[I]From my personal bio:[/I]
My name is h4x0r, AKA Xblade, AKA . I like in Spain, and don't speak very good english. Therefore half the time I find myself using free online translators and winding people up unintentionally with garbled gibberish. I've woken up this morning though with the gift of speech so I though i'd post in here.
A bit of background on me. I started off doing the odd lame trainer in CoSMOS, both training and creating the release within the software. I didn't feel this was enough however, so I later decided to try and get into a team. One such team was eXtalia and later RADiANCE. However, I was quickly rejected due to not being able to tackle certain trivial objectives, such as code-shifting, one-sided options or doing my own self-coded release in some language. Actually, i'll rephrase that. I wasn't even willing to try and learn more advanced concepts (we'll come on to that later) and I couldn't be bothered to do a release even in plain old VB.
As a result of this bumpy start, I decided to take another, more lame approach. I took the CoSMOS source, hacked it about a bit and basically used all of it's pre-done engine to do my work. So these days all I do is create up the cheat tables and injections in it, and use it's trainer builder to output my customized CE releases. I, of course credit Dark Byte for the contribution, although I didn't do this at first. It took a few people to complain before I decided to add a measly credits line in there. Dark Byte being a nice guy deson't really mind what is done with his software and I admittedly took advantage of this.
So anyway, I now use this to do my release, but even with all this powerful engine behind me, I still only manage to produce sub-standard releases, with pointless options, or hardly any options, and probably most importantly non-working options. I usually grab a game as fast as I can and rush to be the first one to release (not like anyone cares about this mind) and in my haste I tend to have to produce a fix pretty quickly. I would think at a guess that my last 10 or so trainers have needed such fixes for fatal flaws.
Other than trying desperately to gain some popularity, another reason why I strive to get a release out as fast as my spanish fingers can work, is so that I can attempt to cover up the fact that I have ripped/and continue to rip other hard working individuals work. My latest Cursed Mountain release was put out before most other releasers even had the title on their hard drive. One of these people being CH. I figured if I could put out my release first, then I had some weight behind me for when they released theirs. And sure enough when they brough theirs out I could accuse them of ripping, which I went on to do. That made me feel very tough and superior. I proceeded to quitely amuse myself in the corner of my bedroom after that.
Don't worry though people, because it will be very obvious when I rip, and most of you are all already aware of this. For example I have stated on my board many times that I cannot beat certain titles with tricky game engines, and I tend to leave enticing notes such as "I'll work on this soon" or "I'm working on something now" in an attempt to lure people back to what is just a pure fail release. A notable engine being Unreal Engine by the way. I had to apologise to people for not having a good release out for that; at least not for over a week of having the game installed, much luck and overall invaluable help from the CoSMOS forums (particularly Dark Byte). After all, I did end up using his pointer paths and code injections which he freely posted over there. Again, because he's a nice guy I take advantage of the fact that I can use his work without any sort of extra credit there. Oh, and that's another thing I do a lot of, and is poribably why half my hacks don't work most of the time; pointer paths. This is another testament to the fact that I rely so heavily on built-in tools. A lot of the time I can't split out options, even the most simple ones, and so in these cases I resort to using CoSMOSs pointer-scanner feature. It really is quite handy; a bit like a get out of jail free card, but in a gamehacking form.
So, that just about covers all the key areas of my trainer-life, which just so happens to also be my real-life too. I don't do much else. I don't really have any friends, though I pretend to (but even they are just virtual creations in my dark void of a brain; no pun intended, I'm aware that was a recent game). All of this rejection and feeling sorry for myself eventually led me to found my own website and start posting my SP releases on there. You can find that over at: www.h4x0risaripper.com. Be aware though that I only offer SP releases by the dozen, in order to attract paying members for my lame MP hacks. Again, because i'm such a drop-out and no-hoper, I feel compelled to cheat against real people online. After all this I really don't understand why people can hate me.
A final point would be that I am quite the hypocrit sometimes. I mean, I give groups like cheathappens and people like [apache] and [sheep] constant grief for paying members and premium releases, yet at the end of the day i'm trying to sell my own. I thought I might as well lay it all on the table and show you who I really am. Another reason why I currently run my own site is because I love the amazing power-trip. Admin on my own site, with masses of pre-teens posting and bigging me up, what could be better. This is surely all I need to drown out my guilty conscience and failures as a human and get though life right?!
Live long and prosper (I couldn't even think of a decent outtro, so I had to borrow one from Star Trek),