- A.S.H. ARCHAIC SEALED HEAT - FAQ/Walkthrough - Nintendo DS - by sephirosuy - http://sephirosuy.blogspot.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many guides selling at the online market-places like Ebay are actually stole from GameFAQs (except the original author who decided to sell it), So why would you buy it when you can read this document here for free? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide is written and compiled by sephirosuy / Seph You may not copy or reproduce ANY PART of it under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of the guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Please ask for permission by contacting me first before using this document for any reason, probably I have no problem of giving permission as long as you give me proper credit and not editing the guide, that's easy enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ............. sep01 2. Walkthrough - Chapter 01-10 ......... sep02 - Chapter 11-20 ......... sep03 - Chpater 21-31 ......... sep04 3. Contact .................. sep05 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sep01 Thanks for clicking on the guide. This is FAQ/Walkthrough for the game named A.S.H. Archaic Sealed Heat which is released for Nintendo DS on October 4th 2007 (Japanese version). English isn't my first language and my writing skill is not good at all, so I write this guide in a simple style as easier people can understand. Not much explainations in the walkthrough, but might still contain a little spoiler of the game. Offical Site: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ds/yasj/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sep02 o--------------o | Chapter 01 | o--------------o #= MILLINEAR ~Mission: Obtain the Millinear Armlet! Just move up to the middle to meet up with Bullnequ. ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! Battle with the Fireball, nothing is hard now. ~Mission: Obtain the Millinear Armlet! Face 3 Fireballs, defeat them while going get the Millinear Armlet. ~Mission: Defeat Flame Hound! Heal everyone with White Mage before entering the battle. Just perform the Arts of Aisya (Aqua Shot/Sword) every turn. ~Once you've done, White Mage, Black Mage, Battler will join the party as summon-able unit. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ether, Potion, Potion. Enemy: 1. Fireball - Appear after event 2. Fireball - Appear after defeating unit 1. 3. Fireball - Appear after defeating unit 1. 4. Fireball - Appear after defeating unit 1. B. Flame Hound - Appear after defeating all Fireballs =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 02 | o--------------o #= PALUS ~Mission: Defeat the Fiery Snake! You can see some NPCs around, speak to them by moving your unit closer to them can get some extra ELE. Also talk to the Chief of the village to learn about EX Skill, which is a very useful ability. You will get EX Skill charging in every turn, when the power is full, Aisya can perform the EX Skill. So save a full EX Skill to fight the boss is very helpful. ~After the scene, Stealer and Itemer will join in summon unit list. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ether, Resuscitation, Potion. Enemy: 1. Salamander - Initial enemy 2. Fireball x2 - Initial enemy 3. Fireball x3 - Initial enemy 4. Fireball x1 - Initial enemy 5. Fireball x2 - Appear after speaking with the Chief 6. Fireball x2 - Appear after speaking with the Chief 7. Fireball x1 - Appear after speaking with the Chief =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 03 | o--------------o #= BLUE FOREST ~Mission: Follow the transportation! Move to the recover point, also defeat the enemies blocking the way. More enemies will appear when you reach the recover point, so get use of the it to clear up the remaining opponent. Afterwards, make your way to the appropriate goal point to end this. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Necklace (Oltorinde Collar), Potion, Ether. Enemy: 1. Goblin x2 - Initial enemy 2. Ogre x1 - Initial enemy 3. Ogre x1 - Initial enemy 4. Ogre x1 - After reaching recover point 5. Ogre x1 - After reaching recover point 6. Ogre x1 - After reaching recover point 7. Ogre x1 - After defeating all enemies 8. Ogre x1 - After defeating all enemies 9. Goblin x2 - After defeating all enemies =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 04 | o--------------o #= LAKESIDE ~Mission: Rescue the troops! First turn should take down the nearest opponents. Put Shell to everyone with White Mage before the next battle. Get further of the place to trigger a scene. After that, move close to Dan (the captain) and he will join the team. ~Mission: Protect Dan! Escape from the Blue Forest! Now the objective is the goal point, but more enemies appear to stop you. Try get Dan further from any enemies all the time. When you manage Dan to enter the fight, be sure perform his Attack Break in the first turn for more advantage, so you may also get an easy victory with Dan. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ether, Potion Enemy: 1. Soldier x1 - Initial enemy 2. Soldier x1 - Initial enemy 3. Soldier x2 - Initial enemy 4. Soldier x2 - Initial enemy 5. Soldier x2 - Initial enemy 6. Soldier x2 - Initial enemy 7. Soldier x2 - After Dan joins the party 8. Soldier x2 - After Dan joins the party =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 05 | o--------------o #= HERMITAGE-1 ~Mission: Breakthrough the ruins of the fire! Enemies will be the Fireballs again, they come with pair, but still easy to manage your victory. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Boots (Nidhogg Greeves), Resuscitation Enemy: 1. Fireball x2 - Initial enemy 2. Fireball x2 - Initial enemy 3. Fireball x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1 & 2 4. Fireball x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1 & 2 5. Fireball x2 - Appear after defeating unit 3 & 4 6. Fireball x2 - Appear after defeating unit 3 & 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= HERMITAGE-2 ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! Simply breakthrough the path until the next event. Also manage the long range attacker like Black and White Mage to the side to obtain some treasure items. ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! (In 9 turns) To beat the enemies fast, spend your MP for the powerful arts. Touch the MP recover aura to restore and also use the AP recover aura to helps. ~Mission: Reach to Emu! You can talk to the village leader to obtain some ELEs before going for Emu. ~After this, Monster Mage and Longsword will be added in the summon list, and you will also gain control of Emu as leader character. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Gloves (Thrud Bracer), Ancient Ring (Aquamarine Ring), Ether, Hi-Ether Enemy: 1. Shadow x2 - Initial enemy 2. Shadow x2 - Initial enemy 3. Shadow x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1 & 2 4. Shadow x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1 & 2 5. Shadow x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1 & 2 6. Shadow x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1 & 2 =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 06 | o--------------o #= FORBIDDEN PLACE-1 ~Mission: Breakthrough the Blue Forest! Just to remember some enemies will spawn at the beginning area, so don't leave your mages or weaker characters there. Your objective is reach to the exit point, before there you better do something to recover your party because the boss is waiting in the next area. Also don't forget the treasures. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Necklace (Helm-Vige Collar), Ancient Boots (Fafnir Greeves) Enemy: 1. Ogre x2 - Initial enemy 2. Goblin x2 - Initial enemy 3. Ogre, Goblin x2 - Initial enemy 4. Ogre x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1-3 Goblin x3 - '' 5. Ogre, Goblin x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1-3 Goblin x3 - '' 6. Ogre x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1-3 Goblin x3 - '' 7. Ogre, Goblin x2 - Appear after defeating unit 4-6 Ogre, Goblin x2 - '' 8. Ogre, Goblin x2 - Appear after defeating unit 4-6 Ogre, Goblin x2 - '' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= FORBIDDEN PLACE-2 ~Mission: Defeat Ergamunt! Recommend cast Shell and other support status on the party especially your close combat attacker. Needless to say, cast it before you enter the battle. Assuming we can't defeat Ergamunt with only one team, so flee from the battle before you're defeated. Try to charge a full EX bar with Aisya team, then use it with Dan since he deals better damage. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: - Enemy: 1. Ergamunt - Initial enemy =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 07 | o--------------o #= FOSSIL ROAD ~Mission: Breakthrough the road! When you fight with the Operator and Sniper enemies, make sure defeat the Operator for first, because the Snipers won't attack you in the battle, however they would attack in the field. Also don't use water elemental attack to the Sniper because they can absorb the damage. ~After this chapter, Engage function will be added, it's allow your leader characters to obtain extra ability and attritube points from the summon unit. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Hi-Potion, Resuscitation, Ether Enemy: 1. Soldier x3 - Initial enemy 2. Operator, Sniper x2 - Initial enemy 3. Operator, Sniper x2 - Initial enemy 4. Operator, Sniper x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 5. Operator, Sniper x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 08 | o--------------o #= MAREA ROAD ~Mission: Breakthrough the road! Simply kill the blocking enemies and reach to the appropriated point to clear this. But if you need a little extra EXP and items, you can defeat everything here as you like. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: - Enemy: 1. Soldier x3 - Initial enemy 2. Soldier x3 - Initial enemy 3. Operator, Sniper x2 - Initial enemy 4. Operator, Sniper x2 - Appear after defeating two units of enemy 5. Operetor, Soldier x2 - Appear after defeating three units of enemy =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 09 | o--------------o #= UNKNOWN-1 ~Mission: Prepare for the Guerilla interception! You now control Cootorolan in solo action, who has low AP but high HP. Move forward to trigger an event. ~Mission: Defeat the enemies! Without any other helps, you shouldn't be too aggresive to clear this. First you would fight with two soldiers, you can ambush this unit when one of the soldiers is seperated, so the further one can't normally attack Cootorolan. Finish off them one by one. ~Mission: Prepare for the Guerilla interception! Continue to the next area and don't forget to take the treasure before that. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ether, Hi-Potion Enemy: 1. Soldier x2 - Appear after event ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= UNKNOWN-2 ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! Use the AP and MP recover points when necessory. Get rid of the enemies first before the treasures on the left (because they're equipment, so no point to spend your AP for them). Try the tactic as mentioned above to kill your opponents seperately. Be sure restore your HP when it downs to half, and don't hesitate to perform Flare Strike when you got Blind status since the MP recover point is here. ~Mission: Reach to the goal! Do remember to take all treasures around. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ether, Hi-Ether, Ancient Gloves (Geirskogul Bracer), Ancient Boots (Slepnir Greeves) Enemy: 1. Shadow x2 - Initial enemy 2. Shadow x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1 3. Shadow x2 - Appear after defeating unit 2 =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 10 | o--------------o #= SUMNEL THIA-1 ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! Talk to the residents as we found around here to get some extra ELEs. The monster named Death Eagle can send Paralyse status (and instant death attack), once the character has got it, you're not able to move him/her, recommend get a White Mage follow at the back to prepare curing this status. ~Mission: Reach to the goal! Once you've done killing enemies, move on to the next area. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Resuscitation, Ether, Ancient Necklace (Glimgerde Collar) Enemy: 1. Death Eagle - Initial enemy 2. Death Eagle - Initial enemy 3. Fireball x3 - initial enemy 4. Fireball x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 5. Death Eagle - Appear when ally gets to further area 6. Death Eagle - Appear when ally gets to further area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= SUMNEL THIA-1 ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! This area is harder, my suggestion is stay together with other teams so you can easily heal or cure bad status with each other. Also use the recover point as well. Remember Death Eagle has its instant death move, it's quite annoying if it come and stirke your summon unit with a death move. So make sure initial your attack to the Death Eagle to avoid this bad thing happen. ~Mission: Reach to the goal point! Take the treasure before moving to next area. ~After this, you can find the selling items in the shop will be updated. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Hi-Potion, Resuscitation, Resuscitation Enemy: 1. Fireball x3 - Initial enemy 2. Fireball x3 - Initial enemy 3. Death Eagle - Initial enemy Death Eagle - '' 4. Death Eagle - Initial enemy Death Eagle - '' 5. Death Eagle - Appear when ally gets to further area Death Eagle - '' 6. Fireball x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area Death Eagle - '' 7. Fireball x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area Death Eagle - '' =============================================================================== sep02 o--------------o | Chapter 11 | o--------------o #= PRINCESS PRISON-1 ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! All foes belong to fire element, so focus to Aqua elemental attack. Always kill of the Fire Worm ahead otherwise it will respawn the Child Worms when they're defeated. Talk to the troops can obtain some extra ELEs. ~Mission: Reach to the goal point! Move to next area when prompted. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Ring (Garnet Ring), Quality Saber (Mythril Scimitar), Ether, Resuscitation Enemy: 1. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Initial enemy 2. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Initial enemy 3. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Initial enemy 4. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - '' 5. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - '' 6. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= PRINCESS PRISON-2 ~Mission: Find the right switch to unlock the cell! The right switch to unlock the cell is the second switch (middle) on the right. Once you've operated the switch, the game will be triggered into event, so if you want the treasures, get them first. ~Dan leaves the party and Maritie would replace him as leader character. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ether, Ancient Ring (Ruby Ring), Quality Sword (Mythril Sword) Enemy: 1. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear when bottom left switch is operated 2. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear when bottom right switch is operated 3. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear when left switch is operated 4. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear when top left switch is operated 5. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear when top right switch is operated =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 12 | o--------------o #= BLAST FURNACE-1 ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! A place with lot of Fire Worms and Child Worms like previous chapter. Often use Aqua elemental attack can make the battle easier. ~Mission: Reach to the goal point! Move to next area when prompted. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Hi-Potion, Remedy, Elixir Enemy: 1. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Initial enemy Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - '' 2. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Initial enemy Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - '' 3. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Initial enemy Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - '' 4. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1-3 5. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1-3 6. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1-3 7. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear after defeating unit 4-6 8. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear after defeating unit 4-6 9. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Appear after defeating unit 4-6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= BLAST FURNACE-2 ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! Clear all foes in the area. Make sure you find out the treasure by checking the map since they hided from where you can. Try save a full EX bar before defeated the last group of enemies. ~Mission: Defeat Flame Hound! Ensure your team has enough AP to enter the battle and escape from the area that Flame Hound can hit you, because if Flame Hound caught you, the whole team cannot escape from the battle. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Quality Staff (Mythril Wand), Quality Dual-Blade (Mythril Blade), Quality Pot (Mythril Pot), Ancient Necklace (Waltraute Collar), Ancient Gloves (Gondul Bracer) Enemy: 1. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Initial enemy 2. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Initial enemy 3. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Initial enemy 4. Fire Worm, Child Worm x2 - Initial enemy 5. Flame Hound - Appear after defeating unit 1-4 =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 13 | o--------------o #= DARKNESS-1 ~Mission: Explore the area! Now you control Aisya only. The enemy around would be Evil Eye, which is weak against Earth elemental attack, simply defeat them with Earth Slash. Take the MP recover point when needed. More right to trigger a scene with Maritie. Afterwards, proceed to North and clear all enemies. When you reach to the exit, Cootorolan and Emu will return to the party --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ether, Hi-Potion, Quality Rifle (Mythril Carbine), Elixir Enemy: 1. Evil Eye - Initial enemy 2. Evil Eye - Initial enemy 3. Evil Eye - Initial enemy 4. Evil Eye - Initial enemy 5. Evil Eye - Appear after Maritie event 6. Evil Eye - Appear after Maritie event 7. Evil Eye - Appear after Maritie event 8. Evil Eye - Appear after Maritie event 9. Evil Eye - Appear after Maritie event ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= DARKNESS-2 ~Mission: Defeat Ergamunt and keep Maritie alive! Clear as many Evil Eyes as possible in the first turn. Pay attention to Maritie's move, we have to avoid the battle with her, so always keep a distance with Maritie, but maybe would get a few hits from her. Once Maritie has reached to the bottom (your beginning area), she will stop at there, then you can prepare your teams for the boss. Needless to say, bring a full EX bar to the battle, focus more on Fire elemental attack, flee and heal before any of your teams being defeated. Do remember after you blow the final hit, the boss will return you a "Power Release", so make sure everyone can survive it (keep HP above 50% should be fine). --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Ring (Opal Ring), Ancient Ring (Emerald Ring), Ancient Ring (Amethyst Ring), Quality Pole (Mythril Pole) Enemy: 1. Ergamunt - Initial enemy 2. Maritie - Initial enemy 3. Evil Eye - Initial enemy 4. Evil Eye - Initial enemy 5. Evil Eye - Initial enemy 6. Evil Eye - Initial enemy 7. Evil Eye - Appear when ally gets to further area 8. Evil Eye - Appear when ally gets to further area 9. Evil Eye - Appear when ally gets to further area 10. Evil Eye - Appear when ally gets to further area =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 14 | o--------------o #= THE SECRET GARDEN ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! Use more on Fire elemental attack for the Slime and Elemental enemies. Slime can steal your item, so recommend kill them as soon as you can trigger the fight with it. ~Mission: Reach to the goal point! Go to the indicated area after cleaning the field. ~Mission: Touch the legendary animals! Move close to every animals. Watch the scene. ~Finally Emu learns some better movess and EX Skill. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Elixir, Ancient Boots (Kraken Greeves) Enemy: 1. Slime, Elemental x2 - Initial enemy Slime x3 - '' 2. Goblin, Elemental x2 - Initial enemy Goblin, Elemental x2 - '' 3. Blood Bat - Initial enemy 4. Blood Bat - Initial enemy Slime x3 - '' 5. Slime x3 - Appear after defeating any 3 teams enemy 6. Goblin, Elemental x2 - Appear after defeating any 3 teams enemy 7. Slime x3 - Appear after defeating any 3 teams enemy 8. Slime x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area Goblin, Elemental x2 - '' 9. Blood Bat - Appear after defeating any 3 teams enemy 10. Blood Bat - Appear after defeating any 3 teams enemy Goblin, Elemental x2 - '' 11. Blood Bat - Appear after defeating any 3 teams enemy 12. Blood Bat - Appear after defeating any 3 teams enemy =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 15 | o--------------o #= MONSTER'S NEST-1 ~Mission: Breakthrough the cavern! If you don't like to fight more, simply move all your teams together in one path, take the right path if you want to do so since there's a place with treasures. Head to the exit at North to next area. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Boots (Surt Greeves), Elixir Enemy: 1. Slime, Elemental x2 - Initial enemy 2. Slime, Elemental x2 - Initial enemy 3. Slime x3 - Initial enemy 4. Blood Bat - Initial enemy 5. Slime x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 6. Slime x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 7. Blood Bat - Appear when ally gets to further area 8. Goblin, Elemental x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 9. Goblin, Elemental x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 10. Slime x3 - Appear when near to middle area 11. Slime, Elemental x2 - Appear when near to middle area 12. Blood Bat - Appear when ally gets to further area 13. Blood Bat - Appear when ally gets to further area 14. Blood Bat - Appear when ally gets to further area 15. Blood Bat - Appear when ally gets to further area 16. Slime x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= MONSTER'S NEST-2 ~Mission: Defeat Salamander! Battle with Salamander. No idea what to do actually, Salamander never attack me until I perform EX Skill with Emu, and it fully recover its HP. After that a scene occur which is the end of this chapter. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Resuscitation, X-Ether, Ancient Gloves (Reginleif Bracer) Enemy: 1. Salamander - Initial enemy 2. Slime, Elemental x2 - Initial enemy 3. Goblin, Elemental x2 - Initial enemy 4. Blood Bat - Initial enemy 5. Blood Bat - Initial enemy 6. Blood Bat - Initial enemy =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 16 | o--------------o #= LABOR ROOM ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! Do except to fight lot of enemies. You should take down two groups in once with a single team, otherwise you will be surrounding and being chained. Kill Casters by using Earth elemental attack does save your time. ~Mission: Reach to the goal point! Make sure you don't miss the treasure before moving on. ~Now you can find some new stuffs in the shop. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Ring (Turquoise Ring), Hi-Ether Enemy: 1. Caster, Soldier x2 - Initial enemy Soldier x3 - '' 2. Caster, Soldier x2 - Initial enemy Caster, Soldier x2 - '' 3. Caster, Soldier x2 - Appear after defeating any unit Soldier, Caster x2 - '' 4. Soldier, Caster x2 - Appear after defeating any unit Caster, Soldier x2 - '' 5. Soldier x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area Soldier x3 - '' 6. Soldier x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area Soldier x3 - '' 7. Caster, Soldier x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area Caster, Soldier x2 - '' 8. Caster, Soldier x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area Caster, Soldier x2 - '' =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 17 | o--------------o #= LABORATORY ~Mission: Stop Dan's plan! The enemies are quit easy, just keep killing as you like. Take the treasures as well. Reach to the appropiated area for some events, you're going to fight Dan and Jeekawen (seperately), so save a full EX bar if possible. ~Mission: Negotiate with Dan and Jeekawen! Get your team prepared. First defeat Dan and then Jeekawen. Release your EX Skill when charged, have a White Mage support would make the battle easy. You can steal a platinum quality weapon from Jeekawen, personally, I got a Platinum Wand from him. ~After this chapter, Dan will return to the party, so you will have 4 teams from now. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Necklace (Glimgerde Collar), Hi-Potion, Ancient Gloves (Randgrize Bracer) Enemy: 1. Imperial Guard x3 - Initial enemy 2. Imperial Guard x3 - Initial enemy 3. Imperial Trooper, Imperial Wizard x2 - When ally gets to further area 4. Imperial Trooper, Imperial Guard x2 - When ally gets to further area 5. Imperial Trooper, Imperial Wizard x2 - When ally gets to further area 6. Imperial Trooper, Imperial Wizard x2 - When ally gets to further area 7. Imperial Trooper, Imperial Wizard x2 - When ally gets to further area 8. Imperial Trooper, Imperial Guard x2 - When ally gets to further area 9. Imperial Trooper, Imperial Wizard x2 - When ally gets to further area 10. Dan - When ally reached to goal point 11. Jeekawen - When ally reached to goal point =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 18 | o--------------o #= GIANT'S HANGAR-1 ~Mission: Chase Samnel Thia Emperor! First, defeat the nearest groups, then you can simply run pass most of the enemies and obtain the treasures by using the AP Recover point. The last group who will appear and block the exit are wizards, so save a EX Skill for them to make things easier. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Hi-Ether, X-Potion, Resuscitation, Ancient Gloves (Herfiotur Bracer) Enemy: 1. Imperial Guard x3 - Initial enemy 2. Imperial Guard, Trooper, Wizard - Initial enemy 3. Imperial Trooper, Wizard x2 - Initial enemy 4. Imperial Guard, Trooper x2 - Initial enemy 5. Imperial Guard, Wizard x2 - When ally gets to further area 6. Imperial Guard x2, Wizard - When ally gets to further area 7. Imperial Guard, Wizard x2 - When ally gets to further area 8. Imperial Wizard x3 - When ally gets to further area 9. Imperial Trooper, Wizard x2 - When ally gets to further area 10. Imperial Wizard x3 - When ally gets to further area 11. Imperial Wizard x3 - When ally gets to further area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= GIANT'S HANGAR-2 ~Mission: Defeat Gigantes! You will see this boss charging at the beginning of the battle, needless to say his damage increase at the high level. So you must use Aqua elemental attacks to turn down his heat level or else you will get deadly attack form him. The damage is about 300 at level 3 and 35 at level 4, remember you can escape from the battle if your HP is low. =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 19 | o--------------o #= FIRE EXIT-1 ~Before you start, recommend put the strongest character into Aisya's team because in the second area you will face a boss with only Aisya team. ~Mission: Chase Sumnel Thia Emperor! Fight as usual, make your way to the exit. Remember a boss fight awaits in the next area, so save a full EX bar for Aisya. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Expensive Sword (Gold Sword), Expensive Knuckle (Gold Knuckle), Hi-Potion Enemy: 1. Imperial Guard x3 - Initial enemy 2. Imperial Guard, Wizard x2 - Initial enemy 3. Imperial Trooper, Wizard x2 - Initial enemy 4. Imperial Trooper, Wizard x2 - Initial enemy 5. Imperial Trooper, Guard x2 - When ally gets further 6. Imperial Trooper, Guard x2 - When ally gets further 7. Imperial Trooper, Guard x2 - When ally gets further 8. Imperial Trooper, Wizard x2 - When ally gets further 9. Imperial Trooper, Wizard x2 - When ally gets further 10. Imperial Trooper, Wizard x2 - When ally gets further ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= FIRE EXIT-2 ~Mission: Defeat Sumnel Thia Emperor! You can't heal with White Mage when the emperor is still here. Since he can heal his allies, so do the best skill to take him fast as soon as possible, of cause EX Skill should go ahead. =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 20 | o--------------o #= FOREST OF BRAN ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! Quite boring stage, lot of enemies waiting, but no choise, you have to kill everything here. Use arts or magic to destroy Golem but don't use any Earth elemental attack against this foe. ~Mission: Reach to the goal point! --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Expensive Dual-Blade (Gold Blade), Ancient Boots (Garmr Greeves) Enemy: 1. Golem - Initial enemy 2. Ogre, Goblin x2 - Initial enemy 3. Golem - Initial enemy 4. Ogre, Goblin x2 - Initial enemy 5. Goblin x3 - Initial enemy 6. Golem - Appear after defeating unti 1-5 7. Ogre, Goblin x2 - Appear after defeating unti 1-5 8. Goblin x3 - Appear after defeating unti 1-5 9. Golem - Appear after defeating unti 1-5 10. Golem - Appear after defeating unti 1-5 11. Golem - Appear after defeating unti 1-5 12. Ogre, Goblin x2 - Appear after defeating unti 1-5 13. Ogre, Goblin x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 14. Goblin x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 15. Ogre, Goblin x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 16. Goblin x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= FOREST OF BRAN-2 ~Mission: Fight Ergamunt! Same like how you fought it before, if you have Stealer in your team, strongly recommend cast Mirage to support. Note: Before you start, expect another battle after this. ~Mission: Fight Ergamunt! After the first fight, Ergamunt will restore its HP, now enter the battle again and use the Orgel/Music Box (under item). After that, Ergamunt will transform into its real form, now beat it once again. ~After the fight, Jeekawen will join the party --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: - Enemy: 1. Ergamunt - Initial enemy =============================================================================== sep03 o--------------o | Chapter 21 | o--------------o #= VALLEY OF BRAN ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! Quite easy, use more Aqua elemental hit to take your opponents down faster. ~Mission: Defeat Cootorolan! Like other soldiers, he's weak against Aqua. ~Once you've done, Cootorolan will return to the party. Other than this, new stuffs of the shop will be updated. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Ring (Sapphire Ring), X-Ether Enemy: 1. Soldier x3 - Initial enemy 2. Soldier x3 - Initial enemy 3. Soldier x3 - Initial enemy 4. Soldier x3 - Initial enemy 5. Soldier x3 - Appear after defeating unit 1-4 6. Soldier x3 - Appear after defeating unit 1-4 7. Soldier x3 - Appear after defeating unit 1-4 8. Soldier x3 - Appear after defeating unit 1-4 9. Cootorolan - Appear after defeating all enemies =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 22 | o--------------o #= ACESHIN-1 ~Mission: Enjoy the party! Talk to Cootorolan on the left, then move up to Dan. After the scene, talk to Jeekawen and Emu on the right side to end this. You may also talk to other NPC to obtain some items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= ACESHIN-2 ~Mission: Defeat Fire Dragon! Do expect fleeing from battle is not allowed, so a best setup in important before entering the fight. Prepare characters with good Fire resistant and Aqua damage. If you have Emu in the main team, cast Rebirth and MP, HP regen for advantage. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: - Enemy: 1. Fire Dragon - Initial enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= ACESHIN-3 ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! Another place with lot of monsters. Try kill all nearest enemies in the first round, and the rest of them will only appear when you go further, so you have opportunity to recover your team from the previous fight. There's some Mimic treasure around, and they drop good item, so defeat them before they run away. To avoid Mimic flee from the battle, you can save before you examine it. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: X-Ether, Expensive Pot (Gold Pot), Ancient Boots (Fenrir Greeves) Enemy: 1. Fireball x3 - Initial enemy 2. Fireball x3 - Initial enemy 3. Fireball x3 - Initial enemy 4. Fireball x3 - Initial enemy 5. Fireball x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 6. Fireball x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 7. Death Eagle - Appear when ally gets to further area 8. Fireball x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 9. Death Eagle - Appear when ally gets to further area 10. Death Eagle - Appear when ally gets to further area 11. Death Eagle - Appear when ally gets to further area 12. Fireball x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 13. Fireball x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 14. Mimic - Bottom left treasure 15. Mimic - Top right treasure 16. Mimic - Right path top treasure =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 23 | o--------------o #= PORT ACESHIN ~Mission: Block and defeat the intruding enemies! Send your long range attack to the AP recover point, then move the rest of the team to fight with the enemies, so you can simply fight with few groups in once. Later some enemies will spawn at the top area, so make sure you don't send all your teams to the bottom at start. Use Fire against Scout, Wind against Medic and Earth against Airborn to manage your victory easily. ~Mission: Reach to the goal point! After defeating all enemies, move into appropriated area to trigger a scene. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Ring (Ruby Ring), Resuscitation, Expensive Dual-Blade (Gold Blade) Enemy: 1. Scout, Medic x2 - Initial enemy 2. Scout x3 - Initial enemy 3. Scout, Medic x2 - Initial enemy 4. Medic, Scout x2 - Initial enemy 5. Medic, Scout x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1-4 6. Airborn - Appear after defeating unit 1-4 7. Scout x3 - Appear after defeating unit 1-4 8. Airborn - Appear after defeating unit 1-4 9. Scout, Medic x2 - Appear after defeating unit 5-8 10. Airborn - Appear after defeating unit 5-8 =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 24 | o--------------o #= VALLOWSA-1 ~Mission: Block and defeat the intruding enemies! Likewise, attack your opponents' according their elemental weakness. Be sure always guard in the middle. Enemies will spawn at the side, then the bottom right area, and lastly middle and bottom left. If you're not sure whether they can intrude the entrance in the next turn, just save your game before continue. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: - Enemy: 1. Airborn - Initial enemy 2. Scout x3 - Initial enemy 3. Airborn - Initial enemy 4. Scout, Medic x2 - Initial enemy 5. Airborn - Initial enemy 6. Scout x3 - Initial enemy 7. Airborn - Initial enemy 8. Scout, Medic x2 - Initial enemy 9. Airborn - Appear after defeating unit 1-8 10. Scout x3 - Appear after defeating unit 1-8 11. Airborn - Appear after defeating unit 1-8 12. Scout, Medic x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1-8 13. Airborn - Appear after defeating unit 1-8 14. Scout, Medic x2 - Appear after defeating unit 1-8 15. Airborn - Appear after defeating unit 9-14 16. Scout x3 - Appear after defeating unit 9-14 17. Airborn - Appear after defeating unit 9-14 18. Scout x3 - Appear after defeating unit 9-14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= VALLOWSA-2 ~Mission: Block and defeat the intruding enemies! This is easier than previous stage. Put two different teams to handle each side, and another team to support at the back, because the second wave of enemy will spawn in the middle. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: - Enemy: 1. Airborn - Initial enemy 2. Scout x3 - Initial enemy 3. Airborn - Initial enemy 4. Scout x3 - Initial enemy 5. Airborn - Initial enemy 6. Scout, Medic x2 - Initial enemy 7. Airborn - Initial enemy 8. Scout, Medic x2 - Initial enemy 9. Airborn - Appear after defeating unti 1-8 10. Medic, Scout x2 - Appear after defeating unti 1-8 11. Airborn - Appear after defeating unti 1-8 12. Medic, Scout x2 - Appear after defeating unti 1-8 13. Airborn - Appear after defeating unti 1-8 14. Scout x3 - Appear after defeating unti 1-8 =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 25 | o--------------o #= BURNT TOWN ~Mission: Move close to your allies one by one. ~Mission: Rush into the robotic castle! The treasures located at top right, mid-left, top left are Mimic. Other than that, beware of the massive enemies, don't let a seperated character being surrounded. There's too much enemy here, plus the new enemy called Shining can revive Fireball during the battle, so I don't recommend to kill all, enter the appointed area as soon as possible. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: X-Ether, Resuscitation, Ancient Necklace (Helm-Vige Collar) Enemy: 1. Fireball x3 - Initial enemy 2. Shining, Fireball x2 - Initial enemy 3. Death Eagle - Initial enemy 4. Shining, Fireball x2 - Initial enemy 5. Fireball x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 6. Shining, Fireball x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 7. Death Eagle - Appear when ally gets to further area 8. Death Eagle - Appear when ally gets to further area 9. Shining, Fireball x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 10. Fireball x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 11. Shining, Fireball x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 12. Shining, Fireball x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 13. Mimic - Top right treasure 14. Mimic - Mid-left treasure 15. Mimic - Top left treasure =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 26 | o--------------o #= ENTRANCE-1 ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! Carrier can automatically revive once when defeated, and this takes him 100MP. So you have either to kill him twice or reduce his MP lesser than 100 and kill him. ~Mission: Reach to the goal point! Go to the appropriated area. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Ring (Emerald Ring), Expansive Wand (Gold Wand), Ancient Necklace (Rose-Weisse Collar) Enemy: 1. Caster, Soldier x2 - Initial enemy 2. Caster, Soldier x2 - Initial enemy 3. Caster x3 - Initial enemy 4. Carrier - Initial enemy 5. Caster, Soldier x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 6. Carrier - Appear when ally gets to further area 7. Caster, Soldier x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 8. Caster, Soldier x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 9. Caster, Soldier x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 10. Carrier - Appear when ally gets to further area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= ENTRANCE-2 ~Mission: Stop Sumnel Thia Emperor! Move to the appointed area to clear this. Defeat the enemies as you like. If it's not necessory, just leave them. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Max-Ether, Resuscitation, Ether Enemy: 1. Caster, Soldier x2 - Initial enemy 2. Carrier - Initial enemy 3. Caster x3 - Initial enemy 4. Caster, Soldier x2 - Initial enemy 5. Caster, Soldier x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 6. Caster, Soldier x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 7. Caster, Soldier x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 8. Carrier - Appear when ally gets to further area 9. Caster, Soldier x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 10. Caster, Soldier x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 27 | o--------------o #= Grand Hall ~Mission: Defeat Sumnel Thia Emperor! There's not necessory to kill everything here, simply dash to Sumnel Thia Emperor and kill him. Kill his two Imperial Guards first, blast him with EX Skill when full. Althought he can heal himself, but eventually the victory would be yours. Expect there's some more battles behind, so don't spend too much MP for this round. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: - Enemy: 1. Sumnel Thia Emperor, Imperial Guard x2 - Initial enemy 2. Imperial Trooper - Initial enemy 3. Imperial Trooper - Initial enemy 4. Imperial Trooper, Wizzard - Initial enemy 5. Imperial Trooper, Wizzard - Initial enemy 6. Imperial Wizzard x2 - Initial enemy 7. Imperial Wizzard x2 - Initial enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Mission: Defeat all enemies! Not hard at all, just kill as many as possible in a turn. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: - Enemy: 1. Caster x2 - Initial enemy 2. Caster x2 - Initial enemy 3. Caster x2 - Initial enemy 4. Caster x2 - Initial enemy 5. Tank - Initial enemy 6. Tank - Initial enemy 7. Tank - Initial enemy 8. Tank - Initial enemy 9. Tank - Initial enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Mission: Defeat Gigantes! Likewise, use Aqua attacks to reduce its charge level otherwise your team would get tons of damage. Needless to say, spend the EX Skill whenever it's fully charged. ~After this, Dan and Cootorolan will leave the party. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: - Enemy: 1. Gigantes - Initial enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Mission: Defeat all enemies, keep Dan and Cootorolan survive! So, ignore Dan and Cootorolan, defeat the enemies as fast as possible. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: - Enemy: 1. Dan - Initial enemy Cootorolan - '' 2. Imperial Trooper, Guard x2 - Initial enemy Caster x3 - '' 3. Imperial Trooper, Guard x2 - Initial enemy Caster x3 - '' 4. Imperial Trooper, Guard x2 - Initial enemy 5. Imperial Trooper, Guard x2 - Initial enemy =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 28 | o--------------o #= DOCK ~Mission: Destroy the clone of Bamygnant! Another stage with lot of unnecessory fights, if you like to fight them all, move slowly and kill everything on the way. Personally, I only kill the enemies near the starting point and somemore in the middle, and then I skipped all other fights by reaching to the appointed area. ~Mission: Talk to everyone! Move close to other allies for some events. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Ancient Boots (Fafnir Greeves), Hi-Ether Enemy: 1. Caster, Soldier x2 - Initial enemy 2. Caster, Soldier x2 - Initial enemy 3. Caster, Soldier, Medic - Initial enemy 4. Carrier - Initial enemy 5. Caster x3 - Initial enemy 6. Soldier x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 7. Caster x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 8. Caster x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 9. Caster, Soldier, Medic - Appear when ally gets to further area 10. Carrier - Appear when ally gets to further area 11. Caster, Soldier, Medic - Appear when ally gets to further area 12. Carrier - Appear when ally gets to further area Caster x3 - '' 13. Caster x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area Caster x3 - '' 14. Carrier - Appear when ally gets to further area Caster x3 - '' =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 29 | o--------------o #= THE ABYSS ~Mission: Breathrough the cavern! You control Aisya solo. Simply reach to the cavern exit without any fight if you like. Don't worry of being hit by the enemies since they can't kill you within a few turn. ~After this, your allies will return as well as Aceshin XV joins the party. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: - Enemy: 1. Evil Eye - Initial enemy 2. Evil Eye - Initial enemy 3. Evil Eye - Initial enemy 4. Evil Eye - Initial enemy 5. Evil Eye - Initial enemy =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 30 | o--------------o #= CENTRAL FLOOR-1 ~Mission: Breakthrough the castle within 5 turns! That's no reason to fight everything here, only kill the nearest enemies, obtain the treasures and go for the next area. Be prepared for the foes which will appear around the beginning area when your ally reached to the central. Beware of Assault which can send an instant death attack. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Solid Staff (Orichalcum Wand), Solid Armor (Adamantite Armor), Elixir, Solid Sword (Orichalcum Sword), Solid Rifle (Orichalcum Carbine, Elixir Enemy: 1. Scout, Assault x2 - Initial enemy 2. Scout, Assault x2 - Initial enemy 3. Caster, Assault x2 - Initial enemy 4. Caster, Assault x2 - Initial enemy 5. Scout, Assault x2 - Initial enemy 6. Scout x3 - Initial enemy 7. Scout x3 - Initial enemy 8. Assault x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 9. Assault x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 10. Assault x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 11. Assault x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 12. Assault x3 - Appear when ally gets to further area 13. Caster, Assault x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #= CENTRAL FLOOR-1 ~Mission: Breakthrough the castle within 5 turns! Likewise, try get the treasures and reach to the goal point. --------------- << AREA INFO >> --------------- Item: Elixir, Elixir, Solid Claymore (Orichalcum Claymore), Solid Knuckle (Orichalcum Knuckle), Solid Saber (Adamantite Scimitar), Solid Sword (Adamantite Sword) Enemy: 1. Soldier, Scout x2 - Initial enemy 2. Assault, Scout x2 - Initial enemy 3. Assault, Scout x2 - Initial enemy 4. Airborn - Initial enemy 5. Airborn - Initial enemy 6. Operator, Sniper x2 - Initial enemy 7. Soldier, Scout x2 - Initial enemy 8. Soldier, Scout x2 - Initial enemy 9. Soldier, Scout x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 10. Airborn - Appear when ally gets to further area 11. Soldier, Scout x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 12. Airborn - Appear when ally gets to further area 13. Assault, Scout x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 14. Soldier, Scout x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 15. Assault, Scout x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area 16. Assault, Scout x2 - Appear when ally gets to further area =============================================================================== o--------------o | Chapter 31 | o--------------o #= PANDEMONIUM ~Mission: Defeat Bamygnant! Setup your strongest character in one team for the final stage. Recommend with Aceshin XV since she has most all useful spells. Arrange your strongest team in 2nd or 3rd move so that other team character can cast some support spells ahead. ~Afterwards, you will face Bamygnant once again, needless to say, this is tougher. You can use the other team to charge EX bar for your main team and reduce some HP of Bamygnant for more advantage. Becareful Bamygnant's EX Skill deals over 400 damage to all, be sure you keep your ally above this amount of HP to survive it, if not, revive your ally as soon as you can. ~ENDING ~Save the game and start a new game from the clear game data allows you to carry over your inventory, ELE, leader engaged skills, and skill level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== 3. Contact =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sep05 Sephirosuy (name at GameFAQs) sephiroth_y@yahoo.com Please properly write down your message or I won't reply you. Mails that're blank, flaming, virus, spam, question about the information covered in the FAQ will be ignored as well. Lastly, please write down the game tittle on your topic, sometimes I don't even know which game were you asking. To read all my latest guides and other contributions on GameFAQs, please visit the URL below. http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/59418.html My blog: http://sephirosuy.blogspot.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== COPYRIGHT (C) 2008 by sephirosuy All Right Reserved