II] [WK35] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― The party members are now all around the world, not unlike FFVI, and they'll have to do their own things until regrouping. Luckily, most allies come in pairs so there'll be no stickin' it out alone. PART 1: Drakus Tat ―――――――――――――――――― First up is Aurora and Nephi, who land right on the outskirts of the Dragon town. Once in the city limits, and a few scenes later, Nephi can wander around the mansion. If you got the Unnamed Glove from the Doll Factory, now's a good time to trade it at The Collector's for the [Ixion Glove], which has the same exact stats except it makes physical attacks long-range, if they're not already. To continue, enter the throneroom and grab the official-looking guy to assist in Aurora's interrogation. Following, town can be explored a bit -- of particular interest is being able to use the northern dragon shop [SH18] which snubbed Kairu last visit. Anyway, equip some SP/HP-curing items on Nephi and try to leave town... BOSS: Kipher HP: 12000 EXP: 1000 GP: 1000 STRONG/WEAK: --- ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Drakus Potion [self: cures HP] • Attack [single: physical damage] • Dark Breath [small area: dark damage] • Dragonstrike [single: physical damage] • Antidote [counter (self): cures poison] • Are you ready to die? [single: does nothing] • Triplestrike [single: physical damage, 3-hit] Nephi fights this lunkhead alone, and luckily, his bag of tricks is full of simpleton moves (it's also full of something else, if y'get my drift). The pit in the middle provides a good buffer zone, and constantly being on the other side as the boss forces him to waste time moving close. Attack-wise, Backstab is the best bet since the boss isn't immune to paralysis. On the flipside, having some HP/SP-refilling items can act as a safety net in case Physica Absorbus can't be used. Overall, not too hard with a little fore- -thought. He'll use Triplestrike when almost dead so keep HP up a bit at all times. This ends the first split portion. PART 2: Pelpo Pelo ―――――――――――――――――― This portion concerns Nym and Rogurd, washed up on a deserted island...well, it does have Pelpo Pelo on it. This ends up being probably the most annoying of the character-centric sections, so once in town, be sure to buy some HP & SP-refilling items for the journey ahead. Rogurd suggests heading to the pub but before that, feel free to do the farming minigame in the north and earn a [Gaia Glove], part of Drakus Tat's "The Collector" sidequest. Also, if you want a great weapon for Rogurd, steal one from Brute Demons outside of town -- it drains HP! [NOTE: when fighting undead monsters, it heals them and hurts Rogurd.] They also sell for 9000GP/per, so if you need cash, that's a good way to go too. When ready to continue, visit the pub to find Gavin looking for companions in his latest search for "IT". Rogurd uses his merchant skills to parlay the situation into one with wages and the chance for treasure, though. Speak to Gavin when ready to continue -- buy some HP/SP-recovery items before doing this, though. [You can go back to Pelpo Pelo if need be.] Temple of the Key [WK36] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Enemies: Lost Guardian, Jungle Creep, Tropic Nightmare, Fragrant Rose, Large Bone, Tropic Wolf ___|―――――|___ ____ ______________ _____ ____ _________ | _ 11 _ | | 01 | Sta Potion | ___| _B | |B | | _ _ _ D| | | |_____| | | | 02 | Mnd Potion | |3 1|― ――| | | | | |9|― _| |_| | | | | 03 | Spd Potion | |2 4| |― ―| |_ _ _| | | __| | | | 04 | Int Potion | |__ __| | |―| | | | |8| | | |___ |_| |-12 | 05 | Coral Mace | | |___ | |_| | |_ _ _| |_ _| | | | | 06 | Legend | |___ | |_ _| | |7| | | | | | 13 _| | 07 | Sun Orb | |15 |____ |5|_ |_ _ _| | | |_____| | 08 | Abalone Helm | ―――|____ | | C| |6| | | | |_ _| |D | | 09 | Hero Drink | _|_|_ ――― |__ __| _| |_ ―| | | 10 | Iron Helmet | _|―| |―| | _ | ____| | |_ | |― ―| | 11 | Gem Claw | |A| | | | | |^| | |C | |S|―――――| |― | 12 | Ocean's Arm | | | |_| | |―――| | ―――――― |!| |―| | | | 13 | Elixir | |_______| |A|___| |― | 10―| | | | 14 | Rift Seal | ― START |_____|___| | 15 | 20000 GP | ―――― ―――――――――――――― To start, go north and flip both levers, and when the team falls through the floor on the way back (B1), return via the "A" path and continue on via the opened door. At this point, it's a good idea to avoid flipping random levers and just trying to get by. Some skeleton enemies appear on the field -- these fights can't be run away from! Also, random battles with two Lost Explorers can't be fled from either, so always keep HP/SP in decent condition! Down the hallways, come to the L-shaped corridor with two pillars -- there's a hidden west passage leading to [20000 GP], so don't miss it! A large room with elevated platforms is found adjacent to this passage. Gavin will suggest flipping the north switch which floods skeleton enemies into the room. It's quite possible to reach the destination -- the SW lever -- without fighting a bunch of little-EXP, little-GP generics. Four potion-type foes're around here too. The SW lever opens the north door and leads down to B1. A little ways in, Gavin and the team will split up, and then a tiny race'll begin: go south to the door before Gavin while avoiding obvious spike grids. Said unscrupulous treasure-seeker will then run off ahead, stealing items as the team gets to the "C" path. However, a [Coral Mace] is left for Rogurd to use. Down on B2, it'll be a "Lady or the Tiger" situation, except the tiger is actually an un-flee-able skeleton-type battle. There are four items to get here -- #s 6-9 -- before finding the stair. At B3, simply follow the way to the bottom, to a room with a booby-trapped pot. Hitting the button lets some monsters in, and scares Gavin away from the [Iron Helmet] chest in the room next door, which is a pretty crappy "gift". North, the northern switch is the right one to make the bridge, and from there, it's easy to reach the save/heal spot. North is the start of the 5:00 mad dash to final room, kinda like a shoddy Indiana Jones movie. THE RACE ―――――――― Although this is an event, know that if you don't reach the final room in 5:00 (300 secs) then the course must be done again, so there's no time to dawdle, generally. I'll just list the rooms as they come: 1: SPIKE ROOM: there's a correct way through the spikes, which pop up to prevent the team from reaching the north door. Not too hard overall. 2: PROJECTILE ROOM: Both walls spit projectiles across the path, and if any land, they temporarily stun the pointman and send him back a bit. Not too hard, like the previous room. 3: PROJECTILE ROOM II: Like the previous room, except these wall-spit rocks are incoming, so the chance of them hitting is typically 100%. A nook here and there allows for dodging, but the path isn't _that_ long, so it becomes a minor annoyance. 4: SKELETON ROOM: The catwalks over the abyss have skeletons on them, and of course, by running into them un-flee-able Lost Explorer battles are fought. Getting through is annoying as it is, but going for that pesky [Gem Claw] chest really eats up the clock, tacking on about 2-3 extra battles. If you want to run out the clock to get the item, though, that can be fine. 5: BOULDER COURSE: There is one item to get in this course, the [Ocean's Arm] special equipment for the secret character Doll, who should've been gotten already. To get it, go down the first stretch of the course on the west side, outrunning the boulder; then, switch to the east side to get the item. Touching a boulder will force a reset on the course, which will be necessary since the boulders block the way down. To successfully exit, go down the west side for the 2nd stretch as well. 6: HIP-HOP COURSE: No, this isn't where one hones their freestyle skills -- it's where the team must jump across stepping stones (which fall after one time) to reach the final door. There's an [Elixir] in the west but forget it if time's almost up. After all that work, heal up HP/SP and proceed down the corridor to... BOSS: GhostEye HP: 18000 EXP: 1700 GP: 1500 STRONG/WEAK: --- ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Chronos [all: dark damage + %SPD Down] • Uro [small area: earth damage + %SPD Down] • Judge of Sun [single: fire damage + %Blind] • Touch of Death [single: physical damage + %Poison] • Power Drain [single: phys damage; Ghosteye regains 8xDMG as SP] • Minion! Come forth! [global: summons Tropic Nightmare into battle] Before this guy was nigh invincible; now he's a lot more manageable. It'll help to use the double-tech "Renova Huma" to give everyone HP regeneration, since the boss still has some decent abilities. If a Tropic Nightmare gets summoned, focus on that first, since its lamebrain abilities can inflict some annoying statuses, most notably Berserk. As long as one keeps HP up, the boss' summoning abilities don't pack that much of a punch -- even that dang Chronos can do double-digit damage. Make sure to steal the [Ashen Robe] from him, since it's the only one in the game (I believe). After some scenes, the [Rift Key] is obtained. Section over! PART 3: Polamaze Temple [WK38] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Doll, Doomwing Larva, Guard Mine, Pulverizer, Cloud Drake, Solar El. ITEMS : Crystal Dust, Dawning Whip, Sorceror Dome, Vigor Talisman Now to Kairu and Isa, whose airship has crashed at Polamaze's temple -- it's time for descendin'. Their part is probably the shortest of all mandatory portions, so there won't be a map. (Enemy note: Pulverizer can drop Ancient Dome for Doll.) Everyone starts atop the tower; search the south-central side for some hoverpads leading downward. Use these to get inside the tower and start the descent -- the chests along the way are all in plain sight, so make sure to get them, the Sorceror Dome in particular. On the 2nd exterior portion, race downwards to fight four Dragon Warlords, serving as a warmup to... BOSS: Drakis HP: 8000 EXP: 400 GP: 350 STRONG/WEAK: --- ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Attack [single: physical damage] Nothing about this battle should be tough at all, except for the fact that after fighting so many battles in a bunch, one's HP/SP values are probably not maxed out. Take care of that first and dole out appropriate punishment. After, approach the temple base's door to return to the village, then speak with Isa outside. Everyone disperses, so feel free to rest in one of the north houses. Items around town: • Crystal Shard --> Pot in left cliff house • Lucivar Herb ---> barrel between two cliff houses • Magician Glove -> chest in one of the cliff houses • Lucivar Herb ---> chest in riverside house DO NOT APPROACH THE TEMPLE at this time, as it may glitch and repeat the Dragon invasion section once again. Instead, head to the east side of town and go into the forest section past the town Guardian. Here, go a little east and south to find a pond where everyone meets Juji. After some talk, this section is O-V-E-R. PART 4: ??? [OPTIONAL] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――― This final section only plays if Doll was obtained before finishing Isapolis. Doll awakens in a small cave by himself, and can only go north. Along the way is the [Lucivar's Ring] chest, the real reward for getting the secret ally as soon as possible -- it halves SP consumption! GENUFA ―――――― After everyone's sections are concluded, they reunite here. Rogurd suggests going back to Tradefair to collect his personal ship, so that's the next part of the plan. If you remember the geography of the pre-fusion map, Genufa's desert's entrance was southeast of Fort Domfriu, which itself was southeast of Tradefair's region -- i.e. the destination is practically NW of current location. However, Fort Domfriu has been destroyed in favor of a huge lake, which now takes up most of once-Cytherian plains. Going counterclockwise will lead to the Cytherian bridge. [To get to the world map, talk to the guy by Ring of Memories' entrance and choose to go to Melmoth Entrance.] CYTHERIAN BRIDGE ―――――――――――――――― The barracks here have been turned into an inn now, so use the facilities if needed. While going across, there's a mandatory boss battle. BOSS: Body Armor HP: 15000 EXP: 1900 GP: 1900 STRONG: ------ WEAK: Wa/D BOSS: Deep Monster HP: 16000 EXP: ---- GP: ---- STRONG: Wa/F/E WEAK: --- ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • [DM] Flood [all: water damage] • [DM] Curo Aira [all foes: cures HP] • [DM] Attack [single (long-range): physical damage] • [BA] Power Drain [single: damage target; recover 8xDMG PP] Pretty easy battle overall, especially if the healer has Lucivar's Ring. The Body Armor should be the first target to go down, since it's weak to water and darkness -- dual techs like Southcross Slash can do 5000+, making it succumb without too much trouble. Since it takes up the west part of the battlefield, some techs like Storm Slash, won't work. Sometimes the boss'll cure itself so make sure to strike hard with single blows instead of lightly with multiple. After battle, the [Sigil Necklace] -- formerly known as Isa's Necklace -- is found on the bridge. This is the first piece of the armament set, and part of a sidequest involving the collection of them all, plus the 8th secret ally. TRADEFAIR ――――――――― The ship Rogurd's talking about is at his personal docks, NW of his mansion. There are a few other things to do here before leaving though: • Also, if you haven't gotten the [Golden Crown] chest in the slum pub, now's a pretty good time. Rogurd must be in the party to make the thieves (2 First Mates) leave...forcably. Their Tetanos Knife attack paralyzes so guard against that and things'll be rather simple. • The art shop on the west side of town sells the [Sigil Helm] for 100,000GP but if Rogurd's with, he can haggle it down to a fifth of the price (20K). This is the best outcome, of course. • Sleeping in Rogurd's 2F bed with the master of the house in the party will kickstard the "Rogurd's Dream" sidequest, in which he revisits the nearby Cascadillas for a secret passage. The reward: the Glacier mace. • After getting the boat, re-enter Tradefair and there should be a scene where Kairu's delivered a letter. This starts the "Shy Maiden" sidequest where one can get the Sigil Blade. The Polamaze continent is south of Tradefair, as an ally reiterates. However, there's a lot of sidequesty stuff to do as well -- it's slightly harder with a boat instead of an airship, but in pursuit of listing things at their earliest points... _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 39) Desert of Black Sand [OPTIONAL] [WK39] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/57033 ENEMIES -: Mirage Tree, Solar Element, Burrower, False Guide, Lost Explorer, Efreet, Djinn, Sand Yeti The first optional place available right now, and one of the easiest to find, is a tiny desert that doesn't appear on the map. It's on the SW continent's thin center section, and also north of icy island. Walk on in to start the festivities... _____ _ | _ | | |――――|――――――――――――――――| ________ |7| _ |_ |―――――| | 01 | Worm Tail | | __ \|―――――| | | 12 | | 02 | Mnd Potion | |_ | ) _) |―| | |―| | _____ |_ _|___ | 03 | Training Sword | | |_/ _ | | | | |_| |_| | | | 11 | | 04 | White Potion | |_ _|6| _ | _______ 8 | | |_ | _| | 05 | Wisdom Rune | _| _| | |_|_| |_______|_____| | _10__| | 06 | Desert Armor | START ___| | |_ ___ | _| | | | 07 | Stamina Drink | ―|_ ___ | A | |___| | | | |9 | | 08 | Shining Glove | _| |2|_| |_____________| |_ ――| | 09 | Stone Flower | | _|___ _|___| 4 5 | | |―― | 10 | 10000 GP | | 1| _____|_____| |A ― | 11 | Harvester | ――――― ――\__ _______| ――― | 12 | Sigil Armlet | \ 3 ^| |____|________________| ――――――― This tricky place is made up of two screens: a large dungeon area and a tiny basement where the boss is. At the start, head south and get the [Worm Tail], then go north to the [Desert Armor]. A little to the east, head south and down to the [Training Sword] chest -- it's possible to go east under a road here to an isolated duo, [White Potion] and [Wisdom Rune]. To get back on track, go east from the Desert Armor's cliff. Now, go northward and when the splits and continue east, getting the great [Shining Glove] -- part of the elemental glove sidequest -- and then the north, to the [Stamina Drink] seen previously. Finally, reach the center of the map and enter the basement. One room in, the path fragments into tinier antechambers: get the [Harvester] and [Stone Flower], then check a skeleton for a [10000 GP] wallet-booster. The large door leads to... BOSS: Ancient Beast HP: 25000 EXP: 6000 GP: 6000 STRONG: WaFED WEAK: ---- BOSS: Left Arm HP: 10000 EXP: ---- GP: ---- STRONG: WiEHD WEAK: Wa,F BOSS: Right Arm HP: 10000 EXP: ---- GP: ---- STRONG: F/E/D WEAK: WWH ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • [AB] Tremor [all: earth damage] • [RA] Flamma [single: fire damage] • [LA] Curo Aira [all foes: heals HP] • [AB] Sand Spit [single, long-range: physical damage] • [RA] Terra Captus [large area: earth damage + %SPD Down] Typical three-part boss: a main body and two auxiliary parts, using skills and magic, respectively. The Right Arm should be first to go, not only as the weakest, but also the magic-caster. The Left Arm should go next, since it's the healer. Double techs are the quick way to severing the boss' lifelines, but a lot have different strenghts/weaknesses, so keep that in mind before accidentally curing them 5000+! _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 40) Volcano Caves [OPTIONAL] [WK40] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLOR MAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/57034 ENEMIES -: Phoenix, Magma, Hell Hound, Flame Abyssal, R. Flame To find said caves, one must first locate Ponsu, the southernmost town on what used to be the Xanadu continent. It's in roughly the same location, but the landmass changes now allow one to dock where once there was mountains. So, go to the NE quadrant and find a beach, then walk to the town nearby. Go through the defunct spa building to the springs themselves, and find the kid on the east side -- a stair's formed, going down towards the volcano. Hooray! _ ____________ ___|E| |B _______ \ _|D | |_/ / G \ \ |C|―――| | ___ ( (F ) ) | ― ||9 _| _____ | | /―― /8\ ―――\_\― | |___ ____| _ |_ ( (_____/ / / / _ ___ |_ C | ___| ____| | | \__ _ _ __ _ \__ __ \ \E/ _| |_|3 |_ | ___| |_ 6|_ _______ | |G| | )H) |H| | |^ \ ) | _ |―| _|| |___ _| |_ | | | | | _| ( ( | | 10-|A| D ) / | |_| |_| |__| _ | |1|_ |_| |_____ |G| | | _) ) | | |_|__/ / _|_ ___ __| |_| | |_ | _ | 4| ― | | /――\ ( _| |_ ( ( |2|_| | | |__| ___| |B| | _ | | |_\_ ―)| | START | | | |A| | | __ | | | |_| G 5 | | __/ / | 7 | |―|_| | |_____| | |__| | ―|― F |――――― |____/ (_( |_____| |_____| |______| ――――――― |――――|―――――――――――――――――| Inside, follow to the large room with the raised | 01 | Organic Helm | walkway and go to the "B" stair, which drops Kairu | 02 | Stamina Drink | at the [Organic Helm] chest -- this has great elem | 03 | Ice Bomb | defenses, so pick it up pronto. Backtrack to "A," | 04 | Str Potion | get the [Crimson Tail], and take it down a level. | 05 | Lost Left Blade | | 06 | Elixir | Here, the pathway is pretty clear but lava spillage | 07 | Life Sphere | washes over the road, so way for the tide to "ebb," | 08 | Blazed Eye | before moving on. Throwaway items #2 & 3 are here, | 09 | Blazing Glove | as well. Note that if the lava's touched, it's back | 10 | Crimson Tail | to start (no HP damage). At the final room with the |____|_________________| stairway down, inspect the NW corner for a blind wall leading to the acclaimed [Blazing Glove], part of the elemental set the Drakus Tat collector wants. The "C" stair is next. In this tiny room, toss the boulder onto the lava geyser and go up the "E" lift to a [Blazed Eye] accessory. Backtrack by jumping down the lift's ledge and take "D" along to a previous chamber. Between "F" and "G" stairs, take the latter, as it puts one closer to the [Lost Left Blade] and [Elixir] chests. Said blade is part of a forging sidequest for Isa so pocket that sucker and don't let it go. This chamber's lava is similar to a previous room's in that there are clear stop/go times, but now the chamber's larger and the pointman must seek refuge on parts that rise above the lava. This isn't that hard, but it can be annoying where positioning's concerned. Item #6 is here, but besides that, make for the "G" stairway. There should be no more trouble reaching the boss room. Lucky for the player, the "boss room" has a spirit whale instead of an angry boss to fight. Inspect its west side to be given some options: put it out of its misery or don't. The former turns it into a [Life Sphere] item, while the latter earns Nym a dual tech with Rogurd. So which option to pick? The latter of course! This is the only chance to get this ability and a Life Sphere can be earned from another sidequest. When the decision's made, warp out. Too bad Ponsu's bath are broken 'cause y'probably worked up a sweat... NOTE: There may be a glitch that prevents one from getting the dual tech! _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 41) Firebeard's Tomb [OPTIONAL] [WK41] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Dark Flame, Ghoul, Reaper, Efreet, Scurvy Dog This dungeon is part of a sidequest and has a little preamble before actually going there. First, visit Gavin's house on what used to be the Apogea landmass (center of map, NW side) and check in to find...he's gone. Read the note on the barrel by the door to learn he's in search of Firebeard's loot, and that the pirate's descendants have the other part of the map. Back on the boat, go in an easterly direction -- following the coast -- and happen upon a beach right by a cave. This leads to the Pirate Village, which should now be unguarded. Loot the town for: [Black Silk Robe], [Gossamer Sash], [Sun Gem], [2500GP], [Star Shard], [Evasion Charm], [3000 GP], [Iron Net], and [Cursed Dart]. The central house has a pirate who says everyone went to Firebeard's Tomb, on a deserted island south of the Genufan desert. FIREBEARD'S TOMB ―――――――――――――――― There are a few mandatory battles with pirates before finding G-...err, Ravin with the main pirate group. [You may want to kill the dumb pirates, save, and then go back in.] ___ | |_________ |――――|――――――――――――――――――| | |_____ 4| | 01 | Str Potion | | | |_|―――| | 02 | Vagrant Charm | _| | | BOSS| | 03 | Black Cowl | |3| |_ ___|_____| | 04 | Macabre Lance | | | | | _____ | | 05 | Assassin Daggers | | | | | |5 _ | |____|__________________| ___| _ | |―――|^ | |2 | ___| |―――――| Once inside, head west and take the first upward ―|―|―| | |1| |―|―| | |―| branch to a [Str Potion]. The next path west, go _| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| | north again and take the left of the two doors, to |__________ __________| a cave with a skeleton's [Black Cowl] and a SW |_ __| path leading to a [Vagrant Charm]. Go north a ways ( ( to a [Macabre Lance], then back to the doorway that START-)_) was overlooked before. About halfway down the long staircase, there's a spot to go west to a hidden [Assassin Daggers] chest for Nephi. Continue down to the tunnel to find the final resting place of... BOSS: Firebeard HP: 25000 EXP: 3000 GP: 5000 STRONG: F,D DROP: Prism Hands ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――/――――――― • Possession [single: %Charm] (Drop Not Guaranteed) • Flamma [single: fire damage] • Shock Slash [single: physical damage] • Flamma Orbis [medium area: fire damage] • Arch Fira [large area: fire damage; used in critical HP] Pretty un-stellar boss fight, with ol' Firebeard having no tricks up his sleeve besides Possession -- charmed allies can do most of the damage here. When he's almost dead, Firebeard will use Arch Fira a few times back to back, so make sure to be spread out to increase the survival rate. Also, make sure to leave battle in good shape SP-wise as well... ...because as soon as the battle concludes, some of the pirates from before attack (x2 First Mate, x2 Scurvy Dog). Coming in with poor health/SP can spell disaster, laughably. Be sure to take out the low-HP enemies first or their Shock Slashes can nickel-and-dime stragglers. With all the events done, all that's left to do is leave. However, Gavin throws the team a bone in the form of a [Life Sphere] accessory. Eventually we'll have to return here for Nephi/Nym's final combo, but for now, hit the dusty trail! NOTE: Return to Gavin's House to get [Antique Hands] and a [Behemoth Guard] as proper thanks. Also return to the Pirate Village and collect the remaining items: [Cursed Pendant], [White Potion], [Rising Sun], and [Silver Ring]. XANADU CASTLE [II] [WK42] ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Xanadu Castle is landlocked by mountains, so the only way to reach it is by going north from the coast near Ponsu. All that remains of the town now is the castle, repurposed into a brutal arena: the Devil's Ring. The reason we came here is to get the [Sigil Armor]! Talk with V. Jean and pay the 2000GP fee for the Team Battle, then win four battles and opt out -- the armor is obtained as the consolation prize. However, if one wants to continue fighting, that's possible, too. Battle list: 01) x3 Lieutenant, x1 Ronin 02) x5 Gargaril 03) x4 Brawler, x1 Dread Lord 04) x1 Muck Magus, x1 Grease Magus, x1 Magma, x1 Slush Magus The (optional part of the) sidequest continues after this. Check the arena note further down the guide. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 43) Strange Caves [OPTIONAL] [WK43] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COLORMAP: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/944570/57063 ENEMIES : Temple Guardian, Giant Urchin, Twisted Shrimp, Miniraptor, Aquariam, Cave Spider, Dervish Crab, Muck Magus, Dread Lord, Reaper _______ |2 1| |――――|――――――――――――――――――| |―― ――| ______ |―――|―|―――| | * | Vai's Location | | |―――| |__| 3| | |_ | | | 01 | Mind Drink | |_ ― _|_ _| |―― |B| |4|―|A| | 02 | Lost Right Blade | START-|_| | __ |_ ―| ― ― ― | 03 | White Potion | | 11| |_______ | 04 | Saint's Arm | ――――――――|___ |_ | 05 | Strength Wrist | |B|A| | |5| | | 06 | Restore Oil | | |___| ― | | 07 | Hurricane Glove | _| | |―――| | | 08 | Star Shard | | | |_| _| | | 09 | Rainbow Star | | |_|_________| | 10 | Majai Tiara | |___ |789| | 11 | Abraxus Robe | | | |―| | |―| | 12 | Crystal | |6 | |< >| | | |____|__________________| ―――| ――― | | _ ―――――――| |____ _ |*| _ Inside, go north to the first two items, |__ _| |_| |_| | the [Lost Right Blade] being the last piece |10| |___ ___| to a forging sidequest for Isa. Downstairs, | ―| | | | get Item #11, the [Abraxus Robe], then the ――|_ _| | | #3 [White Potion] en route to the next way | | 12| | down. | ――― | ――――――― Here, get item #5, the [Strength Wrist], and take the "A" tunnel nearby to find a small pool containing the [Saint's Arm] for Doll. Cross to the west side ("B") and go south to the next stairway down. In the river are, get Items #7-9 over the natural bridge, then at waterside, go west to Item #6. The stairway is accessible by going east from there, leading down to a watery descent. Get the [Majai Tiara] in plain sight and look for an overhang that obscures a path to the final item, a [Crystal.] From there, the two final paths in Isapolis Ruins can be accessed. Although it's not included on the map, the [Glowing Spheres] in the final room's NW corner are still there, if missed previously. Find Vai here and everyone'll return to Genufa; this is where he'll stay. If y'followed the walkthrough, all Armaments should have been collected and the option to recruit him will now be open! [If you don't have all Armaments this can't be done.] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 44) Polamaze Temple / Seramaze Temple [WK44] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― With all the sidequests out of the way, it's time to return to the mandatory stuff, namely the return visit to Polamaze Temple. In case you've forgotten its location, its on the SW continent, near the west side. The boat can get pretty close to it, so don't settle for a long walk. Through the tiny forest -- which has a [Seal of Power] in a NE crate -- is Polamaze Village. Talk with Giles and the team will decide to split in twain: one team taking on the local temple mount and the other going to Seramaze. This operation will be done concurrently so be sure to prepare accordingly, as there's no going back or party-switching until everything's over. [Having healers in each group is wise.] For reference, my teams: - Polamaze: Kairu, Isa, Nym, Doll - Seramaze: Aurora, Vai, Rogurd, Nephi SERAMAZE TEMPLE ――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Regal Doll, Eliminator, Pulverizor, Guard Mine The first (top) floor of the temple has free party-switching, so tweak the lineup before descending. Now, for puzzle-solving here, there will be a lot of LIGHT REFLECTING, in that a beam of light is directed around by mirrors. Trial and error's fine, but if y'don't want to waste a bunch of time, here's the correct method to go through. B1: Get [Restore Oil] in W, hit S switch B2: Hit S switch and NE switch, get [Onyx Helm]; reset S switch, flip W switch B3: Get [Masked Dome] in W, hit W switch; hit S & NE switches; reset S From here, go north and find the ladder down to B4; however, the east wall has a hidden [Majai Robe] in a false wall. Downstairs, find everything in order... except a boss is blocking the light beam! BOSS: Guard Monolith HP: 25000 EXP: 1500 GP: 1500 STRONG: Fire WEAK: --- ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Tempest Glacius [all: ice damage] • Arch Fira [large area: fire damage] • Celes Igneus [all: holy damage + %Blind] • Sacrifice [single: kills self; damage = remaining HP] • Charging fire attack! [global: will use Arch Fira next turn] • Charging holy attack! [global: will use Celes Igneus next turn] • Charging ice attack! [global: will use Tempest Glacius next turn] Spreading out is important for avoiding all the large AoE attacks, while preparing for Tempest Glacius/Celes Igneus in the meantime. If there's no healers other than Aurora present, things can get a bit hectic -- having someone like Doll (heal everyone) or Nephi (heal self) can lighten the load a smidge. The attack pattern is fire > ice > holy before it repeats, so make good use of that knowledge. And if y'die, at least prepare better elemental defense for the 2nd time around. Try to deal a quick coup de grace at the end though, or someone may be hit with Sacrifice and end up losing out on the EXP! Approach the lit-up monolith and the POV will change over to the other team at... POLAMAZE TEMPLE ――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Regal Doll, Eliminator, Pulverizor, Guard Mine Unlike the other temple, this one's light-reflecting mirrors are already in place, so there's no puzzle-solving to do. The starting room still serves as the party-swap point, so harness it if needed. Starting point is F5, though there seems to be a labelling problem, so just use my order instead of the game's. [NOTE: The out-of-reach areas seen were traversed on the 1st descent of the temple and cannot be reached again, nor can their treasures.] F5: Go down F4: Keep going down F3: In NW room, get [Half-Moons]; in NE room, go south to exit F2: Save here, climb north ladder to [Crystal]; return to boss! BOSS: Defense Monolith HP: 25000 EXP: 1500 GP: 1500 STRONG: Wind WEAK: - ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Tornadus [medium area: wind damage] • Terra Captus [medium area: earth damage] • Lonely Death [small area: darkness damage] • Charging Wind Attack! [next turn will use Tornadus] • Sacrifice [single: kills self; damage = remaining HP] • Charging Earth Attack! [next turn will use Terra Captus] • Charging Darkness Attack! [next turn will use Lonely Death] This battle is a joke, and the boss packs none of the overbearing punch the previous monolith did, mostly because none of its abilities can hit everyone. Spread out and use double-techs and put this sad excuse for a baddie out of its misery. [Attack order: darkness > earth > wind] It will use Sacrifice on its deathbed though, so that can still rain on yer parade. Approach the monolith for a scene and the POV switches back to Aurora's team, who now gets the privelege of walking back to the temple's summit. On the way back to Polamaze though, there's an attack by Cytherian brigands! There's really nothing special about fighting them and the Guardian -- they're just oversized enemies really -- but it's possible to steal a [Guardian Wrist] from the main baddie. When the POV switches back to Isa's team, save and exit the way y'came in. There'll be a few more fights with Cyth Rangers and a Guardian Trooper. This battle's the same as the one on the boat except there's less at stake if one loses, and it's another chance to steal a Guardian Wrist! Isa will learn her final technique (Phantom Slash) during these events also. Finally, everyone rejoins and on the map, the continent of Bel Lenora will appear in the NW corner. However, it has no beaches so one must acquire other transportation. Before leaving, one of the houses has a key that can be used to open a chest in Bel Lenora -- you may remember an unlockable chest near the start of the game. Yup, that's the one. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 45) Cythere [II] [OPTIONAL] [WK45] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Cythere is, of course, east of Tradefair, and the boat can cosy up next to a nice proximity, thanks to the northern inlet. If we came here before, the front portcullis would've been locked...but now it's flung open! However, all places are locked so the castle's the only destination. Kill two Guardian Troopers at the front gate and break into the west wing's armory (with a sentry stationed outside). Talk with the king to get the -- what else? -- [King's Key] for the 2F throneroom. Inside said chamber... BOSS: Kaar HP: 25000 EXP: 6720 SP: 4720 S/W: --- DROPS: Kaar's Robe ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Tornadus [small area: wind damage] • Attack [physical damage, long-range] • Poison Dart [single: damage + %Poison] • Crush Wave [medium area: physical damage] • Flamma [single (damage counter): fire damage] • Phantom Slash [single: physical damage, 4-hit] • Ball Lightning [single: wind damage + %Paralysis] • Celes Igneus [death counter (all): holy damage + %Blind] Rocks-for-brains is accompanied by two Guardian Troopers, who should be the first ones removed as they're the weakest (Uro Strike can 2-shot 'em). Just remember that they cast the potential instakill ability Diabolus as a death counter, so make sure everyone can revive and stay apart. That spell is the main obstacle here -- Kaar himself is rather paltry for a majai and uses a bunch of junk spells. Oddly enough, he knows Isa's final ability (Phantom Slash) as well, which precedes the "Come here, you coward!" insult. If y'can manage it, Freeze Kaar in one area and move to the opposite one, out of his range. This tactic worked on Mondu during a sidequest and works well here as well. Overall, just use powerful double techs like Uro Strike (5000+ DMG) and this doofus will be worm feed soon. [Can steal a Revenge Ring] Cythere will now be liberated, which means a few things are now doable: • Get [Paragon Ring] in throneroom chest -- Vai must be with to open it • Can now forge Lost Left/Right Blades at town smithy to make [Lost Samurais] • Can now buy...well, items again! ARKAL SKYBASE RUINS / RALBANIA CASTLE [WK46] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Arkal Skybase is in, well, ruins. It's still located on the north-central continent, east of the Strange Caves, and a short walk from the beach. Once here, loop around to the north portion (where the boarding platform used to be) and help out Lukas as he fights some magus type enemies. Well, YOU will do all the fighting, of course, but afterwards... BOSS: Horror Leg HP: 7000 EXP: ---- GP: ---- STRONG: --- WEAK: Holy BOSS: Horror Hand HP: 8000 EXP: ---- GP: ---- STRONG: --- WEAK: Holy BOSS: Horror Body HP: 22000 EXP: 2000 GP: 1000 STRONG: --- WEAK: Holy ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • [HH] Curo Fira [single: heals HP] • [HB] Flamma Orbis [medium area: fire damage] • [HL] Aira Toxus [line: wind damage + %Sleep] • [HH] Ram Force [counter (single): physical damage] • [HB] Power Drain [single: damage target; drains DMGx8 as SP] • [HH] Arch Fira [death counter (large area): fire damage + %Flaming] • [HL] Terra Captus [death counter (large area): earth damage + %SPD Down] Another three-part boss: the body, the real part do defeat, and a leg/arm to use healing abilities or offensive magic. By this knowledge, defeat the Leg first to get most of the annoying abilities off the table, then defeat the Hand from afar to avoid its Ram Force counters. The body goes last. The real difficulty results from HP/SP values being what they were in the battle before, so take a while to get into gear before launching the main assualt. [Can steal Spd Potion from boss.] Now Lukas will be able to fix the Airship but suggests lounging a bit at the nearby Ralbania Castle, which we couldn't enter first time through. Make sure to get the [Justice Chains] by the huge stairway though. At the castle, some rabble -- 5 skeleton types -- is trying to get inside. Items within: • [Frenzy] in a guest room • [Vigor Talisman] in a guest room • [Spidersilk Cap] in a guest room • [Ebony Daggers] in the King's Bedroom • [Windom Armlet] in the King's Bedroom (secret west room; may require Rogurd) Talk with the king in the 2F throneroom for some scenes, and it'll be time to return to Lukas to get the skyship. Buy a Paladin Sword before leaving as it is necessary to do the final step of the armor-creating sidequest. Also, the [Sun's Arm] part for Doll is hidden on the skybase: north wall, east side. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 47) Ravin's Mansion [OPTIONAL] [WK47] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Magic Sasquatch, Ronin, First Mate, Gang Member, Miniraptor _____ |――――|――――――――――――――――| |――――|――――――――――――――――| ___|6 7 | | 01 | Cursed Mail | | + | Floor Key | | |―――| | | 02 | Love Whip | | * | Food Tray | | _| ___| | 03 | Sorceror's Hat | |____|________________| |_ _ | | 04 | Cyclops | | |5| | | 05 | Gold Ring | _ |_ _| | 06 | Scarlet Glove | |4|_|―|―|___| | _____ | 07 | Lumina Dress | |_____ ___ | | _ | |____|________________| _____| |_ | |―| 2| | ___ ___ ___ | _ _ | | |___―― | |A | | + | | | _| | |_ | | |_ _____| |――― ―――| |_ | | _|_ ___ |_ |_| | |___| |___ |― | |―| | | |_| | A| B| _| ___|― ___ _ | |_ *| | | _|_ _| ―| |― |C ___|_| | | |_| | _| _|___| | | ― | ―|_______| | |_____| |START| | | |―|―|――― _|B | ―|_|― |_____| |C3―| |1 ―― | ――― ―――――― This is doable after the Firebeard's Tomb quest. 1) Visit Rogurd's Mansion in Tradefair to find it's been robbed 2) Visit Gavin's House to find it, too, has been robbed 3) Ravin's Mansion is on the cape west of Gavin's House Make sure Rogurd's in the party first, or else the front sentries won't fight everyone. With that, enter the dining hall nearby and get the Food Tray. The hallway nearby has a locked door, openable by lighting the unlit candlestick on the wall. [A guard nearby can be paid 500GP for this info.] Upstairs, go to the SW barracks to overhear someone has the Floor Key -- it's the guy sleeping in the NW room. With this and the food tray, Kairu can get past the two guards in the east and get to 3F. ############################################################################ NOTE: If you visit Rogurd's mother at this time, the game may freeze! If it doesn't freeze, congratulations! Inspect the bookshelf twice to get the 'BAD DEED' hint and get the two items north of there through the fake east wall. ############################################################################ On 3F, get the [Cursed Mail] from the black urn and enter the maze where Ravin's pet hound attacks the team. Going through the maze to get items is pretty easy, but also make sure to go to the SW corner and fall through to 2F, where Kairu can get the [Sorceror's Hat]. Backtrack to the maze's north exit. If you got the 'BAD DEED' hint already, play the piano to open the [Gold Ring] locked room near the interior entrance. The NE room goes to... BOSS: Ravin HP: 40000 EXP: 3800 GP: 5900 S/W: --- STEAL: Relica ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Hypnotic Lore [single: %Charm] • Shock Slash [single: physical attack] • Haunting Perfume [small area: %Sleep] • Dash Strike [single: physical attack] • Hero Drink [Add: DEF+, MDEF+, ATK+, MATK+] • Herbalist Lore! Superb Healing! [heals self] • Commander Lore! To me, my guards! [global: summons x2 Gang Member] Ravin uses a bunch of skills and is susceptible to Cripple, which can stop him from using some of his techs. The Hero Drink makes his DEF nearly perfect, but wears off eventually. Rely on double techs and cure Charm if it gets on anyone, and Ravin shouldn't be too much of a trouble. Make sure to steal the Relica though, as it's Rogurd's ultimate weapon and it's the only way to get it. At this time, leaving the mansion is all y'have to do, provided you got all the items. If you didn't, revisit Rogurd's mom's room and have her leave. ############################################################################ NOTE: There is ANOTHER glitch here where if you try to leave the room, there is an invisible "locked door" that prevents it, and seems to be impassable. ############################################################################ Leaving the mansion will have it disappear from the map, so make sure everything's done. Considering how much of a glitch factory it is, getting out while y'still can may be the best decision... When all's said and done, visit Gavin's house to get a [Meridian Crown] as a reward. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 48) Ice Caves [OPTIONAL] [WK48] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: B. Flame, Slush Magus, Winter Wolf, Fenris, Devil Penguin _ |B| |――――|―――――――――――――| /――――| |_ ―――――――| | 01 | Frost Glove | / /―|B| _| |――― 5| | 02 | Ice Bomb | ( ( ― |4| | / /― | 03 | Gold Ring | | |_______ | / /―――\ | 04 | Hero Drink | | ______ \ | |_/ /―) )_ | 05 | Sun Gem | | |8 \ \ \ | 3/ /|― | | 06 | Godwrath | | ――\ \__\ \ _____ | ―― / |_ _| | 07 | Torch | | |―\7\_ D|) ) |D \ ―|――――― ___| | 08 | Totem | | | \ C|―/ /_ ―――| \ ―| | |___ |____|_____________| | | ―― /\ 6 ) |A\ \ |―――― _| 2 | | ――――――A/――― ― \ \ |C1| | ――――― ――――|_|―― \ ―――― | ――――――― This place can be annoying with all the icy slopes and such, so let's walk the path of least resistance. In the first room is a chest (#6) but blocked by some cracked ice. Instead, go down the left passage and loop around the long way to collect the [Godwrath], Nym's ultimate weapon. At this point the way down is (1) through the west slope by Item #7 (2) down the A path in the first room. Either way leads to an item but note that both items suck and to get both, the entire dungeon process coming up will have to be done over. I just choose to skip crap like the Torch myself. Now, the "A" path leads to Item #8 nearby and the east slide goes down by where the "C" path deposits its rider, near a [Frost Glove]. Continue NW to the frozen pond, where if one doesn't traverse it ever-so-carefully, the team is dropped by a worthless [Ice Bomb] chest. North from there is a small maze of slopes and ladders, although getting all items -- the [Gold Ring], [Sun Gem], and [Hero Drink] -- are pretty easy. The NW ladder leads back up to the first floor and one can exit at that point. Or, go back through to get Item #7 or #8, whichever was left previously. NOTE: If you've followed this walkthrough, y'should have collected all of the elemental gloves and can trade them in (at Drakus Tat) for the [Element Glove], which has the combined effects of all the gloves! 49) AIR MEGAERA [OPTIONAL] [WK49] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Dragon Warlord, Dracoknight, Dragon Master This floating Dragon city is the easternmost orange dot on the map, located high above a mountain range. Of course, this will be a Nephi-centric quest, and soon after landing, he sets off with his "slave" Aurora and Nym to do some things on his own. After waiting a bit, the rest of the team can explore town. The shops [SH26] aren't that good overall, and there's only a single item -- a [Drakus Potion] in the medicine shop -- to find laying around. To continue with the real stuff, approach the palace gates and be rebuffed. Back in town, will be some scenes with the Bulman Nykal. Rest up in the bed- -room before approaching the castle once more...this time with forced entry. Get a x2 [Drakus Potion]s in the kitchen and climb up to 2F, and keep scaling ladders until reaching Nephi's room, where the team rejoins. Make sure to snag the [Magna Daggers] by the bedside before leaving, and save if needed. This time, go down one ladder, enter the west door, arc east, and go up that side's ladders to reach the top. [There's another Drakus Potion en route and Royal Armor in Rhys' room, too.] BOSS: Dragon Rhys HP: 30000 EXP: 4000 GP: 4000 STRONG: Wi,E WEAK: ---- ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Dragon Song [single: %Charm] • Terrible Roar [small area: physical damage] • Dragon's Breath [all: dark damage + %Poison] • Rhys' wounds heal rapidly! [heals a lot of HP] The boss starts off in HP Regen status but it eventually subsides -- however it returns periodically. The boss' best attack is Dragon's Breath but with so much elemental resistance available, it really isn't that hard to stomach (about 100dmg to all). Stay back to avoid the Terrible Roar attack and use double techs like usual...not too hard. [Drop: Draconic Bangle] Afterwards, get the [Sunray] and [Moon Orb] items in the throneroom. There's nothing else to do in town, I'm afraid. ############################################################################ NOTE: If you return to Firebeard's Tomb (boss area) and talk with the parrot there, he'll want some power to revert to his previous form. Give him Rhys' Dragon essence and Nym/Nephi learn their final combo "Dark Lord!" ############################################################################ ZODIAT MONASTERY [OPTIONAL] [WK50] ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― The only place on the Bel Lenora continent we didn't go to is this place, landlocked in the northwest and accessible only by airship. • Int Potion ------> chest, top floor • Star Shard ------> chest, top floor • Acid Bomb -------> chest, top floor • Mystic Hands ----> 2F pot (west side) • Crystal Shard ---> F1 chest (east side) • Mystic Hands ----> F1 chest (east side) -- yes, again! • Magician Glove --> F1 chest (east side) • Mind Drink ------> F1 chest (east side) The real reason to come here is the secret summon, Chronos. To find it, enter the central staircase on the first floor to arrive at a mezzanine with two shelves. Inspect the left to find a button and open a hidden door, where the summon lends its power to Nym. Additionally, a [Hand of Time] & [Moon Orb] on some skeletons. 51) SPIRIT TEMPLE / BEL LENORA [OPTIONAL] [WK51] ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― The Spirit Temple segment is easy: inspect the crystal and the priest will donate it to the team's cause. The [Zodiat Crystal] gives the biggest SP augmentation of all! NOTE: If you do the Curse Bringers Tower segment before Bel Lenora, then no monsters will be there anymore -- a head's-up in case y'wanna skip this part. Okay, in Bel Lenora, enter the residential district to find everyone is fighting ghouls (Possessors, Thrawls). Help out the soldiers and slay them all (x8 battles), which makes town return to normal fast. After this, feel free to explore town to get items forgotten previously, and do the final step in the armor-making sidequest at the inventor's. Also, the "Private Residence" in the south of town can be now be explored. Although the concierge says that the team can't go in, it's possible -- try one stairway to get the signal to leave, then go down the opposite stair! However, one side simply has a sheep named Bunbun and the other has a guy who mentions Zodiat Monastery...but no items... Finally, a residence's ancient chest can be unlocked with the key obtained in Polamaze Village, earning a [Mushroom Ring] for the trouble. But that ain't all. A guard used to prevent access to the palace's teleports, but now they can be explored as well. The leftmost teleport leads to the general's mansion, and a storeroom there has a White Potion, 300GP, and a Restore Oil; additionally, a secret entrance in that storeroom leads to the general's most prized treasure, a [Meteor] weapon for Nephi. Upstairs is a [Stone Flower] chest. The rightmost teleport leads to Vai's mansion, which has been picked clean by scavengers and privateers over the years (no rhyme intended!) However, his room on 2F has a hidden passage behind a bookshelf, leading to one of the very few rapiers in the game, the [Death Song], plus a [Valiant Armor] and [Mushroom Ring]. Vai doesn't need to be with for these events. The middle teleport leads to the palace ruins, the only part of town still infested with enemies (those fought previously). Some items still lay in the debris: a [Gold Ring], [Int Potion], [Princess Gown], and [Cursed Mask]. However, there is a secret here so easy to miss, it's insane. Did you ever read a book about Zodiat's Tomb? It's underneath the castle! The entrance is cleverly masked in the ruins' NW side, east of the ornate statue. Down the hidden stairway, in the room just before the blank altar, a hidden west path leads to the real treasury. It's guarded though... BOSS: Dread Skull HP: 35000 EXP: 6000 GP: 6000 STRONG: E,D WEAK: F,H ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Lunge [single: physical damage + %Cripple] • Glacius [small area: water damage + %Freeze] • Attack [single, long-range: physical damage] • Fira Dominatus [single: fire damage + %Flaming] • Draintouch [single: physical damage + HP Drain effect (x11 amount?)] Nothing interesting at all about this boss, although Lunge can do 100+ and that may count for something. Basically, it can kill someone if you're not paying attention, while Draintouch does a little HP-curing for good measure. Double-techin' it will put it on the fast track to extinction though. With Zodiat's blessing, the rest of the items can be obtained: [Zodiat Hands], [Black Infinity], [Star Orb], and [Zodiat's Blades]. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 52) Curse Bringers' Tower [WK52] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Curse Bringer, Night Element, Curse Blade, Thrall, Possessor _ _ _ _ |――――|―――――――――――――――| _|E|_ B1 _|H|_3F _|O|_5F _| |_ 6F | ! | Savepoint | _|BDFGI|_ _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ | * | Warp (to 1F) | |2 KLN | |I J| | | | 3 | | 01 | Mind Drink | ―|_ _|― ―|_ _|― ―|_ _|― ―|_ _|― | 02 | Monarch | |*| |K| |M| | | | 03 | Inferno Ring | ― ― ― ― |____|_______________| _ _ _ _ 7F _____________ _|B|_ _|H|_2F _|L|_4F _|*|_ | _ A _ | _| |_ 1F _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ | |1|_ _| | | |C A D| |C G| |N ! J| | BOSS | | | |_| |_| | | ―|_ _|― ―|_ _|― ―|_ _|― ―|_ _|― |___|START|___| |E| |F| |M| |O| ―|_|― ― ― ― ― Upon entering, Kairu and Aurora are forced into the rescue party, with the 3rd ally up to the player. Either way, get everything on the ground floor and use "A" to reach 1F; here, take the B/D/E teleports to arrive in the basement, for the sole purpose of getting Vai's [Monarch] weapon. A lot of teleports will lead back to the basement, including those the player tries to backtrack down! Return to 1F and take the teleports in this order: C > H > J (Savepoint) > M. The team should arrive at the 7F where the Duke's in trouble... BOSS: Master HP: 23000 EXP: 3400 GP: 3400 S/W: --- DROPS: War Dome ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Diabolus [medium area: %Death] • Flash Beam [vert line: holy damage + %Paralysis] • Dragon Power [small area: Add: SPD/ATK/DEF/MATK/MDEF+] • Touch of Binding [single: physical damage + %Paralysis?] Master is accompanied by two Curse Bringers, rather annoying in their own right, so take them out first of all -- combos with a decent AoE, such as Nym/Kairu's Tida, works well on this end. Weakening them en masse is just good all-around strategy. The main boss' HP is hardly anything to write home about, but stay away from him anyway since he does use Diabolus every once in awhile. [Nothing to steal.] Afterwards, everyone returns to Averay Mansion for the duke to convalesce. See "Averay's Slumber" sidequest for the rest of this info. You can also get the items in the mansion's armory if not done already. ############################################################################ NOTE: If you're wondering if there's a 6F while playing, there is -- it's just skipped in the natural order. The lower teleporter on 5F will take the team to the [Inferno Ring] on 6F. ############################################################################ _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 53) Dimensional Flux (Part 1: Outer) [WK53] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Bazuzu, Mind Stealer, Corpse Mound, Stalker, Hell Hound, Azure Devil ############################################################################# Before starting, I suggest: - Buying 'x' amount of Grapple Gloves for your physical fighers - Buying 'x' amount of Black Silk Robes (great elemental DEF) - Buying 'x' amount of healing items, Totems, SP-refilling things, etc. - Perhaps steal Paragon Rings from 'Fish Lord' on SW icy island (snow plains) To reach the Dimension Flux, go through the Cursed Caves like before and the team will arrive there. This is the "point of no return" in general, although there are a few warps that will let everyone leave, so no worries! There's no savepoint until pretty far into the D-Flux though, so save in the C-Caves! ############################################################################# _____ |_ * _| | |___ | | ___ |――――|――――――――――――――――| ―――| |_| | | ! | Switch | |―――| |1| | | * | Boss Location | | | | ! |―| | | A | To Inner West | _| | | |_ _|__ | B | To Inner South | ___ | _|___| _| | | C | To Inner East | | | | | | 2 ― |___ | 01 | Sta Potion | | | |__| |__ ――――|― _| 10| | 02 | Ice Bomb | | |___ | _| |­ |9|― | 03 | Onyx Helm | |_ |7| | |A| |C| | | | | 04 | Str Potion | |6| _| _| | |>| |_| | | 05 | Moon Orb | | | | _| |8| | | |5 | | 06 | Spd Potion | |___| |___ ― ___ _|_ _ ― _| | 07 | Acid Bomb | |_____ | | !| |4|3| | 08 | Drakus Potion | | |_|B|_| |___|― | 09 | Black Cowl | |_______ | | 10 | Int Potion | | | |____|________________| |*| |_|-START To start, climb up the vine and inspect the sparkle to fight a boss. Haha... BOSS: Wall Monster HP: 35000 EXP: 3000 GP: 3000 S/W: --- ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Hex [small area: %random abnormalities] • Provoke [phys counter (single): %Berserk] • Flash Beam [vert line: holy damage + %Paralysis] Although the boss designs have been kicked up a notch (wow, a bloody sternum!) this is the type of boss the team can dispatch in their sleep. Spread out so that Flash Beam and Hex can only hit one person at a time, and focus on skills since it counters with Provoke (this doesn't apply if y'have status prevention). Enter the new door to find oneself in the 'Outer South' portion of the Flux. Go east to an isolated [Str Potion], then west to the "B" entrance to Inner South, where there's a hidden switch to push that allows one to get a chest later on. Exit and go west again, to the 'Outer West' area. There's a NW exit here that leads to items #6 and #7, although the latter is cloaked in a blind wall passage. Backtrack a bit and go to the 'Inner West' area, to reach the [Drakus Potion] in the only way possible. Back outside, trek north and reach the...well, 'Outer North' area -- after the maze, inspect the gnarled tree root and go north to an optional boss... BOSS: Magna Kipher HP: 29000 EXP: 5000 GP: 5000 DROPS: Sphere of Ages ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Blade of Shadows [single: %Paralysis] • Dragon's Breath [All: dark damage + %Poison] This optional boss is another "gimme," offering little challenge like most of the those as of late. Dragon's Breath can now affect all allies, and when in critical health, he will use "Triplebreath" which, as it sounds, uses his breath move three times consecutively. Just stay healed or defeat him swiftly and it'll all be over 'fore y'know it. [nothing to steal] With this goofball obliterated, go back to the tree root area and arc around counterclockwise to the [Sta Potion]; then, south! An [Ice Bomb] will be laying right along the mesh footpath, which culminates in the 'Outer East' area. There's an [Onyx Helm] hidden near the southern orange-colored spot, and a [Moon Orb] is in plain sight to the east. Additionally, there's a hidden path leading to a [Black Cowl], near the top of the eastern stairs by treasure #5 (inspect north wall to find). Climb the vine to reach the [Int Potion]. However, the "C" exit is the correct way to go, and leads a ways into the interior. It's straightforward, so don't worry about getting lost. Save here and go south a bit, which is where the next section picks up. _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 54) Dimensional Flux (Part 2: Inner) [WK54] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Bazuzu, Mind Stealer, Corpse Mound, Stalker, Hell Hound, Azure Devil, Possessor, Pest Spirit Pest Spirits will use 'True Hex' to inflict a lot of status effects on allies within range, and fleeing is impossible when berserked, so have someone with a Cryptic Signet/Vigil Ring in the party(s)! Berserk eventually wears off, for reference. Also, Vai's ultimate weapon "Apocalypse" is a drop off the Irredeemable enemies (susceptible to instant death, by the way). Sun Orb chest is obtainable once the water is drained (see map). _ __ _ |*|___|12|__ |――――|―――――――――――――――――| | |__|___15 ― | | @ | Starting Point | | I *| |―― _| | * | Switch | _| |――| |― _| |_| | ! | To Cursed Caves | | ||― | |_|v|_ | + | Boss Location | _| | || |_| | ― | | & | To Lower Areas | |13 |I||__ __|―| | | S | Savepoint | |―――| | _| |__| |*| | 01 | Int Potion | _|+| | | | __ | |_| | 02 | Mnd Potion | ____ | | |_|_| |11| |_|___ | 03 | Sta Potion | |G *|_| |>| |_____|__| _* | | 04 | Mind Cure | __(――| |H| 10|!|^|___|*|――|^|―| | | 05 | Dark Reign | | F| |F| |―|― _|___ _ ―― | | |―――――――| _ | 06 | Hero Drink | | |― 9 ― | | | | |&| |―― | | |―――| |_| | | 7a | Lucivar Herb | _| |_ ___| |_|___ | |S| | | + ―|―| _7a| | 7b | Str Potion | | GE| | _____ C_| |_ _| |―――| |A| | |_| | 08 | Black Silk Robe | | |――― |E| ^| B|___| |_ | | | |6| | | 09 | Spd Potion | | | |―| ― _ ―――|@ _____ | | ― A| | 10 | Copper Charm | | | | _| | H____|S|_ ________| | ―|――― | 11 | Majai Tiara | | | | |_7a| | B| |4 |5|―| | | 12 | Black Silk Robe | |___ ― 8 _|B|_| |――| | |――――――| |_ ! _| | 13 | Meridian Crown | | | |C D| |14| | ――――――| | | | 14 | Sun Orb | ―――――――― ―――――| | ―_ ――――――| _| | | | 15 | Restore Oil | | |―|1| | |―|*| |_|___| |____|_________________| | ― |2| |_| 3| ――――――― ― ――― So you got to the savepoint area, huh? South of there, the team will decide to split up. Choose the teams wisely as they won't be able to rejoin until both paths are done (i.e. put healers in both parties). Exit north of the starting room to regroup, if needed. Now, for the walkthrough's purpose, the teams will be "Kairu's Group" and "Other Group," abbreviated by their initials. [Use select button to switch between groups.] After getting past the first two switches, the real dungeon-crawling will begin. KG: Collect Items #1/2 and move to the east switch OG: Go south across bridge KG team made and get item #3, then go back across to NE door. Options: north door, SE door. Take former and get item #4, then go latter. Continue along to the room with the pillar of light, which leads back to the Cursed Caves. Ignore it if unneeded. Continue north to the first set of pipes! Crawl in and go westward, and that way deposits the team back in the pillar room by the [Dark Reign] chest (it's Nephi's ultimate weapon). Return to the pipe maze room and go east, to the weird hole in the ground that lets one get near the [Hero Drink] chest. This'll be a common sight so keep it in mind. There's a hidden pipe passage that goes through the east wall into the Outer East section, to a [Str Potion], as well. Find the path that goes NE in the maze room -- there's two ways and either's fine. BOSS: Cerberus HP: 25000 EXP: 600 GP: 600 STRONG: Wind WEAK: Fire, Holy ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Nox Protego [self: %DEF+] • Frostbite [single: ice damage + %Freeze] • Nox Ico [small area: dark damage + %Poison] • Arch Fira [large area: fire damage + %Flaming] A palette swap of the Dread Skull miniboss, this foe's molded in the exact same manner (he's undead, so watch out for HP- or SP-draining effects which will harm the user). Also, it's susceptible to instant death skills such as Diabolus, which makes dispatching it rather easy. OG: After the boss fight, continue to the 'Inner North' area and step on a gray floor switch, which changes the route for Kairu's team. Switch the POVs back to them as well, since this way's kaput for now. KG: Exit NE to the 'Outer West' area, which is half-flooded with murky water. Go through the first hole-tunnel thing ("B") and get a [Lucivar Herb]. Ride either of the two tunnels nearby and then the "E" path, and...well, it's pretty straightforward from there on. Toward the NE corner of the place, there's another switch to step on which drains the water. With this done, find the western stairway leading down into the once-watery pit. Collect items #8/9 and enter the NE doorway, which leads to a light pillar (leads back to Cursed Caves like before) and the boss at the end of the way, another Cerberus. Past there, three pipes! [This can't be displayed properly on the map due to constrictions.] At the bottom is a useless [Copper Charm], while the eastern of the three has a midway landing that allows one to go east. Step on the rock switch to make the nearby walkway pull a 90-degree turn, leading into the 'Inner North' room where Aurora's team should already be waiting. There are three north doors to take: pick the eastmost, leading to a rock switch that connects the path to Aurora's side again. OG: Take the left of the 3 doors and arc clockwise to return to the previous room, only one now has access to the lower parts. Get the [Majai Tiara] in a room -- again, the ASCII map doesn't describe this well 'nough -- and backtrack a bit, going north to a floor switch which bridges a gap to the east (in sight). KG: Backtrack to the three doors and go middle, across the newly-constructed bridge. To the west, a rock switch which lowers a defunct tunnel thing on the OG path. East, get the [Black Silk Robe] and take the pipe south, until reaching the screen marked "???". Step on the rock switch there and throw control over. OG: This team should still be standing on a northern switch. Go west past where the barrier used to be and find the pipe going south. There's a hidden west passage here that leads to a [Meridian Crown], so snag that sucker before continuing the right way, to the dead-end rock switch. At this point, if both parties are on the rock switches, two parallel paths will form. Take each team south to the final set of rock switches, which'll connect the paths (the teams rejoin) and connects to the start of the area, in case y'wanna backtrack and explore some. When ready, go north, between the parallel paths, to a savepoint and the way down. Of course, before the final stretch, one can fight that red boss at the north end of the parallel paths. BOSS: Infernalia HP: 35000 EXP: 3500 GP: 4500 S/W: --- DROPS: Fallen ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Diabolus [medium area: dark damage + %Death] • Flame Punch [single: physical damage + %Flaming] • Flamma Orbis [small area: fire damage + %Flaming] Another standard boss without any harsh attacks; in fact, the fire-based shtick makes him a one-trick pony. Just watch out for Diabolus and things'll be peachy. [Steal: Seal of Infinity] So, y'know where to go: in the room past the savepoint and downward. ############################################################################ NOTE: Kairu's final weapon can be obtained around this point. After getting the "Fallen" sword, backtrack to a light pillar and return to the Cursed Caves; and, from there, have the Cythere smithy reforge the weapon into its best form. The D-Flux puzzles will not reset or anything, so a long walk back becomes a reasonably short one. ############################################################################ _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 55) Dimensional Flux (Part 3: Inner Sanctum) [WK55] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ENEMIES: Hell Hound, Furnagon, Irredeemable, Corpse Mound, Stalker, Quickdeath _________ _________ |B __ | _ |―――――| START _| _ _ | ――| | | | _____|C|_____ | END | | |_ |A| | | | | | __| |__| | |3 _______ | | | |_ | |___| | | |1| |2 | ―| |_______| | _ ―| |― ___| | _____| | ― ―――――――) ) |― D |_ |D|_| | |A | |B | (―C/ |_|―――――――――\ 4| |_____| ――――― ――――――― ―― ――― |――――|―――――――――――――――――| This final part is rather easy and straightforward, | 01 | Strings of Fate | so a play-by-play ain't necessary. The first item to | 02 | Totem | be found is Aurora's [Strings of Fate] whip, her | 03 | Gem Claw | ultimate weapon. The next-lowest tier has a [Totem], | 04 | Onyx Wargear | and the tier after that has a [Gem Claw] and [Onyx |____|_________________| Wargear]. The final boss can still be semi-difficult so to avoid any nonsense, consider returning to the last savepoint and continuing on from there. The fifth and final screen will lead to the final boss! For reference, my ending equipment/team: KAIRU ISA NYM ――――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――――― - Infinity - Zodiat's Blades - Godwrath - Organic Helm - Sorceror's Hat - Incubus Skull - Onyx Wargear - Princess Gown - Black Silk Robe - Grapple Glove - Element Glove - Grapple Glove - Seal of Infinity - Paragon Ring - Paragon Ring There's a ton of ways to proceed, so don't take this team as gospel. However, having Paragon Rings/Grapple Gloves can help survival rates. Oh, and don't forget to equip HP/SP-refilling & revivification items, if y'would. [Or, if you're using Aurora, make sure she can't be instadeath'd and just have her revive people.] Since this is the final battle, make sure to equip those rarities that heal the party for 350 SP, cure everyone, etc. -- it's not like there's any other time you'll use 'em. NOTE: Before continuing to the final boss, there's supposedly a miniboss fight with Forbidden first (which makes sense in the context of battle), but this fight was skipped entirely when I played. Just a head's-up. BOSS: Forbidden Heart HP: 75000 STRONG: Wind, Earth WEAK: ---- BOSS: Forbidden Shape HP: 16000 STRONG: Water, Fire WEAK: ---- BOSS: Forbidden Spine HP: 10000 STRONG: Holy, Dark WEAK: ---- ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― [FHe] Curo Aira [all: heals HP] [FSp] Attack [single: physical damage] [FSh] Collapse Universe [all: non-elem damage] [FSp] Spine Stinger [single: phys damage + %Paralysis] [FHe] Parasite [small area: phys damage; gets (DMGx9) as SP] [FSh] Grand Curse [all: damage + inflicts random status effects] [FSh] Merciless [all: ???] The final boss is the Heart, but appears with two adjunct parts: the shape and spine. Each of these will serve to annoy the party and, if killed, will eventually be revived by the heart. This leaves two options: defeat both the mini-bosses before the main boss or go straight for the jugular, generally ignoring the other two. Doing it the latter way is rather difficult without a heavy offense (Grapple Gloves help with this), while if one's offense is so great, then either way isn't that hard. Note that the heart essentially has no ability to fight back so without its allies, things aren't that hard. A good way to proceed is attacking everything in tandem, either with attacks that naturally hit everything (Tempest Glacius, etc.) or combos that can be stretched to encompass most of the field (Storm Strike. etc.). For reference, when the "heart starts beating faster," that's a harbinger that the cohorts will be revived. [No EXP/GP obtained.] Enjoy the ending -- it'll change slightly depending on the secret characters obtained. _________ _______ _______ _ ______ _ \__ __/|\ /|( ____ \ ( ____ \( ( /|( __ \ ( ) ) ( | ) ( || ( \/ | ( \/| \ ( || ( \ )| | | | | (___) || (__ | (__ | \ | || | ) || | | | | ___ || __) | __) | (\ \) || | | || | | | | ( ) || ( | ( | | \ || | ) |(_) | | | ) ( || (____/\ | (____/\| ) \ || (__/ ) _ )_( |/ \|(_______/ (_______/|/ )_)(______/ (_) _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ IV. APPENDICES [APND] |_ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― CHARACTER OVERVIEWS [CHRC] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Character recruitment spoilers lay ahead. Also, information on double techs is in a different section, since it takes up so much space -- d'oh. KAIRU ――――― Default: Training Sword, Cap, Winter Clothes, Wool Glove, Averay Signet ________________ ____ ______ _______ ____ _________________________________ | ABILITY | LV | TYPE | AREA? | SP | EFFECT | |――――――――――――――――|――――|――――――|―――――――|――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Averian Thrust | -- | Skll | Large | 12 | Physical damage | | Knight Stance | 04 | Skll | Singl | 08 | Protects ally from damage | | Glacius | -- | Magc | Mdium | 15 | Water damage + %Freeze | | Dash Strike | 11 | Skll | Singl | 12 | Physical damage | | Fury Strike | 20 | Skll | Small | 24 | Physical damage | | Purifi | 23 | Magc | Singl | 08 | Removes all status ailments | | Sword Dance | 36 | Skll | Singl | 75 | Physical damage (3-hit) | | Tempest Glacius| 42 | Magc | All | 99 | Water damage + %Freeze | |________________|____|______|_______|____|_________________________________| AURORA ―――――― Default: Leather Whip, Fur Cap, Winter Clothes ________________ ____ ______ _______ ____ _________________________________ | ABILITY | LV | TYPE | AREA? | SP | EFFECT | |――――――――――――――――|――――|――――――|―――――――|――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Flamma | -- | Magc | Singl | 06 | Fire damage | | Curo Fira | 03 | Magc | Singl | 12 | Heals target | | Slap | 09 | Skll | Singl | 08 | Fire damage + %Confusion/Charm | | Flamma Orbis | 11 | Magc | Large | 22 | Fire damage + %Flaming | | Vivo Fira | 15 | Magc | Singl | 48 | Revives ally from KO | | Magus Absorbus | 29 | Magc | Singl | 09 | Drains SP from enemy | | Fira Dominatus | 29 | Magc | Singl | 42 | Fire damage + %Flaming | | Arch Fira | ?? | Magc | Large | 99 | Fire damage | |________________|____|______|_______|____|_________________________________| NEPHI ――――― Default: Throwing Knives, Leather Armor ________________ ____ ______ _______ ____ _________________________________ | ABILITY | LV | TYPE | AREA? | SP | EFFECT | |――――――――――――――――|――――|――――――|―――――――|――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Nox Ico | -- | Magc | Small | 06 | Dark damage + %Poison | | Backstab | -- | Skll | Singl | 10 | Phys damage + %Paralysis | | Nox Debilitas | 09 | Magc | Mdium | 39 | Add: %ATK/MATK/DEF Down | |Physica Absorbus| ?? | Magc | Singl | 12 | Drains HP to cure own | | Nox Protego | ?? | Magc | Singl | 33 | Add: %DEF+ | | Diabolus | ?? | Magc | Mdium | 21 | Add: %Death | | Magus Divido | ?? | Magc | All | 18 | Splits allies' SP equally | | Abyssus | ?? | Magc | Large | 99 | Dark damage + %Blind | |________________|____|______|_______|____|_________________________________| ISA ――― Default: Short Sabres, Light Armor, Isa's Necklace ________________ ____ ______ _______ ____ _________________________________ | ABILITY | LV | TYPE | AREA? | SP | EFFECT | |――――――――――――――――|――――|――――――|―――――――|――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Curo Orbis | -- | Magc | Small | 20 | Heals allies around self | | Shock Slash | -- | Skll | Singl | 09 | Physical damage | | Aira Toxus | 12 | Magc | Line | 22 | Wind damage + %Sleep | | Curo Aira | 15 | Magc | All | 34 | Heals all allies | | Cross Slash | 20 | Skll | Singl | 28 | Physical damage | | Velox | 24 | Magc | Singl | 36 | Increases SPD | | Tornadus | 29 | Magc | Large | 89 | Wind damage + %SPD Down | | Phantom Slash | -- | Skll | Singl | 60 | Phys damage (4-hit) + %Confuse | |________________|____|______|_______|____|_________________________________| Phantom Slash is a learned naturally over the course of the story, during events at Seramaze/Polamaze Temple -- i.e. it's not level-based. ROGURD ―――――― Default: Scarred Axe, Travel Clothes ________________ ____ ______ _______ ____ _________________________________ | ABILITY | LV | TYPE | AREA? | SP | EFFECT | |――――――――――――――――|――――|――――――|―――――――|――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Appraise | -- | Skll | Singl | 08 | See enemy's stats | | Ax Rush | -- | Skll | Singl | 15 | Physical damage | | Battle Cry | -- | Skll | Mdium | 42 | Add: ATK+, DEF+ | | Gold Rush | -- | Skll | All | 08 | Flee normal battle 100% of time | | Riving Ax | 16 | Skll | Singl | 42 | Physical damage | | Hazard Smash | 26 | Skll | Singl | 56 | Physical damage (low HP = more) | | Terra Captus | 27 | Magc | Mdium | 90 | Earth damage + %SPD Down | | Crescent Smash | 33 | Skll | Singl | 99 | Physical damage | |________________|____|______|_______|____|_________________________________| NYM ――― Default: Wood Javelin, Fur Cap, Travel Clothes ________________ ____ ______ _______ ____ _________________________________ | ABILITY | LV | TYPE | AREA? | SP | EFFECT | |――――――――――――――――|――――|――――――|―――――――|――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Bang! | -- | Skll | Singl | 12 | Physical damage | | Muus | -- | Magc | Small | 21 | Heals HP and removes ailments | | Judge of Sun | -- | Magc | Singl | 27 | Holy damage + %Blind | | Uro | -- | Magc | Mdium | 36 | Earth damage + %SPD Down | | Nym's Trick | -- | Skll | Singl | 24 | Phys damage + May Steal item | | Gojir | -- | Magc | All | 40 | Heals all allies' HP | | Lucivar | -- | Magc | Singl | 40 | Repels death once | | Chronos | -- | Magc | All | 90 | Add: Paralysis, Slow | |________________|____|______|_______|____|_________________________________| Nym gets new summons by finding wayward spirits and making contracts with them, and this is its own sidequest -- see the "Summoned" section for more details on finding his abilities. VAI ――― Default: Elite Rapier, Onyx Armor, Cryptic Signet ________________ ____ ______ _______ ____ _________________________________ | ABILITY | LV | TYPE | AREA? | SP | EFFECT | |――――――――――――――――|――――|――――――|―――――――|――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Lunge | -- | Skll | Singl | 18 | Phys damage + %Cripple | | Leader Lore | -- | Skll | Singl | 40 | Add: ATK+, MATK+ | | Carve | -- | Skll | Singl | 36 | Phys damage (4-hit) | | Celes Mistis | -- | Magc | All | 30 | Holy damage + %Paralysis | | Celes Protego | -- | Magc | Singl | 44 | Add: MDEF+ | | Genius Lore | ?? | Magc | Mdium | 60 | Magic damage | | Master Strike | 46 | Skll | Singl | 75 | Phys damage | | Celes Igneus | ?? | Magc | All | 99 | Holy damage + %Blind | |________________|____|______|_______|____|_________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― COMBO ATTACKS [CMBO] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Combo attacks are used with the 'Combo' button in-battle, and to be used, require the two applicable characters to have their action bars filled, the requisite SP to use the skills, and be in shape to use them naturally (i.e. not silenced/crippled). Combos are learned when both characters have the required ability and fight together in battle for awhile after. I'd love to tabulate this stuff better but there's just too much to fit into a 79-character line, so try to bear with all the abbreviations and such. [NOTE: Some of the required skills are guessed at; some aren't obvious, or maybe a skill isn't required at all. Hmm...] List goes in order of invitation, with overlap cut out. So, the Kairu/Aurora combos will be first, but there won't be Aurora/Kairu combos in Aurora's section since it'll just be a repeat. [Doll's combos aren't listed as they just mimic other allies' skills in all aspects.] ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | KAIRU/AURORA | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Flamma Thrust | AverT + Flamma | 12/06 | Lrge | Fire dmg | | Fira Fury | FuryS + FlaOrb | 18/22 | Sngl | Fire dmg | | Solaris Gladius | SwrdD + FiraDo | 75/56 | Med. | Fire dmg | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | KAIRU/NEPHI | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Nox Dash | DashS + NoxIco | 18/12 | Med. | Dark dmg + %Poison | | Absorbus Strike | FuryS + PhysAb | 32/32 | Sngl | Dark dmg (HP Drain) | | Gladius Debilitas | SwrdD + Bckstb | 75/20 | Med. | Dark dmg + %Silence | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | KAIRU/ISA | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Storm Strike | AverT + AiraTo | 18/20 | Smll | Wind dmg + %Sleep | | Averian Curo | Avert + CuroAi | 15/12 | All | Heals HP | | Northcross Slash | FuryS + CrosSl | 40/30 | Sing | Water dmg | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | KAIRU/NYM | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Uro Strike | DashS + Uro | 32/36 | Sing | Earth dmg + %SPD Down | | Tida | AverT + Tida | 15/35 | Med. | Water dmg + %Freeze | | Oceanus Eternia | TempG + Tida | 99/70 | All | Water dmg | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | KAIRU/ROGURD | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Double Dash | DashS + AxRush | 18/08 | Sngl | Phys dmg + %Cripple | | Riving Fury | DashS + Riving | 36/28 | Med. | Phys dmg | | Glacius Smash | Glaci + Crscnt | 50/30 | Sngl | Water dmg + %Paralysis | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | KAIRU/VAI | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Glacius Carve | Glaci + Carve | 40/36 | Med. | Water dmg + %Paralysis | | Celes Sword | SwrdD + CelesI | 75/30 | Sngl | Holy dmg + %Blind | | Cursed Ones | TempG + CelesI | 99/99 | All | Makes foes weak to Dark | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| _________ ――――――――― ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | AURORA/NEPHI | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Flamma Blast | Flmma + Bckstb | 10/15 | Sngl | Fire damage | | Absorbus Maximus | Magus + PhysAb | 08/32 | Med. | Absorbs HP & SP | | Noct Flamma | FiraI + NoxIco | 56/30 | All | Water dmg + %Poison | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | AURORA/ISA | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Curo Maxima | CuroF + CuroAi | 15/12 | All | Heals HP + Refresh | | Charm | Slap! + CrosSl | 16/30 | Med. | Add: %Charm, Confusion | | Arch Tornadus | ArchF + Tornad | 99/90 | All | F/Wi dmg + %Confusion | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | AURORA/NYM | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Judge of Fire | FlamO + JdgeOF | 10/30 | Med. | Fi/Holy dmg + %Flaming | | Gojir's Tears | CuraF + Gojir | 15/40 | All | Heals HP | | Lucivar's Blessing| CuraF + Lcivar | 15/40 | All | Allies immune to Death | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | AURORA/ROGURD | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Flamma Rush | Flmma + AxRush | 22/16 | Sngl | Fire dmg | | Kometes | FiraD + TerraC | 56/90 | Med. | F/E dmg + %Flaming | | Flamma Slash | FiraD + Crscnt | 56/99 | Sngl | Fire dmg | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | AURORA/VAI | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Magus Strike | Magus + Lunge | 08/18 | Med. | Drains SP | | Flamma Carve | FiraI + Carve | 48/36 | Sngl | Fire dmg | | Celes Dominatus | FiraD + CelesI | 56/99 | All | F/H dmg + %Blind | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| _________ ――――――――― ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | NEPHI/ISA | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Nox Toxus | NoxIc + AiraTo | 12/20 | All | E dmg + %Para/Sleep/Poi | | Aira Mortis | Diabo + AiraTo | 60/20 | All | Dark dmg + %Death | | Noct Dash | ????? + Phantm | 32/80 | Smll | Dark dmg | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | NEPHI/NYM | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Very Tricky! | NymsT + Bckstb | 15/24 | Sngl | Phys dmg + %Steal item | | Judge of Moon | Abyss + JdgeOS | 60/30 | Smll | Dark dmg | | Dark Lord | -------------- | 45/80 | All | Dark dmg + %Par/Bli/Poi | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | NEPHI/ROGURD | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Moon Rush | ????? + AxRush | 12/16 | Sngl | Dark dmg + %Confusion | | Harbinger's Cry | NoxDe + BattlC | 20/42 | All | Removes positive status | | Night's Cry | Bstab + BattlC | 20/56 | Med. | Dark dmg + %Paralysis | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | NEPHI/VAI | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Deus Protego | NoxPr + CelesP | 40/44 | All | Add: DEF+, MDEF+ | | Mortis Strike | Bstab + MastrS | 60/75 | Sngl | Dark dmg + %Death | | Celes Mortis | Diabo + CelesI | 60/99 | All | mag dmg + %Blind/Poison | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| _________ ――――――――― ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | ISA/NYM | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Muus Orbis | CuraO + Muus | 25/18 | All | Heals HP + Null Cripple | | Southcross Slash | Cross + Tida | 30/35 | Sngl | Water dmg | | Deus Celeris | Cross + Cronos | 40/90 | All | Add: SPD+ | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | ISA/ROGURD | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Toxus Rush | AiraT + AxRush | 20/16 | Sngl | Wind dmg + %Sleep | | Dilato | CuroA + Batl L | 25/42 | All | All atks = long-ranged! | | Critical Blow | Cross + Crscnt | 50/99 | Sngl | Phys dmg + %Cripple | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | ISA/VAI | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Sonic Slash | Shock + CelesM | 12/30 | Med. | Holy dmg | | Curo et Protego | CuroO + NoxPro | 25/44 | All | Heals HP + Add: MDEF+ | | Velox Strike | Velox + MastrS | 40/75 | Smll | Wind dmg | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| _________ ――――――――― NOTE: Nym and Rogurd's third combo "Beast of War" is glitched and cannot be accessed outside of Action Replay (thanks to Michel Lacroix for confirming what we've long suspected). It's supposed to be received in the Volcano Caves, for reference. ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | NYM/ROGURD | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Renova Huma | Muus + Apprai | 18/08 | All | Add: HP Regen | | Big Bang! | Bang! + Riving | 12/42 | Sngl | Phys dmg + %SPD Down | | Beast of War | ????? + ?????? | 99/45 | All | Non-elem DMG (2-hit) | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | NYM/VAI | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Uro's Spike | Uro + Lunge | 36/18 | Med. | Earth dmg | | Genius Trick | NymsT + Genius | 24/24 | ???? | Summon random...summon | | Final Judgment | Judge + CelesI | 99/99 | All | Holy dmg | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| _________ ――――――――― ___________________ ________________ _______ ______ _________________________ | ROGURD/VAI | SKILLS REQRD. | MP? | AREA | EFFECT | |―――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――|―――――――|――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Battle Lore | B.Cry + LeadrL | 42/40 | Med. | Add: ATK/MATK/DEF+ | | Ax Carve | AxRsh + Carve | 42/36 | Med. | Phys dmg | | Terra Carve | Terra + Carve | 90/36 | Med. | Earth dmg | |___________________|________________|_______|______|_________________________| _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― SIDEQUESTS [SDQS] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ### SECTION HAS LATENT SPOILERS BEYOND! ### 01) Armor Making ..................................... [Bel Lenora] ... SQ01 02) Lost & Found .................................... [Bel Lenora] ... SQ02 03) Citizen Bane ...................................... [Tradefair] ... SQ03 04) Runaway! .......................................... [Tradefair] ... SQ04 05) Bar Brawlin' .......................................... [Multi] ... SQ05 06) Doll Factory Tour .............................. [Doll Factory] ... SQ06 07) Summoned .............................................. [Multi] ... SQ07 08) The Collector .................................... [Drakus Tat] ... SQ08 09) Farmhand ......................................... [Pelpo Pelo] ... SQ09 10) 5 Easy (Sigil) Pieces ................................. [Multi] ... SQ10 11) Rogurd's Dream ................................... [Cascadilla] ... SQ11 12) The Shy Maiden ......................... [Forbidden's Fortress] ... SQ12 13) Avast to Firebeard's Tomb ............................. [Multi] ... SQ13 14) The Lost Samurais ................................... [Cythere] ... SQ14 15) The Legendary Ravin ......................... [Ravin's Mansion] ... SQ15 16) Rightful Ruler .................................. [Air Megaera] ... SQ16 17) Black Market Rendezvous ........................... [SE Island] ... SQ17 18) Averay's Slumber ................................. [Bel Lenora] ... SQ18 19) The Devil's Ring .............................. [Xanadu Castle] ... SQ19 20) Ultimate Weaponry ..................................... [Multi] ... SQ20 ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― [SQ01] ARMOR MAKING ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― The first event that can be classified as a sidequest occurs in Bel Lenora, very early in the game. In one of the houses, there's an eccentric inventor who wants Kairu to assist him in his armor-related experiments. By trading some items, the doc will combine them with the armor and make a new item, free of charge! There are three steps. • STEP #1: Blue Herb + Antidote + Scarecrow ----------> Rusty Armor • STEP #2: Rusty Armor + Oppa Oil + Totem ------------> Onyx Armor • STEP #3: Onyx Armor + White Potion + Paladin Sword -> Onyx Wargear Events have to occur before collecting the items though: (1) fight a few battles and return to get the Rusty Armor (2) after being asked to visit the Cursed Cave by Lord Averay (3) after revisiting Bel Lenora toward the end of the game, collect the final item by re-entering town. Is it worth doing this sidequest? Definitely. The Onyx Armor nulls fire damage and that should be a fixture on Kairu for quite a long time. The Wargear is one of the best armors available and it resists (not prevents) all statuses. NOTE: There seems to be a glitch related to this quest. If you don't complete step #2 by the time Kairu and Aurora leave for the Cursed Caves, then later on, there seems to be no way to complete step #3. You can give the inventor the items but he never finishes...there's the rub. ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― [SQ02] LOST & FOUND ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― During the first trip to Bel Lenora, y'may remember a girl in the inn who complains about having left her Ruby Necklace in Axunberg. Well, when it comes time to visit that town, said jewelry can be found right near the town entrance, just a little to the south. Returning the item to her will cause her to leave and there's no immediate reward; however, later in the game, she will open a shop that sells some decent accessories. - Ruby Necklace [600gp] - Jade Necklace [500gp] - Silver Ring [400gp] - Gold Ring [10000gp] If you forget to give her the necklace early in the game, or just think it's better in your hands than hers, the sidequest can be completed on the return trip to Bel Lenora. ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― [SQ03] CITIZEN BANE ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― In Tradefair, visit one of the northeast houses to find a Sammarkand soldier robbing the place in front of its owners. After he leaves, talk with the couple and find the thief a little ways NW of there. He'll ask if there's a problem -- answer the positive to fight a Lieutenant [1100HP]. Defeating him earns 90 EXP & 110GP, plus the old man's [Belongings]. Take them back to the geezer in the NE house and receive the reward: 500 GP! ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― [SQ04] RUNAWAY! ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― Another ongoing quest found early in the game involves the son of a rich man in one of Tradefair's NE houses. Talking to him learns his boy Neet ran off, and he wants to know his whereabouts. There are three times this can be done: (1) after first coming to Tradefair (2) after getting the Genufan boat for the first time, where one has to cut across the Cytherian Bridge to return (3) after getting the skyship for the first time. Neet has chacteristic blue hair, and that's how he's distinguished from normal NPCs. 1: Found in the east slums, first house by the entrance. Reward: 750 GP 2: Found in the lower sewers, in a dead-end room. Reward: 3000 GP 3: Found behind (west) port pub. Reward: 10000 GP ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― [SQ05] BAR BRAWLIN' ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― Enjoy punching people in the mandibles, or doling out concussions like a crazy wizard? Then this section should get yer blood boiling! Throughout the game, there are some shady hangouts where brawlers goad people into fighting them. Should the team win, they get a prize; should they lose, they'll need to be fitted for some coffins. Locations: 1: Tradefair --- Brawler x3 ----- Reward: Bronze Claw 2: Pelpo Pelo -- Scurvy Dog x3 -- Reward: Gossamer Sash ________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――― [SQ06] DOLL FACTORY TOUR ________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――― The Doll Factory is a well-hidden secret dungeon, found at the base (right side) of Abraxus Tower, behind a magically locked door. Nephi is required to open the door, which means the earliest this sidequest can be done is toward the start of Isapolis -- get Nephi and leave, go to House of White Stone, and from there get to Abraxus Tower. [This can be done later on as well.] Once inside, Doll is in a NW room guarded by an Ur-Guardian. Simply inspect him and he'll join the team. [For more info about Doll Factory, see the walkthrough.] ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― [SQ07] SUMMONED ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― Unlike the other characters, Nym gets his awesome, overpowered skills by finding remnants of spirits and obtaining abilities. Since he's the only one who can steal and ends up with some very good skills, it's in one's best interest to find these summons as quick as possible (if you want to use Nym that is). Here's the order they can first be obtained in: _______________ ___________________________________________________________ | SUMMON | OBTAIN | |―――――――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Muus | Default | | Judge of Sun | Ring of Memories: find 4 gray books and unseal F1 spirit | *| Tida | Tida's Reef: traverse dungeon and find near the end | | Lucivar | Temple of Lucivar: walk into beam of light | | Gojir | House of Black Stone B1: inspect west-side sparkle | *| Dark Lord | Firebeard's Tomb; from "Dark Lord" parrot (see walkthru) | | Chronos | Zodiat Monastery (2F): behind secret north bookcase | |_______________|___________________________________________________________| Asterisks denote summons used in double techs only. Note that the Spirit Beast "summon" obtained at Ponsu's Volcano Caves is glitched and doesn't actually bestow a tech to anyone. [Techs learned in this fashion should appear regardless of others learned with the two allies.] ____________________ ―――――――――――――――――――― [SQ08] THE COLLECTOR ____________________ ―――――――――――――――――――― Located in Drakus Tat's Dragon mansion, "The Collector" is a connoisseur of fine goods, gloves in particular. His white whale is the Unnamed Glove, but he'll give an reward for the elemental glove set as well. This means that unless you plan on getting all in the set, he'll just take your gloves and give no reward! Locations of all the gloves: ___________________ _______________________________ | ITEM | LOCATED | NOTE: None of these |―――――――――――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| items are missable. | Zeion Glove | Melmoth Sands (Melmoth Caves) | | Unnamed Glove | Doll Factory | | Gaia Glove | Pelpo Pelo farming minigame | | Hurricane Glove | Strange Caves | | Shining Glove | Desert of Black Sand | | Blazing Glove | Volcano Caves (Ponsu) | | Frost Glove | Ice Caves | |___________________|_______________________________| Trading the Unnamed Glove earns the [Ixion Glove], which has the same stats and the ability to make short-range physical attacks long-range -- schwing! Finding all elemental gloves earns the [Element Glove]. This amazing sucker has the combined elemental strength of all the gloves traded for it, plus a decent amount of stat boosts...definitely worth getting! ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― [SQ09] FARMHAND ___________________ ――――――――――――――――――― In Pelpo Pelo, there is a weed-ridden farm. In exchange for pulling the plants, the farmer will give items! Of course, the weeds can fight back in the form of battles. The minigame can first be done when the airship's gotten (post-Xanadu), and later on, after the worlds have fused. The prize is only give out after all (12) weeds are pulled, at which time the minigame can't be played anymore. 1st Reward: Lucky Belt 2nd Reward: Gaia Glove ____________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――― [SQ10] 5 (EASY) SIGIL PIECES ____________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Collecting the mythical Armament set is an optional thing to do in the last half of the game. Note that the Sigil Helm can be haggled down to 20K if Rogurd's in the party. All armament sidequests can be fully completed before doing Polamaze/Seramaze Temples concurrently, note. ________________ __________________________________________________________ | ARMAMENT | LOCATION | |――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Sigil Necklace | Dropped by boss at Cytherian Bridge (mandatory) | | Sigil Helm | Buy for 100K in Tradefair art shop; can haggle to 20K | | Sigil Blade | Complete Kairu's "Shy Maiden" sidequest | | Sigil Armor | Xanadu Team Battle prize: win four rounds and opt out | | Sigil Gauntlet | Dropped by boss at Desert of Black Sand (optional) | |________________|__________________________________________________________| This sidequest relates to getting the 8th secret character, Vai, who is down in Isapolis' ruins. Before they were isolated, but are now connected to the Strange Caves, located a bit west of Arkal Skybase's ruins. Once Vai is found he is taken to Genufa to convalesce; the only way to get him in the party is to have all five Armaments with. After that, he'll join the team permamently. _____________________ ――――――――――――――――――――― [SQ11] ROGURD'S DREAM _____________________ ――――――――――――――――――――― When everyone goes to Tradefair to get Rogurd's boat, sleep in his mansion (with him in the party), and he'll recollect exploring the Cascadillas south of town as a child -- and discovering a secret entrance. It's located two screens into the dungeon, at the northernmost dead end. Inspect the wall and enter inside, BOSS: Mighty Golem HP: 31000 EXP: 7000 GP: 5000 STRONG/WEAK: --- ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Fist Smash [single: physical damage] • Flash Beam [vert line: holy damage + %Paralysis] • Roto-Smash [around self: physical damage, including to itself] Not a hard battle but it has the highest HP of any boss yet, and Flash Beam can do 160+ to a single target. Keep spread out for this reason and try to have a healer on standby to avoid any mishaps. Double techs work a lot better than single-target ones, although that much may be obvious. [Target has no items to steal.] The item the boss was guarding is the [Glacier] mace! Also worth noting, the wall behind the dais seems fishy to Rogurd, but apparently has no (noticable) effect... Hmm... _____________________ ――――――――――――――――――――― [SQ12] THE SHY MAIDEN _____________________ ――――――――――――――――――――― As soon as Rogurd's boat is obtained, re-enter Tradefair for a scene where a girl's letter asks Kairu to meet her at Forbidden's Fortress, west of Drakus Tat. However, this region is plagued by a mountainous maze so getting around can be rather...difficult. [Readers have reported difficulty unlocking this sidequest, so if it doesn't work at the given time, try doing additional quests/events.] Fortunately, there's a quick way to the fortress requiring the boat: dock on the NE side of the center continent! You'll know y'hit the right spot because the mountain pass is forest-lined. From here, work inland (west), then take a south route when able. Once arrived, the dungeon has the same progression as before, with the destination being the boss room. Make sure to equip Kairu with HP/SP-recovering items before entering... [Once inside, Kairu's teammates will have to fight a mediocre skeleton-type battle, but then...] BOSS: Mondu HP: 17000 EXP: 3000 GP: 3000 S/W: --- DROPS: Mondu's Armor ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Attack [single: phys damage] • Blue Potion [self: heals 250 HP] • Acid Bomb [single: Adds DEF Down] • Torch [single: phys damage + %Flaming] • Power Slam [single: phys damage + %Paralysis] • Sword Dance [single: phys damage, 3-hit; about 120 damage] • Crescent Smash [local area: physical damage, 2-hit; about 66 damage] Mondu is still...Mondu. In fact, he hasn't really changed that much in terms of arsenal. However, preparation is still key, as Kairu faces him alone in combat. A good tactic is using Glacius to freeze him in place, then using long-range moves from far away, out of his skills' range. Our hero should be able to do 1000+ per attack, physical attack or physical skill, so this shouldn't take too long. Just make sure to heal up in downtime to prep for when Mondu unfreezes! Winning earns the [Sigil Blade], another Armament piece. Of course, this used to be known as the Blade of Averay but now has a huge boost in power. There's also a [Spd Potion] hidden in the Nest of Love, east side in a wall nook. The team on the way out will be that which fought the five Lost Explorers, with Kairu removed, though. Have fun walking back to the ship.................NOT! ________________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― [SQ13] AVAST TO FIREBEARD'S TOMB ________________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― As the name implies, this sidequest centers around a pirate's tomb...but 'fore going there, some preamble events must be done: 1) Visit Gavin's House (NW side, center landmass) and read note by door 2) Visit Pirate Village (east side, center landmass) and talk with pirate 3) Head to Firebeard's Tomb, on the island south of Genufan Desert The tomb level itself covered in the walkthrough. However, after finishing the tomb's events, make sure to visit Gavin at his house to get two extra items as thanks: a Behemoth Guard and Antique Hands. ________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――― [SQ14] THE LOST SAMURAIS ________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――― This "sidequest" revolves around a weapon for Isa called the Lost Samurais, which is no ordinary weapon. It's been split in half and scattered, and must be reforged! So: 1) Find "Lost Left Blade" in the (Ponsu) Volcano Caves 2) Find "Lost Right Blade" in the Strange Caves 3) Liberate Cythere during the course of the story 4) Forge weapon in SW smithy, exit and re-enter town to obtain __________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――― [SQ15] THE LEGENDARY RAVIN __________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――― This is doable after the Firebeard's Tomb quest. 1) Visit Rogurd's Mansion in Tradefair to find it's been robbed 2) Visit Gavin's House to find it, too, has been robbed 3) Ravin's Mansion on the cape west of Gavin's House See the walkthrough (Ravin's Mansion) for the rest of the info. _____________________ ――――――――――――――――――――― [SQ16] RIGHTFUL RULER _____________________ ――――――――――――――――――――― This sidequest relates to Nephi's return to the Dragon capital Air Megaera, which is the eastern map dot -- it floats over a vast mountain range. This sidequest is put in more detail in the [WK49] section. ______________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― [SQ17] BLACK MARKET RENDEZVOUS ______________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― The world has a secret shop, each time only accessible by airship. The 1st time the airship is obtained, the uncharted island is in the SE of the map, on a beachless island; the 2nd time around, it's in roughly the same place, SE of Pelpo Pelo's new location. The island has a tiny forest and a cabin on it, and encircled by mountains, so it really sticks out. A [Lucivar Herb] and [Hero Drink] can be found around. The shop requires catalogs for the user to buy things, though, so those (actual) items must be found first: Catalog 1 ---> Sewer in Tradefair Catalog 2 ---> Xanadu Castle (Devil's Ring Arena), lower-left room; barrel Catalog 3 ---> House of Black Stone B1, newly-appeared barrel (post-fusion) CATALOG 1 CATALOG 2 CATALOG 3 ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― Ocean Tears ...... 6000 Eternias ......... 30000 Str Potion ...... 100000 Searing Blades ... 7500 Million Sword .... 14000 Int Potion ...... 100000 Venum Skiver ..... 7000 Crystal Spheres .. 18000 Sta Potion ...... 100000 Iron Hands ....... 3000 Earthian Lance ... 11500 Mnd Potion ...... 100000 Mana Ring ........ 20000 Saint Dome ....... 5000 Spd Potion ...... 100000 Black Petal ...... 5000 Grapple Glove .... 9500 This method is the only way to get some weapons, including Isa's "ultimate" weapon, the Eternias, as well as Doll's Saint Dome. Additionally, there's an easy way to make money using the catalogs, as items sell for a lot more when viewing Catalogue 3 (similar to the shop in Xanadu town that did this). For instance, the 30000g Eternias can be sold for 750000g in this way. It's a very easy way to build up max money and pump up stats. _______________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――― [SQ18] AVERAY'S SLUMBER _______________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――― This section comes into play after finishing the Curse Bringers' Tower optional dungeon, wherein the duke is put into a magical slumber and no normal means can awaken him. Hop in the airship and go to Zodiat Monastery, in an isolated part of the mountains near the CB Tower. [If you haven't been here yet, see the walkthrough for items and whatever.] Go up the left-side stairs and search the lower-left bookcases for a complex curse book, which Aurora thinks can be of help. Return to Averay's side and agree to break the curse, which initiates a battle with x5 Possessors -- they shouldn't be much of a problem at this point. The reward? Averay's [Valiant Armor]! _______________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――― [SQ19] THE DEVIL'S RING _______________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――― After the world fusion, Xanadu Castle is transformed into The Devil's Ring, a fighting arena with prizes to be won. Team Battle has a participation fee of 2000g, while the Solo Battle's 1000g. There's a ton of ways to get through the fights, although most people will recommend having the best set of combos available (such as Nephi/Aurora's Absorbus Maximus), the Grapple Glove (buy at hidden SE island), and elemental defenses. The main prizes are given at 4, 8, 16, 24, and 28 battles completed, while consolation prizes are given if the player quits in-between any of those intervals. [The consolation prizes are either mundane or a repeat of the interval's item, such as winning a Sorceror's Hat for quitting after the 9th battle.] 04: Sigil Armor (one-time-only; replaced with Int Potion) 08: Sorceror's Hat 16: Crystal Spheres 24: Frenzy 28: Million Sword Here's a list of the matchups: 01) x3 Lieutenant, x1 Ronin 02) x5 Gargaril 03) x4 Brawler, x1 Dread Lord 04) x1 Muck Magus, x1 Grease Magus, x1 Magma, x1 Slush Magus 05) x1 Crypt Fower, x1 Composter, x3 Leatyouce 06) x2 Melmoth Worm 07) x1 Magic Sasquatch, x3 Sand Yeti 08) x1 Hell Hound, x1 Fenris 09) x2 Cave Ooze, x2 False Guide, x1 Grease Magus 10) x2 Pulverizer, x2 Regal Doll, x1 Snowball 11) x3 Dragon Master, x2 Dragon Warlord 12) x1 Bazuzu, x1 Furnagon 13) x2 Slush Magus, x2 Fenris, x1 Devil Penguin 14) x3 Magma, x2 Hell Hound 15) x4 Mind Stealer 16) x1 Fish God 17) x1 Nascent Sun, x2 Boulder 18) x1 Albinos Rose, x1 Composter, x2 Furnagon 19) x5 Cave Spider 20) x2 First Mate, x3 Scurvy Dog 21) x3 Bazuzu, x2 Miniraptor 22) x5 Quickdeath 23) x5 Mind Stealer 24) x1 Corpse Mound 25) x3 Azure Devil 26) x3 Pest Spirit 27) x2 Azure Devil, x3 Pest Spirit 28) x1 Furnagon, x1 Azure Devil, x1 Pest Spirit, x1 Mind Stealer, x1 Bazuzu Beating the first twenty-eight fights unlocks the special battle against an Azure Devil, Pest Spirit and V. Jean. Pest Spirits are only susceptible to magic attacks and magical weapons (Sigil Blade, Sunray, Infinity, Sphere of Ages, Harvester). If one conquers those bad boys, the reward's a Victory Medal and Veteran Medal. ________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――― [SQ20] ULTIMATE WEAPONRY ________________________ ―――――――――――――――――――――――― Each characters gets an ultimate weapon that boosts more stats than usual, or gives a better effect. Other tools of destruction may better them in ATK power but they don't have the all-aroundness these do. Plus, they're listed as the ultimate weapons, and it's hard to beat that! [Well, OK, a lot of the time you'll end up using some other weapon but still...] NOTE: For Kairu's Infinity, collect it from the Infernalia boss in the final dungeon, then find a light pillar to teleport back to the Cursed Caves, and finally, have the Cythere smithy reforge it. It's a lot of work, but at least the puzzles don't reset. ________ _________________ __________________________________________________ PERSON | ULTIMATE WEAPON | OBTAIN... | ――――――――|―――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| Kairu | Infinity | Have Cythere smithy reforge "Fallen" sword to it | Aurora | Strings of Fate | Chest in Dimension Flux (Inner Sanctum) | Nephi | Dark Reign | Chest in Dimension Flux (Inner East) | Isa | Lost Samurais | Complete "The Lost Samurais" sidequest | Nym | Godwrath | Chest inside of the Ice Caves | Rogurd | Relica | Steal from Ravin in "The Legenary Ravin" quest | Doll | Prism Hands | "Avast to Firebeard's Tomb" sidequest: boss drop | Vai | Apocalypse | Dropped by Irredeemables (in Dimension Flux) | _______|_________________|__________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― EQUIPMENT LIST [EQPT] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― |―――――――――――――| Here's the depository for all things equipment. Sorry it's | ATK -> ATK | a little redundant, but there's just too much junk to pack | MA --> MATK | into one table. Most of this is self-explanitory but there's | DEF -> DEF | two things to touch base on: | MD --> MDEF | | EV --> EVD | #1) The "EQUIP BY" section which displays: KANINRDV. This is | ME --> MEVD | the first initials in the general order the allies are | STR -> STR | obtained. The order listed is: Kairu, Aurora, Nephi, Isa, | INT -> INT | Nym, Rogurd, Doll, Vai. Yeah, I know Nephi's later on, so | STA -> STA | don't harp on me about it! | SPR -> SPR | | SPD -> SPD | #2) The "TYP" column, which displays which type of weapon the |_____________| thing is: Slashing, Piercing, or Blunt. Just a tidbit. All info is gathered by inspecting each piece in the Item menu, where one can see the base stats. If you equip, say, the Infinity and see it increases all stats, you'll see that it technically doesn't in the Item menu -- this is because root stats (STR, INT, STA, SPR) relate to both types of ATK and DEF, and will increase them if they themselves are increased. It ain't rocket science, but hopefully y'understand. __________________ __________ _________________________________________ _____ | SWORDS | EQUIP BY | ATK/MA DEF/MD EV/ME STR INT STA SPR SPD | TYP | |――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――|―――――| | Infinity | K------- | 255/10 ---/-- 45/45 +10 +10 +10 +10 +07 | Sla | | Black Infinity | K------- | 213/-- ---/-- 10/10 --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Sigil Blade | K--I---V | 185/-- ---/-- 10/10 +04 +04 +04 +04 +04 | Sla | | Relic Sword | K------- | 175/-- ---/-- 10/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Man Eater | K------- | 166/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Million Sword | K------- | 160/-- ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- +02 | Sla | | Fallen | K------- | 150/-- ---/-- -5/-5 --- --- --- --- -04 | Sla | | Paladin Sword | K------- | 140/10 ---/-- 05/05 --- --- --- --- +03 | Sla | | Midnight Sword | K------- | 125/05 ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- +02 | Sla | | Poison Sword | K------- | 118/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Silver Claymore | K------- | 100/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- -04 | Blu | | Gladius | K------- | 100/-- 05/-- 05/05 --- --- --- --- -01 | Sla | | Inferno | K------- | 85/03 ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- +01 | Sla | | Sword of Averay | K------- | 75/12 ---/-- 10/10 --- --- --- --- +04 | Sla | | Spiked Sword | K------- | 72/-- ---/-- -5/-- --- --- --- --- -03 | Prc | | Rippler Sword | K------- | 60/02 ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- +02 | Sla | | Broadsword | K------- | 50/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Toothed Sword | K------- | 46/-- ---/-- 10/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Long Sword | K------- | 38/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Short Sword | K------- | 31/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Training Sword | K------- | 28/-- ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | Blu | |__________________|__________|_________________________________________|_____| • Infinity ------: Also Magical type • Black Infinity : +30% Crit, +15% Dark • Sigil Blade ---: Also Magical type • Relic Sword ---: +10% Crit • Million Sword -: +15% All Element ATK; Uses SP to increase power • Paladin Sword -: +10% Holy • Midnight Sword : +10% Dark • Poison Sword --: Add: Poison • Silver Claymore: +10% Holy, x1.5 DMG vs. Undead • Gladius -------: +5% Earth; Add: Paralysis • Inferno -------: +0% Crit, Blast; +10% Fire • Sword of Averay: Also Magical type • Rippler Sword -: +5% Water • Toothed Sword -: +15% Crit __________________ __________ _________________________________________ _____ | WHIPS | EQUIP BY | ATK/MA DEF/MD EV/ME STR INT STA SPR SPD | TYP | |――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――|―――――| | Strings of Fate | -A------ | 190/-- ---/-- 15/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Enchantress | -A------ | 175/16 ---/-- --/10 --- --- --- --- +06 | Sla | | Crimson Tail | -A------ | 166/-- ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Frost Chain | -A------ | 164/-- ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Empress | -A------ | 154/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Love Whip | -A------ | 152/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | War Chain | -A------ | 139/-- ---/-- 10/-- --- --- --- --- -03 | Blu | | Yoxillion Whip | -A------ | 134/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Justice Chains | -A------ | 133/-- ---/-- 05/05 --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Dawning Whip | -A------ | 131/-- ---/-- --/10 --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Serpent Tongue | -A------ | 106/-- ---/-- 05/-- --- --- --- --- +01 | Sla | | Heavy Flail | -A------ | 89/03 ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- -03 | Blu | | Woven Cloud | -A------ | 73/-- ---/-- --/10 --- --- --- --- +04 | Sla | | Bladed Whip | -A------ | 63/-- ---/-- 05/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Cat-o-nine-tails | -A------ | 60/-- ---/-- 10/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Grapnel | -A------ | 60/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- -01 | Prc | | Rusty Chains | -A------ | 46/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Blu | | Haze Whip | -A------ | 38/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- +01 | Sla | | Vermillion Whip | -A------ | 37/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Fancy Whip | -A------ | 34/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Leather Whip | -A------ | 29/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | |__________________|__________|_________________________________________|_____| • Enchantress --: +35% Crit, x1.5 DMG vs. Beasts • Crimson Tail -: Add: Flaming; +10% Fire • Frost Chain --: +10% Water; Add: Freeze • Love Whip ----: Add: Charm • War Chain ----: Add: Paralysis • Justice Chains: Add: Paralysis • Dawning Whip -: +10% Holy, Add: Blind, Consumes SP for extra-strength ATKs • Serpent Tongue: Add: Poison • Woven Cloud --: +10% Wind • Grapnel ------: +15% Crit • Haze Whip ----: Add: Blind, SPD Down __________________ __________ _________________________________________ _____ | THROWING WEAPONS | EQUIP BY | ATK/MA DEF/MD EV/ME STR INT STA SPR SPD | TYP | |――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――|―――――| | Crystal Spheres | --N----- | 190/-- ---/-- 10/-- --- -04 --- --- -04 | Blu | | Dark Reign | --N----- | 188/-- ---/-- 08/08 +10 +10 +10 +10 +05 | Prc | | Magna Daggers | --N----- | 176/-- ---/-- 04/04 --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Assassin's Darts | --N----- | 165/05 ---/-- --/10 --- --- --- --- +07 | Prc | | Sphere of Ages | --N----- | 158/18 ---/-- 35/35 --- --- --- --- +04 | Blu | | Ebony Daggers | --N----- | 158/-- ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- +02 | Sla | | Meteor | --N----- | 148/-- ---/-- -5/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Jeweled Knives | --N----- | 138/-- ---/-- 02/02 +05 +05 +05 +05 +04 | Sla | | Ocean Tears | --N----- | 135/06 ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- +02 | Prc | | Glowing Spheres | --N----- | 130/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- -02 | Blu | | Knives Shards | --N----- | 113/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Dragoon Darts | --N----- | 89/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Worm's Teeth | --N----- | 79/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Ironstone Knives | --N----- | 67/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- -04 | Sla | | Silver Spheres | --N----- | 54/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- -02 | Blu | | Throwing Knives | --N----- | 40/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | |__________________|__________|_________________________________________|_____| • Crystal Spheres : +15% Holy • Magna Daggers --: Drains SP • Assassin's Darts: Add: Instant Death • Sphere of Ages -: Also Magical type; Add: Slow, Paralysis • Ebony Daggers --: +5% Dark • Meteor ---------: +50% Crit, Blast • Ocean Tears ----: +10% Water • Glowing Spheres : Add: Blind • Knives Shards --: 90% Accuracy (Talk about rare!) • Dragoon Darts --: +10% Crit, Add: Blind • Worm's Teeth ---: Add: Slow, Poison __________________ __________ _________________________________________ _____ | DUAL SABERS | EQUIP BY | ATK/MA DEF/MD EV/ME STR INT STA SPR SPD | TYP | |――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――|―――――| | Zodiat's Blades | ---I---- | 201/16 ---/-- --/15 --- --- --- --- +02 | Sla | | Master Blades | ---I---- | 180/-- ---/-- 10/05 --- --- --- --- +07 | Sla | | Lost Samurais | ---I---- | 171/-- ---/-- -5/-- --- --- --- --- +06 | Sla | | Eternias | ---I---- | 170/-- ---/-- 15/10 +05 +05 --- --- +04 | Sla | | Serrated Sabers | ---I---- | 170/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Singing Sabers | ---I---- | 146/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Searing Blades | ---I---- | 135/04 ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Half-Moons | ---I---- | 135/-- ---/-- --/10 --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Flash Sabers | ---I---- | 115/04 ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Xanatou | ---I---- | 102/-- ---/-- -5/-- --- --- --- --- +03 | Sla | | Dadao Blades | ---I---- | 97/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Ancient Blades | ---I---- | 79/02 ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- -02 | Sla | | Twin Crescents | ---I---- | 69/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- +02 | Blu | | Katana | ---I---- | 67/-- ---/-- -5/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Typhoon | ---I---- | 48/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- +04 | Sla | | Short Sabres | ---I---- | 40/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Lost Left Blade | ---I---- | --/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Lost Right Blade | ---I---- | --/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | |__________________|__________|_________________________________________|_____| • Lost Samurais -: +20% Crit, Blast; May instantly kill foe • Eternias ------: +33% Crit; +20% Holy • Serrated Sabers: +30% Crit • Singing Sabers : +15% Crit, Add: Mute • Searing Blades : +10% Fire; Add: Flaming • Half-Moons ----: +5% Dark, x1.5 DMG vs. Dolls • Flash Sabers --: +5% Wind • Xanatou -------: May instantly kill foe • Katana --------: May instantly kill foe • Typhoon -------: +5% Wind, x1.5 DMG vs. Flying __________________ __________ _________________________________________ _____ | SPEARS | EQUIP BY | ATK/MA DEF/MD EV/ME STR INT STA SPR SPD | TYP | |――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――|―――――| | Godwrath | ----N--- | 255/-- ---/-- -10/" +15 --- --- --- -08 | Sla | | Sunray | ----N--- | 188/-- ---/-- 10/-- --- --- --- --- +04 | Prc | | Macabre Lance | ----N--- | 178/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Cyclops | ----N--- | 171/16 ---/-- 20/20 --- --- --- --- +04 | Sla | | Earthian Lance | ----N--- | 165/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | High Tides | ----N--- | 158/08 ---/-- --/10 --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Dragoon Lance | ----N--- | 154/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Venum Skiver | ----N--- | 141/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- -04 | Prc | | Bladed Javelin | ----N--- | 138/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Fireray | ----N--- | 125/-- ---/-- --/10 +04 +04 +04 +04 +02 | Prc | | Gold Lance | ----N--- | 92/-- ---/-- 10/-- --- --- --- --- +02 | Prc | | Harpoon | ----N--- | 85/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- +02 | Prc | | Majai Spear | ----N--- | 78/05 ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Wood Javelin | ----N--- | 70/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | |__________________|__________|_________________________________________|_____| • Godwrath -----: Has -10 evasion (both types, if that wasn't clear up there) • Sunray -------: Also Magical type; +10% Holy • Macabre Lance : +15% Crit, Blast • Cyclops ------: x1.5 DMG vs. Beasts; Drains SP from foes • Earthian Lance: +5% Earth; Add: Paralysis • High Tides ---: +10% Water • Venum Skiver -: Add: Paralysis • Fireray ------: +10% Fire • Majai Spear --: +5% Earth __________________ __________ _________________________________________ _____ | AXES / HAMMERS | EQUIP BY | ATK/MA DEF/MD EV/ME STR INT STA SPR SPD | TYP | |――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――|―――――| | Harvester | -----R-- | 208/-- ---/-- --/-- +15 --- --- --- -04 | Sla | | Relica | -----R-- | 198/-- ---/-- 15/15 --- --- --- --- +28 | Blu | | Glacier | -----R-- | 180/10 ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- +04 | Sla | | Prison | -----R-- | 175/-- ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | Blu | | Brilliant Mace | -----R-- | 168/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- -04 | Blu | | Mythos Axe | -----R-- | 165/-- ---/-- 07/-- --- --- --- --- +02 | Sla | | Frenzy | -----R-- | 163/-- ---/-- -5/-5 --- --- --- --- -06 | Sla | | Morningstar | -----R-- | 153/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Blu | | Legend | -----R-- | 138/-- ---/-- 10/-- +07 +07 +07 +07 +04 | Sla | | Ghost Mace | -----R-- | 128/-- ---/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | Blu | | Coral Mace | -----R-- | 120/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Blu | | Ornate Axe | -----R-- | 110/-- ---/-- 05/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Silver Axe | -----R-- | 96/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Battle Mace | -----R-- | 85/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- -04 | Blu | | Sharp Axe | -----R-- | 72/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Scarred Axe | -----R-- | 46/-- ---/-- -2/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Sla | | Broken Axe | -----R-- | 01/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Blu | |__________________|__________|_________________________________________|_____| • Harvester ----: Also Magical type; +10% Dark • Glacier ------: +10% Water • Prison -------: +10% Earth, Drains HP • Brilliant Mace: Lowers target's SP • Mythos Axe ---: +25% Crit, Blast; Add: Silence • Frenzy -------: Auto-Berserk; 90% Accuracy • Morningstar --: x1.5 DMG vs. Birds • Ornate Axe ---: Add: Charm • Sharp Axe ----: x1.5 DMG vs. Plants __________________ __________ _________________________________________ _____ | HANDS | EQUIP BY | ATK/MA DEF/MD EV/ME STR INT STA SPR SPD | TYP | |――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――|―――――| | Antique Hands | ------D- | 235/-- ---/-- 30/-- +15 --- --- --- +04 | Blu | | Bone Hands | ------D- | 188/-- ---/-- 05/05 +15 +15 --- --- +08 | Blu | | Prism Hands | ------D- | 172/-- ---/-- 15/15 +10 +10 +10 +10 +03 | Blu | | Mystic Hands | ------D- | 157/-- ---/-- --/10 --- --- --- --- +08 | Blu | | Jeweled Hands | ------D- | 145/-- ---/-- 10/-- --- --- --- --- +12 | Blu | | Zodiat Hands | ------D- | 135/-- ---/-- --/30 --- +30 --- --- +08 | Blu | | Iron Hands | ------D- | 135/-- ---/-- -5/-5 --- --- --- --- +04 | Blu | | Wood Hands | ------D- | 125/-- ---/-- -5/-- +15 +05 --- --- +04 | Blu | | Clay Hands | ------D- | 100/-- ---/-- --/-- +05 +10 --- --- +04 | Blu | |__________________|__________|_________________________________________|_____| • Prism Hands -: Bestows Tornadus • Antique Hands: Bestows no abilities • Bone Hands --: Bestows Tornadus • Mystic Hands : Bestows Terra Captus • Jeweled Hands: Bestows no abilities • Zodiat Hands : Bestows Terra Captus • Iron Hands --: Bestows no abilities • Wood Hands --: Bestows no abilities • Clay Hands --: Bestows no abilities __________________ __________ _________________________________________ _____ | RAPIERS | EQUIP BY | ATK/MA DEF/MD EV/ME STR INT STA SPR SPD | TYP | |――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――|―――――| | Apocalypse | -------V | 215/-- ---/-- 15/10 --- --- --- --- +05 | Prc | | Monarch | -------V | 180/-- ---/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | | Death Song | -------V | 175/-- ---/-- 05/-- --- --- --- --- +04 | Prc | | Rising Sun | -------V | 165/-- ---/-- 05/10 --- --- --- --- +02 | Prc | | Elite Rapier | -------V | 80/-- ---/-- 05/-- --- --- --- --- --- | Prc | |__________________|__________|_________________________________________|_____| • Apocalypse -: +105 Dark; Add: Poison/Silence/Cripple/Sleep/Confuse/Paralysis • Monarch ----: +20% Crit, +15% Holy; Add: Charm • Rising Sun -: +10% Fire __________________ __________ _________________________________________ | ARMOR | EQUIP BY | ATK/MA DEF/MD EV/ME STR INT STA SPR SPD | |――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Behemoth Guard | -----R-- | ---/-- 95/60 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Princess Gown | -A-I--D- | ---/-- 92/70 --/-- +04 +03 --- --- +02 | | Black Silk Robe | -AN-N-D- | ---/16 86/70 --/10 --- --- --- --- +01 | | Valiant Armor | K------V | ---/-- 83/71 --/-- --- --- --- --- +02 | | Onyx Wargear | K-NI-RDV | ---/-- 81/69 --/-- --- --- --- --- +03 | | Sigil Armor | K--I--DV | ---/-- 76/65 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Cursed Mail | KANINR-V | ---/-- 75/65 15/15 --- --- -50 -50 +08 | | Royal Armor | --N----- | ---/15 75/60 05/05 --- --- --- --- +06 | | Windom Mail | K----R-V | ---/-- 74/48 --/-- --- --- --- --- +02 | | Abraxus Robe | ----N-D- | ---/08 73/58 05/10 +04 +04 +04 +04 +04 | | Kaar's Robe | KANIN-DV | ---/-- 72/56 --/-- --- +10 --- --- +03 | | Mondu's Armor | K----R-V | ---/-- 72/55 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Desert Armor | K--I-RDV | ---/-- 72/46 05/-- --- --- --- --- +02 | | Dragon Disciple | -AN-NRD- | ---/-- 70/46 --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | | Lumina Dress | -A-I--D- | ---/-- 69/54 --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | | Ashen Robe | ----N-D- | ---/-- 68/55 05/15 --- --- --- --- --- | | Velvet Robe | -AN-N-D- | ---/-- 68/54 05/05 --- --- --- --- +02 | | Majai Armor | K--I--DV | ---/-- 68/50 --/05 --- --- --- --- +01 | | Liquid Armor | K----R-V | ---/-- 65/45 --/05 --- --- --- --- +01 | | Ancient Armor | -----R-- | ---/-- 66/45 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Apex Robe | KANIN-DV | ---/-- 65/68 --/35 --- --- --- --- --- | | Earth Ward | K-N--RDV | ---/-- 65/43 05/05 --- --- --- --- --- | | Starspirit Robe | ----N-D- | ---/-- 62/44 --/10 --- --- --- --- --- | | Mooncloth Robe | KANIN-DV | ---/-- 60/44 --/-- --- --- --- --- +02 | | Lacquer Armor | K----R-V | ---/-- 60/32 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Adventurer Gear | KANINRDV | ---/-- 58/40 10/10 --- --- --- --- +12 | | Imperial Armor | K----R-- | ---/-- 58/30 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Golden Robe | KANIN-DV | ---/-- 55/38 --/05 --- --- --- --- +02 | | Dragonskin Mail | K-NI-RDV | ---/-- 55/35 --/-- +06 --- --- --- --- | | FishScale Plate | -----R-- | ---/-- 55/32 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Scholar Robe | -ANIN-D- | ---/-- 52/36 05/15 --- +03 --- --- +03 | | Winged Mantle | KANINRDV | ---/-- 51/34 15/-- --- --- --- --- +06 | | Sand Robe | KANIN-DV | ---/-- 50/33 05/-- --- --- --- --- +02 | | Onyx Armor | K-NI-RDV | ---/-- 50/31 05/05 --- --- --- --- --- | | Iron Armor | K----R-V | ---/-- 47/30 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Black Cloak | -AN-N-D- | ---/-- 45/35 10/05 --- --- --- --- +03 | | Magna Armor | --N----- | ---/-- 43/30 05/05 --- --- --- --- +02 | | Chain Mail | K-NI-RDV | ---/-- 41/27 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Silk Dress | -A-I--D- | ---/-- 39/25 --/-- --- --- --- --- +04 | | Sunlight Robe | -A-IN-D- | ---/-- 34/28 --/-- --- --- --- --- +01 | | Travel Clothes | KANINRDV | ---/-- 33/21 10/-- --- --- --- --- +08 | | Insect Hide | K--I-R-V | ---/-- 33/20 05/-- --- --- --- --- +03 | | Light Armor | K--I-RDV | ---/-- 30/21 --/-- --- --- --- --- +01 | | Radiant Dress | -A-I--D- | ---/-- 28/19 --/05 --- +02 --- --- +02 | | Winter Clothes | KANINRDV | ---/-- 26/17 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Rusty Armor | K-NI-RDV | ---/-- 20/15 05/05 --- --- --- --- --- | |__________________|__________|_________________________________________| • Behemoth Guard : Augments HP, Nulls Poison • Princess Gown -: Auto-MDEF+, Nulls Charm • Black Silk Robe: +50 Wa/F/Wi/E DEF, 100 Dark DEF • Valiant Armor -: 30 Dark DEF • Cursed Mail ---: Auto-DEF+, Auto-MDEF+ • Windom Mail ---: 100 Wind DEF • Abraxus Robe --: Boosts max SP • Onyx Wargear --: 100 Fire DEF, Resists all elements (description is wrong) • Kaar's Robe ---: -20 Holy DEF, 40 Dark DEF • Mondu's Armor -: Reflects damage (if enemy does 50, they incur apx. 100!) • Desert Armor --: 30 Fire & Earth DEF • Dragon Disciple: 50 Dark DEF; Nulls Sleep • Lumina Dress --: Reduces SP Cost • Velvet Robe ---: Nulls Sleep • Majai Armor ---: Nulls Sleep, Poison • Liquid Armor --: 50 Water DEF, 25 Fire DEF, -25 Earth DEF • Ancient Armor -: Nulls Sleep, Poison • Apex Robe -----: 50 Wa/F/Wi/E DEF • Earth Ward ----: 100 Earth DEF; Absorb Earth DMG as SP • Starspirit Robe: Reduces SP Costs • Mooncloth Robe : Nulls Sleep, Berserk, Charm, Confusion; 15 L/D DEF • Adventurer Gear: Nulls Poison, Sleep, Paralysis • Imperial Armor : Nulls Poison • Winged Mantle -: 40 Wind DEF • Sand Robe -----: 25 Fire DEF, 60 Earth DEF • Onyx Armor ----: 100 Fire DEF; Nulls Confusion • Black Cloak ---: Nulls Poison, Sleep; 10 H/D DEF • Magna Armor ---: Nulls Poison, Sleep; 50 Dark DEF • Sunligh Robe --: 50 Holy DEF • Travel Clothes : Nulls Sleep, Paralysis • Insect Hide ---: Nulls Poison, Paralysis • Winter Clothes : 20 Ice DEF • Rusty Armor ---: 20 Fire DEF, 10 Earth DEF __________________ __________ _________________________________________ | HEADGEAR | EQUIP BY | ATK/MA DEF/MD EV/ME STR INT STA SPR SPD | |――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Paladin Dome | ------D- | ---/-- 52/32 --/-- --- --- --- --- +08 | | Organic Helm | KANINR-V | ---/-- 48/48 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Incubus Skull | ----N--- | ---/05 44/44 --/-- --- +05 --- --- +03 | | Sigil Helm | K--I---V | ---/-- 44/40 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Cursed Mask | KANINR-V | ---/-- 43/37 --/-- --- -25 --- --- --- | | Ancient Dome | ------D- | ---/-- 42/34 --/-- --- --- --- --- +06 | | Majai Tiara | -A-I---- | ---/-- 41/39 --/-- --- +04 --- --- --- | | Sorceror's Hat | -ANIN--- | ---/-- 41/40 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Onyx Helm | K--I-R-V | ---/-- 40/31 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | War Dome | ------D- | ---/-- 40/26 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Spidersilk Cap | KANINR-V | ---/-- 39/39 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Masked Dome | ------D- | ---/-- 38/39 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Winged Hat | KANINR-V | ---/-- 38/31 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Sandchain Helm | K-NI-R-V | ---/-- 38/29 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Mask of Despair | K--I-R-V | ---/-- 37/28 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Black Cowl | -ANIN--- | ---/-- 36/32 --/10 --- --- --- --- +01 | | Saint Dome | ------D- | ---/-- 35/46 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Meridian Crown | -A-I---- | ---/-- 35/34 --/-- +10 +10 +10 +10 +04 | | Golden Crown | KANINR-V | ---/-- 35/30 --/-- --- --- --- --- +04 | | Cosmos | KANINR-V | ---/-- 35/28 --/-- --- --- --- --- +03 | | Victory Crown | K-N--R-V | ---/-- 34/35 --/-- +10 +10 +10 +10 +04 | | Sorceror Dome | ------D- | ---/-- 33/40 --/-- --- +15 --- --- --- | | Rebel Tricorn | -A-I---- | ---/-- 33/24 10/-- --- --- --- --- +01 | | Adventurer's Hat | KANINR-V | ---/-- 32/22 --/-- --- --- --- --- +04 | | Lotus Circlet | -A-I---- | ---/-- 31/23 --/-- +02 +02 +02 +02 +03 | | Lacquer Helm | K----R-V | ---/-- 31/16 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Ceramic Helm | K--I-R-V | ---/-- 29/14 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Silk Hat | KANINR-V | ---/-- 27/19 --/-- --- --- --- --- +01 | | Majai Helm | K-N----V | ---/-- 28/23 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Diver's Mask | K--I-R-- | ---/-- 26/12 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Clay Dome | ------D- | ---/-- 24/10 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Silver Helmet | K----R-V | ---/-- 22/17 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Sun Hat | KANINR-V | ---/-- 22/13 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Iron Helmet | K--I-R-V | ---/-- 18/08 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Flower Circlet | -A-I---- | ---/-- 17/13 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Woodskin Hat | K-N--R-V | ---/-- 16/07 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Traveler's Hat | KANINR-V | ---/-- 14/10 --/-- --- --- --- --- +04 | | Fur Cap | KANINR-V | ---/-- 14/07 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Cap | KANINR-V | ---/-- 13/06 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Silver Tiara | -A------ | ---/-- 06/10 --/-- --- --- --- --- +02 | | Abalone Helm | ----N--- | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | |__________________|__________|_________________________________________| • Paladin Dome ---: Bestows Arch Fira, Curo Aira, Purifi abilities • Organic Helm ---: 30 Elemental DEF (all) • Incubus Skull --: 50 W/F/W/E DEF • Ancient Dome ---: 20 W/F/W/E DEF : Bestows Purifi, Tempest Glacius, Aira Toxus, Magus Divido • Mask of Despair : SP Boost; Nulls Blind, Confusion; -10% Accuracy • Sorceror's Hat -: Reduces SP Cost • Onyx Helm ------: 50 Fire DEF • War Dome -------: Nulls Cripple, Paralysis; Bestows Celes Protego, Flamma Orbis, Purifi, Magus Divido • Spidersilk Cap -: +0% Crit, Blast; Auto-SPD+ • Masked Dome ----: Nulls Poison, Silence, Blind : Bestows Curo Aira, Physica Absorbus abilities • Winged Hat -----: 50 Wind DEF • Sandchain Helm -: 50 Earth DEF • Saint Dome -----: Nulls Instant Death; Bestows Curo Aira, Physica Absorbus • Black Cowl -----: 25 Holy/Dark DEF • Meridian Crown -: Auto-PDEF+ • Golden Crown ---: 20 W/F/W/E/H/D DEF; Nulls Charm • Cosmos ---------: Boosts max HP (25%) • Victory Crown --: Auto-DEF+ • Sorceror Dome --: Bestows Curo Fira, Aira Toxus, Purifi abilities • Adventurer's Hat: Null Cripple, Water DEF 25 • Lotus Circlet --: Nulls Poison, Paralysis • Lacquer Helm ---: Accuracy -10% • Ceramic Helm ---: 30 Fire DEF; Nulls Flaming • Diver's Mask ---: 20 Water DEF; Nulls Blind; -5% Accuracy • Clay Dome ------: Bestows Celes Protego, Flamma Orbis, Purifi abilities • Silver Helmet --: 10 Holy DEF • Sun Hat --------: 20 Fire DEF • Flower Circlet -: Nulls Poison • Traveler's Hat -: Nulls Paralysis • Woodskin Hat ---: -10 Fire DEF, 10 Earth DEF • Fur Cap --------: 20 Water DEF • Abalone Helm ---: 50 Water DEF __________________ __________ _________________________________________ | ARMGEAR | EQUIP BY | ATK/MA DEF/MD EV/ME STR INT STA SPR SPD | |――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Hand of Time | KANINR-V | ---/15 42/42 10/10 --- --- --- --- +05 | | Grapple Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 42/25 10/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Sigil Gauntlet | K----R-V | ---/-- 41/40 15/15 --- --- --- --- --- | | Guardian Wrist | K-N----V | ---/-- 40/34 10/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Windom Armlet | K----R-V | ---/-- 40/32 10/-- --- --- --- --- +05 | | Cursed Gauntlet | KANINR-V | ---/-- 40/28 10/10 -25 --- --- --- --- | | Saint's Arm | ------D- | ---/-- 39/35 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Unnamed Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 38/35 15/15 --- --- --- --- --- | | Ixion Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 38/35 15/15 --- --- --- --- --- | | Champion Fist | K--I-R-V | ---/-- 38/29 11/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Ocean's Arm | ------D- | ---/-- 36/36 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Element Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 36/35 30/30 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 | | Diamond Gauntlet | K-NI-RDV | ---/-- 36/27 10/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Sun's Arm | ------D- | ---/-- 35/40 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Sky Arm | ------D- | ---/-- 35/35 --/-- --- --- --- --- +05 | | Draconic Bangle | -A--N--- | ---/-- 35/33 15/15 +08 +08 +08 +08 +04 | | Gem Claw | KANINR-V | +24/-- 35/30 10/10 --- --- --- --- --- | | Magician Glove | -ANIN--- | ---/10 34/31 08/08 --- --- --- --- --- | | Clay Arms | ------D- | ---/-- 33/33 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Zeion Glove | KANINR-V | +05/05 33/28 20/10 +05 +05 +05 +05 --- | | Shining Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 33/28 20/10 --- --- --- +10 --- | | Gaia Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 33/25 20/10 --- --- +10 --- --- | | Frost Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 33/25 20/10 --- +10 --- --- --- | | Blazing Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 33/25 20/10 +10 --- --- --- --- | | Hurricane Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 33/25 20/10 --- --- --- --- +05 | | Scarlet Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 32/29 11/11 --- --- --- --- +02 | | Majai Armlet | K--I-R-V | ---/-- 30/25 05/10 --- +04 --- --- --- | | Dark Claw | KANINR-V | +10/-- 28/22 10/-- --- --- --- --- +01 | | Ghost Gauntlet | KANINR-V | ---/-- 26/23 07/07 --- --- --- --- --- | | Juggler Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 26/14 10/10 --- --- --- --- --- | | Pearl Gauntlet | K-NI-R-V | ---/-- 25/17 --/07 --- --- --- --- --- | | Golden Bracelet | -ANIN--- | ---/-- 23/17 07/05 --- --- --- +04 --- | | Majai Glove | KA-I---V | ---/-- 22/20 07/07 --- +02 --- --- --- | | Wave Bracer | KANINR-V | ---/-- 21/15 --/07 --- --- --- --- --- | | Silica Bracer | -ANIN--- | ---/-- 20/15 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Iron Gauntlet | K-NI-R-V | ---/-- 20/12 05/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Silver Claw | KANINR-V | +07/-- 19/15 05/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Velvet Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 17/09 --/-- --- --- --- --- +01 | | Leather Gauntlet | K-NI-R-V | ---/-- 15/08 05/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Bronze Claw | KANINR-V | +04/-- 15/06 07/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Worn Bracelet | -A-IN--- | ---/-- 13/07 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Leather Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 13/07 05/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Wool Glove | KANINR-V | ---/-- 11/05 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | |__________________|__________|_________________________________________| • Hand of Time ---: +5% Crit; Add: Slow, Paralysis (to physical attacks) • Grapple Glove --: +100% Crit (always critical hit) • Guardian Wrist -: +10% Crit, 50 DARK Def, Minor ailment protection • Windom Armlet --: 50 Wind DEF • Saint's Arm ----: 50 H/D DEF; Bestows Vivo Fira, Celes Igneus abilities • Unnamed Glove --: +15% Crit • Ixion Glove ----: +15% Crit; Short-range physical attacks become long-range • Champion Fist --: +5% Crit; 10 Elemental DEF (all) • Ocean's Arm ----: 100 Water DEF; Nulls Freeze : Bestows Nox Protego, Vivo Fira, Curo Orbis abilities • Sun's Arm ------: 100 Fire DEF; Nulls Flamingc : Bestows Magus Absorbus, Vivo Fira, Celes Mistis • Element Glove --: +10% Crit; +100 Watr/Fire/Wnd/Erth DEF; +50 Light/Dark DEF • Diamond Gauntlet: +5% Crit; 5 Elemental DEF (all) • Sky Arm --------: 100 Wind DEF; Nulls Slow : Bestows Celes Mistis, Velox abilities • Gem Glove ------: 20 Dark DEF • Magician Glove -: +10% Crit • Clay Arms ------: +10% Crit; Bestows Glacius, Curo Orbis abilities • Zeion Glove ----: 50 Dark DEF • Shining Glove --: +10% Crit; 50 Holy DEF • Blazing Glove --: +10% Crit; 50 Fire DEF • Gaia Glove -----: +10% Crit; 50 Earth DEF • Frost Glove ----: +10% Crit; 50 Water DEF • Hurricane Glove : +10% Crit; 50 Wind DEF • Scarlet Glove --: +10% Crit • Majai Armlet ---: +05% Crit • Dark Claw ------: 30 Holy DEF, 20 Dark DEF • Juggler Glove --: +10% Crit • Pearl Gauntlet -: 20 Ice DEF, 10 Dark DEF • Golden Bracelet : +10% Crit; 30 Holy DEF, 10 Dark DEF • Majai Glove ----: +10% Crit • Wave Bracer ----: +10% Crit, 50 Ice DEF • Silica Bracer --: +05% Crit; 30 Fire DEF, 20 Earth DEF • Iron Gauntlet --: -10 Water DEF • Silver Claw ----: x1.5 DMG vs. Undead • Velvet Glove ---: +15% Crit • Worn Bracelet --: 10 Fire DEF • Leather Glove --: +10% Crit • Wool Glove -----: 20 Ice DEF __________________ __________ _________________________________________ | ACCESSORIES | EQUIP BY | ATK/MA DEF/MD EV/ME STR INT STA SPR SPD | |――――――――――――――――――|――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| | Ancient Amulet | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/10 --/10 --- --- --- --- --- | | Averay Signet | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/02 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Black Petal | KANINRDV | +08/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Blazed Eye | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Blood Charm | KANINRDV | ---/16 --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Blue Petal | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Bone Necklace | KANINRDV | +01/-- 04/-- 02/06 --- --- --- --- +04 | | Brilliant Eye | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/05 --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | | Cloud Eye | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- +04 | | Copper Charm | KANINRDV | ---/-- 05/05 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Cryptic Signet | KANINRDV | ---/-- 10/10 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Curse Juju | KANINRDV | +05/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Cursed Pendant | KANINR-V | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- -25 | | Demon's Arms | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- +07 +07 +07 +07 +04 | | Demonic Skull | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- 10/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Enchanted Ring | KANINRDV | ---/06 --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Evasion Charm | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- 12/12 --- --- --- --- --- | | Gaia Ring | KANINRDV | ---/-- 05/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Gold Ring | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Gossamer Sash | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- +05 | | Guardian Ring | KANINRDV | +05/-- 05/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Harmonic Ring | KANINRDV | +05/05 05/05 05/05 --- --- --- --- +04 | | Inferno Ring | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/05 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Isa's Necklace | ---I---- | ---/-- 05/10 --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | | Jade Bracelet | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/05 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Laced Boots | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- +08 | | Life Sphere | KANINRDV | ---/-- 05/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Liquid Eye | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Lucivar's Ring | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Lucky Belt | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- +04 | | Magic Bracelet | KANINR-V | ---/18 --/09 --/09 --- --- --- --- --- | | Mana Ring | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/05 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Marble Flower | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Mechanic Boots | KANINRDV | ---/-- 06/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- +02 | | Mushroom Ring | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Monster Codex | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | North Star | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Paragon Ring | KANINRDV | +05/05 05/05 05/05 --- --- --- --- +04 | | Philosopher St. | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Rainbow Star | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | | Red Scabbard | -------V | +05/05 --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Revenge Ring | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Ruby Necklace | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/05 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Sage Ring | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Sand Eye | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Scarlet Petal | KANINRDV | +05/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Seal of Infinity | KANINRDV | +05/05 --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Seal of Magic | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Seal of Power | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Sigil Necklace | KANINRDV | ---/-- 05/10 --/05 --- --- --- --- --- | | Silver Ring | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Sinful Eye | KANINRDV | ---/05 --/-- 05/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Stone Flower | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Strength Wrist | KANINRDV | +06/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Swift Boots | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- 07/07 --- --- --- --- +18 | | Tida's Earrings | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- 05/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Tsunami Orb | KANINRDV | ---/05 --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Vagrant Charm | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- 10/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Veteran Medal | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Vigil Ring | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Victory Medal | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Vigor Talisman | KANINRDV | ---/-- 05/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Wisdom Rune | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/05 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Worm Tail | KANINRDV | ---/-- 10/05 --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | | Zodiat Crystal | KANINRDV | ---/-- --/-- --/-- --- --- --- --- --- | |__________________|__________|_________________________________________| • Ancient Amulet -: Nulls Blind, Mute, Death • Averay Signet --: Nulls Freeze • Black Petal ----: Physical attacks may instantly kill foe • Blazed Eye -----: 50 Fire DEF • Blood Charm ----: Drains SP, Magic ATK Boost • Blue Petal -----: Add: Poison (50%) • Bone Necklace --: Nulls Paralysis • Brilliant Eye --: 50 Holy DEF • Cloud Eye ------: 50 Wind DEF • Cryptic Signet -: Nulls all ailments (stat-downers don't apply) • Curse Juju -----: Add: Silence, Blind • Cursed Pendant -: +0% Crit, Blast; Auto-SPD+ • Demon's Arms ---: x1.5 Damage vs. All; User has Confusion, Burn, SPD Down • Demonic Skull --: Lowers encounter rate (by maybe 25% at best?) • Gaia Ring ------: 115 Earth DEF • Gold Ring ------: Augments SP by 25% • Gossamer Sash --: 115 Wind DEF • Guardian Ring --: Add: Sleep (30%) • Harmonic Ring --: +5% Water • Inferno Ring ---: 115 Fire DEF • Isa's Necklace -: +20 Elemental DEF (all) • Jade Bracelet --: 50% Poison Resistance • Life Sphere ----: Auto-HP Regen • Liquid Eye -----: 50 Ice DEF • Lucivar's Ring -: Halves SP Consumption • Lucky Belt -----: Brings Luck (Effect: ??? -- influences dropped items?) • Magic Bracelet -: Magic ATK boost • Mana Ring ------: Auto-SP Regen • Marble Flower --: +50% HP • Mechanic Boots -: Nulls Flaming • Monster Codex --: Display monster stats w/o first having used Appraise • Mushroom Ring --: Physical attacks have an area of effect (hit multi foes) • North Star -----: SP skills' effect areas widen • Paragon Ring ---: Auto-HP Regen, Auto-SP Regen • Philosopher St.-: +5% Crit, +5 Elemental DEF • Rainbow Star ---: +10% All Elements • Revenge Ring ---: 90% Counterattack Rate • Ruby Necklace --: Nulls Confusion, Charm, Sleep • Sage Ring ------: Resists all ailments (not 100% protection, however) • Sand Eye -------: 50 Earth DEF • Scarlet Petal --: Auto-Berserk • Seal of Infinity: All damage UP • Seal of Magic --: Magic Damage UP • Seal of Power --: Augments physical damage • Sigil Necklace -: +20 Elemental DEF • Sinful Eye -----: 50 Dark DEF • Silver Ring ----: Augments SP by 12.5% • Stone Flower ---: Augments HP by 12.5% • Tida's Earrings : 20% Counterattack Rate • Tsunami Orb ----: 115 Water DEF • Veteran Medal --: Gained EXP x1.5 (not doubled as it says) • Vagrant Charm --: Physical attacks attempt to steal from enemy • Victory Medal --: Doubles received gold • Vigil Ring -----: Nulls all ailments (stat-downers don't apply) • Worm Tail ------: Nulls Poison, Sleep • Zodiat Crystal -: Augments SP by 37.5% _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― SHOP LIST [SHPL] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 01) Bel Lenora .................................................... SH01 02) Axenburg ...................................................... SH02 03) Fort Domfriu .................................................. SH03 04) Orchid Valley ................................................. SH04 05) Tradefair ..................................................... SH05 06) Cythere ....................................................... SH06 07) High Paths .................................................... SH07 08) Genufa ........................................................ SH08 09) Lanlat ........................................................ SH09 10) Arkal Skybase ................................................. SH10 11) Sammarkand Skydocks ........................................... SH11 12) Ponsu ......................................................... SH12 13) Suilei ........................................................ SH13 14) Xanadu ........................................................ SH14 15) Drakus Tat (I) ................................................ SH15 16) Pelpo Pelo .................................................... SH16 17) Doll Factory .................................................. SH17 18) Drakus Tat (II) ............................................... SH18 19) Pelpo Pelo (I) ................................................ SH19 20) Genufa (II) ................................................... SH20 21) Tradefair (II) ................................................ SH21 22) Ponsu (II) .................................................... SH22 23) Ralbania Castle ............................................... SH23 24) Cythere (II) .................................................. SH24 25) Orchid Valley (II) ............................................ SH25 26) Air Megaera ................................................... SH26 27) Bel Lenora (II) ............................................... SH27 28) Axenburg (II) ................................................. SH28 29) Xanadu Castle (Devil's Ring) .................................. SH29 30) Zodiat Monastery .............................................. SH30 31) SE Island (Catalogue Shop) .................................... SH30 BEL LENORA [SH01] AUXENBERG [SH02] FORT DOMFRIU [SH03] ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― Blue Herb ......... 20 Blue Herb ......... 20 Blue Herb ......... 20 Antidote .......... 15 Antidote .......... 15 Blue Root ......... 120 Dart .............. 35 Med Antidote ...... 50 Uji Nut ........... 350 Scarecrow ......... 150 Poison Dart ....... 60 Poison Dart ....... 60 Totem ............. 300 Scarecrow ......... 150 Med Antidote ...... 50 Short Sword ....... 300 Totem ............. 300 Torch ............. 100 Fancy Whip ........ 350 Long Sword ........ 500 Light Armor ....... 450 Light Armor ....... 450 Fancy Whip ........ 350 Leather Armor ..... 800 Radiant Dress ..... 325 Radiant Dress ..... 325 Radiant Dress ..... 325 Silver Tiara ...... 2000 Light Armor ....... 450 Woodskin Hat ...... 250 Wool Glove ........ 100 Fur Cap ........... 150 Leather Gauntlet .. 300 Leather Glove ..... 150 Wool Glove ........ 100 Jade Necklace ..... 500 Jade Necklace ..... 500 Copper Charm ...... 80 Copper Charm ...... 80 ORCHID VALLEY [SH04] TRADEFAIR [SH05] ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Blue Herb ......... 20 Blue Herb ......... 20 Sage Ring ........ 80000 Lucivar Herb ...... 120 Blue Root ......... 120 Silk Dress ....... 1200 Uji Nut ........... 350 Antidote .......... 15 Leather Armor .... 800 Dart .............. 35 Med Antidote ...... 50 Chain Mail ....... 1400 Torch ............. 100 Oppa Oil .......... 250 Woodskin Hat ..... 250 Scarecrow ......... 150 Scarecrow ......... 150 Iron Helmet ...... 500 Totem ............. 300 Totem ............. 300 Velvet Glove ..... 500 Flower Circlet .... 300 Liquid Eye ........ 3000 Broadsword ....... 1200 Bone Necklace ..... 600 Blazed Eye ........ 3200 Rusty Chains ..... 700 Blue Petal ........ 550 Jade Necklace ..... 500 Shamshirs ........ 1250 Scarlet Petal ..... 750 Bone Necklace ..... 600 Long Sword ....... 500 CYTHERE [SH06] HIGH PATHS [SH07] ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― Blue Herb ......... 20 Broadsword ........ 1200 Blue Root ........ 120 Blue Root ......... 120 Silver Spheres .... 1250 Uji Nut .......... 350 Uji Nut ........... 350 Shamshirs ......... 1250 Med Antidote ..... 50 Med Antidote ...... 50 Chain Mail ........ 1400 Scarecrow ........ 150 Oppa Oil .......... 250 Iron Armor ........ 1850 Spiked Sword ..... 2000 Scarecrow ......... 150 Iron Helmet ....... 500 Bladed Whip ...... 1500 Totem ............. 300 Silver Helmet ..... 1000 Sand Robe ........ 2750 Dart .............. 35 Iron Gauntlet ..... 800 Blazed Eye ....... 3200 Ice Bomb .......... 100 Cloud Eye ......... 4000 Silk Dress ........ 1200 Traveler's Hat .... 600 GENUFA [SH08] LANLAT [SH09] ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― Blue Herb ......... 20 Broadsword ........ 1200 Blue Root ........ 120 Blue Root ......... 20 Spiked Sword ...... 2000 Med Antidote ..... 50 Uji Nut ........... 350 Ironstone Knives .. 1750 Dart ............. 30 Iron Net .......... 75 Sand Robe ......... 2750 Ice Bomb ......... 100 Poison Dart ....... 60 Sun Hat ........... 1600 Totem ............ 300 Med Antidote ...... 50 Silver Helmet ..... 1000 Sharp Axe ........ 2200 Torch ............. 100 Silica Bracer ..... 1500 FishScale Plate .. 3000 Dust Bomb ......... 55 Blazed Eye ........ 3200 Dart .............. 35 Cursed Dart ....... 100 Totem ............. 300 ARKAL SKYBASE [SH10] SAMMARKAND S'DOCKS [SH11] PONSU [WK12] ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― Blue Herb ......... 20 Blue Root ........ 120 Blue Root ........ 120 Blue Root ......... 120 Med Antidote ..... 50 Med Antidote ..... 50 Antidote .......... 15 Uji Nut .......... 350 Strong Antidote .. 80 Med Antidote ...... 50 Travel Clothes ... 1250 Mind Cure ........ 30 Poison Dart ....... 60 Silk Hat ......... 3200 Elixir ........... 250 Iron Net .......... 75 Oppa Oil ......... 250 Dust Bomb ......... 55 Liquid Tonic ..... 35 Spiked Sword ...... 2000 Gladius .......... 3200 Bladed Whip ....... 1500 Gold Lance ....... 2500 Ironstone Knives .. 1750 Golden Robe ...... 5500 Shamshirs ......... 1250 Silk Hat ......... 3200 Travel Clothes .... 1250 Sun Hat ........... 1600 Silver Ring ....... 400 SUILEI [WK13] XANADU [WK14] ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Heavy Flail ...... 2500 Blue Herb ........ 20 Gladius .......... 3200 Twin Crescents ... 1500 Blue Root ........ 120 Heavy Flail ...... 2500 Lacquer Armor .... 4500 Blue Potion ...... 400 Dadao Blades ..... 3000 Silk Hat ......... 3200 Uji Nut .......... 350 Lacquer Armor .... 4500 Golden Bracelet .. 2200 Crystal Dust ..... 850 Golden Robe ...... 5500 Laced Boots ...... 800 Oppa Oil ......... 250 Lacquer Helm ..... 3500 Brilliant Eye .... 12000 Antidote ......... 15 Golden Bracelet .. 2200 Blood Charm ...... 66000 Strong Antidote .. 80 Pearl Gauntlet ... 12000 Lucky Belt ....... 44000 Mind Cure ........ 30 Liquid Tonic ..... 24 Totem ............ 300 DRAKUS TAT (I) PELPO PELO [WK16] DOLL FACTORY [WK17] ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― Blue Herb ........ 20 Liquid Eye ....... 3000 Blue Root ........ 120 Blue Root ........ 120 Tsunami Orb ...... 84000 Blue Potion ...... 400 Blue Potion ...... 400 Liquid Armor ..... 10000 Uji Nut .......... 350 Uji Nut .......... 350 Adventurer's Hat . 4500 Crystal Dust ..... 850 Crystal Dust ..... 850 Blue Root ........ 120 Oppa Oil ......... 250 Oppa Oil ......... 250 Blue Potion ...... 400 Scarecrow ........ 150 Antidote ......... 15 Uji Nut .......... 350 Strong Antidote .. 80 Crystal Dust ..... 850 Mind Cure ........ 30 Oppa Oil ......... 250 Liquid Tonic ..... 35 Poison Dart ...... 60 Totem ............ 300 Cursed Dart ...... 100 Mooncloth Robe ... 8000 Dart ............. 35 Rebel Tricorn .... 5500 Elixir ........... 250 Ghost Gauntlet ... 3900 Crystal Shard .... 5000 Dark Claw ........ 6000 Tsunami Orb ...... 84000 DRAKUS TAT [II] [WK18] PELPO PELO [II] [WK19] GENUFA [II] [WK20] ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― Blue Potion ...... 400 Blue Potion ...... 400 Restore Oil ...... 1000 Drakus Potion .... 1000 Crystal Dust ..... 850 Oppa Oil ......... 250 Strong Antidote .. 80 Elixir ........... 250 Blue Potion ...... 400 Elixir ........... 250 Bladed Javelin ... 6250 Elixir ........... 250 Liquid Tonic ..... 35 Adventurer Gear .. 12000 Totem ............ 300 Ice Bomb ......... 100 Liquid Armor ..... 10000 Crystal Dust ..... 850 Dust Bomb ........ 55 Adventurer's Hat . 4500 Paladin Sword .... 9000 Acid Bomb ........ 1500 Abalone Helm ..... 7000 Singing Sabers ... 8900 Pugnant Bomb ..... 1500 Crystal Dust ..... 5000 Desert Armor ..... 15500 Torch ............ 100 Jeweled Hands .... 34000 Sandchain Helm ... 8000 Man Eater ........ 13500 Dark Claw ........ 6000 Jeweled Knives ... 8250 Tsunami Orb ...... 84000 Velvet Robe ...... 14000 TRADEFAIR [II] [WK21] PONSU [II] [WK22] RALBANIA CASTLE [WK23] ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― Blue Potion ...... 400 Blue Potion ...... 400 Blue Potion ...... 400 Crystal Dust ..... 850 Elixir ........... 250 Crystal Dust ..... 850 Oppa Oil ......... 250 Oppa Oil ......... 250 Oppa Oil ......... 250 Iron Net ......... 75 Poison Dart ...... 60 Iron Net ......... 75 Strong Antidote .. 80 Dart ............. 35 Mind Cure ........ 30 Mind Cure ........ 30 Cursed Dart ...... 100 Totem ............ 300 Poison Dart ...... 60 Ice Bomb ......... 100 Ice Bomb ......... 100 Dart ............. 35 Dust Bomb ........ 55 Torch ............ 100 Acid Bomb ........ 1500 Torch ............ 100 Cursed Dart ...... 100 Totem ............ 300 Ebony Daggers .... 11500 Winged Hat ....... 9000 Velvet Robe ...... 1400 Paladin Sword .... 9000 Sandchain Helm ... 8000 Windom Mail ...... 18000 Black Cowl ....... 7600 Onyx Helm ........ 10000 Diamond Gauntlet . 6500 Cloud Eye ........ 4000 Scarlet Glove .... 7000 Vigor Talisman ... 4500 War Chain ........ 7000 Morningstar ...... 12500 Singing Sabers ... 8900 Vigor Talisman ... 4500 CYTHERE [II] [WK24] ORCHID VALLEY (II)[WK25] AIR MEGAERA [WK26] ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― Blue Potion ...... 400 Lucivar Herb ..... 120 Man Eater ........ 13500 Uji Nut .......... 350 Uji Nut .......... 350 Dragoon Lance .... 8500 Iron Net ......... 75 Torch ............ 100 Dragon Disciple .. 16000 Stamina Drink .... 1500 Totem ............ 300 Ghost Gauntlet ... 3900 Mind Drink ....... 1500 Serrated Sabers .. 16500 Drakus Potion .... 1000 War Chain ........ 7000 Flower Circlet ... 300 Crystal Shard .... 5000 Empress .......... 9800 Bone Necklace .... 600 Totem ............ 300 Master Blades .... 15000 Scarlet Petal .... 750 Mythos Axe ....... 15500 Blue Petal ....... 550 Velvet Robe ...... 14000 Black Cowl ....... 7600 Champion Fist .... 8000 BEL LENORA (II) [WK27] AXUNBURG (II) [SH28] XANADU CASTLE [SH29] ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――― Blue Potion ...... 400 Ruby Necklace .... 600 Blue Potion ...... 400 Oppa Oil ......... 250 Jade Necklace .... 500 Drakus Potion .... 1000 Restore Oil ...... 1000 Silver Ring ...... 400 Crystal Dust ..... 850 Elixir ........... 250 Gold Ring ........ 10000 Elixir ........... 250 Stamina Drink .... 1500 Blue Potion ...... 400 Crystal Shard .... 5000 Mind Drink ....... 1500 Crystal Shard .... 5000 Totem ............ 300 Ice Bomb ......... 100 ZODIAT MONASTERY [SH30] Crystal Shard .... 5000 Dust Bomb ........ 55 ―――――――――――――――――――――――― High Tides ....... 10500 Torch ............ 100 Crystal .......... 12000 Majai Tiara ...... 10000 Cursed Dart ...... 100 Relic ............ 16000 Onyx Helm ........ 10000 Acid Bomb ........ 1500 Frost Chain ...... 13500 Magician Glove ... 7500 Pugnant Bomb ..... 1500 Brilliant Mace ... 15000 Oppa Oil ......... 250 Majai Armor ...... 13000 Elixir ........... 250 Totem ............ 300 Paladin Sword .... 7171 Black Silk Robe .. 11953 SE ISLAND (CATALOGUE SHOP) From left to right: Catalogue 1 > 2 > 3 [SH31] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Ocean Tears ...... 6000 Eternias ......... 30000 Str Potion ...... 100000 Searing Blades ... 7500 Million Sword .... 14000 Int Potion ...... 100000 Venum Skiver ..... 7000 Crystal Spheres .. 18000 Sta Potion ...... 100000 Iron Hands ....... 3000 Earthian Lance ... 11500 Mnd Potion ...... 100000 Mana Ring ........ 20000 Saint Dome ....... 5000 Spd Potion ...... 100000 Black Petal ...... 5000 Grapple Glove .... 9500 _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― V. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS [FAQZ] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― [Q] - How do I run from battle? [A] - Hold B-button when a character's action gauge is filled. [Q] - Why are some of my allies starting battle with negative statuses? [A] - The root of this problem relates to Kairu's curse mark, which generates abnormalities (SPD Down, Crippled, Poison, etc.) on a random basis. [Q] - What is that Monster gauge in the top screen for? [A] - Apparently it's supposed to fill as monsters are Appraised (Rogurd's ability), but I've never seen it fill one scintilla, and other people have encountered that same problem. It may have been dummied out or forgotten, who knows? The game's full of weird stuff like that... [Q] - Why can't I use magic in House of Black Stone? Is this a glitch? [A] - No. If you were paying attention, you'd know Aurora is hiding her ability to use magic since it gotten them into enough trouble with the locals. [Q] - Why can't I use items? [A] - The character has to be able to move to use items, which means even if s/he is right next to the target, attacks won't go through if s/he's in Freeze status (etc.). Kinda quirky... [Q] - After Polamaze Temple's first part, how do I find Juji? [A] - Go north into the Small Forest section, go east a little bit, then south through the trees -- y'should be at a pond section. That's the place! [Q] - Where can I get more Paragon Rings? [A] - Post-fusion, on the SW icy island (largest). A rare encounter here is the 'Fish Lord' who has that item as a steal, so bring Nym. Also, he's got a 2nd item to steal: the Philosopher St., which is an accessory that grants 100% chance of critical hits, just ilke the Grapple Glove. Very nice. [Q] - What's that weird ring on the east continent's SW side (late in game)? [A] - A temple appears here on a seemingly random basis. Inside, one can get a Veteran's Badge, which doubles EXP gained. Re-entering the world map over and over doesn't seem to make it appear, so it may be based on the internal timer or something (your guess is as good as mine). _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― VI. UPDATES & CONTRIBUTORS [UPDT] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 06-17-09 -----------------------------------+ Started walkthrough 07-16-09 -----------------------------------+ Added to GameFAQs 10-18-11 -----------------------------------+ Updated missing stuff If you have any information/corrections to impart, drop me a line at the email listed at the document's beginning. I'd really appreciated it. <3 THANKS TO... ―――――――――――― • Sailor/Ceej, for hostin' my junk • DamageInc, for Crimson Tail stats • The BS board, for their assistance • theoqaat, for a Cythere correction • Baldurien, for the Inferno Ring tip • FF3forever, for a Seramaze correction • AnotherRPGGamer, for the Ghost Mace tip • 4kalil silva, for Crimson Tail's location • Poulpyx, for the Veteran Medal correction • Flynn, for a missing potion in Genufa • Death Reaper, for a Cytherian Bridge correction • Doug Pfiel, for a missing Apogea Tower item (#27) • Ted Tunich, for hidden soldier in Cythere invasion • Andrew Mogg, for telling about the penultimate boss • SanctuarySeven, for a missing Apogea Tower STR Potion • The ShAdOw, for info on Judge of Sun/Octo Terror • Eric Forst, for location of Ring of Memories' Vigil Ring • cortwilliams, for Firebeard's Tomb's Assassin Daggers location • Hunter Newell, for a correction on the F. Fortress' whereabouts • Michel Lacroix, for missing equip stats, arena fight list and D-Flux chests • Arda Jackson, for missed Corridor of Cloud items and a host of others <3 • Vyse the Determined, for finding out the Xanatou/Xanadu shop selling trick THINGS I NEED / NOTES TO SELF ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • Location of Doll's Gaia Glove, if it exists • Info about penultimate boss (skippable in some games?) _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― VII. LEGALITY [LGLT] _______________________________________________________________________________ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― This document is intended for private home use ONLY, and may not be reproduced through electronic or commercial means without the expressed consent of the author (P. Summers). It cannot be hosted, edited, or distributed for profit, and may not be given away as an add-in/gift to bought items. All rights are reserved to respective parties, even those not explicitly stated herein. Those who find this document on sites not listed below should e-mail the author (me). Thanks for reading this, and thanks for respectin' FAQ authors. Allowed Sites: Disallowed Sites: • Gametalk.com • cheatcc.com • GameFAQs.com • MyCheats.com • Neoseeker.com • Gamesradar.com • Supercheats.com • Honestgamers.com • Chaptercheats.com E-mail me for permissions ~ • Cavesofnarshe.com shotgunnova (a+) gmail (d0t) com. _______________________________________________________________________________ NOW Document © Shotgunnova, 1997-2011 (and countin'!) APPROACHING Black Sigil namesake © respective owners MIGNIGHT! E N D O F D O C U M E N T