I have all 8 badges. I think he gave it to me. Eh I think I need to slow down and just expiriment with my pokedex and stuff, find out how everything works. I rushed through the gyms too fast and now my pokemon are too weak for the elite 4.
i know what you mean, but you'd be surprised. at the beginning i took turtwig and then later on i caught a psyduck. gave it the exp share, and almost never used it to battle. when i got to the elite four, i had caught uxie/mesprit/azelf and dialga. i also had a lv 25-ish ponyta. i took the ponyta, torterra [turtwig] now lv 56 i think, lv 45 dialga, lv 50 uxie [to put them to sleep] and i beat the elite four the first try. in between each battle i completely healed all my pokemon like they do in the pokemon center. this made it seem like 5 gym battles. im sure yours are strong enough. [dont use rare candies]
I have all 8 badges. I think he gave it to me. Eh I think I need to slow down and just expiriment with my pokedex and stuff, find out how everything works. I rushed through the gyms too fast and now my pokemon are too weak for the elite 4.
i know what you mean, but you'd be surprised. at the beginning i took turtwig and then later on i caught a psyduck. gave it the exp share, and almost never used it to battle. when i got to the elite four, i had caught uxie/mesprit/azelf and dialga. i also had a lv 25-ish ponyta. i took the ponyta, torterra [turtwig] now lv 56 i think, lv 45 dialga, lv 50 uxie [to put them to sleep] and i beat the elite four the first try. in between each battle i completely healed all my pokemon like they do in the pokemon center. this made it seem like 5 gym battles. im sure yours are strong enough. [dont use rare candies]
please my party pokemmon was topped out at lv46
when i beat the elite 4
I have all 8 badges. I think he gave it to me. Eh I think I need to slow down and just expiriment with my pokedex and stuff, find out how everything works. I rushed through the gyms too fast and now my pokemon are too weak for the elite 4.
i know what you mean, but you'd be surprised. at the beginning i took turtwig and then later on i caught a psyduck. gave it the exp share, and almost never used it to battle. when i got to the elite four, i had caught uxie/mesprit/azelf and dialga. i also had a lv 25-ish ponyta. i took the ponyta, torterra [turtwig] now lv 56 i think, lv 45 dialga, lv 50 uxie [to put them to sleep] and i beat the elite four the first try. in between each battle i completely healed all my pokemon like they do in the pokemon center. this made it seem like 5 gym battles. im sure yours are strong enough. [dont use rare candies]
please my party pokemmon was topped out at lv46
when i beat the elite 4
ok, why didnt you have the 3 lv 50's and the lv 45? all i'm saying is that he won't have much trouble, if any