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SSX 2012 Complete FAQ Version 0.7 (4.22.12) Compiled by gondee gondee6@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------------ | Advice by members of the Merqurycity.com Message Boards, | | and Internet contributors: gondee, vix, laidback0378, | | shinoxxle, mahkra, Fredde007, MAD_JO3, TheGambit7, Yeti, | | citylights, Ahlyis, Don, and Obi | ------------------------------------------------------------- If you are an author listed on this FAQ, and you want me to remove your submission, just e-mail me: gondee6@yahoo.com. Version Details --------------- ~ 0.7 Added a Root Down walkthrough from Ahlyis. Added a full WT Antarctica walkthrough from Yeti. That completes Word Tour and the official walkthrough portion of this guide. Thanks Yeti!. Clarified some information regarding the Attribute system. Added Weirdsville. Majestica, and Blackbox guides from Don. Added a racing "Advanced Technique from Clawz114. Took out the "Measuring Up" section since there are simply too many tracks to list in a FAQ. Visit the scoreboards at Merqury City for this info. ~ 0.6 Added a walkthrough on Death Zone from Ahlyis. Fixed a few more spelling mistakes thanks to mahkra. Added an amazing WT Alaska guide from Yeti (thanks yetster!) Added an Mornin' Tiger Explore guide from Don. Added the "Perks & Mods" section. Added the Combo System section. Still waiting on Antarctica, but the guide is too complete to wait on one portion of World Tour. ~ 0.5 Fixed a bunch of typos thanks to proofreading by mahkra. Added the Collectibles section. Added a few tips on wingsuit usage from Todd Batty. Added a general tips section for Race It. ~ 0.4 Added World Tour guides for Alps from Yeti, and New Zealand from vix. Many thanks you two. Added a Trick It guide in Explore mode for Hard Currency from fredde007. Fixed a number of errors and added some good blurbs at certain points thanks to suggestions from mahkra. Finished up the Equipment section (thanks to Todd Batty for specific info on a lot of systems in the game.) =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS =============================================================================== Note: To find a particular section, copy the bracketed words [these] into the "Find" command of your browser and you will jump directly to that section. Prelim: Introduction a. FAQ Introduction [PrelimIntro] b. Is this official? [PrelimOfficial] c. Submission Policy [PrelimSubmit] 1. Control System/Game Overview [GameplaySysOver] a. General Overview [GameplayOverview] b. Control Specifics [GameplayControls] c. Mode Explanation [GameplayXplain] 2. Walkthroughs [2012Walkthrus] a. World Tour [2012WorldTour] Tutorial [WTTutorial] Rockies [WTRockies] JT2: Race It [WTRockiesJT2Race] Curnoe's Moustache: Trick It [WTRockiesCMTrick] Wrecking Crew: Race It [WTRockiesWCRace] Intrepid: Survive It [WTRockiesIntSurv] Siberia [WTSiberia] Diamondback: Trick It [WTSibDiamondTrick] Vapor Trail: Race It [WTSibVaporRace] Big Show: Trick It [WTSibBigShowTrick] Don't Make Me: Trick It [WTSibDontMakeTrick] Punch Up: Survive It [WTSibPunchUpSurvive] Patagonia [WTPatagonia] Weirdsville: Race It [WTPatWeirdRace] Code Blue: Race It [WTPatCodeBlueRace] Salient: Race It [WTPatSalientRace] BlackBox: Trick It [WTPatBlackBxTrick] Broken Elbow: Survive It [WTPatBrokElbSurv] Himalayas [WTHimalayas] Fast Forward: Trick It [WTHimFastForTrick] Trickypedia: Race It [WTHimTrickyRace] Serenity: Trick It [WTHimSerenTrick] Fall From Grace: Race It [WTHimFallGraRace] Burnout: Survive It [WTHimBurnSurvive] Alaska [WTAlaska] Old School: Race It [WTAlasOldSchRace] Pan: Trick It [WTAlasPanTrick] Unsanctioned: Race It [WTAlasUnsanRace] Invincible: Race It [WTAlasInvinRace] Emergency Exit: Survive It [WTAlasEmeExSurv] Antarctica [WTAntarctica] Rolling Thunder: Race It [WTAntRolThunRace] Evil Genius: Trick It [WTAntEvilGenTrick] Off The Grid: Race It [WTAntOffGridRace] Root Down: Trick It [WTAntRtDownTrick] Dreadnought: Survive It [WTAntDreadSurv] Africa [WTAfrica] Corkscrew: Race It [WTAfrCorkRace] Red Light: Trick It [WTAfrRedLigTrick] Hush: Race It [WTAfrHushRace] Snake Bite: Survive It [WTAfrSnakeSurv] Alps [WTAlps] Broken Pass: Trick It [WTAlpBrokPasTrick] Beyond The Fall: Race It [WTAlpBeyondRace] The Hammer: Trick It [WTAlpHammerTrick] Hard Currency: Race It [WTAlpHardCurRace] One Way Ticket: Survive It [WTAlp1WaySurvive] New Zealand [WTNewZealand] Bulldog: Trick It [WTNZBulldogTrick] Zombies With Jetpacks: Race It [WTNZZombiesRace] Mornin' Tiger: Trick It [WTNZMornTigTrick] Jack-Knife: Race It [WTNZJackKniRace] Route Zero: Race It [WTNZRteZeroRace] Grudge Match [WTGrudge] Death Zone: Race It [WTDeathZone] b. Explore [2012Explore] Africa [ExploAfrica] Alaska [ExploAlaska] Alps [ExploAlps] Antarctica [ExploAntarctica] Himalayas [ExploHimalayas] Japan [ExploJapan] New Zealand [ExploNewZealand] Patagonia [ExploPatagonia] Rockies [ExploRockies] Siberia [ExploSiberia] Deadly Descent Guide [ExploDeadDes] 3. Gameplay Techniques [GameplayTechStart] a. HUD (Heads Up Display) Explanation [GameplayHUD] b. Combo System [GameplayComboSys] c. Grabs and other Minutiae [GameplayGrabs] d. Uber Tricks [GameplayUber] e. Board Press & Rewinds [GameplayPressRew] f. Scoring Mechanics [GameplayScoring] g. General Tips for Gameplay [GameplayTips] h. Advanced Techniques [GameplayAdvanced] i. Frequently Asked Questions [GameplayFAQ] 4. Equipment [EquipStart] a. Equipment/Shop Overview [EquipOver] b. Attribute System [EquipAttrib] c. Suit [EquipSuit] d. Board [EquipBoard] e. Gear [EquipGear] f. Wingsuit [EquipWingsuit] g. Perks and Mods [EquipPerks] h. Frequently Asked Questions [EquipFAQ] 5. Collection [CollectStart] a. Geotags [CollectGeotags] b. Snowflakes [CollectFlakes] c. Frequently Asked Questions [CollectFAQ] 6. Completing SSX [CompleteSSX] a. Achievement/Trophy Guide [CheevosGuide] b. Badge Guide [BadgeGuide] 7. Characters [CharacterStart] a. Character Bios [CharacterBio] Alex [BioAlex] Eddie [BioEddie] Elise [BioElise] Griff [BioGriff] Kaori [BioKaori] Mac [BioMac] Moby [BioMoby] Psymon [BioPsymon] Tane [BioTane] Ty [BioThor] Zoe [BioZoe] b. Frequently Asked Questions [CharacterFAQ] 8. Various Details [DetailsStart] a. Music [DetailsMusic] b. Various Trivia [DetailsTrivia] c. Frequently Asked Questions [DetailsFAQ] 9. Epilogue: Assorted Details [EpilogueStart] a. Legal [EpilogueLegal] b. Thanks and Credit [EpilogueThanks] c. Contributors Section [EpilogueContrib] =============================================================================== MAKING AWESOME EASY =============================================================================== a. FAQ Introduction [PrelimIntro] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SSX (2012) is the latest version of the SSX Snowboarding series. It is the sixth game to come out for the series, the first game to come out for the current generation of consoles, and features an almost complete overhaul of a vast majority of the game. b. Is this guide official? [PrelimOfficial] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= No sir. This guide is created by fans for fans to help out others and provide information to help you master SSX (2012). This guide comes from various sources across the internet, but primarily it is published as a labor of love from the great SSX fans at Merqurycity.com. I will wager it will be better than any official guide that has been put together, since all "official guides" are published before the release of the game. The SSX Community is one smart group and this guide will cover all the various minutiae and all the advanced techniques that are discovered in the near future. I will always attempt to validate any info here, but as with any FAQ, there can be errors. If you would like to report an error, please read the submission policy in the next section. c. Submission Policy [PrelimSubmit] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This guide is a huge undertaking, and is going to encompass, literally, hundreds of hours of work and dozens of people. If you want to be one of the people who help contribute to the Complete SSX (2012) FAQ, please let me know: gondee6@yahoo.com. I will gladly take any submissions you can give me, but don't forget to take a look at the Version Info and Table of Contents to get a good idea of what I'm looking for. This guide will attempt to cover as much of the game as possible - however, make no mistake: SSX is a HUGE game. It features more tracks than all the other SSX games COMBINED (159 in total), and without a huge push from the SSX community, it might be unfeasible to cover every drop in the game. I will certainly attempt to do so - but if the submissions dry up over the course of time, this guide will cover World Tour in-depth, feature assorted guides to certain events in Explore mode, and cover the system details in depth. If submissions for tracks in Explore mode are not forthcoming, I will simply update the guide with what is sent in. The quality of this guide is largely determined by you - so if you have a good line for a track that you want to share with the world, SEND IT IN: gondee6@yahoo.com. All authors will receive an author credit as well as a short bio in the "Contributors Section" at the end of this guide. See the SSX 3 Complete FAQ or my SSX Tricky FAQ to get a good idea of what this entails. Please note that I reserve the right to edit any submissions for punctuation, grammar and spelling, in order to make the guide the best and most readable it can be. This doesn't entail altering the guides in any editorial way, however. As author, what you have written is yours. However, as compiler I also have the responsibility to keep this guide streamlined, and this includes the right to remove those parts of the guide that are obsolete or incorrect. For the most part, however, your work will remain in the guide "as is" and complete, for good. Again, send any submissions to gondee6@yahoo.com. Thanks! =============================================================================== SECTION ONE: SYSTEM [GameplaySysOver] =============================================================================== a. General Overview [GameplayOverview] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SSX has several new features, and the game will likely feel very different from past games in the series. The game's central improvement is a brand new physics system which allows you to ride almost anywhere and jump off almost any surface in the game. Unlike past SSX games, you are no longer confined to the middle of the course. SSX also features a brand new default control scheme called Standard which uses the analog sticks or the face buttons on the controller as the primary means to do tricks. For those players who grew up with SSX however, there is a Classic scheme which uses the standard SSX layout you know and love. The other major new feature in the game is the Rewind. SSX is a game rife with bottomless pits and death zones that will immediately end your run if you fall into them. In order to avoid this, you must rewind to a previous point on the track and change your route. We will tackle the specifics of these new features in the Gameplay section in the last half of the guide. b. CONTROL SPECIFICS [GameplayControls] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are two basic sets of controls in SSX. The terminology involving controls can be confusing because there are two control schemes in the game, Standard and Classic. However, in the Standard control scheme, there are several areas of control overlap that result in 'simultaneous' schemes in Standard Controls. These different areas are most commonly referred to as "Sticks" and "Buttons", so when we discuss the control schemes in Standard mode you will see two sets of commands for each action you want to do. In this case, it is EITHER/OR, meaning either of the controls will do the same thing. For example, on Standard controls, tricks can be done in the air by using either the Right Analog Stick (sticks) or pressing the Face buttons on the controller (buttons) while in the air. Both commands do the same thing and will be featured on the same line on that particular entry. Classic Controls are essentially the same controls as have been featured on every past SSX (minus SSX Blur.) If you are a longtime veteran of the franchise you may find Classic controls to be the most familiar. We won't be rendering opinions as to which is better - that is a matter of personal preference. If you find one too limiting or difficult, feel free to try the other. SSX is monumentally flexible when it comes to controls, and has something for everyone. Below is a Table of Actions depending on where you are and what buttons you push. All systems are present. You can change control schemes at any time in game by either going to RiderNet > Settings or pausing and selecting Gameplay Settings. ----------------------- PLAYSTATION 3 STANDARD Controls ----------------------- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ON THE GROUND ACTION PS3 COMMAND +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Turn left/right Right or Left - Left Analog Stick Build Speed Up - Left Analog Stick Slow Down Down - Left Analog Stick Crouch/Jump Down then Up on Right Analog Stick -OR- X button - press and hold to crouch, release to jump Prewind Spins/Flips Hold Left Stick direction while holding Down on Right Analog Stick -OR- holding X button Use Boost R2 Nose Press Square Tail Press Circle Grind Terrain L2 (hold down) Get off rail L2 + Any direction on Left Stick Use Equipment (and R1 (for using Oxygen if equipped, etc.) other actions) Change Camera Select Button +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ IN THE AIR ACTION PS3 COMMAND +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Grab Board Any one or combination of directions on the Right Stick -OR- Square/Triangle/Circle/X or any combination of these Tweak a Grab R2 Do late spins/flips Left Analog Stick In-air Adjustment Left Analog Stick Deploy Wingsuit R1 while in the air (if wingsuit equipped) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS ACTION PS3 COMMAND +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Rewind Boarder L1 Change Camera Select Button Pause Game Start Button ----------------------- PLAYSTATION 3 CLASSIC Controls ----------------------- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ON THE GROUND ACTION PS3 COMMAND +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Turn left/right Right or Left - Left Analog Stick or D-Pad Build Speed Up - Left Analog Stick or D-Pad Slow Down Down - Left Analog Stick or D-Pad Crouch/Jump X button - press and hold to crouch, release to jump Prewind Spins/Flips Press and hold D-Pad direction while holding Jump button Use Boost Square Button Nose Press Right Analog Stick Up Tail Press Right Analog Stick Down Grind Terrain Triangle Button (hold down) Get off rail Triangle + Any direction on Left Stick Use Oxygen (if R3 (Push Right Analog Stick Down) equipped) Change Camera Select Button +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ IN THE AIR ACTION PS3 COMMAND +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Grab Board Any one or combination of shoulder buttons (L1,L2,R1,R2) Tweak a Grab Press and hold a grab, then push Square button Do late spins/flips Press D-Pad In-air Adjustment Left Analog Stick Deploy Wingsuit X-button while in the air (if wingsuit equipped) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS ACTION PS3 COMMAND +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Rewind Boarder Circle Button Change Camera Select Button Pause Game Start Button ----------------------- X-BOX 360 STANDARD Controls ----------------------- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ON THE GROUND ACTION X-BOX COMMAND +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Turn left/right Right or Left - Left Analog Stick Build Speed Up - Left Analog Stick Slow Down Down - Left Analog Stick Crouch/Jump Down then Up on Right Analog Stick -OR- A button - press and hold to crouch, release to jump Prewind Spins/Flips Hold Left Stick direction while holding Down on Right Analog Stick -OR- holding A button Use Boost RT Nose Press X Tail Press B Grind Terrain LT (hold down) Get off rail LT + Any direction on Left Stick Use Equipment (and RB (for using Oxygen if equipped, etc.) other actions) Change Camera Back Button +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ IN THE AIR ACTION X-BOX COMMAND +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Grab Board Any one or combination of directions on the Right Stick -OR- X/Y/B/A or any combination of these Tweak a Grab RT Do late spins/flips Left Analog Stick In-air Adjustment Left Analog Stick Deploy Wingsuit RB while in the air (if wingsuit equipped) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS ACTION X-BOX COMMAND +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Rewind Boarder LB Change Camera Back Button Pause Game Start Button ----------------------- X-BOX 360 CLASSIC Controls ----------------------- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ON THE GROUND ACTION X-BOX COMMAND +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Turn left/right Right or Left - Left Analog Stick or D-Pad Build Speed Up - Left Analog Stick or D-Pad Slow Down Down - Left Analog Stick or D-Pad Crouch/Jump A button - press and hold to crouch, release to jump Prewind Spins/Flips Press and hold D-Pad direction while holding A button Use Boost X Button Nose Press Right Analog Stick Up Tail Press Right Analog Stick Down Grind Terrain Y Button (hold down) Get off rail Y button + Any direction on Left Stick Use Oxygen (if Push Right Analog Stick Down equipped) Change Camera Back Button +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ IN THE AIR ACTION X-BOX COMMAND +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Grab Board Any one or combination of buttons (LB, LT, RB, RT) Tweak a Grab Press and hold a grab, then push X Do late spins/flips Press D-Pad In-air Adjustment Left Analog Stick +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS ACTION X-BOX COMMAND +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Rewind Boarder B Button Change Camera Back Button Pause Game Start Button c. Mode Explanation [GameplayXplain] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After you push Start, you are taken to a large picture of a globe (a la Google Earth) and can select from menu selections. WORLD TOUR: World Tour is what would be considered the Campaign/Story Mode of the main game. It is also a tutorial to learn the game and to unlock a good portion of content as well. World Tour features many cutscenes and comics that tell the story of how "Team SSX" battles Griff over the 9 deadliest mountain ranges in the world. You are led along to several different events in each mountain range, and must come in at least 3rd place in order to advance to the next event. Each range ends with a Deadly Descent, a difficult 'boss' drop you must conquer in order to advance. Many of these ranges feature unique challenges that most race and trick drops do not have and you often must equip certain types of gear in order to pass them. Playing through World Tour mode allows you to unlock all the characters, some gear and several drops in each range. However, it does not unlock everything, and even after you've beaten World Tour, there is still more than half the game still left to discover in Explore! Use World Tour to learn the game, and once you've passed it, you can then enjoy 159 drops in Explore mode, as the developers have mentioned that Explore mode is the main 'meat' of the game. You also have to play through World Tour with different characters to earn badges towards completion. This will be described in the Badge Guide later in the FAQ. World Tour will be covered completely in this FAQ. The guides for World Tour events will be written with the goal of getting gold. They will be good lines, but they will not be expert lines. EXPLORE: Explore is the main challenge of SSX. It contains 159 drops (events) scattered across ten mountain ranges. Rotate the globe to select a mountain range and then zoom into individual mountain ranges to select a particular 'drop' to play. Although World Tour unlocks several drops, you will still need to unlock most of the drops in the game in Explore mode. Most of these drops are fairly cheap however. After you zoom into a mountain, you will see a closeup of each mountain and a small line down each that shows you the track you are selecting. Each small triangle on each line is a drop that you can play, be it Race, Trick or Survive. As you highlight each drop, the required scores for each medal are listed, as well as all the scores your friends have on that drop. Many of the medal requirements in Explore mode are MUCH tougher than the ones in World Tour, because they are scaled for level 10 characters. Power up your characters to max level and purchase the best gear in order to have a chance at medaling these events. There are several icons for each drop that are of interest. The small circle icon (with a small x inside it) is an indication of how many geotags are on that map. The moon or sun icon indicates whether the drop takes place in day or night. A cloud icon means the track has fog which obscures your vision. Any equipment requirements are listed as well. If you've gotten a gold medal on the range, it will appear to the left of each drop name. An icon that looks like a yellow triangle warns you of different death conditions, such as if a track has bottomless pits that will end your game if you fall into them. Explore mode is so expansive it features more events than all other SSX games combined! Because there are so many tracks in this game, it may not be possible to write expert guides for them all. I will publish the guides I get as I get them, but cannot guarantee 100% coverage of every event in Explore mode at this time. GLOBAL EVENTS: Global Events are online contests that you can join if you have an online connection and compete against other players for credits if you place high enough. Global Events are similar to drops in Explore, in that you compete in a drop and then compare your scores to others. However, in Global Events you are competing against everyone who joins this event, not just your friends. Global Events last a set time, and once the time limit has expired, the Global Event end and you receive credits for playing depending on which bracket you finished in. Global Events can also have specific rules that drops in Explore mode cannot have. There can be equipment restrictions, both type of equipment (like No Wingsuit) or level of equipment (like Max Equipment Level 4) that add variety to the gameplay in SSX. Global Events can be free, or they can have a 'drop cost', a fee which you must pay in order to join. While Global Events can be very expensive, if you place well you can earn your money back very easily, sometimes earning 3-4 times what you paid, even in the Gold Bracket. When you compete in Global Events, your score is placed into a bracket. Electronic Arts has tools in place to tweak the percentages of who gets placed in each bracket, as well as a number of other features. So the percentages of each bracket are subject to change and should only be taken with a grain of sand. There are 5 brackets in Global Events: DIAMOND - at one time, this was only the top scoring competitor. However, EA changed this to the top 5-10% of participants. It's likely they may tweak this further, so keep in mind that Diamond numbers are always in flux. PLATINUM - the top 10-30% (estimation) of event participants. GOLD: Top 30-40%% (estimation) of event participants. SILVER: Top 40% - 60% (estimation) of event participants BRONZE: Top 60-90% (estimation) of event participants. Anyone below this threshold finishes as DNP (did not place) and does not earn any credits. If the event has a drop cost, you often need to place in at least Silver bracket to earn your credits back. NOTE: These figures are based on in-game tutorials and anecdotal evidence. They can be tweaked by EA and thus may change in the future. When you see a player listed in a bracket above you, that is the last place player in that bracket, meaning you have to beat that player in order to rise into that bracket. When you see a player listed in a bracket below you, that is the best player in that lower bracket. This can give you an idea of how close you are to losing your spot in your higher bracket. You can set up custom Global Events simply by going to a peak and selecting which options you would like. The list is long, so feel free to tweak an event as you like if you want to compete your way. RIDERNET: If you have played Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit's Autolog, you know the premise of RiderNet. RiderNet is a refined, expanded version of Autolog - which gives you an ongoing line of information about what your friends playing SSX are doing, at all times, and is easily one of the most addictive aspects of SSX. RiderNet is present throughout all modes of SSX, showing you lists of high scores, giving you updates on what your friends are doing on the various drops in the game, telling you if they've placed geotags on a course, and lots more. The RiderNet menu selection features 6 different selections to choose from: SSX RIVALS gives you a list of everyone on your friends list who has played tracks on SSX. Each person has their gamer icon and the number of drops they've scored better on. If you select someone from the list, it will show you their scores and allow you to challenge a score. If you then beat that person's score on a drop, you will earn a bounty listed beside each score. Searching a friend's list of scores for easy scores to beat is a good way to earn money. BADGES are in-game requirements you can meet across a vast array of categories. Anytime you do something in game, buy gear, do tricks, race, compete online, etc, you are likely earning progress towards one of these badges. You must get all badges to get 100% in Achievements or Trophies depending on your system. See the Trophies and Achievements section for specific tips on how to gain the various SSX badges. MUSIC is comprised of two sections. SSX Music is a list of the different tracks in the game and allows you to listen to each, as well as turn off songs you no longer want to hear. Personalize Your Music allows you to select your own custom music for each individual mode in the game. Your own music then gets remixed as you play the game using EA's Harmony Engine which remixes your music in-game based on what actions you are doing. SETTINGS allows you to change various settings. This includes which control scheme you are using, various audio settings including adjusting or turning off helicopter pilot speech and the "It's Tricky" remix that plays when you enter Tricky mode in-game. CREDITS: View the credits for the amazing team that created SSX. Keep an eye out for Special Thanks to several members of Merqurycity.com who assisted with design aspects of the game or created several of the snowboard designs shown in the game. MANUAL: View the in-game manual. If you have questions not covered in this guide, this is a good place to look. =============================================================================== SECTION TWO: WALKTHROUGHS [2012Walkthrus] =============================================================================== a. World Tour [2012WorldTour] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= +-------------------------------------------+ | TUTORIAL | [WTTutorial] | | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: gondee The tutorial consists of two parts. The game starts out with you in the helicopter in the sky, where you select which control scheme you would like to use. Simply follow the instructions on the screen to get through the air tutorial. There is no time limit as you will fall forever, so take some time to trick. This will teach you the generals of tricking in the Standard control scheme (either tricks or buttons). You end by deploying the wingsuit. Next you are placed into the ground tutorial, where a similar situation occurs. Simply follow the commands on screen and head to the end of the wide open track here. Note of interest: you can replay these levels with any character you'd like once you finish World Tour by returning to the Rockies (only in World Tour mode) and selecting the Sky or Ground tutorial. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ROCKIES [WTRockies] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: laidback0378 Once thru the sky and ground tutorial, we arrive at JT2: Race It! To successfully finish a track in World Tour mode, we need to finish in the top 3. We do not need to finish first, so don't fret. Many things help with finishing first including having higher level gear and even more importantly, knowing the track. Since we have lower level gear and are being introduced to new courses throughout World Tour, the goal is to finish in the top 3 and move on. In many ways World Tour mode is an extended tutorial, introducing all the gear and roughly 30% of the actual number of stages. So let's get to it shall we?! +-------------------------------------------+ | JT2 | [WTRockiesJT2Race] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: laidback0378 So for JT2, we want to grab a bit of boost off the first jump and then stay to the left of the fallen tree log. After landing, there is another jump we can take (or not) but either way we want to stay away from the left side of the area, as it leads into a huge cave that we want to stay out of. Stay in the middle of the track and after the fallen tree log, go right and hug the right side of the track. After a few small hills, we come to another massive jump. Stay to the right, and when we land we will see 2 rails. The right rail leads to a quicker line so let's grab that one. If you have the controls down, try sliding off the rail before it ends. If not, no big deal. When we land, we will have a left turn, then another big jump. Upon landing from this massive amount of air, we want to take the tunnel on our left, immediately preceded by a ramp. As you speed through the tunnel, ignore the fallen tree on your left. Take the big ramp in the center as the tunnel ends. We will land in a big open area the gently turns to the right. As we go off the next ramp you get a good view of the following section so look for the first red rail you can spot. That rail leads to a set of railroad tracks that we can boost all the way down. It's also a great place to earn boost as well. Towards the end of the rail section will be a missing section of track but don't worry with all the speed we have we will shoot right over it and land on the rails on the far side. (If you are holding in a grab button remember that once airborne you will actually do a grab!) A short distance later the track ends and we have a left turn. As you make the turn stay to the right, avoiding the ramp, and look for a small tunnel on your right. Take the tunnel. You can grind the ice ridge in the center of the tunnel to avoid hitting walls if you're bad like I am. Coming out of the tunnel, stay to your right to avoid racking up too much airtime. When back on relatively flat terra firma, we will find ourselves approaching the last straightaway. If you can, grab the red rail and boost all the way to the finish. If you miss it, stay up top and don't try to go into the ice cave, as it's generally slower to drop in without a specific line in mind. That's it! First race completed! You probably earned a few badges too huh? Congratz! +-------------------------------------------+ | CURNOE'S MOUSTACHE | [WTRockiesCMTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: laidback0378 This is a good example of a trick event with great rails. As long as you hold a trick for approx 1 sec on the rail, it will count towards your multiplier. As covered later, getting your multiplier up to the max, 20X, as soon as possible will pay huge dividends. So take advantage of the many rails in this track and do several tricks on each one. From the start, there are two big ramps right in the center of the track, one after the other. After the second ramp you will see a red rail, so lets grind that. The rail disappears for a second and then reappears, giving us another jump to grab some points from. When we land we will see 2 red rails. I prefer to take the right one. After a short uphill climb the rail will deposit us out on a ledge. Hold down the grind button and hit the fallen tree straight on, and jump at the tip for another big air opportunity. When we land we will see another section with 2 red rails to choose from. Stay to the right, as the rail is really long and provides a lot of time to boost your trick multiplier. And it will deposit us right in front of the next big ramp. When we land we want to angle to the left, for another trick opportunity, and after that, yet another huge air opportunity. When you land you will see the track splits in two, Stay to the right and go off the massive ramp. There will be several ramps in rapid succession useful for tricking along the right side of the track when you land. Next up we have a section with fallen trees everywhere. It may look deceiving, but on the far left there is an incline you can use to jump off of, and afterwards, another nice big ramp. You want to go off this nice big ramp in such a way as to land in the middle of the track so that you can grab the gray rail by the next ramp. This rail goes on for a while, however, right after the second tower you pass by, it ends, so be sure to jump and trick for massive points. When you land, grab either red rail if you can for one final jump, as the finish line is just thru the trees. +-------------------------------------------+ | WRECKING CREW | [WTRockiesWCRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: laidback0378 Back to racing! Wrecking Crew requires armor as there are fallen trees on this course. If you can see some daylight underneath the logs, chances are you can ride right underneath 'em, but if you can't, then be sure to jump over them or they will cause you to take damage. Take too much damage and your run is over. Don't worry about finishing first, instead try and finish third or better, because it's all the same as long as you place in the top 3. This is a track that will frustrate you at first, as its much steeper than the previous courses so you will find yourself going fast even when not boosting. Don't fret about slowing down as you approach a fallen log. You also do not need to worry much about doing tricks as the flares that cover the middle of the track will give you a little boost each time you hit one. Considering how many flares there are the chances of you ending up in a Tricky state are good. Just concentrate on making turns and be ready to jump over fallen logs and anytime you see any rocks in the path. After a couple runs you will see that there are only a few sections of the track that actually have fallen logs. This is a great first Survival event, because they only get harder from here. On the flip side, by the end of World Tour you will have become so skilled that revisiting this track then, it will seem like child's play. I promise. For now just watch out for logs and forget about tricking, or where Elise is, be it ahead or behind you, and instead follow the flares all the way to the finish. This event serves as a warm up for another track that's very similar.... +-------------------------------------------+ | INTREPID | [WTRockiesIntSurv] | Survive It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: laidback0378 Alright, it's time for your first Deadly Descent! The deadly descent is trees, and while similar to the track you just did, this one is tight and narrow, with even more trees blocking your path. While this track is longer, the trees are spread out. This is NOT a race - all you have to do is survive to the bottom, so if you want to slow down, there is no penalty for doing so. Like the previous track this one is also steep in many sections so to avoid going too fast, especially your first few times down, be sure to slow down. Follow the flares and you will always have a good idea of where to go. In fact, following the flares is usually the best way to go. After a few tries you should find yourself at the bottom, 20,000 credits richer. Congrats, you have just beaten the Rockies! 1 down, 8 more to go! +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ SIBERIA [WTSiberia] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | DIAMONDBACK | [WTSibDiamondTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: laidback0378 This course will give you plenty of opportunities to perform tricks. There is no dangerous sections to watch out for. From the start, stay to the left and trick off the first lip you come to. To help get your multiplier up, when you land, grab the first red rail you see. You can perform two tricks and still have time to pre-wind before reaching the end. As you land, if you don't land on it, head to your left and get on the next red rail. It ends shortly after the jump straight ahead and gives you another huge trick opportunity. When you land there will be but one way to go -- straight -- which leads to another lip you can catch air off of. This leads out to a much wider part of the track that has many, many potential lines. The one I describe is one such line, and I chose it because it's easy to get and keep you trick multiplier maxxed out, which will lead to passing the challenge. So, when you come upon this next section of the track, head straight towards the power lines in front of you. Much like a red rail you will automatically grind them, and this is an excellent time to do multiple tricks to increase your trick multiplier. At the end of the second building the rail will end -- jump and do a trick and you will land on another section of rail. Its short and ends quickly, but it will lead to an edge of the stepped roof of the 3rd and final building. At the end of the edge, do another trick. When you land, head straight and take the ramp in front of you, between the two sections of wall. Directly in front of you will be a steep hill and another trick opportunity. For the next half a minute you will find the track has many different ramps all over the place, as well as ice ridges you can grind down the center. As you make a left hand turn, you will find two very big jumps on the left side of this section, the second of which will deposit you at the start of the final section of this track. It will look familiar as it will have 3 buildings in a row, with a row of smoke stacks down the center. A great line through this last section is to grind a section of roof line, then jump and do a trick just before it ends. When you land head right to the next building and repeat. When you land after the 3rd building, the finish line will be right in front of you. This event is a 1 on 1, and beating Alex rewards you with Alex as a playable character! Alex will score around 1.6 million pts during this run. If you crash, don't forget you can rewind. +-------------------------------------------+ | VAPOR TRAIL | [WTSibVaporRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: laidback0378 This course is a race against three other members of Team SSX so don't forget that you need only place in the top 3 to advance. So here we go! At the start you will see several different paths and rails. Take the right most rail, which starts at the top of a narrow ramp. The rail will quickly get you over the hump. As your about to land, hold in your grind button and the you will grind the ledge you land on! Just before the ledge ends, jump to make it to the next section. Go off the right side of this last section, with the idea of "cutting" the corner as much as possible. When you land you will still be on the far right side of the track. Follow the right wall around until you see a red rail right in front of you, and get on it. As you come off the rail, follow the course as it makes a gentle right hand turn, and then as the wall on your left ends, a left hand turn. If your low on boost there is a big jump in the center of the track that works well for earning lots of boost. Now you will enter a dark cave. Much like the Trees Deadly Descent, use the flares on the ground to guide you through this cave. Its actually pretty short and in a few seconds you will emerge out the other side. When you do you will notice 2 red rails in front of you. The right most rail is the best -- it's long, giving you plenty of time to earn more boost, and will speed you through a second section of dark caves. It will deposit you right before a big jump you need to take to cross a crevasse. Once across, you will find yourself coming out of the cave to a familiar sight -- the smoke stacks of lower Diamond Back, the event just before this one. We can use the same line we used before to get through this area, but since we are starting from a different position, this is what I would recommend -- head straight towards the building in front of you, and grinding along the edge of the roof, use it to do tricks and get Tricky. Do the same for the second building as well -- grind it and boost to quickly move along. When you get to the third building, if you are on a building edge, get off (press the grind button plus left or right, whichever direction will be away from the building) and once past the building, make a sharp right. You will see a hole in the wall and just beyond, a big jump. Take it. When you land you want to be to the right of the long and narrow jump in the center of the track. Ahead and to the right you will see a jump, take it but jump early to just clear the lip. As you land you will find yourself perfectly in line to hit a jump at the bottom that will put you on the left side of the track, just as the course turns left. For the next section, try to stay in the middle of the track, to the leftish a little bit, so as to avoid the little jumps down the center/right side of this section. As the track makes another left hand turn, you will see a red rail in front, and to the right. Take that to skip past the large ramp, and just past one more ramp, you will find yourself in the final stretch one again, with another series of buildings to pass by. If you don't have much boost, you can trick along the edge of the buildings to build a little. If you have some built up or are Tricky, simply ignore the buildings and jumps and boost down the center, by the smoke stacks, to the finish. Phew! We have one more event to go on this mountain, so let's get to it! +-------------------------------------------+ | BIG SHOW | [WTSibBigShowTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: laidback0378 So this event is another trick event, and the lower section of this is Diamond Back, which we already covered. I will discuss a great line until this event comes upon common ground with Diamond Back, where I will end this walkthrough. Diamond Back has so many great trick lines that it's hard to promote one over another so if you end up doing something completely different, no worries! Right from the start there will be a big ramp in front of you, so do a trick! When you land move sharply to the left to catch the red rail to do a couple quick tricks to get that multiplier up ASAP. As you hit terra firma again you will see a jump straight in front of you, so don't let the opportunity pass you by. In general, I try to stay out of the center of the track in this section, and on the left hand side of the track will be a series of big jumps giving you lots of time to perform massive tricks. After two or three jumps on the left, you will land on or near a red rail. As you hit the ground after the rail, take the huge ramp in the center of the track, and go off it to the right. That way when you land you will be to the right of a small tunnel and on a collision course with another massive jump. You will notice this ramp is tilted to the left, so try and go off the left side of it. The goal is to avoid the next "ice tunnel" when you land and stay left so you can hit the jump that "tilts" to the right. The next session is crazy. There are big jumps everywhere, and for everyone you go off, you will miss two more. Take any line you want through here, and after about a half dozen large jumps, you will find yourself at the beginning of Diamond Back, but the first set of buildings/smoke stacks. If you are looking for a great line through this section, check the walkthrough above -- it starts with the second paragraph. Keep in mind you need to place in the top 3 to advance, which means you need to score at least 1.1 million points. +-------------------------------------------+ | DON'T MAKE ME | [WTSibDontMakeTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: laidback0378 Movin' on, we come to a new mountain in Siberia, and another trick it event. This one requires Ice Axes, although you can get by just fine without 'em. Don't let that pesky 22% survival estimation bother you if you feel more comfortable without them. Studies have shown that 95% of the time, statistics are made up on the spot! Its true!!1! This track does have quite a bit of ice, but there are no crevasses or other scary features to avoid (other than trees, but ice axes won't help you there) so really the survival rate really is 100% either way, with or without ice axes. Now this course is very linear. It follows a repeating pattern. A section with several jumps that leads into a big air opportunity, except in the middle of the landing for this big air opportunity, are lots of bare trees. All red rails are good to grind, as it will give you a chance to quickly raise your trick multiplier as well as help you through a section of trees. There are many big air opportunities and you can generally see the entire track (width-wise)at any given time. When going off one of the big jumps, try to look ahead to the trees to get a general idea where they are. Having a lower level character actually helps with this a lot, as your speed will be lower and avoiding trees will be easier than with a level 10 character. This event is a 1 on 1 versus Griff, so as long as you can earn more than 1.1 million points, you will find yourself moving on to the Ice Deadly Descent. +-------------------------------------------+ | PUNCH UP | [WTSibPunchUpSurvive] | Survive It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: laidback0378 There are no two ways about it -- this track is punishing. The track has a left side, which is typically narrow and covered in ice, and a right side, which is generally wider and at least partially covered with snow, which makes turning a lot easier. Complicating matters is a large chasm that runs down the center of this track. Falling down this chasm is a very bad thing. Keep in mind you have your rewinds available for this event, and the goal is to make it to the bottom in one piece. You only have to make it down one time to complete the event and conquer Siberia. Several times you will be forced to cross over from the right (mostly safe) side of the track to the left (dangerous) side of the track. Thankfully this only happens a few times and in each case we can get back over to the right side of the course safely and quickly. Ice axes will help, but what will help even more, is grinding ice ridges. Even the very ledge of the track on each side of the chasm can be grinded. I hold down the grind button a second or two before I get to the object I wish to grind and also try my best to approach the ice ridge or ledge from as shallow an angle as I can. They can be tricky and will likely lead to at least a few frustrating deaths, but keep in mind you have your rewinds and like everything else in this game, once learned, they can be mastered. So with all that said, let's get to it shall we? From the starting area, headto your right. Almost right away you will come to an ice ridge, the perfect opportunity to make sure our grind buttons are working properly. Once over the hump, we have a few turns to make, stay in the center, and try not to ride up too high on the left when making the right handed turn. Once past those, you will see a red rail right in front of you. Grab it, do a trick or two to earn some boost. Soon as you come off the rail press the grind button and you will start grinding an ice ridge. This is the first time we need to cross over to the left side of the track, and the ice ridge will take us across. I have found that if you don't boost, and jump a couple feet before the end of the ice ridge, you will hop high into the air, which kills your speed (good) while still getting you across the chasm (also good). Even better, when you land, do nothing! Don't turn or boost or anything, and every time the game will throw you in such a way as to skip an entire "S" bend! When you do land, aim gently (remember shallow!) to the left, and grind the edge of the chasm. **This will take a little practice and will probably be the trickiest part of the entire run. And yes, turn a little bit to the left, so that you will still end up going over the edge, just at a more shallow angle. This way you can grind the edge instead of falling over it.**Just before the track turns to the left, boost and jump from the ledge your grinding, and you will land back on the right-hand side. Phew! It only gets easier from here. Once back on the right, stay to the right, on the snow, and after a short drop, you will see another ice ridge leading to the left. Grind it, boost a little it, but no need to boost down the whole thing, after all too much speed is a bad thing on this course. No need to jump at the end of this ice ridge, it will toss you back across the chasm to the left hand side. You should land in the center of the track. Slow down a little if you like. You will go through a gentle right hand turn. Ignore the jump that leads back to the right, as the chasm is still pretty wide and it can be tricky to line it up properly. Instead continue down the left side, through a sharp left hand turn, and line up to get on the ice ridge you see ahead, as you can boost and jump at the end to hop back over to the right side of the track. We want to boost either just a little or a lot so as to land before and go around, or simply land over, a red rail that will be in front of us. Ignore this rail and instead stay beside/ride the ice ridge on the far right. Once again you will see another ice ridge leading off to the left in front of you, taking you back to the left. So grind that ice ridge, and with a lower level character, I find it helpful to boost a little bit for extra speed across the chasm. I find doing spins and flips as I cross leads to me landing off center usually (read on the wall or in the chasm) so usually I do not trick during these jumps to the left side of the track. The grinds and rails will earn you enough boost for the few times boost is needed. Now as we go around this very first turn, there is an ice ridge to the right we can grind that will take us right back to the right side of the track. The first few times through I find it helpful to come to a complete stop as soon as I am able to when I land on the left to give myself a moment to spot it and line myself up with it. The ice makes this a little tricky but there are patches of snow here too, which help out a lot. Ok, so you took the ice ridge back over to the right hand side. Great, now we can grind another ice ridge or just right beside it, and lo and behold, yet another ice ridge leading back to the left! You might be feeling like Bill Murray at this point in time, but fear not, we are almost done! It's a good idea to boost on this ice ridge with the goal of getting as far up the landing as possible. That's a good thing because if you can manage it, there is an ice ridge immediately, as soon as you land, to the right. It's hard to hit and if you don't, don't fret. After the very next turn, on the "exit" of the turn, will be a second ice ridge that you can grind which will lead you back to the right. But now the right side will be getting very narrow and icey, so regardless of which ridge you took, when you land, line yourself up and take the red rail, which will deposit you back on the left side of the track. I find it helpful to greatly slow down/stop when I land back on the left. There will be a sharp left hand turn, and immediately afterwards, in the center of the path, will be another red rail, this one taking you back to the right one last time. Yep, that's the last crossing! It's all ice on left there so it's helpful to go slow till you're on the second rail heading back to the right side of the track. If you miss it, don't panic, take it slow and after a couple more turns there will be an ice ridge that will help you back over to the right side. Miss that ridge and you are screwed. But you're a survivor if you made it this far and so you grabbed the red rail right? The course makes a gentle left hand turn and you will see the end. However the last section is all ice, so to avoid falling off, grind the ice ridge thats right in the center, and make one final jump at the very end. Woot! With that, Siberia is finished and it's time to move on to Patagonia. No rest for the wicked! +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ PATAGONIA [WTPatagonia] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | WEIRDSVILLE | [WTPatWeirdRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix A head to head race against Elise. You could equip a wingsuit if you want though it's not required. At the start, follow the flares to the right. Stay on this path until you reach the section that has a fork in it. There's a split in two plane on the left and a path that veers slightly to the right. I find that going left through the broken plane is a fairly quick route. Not record setting but enough to beat Elise and complete the event. After you cut through between the broken plane, head straight down the jumps. Follow the path as it goes to the right. You'll be along a ledge, so keep and eye out for when you can see ground below. When you do, jump off the ledge and head towards the right, there's a line of flares following the curve in the rock. If you use that jump there, you can bypass the twists and turns of the canyon and shave some time off of your score. After you hit the jump and land, follow the track to the right and past the plane graveyard. Weave your way through the next section, staying either to the left or to the right since there is a crevasse in the middle of the path. Keep following this path and you'll eventually reach the end of the race. If you're having trouble, try leveling up your character in Explore or Global Events to get better gear and boards. +-------------------------------------------+ | CODE BLUE | [WTPatCodeBlueRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix This is a backcountry wingsuit race. Lots of gaps to jump. Some you can make without deploying the wingsuit and others you don't stand a chance in making. It all depends on your level. If you're a high level with a good board, you can go nearly seventy five percent of the track without using your wingsuit. It also means that with a high level wingsuit, you could potentially jump more than one gap while racing. There really isn't a this way or that way is better on this track. It boils down to how well you manage the gaps and if you need to wingsuit them or not. Towards the end of the level, around 700 meters remaining (you can find the number in the upper left hand corner of the HUD), you should hit the jump and wingsuit to the right to the ledge. There's nowhere else to go. After that ledge, jump and wingsuit to the left. The next gap is also fairly large so be prepare to fly across. After that, it should be pretty smooth sailing as there is only one more jump before the finish. +-------------------------------------------+ | SALIENT | [WTPatSalientRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix At the start of the race, if you take the rail immediately in front of you, follow the rail and try to get onto the next rail (not jumping off of the first rail will make this easier). Do this to the third rail which is fairly unavoidable anyways. Jump off the edge of the rail and fly the gap. When you land, try to avoid the next rail and stay to the left to shorten the turn of the corner. The next turn, stay to the right to pull another semi-sharp turn. Hit the jump and either wingsuit or just free fall and continue to follow the path. The next series of jumps are fairly large and you can either wingsuit them and attempt to bypass some of the jumps or free fall and take the jumps and the turns. Regardless of how this plays out, you end up in the plane graveyard. Weave your way through the next section, staying either to the left or to the right since there is a crevasse in the middle of the path. Keep following this path and you'll eventually reach the end of the race. If you're having trouble, try leveling up your character in Explore or Global Events to get better gear and boards. +-------------------------------------------+ | BLACK BOX | [WTPatBlackBxTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix Learn the course so that you can find the best trick route suited to how you trick. This particular track has a lot of paths and a ton of big air jumps that can lead to some insane tricking. Try to get your flow up to x20 as soon as possible. If you take the rail right at the beginning, you can avoid potentially pinballing off of the narrow pathways. While on the rail, do a rail trick, hold it for a second or so, and then release it and do another. Keep doing this as it's a quick way to build up the flow meter. After the rail is over, you get a jump that if take too far to the right may result in you going off the edge of the course. Try to angle yourself more to the left. The next jump is a big one that more than likely can't be made without deploying the wingsuit. You can hit the jump and trick a little and determine if you'll be able to make or trick a little and then deploy it so you don't short the jump. I usually choose to go the left path as it seems to have a fair amount of large jumps. Keep following the path and trick as much as possible, linking your tricks with nose and tail presses for a maximum combo bonus. There's no shortage of epic jumps and rails to grind. As you near the end, be mindful as you pass the same plane graveyard and that the track will eventually split and have a crevasse in the center. Try to string as many tricks together. Remember that you don't necessarily need to finish first, just a medal spot. If you're having trouble doing that, try leveling up to get a better trick board. +-------------------------------------------+ | BROKEN ELBOW | [WTPatBrokElbSurv] | Survive It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix/gondee The Gravity Deadly Descent. It can be done without a wingsuit but that's best done when you've leveled up a bit. The main goal is to survive, you don't have to rush or race or worry too much about tricking. Note the wingsuit icon that is on each kicker. These tend to be the best jumping-off points, so pay attention to them and steer your character towards them. A speed or boost board is better for this event as the higher speed will help you cross the gaps on Broken Elbow. Many of the gaps you shouldn't have problems crossing, but pay attention to the next area you can land on so you don't fly too far and not have any room to land. Space out your jumps and let go of the wingsuit to land in the middle of the next area so that you have a decent amount of room to get ready for the next jump. Generally it's best to stay to the middle of the areas as closer you get to the sides, the more bumpy the terrain is and the harder it is to line up your jump for the next crevasse. Also remember that it's usually best to jump off each jump without flips or spins, and then deploy the wingsuit so that your character doesn't have to correct themselves and veer off course. Using Elise for this event in World Tour means that you should have a good wingsuit (equivalent to level 6) to use. Remember that the wingsuit s ometimes will have a very difficult time rising in elevation if you don't push down on the stick early enough. Once your white bar runs out, your wingsuit is no longer capable of rising and will stall and cause you to plummet. As always, remember that rewind is your best friend here. You will have a limited number of rewinds for this course, so paying attention to when to jump is pretty important. There is a branching path halfway down, I tend to always go to the left when the fork hits but either path is fine. The right side does have longer gaps so pay attention to the wingsuit icons on the snow and deploy your wingsuit off these jumps to be sure you make it across. Try to take each jump straight on. If you hit it on an angle, you run the risk of veering off to the left or right after you hit the jump and get airborne. There is no right or wrong with this track. Just learn the layout and when to use the wingsuit. Some of the jumps could likely be skipped with a high level wingsuit so you need to learn what you can handle at what level. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ HIMALAYAS [WTHimalayas] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | FAST FORWARD | [WTHimFastForTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix/gondee Coming off the helicopter, you'll see a section of the great wall in front of you. These sections are the wall allow for great trick opportunities in this rather short stage, so when you see them, use them as much as you can. They lead to several jumps in a row, and their edges can be used like rails, so if you grind on them you can pull rail ubers that can quickly boost your multiplier. Remember to hold each uber about a second while moving down these rails in order to raise your multiplier to 20x as fast as possible. As you grind on the edges of these walls, always remember to hold a grab and spin as well to maximize the points and boost you receive. As you come out past the small section of great wall, look for small hills and kickers. This track is rife with them, and you can literally trick every few seconds by doing so. You can also board up the sides of the great wall if you are below it to do tricks as well. Keep your eyes open and use all these opportunities, as this track is one of the easiest to build a huge score on. Remember, just because it doesn't have glowing paint on it doesn't mean it's not a jump. Anything that looks like it can be tricked off of probably can. Heading slightly to the right after the small section of wall can lead to several marked kickers that make for easy points, and then lead back to several sections of the Wall to use. Hop along 3 different sections, using the rails and jumping between sections to maximize points. Your goal here is to keep a combo string going from top to bottom of the track. It is okay to let your combo expire when your multiplier gets pretty high, since this is World Tour and getting first place isn't difficult if you keep your combo going and don't crash. It's pretty hard to go wrong in any direction you pick on Fast Forward. Remember that there is no time limit, so there's no reason to speed down the mountain. Try using a roughly zig-zag pattern as you come down the track and you'll find yourself crushing the first place Kaori here. If you notice your multiplier start to drop, start making progress down the track. You'll come to the end of the track when you see a cross section of the wall and a tunnel you come through. There are a set of small ramps just before the end you can use to get in one last trick. Kaori usually scores a little over a million points, which should be easy to pass. +-------------------------------------------+ | TRICKYPEDIA | [WTHimTrickyRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix/gondee This is a Race It event, so even though you're on an inviting course with lots of jumps, don't overdo it. Remember that doing too many tricks here can kill your speed so only do enough to stay in Tricky status with unlimited boost. Coming off the helicopter here, use the first jump ahead of you to get some decent boost. Then use that boost to jump ahead of your competitors down the middle of the course. Avoid jumps as you head in roughly a straight line from where you began. A little further down the track you will see a section of the Great Wall ahead of you. Hit this section and use the rails on either edge of the wall by spinning on the rail and doing rail tricks to boost ahead while still gaining boost from tricks. This section of the wall will lead you 3 or 4 more connecting sections. You may notice that when jumping from rail to rail you don't have to do much, as the rails are "magnetic" and it's easy to jump between them. Use this to your advantage and do tricks between each section to maximize your boost bar and stay in Tricky state. It is generally faster to use the raised sections of the Great Wall in Trickypedia than try to board over the numerous jumps in the low areas. At the next opportunity, grab a section of the wall and boost down it. As long as you do tricks on each rail, it's pretty easy to stay ahead of the competition. After hopping a few more short sections of Wall, veer slightly left and look for one last adjoining section. Boost down this and you'll come to a perpendicular section of wall with a small tunnel running through it. This is the sign you're close to the end. Boost through this tunnel, avoiding the jumps at the end. If you stuck to the upraised sections of track, you should have no problem taking first place. +-------------------------------------------+ | SERENITY | [WTHimSerenTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix/gondee The longest track in the game that happens to be a tricksters paradise. Tons of rails and big air jumps litter the track. Much like the shorter track in the Himalayas, there are plenty of spots to grind and up your flow as fast as possible. There is no right or wrong path to choose from. Any direction you choose, will lead to a variety of jumps and lots of air. Try to combo the entire track, doing so will lead to a larger combo bonus. Coming out of the helicopter, you'll be battling Griff. There are some large gaps in the very beginning of Serenity that you can fall into, so be careful and stay to the left side of the track if you have problems with them. The left side of the track has several snowy embankments that you can jump off of to get some early points. After this first sections with the pits and jumps, you'll be in the Great Wall sections. The first section of Great Wall you come to, use the rail grinds on the edges to do rail grinds about a second apart to boost up your multiplier. Doing rail ubers in succession is an excellent way to boost up your multiplier, and the earlier you get to 20x multiplier the easier you'll have no problem passing Griff. Sticking to the upraised sections of the Great Wall is a good strategy, as many of them lead to huge jumps at the end. It is extremely easy to crush Griff in this event simply by hitting the next jump on the path (regardless of which direction you pick) as long as you keep your combo going for a few sections of it. Remember that once your multiplier is 20x, holding one rail uber for the entire rail is a better strategy than doing multiple ubers. Griff typically scores about 10 million points on this run, and it's pretty easy to beat him if you simply keep your combo going throughout most of the track. Off to the next drop! +-------------------------------------------+ | FALL FROM GRACE | [WTHimFallGraRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix This race can be on the one of the more annoying events, in fact, anything that uses the oxygen tank tends to be rather obnoxious and annoying. Besides having to focus on the track and the other racers, you have to focus on your oxygen tank. If you don't press the oxygen button to breathe, your rider with black out and fail the race. It also doesn't help that this track has crevasses scattered about in the lower portion of the track. The pinball potential areas of small canyons doesn't help much either. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? The saving grace in this race is that you don't need to finish first. Top three is all it takes to be able to continue with the World Tour. Do to all the ridges and lips and openings, it would be impossible for me to give a direct path. The early part of the drop is fairly straightforward, try to get through the section by going through the center of the ledges or use a jump to get onto a ledge. Follow it down and weave your way through the twisting and turning track. Eventually there will be gaps in the center of the track, either path is suitable to take. Keep racing and boosting as best you can and don't forget to pay attention to your oxygen levels. If you're having trouble with this, try leveling up elsewhere so you can buy a better oxygen tank. A larger tank with better quality oxygen will make this race much easier. +-------------------------------------------+ | BURNOUT | [WTHimBurnSurvive] | Survive It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix The thin air deadly descent. This time it's you and your oxygen against the Mount Everest. While you don't have to worry about racing other characters, you still have to worry about your oxygen consumption. If you can, do a spin and a grab when you jump out of the heli to give yourself a bit of starting boost. Hitting flares will also give you boost. While spending too much time in the air can be detrimental to the run, you need to do some tricks here and there in order to have boost. Without boost, the run may be too slow and you may run out of oxygen. This is another one of those tracks that can be pinball heavy. Try to stay on top of the ledges to avoid getting stuck in the canyons and bouncing back and forth between the walls as that will waste time and precious oxygen. If you're having trouble with this, try leveling up elsewhere so you can buy a better oxygen tank. A larger tank with better quality oxygen will make this race much easier. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ALASKA [WTAlaska] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | OLD SCHOOL | [WTAlasOldSchRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Yeti Silverthorne - Old School: Race It From the start head straight ahead toward the triangular rock point and take a jump to trick for boost. As you pass some trees you will see a flare and blue lights to the left and a flare followed by an illuminated jump ramp (looks like two flares together from a distance). Head toward the flare and ramp by jumping over the pipe. Hit the flare and take the jump ramp early and trick. You should land near a red rail, grind this and follow it to its end. Don't jump, just fall to the ground to hit a second rail and grind that one. At the end of this rail, again don't jump and you'll fall onto a third rail to grind taking you around to the left which leads to a flare on the ground and the start of a buried pipeline. Grind the pipeline and it will take you through a mine tunnel saving valuable seconds. As you exit and leave the pipe you will land back on the snow and pass under the arch of another pipe. As you pass keep left to hit the rail grind, passing under another large pipe. As the rail takes a left turn it will bring you to another buried pipe coming out the ground. Hit this and grind it around its right turn back onto the snow. Directly ahead of you is another buried pipe just to the left of a marked jump. Boost over to this and grind it, there is an opportunity half way for a speed jump to get some quick tricks in before hitting the pipe with some boost to keep you speed going. Jump from the end of this pipe onto another pipe, which will put you back in the snow and boosting. Ahead will be a rail to the left and pipe to the right. Ideally, stay away from the right pipes as this makes the last turn longer and if it's a close race it's where you can be overtaken. If you have some boost left you need to keep close or grind the left hand rail and follow the track around its last turn to the finish. +-------------------------------------------+ | PAN | [WTAlasPanTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Yeti Extra: This is place in the top 3 of 4 so getting past this track even in 3rd shouldn't be too difficult. Being a trick event, try to only use boost to either gain a bit of speed if you slow down to much and when you hit a ramp to get the most out of the height to trick. To pass this event you need to at least score over 1million points Jump from the helicopter and hit the flare to ride up the first lit ramp to trick off (hit high and to the center will get a helicopter grind). Boost and hit the second lit ramp for more airtime. Be careful on the second to jump forward or slightly left as a right landing will take you off the track. Upon landing, head for the third ramp for more air time. Ahead will be two main ramps in view. Hit the ramp to the right and keep your jump slightly right to land safely. Ride over to the next ramp which leans slightly to the left and take another jump off its right had side for tricks to land back on another lit ramp. Boost for speed and take a jump of the end of the right side of the ramp for some big air time to land near some trees and rocks. Follow to the side of these and you'll hit another big ramp to trick off. Stay on the snow now and hit some little tricks. If you follow the pipeline down move under so it above to the your right side. This part of the track had a lot of small nautral humps to jump and trick off to build up and/or keep Tricky mode going. After a short ride you will encounter two marked ramps. A further lower left and near high right. Take the high right for a big jump and upon landing ride ahead toward a pipe grind coming from the ground. Ride this through to the mine tunnel and make the end jump to trick off. You'll land on or near a marked jump, when you hit the ground try to jump again and move to the left to grind a small rail section moving around to the left of the track. As that finishes another pipe will be directly in front of you to grind and trick on. Ride and trick this to the end through the mine tunnel and jump to make the most of the air time. When you land it will be in a dip in the track, use the sides for small trick jumps as you pass under a high pipe grind. To the left will be a rail to grind leading to another pipe coming from the ground to ride and grind. As this pipe finishes you will have a clear snow section. In the distance there is a ramp to the right and pipe ahead of you, trick down in that direction and hit the pipe to grind down, there will be a gap jump In the pipe but if you speed is high ou will simple pass over the gap and grind the last part of the pipe. The speed of your grind will land you near some blue ground markers. Head to the right of these for another pipe grind and jump off the end for your last trick before hitting the finish. +-------------------------------------------+ | UNSANCTIONED | [WTAlasUnsanRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Yeti Extra: - Remember to trick when possible to build boost. - Keep your jumps low by jumping low down on the ramps to stay close to the ground. - Boost on all rails/pipes but when grinding at speed, alter your tricks to help keep your trick bar full and movement down the grind as fast as possible. From the starting position head to the left of the large ramp and hit the red rail and grind it until you come off at a ramp light and make a small jump. Follow the track around to the right (any jumps to the left could end in a bad way). As you follow the slope it will dip down with another small jump gap in the path until it ends and you take a large drop. Be sure to trick here as this will give you the boost you need to stay ahead. As you fall head for the illuminated ramp with the flare and red rail end. Hit the jump early to keep your speed and land near another flare and into a right turn. You will now face a high left illuminated ramp, a lower middle ramp and a path to the right. Hit the flare and take the lower ramp and jump the gap and trick for boost to land near another flare. Ahead is a hump in the track on the right side, keep to the left of this and drop down into a right turn with a marked jump ramp. Be sure to jump forward or even better, slightly to the left as it's a long way down to the right side. As you land you will get our first view of the pipes on the lower section of the course. To the right you will see a red rail to grind. Take either as they merge into one, by taking the right rail you will get longer to trick and build your boost. As you drop from the rail you'll hit a flare and be heading for another jump ramp. By taking this jump you should land on one of the large pipe rails for more trick time to build boost up. (EXTRA NOTE: Now your on the main pipes remember that although they are fun to grind down, as you get better and faster they are not always the quickest route and can add time to your race clock. As you travel down the mountain remember a straight line is the fastest route, only hit a pipe or rail if its going forward with the slope of the track in the direction you need, if it starts to wind around its time to jump off and hit the ground again). Follow and boost all the way down this section of pipe until you reach a gap in the pipeline. Jump from the ends of this and you should land to the left side of the next section of piping towards a flare and an illuminated ramp. Take the ramp with a low jump and trick until you land for your boost. You will now see a pipeline to the left, middle and right. In the middle of these are 2 vertical pillars leading to the centre pipeline. Head down toward the pillars and the middle pipe and take a small jump over the gap missing the grind and continuing to the left of the pipeline toward another marked jump. Take the jump early and trick. You should land near a red rail, grind this and follow it to its end. Don't jump, just fall to the ground to hit a second rail and grind that one. At the end of this rail, again don't jump and you'll fall onto a third rail to grind taking you around to the left which leads to a flare on the ground and the start of a buried pipeline. Grind the pipeline and it will take you through a mine tunnel saving v aluable seconds. As you exit and leave the pipe you will land back on the snow and pass under the arch of another pipe. As you pass keep left to hit the rail grind, passing under another large pipe. As the rail takes a left turn it will bring you to another buried pipe coming out the ground. Hit this and grind it around its right turn back onto the snow. Directly ahead of you is another buried pipe just to the left of a marked jump. Boost over to this and grind it, there is an opportunity half way for a speed jump to get some quick tricks in before hitting the pipe with some boost to keep you speed going. Jump from the end of this pipe onto another pipe, which will put you back in the snow and boosting. Ahead will be a rail to the left and pipe to the right. Ideally, stay away from the right pipes as this makes the last turn longer and if it's a close race it's where you can be overtaken. If you have some boost left you need to keep close or grind the left hand rail and follow the track around its last turn to the finish. +-------------------------------------------+ | INVINCIBLE | [WTAlasInvinRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Yeti Griff's Race. Quite a simple track to play but take time to get use to the reverse camara. The track has little in the way of land markings to guide down. If you can keep a straight track line as much as possible, trick from the double flare positions on the edge of high cliff drops and keep your finger on the boots all the while your in contact with the ground you should place first without much trouble. If you do land hard and start an avalanche (which you will), your boost will soon see you out ahead of the trouble or if you don't have any speed left in your trick bar, steer to the right or left over any ridges you come across. This will help get out of dangers way and give enough time for the avalanche to pass. +-------------------------------------------+ | EMERGENCY EXIT | [WTAlasEmeExSurv] | Survive It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Yeti A harder event to play, but take time to get use to the reverse camera again at the start. The track has little in the way of land markings to guide down. If you can keep a straight track line as much as possible, trick from the double flare positions on the edge of high cliff drops and keep your finger on the boots all the while your in contact with the ground you should place first without much trouble. This track does like to put a few twists and turns in so be ready to change direction when required. To help make it down in one piece make sure you take note of the ground markings, especially the 'keep left or right'. These warnings need to be adhered to immediately if you don't want to fall down a large hole and use up those limited rewinds and also because they can be see before your helicopter pilot might have time to warn you what's ahead. If you do land hard and start an avalanche (which you will), your boost will soon see you out ahead of the trouble or if you don't have any speed left in your trick bar, steer to the right or left over any ridges you come across. This will help get out of dangers way and give enough time for the avalanche to pass, ideally you need to stay ahead of it all to be at your safest. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ANTARCTICA [WTAntarctica] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | ROLLING THUNDER | [WTAntRolThunRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: yeti A bit tricky at the beginning with all holes in the track to avoid so the guide will give a safe route for the first part then move to picking up time to beat Moby. Starting off, head to the flare and hit the first ramp for air time to help build boost. Land by one of two ramps to jump over a drop in the ground and toward a cave entrance with three exit arches. Take the middle arch with the rail but don’t grind it, pass straight on toward the cave with a flare and the blue markings. As you steer to the right don’t take the ramp to the left, keep moving forward out through an archway and move over to the left to avoid the scattered drops now ahead of you. Pass over a marked ramp but don’t jump it, just stay left and follow the wall around. As you come around to the left take the right arch with the blue markings leading through it. As the track has a lower section to either side, take a small jump and try to move over to the right side for an easier run as passing the ceiling ice column on its right side. On the next split there is a left path with blue markers but for speed take the right path toward the arch. As you approach aim for the flare and take the right path with you speed boost to ward a marked ramp jump. The path has high and low part but all reach the same point at another tunnel where you will find a rail to grind. Jump from the rail to build boost and head toward the marked ramp ahead. As you land there will be another marked ramp straight ahead with a larger arch to its left with daylight hitting the floor. Hit the ramp with the daylight straight on to keep on the high ground. You will now see another marked ramp with a rail overhead. Hit the ramp and exit though the hole in the cave wall and head left. Jump off the next marked ramp which take you down to the right side and continue forward. At the next marked ramp stay to the right and take the high path (left lower still take you to the same place but is slightly longer). Grind down the raise ice down toward a second ice grind that goes off on a right curve. This curved Ice will put you on a long rail grind that will cut out a lot of track, hold boost and keep changing you tricks to keep your speed up. As you land head toward the marked ramp passing under the rail, then hit a second ramp just after and make a final run for the finish line. +-------------------------------------------+ | EVIL GENIUS | [WTAntEvilGenTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: yeti Take a jump out of the helicopter and hit the nearest rail grind with different tricks to start building up the flow multiplier. This will turn to an ice grind before it finishes. Ahead you will see ice markings in the snow, head toward it for another raised ice grind which turns into a rail, again change your tricks down here to build up flow. This rail will wind around slightly ending through an ice arch and placing you in an icy channel. Ride through and use the mini ramps to your advantage and watch out for the drop gap after the first jump to avoid rewinding. As this comes to end and begins to move upward, the track in front will split. Left will be blue markers, at the centre an upward ramp and right onto a rail grind. Take the right rail and mix up your tricks again, this is also the safer route passed another drop in the track ahead. As you come off the rail you will head toward a cave entrance. Inside the track splits into three arches with a raised ice grind off to the right, a rail grind ahead but take the left arch and grind the raised ice onto a long rail to build the flow multiplier up again. As soon as the rail finished keep the grind button pressed to hit a small left turn ice grind (just turn left if you miss it) and straight onto another rail grind. At the rails end either take the marked ramp for air time, or if you speed is to fast you will simply fall onto a lower track surface towards two ice arches. Take the right arch with the flare and blue ground markings, at this point you can use the right ice wall as a ramp to gain some extra air time for a trick. Upon landing if you can take the raised platform through the middle you can grind down its edge, at the end ahead is a snow drift up the right wall, use this as a ramp for a jump and air time (other wise continue ahead performing small jump and ground tricks and take the right arch). From here you’ll hit the flare ahead of you and turn right for a marked jump. Take the air time to trick, it doesn’t matter where you land now, just make your way to the next arch where you’ll hit a rail grind to again build up flow and your trick combo as well and you tricky bar. The rail goes off to the left before you jump from the end. Ahead is a ramp marker, make a big jump for air time, when you land use the side of the raise ice grind as another ramp and jump again. Ahead of you is now a marked ramp to the right and a wider ramp with sunlight coming though hitting the floor. Instead of hitting these, move far right and take a third route down a tunnel with blue floor markings. As you hit the bottom you will see a snow ramp to the left with a rail coming up and out of its edge, move over and grind the rail. Stick with the rail as it goes up to the right and curves back down left, trick off the end and onto an ice grind ahead of you. Trick through the grind on jump off the end down into a low tunnel (above left is a higher path). Use this tunnel in the same way as a half pipe to build your score. At the end of this section you will see daylight hitting a snow ramp, this is the only time in this section of path the light hits the floor, it is also marked with a flare just before you reach it, just within the shadow area. Hit the ramp with a bit of boost and take it off to the right side for big air and also to get you back on high ground (be careful as you might hit a rail if tricking, or stop your trick as you start to come down and you might land on it safely). Upon landing you will see an ice grind to the left and right with a marked ramp ahead. Head toward the marked ramp ahead but then grind the base of the ice where it joins into a rail and follow it up to the right. Jump from the rail for trick time and you can also use the mountain wall on the right for another jump and trick. Follow the drop down from here to the finish line. Before crossing the finish, again use the side walls and jump from them to get in one or two more tricks before hitting the finish. +-------------------------------------------+ | OFF THE GRID | [WTAntOffGridRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: yeti This track has a few danger points to avoid especially at the start so this guide will help you take a safe route rather than the fastest. This will still give you good enough time to beat Griffs ghost data. Eventually with most race tracks, the better you get, the more risks you can take and the faster your time will get. From the starting point hit the flare and head for the first ramp over a drop in the floor, trick to start building boost. Land and more to the left toward a second ramp over a gap and then a third just ahead of you over another large hole toward a rail grind. Miss the grind and move off to the left side to follow the ice wall around the path. There are few large holes in the path that you might not be able to fully jump over and clear, instead ride to the left up to the ice wall to pass them (you may notice Griff pass you, don’t worry). As the track dips you will see ramps and rails to the right but stay left and hit a flare at the top of a ramp. Ride down and grind onto the rail, jumping from the ice ramp over the gap, as you land grind the next raised ice ridge. Head straight ahead to the marked ramp. Be careful, as the hole to the left of you ends (a rail follows it overhead), ahead of you is another large hidden gap in the track to jump over before reaching the ramp. Hit the ramp low and trick for boost, then head for the next ramp and hit that low and trick again (try to hit the marking straight or you could end up down a hole). As you land, ignore to blue lit markings and jump the ice ridge to stay safe and to the right of the course. Hit the flare and speed along the track, the flow of the ground should help keep you on track as you reach a cave entrance. Stick to the right and hit the flare. The track drops so take a little jump so you can move to the left of the cave (the cave has a raised path with routes to each side but all come out the same place). At the end of the cave there is a marked jump to the left as the cave continues right. Take the jump and get up on the cave roof for clear ground to boost across. This will take you to a clearing where you will drop back down and into another cave. Once inside the path will split, stay right and head toward the marked ramp ahead (another will appear to the right). Hit the ramp straight to keep on the high ground. You will now see another marked ramp with a rail overhead. Hit the ramp and exit though the hole in the cave wall and head left. Jump off the next marked ramp which take you down to the right side and continue forward. At the next marked ramp stay to the right and take the high path (left lower still take you to the same place but is slightly longer). Grind down the raise ice down toward a second ice grind that goes off on a right curve. This curved Ice will put you on a long rail grind that will cut out a lot of track, hold boost and keep changing you tricks to keep your speed up. As you land head toward the marked ramp passing under the rail, then hit a second ramp just after and make a final run for the finish line. +-------------------------------------------+ | ROOT DOWN | [WTAntRtDownTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: yeti Thermal protection required. This is a place in the top 3 of 4 event. If you keep a basic line and keep your tricks going it should be easy enough to hit third place if not higher. Unlike other trick events where you can avoid boosting to make the most of the track, this time when you hit the shade you will need to get out into the sunshine with some speed if your going to make it all the way down. Jump from the helicopter and head to your right and grind the rail with different tricks to help build up your flow multiplier. Take a jump off the end for air time and upon landing move over to the lower ground to your left to keep in the sun. Keep the small trick moving and head toward the red rail grind ahead to your left side. Change your tricks down this to build flow and give a little boost at the end to make use of the marked ramp at the end to gain air time. As you land, ahead will be another marked jump, head over and hit the ramp (Aim for the large ice spike ahead of the jump as the ramp leans to the left slightly and will throw you down a tunnel if you try to hit it head on). Trick of the ramp and if you hit it right you’ll land to the left of the ice spike and still be in the sunlight. Take a drop of the end on the small hill you landed on and you’ll land near a red rail that goes off to the left into shadows to grind down. Trick down this but be ready, as you come off move right to get back into the sunlight and recharge you pack. Now over on the right you will hit a marked ramp, stick to the right and trick over the gap in the floor. As you should now have some boost built up, hit the button and speed through the cave in front of you where you will come to a rail grind in the sunlight. Trick this grind and jump from the end. As you land, another rail will be in front of you to grind again, halfway down there is a slight split but keep the grind button pressed and you’ll carry on grinding the second section which leads to an end jump but is also in the shade. Move right and build up for solar charge again. To the left are now two rails that lead into shade, as your recharging stay away and keep right, ahead you will see a third short rail that will give you air time and take you up over the caves which keeps you in the light. While in the air you will see your next rail to grind upon landing (there is another to the right but this goes through a cave and doesn’t give you as much chance to trick). Last stretch to the finish line. Far left is mainly shadow so either stay right and in the light performing small tricks to the finish or ride down the middle of the track and use the right side ice walls as quarter pipes to trick off. If your score is above 2million then you should be placing around third position. +-------------------------------------------+ | DREADNOUGHT | [WTAntDreadSurv] | Survive It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: yeti Thermal protection required. This decent is about staying in the sunlight. It's not against the clock so don't rush and as long as your in the light you won't freeze. Start by taking your first big jump of the ramp marked with a skull then move right back into the light. Trick as much as you can to build boost before the track splits. There are 3 flares on the ground heading toward two arched, one marked ‘Use Boost’ to the right and to the left is marked with the measurement ‘1600m’. Take the left arch and boost through the shade hitting the flares if you can beck into the sunlight. As you exit slow down again to save the boost. Ahead are three flares, follow them to another track split and take the set of flares that move to the right. Ahead is a large pyramid shaped snow covered rock (between the ‘use boost and ‘1600m’ markers. Boost up this rock and use it as a ramp to stay above the tunnels and in the light. You will land to the left of the ‘1400m’ marker. Ride over the top and you come down a slope again. Follow the flares toward the arch ahead and try to stay in the limited light areas. Once through the arch the course take a slight left turn toward a tunnel. Don’t go into the tunnel, instead ride up the right wall which will put you on a higher ledge but still in the light and follow it over the top of the tunnel. Follow this path before dropping down (if you slip off to the right, follow the flares and pass through the arch to the same position) where you’ll find three flares on the floor and a ‘1200m’ mark on the wall ahead. Follow the track down to the right, ahead will now be a left tunnel in the shade marked with ‘Use Boost’ and a left open track in shadow marked with flares. To stay in the light, ride over the small hill to the right of the flares then stay close to the right until you hit another small hill ahead of you. As you travel on the right against the ice rock wall a track will form to your left they will be mostly in shade. The ideal thing to do is stay next to the wall and when the track you are on drops away, simply ride up to wall to get past. This is especially useful when you see the 900m mark on the rock face to the left. To the right of this marker is a ‘Use Boost’ sign. This part of track is totally in shade and you will need all your boost to get through quickly, so stay on the wall and in the daylight all the way past it until the 750m mark just ahead. Stay to the right in the light and still continue forward to the 600m mark. At this point keep right as the floor is about to break up into sections and if you fall, its rewind time. If you keep right with a decent speed you will simply pass safely over the four jumps and off a small upturn you can use as a ramp. Landing will put you in the shade so move right again and stay there until you come to some flares and another tunnel. To the right of the tunnel is a small hill so if you aim for where the shadow starts next to the third flare and move up the snow hill and jump it like a ramp this will put you over the tunnel where you can quickly boost through the shadow part and take a leap from the edge to get some of that boost back. Ahead is now a large pointed rock with flare routes into tunnels either side. If you look to the right you will see a triangular shaped rock with snow up its flat side with sunlight hitting its peak, boost up this as a ramp for big air over the tunnel system. As you land move again to the right to recharge the solar pack and safely head toward the helicopter markers directly ahead. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ AFRICA [WTAfrica] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | CORKSCREW | [WTAfrCorkRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: citylights Time to beat: 3:40-3:50 Our target time: 2:30 (2:13 for a maxed character) Gear level: 5 1. Go straight for the first kicker, and jump at the base of it so you don't get too much air time. In between the next two kickers is a small snow bank. Jump over this. You should be in Tricky when you land. 2. Take the rail on the right. This will put you in Super Tricky. When you're off the rail, go off the right side of the ledge. Skip the next rail and take a sharp left. You should now be in a very open area with two kickers on the left side. Stay to the right until you reach the end of this room, then move to the center and catch the rail at the end. 3. Before the rail turns into the tunnel, dismount to the left. Keep going straight, and don't jump at the next kicker. As long as you're boosting, you should make it over the lava pit easily. Jump off the next kicker. This should put you in Tricky again. 4. When you land, take a sharp left onto the rail. Grinding this rail should put you into Super Tricky. Stay to the left when you get off and go through the tunnel, then go straight into the following tunnel. As with the last lava pit, you should pass over the next two easily without jumping. 5. Coming out of this tunnel, go straight. Angle yourself slightly to the left or right when you go off the next kicker so you don't hit the column (right is better, but more difficult). Jump halfway up the next kicker. This should get you back into Tricky. 6. Get on the rail up ahead. When you get off you should be in Super Tricky, which you'll have to maintain for the rest of the run. With the density of rails and kickers in the rest of the track, you shouldn't have a problem with this. However, don't be afraid to do a board press if the third chevrons start to appear. 7. Don't take the left or right tunnels, but the path in the middle. Take the next rail across the gap, and dismount to the left when it touches the ground. 8. You should be in another open room filled with kickers. Go for the right kicker, but don't jump. Do the same for the one behind it, then take the next rail. 9. The rail will take you into a tunnel with more pits, but like the previous ones you simply need to boost over them. When you exit the tunnel, go straight in to the open area and catch the rail on the right side of the column. 10. Don't jump at the next kicker. When you get around the bend, you'll see a rail curving in front of you. Stay to the right of it, then jump over it and into the tunnel. 11. Boost over the pit and take the next rail. At the end of this rail, do a little jump and you should magnetize to the next one. Stay to the right of the next open area and grab the rail at the end. 12. There are two kickers up ahead. Cut across the room and go past the left side of the right kicker. Now all you have to do is pass the finish line! +-------------------------------------------+ | RED LIGHT | [WTAfrRedLigTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: citylights Score to beat: 5-6 million Our target score: 7-20 million Gear level: 3 Note: If you lose your entire combo, you will still have 7 million, which is plenty high enough to beat Thor. If you cash in all of your combos at 20x, you'll get 16 million. If you do small tricks between each kicker/rail, you can get 20 million. This line won't net you the maximum number of points possible in this track, but it will get the job done easily. 1. Straight out of the helicopter, do a grab. Jump off of the hill, and head toward the kicker. 2. Jump off of the kicker, but aim your jump slightly to the left so you don't land on the rail. Go straight and trick off of the next kicker. 3. The next chamber will have two rows of kickers. Take both of the ones on the right, angling your first jump to the left so you can catch the second one. Jump early on both to avoid hitting the ceiling. 4. Ride between the two rails and turn left. Jump off of the next kicker. The ceiling is high here, so you can jump off of the very end of it without worry. 5. There's a drop-off just before the next area. Jump towards the right just before this to get some air time. Stay to the right and jump off of the kicker, angling toward the left to avoid the column. Trick off of the next kicker, then head to the right of the rail towards the next one. 6. Jump off of this kicker halfway up so you don't hit the ceiling. Do the same for the next one. Then, take the middle path, jumping off of the kicker at the end. 7. Take the rail bridging the gap , then dismount to the left when it touches the ground. Continue to the left until you reach an open room full of kickers. Go for the one on the right, as well as the following one. 8. Get on the next rail and jump before it turns, then jump off of the triangular kicker ahead. 9. Get on the next rail and take a sharp left at the end. Jump off of the kicker on the left of the column. You're aiming to land on the ledge on the left, not in the indented area on the right. 10. Take a sharp right here and jump off of the kicker. Stay far away from the rail and go off of the kicker to the right of it. You'll travel through a tunnel and come up to a rail and kicker almost identical to the previous ones. You'll want to veer far away from the rail so you don't magnetize to it. This is a huge kicker, so try to jump as late as possible and be sure not to perform a duplicate trick. 11. Get ready to jump right away, because you're going to land right before another kicker. Angle your jump to the left, and jump off of the small jump next to the column. If you get magnetized to a rail, dismount and head towards the next row of kickers. 12. Jump off of the left kicker. Up ahead, there are three small bumps. When you get to the top of these bumps, jump. You should be able to get some decent air time off of each. 13. In the next room, there's a snow bank cutting the room in half. You can jump off of this, land on the other side, and then jump off of the bumps running perpendicular to it. 14. Jumping at the last bump should magnetize you to a rail which will take you to the final section of the track. There's another snow bank splitting up the area that you can trick off of. Jump off of the final kicker, and you're done! +-------------------------------------------+ | HUSH | [WTAfrHushRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: citylights Time to beat: 2:50 Our target time: 2:15 (1:55 with a maxed character) Gear level: Level 3 board, level 6 headlamp Note: The key to an easy win on Hush is to hold the grind button on rails. There are often terrain grinds connecting two rails, and using these rails to your advantage will help you not only stay alive, but maintain Tricky and get a pretty fast time as well. 1. Start by turning a bit to the right, then jump off of the ledge early. You should be in Tricky now. Stay on the right side of the track and catch the first rail. 2. When you get near the end of the rail, hold the grind button. You should terrain grind directly onto the next rail. Keep holding the grind button, and you should terrain grind onto yet another rail. By now, you should be in Super Tricky. 3. Take a sharp right off of the ledge and take the next rail. Coming up to this tunnel, you're going to start to lose Super Tricky. There are two ways to go about the rest of the track: You could use board presses to maintain Super Tricky (which decreases speed), or let it go and find trick opportunities. At a higher level, I would suggest the second way, but since it's much more difficult to get into Tricky at levels 3/4 and there aren't many trick opportunities for the rest of the track, I actually recommend board pressing. 4. Stay to the right of the jump at the end of the tunnel. Get onto the next rail and hold the grind button again. The second rail you'll grind onto curves up at the end, so dismount before then. 5. On the right side of the track there will be another rail leading into a tunnel. Take it, and ride straight out of the tunnel. 6. Take the rail to the right, ands hold the grind button to terrain grind to the following rail. When you get off of this rail, go straight for the next rail in front fo you. 7. Go straight, and aim for the flare at the end of the ledge. you should end right in the middle of the narrow path down below. 8. Take the narrow path on the left, then boost over the small cracks in the ground. Take the rail on the right of the lava pit up ahead, and go down the straight path. 9. Stay on the right side of the track until you pass the column, then take a hard left onto the next rail. 10. Take a hard right, and take the next rail just to the right of the next crevasse. When you get off, keep going straight. 11. Boost over the small crevasses. When you reach the narrow path, turn to the right and go right off the side of it. You'll land in a small cave. 12. Stay to the right of the next jump, then cut across to the left side of the column up ahead. Turn right when you reach it, and take the rail in front of you. Cross the finish line and you're done! +-------------------------------------------+ | SNAKE BITE | [WTAfrSnakeSurv] | Survive It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: citylights Gear level: 6 The most important thing to do in this DD is to take it slow. Your headlamp won't run out in just one run, so there's no reason to finish in a certain time. Equip a low-level board and use rails to skip over pits and tricky sections. Here's a breakdown of a safe line through the track: 1. Falling out of the helicopter, go left. Stay to the left and take the rail up ahead. 2. Take the tunnel on the right. Get on the rail and cross over to the other tunnel. Stay on the left side and take the rail up ahead. When you get off, go straight off of the ledge without jumping. 3. Stay to the right of the pit, then turn left onto the narrow path. Skip the tunnels on either side and take the short rail leading into the tunnel up ahead. Once you're off of it you should land on another rail. Dismount to the right just before the end. 4. Take the rail that starts just before the crevasse on the right. Stay on the right side of the track and follow the next narrow path up ahead. 5. Go right and enter the next tunnel on your right side. When exiting, angle yourself slightly to the left so you land on the left half of the room. 6. Stay to the left and follow the next narrow path. Take the right tunnel, then catch the rail on the left side of the crevasse on the left. 7. Exit the tunnel and go for the big jump. Jump at the top to make sure you don't land in the pit ahead. 8. Take the next rail, then jump at the end of the ledge to clear the lava below. Go off of the last kicker and cross the finish line! +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ALPS [WTAlps] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | BROKEN PASS | [WTAlpBrokPasTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: yeti Start the run next to Psymon and do your first trick to build a little boost, gain some speed and jump just after you hit/see the first flare, this should give you a good drop to trick through all the way down until you land on the broken train track into the tunnel. Grind through the tunnel using the track to your advantage, do jump tricks where possible to build the trick bar up. Watch out at the first jump as there is a pit to avoid here, be careful not to jump to high or you will hit the ceiling. Using the rail, launch from the mouth of the tunnel using your boost into a long drop, use the time to trick. By this time you should have at least reached Silver Tricky if not Gold Tricky. (You need to try and keep Tricky active for as much of the next part of the run as possible to beat Psymon's score.) Upon landing, head to the right for a ramp jump for more air time and possible helicopter grind. You should now be landing near the buried snow rooftops where you will encounter various ramps and cable grinds. (Moving to the right side of the course is a longer run giving you more time to attain more points to beat Psymon.) Move to the right of the track and the buildings pulling tricks as you go and you will land on the main slope near a collapsed cable support pillar (to your left), ahead of you will be your first cable along the floor to grind some tricks down. Keep doing small jump tricks to keep Tricky Mode active for more points. Keep the grind button pressed and you'll center yourself for landing on the next cable to trick. Move down the cable and jump high from the end again, if done right it's possible to trick off the helicopter again before landing, if not it will give time to pull more tricks for your score. Landing near a large rock take a right turn and you'll hit another illuminated ramp, jump to the left side of this and land near a buried cable car and two buried cable wheels. To the left of the second wheel is another cable to grind down and another jump where you could grind the helicopter one more time. With the finish line in sight, there are a few more ramps or cables to hit on the way down, each will give you a decent height jump to build you score ending with the last ramp placed in front of the finish line. +-------------------------------------------+ | BEYOND THE FALL | [WTAlpBeyondRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: yeti From the starting position, immediately hit the flare and boost to grind the rail to the right. As the rail comes to an end it will start to bend left, at this point hit the grind button to come off the rail and follow the mountain to the right where you will see a flare. Boost from the flare into a drop (don't jump as this costs time) and trick while you fall to build more boost. Stay to the middle and boost, take a slight right turn as the rock face on the right ends to avoid riding over the snow hump on the left to save more time. In the riders path should be two more flares to keep your speed up. Keep away and to the right side of the rail to hit the flares and pass underneath. Head toward the next visible flare but don't collect it. Instead keep your rider to the low ground to keep your speed going. It will be possible if required to do quick forward jump flips as you speed down this section for more boost. Ahead of you are three main routes, a low left path, middle path and tunnel on the right. Take the middle path and hit the three flares. At the third flare there is a hump in the track, take an early jump over this to help build boost and keep you close to the ground. In front is now an illuminated jump ramp (with a path to the left), again take an early jump from the bottom of the ramp to build boost and keep low to the ground saving you time. As you land you'll be heading to the big drop of the course. If you can hit the flare ahead as you boost all the better but again, don't wait until the top, take an early jump to just miss the top of the ramp again and trick all the way down. This should help get you into Silver Tricky mode so you can gain a longer speed burst down the last half of the course. Upon landing boost all the way to the roof tops covered on the ground by the snow ahead of you and trick off it to rebuild your boost bar, if you going fast enough you will pass the second roof and land on the slope below where the cable grinds can be found. Boost down the first cable on the fallen pillar or race past it depending where you land. Ahead of you are 4 trees, keep to the left of these as you boost toward a larger metal structure leaning over in the snow over a short drop. As you drop down keep the tricks coming to keep the boost bar charged up. Ahead and left of you, you will notice two main cables and fallen cable car with a third cable behind it. The fastest route is to head toward the cable car missing the first cable. As you approach the cable car jump/trick over the second cable (if you grind this cable out of the three it will cost you the most time by travelling to the top of the metal structure). At the third cable either grind it half way and drop to the ground by hitting the grind button or pass under/over the cable and hit boost to speed downhill. Ahead of you is the final stretch to the finish, boost as much as you can all the way, do little tricks where possible to keep the speed going. Keep away from ramps as airtime will cost you seconds, if you cant avoid a ramp, do an early jump as before to keep low to the ground. If you grind any cables, try to drop off before you hit the end jump for extra speed. +-------------------------------------------+ | THE HAMMER | [WTAlpHammerTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: yeti Jump from the helicopter and start your tricks by riding up the large ramp directly ahead and collect the geo-tag snowflake. Staying to the left of the course, there are three ramps ahead of you. Hit the middle ramp straight and trick, this will land you on the left hand ramp for some big air to pull more moves. Next ramp to hit is on the left side with a rail to the far left of it. As you land you'll be setup for another big ramp jump to trick off. Upon landing you will have in front of you an ice ridge in the ground you can grind down and come off toward the flare ahead. Hit the flare to pass under the rail and use this edge as a ramp to jump off for more trick time which can give you a possible helicopter grind. (If you hit the second ice ridge to the right, you will need to steer to the left at the end to avoid the rail grind in order to hit the cliff jump). You should land just before some blue lit arrows. Follow the two flares path line, passing through the second and third arrow markers to hit the corner of the rocks as a ramp for a large jump which will land you at the base of another pointed rock jump marked with a flare at its peak. Hitting this jump high could get a helicopter grind for extra points. Wherever you land will put you in a run up to the bridge pillars, use the ramps as you ride down to your advantage along with the humps in the track for smaller tricks to build your score. Head toward the only illuminated track ramp in the central arch. Don't hit the ramp directly, instead ride off to the left side and boost up the bridge wall to achieve a higher jump. This will give you trick time and set up for a near by ramp for another boost assisted jump. You should now be landing near the buried snow rooftops where you will encounter various ramps and cable grinds. (Moving to the right side of the course is a longer run giving you more time to attain a higher score) Move to the right of the track and the buildings pulling tricks as you go and you will land on the main slope near a collapsed cable support pillar (to your left), ahead of you will be your first cable along the floor to grind some ricks down. Keep doing small jump tricks to keep Tricky Mode active for more points on the snow areas. Keep the grind button pressed and you'll center yourself for landing on the next cable to trick. Move down the cable and jump high from the end again, if done right it's possible to trick off the helicopter again before landing, if not it will give time to pull more tricks for your score. Landing near a large rock take a right turn and you'll hit another illuminated ramp, jump to the left side of this and land near a buried cable car and two buried cable wheels. To the left of the second wheel is another cable to grind down and another jump where you could grind the helicopter one more time. With the finish line in sight, there are a few more ramps or cables to hit on the way down, each will give you a decent height jump to build you score ending with the last ramp placed in front of the finish line. +-------------------------------------------+ | HARD CURRENCY | [WTAlpHardCurRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: yeti This is a race against Griff. The trick to this is to steer and boost as little as possible and use the jump button to keep your line straight. Remember to boost on the clear sections of track but you can win this without ever pressing that button. If you're going to take a hit on the rocks try and angle it so your board take this hit, this will help save your armour. Begin the race by hitting the flare which will put you into a long straight with rocks along the track. Put your character on a straight path and tap jump to get over the rocks as they come close (trying to dodge around them will mess with your line and cost time). Use the humps in the terrains to gain height over some of the large obstacles. Don't worry about boosting to catch Griff if he's ahead, this will soon change. As you keep jumping you will find that this helps keep you going straight with hardly any movement except for minor corrections. As you approach a large triangular rock more slightly to the right to jump its lower side which will lead to a slight right bend in the track. The pilot will announce the half way mark. Again minimal steering and jump the next set of rocks to land before a large jump with a ramp to the right. Take the right side ramp with a bit of boost to land on another ledge to the left side. Follow this down until it comes to an end with a flare marker jumping from the edge to the right side. Some more rocky areas that require a bit more control to get around, so done be afraid to slow down a little to regain control of the rider. You will now head for a big air jump (announce by the pilot again) which will put the finish in sight. Again, keep your character in line with the finish, jump any rocks, boosting might help gain some extra height and head for the finish line. +-------------------------------------------+ | ONE WAY TICKET | [WTAlp1WaySurvive] | Survive It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: yeti This is the Deadly Decent. The trick as with 'Hard Currency' is to steer and boost as little as possible using the jump button to keep your line straight. Don't be afraid to slow down as your speed can build quite quickly on this track so take you time as it's not against the clock. Remember to boost only on the clear sections of track . If your going to take a hit on the rocks try and angle it so your board take this hit, this will help save your armour. First jump will put you in a slight left turn into a narrow rocky straight. To play it safe, hold back on the controls to keep you speed slow and controllable. Once back in the open there will be a number of large rocks, not all can be jumped so control your speed and get around them to head for the first high drop from a ledge. The next section is really narrow so again, keep your speed under control and you'll get through this with minimal armour damage. As you come to the clearing you will see a small bank with flares up its path to the right. Follow this to move into a clear section of snow with some larger boulders easily avoided. As the ground becomes rough you will drop slightly into another narrow rock passage, followed by a rough ground clearing leading back into a second narrow passage. Control your speed and jumps to pass through this section to hit a second high drop. You will now be heading into a third narrow rocky passage but with jump obstacles. Same as before, try to keep your speed under control and you should pass this again with minimal damage. As the path comes to an end it begins to lighten with the sun. This is the final stretch to the finish line. Speed through this but be careful on the last hump of snow as there are rocks hidden behind it, good speed and a jump should easily clear this to land in the marked finish zone under the helicopter. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ NEW ZEALAND [WTNewZealand] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | BULLDOG | [WTNZBulldogTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix This track is littered with huge jumps, a tricksters playground. Jumping and flipping with a grab while heading towards a rail on the left is a good start. Use the rocky mound ahead to get some air and pull a trick or two. Once on a rail, any of them is fine, do as many rail tricks as you can to increase your flow multiplier. While it's tempting to use the icy halfpipe as a halfpipe, you don't get the air or the speed to maintain a good trick line. It's also possible to get stuck in there with no place to trick off of. There are ramps that lead out of of it, but you can lose a lot of trick time getting to them It's best to avoid it and trick over it since the jumps can lead to some big air moments. Make your way to the damn and to keep your combo going, do a jump and a grab or jump and 180 until you get to the pipes. You can either grind the pipes down or jump and trick in the air. If you jump and trick, you may not make the entire length of the dam in one jump so you may get magnetized to a rail or need to jump again to continue tricking. After you land, you're posed with two ledges and another mini halfpipe that goes through the entire lower half of the track. Again, try to avoid as this time there are downed trees which can wreak havoc on a trick run if you aren't ready for them. Continue on either side using the jumps to get big air and big tricks. There are a few rails scattered about that you can take advantage of as well. Towards the end of the track, there is a baby halfpipe right before the finish line. You can use that to get one or two final jumps and tricks in before crossing the line. +-------------------------------------------+ | ZOMBIES WITH JETPACKS | [WTNZZombiesRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix The upper portion of this track can be a nightmare. The left part of the track has a ridge to it and a slight miscalculation of your jump means you go soaring over the edge into the abyss. From the start, head straight towards the turn with the blue arrows. Follow next blue arrow turn as well. Continue along, if you spot a rail, try to get to it and grind so that you can avoid the ledges. It's best to stay to the right of the track and to avoid gap jumping if possible. You may or may not have the speed to make the gaps and you can lose even more time rewinding from death. If you're behind in the upper section, there's always a chance to make it up in the lower section of the course. As always, you don't have to win the race in order to progress through World Tour. You just need to medal. After the twisty upper section, you'll reach an open space with a large gap jump. If you don't have the speed or the boost to make the jump, there's a rail to the right that will snake around the gap. Continue along until you get to the base of the damn. Head to the left and stay on the left ridge. This will help bypass a bit of the track. From there, choose the path that works best for you. You can continue to the left or jump across and go to the right. The bottom section of the course zig zags a bit. Try not to get stuck in the ice groove in the center as it can slow you down a fair amount. Use the ledges and rails to gap the ice canyon as you make your way to the finish line. +-------------------------------------------+ | MORNIN' TIGER | [WTNZMornTigTrick] | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix At the start of the track, you can use this chute to do some jumps and 180's or flips or a quick grab or two. As you exit the chute, a variety of paths are open to chose from. Regardless of the path you choose, there are opportunities to accidentally go pinballing along the rocks that jut out. While it's inevitable to bounce off the rocks at least once, try your best to avoid them so you don't crash out. Make your way through the jumps and to the damn. Hit one of the ramps to catch big air and soar down below the dam. After you land, you're posed with two ledges and another mini halfpipe that goes through the entire lower half of the track. Again, try to avoid as this time there are downed trees which can wreak havoc on a trick run if you aren't ready for them. Continue on either side using the jumps to get big air and big tricks. There are a few rails scattered about that you can take advantage of as well. Towards the end of the track, there is a baby halfpipe right before the finish line. You can use that to get one or two final jumps and tricks in before crossing the line. +-------------------------------------------+ | JACK-KNIFE | [WTNZJackKniRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix The first use of the pulse goggles. This race has a lot of unseen chasms and drops and trees strewn about. When all else fails, follow the flares. Again, remember that you don't need to get first place, you just need to medal. It's difficult to give a specific route as there's so many gaps and ledges and edges of doom, plus you have the whiteout condition. There is no right or wrong on this track. It all boils down to knowing where the holes are. +-------------------------------------------+ | ROUTE ZERO | [WTNZRteZeroRace] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix The whiteout deadly descent. This race you have to win in order to continue and you only get three rewinds. At the start of the race, head straight and continue through the arch. Follow the path as it curves to the right and hit the jump and land below. There is a fork in the snow when you land. I usually go to the left. When you go left, there's a crevasse ahead that you can go around the left side of it and snake around. Follow the flares and use the curvy path or hit the jump. After this section, head through the opening, avoiding the left side as there's a crevasse. Jump through the opening and when you land, head slightly to the left. You'll see a snow pillar and you'll want to go just to the left of the snow pillar. Follow that curvy path through the next section and around to the jump. Hit the jump and air over the gap onto the ledge. From there, head to the next ledge and down the hill. When you reach the bottom of the hill, head to the left, jumping over the small gap in the track, and through the rock arch. After passing through the arch, head to the right slightly and follow the flare line to avoid falling over the edge of the ridge. There's a couple small gaps to clear in this section. After passing this section, the weather will clear up for a few meters. You'll see a rock arch ahead of you. Go through the rock arch and turn to the right to avoid going straight into they abyss. Jump the gap and head through the left section of the track. There's a small gap ahead and then beyond that, through the few trees is a large jump. Try to hit it to the right slightly. Doing so will allow you to land on the snow instead of airing straight into a crevasse. Head straight from there towards the three rails. Take any of the rails, it doesn't matter, they all take you to the same spot. After getting off of the rail, follow the canyon down through the trees and rocks. There's a jump at the bottom and there's no need to worry about where you land. Once you land, there's a flare line that curves to the right indicating the end of the track. The weather will start to live and you'll be able to see the heli and the finish line. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ GRUDGE MATCH [WTGrudge] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | DEATH ZONE | [WTDeathZone] | Race It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Obi Time need to beat: 3:05 (Sometimes Griff will run a 3:15, so if you're ahead at 3:04 with a little way to go, don't restart.) Walkthrough time: between 2:45-3:04 (Time depends on level of gear and times fallen or rewinding - more than once or over 3 seconds. If you have used rewind twice, or once for more than 5 seconds, you're probably better off restarting.) Beginning: Jump out of the helicopter and immediately do a grab and tweak it while doing 2+ front or back flips or 720+ spins. Make sure to end the trick about 2-3 seconds before landing to not crash and save yourself from restarting. Once you've landed, you should have your 1st Tricky meter filled and have temporarily unlimited boost - hold down boost and hold up on the left stick while gunning it down the straight part of the path where you will see a trail of red flares. Do this 'til you get to the jump with purple and yellow flags at about the 17-18 second mark. At this point, you're about to lose your tricky meter as the arrows on both side will be filling in and flashing. However, pulling off a similar trick to when you exited the helicopter will fill your boost bar to Super Tricky. This boost will allow you to go a little faster than before, but will last about as long (10-15 seconds) before it runs out. Like before, you will keep following the red flare path and carving the slopes trying not to get any or much air. If you're getting airborne over every jump, you're losing precious time. Keep going 'til you reach about 3000 meters remaining or close to 32-35 seconds. You will head uphill over the ledge to the right just after that turn and straighten out, but not falling back down the ledge, aiming almost diagonally towards the red skull to a downward cave. Your Super Tricky meter should have run out right before the big jump just in time for you to do a big trick and refill it back to the 1st tier Tricky. Try to hit the jump straight on and land in the middle, then starting hugging the right side almost to the wall of the cave (boost here is optional for better steering purposes) 'til you reach the number 2400m. You will continue going right and basically hugging this side (the safe cave route with no crevasses) while using some of the small jumps to refill your Super Tricky meter again just before you reach the wing suit jump. (Time here around 1:15-1:18) Hit this jump aiming to the left and opening your wing suit long enough to help you safely land the larger gap and reach the 2000m icon. Follow this icy curved path until you reach a jump, make the jump straight across and continue down the icy path. You will make a large left, followed by a large right and into another left until you reach your next jump. For this jump, speed is necessary, so make sure you still have boost, or be prepared to use the wing suit for a quick second or two to make this gap. Once securely on the other side, you will be hugging the wall making a left, right, left, right until you reach another jump. Like before, enough speed can help you make the jump, but you should use the suit again for safety and save yourself from having to use a rewind. Follow the flares on this path and you will pass the 1400m mark and quickly come up to the next wing suit jump. You will definitely need the suit here and have it open for at least 3-4 seconds, but as soon as you see a safe landing, lose the suit. Continue down the lit flare path staying straight and passing the 1200m mark then immediately to the next wing suit jump. This jump will be a quicker one, but use the suit for about 3 seconds and aim to land before the 1000m mark in order to pick up enough speed for the last wing suit gap jump. This one will only need about 2-3 seconds with the suit to clear. Now you are almost there, just 900m to go and a few avalanches to get past/through. If you haven't crashed or used rewind and maintained your Tricky bars then at this point your time should be between 2:18-2:25 at the 900m mark. At the 900m mark, hug the left side of the mountain and either head for high ground or follow the red flares to the left cave (not the right one -- the left side doesn't have the avalanche to slow you down.) Now you are approaching 600m left in the race. Continuing, you can be above or below, but the area above the caves is avalanche free. Only take the bottom if you have boost or couldn't get to high ground. Now you've reached the 450m mark with yet another high/low route option and like both times before up is the safer option from avalanches. Just take the straightest paths possible here and maintain speed. At the 300m mark slightly head left and straighten out again to the 150m mark. Now you're at the home stretch and will clearly see your red-lit path to victory. Follow this path and remember to jump at the last red flare before the end or you will fall to your death, and at this point not be given the choice/chance to use the rewind option and will have to restart (oh joy) and do the race all over again. However, if you made the jump, congratulations! You have just beat world tour and you made Griff your bitch and can enjoy some well-earned credits! Enjoy the final cutscene and move on to Explore mode to check out the tons of extra content still in the game! b. Explore [2012Explore] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The next section contains the walkthroughs for the medal events in SSX (2012). It is organized by track, so that if you are looking for a particular event in the game, first look for the range it is on and then look for that particular drop. DISCLAIMER: SSX (2012) is a massive game, and this section will be filled in as authors create guides for some of the 159 events in the game. Please be patient if a track does not have a guide - or better yet, sit down and write one for this guide and help out everyone looking for one. :) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ AFRICA [ExploAfrica] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ALASKA [ExploAlaska] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | THE DILEMMA | | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Fredde007 Armor Required - Night Time - Level One Risk of Avalanche Medal Targets Gold: 4,278,165 (Tane) Silver: 1,268,087 (Griff) Bronze: 106,897 (Moby) The Dilemma is a drop that has avalanche risk and it is recommended that you'll equip armor for this drop. You'll notice when an avalanche starts when the camera pans out behind your character. Try not to carve to hard horizontal along the track since that will very likely trigger an avalanche. The initial parts of the track has tunnels that you want to avoid for a good trick run. If you get stuck in one early on it's recommended to restart and find a line that avoids the tunnels. Do a tweaked grab as you drop out the heli, and quickly do another trick when you hit the ground. The first section of the track gives a lot of option to trick on small jumps so try to get some flow going. Then either go for the grind in the middle, thought the if you do not launch off the grind you'll end up in a tunnel or stick to the right and air over the tunnel entrances. The track splits up ahead, the left path has more tunnels but is longer ergo gives more jumps to trick from but the right path is more open with less tunnels and easier to navigate. Choosing the right path for an easier run is a sensible choice and is the one we will pursue. By the time you have chosen your path, with about 1300 meters left you should have reached Bronze. This next section will have a large gap to trick over so line up a massive air, be sure to go big. Trick of the sides of and keep a good line going forward to avoid avalanches. There is also a lone tree at the end of this section that is not advisable to crash into. Here the track opens up a bit. A safe line is to stick on the far right to avoid the rocky tunnels. There is also a grind on the left that leads into a jump that might send you on to another grind. If your grinding remember to spin and tap the face buttons for some extra points. Don't boost on the rails and be sure to jump and trick off them. With 500 meters left the track becomes more streamlined. To keep your combo and flow going by doing ubers of the small outcroppings provided by going forth and back between the sides. While you're in the air the avalanches can't hit you! With 400 meters left of the track you should have reached a silver score. It's important to keep your combo alive. Avoid using board presses, and do tricks instead. There is one large jump at the end of the left turn so go big. The last section has some natural outcroppings you can launch off from, so stick to the sides and carry your combo with you. There is one natural ramp left so go big. If you managed to carry your combo across the finish line, with a high flow, it will hopefully bring home the gold. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ALPS [ExploAlps] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | HARD CURRENCY | | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Fredde007 Armor Required - Sunny Day Time Medal Targets: Gold: 5,410,022 (Griff) Silver: 1,403,092 (Elise) Bronze: 212,626 (Psymon) Unlike the other drops on Grand Golliat, Hard Currency is not a thin, ridgelike event. Being a track littered with rocks it shares similar characteristics as One Way Ticket on Mount Blanc and requires armor to avoid death. Otherwise it's a fairly short and straightforward track. Avoid going to fast as even a small collision from a rock will take a large chunk of your armor and life bar with it and make comboing hard. As you drop out bring a tweaked grab with you down. Immediately to the right is a fairly large hill, with potential to bring in some much needed juice for the tricky meter. Do one or two small flips with tweaked grabs to get the flow and combo going The section after has two rocky obstructions in the middle of the way. The ledge to the left can give you massive air. Be wary of the second rock and quickly bunny hop over it. There is one last boulder before the track opens up for a bit. A small ledge on the left can give you big air to clear it. By now you should have at least the first level of tricky. The is a fairly large snow bank to the left as you enter this section of the track. Aim either to the left or right to avoid the colossal rock in the middle. If you haven't reached super tricky yet, do so by tricking off the walls. The next jump is a big one and hitting it with a large uber is worth much, much more then lower level trick. Advised course of action is to do a Blackbird/All You Can Eat while throwing in as many Front/Backflips you can muster, to really maximize the points earned. After that big jump and with 1500m left, you should have the bronze goal or even silver. The next section is a long corridor with large rocks blocking the route. The first ones can be aired over. Follow the computer to get a glance at a safe route through the pass. If you're feeling extra adventurous, you can trick off the walls, preferably the right one. The biggest problem is the last rocky part before the gorge opens up. Make sure to not go too fast and be ready to do a quick jump over the horizontal lying rock. With 1100m to go, a silver score should be achieved. Scooting to the right will bring you to a snowy shelf. From there you can make a large trick leftward to another cliff. From here make a big jump, staying to the left. Trick off final shelf, potentially landing safely to the right. Avoid the big rock in your path, and now you'll be entering a long chasm with many rocks littering the sides. Try doing small hops over the rocks to keep your combo going. It's very possible that this section goes very fast. Hold a tight line and don't do any harsh turns. Eventually you'll reach a final big kicker and hopefully be in super tricky. The kicker is split by a rock and the left one has a bigger room to land on. There is a rocky wall to the left here you can take use to throw in some final big tricks. With less than 100m left and possibly some final small tricks, you attained a gold medal. +-------------------------------------------+ | ONE WAY TICKET | | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Fredde007 Armor Required - Sunny Medal Targets: Gold: 1,194,672 (Elise) Silver: 607,727 (Mac) Bronze:138,444 (Griff) This is the drop for the Deadly Decent of rocks, and requires armor. This can be a very harsh trick event and keeping a combo throughout this track can be very hard. If you crash hard and lose your super tricky it can be advisable to rewind, as a big jump with super tricky is worth a lot and is important for a good score. Be careful not to rewind to many times or there is high chance you'll end up ith a negative combo score. It's recommended to do board presses and hit flares to keep your combo going throughout the tracks narrow and rocky passages. Avoid boosting and going too fast during these sections so you won't take any damage and end up in a closed casket funeral. As you drop out do a neat trick and when are grounded do another trick to start the flow. On the very first jump line up so you'll land slightly to the left. Avoid the small rocks by doing tiny jumps over them. Soon you will enter a section with a fair amount of rocky obstacles scattered left and right. It can be hard to find a line trough here, a tip is to see which jumps the AI riders takes. At the end of this section there will be a large jump, preferablely land somewhat to the left. There is some minor ramps that you can trick off. With 1900 meters left Bronze should be achieved. Into the narrow passages, keep the combo going by hitting flares and doing board presses, alternativley do small jumps but avoid hitting the mountain sides. This will eventually lead out to a medium sized ramp. Stick to high ground to the right for some unhindered air. The next part of the track has a natural quarter pipe to the left, use it. With 1300 meters left this should push you into silver. There is a big jump with no vision. If you short it, you'll end up straight into a rock. Jump left to avoid it. The upcoming section is a straight passage, but there is also potential to use the natural quarter pipe to the left and land above the passage avoiding some of the rocks and netting you some extra jumps. After that there will be a pathway with big rocks blocking, so trick over them. After that section you'll approach a large jump flanked with two rocks. Be sure to aim slightly to the left and do a large trick. With 500 meters remaining this will positively bring you close to gold. There is one last narrow passage, so keep the flow and combo going. This will ultimatley bring you to an open and spacious last area. There will be a small jump which can net you big air if you line up straight and boost. Avoid the trees and there will be another large jump ahead. Sticking to the left will give you a final chance to go big before the arrival to the finish. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ANTARCTICA [ExploAntarctica] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | ROOT DOWN | | Survive It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Ahlyis Antarctica -> Mount Craddock > Root Down -> Survival (Explore or Global) The key to long distances here is careful planning. Knowing you're route inside and out is better than any equipment. Take Alex for the +15 Speed attribute as that is the only thing you re likely to need from your character. Suit - If you are in Explore mode, I recommend a Suit with extra rewinds. In Global, if rewinds are disabled, take whichever suit you prefer. There's no suit with an equipment boost, so it doesn't really make much difference. Board - Take a Speed board of the highest level you can. I often prefer slower boards for Survival runs, but this is a relatively easy course with a single jump where more speed is crucial, especially if Wingsuits are disabled. Equipment - If you are in Explore Mode, take Solar Protection first and a Wingsuit second. In Global, take either/both of those if they aren't disabled. Mods - Extra Rewinds (if Rewind isn't disabled) can help, as can mods for any equipment you are allowed, but overall, Mods aren't necessary. If you are in Global and level restricted, Speed mods may help you get enough speed for the one jump in the entire run where you might lose Core Temp. Geotags - Do whatever you want here, they're irrelevant towards the actual run. Now that you're decked out and ready, let's start the run. Head downhill as you exit the helicopter. Just as the hill to your left ends, there is a shadow that starts up. Cut hard left and go between the end of the hill and the shadow. Head downhill again. Next is a rail that you can go under. If you just lean forward you will "usually" go under the rail without losing any core temp. Rarely though you will lose just a tick. You can avoid this by jumping over the rail where it is near the ground to the right, but there are shadows on the other side which can then be hard to avoid. I find it isn't worth the effort and just cruise under the rail. Past the rail a cliff starts up on the right with shadows under it and a small mogul appears on the left. Go around the mogul to the right, between the mogul and the shadows. Going over the mogul will tend to throw you of course and into trouble. Next is a narrow spot with the continuing cliff on the right meeting an outcropping on the left with a shadow stretched between them. Simply jump in the air and you'll pass over the shadow with no loss of core temp. Head down the left side of the track, skirting the shadow fingers that stick out from the right. Take the next rail and ride it. Don't spin or do tricks. You don't want to get into Tricky mode yet. At the end of the rail, just drop off the jump and pass between the shadow on the left and the tunnel entrance on the right. A spine of ice pops up. Follow the left side of the spine, then cut hard right at the end of it. Drop off the edge to the path below, turn hard left back downhill, and go between the two rails. Use a little bit of boost to go up the hill smoothly, then boost and jump over the shadow on the left side of the next ice spine. Cut hard right again at the end of this spine but jump across the gap instead of dropping in this time. Turn left and head downhill again. Do a quick trick, then do a big jump and trick as you pass into the next section. Here is where you want to get into Tricky mode. Be careful of your aim as you don't want ot land in the shadows on the left or smack into the ice wall on the right. When you land, you should be in Tricky mode. If not, either rewind or quickly do tricks to build as much boost as you can. Boost to the rail on the left and make sure your board is aligned along it, not across it. Don't bother spinning. Boost along the rail and get ready for a huge jump at the end. Jump off the very end of the rail and you should make it all the way across the shadows and land on top of the tunnel. You may land in a shadow, but just turn right and you'll be back in the sunlight. This is the only place where having a Wingsuit is needed. If you have one, deploy it at the peak of your jump to ensure you land past the shadows. This is the only point in the run where you should take any cold damage (if you weren't allowed a Wingsuit). You can stay in sunlight everywhere else on the course. Hang to the right as you exit this section or carefully thread the middle. If you take the rail down the middle, beware the shadow just past the end. As the course opens up, climb the right wall to avoid the rails and tunnels ahead. Stay to the extreme right once you reach the top. You'll see a rail ahead near the middle of the track. Stay to the right until you are past the last shadows, then cut hard left and get onto the rail. About 3/4 of the way along the rail, it actually passes into shadow briefly. Just jump straight up and you should pass over the shadow and land back on the rail. Past the rail, stay to the right and go up the small hill. There is then a gentle path down to the finish line on your left. Take that path down and just cross over to the left side to avoid the helicopter's shadow. You don't have to worry about the shadows on the other side of the finish line. You won't lose any core temp once you cross the finish line, no matter how cold it looks. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ HIMALAYAS [ExploHimalayas] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | DEATH ZONE | | Survive It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Ahlyis Himalayas -> Lhotse -> Death Zone -> Survival (Explore or Global) The key to long distances here is the wingsuit. No other piece of equipment is even half as important. As such, you always want to take Elise for her +5 Wingsuit natural ability. Suit - If you are in Explore mode, I recommend a Suit with extra rewinds. In Global, if rewinds are disabled, take whichever suit you prefer. There's no suit with a Wingsuit boost, so it doesn't really make much difference. Board - This is up to you, but I prefer a slower board. A boost board is not a bad choice. The only time I take a Speed board is if the Global event is restricted to level 1 gear. I like a slow board for this course, but maybe not quite that slow. Equipment - If you only have one slot, take the Wingsuit. The Wingsuit is an absolute must for this track. Preferably, one with higher Durability as the problem isn't lack of lift or speed, but your suit simply wearing out over the course of several runs. If you have a second slot, take Armor over a headlamp. Armor is far more useful than the headlamp. Mods - Find Wingsuit Mods to help push your Wingsuit to the max. Taking Elise helps, but even a top notch Wingsuit with Elise can still be improved by mods. If this is Global with a level restriction, I would even take every one of the Mod slots as a Wingsuit Mod. Mods stack, so having multiples can help a lot. If there's no level restriction, then take whatever mods you want if you think you've gotten your Wingsuit pretty well maxed out. Geotags - Do whatever you want here, they're irrelevant towards the actual run. Now that you're decked out and ready, let's start the run. As you drop out of the helicopter... sit back and enjoy. There's no reason to speed through the course and there's no reason to try to do big tricks here at the start. So sit back and just keep Elise from smacking into a wall. Work your way down to the drop into the cave. Once you drop into the cave, you want to follow the right wall, especially if you don't have a headlamp. At the first group of flares, 3 on the left and three on the right, try to run over all three of the flares on the right. If you hug the right wall too hard, there is an outcropping right about where the second flare is which will throw you into a death pit. So try to hit the flares and follow the right wall without climbing the right wall. Beyond that, continue to follow the right wall. Ahead there is another set of three flares which bend towards the left. Beware the crevice to the left of these flares. There is a hole to the right up on the wall that can avoid that ledge entirely, but it is difficult to see without a headlamp and isn't really necessary. After that, continue along the right until you reach the exit to the cave. Here you have your first Wingsuit jump. the key here is... NOT to use the Wingsuit! It is tricky to get used to, but you want to save your Wingsuit at every opportunity. So, instead of using the Wingsuit, aim at the wall and tiny, sloped ledge on the left across from the jump. Don't boost or be in Tricky at this point, just jump across to the ledge. Once you are in the air, NOW hold down your boost. When you land, the slope will try to throw you to the right, but the Boost will help counteract this. Steer left as well and jump as soon as you can to cross the rest of the gap to the landing area on the other side. You may want to practice this in Explore mode in a Race or Trick event with unlimited rewinds before going to Survival with limited or no rewinds. Just do the jump, rewind far enough and do it again. Repeat until you are reasonably comfortable with how to make this jump without the Wingsuit. Follow the track and make the jump across the gap back to the right side. Try not to hit too many flares and end up in Tricky mode yet. Ideally, you'll want to hit Tricky just before jumping back across to the left, but as long as you have a decent amount of boost built up, that is sufficient. When you get to the point where you're supposed to cross back to the left side, don't. Hug the right and the path continues down to a second crossing point. Take that jump across instead. Try to get into Tricky from this jump, or into Super Tricky if you hit Tricky from the flares. Boost hard at the second wingsuit jump and aim slightly off the left side of the jump. With a good jump you can often make it across this gap straight up, but it is easier and safer if you aimed left. You'll land on the left wall a little shy of the far side of the path, but can easily board along the wall until you're past the gap. Once you reach the far side of the gap, stay to the left side. Do not follow the main path down the center. You want to be on the ridge above the main path on the left side. Follow this ridge along the wall until you reach the next jump. You need only a little boost, but you do need some boost. Start from the right edge as you enter the last section before the jump and boost across towards the left side, where the ledge meets the cliff wall. Boost and jump just where the two meet and you should clear the gap. This jump, like the first is a good one to practice where you have unlimited rewinds first before trying it during a Survival run. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to bypass the last two Wingsuit jumps. There are some paths along the left side, but I haven't found a way to reach them without the Wingsuit. The final jump is a bit shorter and may be possible to clear with a high speed board and full Boost. I haven't tested that yet as my tests have been focusing on using level 1 gear, which isn't speedy enough to clear the gap. Use boost just before the jumps, launch yourself and use the Wingsuit to cross the gaps. Once you get across the final Wingsuit jump, head to the left side. In this final section, there are avalanches. This is why you want the Armor over the Headlamp. The headlamp is nice in the cave, but not really necessary. If you don't have armor here, one mistake can see you dead. It is possible though to get through this entire section without Boost and without taking any damage. After you land from the final Wingsuit jump, hug the left wall. You want to slow yourself down first or you'll fly right off the wall as it bends left. The idea is to board high along the wall and avoid the tunnels (and avalanche debris) altogether. At about the 750m remaining mark, there is a block of ice that juts out. If you run into this, you'll take damage and likely tumble down into the avalanche debris for even more damage. Just head right at the right side of it, turn slightly left as you approach it and jump over it. Jump over or steer around the small hole past that and continue down along the left side. As you near the finish line it is easier to drift along the high ground that trends to the middle of the track. Use your boost at this point if you want and outrace the debris to the helicopter. Don't forget to jump to the helicopter. It sucks to have a good run, then forget something so simple. Congrats. Take your ride back to the top and do it all again... and again... until your Wingsuit finally isn't capable of carrying you across one of the gaps. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ JAPAN [ExploJapan] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ NEW ZEALAND [ExploNewZealand] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | MORNIN' TIGER | | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Don Sunny Medal Targets: Gold: 12,635,335 (Tane) Silver: 6,753,505 (Ty) Bronze: 971,743 (Zoe) Mornin' Tiger offers very few hazards, and is a trickster's playground. Be wary of rocks, rails, and trees which can interfere with your flow. Other than these, it's just you, your board, and a sky full of tricks. Be sure to line up as many of the big ramps on this course as you can, as you'll cash in big trick points for doing so. There are three enormous jumps about halfway through which can make a huge different to your score. From the start, use the ramps available to build up your trick meter. It will be tempting to start building your combo using the rock-lined divots on either side, but if you prewind a good grab for the first ramp, you can land in tricky mode with ease. Veer slightly left after this first ramp, and you have another huge jump, the left of the two with orange arrows. Land an uber trick from this, and can quickly achieve super tricky. For the next 1,500m, you can take your pick of generously placed ramps. Avoid boosting before you jump unless absolutely necessary. Also avoid boosting when on rails, as this will throw you down the mountain faster than necessary. Combine a single uber trick with plenty of spins or flips, and you should be set. Avoid the temptation of jumping on the snowy mounds on either sides of the rocks, unless you're sure they'll give you a safe landing. There's a good chance that this could disrupt your flow, either by slowing you down, landing you in the middle of the rocks, or diverting you from the man-made ramps. Stick to the obvious, hazard free jumps and enjoy. With approximately 1,300m remaining, you have some great chances to land tons of points, with 3 huge airs. Big air 1) - about 1400m remaining. As the track bends to the left, you'll see the ground drop away, giving you a chance to land a nice long uber trick. Take full advantage, and add in a little boost before you jump, to give you the best possible clearance. You can maintain super tricky mode by using board presses + boosting to maintain speed, right until you jump. Big air 2) - about 1200m remaining. Soon after, you'll see 4 enormous ramps stacked around the edge of a dam. Pick your course, and make it a priority to maintain super tricky status for the jump. Hold a single uber for the duration of your airtime, and the points should flood in. **BUT**, look out for the sadistically placed pipework. Often, you'll bounce on these halfway through the jump. As you start this jump, keep your eyes on the bottom of the screen - if the pipes appear and you think you'll land on them, you'll have to abandon your uber trick to avoid wiping out, until you've bounced off them. If you don't collide with the pipes, keep the uber trick held for the whole jump - this is key to landing a big score. Big air 3) - about 1000m remaining. Immediately after this jump, you have another big air. The track slopes up steeply then gives way to an obvious jump. Maintain super tricky status before you jump, prewind and then hold an uber for this very satisfying freefall. Having landed big air #3, picking a course to the right hand side of the track give you a fairly hazard free, big-air route with less disruption to flow. With ~700m to go, take the red rail on the right hand side, boost, and launch yourself for another huge air opportunity. If you land in any of the icy gullies, don't panic. Avoid sharp turning and look for ramps in front of you, which will get you back out of the ice quicker than you expect. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ PATAGONIA [ExploPatagonia] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | BLACK BOX | | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Don Wingsuit Required - Day Medal Targets: Gold: 9,017,021 (Elise) Silver: 4,816,917 (Griff) Bronze: 885,794 (Psymon) This is another steep trick run with sheer drops to your left and right. Keep a straight course - avoid most of the rails, maximise the big jumps and golden glory will be yours! From the start, stay away from that red rail, and follow the track to the right. In the early stages, stick to the inside left of the course as this is where most of the healthy, man-made ramps have been placed. Keep a close eye out for crevices, though. The track flattens out with approx 800m of descent remaining. Avoid the airplane wreckage at all costs, it's a magnet for bails and no-flow penalties. Watch out for another set of crevices in the middle of the course for the final section. Keep straight lines and stick to the left or right. The final jumps of this course offer your last big air opportunities - so enjoy them in full tricky for maximum points. +-------------------------------------------+ | MAJESTIC | | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Don Wingsuit Required - Day Medal Targets: Gold: 12,141,182 (Griff) Silver: 6,926,839 (Elise) Bronze: 980,790 (Zoe) This is a breathless trick run with big scoring opportunities. Keeping a good combo meter and landing some big early airs with minimum rewinds is key to a big score here. The main hazards are sheer drops on either side of you. In the final half of this course (which is 'Weirdsville'), stick to the left hand side of the course at all times for big airs. Jumping from the heli, the course banks hard and steep to the right. Jump & trick when possible, but don't try to force it, as the chance of dropping over the edge is high. Avoid the early red rails as they steal air tricking opportunities from you. Coming to the first big jump with ~3,200m remaining, the red rail which runs through the fuselage is a great way to increase speed and get the biggest possible jump. You might be able to land this jump without needing the wingsuit, but it's 50/50. Jump before you reach the lip of the rail to maintain forward momentum and give yourself the best chance of clearing it. Try to stick to the right hand side for the best chance of big air and least hassle. There's another big jump with ~3000m remaining. A jutting-out wing / rocks give you a great chance to avoid using the wingsuit again, and stick to tricks. *When you land, immediately LEFT for the easiest run and best chance to start building combo and boost. Beware the rocky crevice in the middle of the left hand path (which traps you into a long, narrow alley with no trick opportunities).Instead, enjoy the amply manmade ramps at your disposal.Stay away from the long red rail (At 2,500m remaining) which snakes to the right, in order to keep tricking on ramps. Shortly afterwards, be sure to get in tricky or super tricky mode, and launch yourself for a long, tweaked uber. You can spot this jump on the approach from the left by the slanted, jagged rocks which point out into the open air. If approaching from the right, it's framed by a wrecked fuselage. From here, again, take your pick of ramps. I recommend that you stick to the far left for the next 1000m, With approx 1,550m remaining, launch yourself from the large ramp (with the wingsuit logo on it). If you prefer to steer to the right, there's a nice vertical ramp with about 1,414m remaining which you can boost up and get a nice huge air from. As the track bends back to the right, you again have your pick of huge airs - be sure to keep in tricky/super tricky whenever possible, boost shortly before jumping to give yourself maximum airtime, and rack up the points. After this, the track flattens out with approx 800m of descent remaining. Rock walls to the left give you off-piste air opportunities if you use a little boost and point your board up the side. Avoid the airplane wreckage at all costs, it's a magnet for bails and hands out no-flow penalties like they're going out of fashion. Round the corner, a rocky crevice opens up in the middle of the course, with red rails snaking in and out of it. Avoid this crevice as much as you can - keep straight lines and stick to the left or right. It may be tricky for ;ower-level characters (1-6) to jump safely from these rails, so if you do get sucked in, it might be easiest to rewind out of there and avoid them. There are plenty of ramps to tempt you out over this crevice - the safer route is to avoid them and trick from the canyon walls & other available ramps. The final jumps of this course offer your last big air opportunities - so enjoy them in full tricky for maximum points. +-------------------------------------------+ | WEIRDSVILLE | | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Don Wingsuit Required - Day Medal Targets: Gold: 4,777,109 (Griff) Silver: 1,356,294 (Psymon) Bronze: 344,830 (Elise) This is a steep, fun, trick run. Main hazards are sheer drops on either side of you, but apart from that there are plenty of big air opportunities and unlimited rewinds to get you out of any tight spots. If in doubt, stick to the left hand side of the course at all times for big airs. Though the wingsuit is advisable, it's perfectly possible to get safely down without using it. Jumping from the heli, turn immediately LEFT for the easiest run and best chance to start building combo and boost. Beware the rocky crevice in the middle of the left hand path (which traps you into a long, narrow alley with no trick opportunities). Instead, enjoy the amply manmade ramps at your disposal. Stay away from the long red rail (At 2,500m remaining) which snakes to the right, in order to keep tricking on ramps. Shortly afterwards, be sure to get in tricky or super tricky mode, and launch yourself for a long, tweaked uber. You can spot this jump on the approach from the left by the slanted, jagged rocks which point out into the open air. If approaching from the right, it's framed by a wrecked fuselage. From here, again, take your pick of ramps. I recommend that you stick to the far left for the next 1000m, With approx 1,550m remaining, launch yourself from the large ramp (with the wingsuit logo on it). If you prefer to steer to the right, there's a nice vertical ramp with about 1,414m remaining which you can boost up and get a nice huge air from. As the track bends back to the right, you again have your pick of huge airs - be sure to keep in tricky/super tricky whenever possible, boost shortly before jumping to give yourself maximum airtime, and rack up the points. After this, the track flattens out with approx 800m of descent remaining. Rock walls to the left give you off-piste air opportunities if you use a little boost and point your board up the side. Avoid the airplane wreckage at all costs, it's a magnet for bails and hands out no-flow penalties like they're going out of fashion. Round the corner, a rocky crevice opens up in the middle of the course, with red rails snaking in and out of it. Avoid this crevice as much as you can - keep straight lines and stick to the left or right. It may be tricky for ;ower-level characters (1-6) to jump safely from these rails, so if you do get sucked in, it might be easiest to rewind out of there and avoid them. There are plenty of ramps to tempt you out over this crevice - the safer route is to avoid them and trick from the canyon walls & other available ramps. The final jumps of this course offer your last big air opportunities - so enjoy them in full tricky for maximum points. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ROCKIES [ExploRockies] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------+ | INTREPID | | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Fredde007 Armor Required - Night Time Medal Targets: Gold: 2,045,622 (Zoe) Silver: 802,520 (Griff) Bronze: 211,535 (Alex) This is originally the Tree Deadly Decent. Equipping armor is highly recommended because of the potential danger of hitting to many trees which eventually leads to death. As you drop out do a tweaked grab, and as you land do a fast trick to get the flow going. Follow the flare line and avoid the trees on the side for the first large ramp. Do a massive trick and when you hit the ground you'll be in tricky mode. Quickly jump over the 2 fallen trees in your path and be ready for a small jump to trick off. Alternatively grind the tree to the right for a chance of some big air. There will be a big kicker leading in to a ramp with a tree blockade. Jump early to avoid hitting them. With 2000 meters left you should be in Bronze. The next section of the track is very curvy. Try to trick off the sides but be wary that there is a high chance to hitting trees. There will be a ramp, that leads into another ramp with a tree blockade. After that jump there is a possibility to grind a tree as well as jump for some air. The track will curve sharply left. One option is to trick straight over it. Now you be entering a section with trees blocking selectively left and right. Trick over them and line up for a very narrow ramp blocked with trees. By 900 meters left you should have passed silver. After a large unblocked jump it will lead you into a part with many fallen trees blocking the ground. Avoid going too fast and don't boost if not necessary. Jumping over the fourth tree obstacle will give you good air. The next section has three tree barriers, recommended action is to trick over them and at the third one net some big air. This leads into a safe last portion of the track with two big jumps with tree grinds available. Go big as there is no worry to hit trees. Before the end of the track there is room to trick off the cavern walls before you pass the finish line. +-------------------------------------------+ | WRECKING CREW | | Trick It! | +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: Fredde007 Armor Required - Night Time Medal Targets: Gold: 2,119,307 (Zoe) Silver: 1,610,397 (Griff) Bronze: 265,443 (Alex) As you drop out of the helicopter do a tweaked grab. When you hit the ground prepare a quick spin or flip with a grab for some extra flow. Remember to hit the flares to get the combo going and don't boost to avoid going to fast. This is important during the early parts of the course as well as the areas with no ramps. Keep hitting flares and do small tricks, avoiding the clusters of trees and the fallen log and by the first large jump you should be in tricky mode with a flow with about 4 or more. The next section the track has curves where it's relatively safe to trick off the sides. Keep super tricky up and after a short tunnel there will be a large jump to trick off. By now you should have reached bronze. Avoid the fallen trees and after the next turn there will be another large jump to pull a big trick on, but be sure you line up your jump due to the vast amount of trees on the side. After a left turn the will be another jump to pull a big trick on. Keep doing short tricks on the small jumps the course has to offer. After a left turn you will enter an area with a natural kicker. Get some big air tricks in this section and if you have time try to line up some good jumps of terrain provided. Exit this section by the large kicker in the far back of the cavern and after this jump you should have reached silver. Now follows a long section without any kickers. Trick of the sides of the natural terrain and keep both your combo and super tricky going. Soon you will come to a section that slowly turns right, follow the flares and this will be the last large ramp so do a massive trick of it. When you cross the finish line, you'll hopefully will be in the gold. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ SIBERIA [ExploSiberia] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ SPECIAL SECTION: DEADLY DESCENT TIPS [ExploDeadDes] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: laidback0378 +-------------------------------------------+ | THE ROCKIES | | Trees Deadly Descent | +-------------------------------------------+ The Rockies -- Trees The Rockies are home to the DD of Trees. This is a good introductory DD because its actually the easiest in the game. Some tips to remember: A. Just because you have a level 10 character, with a legendary board, doesn't make it a good idea to actually use it on a DD. In fact, it's a lot easier to use a lvl 5 board for instance. DD are not timed events, you can take all the time you need, so go a bit slower and make sure you have good lines and plenty of time to jump as you come up to each fallen tree. In one section towards the bottom there is a series of fallen trees, one after the other. You have plenty of space to stop as you land, then line up the next one, jump it, and stop again if you wish. B. The silver trophy for doing this DD without the proper gear can be tackled exactly the same way as you do the DD with gear. Being careful, it's easy to avoid taking any damage at all. C. One more thing to point out -- whether you wear armor or not, when you take damage and it removes some of your health, when you get up, stay still for a few seconds! Some of the health you lost will regenerate. This becomes incredibly useful later on for the Rock DD. +-------------------------------------------+ | SIBERIA | | Ice Deadly Descent | +-------------------------------------------+ Next up we have Siberia, home to Ivan Drago, the Soviet super boxer who killed Apollo Creed. Time to conquer there DD and plant a flag at the peak so they know who is boss! But seriously, Ice is the DD of Siberia, and is actually quite easy to overcome. The stage design makes it difficult, but the actual mechanic of ice really isn't, in fact I find it easier to not equip ice axes at all as they slow you down. So some tips: A. Both low and high level Ice Axes don't really help a whole lot. In general turns you can't make without 'em, you still can't make with 'em. I golded every event in Siberia, including tricking the DD, Punch Up, with an uber high score needed for gold, and I honestly couldn't see any improvement in turning with the Ice Axes. And in Racing, they will slow you down every time you turn. B. So, the best defense against this DD? Learning the track. Keep in mind you have rewinds. C. The best tip I can give though is to remember that you can grind ledges, like the ledges to the crevasse in the center of the track. Hold in the direction of the closest wall, and you won't slip off into the abyss either! D. Another key to this track is grinding the ice ridges that can be found all along the track. Approach either head on, or at a shallow angle (ie less than 30 degrees) and you will almost always get on. They will help guide you around the course and are generally found before jumps that will take you across to the other side of the track. E. One final note-- just like the Tree DD, there is no need to go flyin' thru this DD. Its ok to go slow, especially when you are learning the track. F. The silver trophy, for Doing this DD without the proper gear, is gonna be virtually identical to the one you do in World Tour, since Ice Axes are pretty much useless anyways. Knowing the course is far more helpful. +-------------------------------------------+ | ALASKA | | Avalanche Deadly Descent | +-------------------------------------------+ A skip, hop, and a SSX Jump away, and we land in the land of oil pipes. No, not Kuwait! Alaska! Alaska is home to the DD of Avalanche, which introduces a new viewpoint, and requires armor to help keep you from getting pounded. A. The controls -- don't get frustrated if it takes you a few runs to get used to them. When the game says "keep right" they mean your right, as you look at the screen, so move the boarder to the left side of your screen. B. Being airborne is your friend! Besides getting boost, being airborne means you can't get pounded like a keg at a frat party. C. If you cause an avalanche to form, the best ways out are to boost ahead of it, then move off to the side. Don't stay in its path! Lateral movement after getting ahead is the key. D. Like most DDs, the Avalanche DD gets much easier with higher level gear. Especially getting the silver trophy for doing this DD without armor. A level 9 or 10 rider with a rare or better rocket board should be able to easily outrun the avalanche. Just tap the boost for a second to get out in front, then move left or right. If you can trick frequently and keep your boost up, then you can boost all the way to the bottom, or save it for when an avalanche starts and trick less frequently. Play whichever suits your style! E. As mentioned in the Tree DD section, if you do take damage to your health bar, once you break free and are not taking any damage your health will regenerate some, as long as you don't interrupt the process by taking further damage. It's not a small amount either! +-------------------------------------------+ | HIMALAYAS | | Oxygen Deadly Descent | +-------------------------------------------+ So now that American territories are covered, lets hit the Himalayas! Ah, peace and tranquility! Hey I think I see Sherpa the man servant from SSX3 waving at me! Or maybe it's the air, screwin' with me? Could be, as this is home to the DD of Low Oxygen. A. Like a lot of DDs, this one becomes a whole lot easier with better gear because you will have a bigger supply of oxygen, and can stop worrying about things like death. But in WT you don't really have that luxury, so the biggest tip I can give here is to learn the course, as the faster you can get down, the better. B. A solid piece of advice as far as the course goes is to stay on the upper part of the track as much as possible, as the lower part bears a striking resemblance to a slalom course, except the gates are made out of big hunks of rock that really want to knock you down. They are probably cousins of that pet rock you threw away........(by upper part of track I mean the high ground) C. Remember to press in your gear button before you screen turns completely black. I hear that's bad. D. One bit of great news! There is no trophy for doing this DD with improper gear, as it can't be done. So once past it, no need to go back and make it any harder on yourself by not using an oxygen tank! +-------------------------------------------+ | ANTARCTICA | | Cold Deadly Descent | +-------------------------------------------+ Well. I hear about this "global warming" thing all the time, so maybe now would be a good time to hit Antarctica, before it gets renamed Krispy's Water Park and Day Spa. Stay away from the lazy river! There is more pee than chlorine in that thing, I swear it! Lucky for us, it's still cold as ...well it's actually colder than anything I can compare it to. Maybe that's why cold is the DD? A. so this one isn't so bad! Wait who am I kidding, this one sucks! The biggest tip is of course the most obvious! Learn the course! Both your health and your solar power will recharge in the sun, so after taking a big hit, stop in the sun to recharge. B. Trick when you can -- being able to boost through parts with shadow is very important. C. When you come to the first Y in the track, each way full of shadows, go left, and boost through. That leads to a shadow free area. At the end of that area, there is a jump, and if you jump that jump right down the center, you can stay in sunlight and pick a line from there that will get you the rest of the way. D. The acheiv, A Cold One, for doing the DD without a solar suit, works best with the wingsuit. EA released a vid just before the game released entitled "It's Cold Out Here" that shows how to obtain the achievement. Look it up, and good luck! Took me about 400 tries. My downfall? Trying it with a lvl 6 wingsuit.Much easier with a lvl 10 one. Oh, and the very last wingsuit jump he does in that vid? If you land on the large rock outcropping, and line up for that final glide, but end up going off the center instead of off to the right, no worries! It's easy to adjust your heading in the air to land on the right side going down to the finish. +-------------------------------------------+ | AFRICA | | Darkness Deadly Descent | +-------------------------------------------+ All this traveling has left me curious about my roots so let's travel to what some call the birthplace of mankind. I am not sure about all that jazz, but I can definitely confirm its the birthplace of crazy! Cause this DD is blackness! And maybe I will find a root there! A. Since this DD takes place in a cave and there are a few crevasses around, its generally not a great idea to trick. you will pick up some boost from riding rails and knocking around the flares on the ground. Boosting while on rails is a good idea. But on the track its generally not needed. B. Having a good line, one without any shortcuts, but that doesn't cause you to wreck, will net you a gold even if you never boost. So learning the track is absolutely key. You don't need to memorize the whole thing, but running it a few times will help you realize that the fastest way down isn't trying to avoid those narrow sections but rather riding thru them. C. Those narrow sections with the lava on each side? Yah, they suck, but there are only 11 of em to worry about. Most have a rail that will carry you thru or around each lava section. I will say, for the 9th lava section, avoid that rail on the right, as I think the designers deliberately designed it to put you into a pit no matter what you do. Seriously, avoid it. But virtually all other rails are great to get. I found only two sections that didn't have a rail to take you through it, so before entering the next section look around for a rail or passage to the left or right of the "main path". D. Between rails and hitting flares, at some point you should get Tricky, which is a good thing as it will throw a lot of light around making it much easier to see. This is especially useful when attempting the DD without any gear. E. One section has a ice ridge in the center that you can grind all the way thru a section. All in all, there are only a few sections that you need to stay on your toes for, meaning they have turns, get really narrow, and/or have a gap that needs crossed that don't also have ways of avoiding it, such as a rail, or alternate path. F. I am going to use a different space to write up the guide to the Darkness DD without a headlight, as I will take you step by step thru it. You will find it at the bottom of this section. It's not as bad as you think it will be. Since finding rails is really hard in the dark, the short of it is you slowly go thru the course and use the light given off by the lava to find your way from section to section. It's still not that bad though. And many of the sections of lava can be mitigated in other, more imaginative ways. G. It helped me a lot to visualize this course as a long rail, with 11 sections, each of which might have a couple ways thru, each section connected by a single "connection" zone. ie this stage is not big, not wide at all. The only places you will find branching paths is in the lava section bits. +-------------------------------------------+ | PATAGONIA | | Gravity Deadly Descent | +-------------------------------------------+ Well, I guess Patagonia should be the next stop, as it's where we meet the DD of "haha good luck getting across this!" Of Course its easy with a wingsuit, hell, it's possible to beat it without a wingsuit with a level 4 character (I did, and with a lvl 3 board to boot)! Lets discuss how. A. First off, it's not all that necessary to really memorize the track, except to know that at certain spots you can't make the jump in one go and need to find a waypoint, a bit of snow to land on, then re-alight. That's "get back in the air" for all you junior high dropouts that don't realize it's a word. Look it up! For the most part it's really easy to tell where you are supposed to go next though. B. With some speed, and a little course knowledge, it's not necessary to even use a wingsuit, but if you are, you should know that like most DDs, it gets significantly easier with higher level gear. Still, it's manageable enough with what we are given in World Tour. Just know that it's all downhill from WT. C. Try not to deploy the wingsuit while your rider is upside down, or it will take a couple seconds before you have control, and by that point most likely you will be using another new feature to SSX -- the rewind. How to avoid doing that? I'd tell you to never use the left analog stick but that sounds wrong. Hmm, guess you will just have to pray that you're lucky, and if you're not, be sure to give EA a piece of your mind. IN CAPS. D. Now, for the achievement of not using a wingsuit, its actually pretty doable. Right from the start, do a flip and a grab before you land, as you will need that boost to make it over the first gap. You can make it, trust me, by about 1 cm. Once over, do another trick, and go off the next jump towards the center. Where you land on the third section really matters, as that section is one big turn and getting off that jump is essential to making it to the next session. The good news? Once you are on the 4th section, it's all downhill. The first gap and the third gap are the hardest jumps to this achievement. Of course if you are using a high level character none of them will be all that hard but only the truly skilled will try it at level 4. Heh. Sorry. Ahem, so the other advice I have is this: at the first Y, the first section you come to with two jumps, go off the left one, as the gap is much smaller. At the second Y, go right, as it's easier to cross on that side. For the third Y, I stayed to the right. It's a really solid idea to trick as you cross each gap so that you have a lot of boost to use as you approach the following jump. +-------------------------------------------+ | ALPS | | Rocks Deadly Descent | +-------------------------------------------+ After all these DDs, I feel like a piece of swiss cheese. Let's go visit the Swiss. I hear they like to hang out in the Alps and make fun of Canadians. Sounds like fun! So the DD for the Alps is Rocks, which is exactly what I am going to get hit with IRL if I keep poking fun of the Canadians. So, let's talk about the second easiest DD in SSX 2012. A. So like most DDs, this one is easier with better armor, however, its not that hard and is one of the easier ones to complete with improper, or better yet, no gear. B. Learning this course is pretty easy, as its very linear. Right at the start there is a pretty narrow section. When you approach the second narrow section you can go to the right, over a nice hump, and avoid that aggravation altogether. C. As with all DDs, this is not a race, so you can go as slow as you want. In fact, I would strongly recommend going slow in sections that have many rock outcroppings to jump over. You do need some speed for the very large jumps, to avoid the rocks on the ground at the landing. D. The achievement for using improper gear(in this case, no gear, why not?) is going to be mostly the same as using gear, except you can wipe less. By going slow through narrow sections, and completely avoiding the sections you can, you can minimize your chances of failure significantly. E. Keep in mind, after you take a spill, to stop in place if at all possible, so that your health can partially regenerate. It will help a lot. +-------------------------------------------+ | NEW ZEALAND | | Whiteout Deadly Descent | +-------------------------------------------+ I guess that just leaves New Zealand, home to S&M enthusiasts. I mean, why?! Why live here? For one thing, it plays home to the DD of Whiteout, which is reason enough to move somewhere tropical ASAP. Then the only whiteout you will see will be all the tourists at the beach, rapidly turning from white to red as their skin struggles to deal with this weird phenomenon known as "sunlight". A. Well, there is no way around it, learning this course is going to be a serious PITA. Flares are very helpful, but can still lead you astray. Jumps almost always have a death chance. While two flares on a jump may give you a good heading, how far or how short of a jump you need is nothing you can determine in advance. Prepare to die a lot. Expect your first 20 runs to end at the bottom of a pit. It probably won't take you 20 runs, so you will beat your expectations and be in a good mood. This track is long though, so there is a lot to learn. B. The one solid tip I have about the course is towards the end, stay to the right. Eventually you will come across 3 red rails. Take the left most, and you can boost the whole long length, and make up a lot of time. I made up over 10 secs one run and went on to win. Its definitely worth it. C. Most importantly, as you ride, you will realize the track is comprised of a huge crevasse in the middle of the track, that at times will contain 80-90% of the width of the entire track. The sections you ride on, that Y so often, lead to the track resembling a "8". Whichever way you go at a Y, the two paths will meet back together sooner or later. D. The good news is that there isn't any crevasses on the area where you are riding. They come in the form of the large empty spaces and the occasional jump. E. So what about the acheivement? How do you navigate this crazy twisting track without goggles? Well, I will tell you. First, we want to avoid the big jump areas, when possible. Also, I prefer to avoid the small jump areas as well. Most importantly, we need to stay in areas that have flares, as they are our lifeblood for this! So the following is a list of the directions to turn as you come to each Y. NAVIGATING WHITEOUT WITHOUT PULSE GOGGLES: ----------------------------------------- * straight thru the big hole in the rock wall. once inside, stay to the left (chasm in middle and right) and go boost big off the first jump you come to. end of section. * left. ignore all jumps with flares in this section, they are unnecessary. there are two. As you enter this section stay left, and when you see a jump, move towards the middle of the section, and avoid the jump. stay on the flares, there is a short narrow section and when you get past that continue following the flares as they lead you to the right. avoid the next jump you see, instead staying to the right. another very short narrow section leads to the next Y. end of section. * left again, but center left. follow the flares. ignore the first jump to the far left. just follow the path around till it ends in a jump. this one you do need to jump over, but its a medium jump, don't need much boost to make it. You will land on a semi small ledge. A short distance later you need to make another jump, this one is small and you don't need to boost at all to make it. When you land you will have only one way to go, so go down the slope. follow the flares. at the bottom, stay a little to the left, another short jump marked by two flares, pick up a little boost if you like. you will see a tiny "knob" sticking out of the middle of the track. ignore it. * just past the tiny knob, the next section has a big chasm on the left, so we will be following the flares as always, and staying to the right side of this section. its pretty wide at the start, gets narrower further down. at first jump, a tiny one marked by two flares, simply move to the right of both flares and avoid the jump altogether. can take this narrow section very slow. eventually come to another jump, small, even a tiny amt of boost will get you over. Now, a bit of a breather! The whiteout goes away for a bit,leaving you able to see no problem! end of section. * I go left at this intersection. there is a left, center, and right. I go left, but be very careful, there are drops on both sides here. Lucky for you, the whiteout is still gone, making it much easier to navigate. When you come to a big jump marked by two flares, boost and jump big. Its a large gap, a chance to pick up a lot of boost. The wind seems to correct your jump path if your vector is off too much. When you land you can choose to go either left or right. Go right!!!!! end of section * Since you went right, your now on a section with a chasm to your left, so follow the flares, go SLOW, and stick to the middle of the track, cause there is a chasm on your right as well! After a short bit you come out into what feels like a forest, with trees popping out of the whiteout seemingly all over. Your goal is to keep following flares, but track to the right as often as you can. * At the very end of the "forest" section, you will see a small narrow jump, avoid it! go past it on the right, and stay towards the middle of this very short but very narrow pass. In front of you you will see 9 flares on the ground! Congratz, you made it to the rail section. Take any of the three rails, they all lead to the exact same place. Stress free riding, at its best! When you hit terra firma again, continue down the slope. *When path splits, stay left, dodge a couple trees, then boost and jump off the wide jump in front of you. By the time you land, you will be able to see the finish zone! The whiteout will have lifted, simply follow the flares all the way to the finish. Keep in mind when doing the achievement for using improper/no gear that you DO NOT have to win the race, merely survive a run!!! So pay no attention to Griff and how fast he is going. This is actually a pretty easy, and pretty repeatable DD and achievement to do. I am not the most talented player, not by a long shot, but managed to knock out the acheiv on my second try after having won the DD on WT. =============================================================================== SECTION THREE: GAMEPLAY TECHNIQUES [GameplayTechStart] =============================================================================== a. HUD (Heads Up Display) Explanation [GameplayHUD] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The HUD overlay in SSX can be extraordinarily busy at times and therefore may come across as overwhelming or confusing. So much information can appear at any one time that this section will attempt to make sense of the barrage of information so that you know what to look for and pay attention to depending on what mode and event you are playing. ------------------------------------------------- [-------------|| HUD OVERLAY ||-----------------] ------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | ____________ ___________ | | / ___ \ | | | 04:18.99 (A) | | 14,255,120 1st <--(E) | | | 200 kph (B) (D) |2nd| 12,566,200 2nd | | | | 5,283 m remaining (C) \__| 7,885,223 3rd | | | | 1,085,894 4th | | | | 669,054 5th | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 11 Trick Combo (F) MASSIVE! (I) | | /\ 115,645 (G) FS 360 Switch Indy Flip x4 (J) | | || >>> 12,566,200 <<< (K) (L) | | || BS 360 (H) ________________________ ____ | | || Front Flip /__________|_____________\ (M) Armor |__|_| (O) | | || Switch Uber _____ | | |x15 | (N) | | ------ | | | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ------------------------------------------------- [-------------|| HUD KEY ||-----------------] ------------------------------------------------- I have capitalized important information in the HUD you should pay extra attention to. INFO LISTED INFORMATION REPRESENTED HUD POSITION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) 4:18.99 TIME PASSED (Upper Left) B) 200 kph Current Speed (Upper Left) C) 5,283 m remaining Distance remaining (Upper Left) D) 2nd CURRENT PLACE (Upper Right) E) 1st, 2nd, etc Places of you & competitors (Upper Right) F) 11 Trick Combo COMBO COUNT (Lower Left) G) 115,645 COMBO BANK (Lower Left) H) Trick Listings Last 5 tricks done (Lower Left) I) MASSIVE! Trick Rating (Lower Middle) J) FS 360 Switch Indy Your current trick (Lower Middle) K) >>> <<< CHEVRONS INDICATING COMBO EXPIRATION (Lower Middle) L) 12,566,200 SCORE (Lower Middle) ______________ M)/______|_______\ Boost Bar (becomes TRICKY when full) (Lower Middle) N) x15 COMBO MULTIPLIER (Lower Middle) ____ 0) Armor |__|_| Equipment Info (Armor, Lamp, etc) (Lower Right) ------------------------------------------------- [-------------|| HUD NOTES ||-----------------] ------------------------------------------------- A) 4:18.99 - This is the amount of time spent on the course. This maxes out at 59:59.99. This time appears in both Race It and Trick It. In Race It, this is your time and the most important feature on the screen. In Trick It, it only denotes how much time you've spent on the course and has no bearing on score or anything else. The optimal amount of time you CAN spend on a course in Trick It before your multiplier starts to lower is determined by the Flow system. (See Combo System section for more information on Flow.) B) 200 kph - Your current speed, in kilometers per hour. C) 5,283 - distance remaining until the finish line, in meters. D) 2nd - Your current place (first, second, third, etc.) E) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. The places and scores of everyone in the current event. Sometimes during events, these places will switch depending on who is performing the best. F) 11 Trick Combo - This is your current COMBO COUNT. Combo Count is the number of tricks in your current combo string. This doesn't determine much except the Combo Bonus you receive when you cash-in combos of a certain number. For example, if you cash in a combo of 55, you will receive a one-time score bonus of 150,000 points. See the Combo Section for more information. Likewise, a high combo count also awards Badges in Game. See the Badges section for more information. G) 115,645 - This is your current COMBO BANK. Each time you perform a trick, the base value of the trick is put into the Combo Bank. When you cash in your combo, your Combo Bank is multiplied times your COMBO MULTIPLIER and added to your score. See the Combo Section for more information on how the Combo Bank works. H) BS 360, Front Flip, Switch Uber - the Trick List. This keeps track of the last five or so tricks you have done, Doesn't have a lot of bearing on anything but is a nice little addition for information's sake. I) MASSIVE! - This is the "Trick Rating" that appears when you do a trick with a lot of airtime. Goes from HUGE to MASSIVE. HUGE tricks are worth more points than regular tricks, and MASSIVE tricks are worth the most points of all. If you get a MASSIVE trick, it will be worth a ton of points. J) FS 360 Switch Indy - the name of the trick you are doing. This naming convention can get a little confusing, so I will attempt to break it down for you here: FS - the direction of spin you are doing (FS = Frontside, BS = Backside) 360 - number of spin rotation in degrees Indy - the Grab/Uber you are doing. Indy is a grab, but when you are in Super Tricky mode, this changes from an Indy Grab to the "Waay Back" Super Uber. Flip x4 - Any flips you do are labeled at the end K) >>> <<< - COMBO TIMER This is easily the most overlooked section of the HUD. Do you see those chevrons on either side of your score? They indicate how long you have to do the next trick until your current combo expires! Each chevron fills in on either side of the score and you reach 3 chevrons as time runs out. When all 3 chevrons are filled in, your combo is about to expire. The amount of time you have between combos is directly dependent on how high scoring your last trick was. If you did a "HUGE!" or "MASSIVE!" trick, then you can have up to 3-5 seconds between tricks before your combo expires. However, if you do a quick little 360 spin on the ground, your combo can expire in about 1 second! L) 12,566,200 - Your current score. Doesn't have much bearing in Race It events, but in Trick It events this is where it matters. Pay attention to this as it determines your medal placing in trick events. M) Boost Bar - your boost bar fills when you do tricks. You then spend Boost which causes you to speed up, essential in races and to get big air in Trick Events. This is why the oldest saying in SSX history has always been "Tricks equals Boost, Boost equals Speed." The Boost Bar turns to the word "TRICKY" when you fill it up. When you are in TRICKY state, you have unlimited boost. Tricky usually lasts somewhere between 10-15 seconds if you don't do any other tricks to continue TRICKY status. If you continue doing tricks while in TRICKY status, you enter "SUPER TRICKY" status, which is denoted by the TRICKY bar turning orange. While in SUPER TRICKY status, all your regular tricks turn into SUPER UBERS and are worth far more points. Additionally, you also have unlimited boost. If you keep on tricking, you can maintain SUPER TRICKY status indefinitely. TRICKY / SUPER TRICKY status will start to flash a few seconds before it is set to expire. Once it starts to flash, you will stay in TRICKY / SUPER TRICKY only as long as you keep your combo going. N) x15 - this is your COMBO MULTIPLIER. This is the single most important factor in a successful Trick It Run. You want to get your COMBO multiplier up to 20x as fast as possible, and keep it there as long as possible. The Combo Multiplier is raised by doing high scoring tricks in succession without crashing, all while moving down the course at a rate of speed to avoid having your multiplier lower. This "tricks versus speed" dichotomy is called the Flow system, and will be detailed in the Combo Section. (There is far more to it than I can describe here.) Remember that when your COMBO expires, your COMBO BANK is multiplied by your COMBO MULTIPLIER and added to your SCORE. So having a high multiplier is absolutely critical to achieving record-setting scores. Read the many-mentioned Combo Section for all the insight you will ever need into how to achieve high scores in SSX. O) Armor: The lower right section of screen is where every piece of equipment related information is displayed in the HUD. This includes 1) The damage armor can take before it expires 2) The remaining lifespan of Pulse Goggles or Headlamps 3) The amount of Oxygen you have left if using Oxygen tank 4) Amount of life bar left for Ice Axes before they deteriorate Please note there is an additional bar that appears right beside your character whenever you use a wingsuit. This is the Lift Bar and shows you the effective time you can rise in elevation when deploying your wingsuit. After this bar expires, your wingsuit will no longer be able to rise in elevation if you press down. See the Wingsuit section for more information. b. Combo System [GameplayComboSys] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There is nothing more important to successful Trick It runs in SSX than building and keeping combos going . A COMBO in SSX occurs anytime you do at least two tricks in close occurence to each other. For example, if you do a 360 Mute, land, and then follow it up with a 540 Melon, at that point you have done a 2-move combo. When you begin a combo, several things happen in succession that you should be aware of, and keep track of in order to maximize the points you earn. To do this, there are several things you need to become familiar with. Become familiar with the HUD. The HUD section above details many pieces of information that will be referenced in this section of the FAQ. Make sure you read that section first. --------------------- BUILDING A COMBO --------------------- When you perform at least two tricks in a row, several things happen. 1) THE POINTS FROM EACH TRICK ARE ADDED TO YOUR SCORE, located above the boost bar. The value of each trick is always multiplied by your current multiplier, So if you do a 10,000 point trick and your current multiplier is x8, 80,000 points (10,000 x 8) will be added to the score on the bottom of the screen.The next time, you do a 5,000 point trick, which is then multiplied x 9 resulting in 45,000 points being added to your score. Then, you do a 7,500 point trick, multiplied x10 resulting in 75,000 points added to your score, and so on and so forth. 2) THE BASE VALUE OF EACH TRICK GOES INTO YOUR COMBO BANK. Your Combo Bank is located mid-left on the screen, and is the sum of all the tricks you've done, at their base value. For example, I do three tricks, one worth 5,500 points, another worth 10,000 points, and another worth 2,000 points. My combo bank after these three tricks will be 17,500 points. Keep in mind that none of the points in your combo bank are multiplied at all, until you "cash in" your combo by letting it expire or crossing the finish line. (See "Finishing A Combo" below for more information.) 3) YOUR MULTIPLIER MAY GO UP x1 IF YOUR TRICK IS GOOD ENOUGH. In many cases, doing tricks that score above a certain amount (usually more than a few thousand points) causes your Multiplier to increase. See the section on the Flow system for more information on this, as the Flow system is vital to maximize Trick It scores. 4) YOUR COMBO COUNT WILL GO UP. Your combo count is located mid-left on the screen. It keeps track of how many tricks you have done in your current combo string. Unlike past games, your combo count has very little bearing on the success of your trick run, other than a small combo bonus that you are awarded when you finish a combo (see below for details on that.) --------------------- CONTINUING A COMBO --------------------- The goal to an excellent score in Trick It is to keep your combo going as long as possible, until you at least hit 20x multiplier. There are several things that you need to do to continue a combo: 1) KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR COMBO TIMER! Your combo timer is easily the most misunderstood section of the HUD. Located on either side of the score are chevrons (these: >>> <<< ) that look like greater than/less than symbols. You'll notice that as you finish tricks, these chevrons begin appearing on either side of your score. First one, then two, then three chevrons appear next to your score. The closer you get to 3 chevrons on either side of your score, the closer your combo is to expiring! Once the 3 chevrons disappear, your combo expires and many different things happen (see "Finishing a Combo" below.) The amount of time you have between tricks depends on how high scoring your last trick was. If you do a very large trick, worth 10,000 or more points, you may have 3-5 seconds to continue a trick. However, if you do a very low scoring trick, say a 180, you may have only one second to continue your combo before the 3 chevrons expire! 2) USE THE NOSEPRESS/TAILPRESS TO KEEP THE COMBO GOING, BUT BEWARE. So what do you do if you want to continue your combo, but there are no good places to jump and do tricks. Use a nose press or tail press to continue your trick if there are no inclines around to do tricks. But keep in mind that is MUCH better to do ONE SINGLE press than several in a row. The game keeps track of how many presses you do in a row, and halves the combo timer for each additional nosepress, eventually making the combo timer so short that it will expire in a split second if you do several nosepresse in a row. This is why many players use "Bunny Hopping", or doing short tricks on flat ground as an alternative to using a Nose/Tail Press. 3) DO NOT DUPLICATE TRICKS. You will receive a "Duplicate Trick" penalty if you perform the same grab twice in a row. Unlike past games, the amount of spins and flips do not affect whether or not you get a duplicate trick penalty - only which grab you did matters. This penalty severely hurts the boost you receive from a trick as well as making your combo timer extremely short, which makes you lsoe combos. The good news is that the game only keeps track of the last TWO tricks you did. So if you rotate between 3 or more grabs, you shouldn't have to worry about the penalty that much. Additionally, other tricks like picking up flairs (Pieces of Flare) or nose presses count towards the tricks you do, making it difficult to get a Duplicate Trick penalty as long as you are paying attention. 4) DO NOT OVERDO REWINDS. Every time you rewind, you incur a rewind penalty that begins at 5,000 points and increases for as long as you continue rewinding. This deducts points not only from your score, but also from your combo bank! So rewinding a lot can completely erase a combo bank that you've spent an entire run building up. Use rewinds only when you must. --------------------- FINISHING A COMBO --------------------- So you've managed to keep a long run of tricks going, and your combo bank is very high and you'd like to reap the benefits. What do you do? Simple: finish (or "cash in") the combo. You finish the combo in two ways: 1) Allow your combo to expire (let the 3 chevrons appear and disappear). 2) Cross the finish line of an event. Your combo will automatically end. When you finish a combo, many different things happen: 1) YOUR COMBO BANK IS MULTIPLIED BY YOUR COMBO MULTIPLIER AND ADDED TO YOUR SCORE. This might seem complicated bu is actually pretty simple. Here's an example. Say I've built a combo bank of 100,000 points, and I have a multiplier of 20x. If I stop in the middle of my run and allow my combo to expire, my combo bank of 100,000 points is immediately multiplied x 20 (my multiplier) and 2 million points are added to my score! 2) YOUR COMBO BONUS WILL BE ADDED TO YOUR SCORE. Your combo bonus is banked when you end a combo of a certain number of tricks. It is located in the lower left corner of the HUD, above the list of tricks. Combo Bonuses (by mahkra): ------------------------ 2+ tricks - 2,000 points 5+ tricks - 10,000 points 7+ tricks - 15,000 points 10+ tricks - 25,000 points 20+ tricks - 50,000 points 25+ tricks - 75,000 points 30+ tricks - 100,000 points 40+ tricks - 125,000 points 50+ tricks - 150,000 points 60+ tricks - 175,000 points 70+ tricks - 200,000 points 80+ tricks - 225,000 points 100+ tricks - 300,000 points 150+ tricks - 400,000 points 200+ tricks - 500,000 points As you can see, the combo bonus is not huge and not really a factor in how you should play, as one high scoring trick at a x20 multiplier can easily be worth 500,000 or more alone. But every little bit helps. So should you let your combo end, or should you hold it until you cross the finish line? The general consensus right now is that you should try to hold a combo for your entire run - not because it makes any difference to your score, but because "cashing in" a combo will also cause you lose your TRICKY status, meaning you will have to spend a few jumps doing regular tricks to regain it. Regular tricks score significantly less than Uber and Super Uber tricks, and if you are in the middle of a good run it is usually too disruptive to stop in the middle and let your combo run out. Just go with it and see where it takes you, as a higher combo count can only lead to a better score in the long run. --------------------- LOSING A COMBO --------------------- Carrying a large combo for most of the track can be risky, however, because it is possible to lose a combo if you crash before you allow it to expire or cross the finish line! You can crash and lose a combo by not letting a trick go before you land, by crashing into obstacles like a rock or a tree branch, or sometimes you simply have a stroke of bad luck and crash when you cross some uneven terrain, though this is rare. Upon crashing, you lose several things: 1) You will lose several points of your multiplier (usually 3-5). 2) You will lose your TRICKY status, returning to a normal boost bar and 3) you will lose your entire Combo Bank! You can tell when you've lost a combo when your combo bank turns red and then all the numbers will tumble off the bottom of the screen. Rewinding after a crash allows you to regain a few things - you can egain your TRICKY status, you can rewind to regain your lost multiplier points. However, no matter how far you rewind, you WILL NOT REGAIN YOUR COMBO BANK! This is the risk for carrying a combo an entire length of track. Once you hit 20x on your combo multiplier, it is perfectly fine to let your combo expire and cash it in. Mathematically, it is exactly the same as if you held it the entire time. The only thing you are losing is the combo bonus, which is not worth enough to risk losing your combo if you are entering a very risky section of track. So feel free to cash in your combo to be sure you bank the points and don't lose them. So that's the ins and outs of how a combo works. But there's still one very large piece of the puzzle missing: your multiplier. What determines it? What makes it go up? What makes it go down? Well folks, that's a very good question - get to know the Flow system. --------------------- THE FLOW SYSTEM --------------------- The Flow system is the single biggest change to Trick events in SSX. The Flow system determines one thing - YOUR MULTIPLIER. Your multiplier is the single biggest factor in determining how high a score you can achieve in Trick It! So let's tackle this system in proper attention, shall we? Your multiplier goes up based on your "Flow", which is determined by several different factors. 1) IF YOU ARE PROGRESSING DOWN THE TRACK. This is the single biggest factor in determining a high multiplier. In order to keep your multiplier rising as you do tricks, you need to make steady progress down the course. Think of Flow like an invisible line slowly moving down the course. As long as you stay ahead of this line, every time to do a high scoring trick, you multiplier will go up x1 for each trick. This is good. But if you stop progressing down the course, either by stopping, staying in one place for too long (by using a halfpipe or something similar) or try to go backwards to hit a jump again, this invisible line will pass you up, and your multiplier will GO DOWN. If you stay in one place for too long, your multiplier will reach ZERO - upon which none of your trick scores will count! Because as we all know, any number times zero is zero! Additionally, you will also incur a "NO FLOW" penalty which will begin deducting points from your score if you stay in one place for too long! In past SSX games, all Trick Events had a time limit. This meant, as long as you had time remaining, you could stay in one high scoring area to rack up lots of points. That is no longer the case in SSX. Flow prevents you from exploiting high scoring areas of track over and over. While Flow does require that you make progress down the track, it does NOT mean you have to race down a track. You are able to stay in one place for short periods of time if you keep a steady pace down the track. Playing a track many times is the best way to get a good feel for how fast flow requires you to move down tracks. If you play one area too long, your multiplier will start to drop. That is your sign that you need to get moving down the track. The basic successful strategy for moving down most tracks in Trick It events is to use a zig-zag approach, moving slowly down the course while still making use of inclines on the side of hills and proper jumps to stay juuust ahead of the "Invisible Line" of Flow. Maximizing the amount of jumps per run without losing any points on your multiplier is the key to super-high scores, so learn it well. 2) DOING SUCCESSFUL, DECENT SCORING TRICKS. The Flow system increases your multiplier, provided you are making adequate progress down the course, every time you do a successful trick OF A CERTAIN SCORE. That last part is very important. Flow only raises the multiplier if you do tricks worth a certain amount. Estimates range from somewhere between 5000-7500 points per trick, however the exact figure is unknown. One of the best ways to get your multiplier up is with rail Ubers. Doing Rail ubers for about one second, with one second in between Ubers, is an excellent way of boosting your multiplier. --------------------- TIPS FOR SCORING HIGH --------------------- So what are you supposed to learn from all this? Here's a simple list of stuff to remember if you are shooting for good scores on Trick It: 1) Get your multiplier up to 20x as soon as possible. 2) Keep a combo going until you get to 20x, The highest scoring technique is to keep a combo going from the very beginning until the very end of a course, to maximize not only the Combo Bank, but the Combo Bonus as well. 3) Use a zig-zag pattern to tackle the maximum amount of jumps on a course. Try to stay at 20x for an entire run. Do not spend too much time in one place, or your multiplier will go down, which is bad. 4) Cash in your combo bank ONLY when your multiplier is at 20x. If you are lower than that, raise it up tp x20 before you let it expire. c. Grabs and other Minutiae [GameplayGrabs] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here is the complete list of grabs for the different inputs depending on which control scheme you are using. Tweaking a grab does not change the name. =============================================================================== | GRAB NOTATIONS | _______________________________________________________________________________ Notation Key: > means push the buttons one after another (X > Y - push X then Y) + means push the buttons at the same time (X + Y - push X and Y together) STANDARD CONTROLS (STICKS) - PS3/X-BOX 360 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ RIGHT STICK INPUT | REGULAR STANCE | GOOFY STANCE +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Left | Melon | Switch Indy Right | Indy | Switch Melon Up | Rocket | Switch Rocket Down | Truckdriver | Switch Truckdriver Left then Up | Nosegrab | Switch Crail Right then Up | Crail | Switch Nosegrab Left then Down | Seatbelt | Switch Tail Grab Right then Down | Tail Grab | Switch Seatbelt Up then Left | Flying Squirrel | Switch Stiffy Up then Right | Stiffy | Switch Flying Squirrel Left then Right | Mute | Switch Stalefish Right then Left | Stalefish | Switch Mute +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ STANDARD CONTROLS (BUTTONS) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ PS3 | X-BOX 360 | REGULAR STANCE | GOOFY STANCE +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Square | X | Melon | Switch Indy Circle | B | Indy | Switch Melon Triangle | Y | Rocket | Switch Rocket X | A | Truckdriver | Switch Truckdriver Squ > Tri | X > Y | Nosegrab | Switch Crail Cir > Tri | B > Y | Crail | Switch Nosegrab Squ > X | X > A | Seatbelt | Switch Tail Grab Cir > X | B > A | Tail Grab | Switch Seatbelt Tri > Squ | Y > X | Flying Squirrel | Switch Stiffy Tri > Cir | Y > B | Stiffy | Switch Flying Squirrel Squ > Cir | X > B | Mute | Switch Stalefish Cir > Squ | B > X | Stalefish | Switch Mute +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ CLASSIC CONTROLS +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ PS3 | X-BOX 360 | REGULAR STANCE | GOOFY STANCE +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ L1 | LB | Nose Grab | Switch Crail L2 | LT | Melon | Switch Indy R1 | RB | Crail | Switch Nosegrab R2 | RT | Indy | Switch Melon L1 + L2 | LB + LT | Mute | Switch Stalefish R1 + R2 | RB + RT | Stalefish | Switch Mute L1 + R1 | LB + RB | Truckdriver | Switch Truckdriver L2 + R2 | LT + RT | Rocket | Switch Rocket L1 + R2 | LB + RT | Flying Squirrel | Switch Stiffy R1 + L2 | RB + LT | Stiffy | Switch Flying Squirrel L1 + L2 + R1 | LB + LT + RB | Seatbelt | Switch Tail Grab L1 + R1 + R2 | LB + RB + RT | Tail Grab | Switch Seatbelt +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (Pushing additional combinations of shoulder buttons not listed here only produces the grabs listed above.) d. Uber Tricks [GameplayUber] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Uber Tricks in SSX are done when you fill up the boost bar. When you fill up your boost bar, a large TRICKY icon appears in the bottom of the screen, and when this happens, all your regular grabs become Uber Tricks. The basic grabs in the game get switched out for different Ubers when you reach Tricky or Super Tricky status. If you are in Tricky status only, all trick names share the same name as their grabs above, except with "Uber" in front of it. For example - Stalefish grab becomes "Uber Stalefish" Once you reach Super Tricky Status by doing tricks when you are in TRICKY status (denoted by the TRICKY icon appearing orange), all your grabs and Ubers become Super Ubers and take on new animations and new names. Below is the table for how to do each grabs. For information on the points value of each grab, Uber and Super Uber, please see the "Score Mechanics" section. One of the oldest questions in the SSX series is whether it's better to do one long trick per jump, or many tricks per jump. The answer to this question in SSX 2012 is: both, depending on at which point in a run you are. The primary goal of any Trick It run is to build up your multiplier as fast as possible. So early in runs, once you reach Tricky status it is best to do several tweaked Ubers in a jump or several rail Ubers on one rail. On rail ubers, space them out about a second apart to build up your multiplier the fastest. HOWEVER - Once you are at 20x multiplier, it is best to HOLD one Uber trick as long as possible. The point total is higher if you hold a single trick rather than do many Ubers in one jump. Tweak every Uber trick you do for more points. See the Score Mechanics section for details. =============================================================================== | SUPER TRICKY UBER NOTATIONS | _______________________________________________________________________________ Notation Key: > means push the buttons one after another (X > Y - push X then Y) + means push the buttons at the same time (X + Y - push X and Y together) STANDARD CONTROLS (STICKS) - PS3/X-BOX 360 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ RIGHT STICK INPUT | REGULAR STANCE | GOOFY STANCE +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Left | Skyscraper | Switch Waaay Back Right | Waaay Back | Switch Skyscraper Up | Checkin' The Nose | Switch Checkin' The Nose Down | Sledgehammer | Switch Sledgehammer Left then Up | Sidewinder | Switch Submersible Right then Up | Submersible | Switch Sidewinder Left then Down | Royal Flush | Switch Stay Frosty Right then Down | Stay Frosty | Switch Royal Flush Up then Left | Huge in Europe | Switch Cradle May Fall Up then Right | Cradle May Fall | Switch Huge in Europe Left then Right | All You Can Eat | Switch Blackbird Right then Left | Blackbird | Switch All You Can Eat +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ STANDARD CONTROLS (BUTTONS) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ PS3 | X-BOX 360 | REGULAR STANCE | GOOFY STANCE +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Square | X | Skyscraper | Switch Waaay Back Circle | B | Waaay Back | Switch Skyscraper Triangle | Y | Checkin' The Nose | Switch Checkin' The Nose X | A | Sledgehammer | Switch Sledgehammer Squ > Tri | X > Y | Sidewinder | Switch Submersible Cir > Tri | B > Y | Submersible | Switch Sidewinder Squ > X | X > A | Royal Flush | Switch Stay Frosty Cir > X | B > A | Stay Frosty | Switch Royal Flush Tri > Squ | Y > X | Huge in Europe | Switch Cradle May Fall Tri > Cir | Y > B | Cradle May Fall | Switch Huge in Europe Squ > Cir | X > B | All You Can Eat | Switch Blackbird Cir > Squ | B > X | Blackbird | Switch All You Can Eat +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ CLASSIC CONTROLS +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ PS3 | X-BOX 360 | REGULAR STANCE | GOOFY STANCE +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ L1 | LB | Sidewinder | Switch Submersible L2 | LT | Skyscraper | Switch Waaay Back R1 | RB | Submersible | Switch Sidewinder R2 | RT | Waaay Back | Switch Skyscraper L1 + L2 | LB + LT | All You Can Eat | Switch Blackbird R1 + R2 | RB + RT | Blackbird | Switch All You Can Eat L1 + R1 | LB + RB | Sledgehammer | Switch Sledgehammer L2 + R2 | LT + RT | Checkin' The Nose | Switch Checkin' The Nose L1 + R2 | LB + RT | Huge in Europe | Switch Cradle May Fall R1 + L2 | RT + LB | Cradle May Fall | Switch Huge in Europe L1 + L2 + R1 | LB + LT + RB | Stay Frosty | Switch Royal Flush L1 + R1 + R2 | LB + RB + RT | Royal Flush | Switch Stay Frosty +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ e. Board Press & Rewinds [GameplayPressRew] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The trick and combo system is rounded out with two moves that are essential in making the most of the courses in SSX (2012): Board Presses and Rewind. BOARD PRESSES ------------------- The board press is the primary technique for continuing combos when there are no jumps or rails to take advantage of. A board press causes your character to lean their weight on the board and ride it on either the front (Nose Press) or back (Tail Press). This allows characters to continue a combo string on flat ground, basically indefinitely. Once you start a board press your character will begin tilting their board and riding it on its lip. While a board press can continue your combo on the ground, it is important to remember that your combo timer is based on how many points you scored on your previous trick, so when using a board press to continue your combo on the ground, it's likely - since the board press scores so little in terms of points - that your combo will expire a split second after you let the board press go. For this reason, it's recommended that if you are using board presses to keep a combo going before a jump, that you hold the board press until the last possible moment to ensure you don't lose your combo. Likewise, the game keeps track of how many board presses you do in a row. If you spam many board presses in a row, your combo timer becomes so short that you will almost immediately lose your combo. For this reason, doing one continuous board press is far better than doing many short ones. If you are entering a treacherous section of course where it is difficult to hold a single board press for very long, it might better to simply to jump on flat ground doing small tricks (ie. "bunny hopping") to keep your combo going. When you are doing a board press, your character's animations will change. You will also take a serious speed hit unless you use boost to keep your speed up. One of the ways racers use board presses during racing is to do them on certain areas of the track and boost, allowing you to build up some boost going down the course normally. Spamming this too much, however, will hurt your time, so be judicious in how you use it. REWIND TECHNIQUES --------------------- Rewind is one of the most prominent features of SSX. Its primary use is saving your skin by rewinding your boarder and being able to change your route in order to avoid falling into a crevasse or other detrimental hazard. SSX is full of hazards, so you'll get a lot of use out of the Rewind feature no matter what. In Race It and Trick It Events, you can use Rewind as often as you'd like. However, it does incur penalties for usage. In Race It, all the other competitors continue ahead, and in Trick It, you incur a points penalty that starts at 5000 and rises the longer you continue rewinding. This penalty is taken directly out of your combo bank, so excessive usage of Rewinds can significantly impact your final score. If you don't have a combo bonus built up, you incur a negative point combo, which is then multiplied by your combo multiplier. For example, let's say I have no combo going (ie. a combo bank of zero points). I have a 20x combo multiplier and I rewind and incur a 10,000 point penalty. My combo bank is now -10,000 points. If I let my combo expire, that -10,000 combo is multiplied x20, resulting in a score penalty of -200,000 points! While it might not seem like Rewind can be useful for anything other than saving yourself from bottomless pits or falling off ledges, there are a few interesting uses the Rewind feature that you should be aware of. RACE IT: During the first few milliseconds of using Rewind, time slows. The term used for this is 'time dilation'. High level players can use this time dilation in racing to make sharp turns in certain areas of courses by tapping the rewind button and using the slowdown caused by the time dilation to maneuver their character. TRICK IT: The Rewind feature can be a benefit in Trick It as well. When you crash, you will lose your combo and several points of your multiplier. Rewinding back before you crashed will regain your multiplier points back to the level they were before you crashed. You will still lose your combo bank, but gaining your multiplier back is better than nothing. Even better, if you recognize you're about to crash and rewind to correct your mistake without ever actually crashing, you'll get the 5000+ point penalty, but you will not lose your combo bank. If you are doing a jump and perform a duplicate trick (and incur the Duplicate Trick penalty), it is better to rewind to before you performed the duplicate trick. Even with the points penalty, it is beneficial to avoid losing the points a duplicate trick erases, as well as the penalty to the combo timer. Your combo timer is much shorter after you perform a duplicate trick and land. f. Scoring Mechanics [GameplayScoring] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The entire Scoring Mechanics section is derived from a topic on the forums over at Merqurycity.com by mahkra. Mahkra spent many hours documenting all manner of intricacies of the trick system. I have reformatted it a little bit to fit the guide a tad better, but otherwise it is denoted here in its full form. In case you don't care to view all the details learned from the excellent work done by this documentation, here is an excellent list of tactics derived from mahkra's research: +-------------------------------------------------------------+ CRITICAL TACTICS TO MAXIMIZE YOUR TRICK SCORE +-------------------------------------------------------------+ * Get to x20 Flow ASAP & stay at x20 for the whole track. * Tweak all tricks. * Do flips, not spins. More specifically, from Todd Batty, Creative Director of SSX - "Backflips are better than front flips. They have a different take-off animation that sends your player more 'up' than "forward' which means sometimes getting an extra flip and a bit more air that will add up over the course of the run." * Best grabs are Mute Tweak & Stalefish Tweak. * Best ubers are All You Can Eat Tweak & Blackbird Tweak. * Hold tricks as long as possible. One 5-sec trick is worth more than ten 1-sec tricks. * Combo bonus is nice, but is not required for a top run (at least not yet). It's OK to cash in combo with 20x flow, but make sure you have time to get back to Super Tricky before any big jumps. Ubers are worth 2x as many points as regular grabs; a huge jump at 20x with a regular grab instead of an uber could cost you 1.5 million points. * Use Pieces of Flare to keep combos alive. * Off the Heli at 20x Flow is worth 800,000 points, 20,000 points x 20 multiplier = 400,000 points, and the 20,000 points sent to your combo bank, multiplied x 20 = 400,000 more, provided you cash in your combo at 20x multiplier. +-------------------------------------------------------------+ SCORING RATES OF GRABS, UBERS, & SUPER UBERS +-------------------------------------------------------------+ Normal Grabs - Basic --------------------- (Tricks: Melon, Indy, Rocket, Truckdriver) 1 sec - 433 points 2 sec - 1,683 points 3 sec - 3,183 points 4 sec - 4,933 points 5 sec - 6,933 points 6 sec - 9,183 points 7 sec - 11,683 points 8 sec - 14,433 points 9 sec - 17,433 points 10 sec - 20,683 points Normal Grabs - Better --------------------- (Tricks: Nosegrab, Crail, Seatbelt, Tailgrab, Flying Squirrel, Stiffy) 1 sec - 740 points 2 sec - 2,240 points 3 sec - 4,040 points 4 sec - 6,140 points 5 sec - 8,540 points 6 sec - 11,240 points 7 sec - 14,240 points 8 sec - 17,540 points 9 sec - 21,140 points 10 sec - 25,040 points Normal Grabs - Best --------------------- (Tricks: Mute, Stalefish) 1 sec - 863 points 2 sec - 2,613 points 3 sec - 4,713 points 4 sec - 7,163 points 5 sec - 9,963 points 6 sec - 13,113 points 7 sec - 16,613 points 8 sec - 20,463 points 9 sec - 24,663 points 10 sec - 29,213 points Simple Ubers - Basic --------------------- (Tricks: Uber Melon, Uber Indy, Uber Rocket, Uber Truckdriver) 1 sec - 650 points 2 sec - 2,525 points 3 sec - 4,775 points 4 sec - 7,400 points 5 sec - 10,400 points 6 sec - 13,775 points 7 sec - 17,525 points 8 sec - 21,650 points 9 sec - 26,150 points 10 sec - 31,025 points Simple Ubers - Better --------------------- (Tricks: Uber Nosegrab, Uber Crail, Uber Seatbelt, Uber Tailgrab, Uber Flying Squirrel, Uber Stiffy) 1 sec - 1,110 points 2 sec - 3,360 points 3 sec - 6,060 points 4 sec - 9,210 points 5 sec - 12,810 points 6 sec - 16,860 points 7 sec - 21,360 points 8 sec - 26,310 points 9 sec - 31,710 points 10 sec - 37,560 points Simple Ubers - Best --------------------- (Tricks: Uber Mute, Uber Stalefish) 1 sec - 1,295 points 2 sec - 3,920 points 3 sec - 7,070 points 4 sec - 10,745 points 5 sec - 14,945 points 6 sec - 19,670 points 7 sec - 24,920 points 8 sec - 30,695 points 9 sec - 36,995 points 10 sec - 43,820 points Super Ubers - Basic --------------------- (Tricks: Skyscraper, Waaay Back, Checkin' the Nose, Sledgehammer) 1 sec - 867 points 2 sec - 3,367 points 3 sec - 6,367 points 4 sec - 9,867 points 5 sec - 13,867 points 6 sec - 18,367 points 7 sec - 23,367 points 8 sec - 28,867 points 9 sec - 34,867 points 10 sec - 41,367 points Super Ubers - Better --------------------- (Tricks: Sidewinder, Submersible, Royal Flush, Stay Frosty, Huge In Europe, Cradle May Fall) 1 sec - 1,480 points 2 sec - 4,480 points 3 sec - 8,080 points 4 sec - 12,280 points 5 sec - 17,080 points 6 sec - 22,480 points 7 sec - 28,480 points 8 sec - 35,080 points 9 sec - 42,280 points 10 sec - 50,080 points Super Ubers - Best --------------------- (Tricks: All You Can Eat, Blackbird) 1 sec - 1,727 points 2 sec - 5,227 points 3 sec - 9,427 points 4 sec - 14,327 points 5 sec - 19,927 points 6 sec - 26,227 points 7 sec - 33,227 points 8 sec - 40,927 points 9 sec - 49,327 points 10 sec - 58,427 points Signature Trick --------------------- 1 sec - 2,960 points 2 sec - 8,960 points 3 sec - 16,160 points 4 sec - 24,560 points 5 sec - 34,160 points 6 sec - 44,960 points 7 sec - 56,960 points 8 sec - 70,160 points 9 sec - 84,560 points 10 sec - 100,160 points * The signature trick animation only ends in a few different places unless it's forced to end early by landing, so these exact scores may never be seen. +-------------------------------------------------------------+ SCORING RATES OF FLIPS AND SPINS +-------------------------------------------------------------+ Flips --------------------- (score = 600*n(n+1)/2, where n = # of flips) 1 flip - 600 points 2 flips - 1,800 points 3 flips - 3,600 points 4 flips - 6,000 points 5 flips - 9,000 points 6 flips - 12,600 points 7 flips - 16,800 points 8 flips - 21,600 points 9 flips - 27,000 points 10 flips - 33,000 points 11 flips - 39,600 points 12 flips - 46,800 points 13 flips - 54,600 points 14 flips - 63,000 points 15 flips - 72,000 points Spins --------------------- (score = 120*n + 30*n(n+1)/2, where n = # of 180s) 1 180 (180) - 150 points 2 180s (360) - 330 points 3 180s (540) - 540 points 4 180s (720) - 780 points 5 180s (900) - 1,050 points 6 180s (1080) - 1,350 points 7 180s (1260) - 1,680 points 8 180s (1440) - 2,040 points 9 180s (1620) - 2,430 points 10 180s (1800) - 2,850 points 11 180s (1980) - 3,300 points 12 180s (2160) - 3,780 points 13 180s (2340) - 4,290 points 14 180s (2520) - 4,830 points 15 180s (2700) - 5,400 points 16 180s (2880) - 6,000 points 17 180s (3060) - 6,630 points 18 180s (3240) - 7,290 points 19 180s (3420) - 7,980 points 20 180s (3600) - 8,700 points 21 180s (3780) - 9,450 points 22 180s (3960) - 10,230 points 23 180s (4140) - 11,040 points 24 180s (4320) - 11,880 points 25 180s (4500) - 12,750 points 26 180s (4680) - 13,650 points 27 180s (4860) - 14,580 points 28 180s (5040) - 15,540 points 29 180s (5220) - 16,530 points 30 180s (5400) - 17,550 points Other Tricks --------------------- Pieces of Flare - 1,000 points Off the Heli - 20,000 points Nose/Tail Press - 5 points per second g. General Tips for Gameplay [GameplayTips] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= +-------------------------------------------+ RACE IT! GENERAL TECHNIQUES +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: gondee 1) Managing your boost is more important in this game than ever. Make sure you are paying attention to when you are achieving TRICKY status and save those big tricks for times when you can use the unlimited boost of TRICKY status on sections of the track best suited for it. 2) It's fastest to boost with your board parallel to a rail. Likewise, doing Ubers on rails can slow you down, though only a little bit. 3) Remember, you can disengage from a rail (ie. get off a rail if you are magnetically attracted to one you didn't want to hit) by hitting the grind button plus a direction on the left stick. 4) Using an "Increased Tricky Time" mod can help you in racing by increasing the amount of time your unlimited boost lasts in TRICKY mtatus during races. 5) Do a high scoring grab and at least one flip out of the helicopter to get early boost and jump out to an early lead. 6) Limit your airtime to as little as possible when doing tricks. Be in the air as little as you have to be to do enough tricks to achieve TRICKY status. Jump early off kickers to lower the time you spend in the air. +-------------------------------------------+ TRICK IT! GENERAL TECHNIQUES +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: TheGambit7 1) Tweak all your tricks that you do. This includes tricks done out of the helicopter and any jumps off of flat ground that you do. 2) Do only one grab/uber per jump and hold it for the duration you are in the air. You are able to get the HUGE and MASSIVE bonuses for your tricks by doing so and raising your score. 3) Perform only flips in your jumps. Doing both spinning and flipping is slower than only flipping so try and squeeze in the extra flip if you can. 4) Alternate between Mute and Stalefish grabs or Blackbird and All You Can Eat ubers as much as possible and do other 2-input tricks such as Seatbelt and Tail Grab/Stay Frosty and Royal Flush otherwise. 5) You must remember which input you just performed to avoid duplicating your tricks and severely nerfing your score for that trick. If you do perform a duplicate, immediately perform a different grab/uber to get the most points you can for the "fresh" trick. 6) Always do a trick when you jump out of the helicopter. Not only will this give you a bit of boost to start off with but it will also net you +1 to your multiplier. 7) Tricking off the helicopter gives you a nice 20k net score however when you do trick off of it, it kills all your speed and you might not go where you intended to go. 8) Get your multiplier up to 20x as quickly as possible to sooner maximise the score you get from huge jumps. This can be done by going side-to-side up the mountain (if it is available to you) or jumping off flat ground and doing a couple of flips/spins with a tweaked grab. 9) Go for the biggest air possible. A single 5 second grab will get you more points than five 1 second grabs, however the key is fitting in these small tricks on the way to the huge jumps and still being able to hit them for some big air and all the points you could want. 10) Keep a combo going from the very start of the run to the very end. This also ensures that you always have Super Tricky from the moment you get it until the end of the run. If you do happen to cash in a combo mid-run, as long as your multiplier is at 20x, it should be okay. 11) Although the combo timer depends on how big a trick you just performed, Nose/Tail pressing is almost as important as it was in SSX 3 to keep your combo between jumps and add another trick to the combo. However your speed when doing a board press will drop significantly and you may not get as big of air (even if you are boosting). 12) When on a fairly straight rail, instead of performing a rail uber and holding it for the duration of the rail, jump and perform some flips with a grab or uber and land back on the rail and repeat where possible. 13) If you happen to fall into a crevasse/go out of bounds and still have your combo, if it is available to you, rewind, take the penalty and continue on. If you actually bail and lose your combo, rewinding WILL NOT give your combo back and you may as well restart. h. Advanced Techniques [GameplayAdvanced] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section contains the advanced techniques that you should learn if you want to compete with the best of the best. These techniques are found by players in the game and are used to make faster times and higher scores than the average game by taking advantage of game details in a way few other players do. TECHNIQUE # 1 - "Bunny Hopping" +--------------------------------------------------+ Events: Trick It Importance for High Scores: Very important How to do "Bunny Hopping": Do very quick, short jumps with a tweaked grab in between each major jump in a track. Why Do "Bunny Hopping"? Because the nose press and tail press are terrible for keeping your combo going in between jumps. They are not high scoring tricks and your combo timer will often run out very quickly if you try to keep it going with a Nose/Tail Press. Doing small, quick tricks in between each major jump not only keeps your combo going, it also raises up your multiplier if your trick is decent and increases your combo count as well. Why does "Bunny Hopping" work? Because it is much easier to land tricks in SSX. It makes far more sense to bunny hop quick tricks in between major jumps rather than rely on the Nose Press, which not only slows you down but that can expire your combo very quickly if you do more than one in a row. TECHNIQUE # 2 - "Vertical Finish Line" +--------------------------------------------------+ By: Clawz114 Events: Race It Importance for High Scores: Very important How to do "Vertical Finish Line": When doing wingsuit races in areas like Patagonia, if you are high in the air, cross the finish line as close as possible without losing any altitude. Why Do "Vertical Finish Line"? Race It is extremely cutthroat in SSX, and you need every spare millisecond you can get your hands on to defeat your friends. Paying attention to details like this can save you more time than you think. Why does "Vertical Finish Line" work? The finish line is denoted by a bunch of flairs located on the ground at the end of the track - however, it is actually more like a huge "wall" rather than a line and can be crossed an any elevation. If you are flying high above the actual track, it is much, much better to cross the finish line as close as possible to your current elevation to cross as soon as you can. Lowering in elevation before you cross the finish line actually means you travel further, resulting in a slower time! j. Frequently Asked Questions [GameplayFAQ] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. How do I trick off the helicopter? A. Tricking off the helicopter is automatic, and not something you can control. However, there are ways you can increase the likelihood you do something cool. Jumping straight off a large jump (not to the side, or at an angle) increases the change you do an "Off the Heli". Likewise large jumps have better chance of doing it than smaller ones. 2. COUSIN, DO YOU WANT TO GO BOWLING? HOW DO I TURN OFF DUBSTEP TRICKY REMIX? A. No Yuri, I do not want to go bowling. Pilot the damn helicopter and shut up. You can turn off any pretty much any sound effect that bothers you. Hate the Dubstep Remix of Tricky? Turn it off. Want the pilots to shut up? Turn their volume down to zero. You can reach this by going to RiderNet > Settings > Audio Settings in the main mneu, or by pausing the same and going to Settings > Audio Settings. =============================================================================== SECTION FOUR: EQUIPMENT [EquipStart] =============================================================================== a. Equipment Overview [EquipOver] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= AUTHOR: MAD_JO3 with expansion and correction by gondee The following section contains an overview of all equipment in the game, with general information on each. For more in-depth information, see the equipment guide by Shinoxxle lower down or the Suit, Wingsuit or Board sections. NOTE FROM GONDEE: Prices were originally listed in this guide by MAD_JO3, however, EA has the ability to tweak these prices ("server-side") and all the prices were raised before this FAQ was released. Prices also rise drastically as you get close to the max level (11 at the publication of this guide). I removed most of the prices to ensure accuracy, but I wanted to give credit and thanks to JO3 for going through the trouble of listing them in that much detail. ----------------------- SHOP ----------------------- If you remember some of the old SSX titles, you may think what to expect from a store, but trust me, this one is a completely different story. First of all, you can only see 4 Items per category, which are generated completely randomly. Chances are you will see the board of your dreams but simply can't afford it. If you buy stuff, new items will replace the ones you bought, but if you just leave the event entirely and choose a different one, everything is randomly generated again, and you can keep doing this till you find something you like. The new SSX introduced a leveling system, based on that you get different attributes for each board and equipment you buy. Suits are not affected by your character level, meaning you can get the really good stuff early on. PROTIP FOR VIEWING NEW GEAR WITHOUT LEAVING THE STORE: ----------------------------------------------------- While the items in the shop don't change unless you go to a completely different event, there is a neat little shortcut you can use to change out the items in the shop without leaving it, IF you are far enough in level that you've unlocked at least two Gear slots (unlocked at level 10.) 1) Equip a wingsuit on an event. 2) Go to Global Events 3) Find a Global Event that doesn't allow the wingsuit (will say "No Wingsuit".) 4) With a blurred out wingsuit equipped on the first slot, the second slot will now refresh every time you enter it, allowing you to get a better selection of gear without having to move to a new event every time NOTE: This only works on Gear. It does NOT work with Boards or Suits. Will also work on other "No Equipment" events if you equip said equipment beforehand.(ie. No Ice Axes/No Armor.) ITEM RARITY ----------- Items are generally divided in 4 different classes of rarity, each class has overall better stat points than the previous class and is more expensive to boot. In order of rarity: NORMAL (GREEN): has a normal colored header (blue/green) RARE (GREEN): says "Rare" in the item title, same color as NORMAL EPIC (PURPLE): has a purple header and "Epic" in the title LEGENDARY (ORANGE): has an orange header, and "Legendary" in the title Legendary > Epic > Rare > Normal ----------------------- SUITS ----------------------- See the Suits section below for in-depth info on Suits. ----------------------- BOARDS ----------------------- Boards: There are 4 different types of boards in this game (speed, boost, trick, all around). The prices don't differ between the different types of boards, the rarity makes the price. Speed: Affects your maximum speed (?) Boost: aka Rocketboard, you get more boost from tricks, it also makes the boost decrease slower when used (Note: doesn't increase TRICKY time) Trick: increases the speed of your spins/flips Additionally, see the Boards section for very important information on the intricacies of Snowboards. ----------------------- EQUIPMENT ----------------------- Equipment: Can generally be divided into 3 sections. 1: It does what it does really well, but is not very durable. (Good for racing) 2: It does, what it does ...meh, but for a long time (good for survival) 3: It does, what it does average, for an average amount of time (balanced stuff) ----------------------- MODS ----------------------- Mods: The salt and the pepper of SSX, you can either use them to boost a strength or to counter some of the weaknesses of either your board or your equipment. (The mods the store will offer depend on your loadout, if you equip pulse goggles and a wingsuit, you will find mods for this equipment. If you go to the store with a legendary speed board and no equipment equipped, you will find rocket mods 90% of the time) Speed mod, Rocket mod, Trick bonus, equipment specific stuff, extended tricky time, trick multiplier bonus, additional rewinds ----------------------- GEOTAGS ----------------------- Geotags: A good source of both EXP and money, provided you put them somewhere no one will find them ( looking down a crevasse ^^) ----------------------- CHARACTER SUGGESTIONS ----------------------- Now that we got all that out of the way I will make some suggestions on what to equip for a typical race/trick event. (Note: basically you can use any character for anything as the differences are barely noticeable, but if you want to push it to the limit, this is how) -------------- RACE IT -------------- Speed character: Maxed out speed, and modded for good boost performance Character: Elise, Alex , Tane (Simply because of their +10, +15 Speed increase) Suit: Boost bonus (since speed boards lack boost), longer TRICKY time (more infinite boost is always good) Board: Legendary Speed board (Along with their speed increase the board should have 100% speed without the need for a mod slot) Equipment: After your preference, should be epic or legendary though Mods: Slot 1: Rocket mod (must), Slot 2: A bit more open, either trick boost or more tricky time, or something to improve your equipment (wingsuit mod) Boost character: Maxed out boost, using trick mods to get boost faster (Rule of thumb, you want to get into TRICKY as fast as possible and stay in TRICKY as long as possible) Character: Psymon, Moby (+15, +10 boost increase) Suit: longer TRICKY time, trick bonus (Since there are no speed bonus suits in the game) Board: Legendary Rocket board (same formula as with speed) Equipment: Again, as you like or the event suggests (or use a headlamp in broad daylight to troll people ;) Mods: Slot 1: longer TRICKY time, Slot 2: Speed mod, Trick mod -------------- TRICK IT -------------- Character: Kaori, Mac, Ty Suit: Trick bonus, longer TRICKY time (Basically a preference thing, I like the TRICKY time more) Equipment: Depends on drop Board: Legendary Trick board Mods: Slot 1: Longer tricky time, Slot 2: Rocket mod, Trick bonus, trick multiplier bonus -------------- SURVIVAL -------------- General: most of the time you don't need to hurry, so play it safe, a slow board is actually not a bad thing in survival! Character: Doesn't really matter Suit: More rewinds Equipment: you usually can`t go wrong with wingsuit and something else, should be durable Board: Something slow, the default board is quite good for that Mods: From mahkra: More rewinds can also be very useful, particularly on tracks where you're mostly concerned about falling in a crevasse. Rewinds are less useful on tracks where you're worried about obstacles, as you cannot rewind after you die, and after a few laps you'll go from full health to dying almost instantly. -------------- GENERAL TIPS -------------- Money tip: If you are broke most of the time and you don't want to compete in global events, try racing on Fast Forward. Once you know the right route you can finish the race in about 1 minute and you get up to 55.000 EXP and money! b. Attribute System [EquipAttrib] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= It is very helpful to understand the specifics of the Attribute system in SSX. It governs every aspect of the various attributes present in every piece of equipment, suit, board and character in the game. Each piece of equipment has an ATTRIBUTE, a rating that affects various aspects of performance for that equipment. The higher the rating, the better the performance. While each piece of equipment has individual Attributes that govern it, the most common Attributes you will want to be aware of are Speed, Boost and Tricks. These 3 Attributes have the greatest effect on gameplay and are largely determined by your snowboard. More information on any particular attribute can be found in the section for that particular piece of equipment. -------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES ON ATTRIBUTES -------------------------------- While it may seem best to buy a high level board that maxes out at a certain attribute, (say 100 speed), the Attributes system is MUCH more complicated than it may seem on the surface. There is far more to consider when figuring out if a high-priced snowboard is actually worth it. 1. ANY PARTICULAR ATTRIBUTE MAXES OUT AT 100. The ceiling on any particular attribute stops at 100. While this might make buying a Legendary board that maxes a particular stat at 100 seem obvious, there is more to consider: 2. SNOWBOARDS ACCOUNT FOR 80 PERCENT OF AN ATTRIBUTE'S WORTH You read that right. Even if a snowboard has 100 max in a particular area, it still only counts for 80 points in that attribute. The rest is determined by Mods, Perks, and Character Bonuses. For example: I buy a Level 11 Legendary Speed Board worth 100 Speed points. However, if I use only this board, my Speed Attribute is technically 80 points, because the game only uses 80 percent of the Speed value on my board. Therefore, if I want to max out my Speed Attribute at 100, I'll need to purchase additional Mods to max out that attribute. More specifically, if I buy a board that has a 90 Speed Attribute, only 80 percent of those points are actually utilized. So for a 90 Speed board, only 72 speed points are actually gained. 3. PERKS AND MODS ACCOUNT FOR 20 PERCENT OF AN ATTRIBUTE"S WORTH Mods are worth 20 percent of their point value - (this doesn't apply for Mods like Extra Rewinds or Extra Tricky Time. Only Speed, Boost or Tricks mods - see Mods section for details on these Mods.) So if you see a Speed Mod in the Shop with a value of 60, it's functional value is actually 20 percent of that - or 12 points. You would need to buy two of these Mods in the Shop to max out your Speed Attribute. Perks and mods can contribute no more than TWENTY points to a particular attribute! This means if you are buying three very high level mods of the same type, you may be wasting the third mod. You will likely hit the max 20 points in two mods - and use the third for boosting another statistic (or for more rewinds or Extra Tricky Time.) Perks are in the same category as mods, so they count towards the 20% attribute value.If you have a Suit with a Perk (say Boost Bonus) and and Board with the same Perk, you will probably not need to buy mods of the same type to hit the max of twenty points that mods can contribute to any one attribute. Keep this in mind so you aren't wasting money on gear that makes no impact on gameplay! 4. CHARACTER BONUSES ARE WORTH 100 PERCENT OF LISTED VALUE, UP TO THE MAX OF A PARTICULAR ATTRIBUTE. Any individual character's bonuses are always added at 100% value onto whatever your Attribute is, until you reach that Attribute's ceiling of 100. For example, if I'm using Alex, who has +15 speed, all 15 of those speed points are tallied onto the Speed Attribute with no modification. So if I'm using a 100 Speed Board with Alex, I get 80 Speed points from my board, and 15 from using Alex. The remaining 5 will need to come from either a Speed Mod (making sure its base value is high to give me the remaining 5 points at 20-percent value), or have an additional piece of equipment (suit, board, etc) with a Speed Perk of some sort. Any Character Bonus in a particular piece of equipment means that bonus applies equally to ALL Attributes for that Equipment. For example, Elise has +5 in Wingsuit attribute. This means she gets +5 in every statistic the Wingsuit has, so she has +5 Lift, +5 Air Speed and +5 Durability in addition to whatever her Wingsuit's ratings are. Keep the character bonus in mind when you are purchasing Boards and Mods. Using a character strong in a certain area can allow you to purchase Mods strong in other Attributes to make for a better rounded skill set. For example, if I use Alex with a 100 speed board and her +15 in racing, I already have 95 speed points (80 from the board, 15 from Alex) without buying any Mods. So I can spend the remaining two slots on Boost mods, and increase that statistic even more, giving me the edge in competition. 5. SO WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN? Here are a few things to keep in mind when trying to max out any specific attribute. 1) You will not be able to reach max in any one attribute if you do not have a board that has a 100 in that attribute, AND two mods that are worth 100 total(ie a level 11 mod worth 80 and a level 3 mod worth twenty, unless you utilize chaacters with Bonuses in the attribute you are looking to max, because... 2) Character Bonuses are very important to maxing out an attribute if you don't have max statistic in one area. That +5 in Speed for Griff can be the difference between a 98 in Speed and a 100 in Speed, so pick your characters wisely. Since Character Bonuses are added on top of your gear at full value, they can make a huge difference in the chase for ultimate performance. See the Perks and Mods section for more information on Perks and Mods. c. Suit [EquipSuit] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Suits in SSX come in a wide variety of colors and attributes. Each time you enter the Shop, the game procedurally generates suits for you to buy, each with a different color combination, number, and possible perk that can be attached to the suit. It then generates a custom name for each suit (using the "Normal to Legendary" ranking system and a number) and attaches a price based on that ranking. Since all suits in the game are generated on the fly by the game randomly, creating an exhaustive suit list would be impossible, because no two suits may be exactly the same. However there are several attributes that are shared among the suits. Each character in SSX has one general suit design that they wear. At lower levels, each suit varies only in color. However, at higher levels, suits come with Perks that can add additional stat bonuses and other effects. Each suit in the game is generated from a general series of attributes: 1. COLOR: Each character is SSX has 16 color variations in their suits, with each of those being divided into top and bottom. This means there are 256 general color combinations in the geme for each character. When you see something like "Elise's Suit (#222), this means it is one of those combinations of 16x16 color combinations. Each character also has a "Signature" suit that has a slightly more customized appearance. 2. GLOWING: Each character's suit has the ability to glow, with the glow color equivalent to the suit's general color scheme. Each character generally has a different glow design on their suits, with different parts able to glow based on the character. As of this time, only one character has a "Full Glowing" suit, and that is Kaori. It's most commonly generated as "Kaori's Glowing Suit #1." 3. PERKS: These are additional bonuses that are attached to high level suits. There are typically VERY expensive, and generally only worth it to buy at the highest level when you are done leveling up. * Big Head (Big Head Moby is the best XD) * Big Hands * Big Head and Hands * Boost Bonus * Trick Bonus * More Tricky Time * More Rewinds See the "Perks and Mods" section for more in-depth information on how a particular suit perk affects gameplay. d. Board [EquipBoard] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Snowboards in SSX are the single most important piece of gear affecting how your character performs in events. Snowboards determine the vast majority of your statistics in game. Each snowboard in SSX is procedurally generated at the time you enter the store, much like Suits are. They can be different each time you enter a new event, and therefore it is impossible to create an exhaustive list. However, they each share the same common Attributes as well as possible Perks just like Suits. ------------------ BOARD ATTRIBUTES ------------------ Each snowboard has 3 basic attributes that determine its performance: 1. SPEED: Speed determines how fast your character can go. A higher speed attribute means a higher top speed, and faster times down the mountain. 2. BOOST: Boost determines several different things. The higher a Boost stat is, the better your character: * builds boost faster, getting more boost off tricks * uses boost slower, allowing your bar to last longer, and go faster 3. TRICKS: Tricks determine how fast you spin and flip, therefore a high Tricks statistic means your character does more tricks, producing higher points and, as a byproduct, more boost by doing more tricks. For Races, a high Speed and Boost attribute is most useful. For Trick events high Tricks stat is most useful. Buying mods can help boost up those statistics that your favorite board might be weaker in. See the Perks and Mods section for more information on how Mods affect performance. -------------- BOARD TYPE -------------- Each snowboard you get in the Shop is one of four different types: 1. SPEED BOARD: High in Speed attribute, meaning a faster top speed for your character. Good for racing. Found most often in Race Events. 2. ROCKET BOARD: High in Boost statistic. Generally good for racing, though it can also be useful in other areas as well, since a higher boost stat means it's easier to fill your boost bar to get into Tricky and Super Tricky status. Found in Race and Trick Events. 3. TRICKS BOARD: High in Trick stat, best in Trick Events (imagine that!) Found in Trick events. 4. ALL-AROUND BOARD: Typically features higher stats (but not maxed) in two or three stats. For example, a high "All-Around" board for a Race Event will have high average Speed and Boost (say around 80 instead of 100) while having a low Tricks attribute. However, All Around boards can feature average stats across all categories no matter what event type it is. Found most often in Survival Events. -------------- BOARD PERKS -------------- High level boards (typically Legendary rank) may have their own unique Perks that add additional bonuses to your character. * SPEED BONUS (preorder boards feature "More Speed") * BOOST BONUS (preorder boards feature "More Boost") * TRICK BONUS (preorder boards feature "More Tricks") * MORE TRICKY TIME * MORE REWINDS As of this moment, the exact value for Board Perks is unknown. However, according to SSX Creative Director Todd Batty, a Board Perk is roughly equivalent to a Mod of that same type, at the level of your board. For example, a Level 10 Speed Board with a Boost Bonus is the equivalent of having a Level 10 Speed Board with a permanent Level 10 Boost Mod attached. Like mentioned above, the exact "point value" of this Perk is unknown. Perks stack on top of whatever Mods you purchase, up to the 20 percent ceiling mentioned above. Perks and Mods are treated the same way by the attribute system. It has been noticed by others that certain board perks get better as the level of the board goes up. For example, buying a board with a "More Rewinds" perk can net you ONE additional rewind at level 7, and THREE additional rewinds at Level 10 and above! Therefore, it's probably better to wait until you reach very high level before you shell out big bucks for a Legendary Board with Perks. ------------------------------ MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ------------------------------ * There is no way to "save a design" and attach it to s certain type of board. If you see a design you like, buy it right then and there. Otherwise, it could be a very long time before you see that design again. Although an exact number has never surfaced, developers have mentioned there are more than 1000 snowboard designs in the game, and the Shop picks one randomly when populating the Board section. If you see something you like, buy it or you may not see it again. * Many of the board designs in the game were created by members at Merqurycity.com. EA held a Community Day in June 2011, and several members of Merqury City were in attendance. We raised the possibility to EA to accept board designs from the community. Several months later, EA created a Facebook application to allow users to submit their board designs. At last count, Merqury City members had more than 300 designs in the game, and several of our members received mention in the credits as thanks for submitting so many excellent designs! e. Gear [EquipGear] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= AUTHOR: shinoxxle As you begin your journey to defy reality, you will learn early on that proper Gear is required to effectively tackle the Deadly Descents as well as survival events as a whole. In total there are 7 different types of Gear: Armor, Headlamps, Ice Axes, Oxygen Tanks, Pulse Goggles, Solar Panels, and Wingsuits. All Gear has a Level(Lv), which your character must be before buying and equipping them (an exception to this is signature Gear, which is a special type of Gear unique to each character. signature Gear, although always Lv 6, can be equipped and used at any level.) When competing in an event that requires Gear, the game will give you a survival probability percentage based off of whether or not you have required gear equipped. It will then give you the option to optimize your loadout to reflect this requirement. Each piece of Gear has a specific use and multiple stats that give them strengths and weaknesses. As a general rule, an "All-around" piece of Gear indicates that it is balanced in stats. At level one your character as one Gear slot but as you progress to level 10, you open up the option to equip a second piece of Gear, allowing for more versatile outfitting. Below will break down each type of Gear, including its usage and statistics. +-------------------------------------------+ ARMOR +-------------------------------------------+ Armor is a protective countermeasure for impacts with hard objects. It's primary usage is for survival events that include Trees, Rocks, and Avalanches. When you're in these survival events, your character will be given a yellow Health bar, and if you have armor equipped, a white Armor bar will replace it. This indicates that your character will be protected from taking Health damage, until your Armor bar is depleted. Your character will take damage (Health or Armor) when you run into hard objects, get swallowed by an Avalanche, or bail. Your armor does not regenerate, but once it is destroyed, your Health will regenerate after taking hits. It is worth noting that each time you take Health damage, even if you regenerate it, your maximum Health will be reduced. Every piece of armor contains two stats: DURABILITY and HEALTH RECOVERY. ----------------------- DURABILITY ----------------------- This stat governs how many hits your Armor can take until it breaks, and gives you the ability to take harder hits than you'd be able to if you didn't have any Armor equipped. Armor with a high DURABILITY stat can be identified with the prefix "PROTECTIVE". e.g."Lv 10 Protective Armor". ----------------------- HEALTH RECOVERY ----------------------- This stat determines how quickly your Health recovers after taking damage, therefore giving you the ability to take a lot of smaller hits to your Health over a long period of time. Armor with high HEALTH RECOVERY will have the prefix "REGENERATIVE". e.g. "Lv 10 Regenerative Armor". ----------------------- SIGNATURE ARMOR ----------------------- * Psymon's "Ultra-Armor Mesh" has a high DURABILITY rating, therefore it is roughly equivalent to a "Lv 6 Protective Armor". * Zoe's "Power Armor" on the other hand has high HEALTH RECOVERY, making it equivalent to "Lv 6 Regenerative Armor" * Whereas Tane's "Tubular Armor" has generally balanced stats, making it equivalent to "Lv 6 All-Around Armor". +-------------------------------------------+ HEADLAMPS +-------------------------------------------+ Headlamps are directional light sources worn on your character's head. They're designed to help you see in Darkness survival events, as well as dark areas in general. The light they emit can come in a variety of colors, from White to Amber to Green. The color of the headlamp is indicated by the color of it's icon in the Gear selection menu. When you equip a Headlamp, you are given a Headlamp Battery indicator on your HUD. As Headlamps are directional, it is required that your character be facing in the direction you wish to illuminate. Therefore doing flips and spins will wildly change the direction of the beam, and can be quite disorienting when you're trying to navigate dangerously dark corridors. All Headlamps have three stats that determine their effectiveness in certain situations: BEAM WIDTH, BEAM DISTANCE, and BATTERY LIFE. ----------------------- BEAM WIDTH ----------------------- This stat determines how large the illuminated field of vision will be, therefore giving you a better perspective of what is closer to you. Headlamps with high BEAM WIDTH stats are identified with the prefix "PANORAMIC". e.g. "Lv 10 Panoramic Headlamp" ----------------------- BEAM DISTANCE ----------------------- This stat governs the effective range of your Headlamp, giving you a much better perspective of what is farther away. Headlamps with high BEAM DISTANCE stats have the prefix "TELESCOPIC". e.g. "Lv 10 Telescopic Headlamp". ----------------------- BATTERY LIFE ----------------------- This stat determines how long it takes for your Headlamp to run out of batteries and become essentially useless. Nearing the end of your Headlamp's battery life, it will begin to fade away, becoming dim, until it finally stops working entirely. Headlamps with high BATTERY LIFE can be identified with the prefix "LASTING". e.g. "Lv 10 Lasting Headlamp". These types of Headlamps are generally better for long survival runs, due to the increased time they will remain active. ----------------------- SIGNATURE HEADLAMPS ----------------------- Mac's "Beaming Headlamp" has a high BEAM DISTANCE stat, making it roughly equivalent to a "Lv 6 Telescopic Headlamp". +-------------------------------------------+ ICE AXES +-------------------------------------------+ Ice Axes are used to properly traverse icy landscapes. They help you carve across ice without losing too much control. When you begin to turn on ice, your character will dig an axe into it, giving you better grip. You can also boost to increase the sharpness of your turns. When you equip Ice Axes you are given an Ice Axe status bar. This determines how many times you can use your Ice Axes. When this bar runs out you can no longer use them, and will be at the mercy of the surrounding ice. To stop this from happening, try not to make too many unnecessary turns on the ice to maximize your Ice Axes' longevity. Ice Axes have two stats that determine their effectiveness in certain situations: SHARPNESS and DURABILITY. ----------------------- SHARPNESS ----------------------- This stat determines how well your Ice Axes dig into the ice, therefore how much grip you will have on said ice, making it much easier to carve. Ice Axes with a high SHARPNESS stat have the prefix "SERRATED". e.g. "Lv 10 Serrated Ice Axes". ----------------------- DURABILITY ----------------------- This stat governs how many uses your Ice Axes have, therefore how long it takes for the Ice Axes status bar to deplete. Ice Axes with a high DURABILITY stat can be identified with the prefix "TITANIUM". e.g. "Lv 10 Titanium Ice Axes" These types of Ice Axes are usually preferred for long survival events due to their longer overall lifetime. ----------------------- SIGNATURE ICE AXES ----------------------- Alex's "Suregrip Ice Axes" have a high SHARPNESS rating, therefore making them roughly equivalent to "Lv 6 Serrated Ice Axes". +-------------------------------------------+ OXYGEN TANKS +-------------------------------------------+ Oxygen Tanks (known in the Gear selection menu as just "Oxygen") are pieces of Gear that are essential for surviving in Thin Air conditions at extremely high altitudes. If you did not have one equipped in such conditions, you would quickly black out and fail the run. When you have an Oxygen Tank equipped, an oxygen capacity dial will be placed on your HUD. Naturally it starts out full and will be depleted upon use, and when the dial reaches the end of the red zone, you will have ran out of oxygen. * To use your Oxygen Tank press RB/R1(standard controls) or Click the right thumbstick (classic controls). When you begin blacking out, take oxygen periodically to prevent losing consciousness. * Oxygen Tanks have two stats that determine their effectiveness: TANK SIZE and OXYGEN QUALITY. ----------------------- TANK SIZE ----------------------- This stat determines the maximum capacity that your Oxygen Tank holds, therefore how many times you can use it before you run out. Oxygen Tanks with a high TANK SIZE have the prefix "EXPANDED". e.g. "Lv 10 Expanded Oxygen". ----------------------- OXYGEN QUALITY ----------------------- This stat determines how potent your oxygen is, therefore how effective it will be each time you use it. Oxygen tanks that have high OXYGEN QUALITY stats have the prefix "PURE". e.g. "Lv 10 Pure Oxygen". ----------------------- SIGNATURE OXYGEN TANKS ----------------------- Kaori's "Pure Oxygen Tank" has a high OXYGEN QUALITY rating, therefore making it roughly equivalent to a "Lv 6 Pure Oxygen". +-------------------------------------------+ PULSE GOGGLES +-------------------------------------------+ Pulse Goggles are a piece of Gear that when worn, creates a 3D topographical display of the surrounding terrain in your HUD. When this happens, it projects grid-like lines on all surfaces to help you determine differences in terrain in complete Whiteout conditions. In addition to this, there will be a Pulse Goggle battery indicator added to your HUD as well. It should also be noted that Pulse Goggles are highly effective in Darkness conditions, and can be used as an alternative to Headlamps. * Pulse goggles come in a variety of colors (identified by the color of their Gear selection icon) which will determine what color the 3D projections they emit on the landscape will be. * Pulse Goggles have three different stats that determine their effectiveness in different conditions: RANGE, INTENSITY, and BATTERY LIFE. ----------------------- RANGE ----------------------- This stat determines how far away the Pulse Goggles allow you to see, giving you a better representation of the terrain farther in front of you, therefore giving you more time to react to sudden differences. Pulse Goggles with a high RANGE stat are identified by the prefix "FOCUSED". e.g. "Lv 10 Focused Pulse Goggles". ----------------------- INTENSITY ----------------------- This stat determines how bright the 3D projections on the landscape will be. This helps you get a better perspective of terrain that is closer to you, therefore making it easier to discern misleading or confusing terrain features at close range. Pulse Goggles that have a high INTENSITY stat have the prefix "BRIGHT". e.g. "Lv 10 Bright Pulse Goggles". ----------------------- BATTERY LIFE ----------------------- This stat (very similar to the Headlamp stat of the same name) determines how long your pulse goggles last before they stop working. When the battery indicator gets low, the Pulse Goggle projections start to dim, until they completely disappear. Pulse Goggles with a high BATTERY LIFE have the prefix "ENERGIZED". e.g. "Lv 10 Energized Pulse Goggles". These types of Pulse Goggles are usually preferred when in long survival events as they increase the longevity of the Gear. Also when using Pulse Goggles as a substitute for Headlamps it should be noted that the latter has a generally longer BATTERY LIFE. ----------------------- SIGNATURE PULSE GOGGLES ----------------------- Ty's "Pulse Goggles" have a high INTENSITY rating, therefore they are roughly equivalent to "Lv 6 Bright Pulse Goggles". +-------------------------------------------+ SOLAR PANELS +-------------------------------------------+ Solar panels (known as just "Solars" in the Gear selections menu) are designed to heat your character up to protect them from Extreme Cold conditions. When in these conditions, you will be given a Core Temperature indicator on your HUD, which will deplete when you stay in the shadows, causing you to freeze to death if you allow it to completely decrease. Without a Solar Panel, your Core Temperature indicator will not refill. When you have a Solar Panel equipped and your Core Temperature decreases, move into the sunlight to increase it again. It should be noted however that when you stay in the shadows too long, regardless of if you warm back up, your maximum Core Temperature will be decreased, making it steadily harder to keep warm. Solar Panels have two stats that determine their effectiveness in certain situations: COLD PROTECTION and SOLAR EFFICIENCY. ----------------------- COLD PROTECTION ----------------------- This stat determines how slowly your Core Temperature decreases while in the shadows, therefore making it easier for you to survive longer without reaching sunlight. Solar Panels that have high COLD PROTECTION stats can be identified by the prefix "INSULATED". e.g. "Lv 10 Insulated Solar" ----------------------- SOLAR EFFICIENCY ----------------------- This stat determines how quickly you warm back up again while in the sunlight, therefore making it easier to keep your Core Temperature up in between frequent shadowy areas. Solar Panels with a high SOLAR EFFICIENCY stat have the prefix "EFFICIENT". e.g. "Lv 10 Efficient Solar" ----------------------- SIGNATURE SOLAR PANELS ----------------------- Moby's "Mega Solar Panel" has a high SOLAR EFFICIENCY stat, therefore making it roughly equivalent to a "Lv 6 Efficient Solar". f. Wingsuit [EquipWingsuit] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= AUTHOR: shinoxxle In SSX, the wingsuit can be a very innovative and fun piece of equipment, and for regions like Patagonia it is essential. It is a piece of gear that, when deployed, alloys you to glide and fly around, to avoid hazards, collect geotags, or just have fun. This guide will walk you through all the elements needed to master the aerodynamic wonder. +-------------------------------------------+ WINGSUIT BASICS +-------------------------------------------+ To deploy the wingsuit, after jumping or whilst in midair press and hold RB/R1(standard controls) or A/X(classic controls). You'll notice a little bar appear next to your character. Simply speaking, this bar tells you the duration of your current wingsuit use, and when it runs out, you must return to the ground. You can use your wingsuit again once you touch the ground. When you obtain your first wingsuit, you'll find that it contains three stats: LIFT, AIR SPEED, and DURABILITY. Every wingsuit that you come across will have strengths and weaknesses based on these three stats. -------------- LIFT -------------- The LIFT stat governs how long each use of the wingsuit will last before you start losing altitude. This is represented by how long it takes for the wingsuit status bar to deplete. The higher the LIFT stat, the longer it takes the bar to deplete, and therefore the longer you can fly unhindered. Wingsuits you find in the store with very high LIFT stats have the prefix "ICARUS". e.g. "Lv 10 Icarus Wingsuit." -------------- AIR SPEED -------------- This stat governs your top speed while your wingsuit is deployed. The Higher this stat is, the faster you will fly. Wingsuits with high AIR SPEED stats can be identified by the prefix "AERODYNAMIC". e.g. "Lv 10 Aerodynamic Wingsuit" -------------- DURABILITY -------------- This stat governs how quickly your wingsuit will degrade. Each time you deploy your wingsuit it degrades a little. This is represented by little chunks taken away from your wingsuit status bar. This translates to progressively decreasing flight times, until your wingsuit essentially becomes useless. Wingsuits with a high DURABILITY stat have the prefix "STURDY". e.g. "Lv 10 Sturdy Wingsuit. -------------- DETAILS -------------- Elise's signature gear, the "Optiglide Wingsuit" has a high LIFT stat. Therefore it is roughly equivalent to a "Lv 6 Icarus Wingsuit". Griff's "Flexform Wingsuit" has a high DURABILITY stat, and is roughly equivalent to a "Lv 6 Sturdy Wingsuit". An "All-around Wingsuit", as the name implies, is a wingsuit with generally balanced stats. -------------- BASIC TIPS -------------- Generally speaking, it is better to have a certain wingsuit for different types of events. Aerodynamic Wingsuits are more suited for racing, while Sturdy Wingsuits are designed more with Survive events in mind. This does not necessarily mean that you must adhere to these guidelines. You should use whatever type of wingsuit you feel most comfortable with. Icarus wingsuits with high LIFT, are the best choice if you want to get the feel for flying. The long flight times make it possible to quickly get a grasp of how they work. -------------- GEOTAGS -------------- Wingsuits can be an invaluable tool for collecting and placing geotags. They give you a bird's (or should I say squirrel's) eye view of the track below you, and can help you reach geotags that are normally unreachable. Use the wingsuit to snag a few geotags, and you'll pocket some fairly easy credits. +-------------------------------------------+ WINGSUIT TACTICS +-------------------------------------------+ Once you've gotten used to the general usage of wingsuits, it is time to truly master them. -------------- LIFTING OFF -------------- When you deploy your wingsuit, you may notice your character might be strangely oriented (Sideways or Turned around). Although instinct might be to try to correct this, in fear of flying off in a direction you did not intend. This seems to be purely aesthetic and you can control your character as if they were level (Even though they make look sideways at first, control them like they started out level.) The key to getting good speed and lift in a wingsuit deploy is preparation. Before you intend to deploy, try to gain speed by using your boost and tucking your character. When you have your jump lined up, begin holding the "jump" button as well as boost. Release the jump button and immediately deploy your wingsuit. This step is crucial, if you do not deploy your wingsuit as soon as you jump, you will lose momentum before you get flying. If you intend to do tricks on a jump where you also intend to use your wingsuit, deploy your wingsuit first. The momentum from the jump will propel your character higher and farther than if you had not deployed immediately. Once you're a safe enough distance to fall to your intended landing spot, release the wingsuit button, and you should have plenty of time to pull off a couple big tricks on the way down. -------------- LANDING -------------- Landing is easier than it might seem at first. When your wingsuit status bar is close to depleted, quickly scan for a suitable landing spot. When you've located a proper spot, and you do not intend to do any tricks on the way down, leave your wingsuit deployed. Even when the meter runs out, you retain a slight amount of lift, and a great deal of control. You can use these to your advantage, and guide yourself to a suitable location to land. But be careful to always let go of the wingsuit button before you land or hit an object, or else you will wipe out and be thrown off your board. -------------- HOPPING -------------- In certain situations, you may find yourself needing to take off quickly after you land, this can be done, with "hopping" from surface to surface. Anticipate the time you will make contact with the surface, and let go of your wingsuit. Right when you make contact the surface, hit the "jump" button immediately and deploy your wingsuit again. You'll find that the meter has refilled and you can immediately continue flying. You can use this to save yourself from boarding into a crevasse, or to hop off a mountain top without crashing into it. -------------- NO BOARD -------------- When you wipe out and get thrown off your board, it's actually still possible to use your wingsuit in a pinch. If you crash into a mountain top or wipe out before a crevasse, instead of rewinding, you can save time by gliding to safety without your board. The same rules apply, but once you land, you'll have very little control of your character until they stand up. However you can actually "wingsuit hop" without your board and cover great distances, preventing you from losing time or wasting a rewind. Try to bounce your flailing character off of vertical surface or before a jump, and deploy your wingsuit in between each bounce (This is not advisable in event where your character has health). Once you get good enough, you can actually cross the finish line like this, even if you were a great distance away from it. This is a technique that is worth learning, as it could save your Canadian BACK Bacon. -------------- SURVIVAL -------------- In some survival events that do not call for the use of a wingsuit, they can be very helpful. They can help you save yourself from chasms, fly out of the way of obstacles, or fly over an avalanche. The possibilities are endless. Just because an event doesn't require a wingsuit, doesn't mean you can't benefit from using one. -------------- SKIPPING TRACK -------------- Once you've mastered the ways of the wingsuit, and wingsuit hopping, you can attempt the controversial wingsuit maneuver known as skipping track sections. In regions like Patagonia, the descents are so steep that in theory you can glide to the finish while only deploying your wingsuit once (In theory. there are obviously obstacles like mountains, death zones, barriers, and the track itself.) But it is still possible to complete it with very little deploys (as low as 3), by finding certain parts of the track to hop off of and on to. Once you've gotten high enough and far enough, you can glide to the finish on a depleted wingsuit. This is because Patagonia is so steep, that the very little lift a depleted wingsuit offers, is enough to guide you to the finish. You can also try to skip track sections in other tracks, but it's not nearly as easy as Patagonia, and there are barriers and obstacles abound. In fact there are a lot of times that a wingsuit can hinder you in a track that is not wingsuit required. When skipping track sections, be aware that not everybody considers it a fair tactic to use, especially in non wingsuit required events. +-------------------------------------------+ ADVANCED WINGSUIT TIPS +-------------------------------------------+ The following are tips on high-level wingsuit usage from Todd Batty, Creative Director of SSX. * You need your wingsuit lift and air speed stats close to maxed if possible. * NEVER lift up (by pressing down on the controller) after your lift meter is empty. You will 'stall' and lose all your air speed. * So much of your air speed is determined by what you are doing on the ground prior to take-off. Max your speed, try not to jump when you do take-off (ie doing it off natural drops is much better), Stay level and deploy the suit as soon as possible after taking off. * Also, diving in the wingsuit picks up speed FAST, it is even faster than freefalling, so dive down and undeploy at the last second. Sometimes going up-then-down is faster than just flying straight. * Likwise, if you need to travel a great distance to hit a shortcut (like at the tail end of the Patagonia feature peak runs) be sure to immediately pull up after going airborne and fly as high as you can, then just as your lift meter is about to run out dive down a bit to get your airspeed back up before starting to coast. Although once my meter is empty I'm usually diving down as hard and fast as I can to get back on the ground where boosting is faster than air 'coasting'. -------------- HAVE FUN! -------------- In your gear selection screen lies the unbridled joy and freedom of being a Flying Squirrel! The wingsuit is a very versatile piece of equipment, and can provide loads of fun as well as alternative gameplay techniques! g. Perks and Mods [EquipPerks] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Perks and Mods are modifications to your standard character or gear that benefit gameplay in a number of ways. Whether you are trying to max a particular statistic for an event, change around a character's appearance or add additional rewinds for a Survival Event, Perks and Mods are critical to gaining the edge you need to pass some of the difficult events in SSX. +-------------------------------------------+ PERKS +-------------------------------------------+ PERKS are additional bonuses attached to high-level suits. Any suit with a perk attached is typically very expensive and often of the "Epic" or "Legendary" rank. Perks are always attached to a piece of equipment, and are permanent. never expiring. A suit with a Perk will always have that particular perk. ------------------- SPECIFIC PERK INFO ------------------- 1. AESTHETIC PERKS - (Big Head, Big Hands, Big Head & Hands) Changes your character's appendage to roughly 3 times its normal size. This has no affect on gameplay, but it is highly recommended to equip Big Head perks on Moby (anytime) or Zoe (during the intro movie of the Trees Deadly Descent) just for the laughs. It's pretty humorous and a very nice nod to old school games in general and the SSX series' sense of humor in particular. 2. ATTRIBUTE PERKS - (Boost Bonus, Trick Bonus) Attribute mods are equivalent to a Mod of that same type, at the same level of your current suit. For example, if you find a level 8 Epic Suit with Boost Bonus Perk, it is the same as a level 8 suit that you then added a level 8 Boost Mod to. Two things to keep in mind with Attribute Perks: 1) Perks and Mods are essentially the same thing. So if you have both a suit and a board with the same type of Perk, there is probably no reason to buy Mods of the same type. (For example, if you have a Legendary Board with Boost Perk and a Legendary Suit with Boost Perk, it is unlikely you will need to purchase any Boost Mods from the store, since you will likely hit the 100 point ceiling on the Boost Attribute just from the Perks on your gear.) 2) There is currently NO information on what exact point-value a Perk has. Until that time, it is best to assume that a Perk is based on a standard Mod of the same type, of the same level. We will try to get more information on this. 3. "EXTRA" PERKS - (More Tricky Time, More Rewinds) These Perks add additional numbers to specific gameplay mechanics. 1) MORE TRICKY TIME - TRICKY status has a base time limit (10 - 12 seconds) and a max time limit (around 16 seconds). Extra tricky time perks contribute to the difference between base and max and are stackable. This perk comes in handy for a wide variety of events. While it might seem most obvious to use it in Trick Events, it also comes in very handy in races, where a few more seconds of TRICKY status means a few additional seconds of infinite boost. 2) MORE REWINDS - This perk permanently adds more rewinds to the total you have. It is important to remember that higher level Suits with More Rewind Perks are better than lower level suits of the same type. For example, a level 6 Suit with "More Rewinds" might grant you only ONE additional rewind. However, a level 11 suit of the same type will give you THREE additional rewinds. This is the only Perk type that is like that, and means that you would do best to buy "More Rewinds" gear when your character is near max level. +-------------------------------------------+ MODS +-------------------------------------------+ MODS are boosts to either boards or equipment that you buy in the store. They are used only for the duration of a single event, expiring after you stop playing and quit out of the track. Mods follow the same ranking scheme as gear: Legendary > Epic > Rare > Normal. with higher ranking Mods costing much more credits, but are also more effective. The Mods offered in the store will change based on: 1) The Equipment you have equipped. If you equip Ice Axes and a wingsuit, you will find mods for this equipment in the store. Likswise, if you have a Boost Board equipped, most often the store will stock Speed Mods to help make up the difference in statistics. If you are getting a lot of Mods that don't help your current event look to see if you have some redundant piece of equipment still equipped and unequip it. 2) The type of event. If you are playing a Race, Speed Mods and Rocket Mods will often show up. In a wingsuit event, Wingsuit Mods will often appear. You can skip to different events if you can't locate a specific Mod for a certain type of event, but since the store loads up Mods semi-randomly, occasionally you will just be out of luck when looking for a particular item. Like mentioned above, equipping that item often helps make mods for the equipment appear. ------------------- SPECIFIC MOD INFO ------------------- 1. ATTRIBUTE MODS - (Speed Mod, Rocket Mod, Tricks Mod) * SPEED MOD - Improve the Speed Stat for your board. * ROCKET MOD - Improve the Boost Stat for your board. * TRICKS MOD - Improve the Tricks Stat for your board. Remember that Mods that affect attributes are only worth TWENTY PERCENT of their listed value. See the "Attribute System" section above for more information on how Mods affect the value of Gear. Because these mods are only worth 1/5 of their listed value, if you have high level gear, you may only need to buy lower level mods (at a cheaper price) in order to max out the statistic you are looking to boost. However, this may be easier said than done, as the game only sells Mods at a lower level in Global Events that have a max level gear limit. For example, if I'm using a Legendary Speed Board worth 100 Speed, my gear is providing me with 80 actual Speed Points. That leaves 20 points to be made up by Mods. A level 11 Speed Mod may be listed at 80 points, but is only effectively worth 16 Speed points. I may be able to buy two level 8 Speed Mods with 60 Speed apiece (12 actual Speed points, for 24 points of effective boost to Speed) at a MUCH lower price, since prices for max level gear are sometimes 3-5 times more expensive than lower level gear. Going to a Global Event that has a "Max Gear Level" of 8 and buying two Speed Mods may save me some credits but give me the same boost in Speed Attribute. 2. EQUIPMENT MODS - (Too many to list, see Equipment section) Equipment Attribute Mods boost the performance of a particular statistic for a piece of gear. They act the same way as Attribute mods for regular attributes (Speed, Rocket, etc.) and can be purchased in the store easiest if you are equipped with that particular piece of gear, and at the drop that requires that sort of equipment. For example, if I want to purchase a "Efficient Solar Mod" for my Insulated Solar Gear, going to Dreadnought: Survive It in Antarctica will improve my chances of finding that particular mod to buy. See the Equipment guide above for more information on what each attribute for a particular piece of gear means and how best to utilize that in events. 3. "EXTRA" MODS - (Extended Tricky Time, Trick Multiplier, Additional Rewinds) These Perks add additional numbers to specific gameplay mechanics. 1) EXTENDED TRICKY TIME MOD - TRICKY status has a base time limit (10 - 12 seconds) and a max time limit (around 16 seconds). Extra tricky time mods contribute to the difference between base and max and are stackable. This mod comes in handy for a wide variety of events. While it might seem most obvious to use it in Trick Events, it also comes in very handy in races, where a few more seconds of TRICKY status means a few additional seconds of infinite boost. 2) TRICK MULTIPLIER MOD - This mod is a percentage added onto every trick value, up to a max of 3% (at top level, legendary gear.) They also stack, so 2 legendary L11 trick scoring bonus mods net you a 6% higher score. These mods are always rare items in the store. On a 30M run, two max level Multiplier mods would net you an extra 1.8M on your final score. Not gamebreaking, but can help bump you over a friend if you're desperate. 2) MORE REWINDS - This Mod adds more rewinds to the total you have. Unlike Perks, where the exact number of additional rewinds is unknown until you buy the gear, you can see exactly how many additional rewinds you are getting by looking at the icon in the store, up to a maximum of three at max mod level. h. Frequently Asked Questions [EquipFAQ] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. So what sort of load out does a good player use if he's trying to beat everyone on his friends' list? A. From Todd Batty, Creative Director for SSX: For Elise For Race It: * Legendary Glowing suit with boost perk * Legendary L11 Rocket Board * Legendary L11 Icarus Wingsuit * Rocket Mod, Speed Mod, Aerodynamic Wingsuit Mod Sometimes I substitute an extra tricky time mod if I'm racing a track with an awkward stretch where I need a few more seconds of Tricky between air opportunities. Even a second or two of board pressing costs you valuable time. for Trick:It: * Legendary Glowing suit w trick perk * Legendary L11 Tricks Board * Trick Mod, 2x Trick Multiplier Mods (if I can find them, otherwise just Trick Mods, usually 2 total) =============================================================================== SECTION FIVE: COLLECTION [CollectStart] =============================================================================== 5. Collection [CollectStart] a. Geotags [CollectGeotags] b. Snowflakes [CollectFlakes] c. Frequently Asked Questions [CollectFAQ] a. Geotags [CollectGeotags] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Geotags are user-generated collectibles, and they serve as the collection aspect of SSX. While they may seem simple on the surface, geotags have a surprising amount of depth to them. Both geotags and snowflakes count towards the collection totals for the Badges in RiderNet. ------------------ GEOTAG SPECIFICS ------------------ Geotags follow the same system as all other equipment, with a level and a rarity rating (legendary is better than normal, for example). Geotags come in three colors, green, purple and yellow, the color of which is determined by the level. Normal geotags are green, Epic geotags are purple, and Legendary are yellow. The color of a geotag is not always indicative of its value, unlike snowflakes. Read below: ----------------------------------- FRICKIN' GEOTAGS, HOW DO THEY WORK? ----------------------------------- Geotags can only be placed during rewinding. Pay attention to the bottom of the screen and look for the message that tells you which button to press to place a Geotag. (If you are playing a Global Event that doesn't allow for rewinding, there is no way to place a geotag.) Once you place a geotag, it's then available for anyone in the world who plays that same SSX track you placed the geotag in to collect, If someone collects your geotag, they earn credits. Exactly how many credits, however, depends on how long the geotag has been out before it is collected. From the moment a geotag is placed, you start earning a percentage of the maximum value of a geotag, based on how long it has been active in the world, up to 24 hours. For example, after 12 hours, you'll have earned 50% of the value of the geotag - after 18 hours, you'll earn 75%. After your geotag has been out for 24 hours, the geotag expires, earning you the maximum amount. Anyone collecting geotags, however, wants to find the geotags as soon as they can, because you earn more credits the sooner you find them! For collectors, the exact opposite of the above dynamic is true: the longer a geotag has been out in the world, the less value it is worth! For example, a user named gondee purchases a geotag that gives him 10,000 credits for placing it,and can earn a maximum of 100,000 credits if it stays out without being collected for 24 hours. He places that Geotag on a track. 8 hours later, another user named vix collects gondee's geotag, Since the geotag was out for 8 hours (33% of 24 hours), gondee has earned 33% of the geotag's maximum worth, or 33,000 credits. Vix, however, collected the geotag well before it expired, and earned the remaining amount left - 67,000 credits! ---------------- PLACING COUNTS ---------------- Place is the most important 'P' when it comes to geotags. If you spend a lot of money on an expensive geotag, but place it in an extremely obvious spot, you'll actually lose money. So here are some tips to make the most of your geotag attempts: 1. Using the wingsuit can make all the difference in finding a good place to put a geotag. Try spending the level flying off into different directions and putting Geotags as far out of the way as you can. 2. Bottomless pits are generally good places to get a geotag, provided it is not so small that it is easy to collect. Generally people don't want to work to collect a geotag, and won't go through the hassle of dying just to collect one. 3. Tracks like One Step Ahead and Sentinel, located in the Alps are excellent places to place geotags. Fly waaaay off the map, and when it looks like you are about to die, rewind and immediately place a geotag. If you're lucky, your geotag will be so difficult to see and get to it will stay out for the entire duration. ----------------- COLLECTING TIPS ----------------- 1. The wingsuit is excellent to fly above and spot geotags to collect. Be sure to equip if you are doing a round of geotag hunting. 2. Tracks without hazards, like Bulldog, tend to have more Geotags. Likewise, tracks that are easy to place hard-to-find geotags in, like One Step Ahead, will have more geotags than other tracks but collecting them will be more difficult. You may also find that more geotags appear in tracks in World Tour mode, since snowflakes do no appear in that mode. ------------------------------------------------------------- PROTIPS: GEOTAGS ARE EXCELLENT FOR POWERING UP CHARACTERS ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Although you collect geotag earnings the instant you collect the geotag, bonus XP is rewarded at the end of the event for any geotag that you collected. However, THIS BONUS XP IS ONLY PAID OUT WHEN YOU FINISH AN EVENT. This can be used to power up low level characters. What, you say? How can you use this to your advantage? Simple, bonus XP awarded when you collect Geotags is NOT paid out until you complete an event. It's held in reserve and is paid out as a Drop Bonus the next time you cross the finish line in an event! In this way, if you collect several geotags in a row but quit out or restart before you finish the event, you create a large 'bank' of geotag earnings that can be used to power up whatever character completes an event next! So go collect a ton of geotags with a high level character, but never finish an event. Then switch to a very low level character, finish an easy event and watch your character power up quickly! It's possible to power up a character all the way to level 10 after 1 event if you collect enough geotags before finishing an event! Just remember not to quit out of the entire game, or you'll lose all bonus XP that you collected from geotags. 2. Not as dramatic, but one of the easiest ways to gain experience for low-level characters is to purchase geotags with your high level character, but PLACE THEM with your low level characters. The credits you earn from a high level geotag can add up very quickly for characters below level 6. After this though, the effectiveness is diminished. b. Snowflakes [CollectFlakes] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Snowflakes are collectibles placed in the game by the developers, and they use the same system as geotags. There are 599 snowflakes spread throughout the game, varying in value from just a few thousand credits all the way to a million! (More on that below.) Snowflakes have a different icon than geotags, actually looking like a snowflake (believe it or not!) Unlike geotags, their value does not decrease over time. Snowflake values stay the same no matter how long they sit on the track. The colors of the snowflake denote the general value: GREEN: worth a few thousand credits (1-10,000) PURPLE: worth a few tens of thousands of credits (10-50,000) WHITE: only one, worth one million credits! See below. ----------------------------- THE LEGENDARY WHITE SNOWFLAKE ----------------------------- The "Legendary White Snowflake" is worth a million credits, and is located in Curnoe's Moustache in the Rockies. A million credits is enough to boost a level 1 character all the way up to level 9! You'll need a character with a wingsuit, and you'll need to have some patience, because this snowflake is difficult to get. The snowflake is located about 700 meters from the finish line, on the far left side of the map. It's floating above one of the large electrical towers near the end of the course, and it's very, very hard to spot because it blends in with the sky so well. You'll notice a large downed tree you can grind that is angled off to the side of the course, rather than running along the same path that the other downed trees do. THIS is the tree that you need to grind like a rail in order to reach this snowflake. Once you are on the ledge leading to the tree, grind the tree and boost off the end of the tree. If you are using a level one character, a good technique is to try and hop onto the short ledge immediately to the right and use that as a launch pad to get a good run at the snowflake, which is to the left, at the top of this electrical tower. You also pretty much need to land right on the snowflake, as it doesn't seem to have as much 'magnetism' as the regular geotags do. Having a good wingsuit can help, but if you use a character that is too high in experience, you won't gain the full value of 1 million points of experience. c. Frequently Asked Questions [CollectFAQ] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. THE WHITE SNOWFLAKE IS NOT SHOWING UP FOR ME! A. If the white snowflake is not there, try playing offline and trying again. The game can only support a certain number of collectibles on the course at a time, and if it 'downloads' too many geotags on Curnoe's Moustache, the white snowflake may not show up. Try playing offline (you may need to restart your game offline in order to clear the 'downloaded' geotags) and you should have the white snowflake show up in short order! =============================================================================== SECTION SIX: COMPLETING SSX [CompleteSSX] =============================================================================== a. Achievement/Trophy Guide [CheevosGuide] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= AUTHOR: vix The Trophy List (for Playstation Network) and Achievement List (for X-box Live) are different. The Achievement List has more achievements than there are trophies. Suggestions for good locations to achieve these may be added later. +-------------------------------------------+ ACHIEVEMENT LIST +-------------------------------------------+ There are 50 achievements with a total of 1000 points. * This Gear Is Bronze (10 points) Collect all Bronze Gear Badges * This Gear Is Silver (25 points) Collect all Silver Gear Badges * This Gear Is Golden (50 points) Collect all Gold Gear Badges * The Bronze Campaign (10 points) Collect all Bronze World Tour Badges * The Silver Campaign (25 points) Collect all Silver World Tour Badges * The Silver Survival Guide (25 points) Collect all Silver Survive Badges * The Golden Survival Guide (50 points) Collect all Gold Survive Badges * Team SSX (10 points) Unlock every member of Team SSX through World Tour (or purchase in Explore or Global Events) * Tree Hugger (25 points) Survive Trees Deadly Descent without equipping armor (in World Tour) * The Apple Theory (25 points) Survive Gravity Deadly Descent without equipping a wingsuit (in World Tour) * Do You See What I See (25 points) Survive Darkness Deadly Descent without equipping a headlamp or pulse goggles (in World Tour) * Ice To See You (25 points) Survive Ice Deadly Descent without equipping ice axes (in World Tour) * Buried Alive (25 points) Survive Avalanche Deadly Descent without equipping armor (in World Tour) * Playing Favorites (25 points) Reach level 10 with any character * It's Cold Out Here (25 points) Survive Cold Deadly Descent without equipping a solar panel (in World Tour) * Rocky Road (25 points) Survive Rock Deadly Descent without equipping armor (in World Tour) * Caution Low Visibility (25 points) Survive Whiteout Deadly Descent without equipping pulse goggles (in World Tour) * That Was Easy (5 points) Unlock all Game Modes * I Am A Ghost (5 points) Upload your first personal ghost * Grindage (5 points) Grind your first rail (not achievable in Tutorial) * Around The World (10 points) Ride with all three Pilots with each member of Team SSX * I Ain't Afraid of Snow Ghost (10 points) Beat a Friend's Rival Ghost in every Range (in Explore) * The Golden Trick It (10 points) Earn your 1st Gold in a Trick Event (in Explore) * The Gold Standard (10 points) Earn your 1st Gold in a Race Event (in Explore) * Heart Of Gold (10 points) Earn your 1st Gold in a Survive Event (in Explore) * Peak-A-Boo (10 points) Participate in a Global Event in every Peak * Tag Team (10 points) Earn a Bronze in a Trick Event with every member of Team SSX (in Explore) * Pass The Baton (10 points) Earn a Bronze in a Race Event with every member of Team SSX (in Explore) * Leave No One Behind (10 points) Earn a Bronze in a Survive Event with every member of Team SSX (in Explore) * Uberlesscious (20 points) Earn a Bronze Medal on a Trick Event in Explore without landing any Super Ubers * Who Needs Boost (20 points) Earn a Bronze Medal on a Race Event in Explore without using any boost * I'm Alive! (5 points) Rewind out of Death for the First Time (not achievable in Tutorial) * I'm Flying! (5 points) Deploy your wingsuit for the first time (not achievable in Tutorial) * Gear Up! (5 points) Make your first Gear Purchase * Pass The Board Wax (5 points) Make your first Board Purchase * I Need A Boost (5 points) Make your first Mod Purchase * The Golden Campaign (50 points) Collect all Gold World Tour Badges * The Bronze Miner (10 points) Collect all Bronze Explore Badges * The Silver Miner (25 points) Collect all Silver Explore Badges * The Gold Miner (50 points) Collect all Gold Explore Badges * The Bronze Spender (10 points) Collect all Bronze Global Events Badges * The Silver Spender (25 points) Collect all Silver Global Events Badges * The Gold Spender (50 points) Collect all Gold Global Events Badges * The Bronze Badger (10 points) Collect all Bronze Tricky Badges * The Silver Boarder (25 points) Collect all Silver Tricky Badges * The Golden Tricker (50 points) Collect all Gold Tricky Badges * The Bronze Finish (10 points) Collect all Bronze Race Badges * The Silver Finish (25 points) Collect all Silver Race Badges * The Gold Finish (50 points) Collect all Gold Race Badges * The Bronze Survival Guide (10 points) Collect all Bronze Survive Badges +-------------------------------------------+ TROPHY LIST +-------------------------------------------+ There are 37 Trophies. * The SSX Standard (Platinum) Earn All Trophies * Gear Pack (Silver) Collect all Gear Badges * The Golden Campaign (Gold) Collect all World Tour Badges * The Gold Miner (Gold) Collect all Explore Badges * The Gold Spender (Gold) Collect all Global Events Badges * The Tricker (Silver) Collect all Tricky Badges * The Finish Line (Silver) Collect all Race Badges * Survival Guide (Silver) Collect all Survive Badges * Team SSX (Bronze) Unlock every member of Team SSX through World Tour (or purchase in Explore or Global Events) * Tree Hugger (Silver) Survive Trees Deadly Descent without equipping armor (in World Tour) * The Apple Theory (Silver) Survive Gravity Deadly Descent without equipping a wingsuit (in World Tour) * Do You See What I See (Silver) Survive Darkness Deadly Descent without equipping a headlamp or pulse goggles (in World Tour) * Ice To See You (Silver) Survive Ice Deadly Descent without equipping ice axes (in World Tour) * Buried Alive (Silver) Survive Avalanche Deadly Descent without equipping armor (in World Tour) * Playing Favorites (Silver) Reach level 10 with any character * It's Cold Out Here (Silver) Survive Cold Deadly Descent without equipping a solar panel (in World Tour) * Rocky Road (Silver) Survive Rock Deadly Descent without equipping armor (in World Tour) * Caution Low Visibility (Silver) Survive Whiteout Deadly Descent without equipping pulse goggles (in World Tour) * That Was Easy (Bronze) Unlock all Game Modes * I Am A Ghost (Bronze) Upload your first personal ghost * Grindage (Bronze) Grind your first rail (not achievable in Tutorial) * Around The World (Bronze) Ride with all three Pilots with each member of Team SSX * I Ain't Afraid of Snow Ghost (Silver) Beat a Friend's Rival Ghost in every Range (in Explore) * The Golden Trick IT (Silver) Earn your 1st Gold in a Trick Event (in Explore) * The Gold Standard (Silver) Earn your 1st Gold in a Race Event (in Explore) * Heart Of Gold (Silver) Earn your 1st Gold in a Survive Event (in Explore) * Peak-A-Boo (Bronze) Participate in a Global Event in every Peak * Tag Team (Bronze) Earn a Bronze in a Trick Event with every member of Team SSX (in Explore) * Pass The Baton (Bronze) Earn a Bronze in a Race Event with every member of Team SSX (in Explore) * Leave No One Behind (Bronze) Earn a Bronze in a Survive Event with every member of Team SSX (in Explore) * Uberlesscious (Silver) Earn a Bronze Medal on a Trick Event in Explore without landing any Super Ubers * Who Needs Boost (Silver) Earn a Bronze Medal on a Race Event in Explore without using any boost * I'm Alive! (Bronze) Rewind out of Death for the First Time (not achievable in Tutorial) * I'm Flying! (Bronze) Deploy your wingsuit for the first time (not achievable in Tutorial) * Gear Up! (Bronze) Make your first Gear Purchase * Pass The Board Wax (Bronze) Make your first Board Purchase * I Need A Boost (Bronze) Make your first Mod Purchase b. Badge Guide [BadgeGuide] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= +-------------------------------------------+ BADGE LIST +-------------------------------------------+ AUTHOR: vix -------------- WORLD TOUR -------------- * Bags n' Boards - (Bronze) Unlock Zoe, Elise and Alex Comics * Back Issues - (Silver) Unlock Tane, Moby and Kaori Comics * Signed Copies - (Gold) Unlock Psymon, Mac and Ty Comics * Lava Tube - (Bronze) Beat Griff in Africa with 1 unique member of Team SSX * Left in the Dark - (Silver) Beat Griff in Africa with 3 unique members of Team SSX * African Safari - (Gold) Beat Griff in Africa with 6 unique members of Team SSX * Deep Freeze - (Bronze) Beat Griff in Antarctica with 1 unique member of Team SSX * Frozen Solid - (Silver) Beat Griff in Antarctica with 3 unique members of Team SSX * Condition 1 - (Gold) Beat Griff in Antarctica with 6 unique members of Team SSX * High and Dry - (Bronze) Beat Griff in Himalayas with 1 unique member of Team SSX * Out of Breath - (Silver) Beat Griff in Himalayas with 3 unique members of Team SSX * Oxygen is Overrated - (Gold) Beat Griff in Himalayas with 6 unique members of Team SSX * Wet and Cold - (Bronze) Beat Griff's Ghost in the Rockies with 1 unique member of Team SSX * Rooted - (Silver) Beat Griff's Ghost in the Rockies with 3 unique members of Team SSX * Clear Cutter - (Gold) Beat Griff's Ghost in the Rockies with 6 unique members of Team SSX * Isolated - (Bronze) Beat Griff's Ghost in Patagonia with 1 unique member of Team SSX * Fallen - (Silver) Beat Griff's Ghost in Patagonia with 3 unique members of Team SSX * Fly-By - (Gold) Beat Griff's Ghost in Patagonia with 6 unique members of Team SSX * Bumpy Ride - (Bronze) Beat Griff's Ghost in the Alps with 1 unique member of Team SSX * Rocked - (Silver) Beat Griff's Ghost in the Alps with 3 unique members of Team SSX * Alpine Domination - (Gold) Beat Griff's Ghost in the Alps with 6 unique members of Team SSX * I'm Still Alive - (Bronze) Finish 3 Deadly Descents * Conqueror - (Silver) Finish 6 Deadly Descents * Invincible - (Gold) Finish 9 Deadly Descents * Close Call - (Bronze) Finish 3 Deadly Descents using no rewinds * No Going Back - (Silver) Finish 6 Deadly Descents using no rewinds * No Special Effects - (Gold) Finish 9 Deadly Descents using no rewinds * Can't Play Nice - (Bronze) Knockdown 1 rider * Unstoppable - (Silver) Knockdown 10 riders * Outta My Way! - (Gold) Knockdown 25 riders -------------- EXPLORE -------------- * Bronze Man - (Bronze) Earn a Bronze Medal for every drop in 1 Range * So closeŚ - (Silver) Earn a Silver Medal for every drop in 1 Range * I'm Done - (Gold) Earn a Gold Medal for every drop in 1 Range * Spectre Spending - (Bronze) Earn a total of 1,500 SSX Credits from ghost wins * Estate Tax - (Silver) Earn a total of 15,000 SSX Credits from ghost wins * Inheritance - (Gold) Earn a total of 150,000 SSX Credits from ghost wins * I Don't Believe in Ghosts - (Bronze) Your records have withstood 1 challenge from your Friends * Ghosts Everywhere! - (Silver) Your records have withstood 25 challenges from your Friends * Supernatural Snowboarder - (Gold) Your records have withstood 50 challenges from your Friends * Friendly Competition - (Bronze) Beat 1 Friends record * Are We Still Friends? - (Silver) Beat 25 Friends record * Lonely at the Top - (Gold) Beat 50 Friends record * Unattainable - (Bronze) Place 1 Geotag that never gets collected (earning you the max) * Stash - (Silver) Place 5 Geotags that never gets collected (earning you the max) * Hoarder - (Gold) Place 15 Geotags that never gets collected (earning you the max) -------------- GLOBAL EVENTS -------------- * Bling - (Bronze) Finish in Diamond Bracket 1 time in a Global Event * Gem Collector - (Silver) Finish in Diamond Bracket 5 times in a Global Event * Grandmaster - (Gold) Finish in Diamond Bracket 10 times in a Global Event * Almost at the Top - (Bronze) Finish in Platinum Bracket 1 time in a Global Event * Elitist - (Silver) Finish in Platinum Bracket 5 times in a Global Event * Platinum! - (Gold) Finish in Platinum Bracket 10 times in a Global Event * Going for Gold - (Bronze) Finish in Gold Bracket 1 time in a Global Event * Fancy - (Silver) Finish in Gold Bracket 5 times in a Global Event * Solid Gold - (Gold) Finish in Gold Bracket 10 times in a Global Event * Nickle - (Bronze) Finish in Silver Bracket 1 time in a Global Event * Not Last! - (Silver) Finish in Silver Bracket 5 times in a Global Event * Dime - (Gold) Finish in Silver Bracket 10 times in a Global Event * I Hold Forward? - (Bronze) Compete in a Race Event * Competitive - (Silver) Compete in a Race Event 10 times * Something to Prove - (Gold) Compete in a Race Event 50 times * Jumping is Good? - (Bronze) Compete in a Trick Event * Check Me Out! - (Silver) Compete in a Trick Event 10 times * All I Want is Tricky - (Gold) Compete in a Trick Event 50 times * Close Call - (Bronze) Compete in a Survive Event * Risk Taker - (Silver) Compete in a Survive Event 10 times * Adrenaline Rush - (Gold) Compete in a Survive Event 50 times * DIY - (Bronze) Compete in a Custom Event * Customer - (Silver) Compete in a Custom Event 10 times * Users Know Best - (Gold) Compete in a Custom Event 50 times * Part of the Crowd - (Bronze) Play in a Global Event with 1,000 or more Riders * I Want To Belong - (Silver) Play in a Global Event with 15,000 or more Riders * Bandwagon - (Gold) Play in a Global Event with 50,000 or more Riders * Small Investment - (Bronze) Join an Event with a 10,000 credit Drop Cost * Exclusive - (Silver) Join an Event with a 100,000 credit Drop Cost * Too Expensive! - (Gold) Join an Event with a 1,000,000 credit Drop Cost * Going Pro - (Bronze) In Global Events, earn more than 25,000 SSX Credits lifetime * World Warrior - (Silver) In Global Events, earn more than 100,000 SSX Credits lifetime * Own the Planet - (Gold) In Global Events, earn more than 1,000,000 SSX Credits lifetime -------------- GEAR -------------- * Collector - (Bronze) Collect 1 Geotag or Snowflake * Treasure Hunter - (Silver) Collect 50 Geotags or Snowflakes * Archaeologist - (Gold) Collect 200 Geotags or Snowflakes * Leaving My Mark - (Bronze) Place 1 Geotag * Litterbug - (Silver) Place 10 Geotags * G-Tagging - Place 25 Geotags (Gold) * Team Building - (Bronze) Get all Team SSX Members to Level 2 * Room For Improvement - (Silver) Get all Team SSX Members to Level 4 * Full Roster - (Gold) Get all Team SSX Members to Level 6 * Accessorize - (Bronze) Purchase 10,000 SSX Credits worth of Gear * Fashionable - (Silver) Purchase 100,000 SSX Credits worth of Gear * High Roller - (Gold) Purchase 500,000 SSX Credits worth of Gear * Board Collector - (Bronze) Purchase 10,000 SSX Credits worth of Boards * Board Crazy - (Silver) Purchase 100,000 SSX Credits worth of Boards * Board Hoard - (Gold) Purchase 500,000 SSX Credits worth of Boards * Up and Coming - (Bronze) Earn 25,000 total SSX Credits * Breadwinner - (Silver) Earn 1,000,000 total SSX Credits * Millionaire! - (Gold) Earn 2,000,000 total SSX Credits * Glider - (Bronze) Deploy Wingsuit 5 times * I'm So Fly - (Silver) Deploy Wingsuit 50 times * Pterodactyl - (Gold) Deploy Wingsuit 250 times * Suspended - (Bronze) Fly in a Wingsuit for 5 minutes total * Don't Even Need A Board - (Silver) Fly in a Wingsuit for 20 minutes total * Soaring - (Gold) Fly in a Wingsuit for 60 minutes total -------------- RACE -------------- * Wind Burn - (Bronze) Achieve a speed of over 175 km/h * Vapor Cone - (Silver) Achieve a speed of over 200 km/h * Boom! - (Gold) Achieve a speed of over 250 km/h * How Do You Stop? - (Bronze) Maintain 100 km/h for 5 seconds * Speeding Ticket - (Silver) Maintain 100 km/h for 20 seconds * Lead Foot - (Gold) Maintain 100 km/h for 40 seconds * Streaky - (Bronze) Maintain 130 km/h for 5 seconds * Pushing the Limits - (Silver) Maintain 130 km/h for 20 seconds * To the Metal - (Gold) Maintain 130 km/h for 40 seconds * Constant State of Boost - (Bronze) Boost for more than 3 minutes total * I Can't Stop! - (Silver) Boost for more than 30 minutes total * How Do I Not Boost? - (Gold) Boost for more than 2 hours total * Live to Ride - (Bronze) Ride a total of 10 Kms in Race Events * Seasoned Veteran - (Silver) Ride a total of 50 Kms in Race Events * Cross-Country - (Gold) Ride a total of 200 Kms in Race Events -------------- SURVIVE -------------- * Ten Steps Back - (Bronze) Use Rewinds a total of 10 times * Mulligan - (Silver) Use Rewinds a total of 30 times * Time Traveler - (Gold) Use Rewinds a total of 100 times * Me 2, Mountain 0 - (Bronze) Survive 2 runs in a Survive Event * Too Easy - (Silver) Survive 3 runs in a Survive Event * Survivor - (Gold) Survive 5 runs in a Survive Event * Pure - (Bronze) Survive your first run with no rewinds * I Don't Rewind Rentals Either - (Silver) Survive 2 runs with no rewinds * It's Cheating - (Gold) Survive 4 runs with no rewinds * Ill Prepared - (Bronze) Survive your first run with no rewinds and no survival gear * Under Dressed - (Silver) Survive 2 runs with no rewinds and no survival gear * Totally Natural - (Gold) Survive 4 runs with no rewinds and no survival gear -------------- TRICKY -------------- * It's Tricky! - (Bronze) Kept Tricky Alive for 30 seconds * Clean Lines - (Silver) Kept Tricky Alive for 60 seconds * Forever Tricky - (Gold) Kept Tricky Alive for 180 seconds * I've Got Flare - (Bronze) Accumulate 5 minutes spent in Tricky * On Fire - (Silver) Accumulate 30 minutes spent in Tricky * Trickster -( Gold) Accumulate 3 hours spent in Tricky * Gnarly - (Bronze) Perform a Signature Trick with 3 unique Characters * Super Uber - (Silver) Perform a Signature Trick with 6 unique Characters * Signature Tricky! - (Gold) Perform a Signature Trick with 9 unique Characters * Keep it Simple - (Bronze) Perform every Basic Trick * Total Super Tricks - (Silver) Perform every Super Trick * Trick City - (Gold) Perform every Super Uber Trick -------------- AIR & TRICK -------------- * I Can See My House - (Bronze) Stay airborne 4 seconds without deploying a Wingsuit * I'm a Plane! - (Silver) Stay airborne 6 seconds without deploying a Wingsuit * Stratosphere - (Gold) Stay airborne 8 seconds without deploying a Wingsuit * Flying Squirrel - (Bronze) Trick in the air for a total of 10 minutes * Defy Reality - (Silver) Trick in the air for a total of 1 hour * SSX Airlines - (Gold) Trick in the air for a total of 5 hours * On Rails - (Bronze) Grind a surface for 8 seconds or more * Choo Choo - (Silver) Grind a surface for 10 seconds or more * I'm a Train! - (Gold) Grind a surface for 12 seconds or more * I Need Some Wax - (Bronze) Grind for a total of 1 minute * Grinding Everything - (Silver) Grind for a total of 30 minutes * Level Cap! - (Gold) Grind for a total of 1 hour * Close Shave - (Bronze) Trick off of a helicopter 1 time * Yippee! - (Silver) Trick off of a helicopter 10 times * Pilot's License - (Gold) Trick off of a helicopter 50 times * Sweet Combo - (Bronze) Performed a 5 move combo * Makin' It Look Easy - (Silver) Performed a 30 move combo * Special Tactics - (Gold) Performed a 100 move combo * Too Easy - (Bronze) Scored over 50,000 in a single Combo * A Cool Million - (Silver) Scored over 5,000,000 in a single Combo * I Got a Bajillion Points! - (Gold) Scored over 10,000,000 in a single Combo * Acrobat - (Bronze) Score over 150,000 in a Trick Event * Sick Run - (Silver) Score over 5,000,000 in a Trick Event * Post It Online - (Gold) Score over 15,000,000 in a Trick Event * Two is Better Than One - (Bronze) Perform 2 flips in a single jump * Flippin' Out - (Silver) Perform 6 flips in a single jump * Which Way is Up? - (Gold) Perform 10 flips in a single jump * Head over Heels - (Bronze) Perform 50 flips * The Tumbler - (Silver) Perform 100 flips * Over and Over - (Gold) Perform 500 flips * Triple Twist - (Bronze) Perform a 1080 rotation * Spin Cycle - (Silver) Perform a 2160 rotation * Spin Doctor - (Gold) Perform a 4320 rotation * Dizzy - (Bronze) Perform 36,000 degrees of rotation * Weeeeeee! - (Silver) Perform 360,000 degrees of rotation * Hurricane - (Gold) Perform 1,080,000 degrees of rotation -------------- DROP BONUS -------------- * Super Tricky Finish - Break out the Ubers and finish a run while in Super Tricky * Signature Trick - Performed a character's Signature Trick * Above the Line - Finish the run with a Wingsuit deployed * No Grinding - Finish the run without ever Grinding * No Boosting - Finish the run without using Boost once * Boost Finish - Finish the run while in Boost * Avalanche! - Triggered an avalanche * Good Balance - Did not bail once during the run * Black & Blue - Bailed 10 times in a single run * Wingsuit Bail - Bailed while Wingsuit was deployed * Vanilla Run - Received under 100,000 points in a Trick Event * Didn't Make It - Survived for less than 500 meters in a Survival Event * Slow Rider - Finished over 6 minutes in a Race Event * Decent Top Speed - Go faster than 260 km/h * Super Speed - Maintain 160 km/h for more than 6 seconds * Booster - Boost for more than 60 seconds in a run * Frequent Flyer - Stay airborne 6 seconds without deploying a Wingsuit * Seconds of Air - Accumulate 120 seconds of total air time * Seconds of Grinding - Accumulate 120 seconds of total grind time * Heli Trick - Trick off the helicopter 3 times in a run * Staying Tricky - Keep Tricky alive for 120 seconds * Seconds of Tricky - Accumulate 90 seconds of time spent in Tricky * Combo Chain - Performed a 70 move Combo * Big Score - Scored over 6,000,000 in a Trick Event * Flip Out - Accumulate 25 total flips in a run * Spin to Win - Accumulate 18000 degrees of rotation in a single run * Look Out - Knock down 2 opponents in a run =============================================================================== SECTION SEVEN: CHARACTERS [CharacterStart] =============================================================================== a. Character Bios [CharacterBio] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are twelve possible characters to unlock in SSX through various means. 10 of these are the 'standard' characters that everyone can unlock when you play through World Tour: Alex, Elise, Griff, Kaori, Mac, Moby, Psymon, Tane, Ty, and Zoe. You can also unlock them for a price in Explore mode simply by paying credits. Eddie Wachowski and Travis Rice are available as downloadable content. Travis Rice has no published bio and has no recorded character lines beyond simple grunts. He also shared many animations with Mac Fraser. ----------------------- ALEX [BioAlex] ----------------------- Full Name: Alex Moreau Nickname: The Chamonix Assassin Nationality: French Home Mountain: Mont Blanc Age: 28 Stat Bonus: +15 Speed, +5 Ice Axes Equipment: Alex's Suregrip Ice Axes Blurb: Fashion model, holds seventeen world records for snowboarding Bio: Alex Moreau was born in the Chamonix, Mont Blanc region of France in 1985 with the spirit of competition sewn into her DNA and coursing through her veins. Her grandfather Paul Moreau was a world-class skier who led the French National ski team to the Winter Olympics in 1924 - held in the family's own backyard of Chamonix. From a very early age, Alex embraced her lineage: she was in skis when most children her age were still mastering the art of walking. By the time she'd entered grade school, the skiing trophies on her mantle outweighed the finger paintings on the family fridge. But when Alex entered high school, she caused quite a stir in the Moreau family: she traded in her skis for a snowboard. Alex set her first snowboarding record on Chamonix just 6 months later. By the time she was sixteen she had set each and every record on Chamonix - and most of the surrounding mountains. Alex knew she had found her calling. As she grew older Alex's stunning beauty and flair for fashion made her a much sought-after model, but she never forgot her roots, and defends her seven world records with a ferociousness that has earned her the nickname, "The Chamonix Assassin." ----------------------- EDDIE [BioEddie] ----------------------- Full Name: Eddie Wachowski Nickname: Eddie Nationality: American Home Mountain: Unknown Age: 29 Stat Bonus: +15 Tricks Equipment: Eddie's Ultimate Board Blurb: Pop culture nut, a fearless goofball, professional hair farmer Bio: The one-and-only Eddie Wachowski makes his triumphant return to the world of SSX, armed with the signature afro and off-beat personality. Miscellaneous Facts: * Eddie's afro has physics built into it. ----------------------- ELISE: [BioElise] ----------------------- Full Name: Elise Riggs Nickname: Bombshell Nationality: Canadian Home Mountain: Cypress, Grouse, Seymour Mountains Age: 33 Stat Bonus: +10 Speed, + 5 Boost, +5 Wingsuit Equipment: Elise's Optiglide Wingsuit Blurb: B-movie starlet, does her own stunts Bio: Even though she left The Tour, Elise refuses to leave snowboarding behind, much to the chagrin of her agent and insurers she still gets out to shred between film shoots and convention appearances. Elise has found a perfect balance in her life between acting and riding and she's never been more content. Always searching for the next rush, Elise has recently been consumed by a new obsession: base-jumping with a wing-suit. Contour flying down a mountainside at 150km per hour delivers a rush unmatched by anything she could do on a snowboard alone and quickly Elsie realizes that she has to find a way to marry the two. ----------------------- GRIFF [BioGriff] ----------------------- Full Name: Griff Simmons Nickname: King of the Mountain Nationality: American Home Mountain: Aspen Age: 22 Stat Bonus: +5 Speed, +5 Tricks, +5 Boost, +5 Wingsuit Equipment: Griff's Flexform Wingsuit Blurb: One of the best snowboarders on the planet, enemy of SSX Bio: Born American and damn proud of it, Griffin Simmons is the preeminent pro snowboarder riding on The Tour today. An Olympic gold-medal winner in boarder cross and big-air, he currently holds the title of "King of the Mountain", according to top snowboarding Magazine Snow Shredder. The fortune and fame was very quickly going straight to his head, and Griffin soon became his own biggest fan. Consumed by arrogance and the idea of being number one, his expert skills as a snowboarder only worked to facilitate his insatiable hunger for the center podium. If Griffin failed at that number-one spot, whatever prize he won would go uncollected; because if he was accepting anything less than first place, he was accepting failure. ----------------------- KAORI: [BioKaori] ----------------------- Full Name: Kaori Nishidake Nickname: None Nationality: Japanese Home Mountain: Hokkaido Age: 26 Stat Bonus: +5 Boost, +10 Tricks, +5 Oxygen Equipment: Kaori's Pure Oxygen Tank Blurb: World class DJ, slope-style monster, obsessed with anime backpacks Bio: In the beginning Kaori had designs on joining the Japanese Olympic Team, but once The Tour came knocking, she quickly changed gears and focused on snowboarding as a career. Kaori worked her way through The Tour rankings and quickly established herself as one of the best. While she was burning up the circuit on her snowboard, her older brother Akira was busy working on his latest creation: The Tokyo Megaplex Snowboard Park. And he wanted Kaori to be the first to ride it. The Megaplex was a love letter to urban snowboarding, and theme park nuts, but mostly Akira's way of telling his little sister how proud he was of her. ----------------------- MAC: [BioMac] ----------------------- Full Name: Mackenzie Fraser Nickname: Mac Nationality: American Home Mountain: Mount Baker Age: 25 Stat Bonus: +15 Tricks, +5 Headlamp Equipment: Mac's Beaming Headlamp Blurb: SSX co-founder, pro snowboarding legend, ladies man Bio: Mac is a legend on The Tour, holding all records on the pro circuit, having done and won it all - but being as good as he is has meant that there is very little left to challenge him. He is the epitome of 'Shredder', loves big air, big tricks and pushing the limits of what is possible on a snowboard. He's usually the first person to nail an impossible combo and stick the landing (think triple corkscrew guy from 2011 X-Games), and has invented more tricks than Tony Hawk. Always looking for new challenges, and to elevate his skills once again, Mac left The Tour behind to co-find SSX. ----------------------- MOBY: [BioMoby] ----------------------- Full Name: Moby Jones Nickname: None Nationality: British / Trinidadian Home Mountain: Chamonix Age: 29 Stat Bonus: +5 Speed, +10 Boost, Solar: +5 Equipment: Moby's Mega Solar Panel Blurb: Boarder-cross king, likes to push the limits Bio: Moby Jones was born in Brixton, England in 1982 to Trinidadian immigrant parents. Growing up on the rough streets of Brixton meant growing up fast but Moby managed to find a way around that rule; at age ten he had a skateboard thrust into his hands. Moby took to the sport like a duck to water. He began entering into local skate competitions and found himself winning more often than not. After a short while he was picked up by a local skate shop and given his first taste of what sponsorship could offer. After that more lucrative deals started to flow in; he was making a name for himself and it was paying off in dividends. ----------------------- PSYMON: [BioPsymon] ----------------------- Full Name: Psymon Stark Nickname: Sketchy Nationality: Canadian Home Mountain: Garibaldi back-country Age: 36 Stat Bonus: +15 Boost, +5 Armor Equipment: Psymon's Ultra-Armor Mesh Blurb: Builds motorcycles, lives on the edge, known to police Bio: Psymon Stark was born in Squamish, British Columbia in 1974. His parents weren't around much growing up so as a result, he rarely found much time for school, choosing instead to spend his time in Whistler snowboarding the backcountry during the winter and glacier climbing during the warmer months. When Psymon turned eighteen, he moved to Whistler fulltime and took a job working the graveyard shift as a groomer. Psymon did more damage to the runs with his cat than good, spending most of his time secretly building "kickers" all over the mountain so he and his friends could ride them the next day. This played havoc with newbie tourists and ski-school kids but made Psymon something of a legend in the circles that mattered. Off the mountain Psymon was the same kind of renegade. He was an animal. The all-night partying, the bar binges and the dust-ups were just fuel for the fire for Psymon. Nothing could slow him down. He fully embraced the bad-ass side of snowboarding culture and he very quickly started to build a name for himself with both local police and people on the pro snowboarding circuit. Alternate Bio: Psymon was the original wild man on The Tour. He was a focused and formidable rider on the track, and absolute loose cannon off. His exploits (stealing a police car, riding a dirt bike through a high-end hotel) earned him more than a few overnight stays behind bars as well as the nickname "Sketchy" due to his erratic behavior. When things got to be too much for his sponsors, they threatened to kill his contracts if he didn't behave. Psymon told them where they could put their contracts. Fed up with it all, he turned his attention to building custom muscle-bikes in his own garage and little to no snowboarding - until long time friend Zoe Payne showed up and offered him something new. The Riding Master of Metal. ----------------------- TANE: [BioTane] ----------------------- Full Name: Tane Mumea Nickname: Hippie Nationality: Fijian Home Mountain: None Age: 28 Stat Bonus: +10 Speed, +5 Boost, +5 Armor Equipment: Tane's Tubular Armor Blurb: SSX co-founder, pro surfing legend, plays a mean Ukulele Bio: Tane is the quintessential gypsy-surfer. His laid-back ways and zest for life attitude have earned him the reputation of being one of the most personable and approachable people on the beach. But once he hits the waves in competition, Tane turns on his razor-sharp focus, tearing up the circuit. Still, it's not the spotlight that Tane seeks out on the waves - it's the personal satisfaction he gets from connecting with the ocean and the adventure that it provides him. As the sport of surfing has become twisted into a competition of corporations, Tane longs for the days when all that truly mattered was your skills on a surfboard. Wanting to rid himself of this new wave of surfing, Tane has left the pro circuit to look for other ways to satisfy his hunger, something that speaks to his true self. Tane hooks up with friends Zoe Payne and Mac Fraser to start SSX. ----------------------- TY: [BioThor] ----------------------- FULL NAME - Thor "Ty" Thorsen Nickname: Lucky Nationality: Norwegian Home Mountain: Lyngen Alps Age: 26 Stat Bonus: +5 Speed, +10 Tricks, +5 Pulse Goggles Equipment: Ty's Pulse Goggles Blurb: Backcountry pro, will try anything on a snowboard... once Bio: Growing up in the remote town of Tromso, Norway - known as the gateway to the Arctic - Ty began crafting his skill as a snowboarder at a very early age. Never quite finding the success he eventually ended up working as a test rider for The Tour - a job that provided all of the riding and none of the pressure the others had to deal with. His easy-going manner, insane skills, and fearless attitude caught the attention of Zoe Payne. It was an easy decision to ask Ty to join her new team, and just as easy for Ty to accept. Alternate Bio: Ty Thorsen is a Terrain park test rider who works for the professional snowboarding circuit known as The Tour. Ty sets up the boardercross and big-air runs, riding them to ensure that safety and regulations are adhered to prior to The Tour riders hitting them in competition. Growing up in the remote town of Tromso, Norway - known as the gateway to the Arctic - Ty began crafting his skill as a snowboarder at a very early age. His father was a helicopter pilot who worked for an adventure tour company ferrying boarders and skiers in and out of the Lyngen Alps - otherwise inaccessible mountains. As a result, Ty would spend countless hours on the mountain, shredding some of the most unspoiled terrain there was. Being one of the preeminent backcountry destinations on the planet, The Lyngen Alps drew in dozens of the world's best riders. Pros from around the globe would descend on the area looking to get a taste of the unspoiled terrain experience. These pros were the people that Ty learned from. As Ty grew older he began to look at where he was headed in his life and what opportunities lay ahead. He loved snowboarding and knew that he wanted to do something with that but competition wasn't in his nature; Ty was about the ride and the personal connection between rider and mountain. ----------------------- ZOE: [BioZoe] ----------------------- Full Name: Zoe Payne Nickname: Demon Nationality: American Home Mountain: Flat Top Mountain, West Virginia Age: 26 Stat Bonus: +5 Speed, +5 Trick, +5 Boost, +5 Armor Equipment: Zoe's Power Armor Blurb: SSX co-founder, motocross legend, loves to beat the boys Bio: Zoe Payne was born in the rural outskirts of Baltimore, Maryland in 1983 and from a very early age she knew she liked to go fast. She latched onto anything that would put the wind in her hair, even managing to get her Big Wheel up to highway speeds on the hill outside her house. Zoe received her first pint sized dirt bike at age nine - and never looked back. Riding took over her life. Each birthday the bike got bigger, the riding got wilder. The only thing that ever got in the way - was winter. But Zoe discovered that snow offered up a different kind of riding. She flung herself headfirst into snowboarding. An instant natural she soaked up the culture and quickly honed her skills to become a formidable rider. Always looking to push herself, she tried her hand at some competitive riding and instantly laid waste to her fellow racers. Through sheer willpower and almost psychopathic determination, she landed herself a spot on The Tour and quickly became a dominating force in the world of professional snowboarding. b. Frequently Asked Questions [CharacterFAQ] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Question? A. Answer. =============================================================================== SECTION EIGHT: VARIOUS DETAILS [DetailsStart] =============================================================================== a. Music [DetailsMusic] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Soundtrack Listing compiled by vix SONG ARTIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stay Gold By: The Big Pink ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breezeblock By: Camo & Crooked ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portal By: Camo & Crooked ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capsize feat. Joe Goddard and Roots Manuva By: Del ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blitz By: Digitalism ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Gotta Rock (Irn Mnky Mix) By: DJ Shadow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plastic Smile By: Felguk feat. Example ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Can't Stop By: Flux Pavilion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Houdini By: Foster the People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damage By: Handsome Furs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What You Asked For By: The Herbalizer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1000 Answers By: The Hives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accelerate By: Hyper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magik (Egyptian Lover Remix) feat. Aima The Dreamer, Cait La Dee, and Raashan By: J Boogie's Dubtronic Science Ahman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Done With That feat. Profit By: Kid Digital ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Error By: Konrad Old Money ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oakland feat. Del The Funky Homosapien and By: Lateef The Truthspeaker The Grouch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Young Blood By: The Naked & Famous ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scorpions By: Nero ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Could This Be By: Noisia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine Gun By: Noisia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hot Like Dimes By: Pretty Lights ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Future By: The Prototypes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bones feat. Kellermensch By: The Qemists ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lifeline By: The Qemists ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stompbox By: The Qemists ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twitch (It Grows And Grows SSX Version) By: Raffertie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scatta feat. Foreign Beggars & Bare Noize By: Skrillex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Better By: Styrofoam Ones ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Stand Alone By: Theophilus London ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirage By: TRS-80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Rose for the Crows By: Turbowolf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Something Good Can Work (The Twelves Remix) By: Two Door Cinema Club ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drop It On the 1 By: Zion I and The Grouch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Traktor By: Wretch 32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b. Various Trivia [DetailsTrivia] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= c. Frequently Asked Questions [DetailsFAQ] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q. Who did the what now? A. Them. They did the what now. =============================================================================== SECTION NINE: EPILOGUE [EpilogueStart] =============================================================================== 6. Legal. [EpilogueLegal] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This FAQ is copyright 2005-2006 by all the authors herein, per their submitted sections. You may not alter/repost this entire FAQ without my permission, or sections of this FAQ in any way without the expressed permission of the author of that corresponding section. SSX (2012), SSX 3, SSX Tricky and SSX is a trademark of Electronic Arts and EA Canada. This FAQ is allowed to be posted on these sites: www.gamefaqs.com www.merqurycity.com www.chaptercheats.com www.cheatcc.com Any other site that has it posted without my consent is contributing to copyright infringement. If you would like to host this guide, you must e-mail me first and obtain my permission, and once you are hosting the guide, you must keep it updated. If you will not do this, you are not allowed to host this guide. PERSONALLY UPDATED VERSION OF THIS FAQ: http://www.merqurycity.com/ssxdeadlydescents/ssx_2012.txt Credit & Thanks [EpilogueThanks] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~ Thank you to all the authors who devoted so much of their time and effort to making this great SSX (2012) FAQ. :) ~ Credit to Grandmort, the myth/man/legend for creating the premiere SSX site on the web - Merqurycity.com. Grandmort sightings have been reported more often then normal these days, though we still have to corroborate any with explicit evidence. ;) What you started sure has bloomed into way more than we ever expected, huh G? :) ~ I want to take some liberty here and personally thank Todd Batty, Connor Dougan, and the entire Electronic Arts Vancouver development team for bringing back SSX through sheer hard work, determination and an uncommon willingness to listen to fans. You have bent over backwards for us, often going above and beyond what even I, as the hardest of hardcore fans, have come to expect from a team. Thank you for listening to all of our complaints, rants and raves about the series we all love so much. Contributors - Who are these people? [EpilogueContrib] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~ Vix is an administrator of the forums at Merqurycity.com and also one of the key contributors to this guide. She loves, loves, loves to make lists of stuff and I am the major beneficiary of all these lists. :D She's also one of the most dedicated members of the community and a pillar of the forum over at Merqurycity. :) ~ laidback0378 earned his custom rank of "gondee's FAQ Writer" by contributing some amazing content for many of my past guides and he didn't disappoint this time around. His Deadly Descents guide is the kind of content that helps just about everyone and he is always happy to provide it. ~ shinoxxle stepped up very early in the FAQs life and submitted a couple of extremely in-depth guides for the gear in the game, negating me from having to spend the time doing so. His guides rival my own for their intricacy and attention to detail, so many thanks to him for the submissions. ~ mahkra is the latest in a long line of SSX scientists who break down the systems in the game to allow players to set the world record scores that merqurycity.com is known for. Without his scientific breakdown of every prominent trick strategy in the game, the general level of scores would be much lower and for that, the whole internet should thank him. :) ~ fredde007 has been around almost as long as I have on the SSX scene, and that shows in his master level guides on some of the hardest tracks in the games. Let's all hope he continues to author such amazing guides in the future. :) ~ MAD_JO3 wrote a shop guide that unfortunately was outdated by the game's first major patch, but that doesn't erase the hard work he put in and the credit he should receive. ~ TheGambit7 is a fresh face over at Merqury City, but even being new on the scene didn't stop him from stepping up to submit some great guides for this FAQ and for that he has my thanks. ~ Yeti is one of the nicest people you will ever meet, as well as one of the best artists. He's also a moderator at Merq and the pillar of the community of artists there. He took it upon himself to do the final work that no one else wanted to tackle, writing fantastic guides for Alaska and Antarctica world tour, making the guide complete and he has my ever-loving thanks for that. ~ citylights is another bright-eyed and bushy-tailed young member over at Merqury City, and she wrote up an amazing guide for Africa, one of the toughest ranges in the game. Many thanks to her! ~ Ahlyis is a valued contributor from Gamefaqs. He responded to thread I made over there and stepped up and submitted some very in-depth content. It's providers like him that give Gamefaqs the high reputation it deserves. ~ Don has been a valued member at Merqury City for a while, but he recently went the extra mile and submitted some great Explore guides for a wide variety of tracks. I need Explore tracks more than anything and he awesomely decided to help me out. Thanks Don! ~ Obi is MI SCUSI. Don't ever get stuck on a train with him in the dark. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= END OF GUIDE. STAY TUNED, THERE'S MORE COMING! I need so many track guides it's not funny, so e-mail me! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=