We currently don't have any CSI: Miami trainers, cheats or editors for PC. Premium members may REQUEST new trainers and cheats using our request system as long as the game has not been permanently retired or multiplayer only in nature. Use our message board to discuss the game.
dumfounded posted on Mar 06, 2006 4:21:02 PM - Report post
i have collected mucho mucho evidence and no one else has anything to say. i can't get a warrent for the garage worth a crap. if anyone has any help please let me know ASAP!! it's driving me nuts!
pokies posted on May 22, 2008 8:37:55 AM - Report post
First talk to everyone including your partner, recap your evidence and talk to alex don't forget to talk to evryone you will get your warrant have fun.
Love to game and live to game
kassaj posted on Jun 18, 2008 8:32:38 PM - Report post
hi in the garage click on the golf bag and collect the photo of the girl in the front pocket go to the lab get it annalysed then you go to the policewomen and ask everyone questions youll then be able to get in to the rest of the garage