Darkest of Days Message Board
Darkest of Days Trainer is now available and supports STEAM.
Darkest of Days message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
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Message Board for PC version
posted on Sep 13, 2009 7:42:58 PM - Report post
It's not really $50. It's more like $39.99 and I got mine for 34.99 at frys. It's really entertaining though. I enjoy the civil war parts.
posted on Sep 14, 2009 1:50:25 PM - Report post
Thanks for all the feedback. While the allure of the Civil War fighting is almost enought to make me buy this game, I'll probably go ahead and wait. Seeing that I'm still playing through Wolfenstein and I can't seem to stop playing around with the Editor in ARMA 2. Oh, not to mention that Lord of the Rings, Third Age mod for Medieval 2 Total war is totally kick a$$. Cheers.
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